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Legion's Pulse #preworkout is so powerful, thanks to its#sciencebacked profile it even enhances the grooviness of this here lava lamp. It's true - just look at the colors man...whoa... What's even more far out? @legion is holding a 25% off sale for their products Forge AND Phoenix right now. So make sure you click either the link in my bio or try using the link below and use to the discount code MikeA to either get 20% of #legionpulse or other Legion products or use it to add along with the 25% off Forge, Phoenix or both! DUDE!!! Click here for Legion's out of sight line: https://bit.ly/3XZagtx Mike #mikelaexandercpt #mikealexanderfitness #legionathletics #legionforge #legionphoenix #northjerseypersonaltrainer #strawberryalarmclock #mikematthews #cliftonnj #nasmcpt #northernnj #northjerseylocalbusiness (at Clifton, New Jersey) https://www.instagram.com/p/CphnEVOum8L/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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P-p-p-peanut butter jelly time! Peanut butter is amazing, we all know this. We've been eating it since we were kids thanks largely to Mom packing in our lunchboxes. One small portion (two tablespoons) provides you with 7-8 grams of #protein. However, that same size serving can also provide nearly 200 #calories. So, I'd advise you be mindful of your consumption of #peanutbutter if #weightloss is the goal. However, you can also find #monounsaturatedfats on peanut butter. They will help shuttle #nutrients throughout the body and even help you improve your #cholesterol levels. So, go ahead: spread the peanut butter on your #appleslices, on #celery or even use them in #smoothies as so many of us do. You know you want to! Mike #mikealexandercpt #mikealexanderfitness #northjerseypersonaltrainer #northernnj #nutritioncoaching #nasmcpt #nasmcnc #macronutrients #peanutbutterjellywithabaseballbat (at Edison, New Jersey) https://www.instagram.com/p/CpXVMDqjMe2/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Red Peppers are a little pricier than green peppers primarily because they stay on the #vine longer. That's also way they're so much more delicious...and healthier, of course! One medium sized red pepper actually contains 169% of the RDA for #vitmainc, making it that much packed with the nutrient than even oranges! It also contains a good amount of #vitamink, #vitaminb6 and #potassium. I eat these every day for a reason, ya know. Don't be afraid to shell out a few extra bucks because it's absolutely worth it! Mike #mikealexandercpt #mikealexanderfitness #redpeppers #micronutrients #northernnj #northjerseypersonaltrainer #cliftonnj #nutritioncoach #nasmcnc (at Clifton, N.J.) https://www.instagram.com/p/CpVL1uwoCRP/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Fruit: nature's candy. Ever heard that before? Well, you should have! Oranges especially can be considered this since one #orange contains 12 grams of #naturalsugar. It's true! But more than that, a single orange contains, #vitaminc, #calciuim and #potassium. In fact, one cup of #orangejuice provides 14% of one's daily requirement for Potassium, which could aid in maintaining adequate #bloodpressure (U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service. FoodData Central, 2019). So whether or not it's an orange, orange juice, or something else, don't miss out on the benefits of this amazing #superfood! Mike #mikealexandercpt #mikealexanderfitness #nasmcnc #nutritioncoach #njnutritioncoach #northjerseypersonaltrainer #citrus #cliftonnj #northernnj #oranges (at Clifton, New Jersey) https://www.instagram.com/p/CpUwX3vIBnF/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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I left New York City for THIS. Not only am I far happier with my line of work, but I dare ANYONE to tell me with a straight face that the scenery in this pictures isn't peaceful. I'm five months into my time as a FULL TIME #personaltrainer and it's moments like this that make me say I made the right decision. Also, use the link in my bio and type on the code MikeA for 20% of your first purchase of all @legion products now! Mike #mikelaexandercpt #mikealexanderfitness #woodburyjunction #hudsonvalleyny #orangecountyny #ilovemyjob #ilovemyclients #legionathletics #legionpulse #northjerseypersonaltrainer #northernnj (at Highpointe at Woodbury Junction) https://www.instagram.com/p/CpIFl5LOHQx/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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This is considered a classic go-to philosophy for most people looking to lose weight. Don't do this if you're an athlete, however. A few potential cons of taking part in a #lowcaloriediet are: 1.Increased risk of lean body mass loss, particularly in those who are already relatively lean 2.Decreased athletic performance 3.Reduced ability to recover from training 4.Inability to ingest key #micronutrients Honestly, I generally find most of these diets to be restricting in many ways. Just eat a balanced diet with the right amount of #protein, #fat, and #carbohydrates, tailor it to your needs and preferences based on your athletic goals and go from there. Mike #mikealexandercpt #mikealexanderfitness #nasmcnc #nutritioncoach #northernnj #northjerseypersonaltrainer #cliftonnj #macronutrients #recovery (at Clifton, New Jersey) https://www.instagram.com/p/CowtPXzNDVj/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Remember when I said not too long ago that there's more than one way to #squat if you don't wish to load your spine? That especially goes for #lankylifters. If you're like me, you have incredibly long arms and legs relative to your torso. And those usually aren't good bedfellows with proper #squatmechanics. Since the bar rests on your back in a traditional squat, your #centerofgravity is altered, especially if you're #lanky, because the lower you go in the #eccentric portion of the movement, the more you'll lean forward. And it's not as if you "can't" squat like that; it's just harder. With a variation such as the #frontsquat, however, the aforementioned Center of Gravity doesn't change at all. This is especially due to the fact that the #anteriorchain. See how relatively vertical my spine is in the picture? It wouldn't be looking like that with #spinalloading, that's for sure! Mike #mikealexandercpt #mikealexanderfitness #northjerseypersonaltrainer #longlegs #talllifters #nasmcpt #northernnj #edisonnj #centraljerseyexists, #apollongym (at Apollon Gym) https://www.instagram.com/p/CouIdqrNpCZ/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Poor posture and repetitive overuse movements can create dysfunction within the connective tissues of the human movement system (HMS) (Iqbal & Alghadir, 2017), which is why #selfmyofascialrolling can be such a great tool, especially in the case of addressing an #overactivemuscle. But keep in mind that it's just that, a TOOL. Therefore, do you HAVE to use in your training routines? Not at all? In fact, I try my best to use in on my off days and then, on my training days, I'll just focus on my #mobility work. Rolling techniques are supposed to help increase your #rangeofmotion after all. Rolling can be great, but just pick your rolling times wisely. Mike #mikealexandercpt #mikealexanderfitness #foamroller #foamrolling #smr #cliftonnj #northjerseypersonaltrainer #rumbleroller #patternoverload #overuseinjuries #inhibitorytechniques #correctiveexercise #facebookfitness (at Clifton, New Jersey) https://www.instagram.com/p/CopaU65Nt8l/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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This was taken in the summer of 2021. One of my big go-to exercises for a strong #upperback, for myself as well as my clients, is the #bandpullapart. Perform this with either a #pronatedgrip or with a #supinatedgrip (my preferred grip!), which will remove the #anteriordeltoids from the equation, allowing the focus to be directly on the #posteriordeltoids. This amazing exercise also plays a part in #trapezius development, giving you a look of power, and #muscularbalance, as the increase in #strength allows you to retract your #scapula with ease. Aim for up to 20 reps when warming up for any exercise or you can also hit this on your off days. Mike #mikealexandercpt #mikealexanderfitness #northjerseypersonaltrainer #northjerseypersonaltraining #cliftonnj #resistancebands #lowimpacttraining #scapularretraction (at Clifton, New Jersey) https://www.instagram.com/p/Coo-4l-NpyI/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Let's briefly discuss #hydration post-training! You should be drinking some kind of fluids before and during your training time as is. But fluid intake post-training is more crucial. Aside from drinking 8 glasses of water daily, try to drink anywhere between 16 to 24 oz of water for every pound lost during exercise. Please keep in mind that this is a general rule of thumb and therefore, might be unnecessary for some of you. But if your training is intense enough, this is what you'd want to shoot for. Tha ks for reading and please follow me for most tips like this! Mike #mikelaexandercpt #mikealexanderfitness #water #keephydrated #postexerciserecovery #recovery #drinkwater #nasmcpt #northjerseypersonaltrainer #northernnj #cliftonnj #passaiccounty #northjerseylocalbusiness #igfitness (at Clifton, New Jersey) https://www.instagram.com/p/CoSaIihrlYR/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Do you train three times a week or more? Do you have a hectic schedule? Now matter what your week is comprised of, always make sure to REST. I'm not even referring to the idea of sleeping between 7-9 hours. Just take a day and RELAX. I don't care if you're just sitting around like I'm doing here in this picture. You can lounge in bed for a few extra hours while doing light work or even just watching your favorite TV show. These are just a few examples. Point is, if you're body is telling you that it needs to stop, do yourself a favor and listen. Recovery is key to a long life filled with #physicalhealth and #emotionalhealth. Mike #mikelaexandercpt #mikealexanderfitness #relax #rest #recovery #northjerseypersonaltrainer #sleep #listentoyourbody #northernnj #njlocalbusiness #njpersonaltrainer (at Edison, New Jersey) https://www.instagram.com/p/CoQOgWSu2nZ/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Not too bad, considering I haven't committed to any TRUE lifting since December. But here's a thought: do you have any kind of #injury, whether it be a form of #tendonitis, #tendonopathy, etc? You still can lift if you wish; you'll simply have to work around the injury while it's healing. That's all. Since I've been back at the gym, whether it be @strongandshapely or @goldsgym.mw, I've completely changed my training to a more machine oriented, #bodybuilding friendly approach. I'm using #dumbbells and a few key #selfmyofascialrelease tools when working on my #golferselbow. And the, for the sake of #stabilization, I'm using multiple different machines in one big #giantset to get on and out of the gym within an hour max. What are you doing to work around YOUR injuries if you have any? Let me know below in the comments! Mike #mikelaexandercpt #mikealexanderfitness #correctiveexercisespecialist #nasmces #correctiveexercise #thingswillgetbetter #northjerseypersonaltrainer #northernnj (at Strong And Shapely) https://www.instagram.com/p/CoLFAJbusph/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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While looking to ways to train around my current #golferselbow problem, I FINALLY got around to using the #seatedlegcurl, and I was left wondering what the hell took me so long to give it a whirl. I absolutely loved the strong, #concentriccontractions it provided me compared to the #lyinglegcurl. As it stands, studies show that, in comparison to the lying variation, the seated variation provides the ability to maximize total #tension, while increasing passive tension in the #biarticularhamstrings. So while there's nothing inherently wrong with the lying leg curl, I think I'm sticking with the seated leg curl from hereon in. To make it work for you, make sure you sit with your lower back flush against the seat. Position yourself so that the bottom cylinder is just above your ankles. Flex at the bottom for the concentric portion of the move and then extend the knee with a slow, 4 second #eccentriccontraction. Mike #mikealexandercpt #mikealexanderfitness #goldsgymmonroewoodbury #northjerseypersonaltrainer #hamstrings #posteriorchain #northernnj #igfitness (at Gold's Gym Monroe Woodbury) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cn9dOeeOsYD/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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#mikealexandertrainingsystems #mikealexandercpt #northjerseypersonaltrainer
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Yesterday's training could've been so much better. There were some complications, but not necessarily because I was so exhausted. It was from #bloat and #gastricdistress - and I even know why it happened!
But here's the moral of today's story: listen to your body. If you're in a situation where you feel bloated or worse, your ability to achieve proper #coreactivation will immediately disappear. Fatigue will build up, primarily in part to lack of #nutrients being converted into #cellularenergy.
That decently weighted #dumbbellbenchpress is going to be even harder to hit. That big pull you wanted to hit? Not happening if you cannot #keeptight.
Hold off, walk away and live to fight another day. Manage your #digestivehealth, regardless of what may be ailing you, and come back even better than before!
#mikealexandercpt #mikealexandertrainingsystems #betterlifestyleclubmonroeny #fiber #corestrength #corestability #muscleactivation #livetofightanotherday #northjerseypersonaltrainer
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A leap of faith. Ever try it? Ever so desperate for a change? Have you reached that point in your life where, if you don't chase after your dreams, you're entire life will enter an unstoppable free fall because you didn't try and break the cycle that wore you down to begin with? I'm taking that leap of faith as of April. I have until September to prove to myself that I CAN do it, that I CAN gain enough clients that I can become a full time #personaltrainer, that I CAN change my life around, that I CAN and WILL be happy. Are you/were you on this boat? What was YOUR breaking point? Tell me below if you're interested. Let's talk! Mike #mikealexandercpt #iamacpt #nasmcertified #leapoffaith #courage #followyourdreams #northernnj #northjerseypersonaltrainer #cliftonnj #bergencountypersonaltrainer #passaiccounty #passaiccountypersonaltrainer #njlocalbusiness (at Clifton, New Jersey) https://www.instagram.com/p/CdghkhnujgA/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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