#fitness equipment factory
mountwoodco1 · 1 year
Outdoor Gym E
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Outdoor Gym Equipment manufacturer
Mountwood Co is a dynamic company specializing in outdoor gym equipment, sports poles, sports flooring, sports goods, and playground equipment. With a fearless spirit and a commitment to excellence, we empower individuals to push their boundaries, overcome challenges, and embrace the adventure of outdoor fitness and sports.
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eurotech00 · 1 year
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mahaveergymindustry · 2 years
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rbbrbikerthorp · 7 months
Chavs No More
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Liam and Josh, two 19 year old mates who were known around their neighbourhood for their cocky, rebellious attitude and distinct dress, found themselves wandering through an area of the city that had been neglected for too many years. As they walked and 'chatted shit' they spotted a disused warehouse with smashed windows and broken doors. It seemed like the perfect place to kill time, perhaps, indulge in a bit of mischief and check it our as a possible place to get together with their other mates for drinking and smoking.
Josh took a long drag from his cigarette, exhaling a cloud of smoke into the crisp air. The two life-long friends approached the rundown warehouse, its windows broken and doors creaking ominously on their hinges.
"Oi, Liam, reckon we can get in there?" Josh asked, nodding towards the entrance.
Liam smirked, "Easy. Watch and learn."
With a swift movement, Liam produced a crowbar from his bag, expertly jimmying the lock on the door. The two scallies slipped through the doorway into the building; their footsteps echoing in the emptiness of a very large space. The expanse of the space they found themselves in suggested the building's original purpose was a factory, although neither had a sense of what was once produced there. Josh lit up another cigarette, while Liam explored the desolate space hoping, perhaps, that he would happen upon something of value.
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Josh stamped out his cigarette as Liam returned empty-handed.
"Liam, let's see if ther is like owt worth stealin'. look ova ther", Josh said pointing towards a set of double doors on the far side of the building.
The two friends began to wander across the former factory floor eventually reaching the double doors. Josh was about to push on the doors, but something was niggling Liam. He was unsure about going any further; grabbing Josh's arm.
"Did ya hear that?" Liam asked, looking around.
"Na, it's nothin'. Old buildings mack noises - c'mon"
That would be the last time that either of the two chavs would subconsciously assess the risks they may possibly face going further into the building.
Josh pushed on one of the doors. The squeaking noise made by the door opening suggested no one had used them in a long, long time.
The doorway opened up to a long corridor. Light emanated through opaque glass windows, many cracked and broken on one side of the corridor. On the other side there were rooms, which has clearly been used as in the past as offices. Most were just empty shells; the fixtures and fittings having been removed long ago.
As the two lads continued walking down the corridor they were so preoccupied by the thoughts of finding something valuable they could purloin that they didn't notice two wheelchairs left to one side. If they had been more observant they might have wondered why there were relatively new wheelchairs in an abandoned factory.
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Liam and Josh carried on walking, passing more empty rooms and another wheelchair. Eventually they came to the end of the corridor where there was one, solid door. Unlike the others they'd passed by this door was padlocked. It also looked as though it had been recently fitted. The two older teens were eager to make their exploration of the derelict building worthwhile financially, so there was no way they wouldn't try break through the door.
Liam raised an eyebrow at Josh, who grinned in agreement. The crowbar made quick work of the padlock, and the door swung open, revealing a surprisingly bright, modern room filled with computer equipment. The room appeared unoccupied, but in the background was the sound of technology. All the screens were active; filled with row upon row of green text. There were two huge screens on one of the walls.
Josh was looking around the room; figuring out what they could easily pilfer and get the most money for. What caught Liam's attention was the dozen or so circular platforms in the middle of the room.
Josh tapped Liam's shoulder, "Look at these bruv," he said pointing to the middle of the room. Liam turned around looked to where Josh was pointing.
"What the..." Liam didn't finish the sentence before Josh interrupted.
"What the f*** is this like place?"
"You tell me bruv."
Intrigued by the peculiar sight, Liam and Josh couldn't resist walking over to the platforms, their chav bravado overcoming any sense of fear. The two chavs stood on the platforms, smirking at one another.
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Until now they'd not noticed the body-sized, circular perspex tubes retracted above their heads. Just then they heard a motor start up above their heads.
Looking up, "look out," Liam shouted, but it was too late.
In a split second, the tubes above their heads dropped to the floor, enclosing the two scallies inside. Panic set in as they screamed for help, finally realising the gravity of their situation.
Josh and Liam's screams echoed through the room as the perspex tubes trapped the chavs on the platforms below. A weird mist began to seep into the tubes, swirling around the panicking duo. Initially resistant, the mist began to work its magic.
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Josh and Liam's screams softened to muffled protests, and eventually, their once defiant voices fell into an eerie silence. The spine-chilling mist continued its work, transforming the rowdy chav friends into docile and compliant figures. As the eerie mist continued to swirl around the tubes, their eyes glazed over. After a few minutes the two chavs fell unconscious, succumbing to the mysterious effects of the mist - their fate unknown to them.,
Once it was confirmed that Josh and Liam were knocked out, the tubes retracted into the ceiling, leaving the room eerily quiet. Just as the last traces of the mist dissipated, the door creaked open, revealing two imposing figures in their early thirties. Tough and athletic, they entered the room pushing empty wheelchairs. The same ones that Josh and Liam had ignored as they walked along the the corridor not long ago.
Without a word, the mysterious pair approached Josh first, effortlessly lifting his limp form and placing him into the first wheelchair. The same process followed for Liam, their actions efficient and practiced. The once unruly chavs now sat, unconscious and passive, in the wheelchairs.
The two males wheeled Josh and Liam into an adjacent room, where a dim light revealed an array of sophisticated equipment. They positioned the wheelchairs in a calculated manner, whilst the transformative effects of the mist maintained its hold on their bodies and minds.
Whilst two chavs were unconscious, one of the males retrieved a pair of clippers. To finalise the process the two friends would go through they needed their heads shaving, and this was to be done before they came round.
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Minutes passed, and gradually, the chavs began to stir. Their eyes blinked open, confusion replacing the previous chaos. Yet, as Josh and Liam looked around, their mannerisms had been already changed irrevocably. The aggressiveness and defiance that once defined them had been replaced with a newfound obedience and compliance.
Josh and Liam sat in their wheelchairs, their once-rebellious spirits now subdued. They looked at each other and then took-in their surroundings. The room was sterile, and the hum of fluorescent lights overhead added an eerie ambiance to the atmosphere. The two chavs awaited their fate.
Two shaved-headed males in green scrubs entered the room. They walked over to where Josh and Liam were sitting in the wheelchairs. They released the wheel brakes and pushed the two lads towards a pair of hospital beds. Without a word, they efficiently transferred Josh and Liam onto the beds and gently made them lay back. The once-rebellious duo stared blankly ahead, their eyes devoid of the spark that once characterised them.
The mysterious figures produced a pair of helmets from a nearby table. The helmets had curved face covering visors and were equipped with an array of wires and sensors. The men is scrubs carefully placed the helmets over the heads of the two chavs.
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Left alone in the room, Josh and Liam lay motionless as the helmets began their work. Unseen forces rewrote their minds, further erasing traces of defiance and moulding them into compliant, obedient beings. The room remained silent, save for the faint hum of the equipment that orchestrated the transformation.
Once the process was complete, the two shaved-headed males returned to the room. The chavs' minds were now blank slates, ready for the next phase of their transformation.
They replaced the iconic chav tracksuits with sleek black skinsuits. The transformation was both symbolic and practical, signalling the departure from their previous identities. The once distinctive and brash street-wear was replaced with a uniformity that mirrored their new, compliant state.
With the skinsuits in place, the helmets were refitted once more, this time for further programming.
The room buzzed with unseen energy as the final touches were applied. The chavs' once-chaotic personalities were long gone. All that remained were compliant shells, devoid of all human emotion; ready to embrace a new purpose.
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In a room filled with monitors, the shaved-headed males observed their work with a satisfied nod. They watched Josh and Liam laid on hospital beds, their minds blank and their bodies clad in black skinsuits.
The door opened and two technicians entered the observation room. It was time. The moment had come to usher the former chavs into the next phase of their transformation.
The compliant duo was wheeled into an adjacent room, where a series of machines resembling MRI scanners awaited them. However, these were not ordinary medical devices. Instead, they were machines designed to augment the human body, turning ordinary individuals into hybrid human-cyborgs.
The technicians meticulously positioned Josh and Liam in front of the metallic chambers, securing them in place. Over a three hour period, the two young males would go through a series of transformations, the first of which would prepare their bodies for the synthetic augmentations to come.
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The low hum of the machines echoed through the room as the transformation began. The beds were pulled backwards into the MRI-like machines.
Once inside the first stage of the process began. Metal plates descended from the tubes, fitting onto various parts of the chavs' bodies with precision. Once this was complete, circuitry was added connecting the various metal plates. What couldn't be seen to the casual observer was that under the metal plating, a synthetic bonding was taking place. A bonding that permeated through the skinsuit and into the human flesh.
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One by one, an artificial, mechanical limb replaced one of their natural ones. The flesh coloured arms and legs were now adorned with sleek, metallic enhancements, making them stronger and more resilient. The technicians worked with practiced efficiency, their gloved hands expertly activating the cybernetic upgrades.
Next came the ocular implants. The machines were programmed to approach installation of the eye replacements with precision. An implement descended from inside the machine, carefully removing one human eye from each chav and replacing it with the advanced technology. The blue glow emanating from the ocular implants signalled the integration of their new cybernetic enhancements.
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As the machines continued their work, the once-defiant chavs had now been transformed into hybrid human-cyborgs, their bodies now a fusion of the biological and the synthetic. That said, other tha their heads, observers might struggle to find any visible evidence of the humans that were Josh and Liam - so much of their bodies now covered in metal.
The technicians stepped back, admiring their creation as the final adjustments were made.
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The door to the room opened once more, revealing a figure cloaked in shadow – the former chavs' new master had arrived. With a wave of their hand, the technicians and shaved-headed figures in scrubs retreated, leaving Josh and Liam standing motionless, now fully augmented and awaiting the programming that would dictate their new purpose.
The master approached; a sinister figure with pale white flesh. dark veins and gas mask with eerie blue lenses that looked like it had absorbed into his face. The room hummed with anticipation as the final step of the transformation unfolded. The once-chavs, now hybrid human-cyborgs, were ready to serve their mysterious master. The machines had worked their magic, creating two obedient, formidable entities ready to carry out the bidding of their creator.
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The enigmatic figure, shrouded in darkness, stepped forward and issued their first command to the newly transformed duo. "[Hiss] Josh, Liam, [Hiss] your first task is [Hiss] to bring others to me. You will bring [Hiss] your former friends to me. They, too, [Hiss] shall undergo the transformation [Hiss] and join your ranks as cyborgs [Hiss]."
Obediently, the two cyborgs nodded in unison, their blue ocular implants began glowing with a cold intensity. With a calculated efficiency, they left the room, their enhanced limbs moving with a precision that betrayed their former chav recklessness.
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Before the cyborgs that were once Josh and Liam exited the disused factory, which was now serving a darker purpose, they donned a Nike Hoodie and skinny trackie pants - so they could blend in. The two friends roamed the streets, scanning the corners and alleys for their former comrades. Their new master's command echoed in their minds, drowning out any remnants of their past lives.
Finally, Josh and Liam located the group. The chavs, unaware of the transformation that awaited them, gathered in their usual haunt. The familiar faces turned to greet their once brethren. Expecting to see Josh and Liam, instead they saw the cold, unyielding gazes of the hybrid human-cyborgs.
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fatguarddog · 6 months
Welcome to The FuckPig Factory, a den a pleasures where you can spend some time teasing, stuffing and fucking our range of eager piggies 🐽
All our pigs are made to wear form fitting body suits to show off their bodies, with double zippers for access. We also keep them in cute piggy hoods and springy piggy tail plugs inserted into their rears so they know exactly what they are. You may remove these during your time with your pig of choice, but we ask that you keep them on in any of our mirrored rooms, as pigs should see themselves for what they are 🐽
During your stay with us, you can book out one of our many luxurious rooms and one or more piggies depending on your desires. We offer rooms ranging from plush, decadent bed spreads, to dungeons, to more funnel-based feeding chambers, though a range of equipment and gear can be added to any room at your request. Should your session include a feeding, you may select from our Stuffings and Slops menu, taking into concern any dietary requirements your piggy may have 🐽
Our piggies come in a range of sizes from smaller starter pigs to full blown hogs. Whatever you prefer, we'll make sure you have a wonderful time treating or being treated by one of our professional pigs. Limits will be discussed before your session to maximise your pleasure during your alloted time and to make sure you're paired with the right pig for you. Not all of our piggies are gainers or stuffers, some simply enjoy being played with as pigs and having their body fat admired, while others will be more than happy to be fed by you until they reach their limit. Some piggies like dirty talk and having back and forth with you, others prefer to be immersed in their roles and will only communicate in grunts, moans and oinks 🐽
Whatever your wants, we're sure we can find the perfect piggy for your stay here at The FuckPig Factory 🐽
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1958 Buick Century Convertible
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1958 Buick Century Convertible
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1958 Buick Century Convertible
A gorgeous luxury 1958 Buick Century Convertible
In 1958, Buick's production dipped, and the GM marque slipped to fifth place in the industry having been replaced by another GM brand, Oldsmobile. Nonetheless, the 1958 designs have become some of the most eye-catching Buicks in its history. In fact, Buick's General Manager Edward Ragsdale described the 1958 Buicks as “dazzling” and for fans of chrome, stainless, and overall fifties excess, the word “dazzling” is most fitting.
In 1958, Buick offered five distinct series, starting with the entry-level Special and culminating with the top-of-the-line Limited series. The intermediate level '58 Buicks, consisted of the Century, Super, and Roadmaster series. While the Super only was offered in two body styles, both the Century and Roadmaster featured a greater variety of body styles including convertible models. The Century sported numerous factory standard options including Dynaflow Automatic transmissions, full wheelcovers, padded dashes, and clocks, among other items. Sitting atop the Century hierarchy was the convertible models that were also equipped with power windows and power front seats. In total, only 2,558 Century Convertibles were produced in 1958, which makes this particular example quite a rare piece of automotive history. Under the hood is a 364 Cubic Inch Nailhead V8 engine fed by an upgraded single 4 barrel Edelbrock carburetor. The 364 Nailhead V8 is backed by a Dynaflow Automatic Transmission that makes this classic Buick a breeze for just about anybody to drive. Exhaust exits through this '58 Buick's through-bumper exhaust setup that generates a nice throaty sound out of the rear.
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bogleech · 1 year
Seriously not a single brand makes whipped peanut butter anymore......one of the most delicious things in the entire world. If you like peanut butter and you've never had whipped peanut butter please imagine peanut butter in a light fluffy airy form. It's fucking heavenly but you CAN'T make it at home. Every recipe admits that it makes a completely different mousse-like substance because the real thing requires industrial grade factory equipment you couldn't even fit in a house. On Amazon there's just one single brand of "whipped peanut spread" and that's also an entirely different thing, the reviews for which all say it tastes like ass. Whipped peanut butter seems to be an actually "extinct" food product right now.
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vampirebloodie · 11 months
Little Help | Mark Hoffman x Reader
Summary: John makes Hoffman help you and he almost kills you (with pleasure)
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Warning: NSFW Smut, creampie, degradation kink, puller hair
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After having survived one of Jigsaw's tests after making some bad choices in life, John Kramer saw enormous potential in you due to your willpower to survive being different from anyone else tested, you had the strength of an apprentice, as well as Amanda and Lawrence. As you didn't have many things to lose, you easily accepted John's invitation to become one of his apprentices and help him with the next games, even though it was almost like signing other people's death warrants, you saw it as a job, you just don't receive any payment for it.
Amanda wasn't with you today at the factory, so it was just you who was putting together a new trap and John who was drawing some new models in a notebook. You had been making some mistakes for a few days now, which made him start keeping an eye on you to look for some good solution.
“I called Hoffman to give a little help for you. I see that you are having a lot of difficulties.”
John said, still drawing. You felt your heart stop for a few seconds after hearing that. You hated Hoffman just as he hated you too and you knew that very well, he made a point of always making it clear when you saw each other, which fortunately was rare.
"You what? Hoffman? Are you kidding me? What about Lawrence?”
Unlike Mark, Lawrence liked you and you liked him too, you always got along well and always helped each other.
“Lawrence has a family, and he's traveling with them. Amanda is not available, you stay with Hoffman, the end.”
He closed the subject there and you huffed in frustration, the hours there with the detective would be terrible.
It was almost dusk, John had gone home to rest in his room while you had stayed to wait for Hoffman, sleep had consumed you and you soon dozed off on the table, only to be woken up by a loud knock on the table that almost made you have a heart attack.
“Finally! I thought that besides being stupid you were also deaf.”
You rubbed your eyes and looked up to see the devil, aka Mark, staring at you.
“Fuck you.”
“You can curse me later, cutie. We have a lot of work to do.”
He went to the other table where there was the trap that you needed to assemble but there was something wrong with the pieces, since every time you tried to fit it to your body it simply came apart and you had to do it all over again.
"Do it"
He handed the materials into your hand, but you didn't take them.
“How am i going to fix it if i don't know where im going wrong damn? i've tried several times.”
Mark took a deep breath and placed the tools on the table again, carefully picking up the trap.
“Don't be a stupid girl, just open your fucking arms.”
You ignored his rude manner and looked at him suspiciously, opening your arms, then you felt the trap being placed around your waist and your neck.
“Hey hey, what are you doing?”
You despaired for a few seconds thinking he was going to fix it and use it on you.
“I'm not going to kill you with that ugly thing you did. I need a model to be able to see the error. Unfortunately, i only have you.”
You ignored the offense and stayed quiet, he bent down a little in front of you and looked at the pieces, you held your breath when he looked at the part of your neck and ran his hand over it. You could swear he squeezed your neck on purpose.
"Thats it."
He spoke and took one of the tools, where he placed it near his neck and fixed the error that was in the support of the equipment. After that he released the trap again and removed it from his body, placing it on the table. You felt your neck tingle.
Mark ran his long fingers along your neck, where the metal had left a mark due to his grip, you tried to control your breathing when you realized how close your two faces were to each other. You looked at him again.
“Don’t look at me like that…”
"Like what?"
You tried to hide the sexual tension, turning your head, only to feel his hand pulling your face back to look at him, at his blue eyes.
“I know you don’t really hate me, do you think i don’t see you staring at me every day?”
“I stare at you and imagine myself killing you in various traps.”
You tried to finish the subject there and he laughed sarcastically.
“Oh sure. Do you know what i imagine when i look at you, Y/n?”
He got close to her ear and whispered:
“I imagine myself every day fucking that tight pussy of yours right on this table and you screaming my name.”
You closed your legs on impulse as soon as you heard that, only to see a smile appear on his face, he grabbed your hair from behind, giving a light tug making you let out a moan.
“Why don’t you make it a reality then, detective?”
"I will”
You felt his tongue invade your mouth with precision while his arms pinned you against the table, Mark held your waist and placed you sitting on the table, where this time he attacked your neck leaving some marks, your hand pulled his tie. Hoffman took off your blouse, squeezing your breasts and then removed your underwear, he took off his blazer and threw it in a random corner of the room and pushed you against the table, opening your legs, you shivered when you felt his fingers pass through your intimacy.
“You don’t know how many times i've thought of you in this position just for me.”
He squatted in front of you and removed your panties, leaving you completely exposed to him, before you could say anything you felt his tongue invading your pussy making you scream in surprise, his tongue worked so well inside you that made you roll your eyes with so much pleasure, Hoffman stuck two fingers inside you and started moving them while sucking your clit, you pulled his hair, you felt your stomach tighten.
“H-Hoffman, I...”
He realized you were going to cum and pulled away, making you moan in frustration, he grabbed your neck and unzipped his pants, exposing his member, which made your eyes widen a little due to its large size, Mark positioned his member at your entrance and forced himself into you, the tip hitting your cervix, which made you squirm at the new sensation.
He placed both hands on your hips and began thrusting hard into you. Completely invading you with each blow. You grabbed his arms and moaned loudly. Hoffman pulled your hair and squeezed your neck, starting to choke you as the loud sound of your bodies crashing into each other filled the empty room. Your face started to turn red due to lack of air and he seemed to enjoy it.
“You look so perfect when im choking you, you fucking little slut!”
He said irritably and began to move even harder and released your neck, making you gasp for air quickly, Hoffman squeezed your waist tightly, which would probably leave marks later, the two of you moaned loudly and together. His fingers began to make quick movements on your clit, making you almost cry with pleasure.
“Be a good girl and cum for me while you scream my name, hm?”
“Yes, yes, yes, yes, fuck, Mark!!”
"Good girl!”
You screamed, cumming and feeling your legs weaken and shake, Mark grunted and soon you felt him coming apart inside you, you breathed for a few seconds before he came out inside you, watching the semen drip from your pussy, he licked his lips. Mark took you off the table and helped you get dressed again.
“It won’t change how much i hate you.”
You said and he laughed.
“Please remember to say this when i fuck you again .”
He gave two little slaps in your face and put his blazer back on.
“I'll give you a ride. Hurry up. Cmon"
You put on your boots and picked up your bag, walking alongside him, even though your legs still felt sticky to each other. God, what have you done?
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 4 months
I saw you seen Poppy Playtime and Dogday is my favorite too. Can you write a scenario where Dogday lives and how he would help MC defeat the Prototype. Or how about if Mc met Dogday in Chapter 1 and he helps MC through the whole Playtime Co. building. I’ve seen some people put a Yandere twist on it maybe something like that?
-You couldn’t help but scowl deeply, starting the next generation, “Why did I come back to this place? Yeah, sure it was a creepy abandoned toy factory- that part is fine, but giant killer toys and a whole friggen underground city- hell to the no!!”
-Muttering to yourself as you used your Grab-Pack to pull something closer to you so you could get to the next area, you didn’t realize you were being listened to.
-You came across another one of those Smiling Critters cutouts, a bear this time and a chill went up your spine, feeling eyes on you, but when you looked around, nothing was there as you scowled, equipping your newest addition to your Grab-Pack, a flare gun!
-You looked down at it, looking a bit surprised before you tilted your head back, a deep sigh leaving you, “Why would I need a flare gun this deep under- HOLY BEANS!!” you pointed the flare at a tiny stuffed toy that was moving towards you, and the moment you hit it, it scrambled away, screaming as if it was in pain.
-Clutching your chest over your hammering heart, you tried to make sense of what you just saw before another one, this time of an elephant, came out and you shot at that one as well.
-Swallowing your fear you quickly moved, looking through the next area for what you needed.
-You weren’t expecting to find cages down here, “First a cult-like school with that scary-ass teacher, Catnap’s shrine to the Prototype- what next?”
-As if he was waiting for you to finish, a new voice spoke up, “You! You’re Poppy’s angel!” you leapt back in fear, slamming into a closed jail cell, panicking to hear another voice before your eyes went wide, seeing Dogday, or at least half of him.
-He looked like he was near death, his legs missing, his arms bound, keeping him pinned to the wall, looking like he had been tortured for who knows how long.
-You listened to him, as he explained what happened to him, how he was captured and how he was the last of the Smiling Critters, besides Catnap. You could see his eye lights shining, “Please- you must finish this- end his reign and- oh no- NO- you need to run! Get out of here!”
-You heard the scurrying of footsteps of those little critters, and you turned to run, before you froze, looking back at Dogday, he was a sitting duck- he wouldn’t stand a chance against them.
-Your Grab-Pack hands shot out, grabbing onto Dogday as he shouted, “What are you doing? Leave me- I’m not worth-” SNAP!! The binds holding him snapped from the wall and you hugged the much larger critter before you turned, “I decide who’s worthy of saving!”
-His arms were wrapped around you, holding on so you could focus on getting out of the area. He felt like crying- it had been so long since he cried- how many years had it been?
-You felt him squeezing you harder and you couldn’t help but smile softly as you quickly ran through a series of massive pipes until you came across a slide and quickly sat down before laying down, so he could fit as well.
-Once you landed safely on the other side, you were panting softly before you flopped back to your back, a deep sigh leaving your lips, “This place sucks.”
-Dogday slowly lifted himself up on his hands, seeing you there, you saved him? Why? He wasn’t worth it- he was broken, a hindrance to you, so why…
-Once you caught your breath you grabbed one of the belts around his wrists, removing it before you tied it around his waist, cinching him shut, “Sorry if it hurts Dogday, but this will have to do until I can get you out of here.”
-He didn’t complain, he was oddly silent, watching you take care of him before you removed the rest of the belts from his arms and fashioned a backpack type of sling, “Okay- let’s see how this is gonna work.”
-After a few minutes and after nearly falling on your face, you had Dogday strapped to your back, so he was looking behind you and you grinned, “Okay- let’s get back to Poppy and Kissy.”
-Dogday finally spoke, once you started walking, “Why- why did you save me?” he sounded like he was in shock or disbelief.
-You just beamed, tilting your head back into his, feeling his fuzzy head, “You’re one of the few who hasn’t tried to kill me- and I wasn’t going to just leave you there to get- to get whatever those little bastards would do to you.”
-Instantly he scolded you, “Language!” your laughter filled the halls, it was almost comical, being scolded for your foul mouth before you reached up with one of your hands, scratching at his head, “But yeah- I’m not leaving anyone behind who shouldn’t be.”
-His chest felt warm as he felt that strange feeling again, like he was crying, but there were no tears shed, as he felt overwhelmed with happiness, knowing that you had such a kind heart to save someone like him.
-He was going to do his best for you- you saved him so now he has to keep you safe- he didn’t want anything bad to happen to you. He wasn’t going to allow it.
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svcredveins · 6 months
An introduction to myself!
So first things first, I’m 23 and female (I will not mention my real name, you can call me Luna if you want or just my username lol). Was so unsure to post on here since I’ve created this account three years ago to share my heartbeat. I have also a huge passion of mine - to become a Porsche factory driver in the coming future.
So bear with clips here and there, I do feel weird though doing this to the public but hey, we’re all heart lovers right?
Anyway, reason is to actually just check up on myself every once in awhile and see how my little lady is doing and appreciate her. I’ve struggled with a lot of things in my life with responsibilities to my own health and with this motivation to check up on myself. I definitely need to workout. And since becoming a Porsche factory driver is my dream, as a sim racer, I need to workout anyway because once I get my pedals and foldable rig, I have to workout because my little arms and legs will not bode well after 20 minutes of driving haha. For now I’m just on a controller.
So with this account made, I must be more aware of myself and even not just physically, but mentally too. Even though this is to the world, seeing others share their heartbeats is a reminder to myself to appreciate how our bodies were made and on how fascinating the human body is and what it’s capabile of. Also with the idea of more self acceptance for myself that I am living and breathing human being with a heartbeat and that it’s okay to fail. This alone will help me go a long way with that mindset for my sim racing as well! Hehe. Sorry. I love my racing. But! There’s also something to add on to that.
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The dream
I’ve always been the type of girl to love speed. Anything that gets my heart racing (pun intended) I enjoy. The sheer thrill of going over the edge and that is where I found my biggest passion - sports car racing. The adrenaline, the awareness of knowing your putting your body over the edge, the unknown of what will happen when battling against another driver...I love that feeling and racing gives me that feeling and it bugs me everyday knowing that I am currently unable to race due to money, however, that is my dream and I strive to achieve it!
You need to be so fit for and that includes being aware of your breathing and heart rate. But oh to go so fast around a track over 200kmh feeling like everything around you is going by slowly. Heart pounding, breathing heavily, heavy focus on one goal - to win...yes! Give me my Porsche GT3 Cup, GT3 R, and 963! Let’s go!
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Two passions intertwined
So since I was a little girl, I’ve also had those rare occasions where I felt my heartbeat. It’s always interested me feeling the “lub dub” in my chest. These things just began to intertwine for me and it’s actually perfect because since I love the sense of speed and adrenaline with it, my dream job is to be a cardiothorasic surgeon and that makes a lot of money’s worth to get into sports car racing which is definitely expensive as ever! So that will indefinitely support my biggest passion. Two passions in one? Crazy right?! I’m very excited for my future, despite my personal mental issues, but I am a huge dreamer so that’s my goal. I’m trying to work through it!
I’m aiming to get a stemoscope and a pulse oximeter. I would love to record my little lady working hard during my sim racing sessions! I just need the proper equipment to do it with a chest monitor strap.
Thank you for reading this far if you have. As you can tell I am super passionate about both!
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Fun fact about me, I also do editing! I do photo and video edits and have been doing it for about 8 years. Time has flown by quickly!
The photo above is the Porsche 963 behind the human heart, portraying my passion for Porsche and the strong desire to become their factory driver.
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My heart
I’ll try to say some info about my little lady.
She is a strong one with fire in her arteries. After getting an annual medical checkup about a year ago, my doctor remarked that I have a strong heart which was actually comforting to hear from her not gonna lie, knowing that my little lady is a strong and healthy one!
Strong and healthy speaks loudly about my passion for Porsche and racing for them as a factor driver, and that’s actually really heartwarming thinking about it because of how much of a passionate type person I am so it’s remarkable how she beats so strong and confident! I cherish that.
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Cardiophilia intentions
I’m more on the light hearted (no pun intended) side of the cardiophilia. I just enjoy the functionality of the heart, and being fascinated with it, but I don’t mind some dark cardiopheila. It does, however, have limits. A lot of limits.
I have done a fanfic back in 2018 where I guess you could call it more on the dark side, but I do not involve myself physically in any of that, nor do I condone it. I’ll definitely write dark cardiophilia in some sort of form in books which I have in the past, as I’ve mentioned earlier, so anything else, I keep my little lady all out of harms way and treat her nicely. No resus, pressure, or poking. I do breathholds at times though, but other than that, I have one little heart so I must treat her well as she should be treated.
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astragreenwoode · 7 months
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Made my own AU/Reboot of the Smiling Critters franchise because they deserve to be happy.
Chapter 3 was AMAZING, guys! Mob Games delivered us with the lore we were all asking for and deserved.
Also, I got my CatNap plush I pre-ordered back in December as a birthday gift to myself! I love him! I'll definitely be ordering DogDay once I secure another job for myself.
So, I was thinking about all the shows I used to love as a kid; Care Bears, My Little Pony, Blues Clues, etc. I realized the whole appeal of the Smiling Critters was that it reminded us of being carefree kids. And I think that's why I find the atmosphere of Poppy Playtime so comforting despite the history of violent experiments. The entrance to the factory, the game station, even playcare feel like a childhood liminal space that makes me feel safe and like I'm a kid again.
The Poppy Playtime Fandom seems to have latched onto them and created their own sub-fandom like FNAF did with Sun and Moon. I don't know what it is about sun and moon themed characters, but I am here for it!
Anyways, I'll eventually be posting the other critters. I'm working on Bobby Bearhug and CraftyCorn for the next installment. My handwriting might be a bit hard to read, so the typed-up version of all my headcanons down below the cut.
• Throws THE BEST Slumber Parties
• Night Owl
• Stays up until 5 AM and wakes up at noon.
• Eternally Eepy (Narcoleptic AF)
• Everything he owns is some shade of purple and yellow
• Always wears pajamas
• Never leaves home without a blanket and pillow
• LOVES Astronomy and Stargazing
• Down to go camping at anytime
• Torn ear from fight with his siblings
• Best Bedtime Storyteller
• Has a library room
• Ends his days with hot tea and reading by the fire
• Almost always covered in dirt
• Morning Person/Early Bird
• ADHD Kid
• Loves to Explore
• Therapy Dog Energy
• Always there to cheer up his friends
• Repetitive exercising and fidgeting to self-soothe
• Chris Traeger Vibes
• Owns every sports ball and exercise equipment ever made
• Fitness Guru
• Party Animal
• The one at slumber parties who wants to stay up all night. Passes out 5 minutes after bedtime
I hope you like my work and please let me know what you think, as I really appreciate it and use it as motivation. Be sure to follow me and come back for me, please!
Stay wild, free and safe, my dears!
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hra-official · 2 months
Graves from CORSAIR Mercenary Company.
My Swallowtail is getting run down, I'm curious about your Rangertails. I would like a comparison of their stealth capabilities as I would prefer to keep my no damage deployment streak continuing.
When it comes to stealth, the main difference is that the active camo of a conventional Swallowtail relies on the mech standing still so as not to disrupt the light-bending effect, while our Ranger Variant uses more conventional camouflage to blend into the environment to the point it becomes impossible to acquire if even partially obscured.
A Swallowtail can go invisible anywhere so long as it stays there.
A Rangertail needs soft cover to blend into, but it doesn't require complete immobility, and even without an active camo it can disrupt its silhouette so well it's impossible to acquire so long as it doesn't give away its position.
Also, the full-spectrum smoke canisters it comes with can offer.complete concealment to any mech or vehicle on your team. We even tested it on a Tokugawa in full Radiance Mode with the reactor exposed and at full heat capacity, and until it actually fired a weapon not a lumen of infrared was coming through.
In "conventional" warfare, SSC's Swallowtail is easier to to work with and is less dependent on its environment (though not completely, you do still need a good spot to park it), while the Rangertail requires either good intel on the battlefield to choose a good spot to leverage its capabilities, or a helping hand from smoke charges, but it afford some mobility to get out of a compromised position without exposing itself, and can extend the same concealment to allies in a pinch. The mech itself is also fitted with additional long-range observation equipment to facilitate locating and reaching a good spot before your enemy can.
Where our model completely overtakes any competition, however, is when access to a printer is not guaranteed: our mechs were made to be built in conventional factories and repaired on the field; there is not a single component that can't be made to specification in a conventional workshop, and the construction is such as to afford generous tolerances so that precision equipment is not required to make it work.
Our new print codes also include customisation options to use components identical to those from widely used machinery across Union space: you can have joint servos interchangeable with engines from a GMS extended family size washing machine, scope lenses identical to those of a HA Rockefeller aerial refueling plane, or haptic controls interchangeable with those of an IPS-N Paromola high-gravity power loader, depending on the theater you'll be operating in, so that even without any ability to make new components, you can repair it just by scavenging the right pieces of civilian equipment.
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karriethemechtech · 5 months
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Sabretooth SB2-RT
Mass: 100 tons Chassis: Earthwerks AS IV Power Plant: Vlar 300 Cruising Speed: 32.4 kph Maximum Speed: 64.8 kph Jump Jets: None Jump Capacity: 0 meters Armor: Hellespont Lite Armament: 2 ER PPC 5 Medium Pulse Laser Manufacturer: Majesty Metals and Manufacturing Primary Factory: Unknown Communication System: Tek BattleCom Targeting & Tracking System: Tek Tru-Trak Introduction Year: 3146 Tech Rating/Availability: F/X-X-X-D Cost: 16,031,000 C-bills
Overview Proposed as part of Project: BIG CAT for the Magistracy of Canopus, the Sabretooth was designed by Majesty Metals and Manufacturing in 3146 as a hardy, brutally effective brawler.
Capabilities The Sabretooth was the most troubled of the three BIG CAT designs; early drafts were unfocused and confused messes; months of prototyping went into fitting all of the necessary components onto the frame. To accomodate the bulk of all of the components, Endo Steel was escewed in favor of more traditional materials. The 'Mech is armed with two Clan-spec ERPPCs for long range, mysteriously supplied in the same way as the Yaguara's large lasers. For closer ranges, the machine mounts five medium pulse lasers, all across the top half of the 'Mech, as well as two massive claws. These giant blades are capable of decapitating a mech in a single swipe, making the Sabretooth a terrifying force up close.
Deployment The Sabretooth is used among the Magistracy Armed Forces in much the same manner as an Atlas--find a target, approach, and make that target cease to exist, while shrugging off as much fire as possible. Indeed, the Assault 'Mech's snarling visage is starting to develop a reputation all its own.
Type: Sabretooth Technology Base: Mixed (Standard) Tonnage: 100 Battle Value: 2,547
Equipment Mass Internal Structure 10 Engine 300 Fusion 19 Walking MP: 3 Running MP: 5(6) Jumping MP: 0 Double Heat Sink 18 [36] 8 Gyro 3 Cockpit 3 Armor Factor (Light Ferro) 307 18.5 Internal Armor Structure Value Head 3 9 Center Torso 31 47 Center Torso (rear) 15 R/L Torso 21 32 R/L Torso (rear) 10 R/L Arm 17 34 R/L Leg 21 42
Right Arm Actuators: Shoulder, Upper Arm, Lower Arm Left Arm Actuators: Shoulder, Upper Arm, Lower Arm
Weapons and Ammo Location Critical Heat Tonnage Supercharger CT 1 - 2.0 Medium Pulse Laser RT 1 4 2.0 3 Double Heat Sink RT 9 - 3.0 ER PPC RT 2 15 6.0 Claw LA 7 - 7.0 Medium Pulse Laser LA 1 4 2.0 Medium Pulse Laser LT 1 4 2.0 3 Double Heat Sink LT 9 - 3.0 ER PPC LT 2 15 6.0 Medium Pulse Laser HD 1 4 2.0 Claw RA 7 - 7.0 Medium Pulse Laser RA 1 4 2.0
Features the following design quirks: Distracting, Stable
And here's the final of the three Project: BIG CAT designs! This one has...wow, that's a lot of armor. A LOT of armor. And can swipe your head off in one punch if you're not careful! Yikes. I'm glad I'm on the same side as these things.
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cf8wrk4u-us · 7 months
Transformers Prime X Poppy Playtime Crossover Potential
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Based on a post I read from @sonicasura , I thought of a possible scenario where these two worlds could possibly meet.
What if one of the TFP humans had a connection to PlayCo. before the factory shut down and most of the staff mysteriously disappeared?
Specifically...June Darby.
June Darby was hired straight out of nursing school to be an onsight nurse hired by PlayCo. for its sponsored orphanage Playcare to see to the health and wellness of the children staying on sight.
While the idea of working at an orphanage based out of a toy factory seemed strange to a young June, she had a high amount of student debt and the company offered her a rather high salary despite her inexperience. So she applied and was taken in as both a nurse and caretaker for the children.
It was a comfortable position for the last few years, but still during that time June noticed things that began to unnerve her.
1. The amount of children seemingly going missing within the orphanage and the dismissive or defensive attitude the other staff and upper management gave when she gave her concerns. Stating that the children were obviously adopted out or just been assigned to another part of the orphanage😥
2. The appearance of the giant toy mascots that began to roam about the factory and the orphanage, who despite having a rather friendly attitude with the kids gave her chills at how animated they moved and spoke. Almost as if they were alive 😰
3. Than came the reports of strange creatures seen after closing and near death experiences from malfunctioning equipment, all of which the factory management ignored.
June would have left much sooner if she wasn't still trying to pay off her debts and save up for a car or house. Not only that she felt guilt over the thought of leaving the children. She promised herself she leave Playcare for good if anything major happened.
That choice was made for her though. As one day, an "incident" happened on a day she didn't show up for work . One that closed the factory forever and where June lost contact with her coworkers and the children who lived in the orphanage for years later.
With no idea what happened....until a letter arrived asking her to return to the factory if she wanted to find out what happened to everyone.
Maybe wanting answers and trying to dissuade any guilt she had for the past June decides to go, telling Jack and the others she was attending a work conference out of state. Giving a two day period of her absence. June didn't want Jack to learn this part of her past, so kept it hidden from him, leaving her son in the care of the Autobots.
Jack thought nothing of it...that is till June still hadn't returned at the agreed time period.
Unable to call her and frantic to know where she went, Jack looks around only to find the letter that June received. Determind Jack decides to travel to the old factory, with Miko demanding to go along. So reluctantly, he is joined by Miko, Raf, and Agent Fowler to try and find his mom. The bots lend their support where they can but unfortunately are too large to fully enter the factory, even Arcee could only manage to squeeze into the main lobby.
What awaits the group as they enter the factory are clues to a struggle, a chase, and to their horror clumps of blur fur and blood 😰
Additional/Potential Extra Angst:
1. Jack was born around the time June worked for PlayCo. between herself and another employee she married. And as a toddler was looked after at the Gamestation with the other staff of the children by Mommy Long-Legs. Given the same sinister test that helped the company decipher good canadit for their experiments. His assigned toy would have been Boogie Bot to keep with the TFP them, or potentially Bunzo Bunny. The day June didn't come into work, being sick at the time, his father took Jack with him for what was supposed to be an ordinary day of work and daycare.
That is till the "Hour of Joy".
By the time June heard about the incident that day and rushed over to the factory, she found Jack outside the lockdown factory with the few other children and staff who managed to get out. Catatonic and unable to speak, Jack couldn't tell her what happened and, in fact, blocked out the memory all together to save his mind from the trauma. The both of them never saw Jack's father again.
2. Jack was originally an orphanage in the factory who June was helping care for. June made the decision to steal him when she figured out Jack was chosen as a subject for the companies next upcoming experiment. Stealing him away from Playcare just before the night of the "Hour of Joy".
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petalruesimblr · 8 months
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Download Link: Sim File Share | MTS Name: Resolute Fist Academy Description: Welcome to the Resolute Fist Academy, an esteemed institution founded by the Masters of the ancient Order of the Resolute Fist. With a mission to spread the teachings of Sim Fu across different worlds, this academy offers a dedicated space for martial arts enthusiasts. Train your mind and body in our state-of-the-art facilities including a sparring room, meditation room, a training dummy and board breaker room for honing your skills. After an intense session, unwind in our cozy relaxation room and visit our small café to mingle and build a sense of community. Don't forget to freshen up in our shower room before heading back into the world, revitalized and ready to face new challenges on your Sim Fu journey! Price: 111,598 Lot Size: 30x20 Version: 1.42 Store Content: None CC Used: None Packs Needed: The Sims 3, World Adventures File Type: Package
Hello! I created an academy lot for Sims to learn martial arts or the Sim Fu in their homeworld without the need to travel to Shang Simla. I kept it to a lot size of 30x20 and instead of a usual dojo, I chose instead a refurbished building to make it a modern dojo or academy for the community that will hopefully fit in any world.
Click on the Keep Reading below for more information and pictures on this lot.
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This lot will only require the World Adventures expansion pack for the lot assignment to show up and work in your game. I have included only 5 Sheng Hai Training Dummy and Board Breaker each so that it does not get crowded. I also decided not to include gym equipment to keep this lot exclusive for martial arts.
I tried to place Shang Simla books in the Posture-Perfect Bookshelf but the game removed the recipe and fishing skill books once I turned it back to a community lot so I decided to just scrap it and keep it a normal bookshelf instead. This lot has been play-tested and let me know if you experience any problems on your end.
📣 For those who prefer downloading through MTS rather than using Sim File Share, I will be uploading all my recent content to the MTS site but it will still have to go through their moderation process and may take time. I will update the links once it gets approved.
Decent parking lot with bike racks
1st Floor:
Reception area
Sparring Room
Small Café with a few tables and chairs, food register and fortune factory fortune cookie maker
2nd Floor:
Bathroom and Shower Room
Meditation Room
Training Dummy Room
3rd Floor:
Bathroom and Shower Room
Board Breaker Room
Relaxation Room with 2 Epic 10th Anniversary Chess Table, bookshelf and beds
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archer-kacey · 7 months
Seeing as the Orientation Notebook has a few teaser images now, may as well go over them!
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Transcriptions first, because the quality is very crunchy 💖
Candy Cat
"In the 1970's there was a danger of our products seeming old-fashioned, so in 1979 we launched Candy Cat as a more free-spirited character with a mischievous, even rebellious side. She loves candy! What made this design really successful was Candy's lolling tongue, which kids could roll up and put back into her mouth. Meanwhile, the hatch on her back meant you could literally stuff her with candy- or whatever you liked! She's still available to purchase in the Gift Shop today."
Bunzo Bunny
"Bunzo is a cheerful yellow rabbit who loves to celebrate birthdays and clashes his symbols together when he's excited. This toy is equipped with the ability to remember up to eight birthdays and deliver greetings on the day itself. Kids love to freak out their family and friends when Bunzo tells them when their birthday is!"
Eddie M.N. Ritterman
| Head of Research |
"Eddie has been working on new facilities here at the factory. We can't tell you much about what he's working on- he doesn't always tell us much about it!
But we're sure it will lead to great things!"
A Few things to Note/Speculation:
Firstly, the mention of putting "whatever you liked" in Candy Cat's hatch. We remember the Candy Cat cutout in Chapter 2 begging us to stop feeding it, and if I had to hazard a guess, this is a subtle nod to the fact that some of the child experiments were fed something toxic. A few of the other cutouts seem to be speaking about the childrens' experiences, so this might fit thematically.
Alternatively, this could hint at a Bigger Body Candy Cat having smaller enemies inside, or something otherwise hazardous.
And secondly, we get a bit about Candy Cat's personality. This may mean nothing at all, OR it may explain why the Prototype picked Mikayla Hyssop in particular to put under his influence. If she was paired with Candy Cat on the basis of personality (which may or may not be the case), then she might have had a rebellious streak as well- hence why the Prototype might find it easier to have her bend to his whims. If he is indeed trying to save the children, she might have been his first attempt at trying to find someone who was able to save herself and the other children via the power of his influence.
Bunzo and Eddie's sections are pretty self-explanatory for now. There may be context with Eddie I'm missing, but that will have to wait. (I've got a lot of information to re-teach myself between Poppy, Project Playtime, AND the ARG's, lol.)
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