adaptable-polarity · 2 years
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Dorsiflexion In its simplest, the ability for your calf muscles to lengthen, top of foot goes towards the knee. I chose this little exploration of foot movements, seemingly the most important motion of the ankle and the diaphragm or pump off the foot. Part of the reason it became highlighted, and interesting to me, were the #energetic meridian lines that run through the mid calf. Take a moment and look at the illustration. Any downloads? I’m still receiving info on this one and will do Yin lines tomorrow or next week. In the mean time, when you lay down, do your feet point straight up or point? Where should they be? #dorsiflexion #feetmoves #movement #muscles #calves #energetico #meridiansystem #gait #gaitanalysis #bodilyawareness #adaptablepolarity https://www.instagram.com/p/CoU_ORoJPsF/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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mumblesplash · 4 months
there really are limits to how much you should be accounting for ‘he would not fucking say that’ and related sentiments. for instance i will sometimes see a fanart and unironically think thoughts such as ‘he would NOT have that much external shoulder rotation’ which frankly isn’t something i expect or even want other artists to be worrying about. draw or write your favorite little guys however you feel like doing it. the insufferable nerds will live
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cahootings · 7 months
anyway if you were wondering how long after completely exploding your ankles it takes for you to start being able to take a few steps without having to fully concentrate on every individual muscle in your feet. the answer is almost exactly six months
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kitorin · 9 months
I think my ankle mobility may be fucked SOMEONE SAVE ME
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gym-x-plus · 8 months
if you’ve seen me do these countless times it’s cause they work 😉🐾
also @womensbest is having a BOGO sale this week ! lots of supplements & activewear pieces will be buy one get one free so it's the perfect time to stock up 🫡 starts today at 12pm EST and you can stack my code on top for an extra discount | PLAMENOVA 💸
my go-to ankle mobility drills
great for warm ups, active rest days and bodyweight sessions
- calf raises from a kneeling lunge (the further forward you go into an increased dorsiflexion, the more challenging these are. you can also add a kb or db on top of your working leg to make more challenging)
- ankle rocks from a kneeling lunge (the further forward you rock the more challenging it is, just make sure to keep your heel on the ground)
- kneeling lunge dorsiflexion hold (find the closest angle possible between your shin and your foot and hold while maintaining your heel on the ground, i recommend doing these barefoot or in your socks)
- calf raises (great mobility exercise especially when you try to go as high as possible in a controlled manner)
- alternating marches (one of my favorite dynamic stretches that works on dorsiflexion, plantarflexion as well as calf flexibility)
- point to flex (a lifetime ago when i used to coach recreational gymnastics we used to do similar drills to warm up but we would also point the toes, you basically alternate between pointing your foot away and towards the body)
- ankle rolls (you can do these assisted with your hand as I am or bodyweight, and they can be forward, backward or a mix of both)
©️Credit ig @vickyplamenova
#Beautiful #fit #woman #fashion #gym #fitnessmotivation #fitness #FindYourBalance #sportgirl #lifestyle #motivationmonday #happy #fitnessaddict #selfie #home #love #workout #work #workinprogress #fitnessgirl #summer #sunset #sun #squats #gymrat #legday #leg #legs #strong #fitnessmodel
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demigod-of-the-agni · 10 months
runs back into bromantic flight. eyo does that mean Lloyd has a saddle (not actually a saddle, but something that connects to both him and Kai that is) that Kai can use to move Lloyd's arm in dragon form while traveling around on him?
I made a doodle just for you, dear anon
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(lloyd is extra noodle-y now)
(also not tumblr eating the quality again god im so sorry)
Anyway what you're seeing here is that, yes, Kai has a saddle that he uses to connect the prosthetic to. The little glowing yellow things around Kai's leg? They're supposed to represent the straps that Kai fastens around his thigh to connect him to Lloyd's prosthetic (but i grew lazy and did not draw them in properly lmao)
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Kai's thigh would be strapped to the radioulnar portion of the prosthetic, and the "stirrup" Kai's foot rests in is bolted into this sliding piston in the carpal portion of the prosthetic (which i also did not draw (forgot to) so you'll have to imagine it).
The main idea behind the self-regulating pistons is actually based on a real-life phenomenon called the perching reflex, which is found in birds! A series of "flexor tendons" are attached from the bird's femur and stretch all the way down to the back of the leg and the underside of the toes. When the bird extends its legs, the toes extend as well because the tendons relax; and when the the bird flexes its legs, the toes curl up because now the tendon is stretched around the bones and prevent free movement. This is actually how birds can sit in trees and sleep all night without falling.
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(from Bird Vet Melbourne)
Similar thing is happening with the prosthetic, but instead of tendons it's pistons. When Kai flexes his leg, his thigh draws up the upper portion of the prosthetic and his flexing ankle (dorsiflexion) curls up the prosthetic's fingers, so to speak; and when Kai straightens his leg, his thigh pushes the upper portion downward, and his foot extension (plantarflexion) also extends the fingers.
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I know this sounds like an absolute workout for Kai, and it is, and you may think by the time he comes back after numerous test flights everyone is very aware of his bulging quads, but it's not that obvious; it's like riding bicycle, if you think about. a really long bicycle. with one leg. while flying in the air. It's pretty much the same thing.
TLDR: there is a saddle that connects to the prosthetic. Kai sits on the saddle and uses his leg to adjust Lloyd’s prosthetic
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colesabi · 3 months
LIMTOYS Leon Review
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Alright so here is my Limtoys Leon first impressions. Right off the bat, love the packaging and you get so many accessories with this little guy. Just be aware that this is a 1/12 scale figure so everything is TINY!!! So if your obsessed with miniature things (like I am) you’re probably going to lose your mind.
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Excuse Leon being suffocated to death via plastic bag (lol) but this is what you get in the set. I’m not going to list everything off here but you pretty much get an obscene amount of weapons (4 handguns, chemical flamethrower w/effect, rocket launcher w/effect and weirdly only one shotgun - unlike the two that comes with DAM Toys Leon). You get one knife (that is painted gold… don’t ask me but that was a little interesting when I opened it) and you get the flash bang and frag grenade along with the G-virus sample, wristband, antidote, and even tinier keys. There’s also the beloved green herb (which is a soft plastic so it can kind of be manipulated a bit to fan out), Raccoon bobblehead and typewriter with the itsiest bitsiest message from Leon to Claire (which is legible if you aren’t blind lol).
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Here he is right out of the box side-by-side with DAM Toys Leon and honestly, he came already equipped with the two fisted hands and it made it look like he was pouting and throwing a fit (I lol’d hard while taking these pics). He does come with 8 hands (4 sets). Two fists, two trigger hands, two half-open hands for clasping, one flashlight/knife wielding hand and one open hand for cupping the larger weapons. All of the hands have a nice moveability to them (softer material) and are nice quality. They are easy to interchange but you just have to be careful when snapping them on and taking them off because you only have the wrist pegs that are already imbedded so if they break, you’ve got a problem.
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The head sculpt is pretty darn good for a 1/12 scale. It’s not as detailed as the DAM Toys Leon but I wasn’t expecting the same kind of heavy detail and quality. For some reason, this sculpt is giving me a mix of 2R and 4R Leon. Like, it’s not completely all 2R likeness, I weirdly see a little bit of his features from 4R in there too. There are two heads (one neutral expression and one ‘injured/pained’). I have not tried to change them out so I don’t know how easy it is but per YouTube videos, it seems pretty easy.
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He’s got really good articulation. I feel even more so than DAM Toys does but due to a lot of the soft goods around his waist, he cannot sit or really bend 90 degrees which is a bit of a bummer. He’s got double jointed knees and elbows, butterfly joint in the shoulders, pretty good range of motion in the arms and wrists and where he shines over DAM Toys, is in the foot and ankle range. He’s got toe pivot and plantar flexion and dorsiflexion (foot moved up and down). DAM Toys only really has a little bit of inversion and eversion (side to side) of the ankle joint and no foot movement.
The quality of the soft goods are really good as well. The RPD uniform seems sturdy and high quality and there are really nice details in his belt and gear. I tried to take some pictures of some of the accessories but my phones camera had difficulty picking up the details but most of all of the accessory pieces are quite detailed. The guns have functioning clips but be careful when displaying them with them in because I almost lost one when it popped out and landed in the carpet. I reiterate: these things are TINY.
I definitely recommend getting him if you’re interested. I think for what you get for the money, it’s reasonable and he can be posed in many of the same poses as DAM Toys Leon can be (minus sitting) and he’s so pint-sized and cute.
Overall 10/10 would recommend.
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birdofmay · 7 months
A while ago I broke my left foot (which healed fully by now), and now I still struggle with dorsiflexion when putting full weight on it, but I CAN walk without crutches on even ground in theory. It just looks really strange because there is no dorsiflexion.
I also have mild right-sided hemiparetic cerebral palsy. Due to that, my right heel just barely touches the ground; I always had a slight limp because of that, but it didn't bother me.
Well... Imagine my situation now, with my "good leg" not having fully recovered yet... 😅
I just staggered through the living room because I was too lazy to grab my crutches first, and my mum jokingly went "Maybe you should wear a helmet" 😅
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er-cryptid · 1 year
Action Joint Movements
Flexion -- the decreasing angle between two bones
Abduction -- the movement of a body part away from a midline
Medial Rotation -- the turning of a bone on its own axis toward the midline of the body
Supination -- the placing of the palm of the hand in the anatomical position
Elevation -- the raising of a body part
Protraction -- the thrusting forward of a body part
Dorsiflexion -- the bending of the foot toward the shin
Inversion -- the rotation of the sole of the foot inward
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ovaruling · 1 year
realizing only now that years of wearing high heels in my younger years completely ruined my dorsiflexion and subsequently my ability to squat in my late 20s is now deeply stunted.
not only that, but my ability to balance—despite daily practice—remains fucked up, and, no joke, i have a tendency to fall backward if i’m not constantly on the ball of my foot. this affects EVERY other natural movement i do.
i also can’t run very well and i get shin splints when i do run. that feels way too consistent with hobbling a prey animal.
i haven’t worn high heels in years but conforming to femininity for just 5 years of my early adult life legitimately ruined my ankle and foot mobility in a really lasting way. the exercises i do to try to correct it are painful enough to bring tears to my eyes.
i can’t even imagine what the damage of more than 5 years of heels is like. there are women who wear them from teenage years well into their old age. i just. cannot even imagine.
literally ruined my own damn evolutionary design as a bipedal
but yeah heels are so empowering
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robustcornhusk · 1 year
curious if you have more Opinions on heel-to-toe drop. I've noticed that my ankle mobility is worse after wearing higher-drop shoes and this has me biased against them. but I also do not want to fuck up my everything
again, i'm speaking with all the authority of a 14-year-old who has tried weed like three times, and one of those times may have been oregano:
context: what's higher-drop for you? daily, running, or other athletic endeavors?
caveats/personal experience: i have usually worn 8mm drop shoes (or gone barefoot) for daily shit, 4mm-8mm for running. as far as i can tell, i'm not heelstriking even in the 8mm shoes (but people are notoriously bad at actually knowing what's going on there! possibly i heelstrike. too lazy to record it). i have fantastic ankle mobility in some directions (plantar flexion), and kinda meh in others (dorsiflexion), though not to the extent that it causes me a problem.
i have a bunch of injuries atm, but the pt i'm seeing thinks it looks like it's my hip mobility that's causing it (too much of it, uncontrolled).
some assorted considerations/thoughts/etc for high/low drop in running shoes in particular...
broadly speaking, with lower drops, forces on the foot and ankle get emphasized, and with higher drops, on the knees and hips. it's a spectrum. your everything is affected by every shoe. the forces have to go somewhere.
supposedly, when measured, the injury rate is more or less the same for all kinds of running shoes with respect to drop, it's just that people get injured in different places.
most current shoes are going to be 4mm-8mm. as i understand, just a few years ago, there were oodles at 12mm, but it's dwindled down, and now it's just like one brooks shoe and one mizuno? there's a few more at 10mm.
the current trend is high-stack shoes (let's say 30mm+), and high-stack doesn't play very nicely with high-drop (let's say 8mm+ but it's not a firm border). i'm not totally sure on the reason; it's to do with everything getting unstable when they're both high.
in the other direction, higher stack can encourage being fast, for (handwave) reasons?, so race-day & speed workout shoes sometimes stay up at 8mm. or 6mm. or whatever. track shoes have undefined stack but i guess if we tried to define it, it would be very, very high. (tbf track sprinters apparently have astoundingly high rates of injury-per-mile, but they put so much force into each of those miles.)
very very minimalist shoes (0-4mm drop, low stack like <15mm including the sock liner) exist. they can be kinda rough to run in. i used to run in them! i also ended up injured. they will work some foot muscles that get worked less in non-minimalist shoes, but to some degree it's kinda at the expense of getting better in a straightforward way at running. possibly the majority of these benefits can come from just walking in the minimalist shoes; also possibly the same/at least highly overlapping proprioceptive & and weird foot muscle benefits can come from trail running (uneven surfaces). on the bright side, they're fairly decent to lift in.
if you're running but only a little bit (pulled out of my ass: <<10 miles a week, <2 miles each, like as a warmup or whatever for something else), you can try whatever you want to try as long as it's comfortable. if you're running more than that, you can also do whatever you want, as long as it's comfortable, but probably fewer things will be comfortable.
"as long as it's comfortable" is really the important part there. like, this is the best, most-supported scientific shoe-picking-out process we have. if it's comfortable, then you're less likely to get injured (tendonitis etc).
idk if any of this was relevant or if i totally misread it. but. shoes! i can look up any of the relevant papers but i am being hassled atm by a cat.
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lumine-no-hikari · 4 months
Dear Sephiroth: (a letter to a fictional character, because why not) #167 (Part 3)
Okay!!! So!!! I will talk about the s'mores part now!!!
Like I said in part 2, after we got back and got situated, I started gathering up tinder and kindling to make a fire! Here's what I gathered up:
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...I also found a wild strawberry!! I seem to recall telling you that wild strawberries taste better than the strawberries you get at the grocery store, but they're also much, much smaller. I'll show you how small:
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This one is ripe and ready to eat, but I left it there; these seeds need an opportunity to spread from the droppings of a small creature.
Anyway, here's the s'mores supplies that I got from Shaw's:
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...Sephiroth, have you ever had a s'more? Basically, you put a square of chocolate on half of a graham cracker, and then you squish a hot toasted marshmallow onto the chocolate with the other half of the graham cracker. The hot marshmallow is supposed to melt the chocolate. The result is a gooey, delicious, crunchy, sweet treat! But this time I added BACON!!!!
We used matches to light up the tinder and kindling I gathered. It was very dry, so getting the wood to catch was very easy this time:
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...And then we cooked the bacon until it was nice and crunchy!!!!
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Hey, Sephiroth? Do you like bacon? It gets used in pasta carbonara, and I know you like pasta, so maybe you like bacon, too? Hmm...
Well. After this, it was time to toast marshmallows. Normally, you stick them over the fire until they turn a golden brown. J does it the normal way - behold:
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...I... have a... sliiiightly different approach....
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...Yes, that marshmallow is on fire. I like a charred, crunchy outside and a melted inside. I normally let the flame go until it stops on its own.
And then you put it all together!!!
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...The chocolate didn't melt very much for some reason, but I don't care!!! They were VERY GOOD!!!
...If you've not had any opportunity to try a bacon s'more, or even a regular s'more, I highly recommend it. It's one of the best culinary creations known to my culture. It's very simple, yet VERY effective, especially if you spent all day outside in the hot sun on a bike - yowza!!!!
I managed to snag a picture of the sunset that evening, too:
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...My body is not used to the exertion of a bike anymore because the rib injury makes exercising very difficult. So by this point, the Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness was already starting to set in. I was very much looking forward to going to bed... or so I thought.
Someone was rummaging around our campsite. I know it because as J and I were trying to fall asleep in the dead of night, something, presumably with opposable thumbs, opened up the cargo door of the plane. The cargo door has a latch on it, so it's not as though it can come undone by itself, and it's not as though it can come undone by something bumping into it.
But we heard it come undone, because it is an old plane and opening things on it is noisy. J was scared, and I was a combination of alarmed and angry, so I quietly got dressed, grabbed up a flashlight and my boot with the brace in it, and ventured outside of the tent.
For reference, my left boot has a brace in it because my left leg is injured; I damaged the nerve running down the front of my shin because I struck it on the sharp edge of a concrete wall, and now both plantarflexion and dorsiflexion of my foot on that leg is... not impossible, but rather difficult. The brace stops my toes from dragging on the ground when I walk. My hiking boots have steel toes:
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I was prepared to clock someone over the head if I had to. Dunno how successful I would have been, but I was prepared.
When I ventured out of the tent and looked around, I saw the opened cargo door, but no one was around, and nothing seemed to have been taken out of it. Perhaps whoever opened it didn't expect it to make such a loud noise, and so they ran off. I don't know. But either way, if they're willing to rummage around in stuff that doesn't belong to them, we can only guess as to why; my upbringing and life experiences have left me with a plethora of very unpleasant possibilities to select from.
Not willing to wait around and see whether they'd come back and make demands at knifepoint or gunpoint, and having a little bit of experience in dealing with intruder-esque situations before, I very calmly told J to get dressed and gather up a few of his things along with the other flashlight. We can replace things; we can't replace people if some unhinged person is very angry about the fact that we do not have valuables. So we walked back to the airport office; it has a door with a keypad. J faced forward and I faced behind the whole way there. Nothing happened.
J slept on the couch in the airport office. I stayed up to keep watch. Given that we had to go back in the morning, and given that one needs to be well-rested in order to fly a plane, it wasn't logical to sleep in shifts. J is the one who can fly the plane, so J is the one who must sleep. I tinkered around on my phone and kept an eye on the windows and doors. I know the odds were very low that anything would happen, but "low" is not zero, and I remember the man that my mother had to chase away from our trailer with an axe a while back, when I was still a girl. I wasn't willing to risk being caught unawares.
But the night came and went and nothing happened, thank goodness. J got to sleep after his nerves calmed down, and he was properly alert by morning. I managed to snag a picture of the sunrise for you:
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By the time morning came, I was exhausted and in a lot of pain from the bike ride. But nonetheless, we went back to the campsite, inspected everything, and found nothing unusual or stolen, which figures since we brought only very simple items. We packed everything away and then went home. I took maybe a couple more pictures on the way, but then I pretty much passed out without even realizing:
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I remember getting in the car this morning, but I don't remember much of the ride home. I remember getting out of the car, and then passing out in M's bed for a few hours.
My body is still very sore, but ibuprofen has done well to take the edge off of that, and so I can move around, if a bit stiffly. It feels amazing to ride a bike, but I have to remember to reacclimate myself to that kind of activity again first. Suppose I'll have to make it a point to take a walk tomorrow so that the Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness doesn't get any worse. But for now... I think I'm going to play Elden Ring. Maybe I'll even stream it here:
...And that's all I've got for today. All in all, it was a great camping trip, but between the weird flags and the campsite intruder, I think I don't ever want to go back there. I think I'm going to sleep very well tonight.
I love you. And I'll write again tomorrow, okay? So please stay safe in the meantime.
Your friend, Lumine
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mumblesplash · 1 year
absolutely had it with 'skeletal structure'. "oh your joints are stuck like that now they're fused there's nothing to be done your ankle dorsiflexion is stuck under 10 degrees forever" "you can't change the angle of your knee joint" yeah well that's what you think. i can and will make my legs whatever shape i want. bones are a choice
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cahootings · 5 months
So the thought process behind every step I take nowadays: land with your heel, immediately push your knee forward so you don’t lock it (a bit tricky since dorsiflexion is still limited with righty, but better now than it’s been in months). Let your weight roll from your heel to the pad of your foot evenly (don’t overpronate), push off with your big toe, let your calf muscle help lift. Once you push off make sure to disengage your extensor tendon and let your foot fall fully slack as it’s in the air (this is the part I’m struggling with most right now). And repeat.
Very grateful to be walking at a pre-injury pace now, but I’m still having to actively think about how my right foot moves with every step. I keep locking it and plantarflexion/just relaxing it hurts like hell. It’s almost always tensed and I have to actively tell it not to be. Sometimes I have to pause and figure out how to make it relax, especially during exercises. This is why we dry needled the shit out of it today and now I am going to lay with ice all night 🥴 we’re GETTING THERE but JESUS
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nancylfitness · 8 months
Flex, Stretch and Compute
As we sit at the computer our shoulders are usually forward and we are hunched over for extended periods of time.  Our bodies are not designed to sit all day. Sitting for long periods of time (10 hours or more per day) has a negative effect on health: circulation decreases, muscles tire, and tasks become more uncomfortable to perform.
It can cause pain and tightness in the back and neck, tingling in the extremities and poor posture. 
Also, sitting after eating a meal causes high blood sugar spikes. Instead move around after eating to cut the sugar spikes in half … move around, clean the kitchen, walk the dog.
Incorrect computer posture habits combined with long-term sitting may cause medical problems such as:  cumulative trauma disorder (CTD) or repetitive stress injury (RSI).
Reduce these effects of long term sitting; take breaks; switch things up:
Below are examples of some exercises / stretches that can be performed without leaving your desk area.  Set your timer to take breaks and go for it!  Start small and slowly work your way up to more movement.
Neck Flexors, Sitting or Standing
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Stand (or sit) head comfortable in a centered position.
Draw in chin pulling head straight back.  Keep jaw and eyes level.
Hold this position for 5 to 7 seconds.  Release. 
Side/Torso – Standing Bend
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Stand with feet together and palms overhead touching.
Bend body to one side as far as possible.
Hold 5 to 7 seconds.
Resume original position.
Bend body to the other side as far as possible.
Hold 5 to 7 seconds.
Resume original position.
Chest Scapula Adduction with Pectorals
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Stand in a doorframe, palms against frame and arms at 90 degrees.
Lean forward, squeezing shoulder blades together.
Hold 7 to 10 seconds.
Release, then repeat.
Hip Flexors/Quadriceps Stretch
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Stand, may use chair as a support.
Slowly bend left leg feeling the stretch.
Hold for 7 to 10 seconds.
Repeat with other leg.
Dorsiflexion and Plantar Flexion, sitting
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Sitting with feet on the floor.
Point toes up while keeping heels on the floor.
Hold position 5 to 7 seconds.
Now, press toes to the floor while raising heels.
Hold position 5 to 7 seconds.
Repeat several times.
Upper/Mid Back Stretch, sitting
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Sitting in chair with knees apart, bend forward toward the floor.
Feel the stretch in the lower back.
Hold 7 to 10seconds.
Sit upright.
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mcatmemoranda · 8 months
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Mechanisms of nerve injury – The major mechanisms of upper extremity peripheral nerve injury are compression, transection, ischemia, inflammation, neuronal degeneration, and radiation exposure.
●Diagnostic testing
•Electromyography and nerve conduction studies are useful for identifying and classifying peripheral nerve disorders affecting the upper extremity.
•Magnetic resonance imaging of the cervical spine is useful to identify disc herniation or degeneration and the degree of nerve root compression as well as to exclude the possibility of a mass lesion.
•Neuromuscular ultrasound can be helpful in assessing individual peripheral nerves in patients who present with an unusual upper extremity mononeuropathy.
•Laboratory testing and cerebrospinal fluid analysis are generally reserved for patients with conditions associated with an inflammatory, infectious, or endocrine source.
●Median neuropathies
•Carpal tunnel syndrome is the most common upper extremity mononeuropathy. Typical symptoms include pain or paresthesia in a distribution that includes the median nerve territory, with involvement of the lateral portion of the hand. The symptoms are typically worse at night and characteristically awaken affected individuals from sleep.
•Less common median nerve syndromes include entrapment where the median nerve passes through the pronator teres muscle and injury to the anterior interosseous nerve that branches at the elbow.
●Ulnar neuropathy – Ulnar neuropathy at the elbow is the second most common compression neuropathy affecting the upper extremities. Symptoms include sensory loss and paresthesias over digits 4 and 5 and weakness of the interosseous muscles of the hand in severe cases.
●Radial nerve syndromes – With compression of the radial nerve at the spiral groove, the triceps retains full strength, but there is weakness of the wrist extensors (ie, wrist drop), finger extensors, and brachioradialis. Sensory loss is present over the dorsum of the hand and may extend up the posterior forearm. With posterior interosseous neuropathy, forearm pain and weakness of finger dorsiflexion is typical.
●Proximal neuropathies – Several uncommon proximal focal neuropathies of the upper extremity typically present with pain and sensorimotor impairment. These include suprascapular neuropathy, long thoracic neuropathy, axillary neuropathy, spinal accessory neuropathy, and musculocutaneous neuropathy.
●Brachial plexopathy – The brachial plexus is vulnerable to trauma and may be affected secondarily by disorders involving adjacent structures. Most brachial plexus disorders show a regional involvement rather than involvement of the entire brachial plexus.
●Cervical radiculopathy – Cervical radiculopathy is a common cause of both acute and chronic neck pain. Most radiculopathies arise from nerve root compression due to cervical spondylosis and/or disc herniation. Lower cervical roots, particularly C7, are more frequently affected by compression.
●Other syndromes – Additional uncommon peripheral nerve syndromes affecting the upper extremities include focal amyotrophy, mononeuropathy multiplex, multifocal motor neuropathy (MMN), and zoster radiculoganglionitis.
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