#endos blah blah blah
hazedxhealing · 9 months
"Cope harder" <- someone who is blatantly struggling to cope with the existence of people who are "mocking a disorder" they dont even have. L. "seethe harder" bro endos havent stopped yet and theyre for sure not gonna stop for you 😭
And I’m not gonna stop advocating for the separation of MEDICAL APPROPRIATION and genuine experience.
No, I don’t have DID, I thought I did, I was WRONG. I have admitted to being wrong and tag that I am no longer questioning.
I didn’t have to - I could have continued as my former suspicion, but I didn’t, because it is so incredibly easy to admit you’re wrong and not fake horrific debilitating trauma induced disorders, and yet. I could have actively and consciously harmed a community that is already suffering and not being taken seriously, but nope, I’m advocating instead.
It is physically impossible to willingly “create” a system. It is impossible to be a system without severe and repetitive childhood trauma.
The only valid system is a disordered system, and to insist otherwise is infinitely more ableist than activism for disordered plurals ever will be.
If you are endorsing, and have trauma linked back to your system, guess what? You have a system FORMED BY TRUAMA and are disordered.
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kasaru-chan · 4 months
I don't think he'll reach a major character status like Damian.
But at the very least I hope Demetrius gets a cover with him in a little chair like all the others.
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chaos-kittens · 2 years
Aaaaaaaaaaaa. What the fuck. Who am I and what is going on?!?
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thevoidoceansystem · 3 months
I’m sorry, but I just saw an anti endo post that said smth along the lines of “invading traumatised peoples spaces and causing them to have to be paranoid…” blah blah, yeah yeah stupid anti bs.
Put like paranoid? About fucking what bro?
About the fact that some1 u may be following or interacting with isn’t traumatised themselves?
Like how is that bad? The fuck it got to do with u?
I just… sigh antis astound me with their stupidity sometimes 🙄
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endoyamato · 3 months
im a nice CEO so i wont gatekeep this: one of our lovely servermates let us know last night that this artwork of endo
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is based on a song, SHINIGAMI , by KENSHI YONEZU. the lyrics are so incredibly fitting:
What a bore! When will this bullshit end?
I feel like dying with all this blah blah blah
Sadly, just when I'm about to arrive there
"Lets see , where should i start, how far should i go?
a glimpse of the limit of torture would be good for this guy
i want to see his face after hes gone off , falling, howling, and screaming
after all , hes one of us, right?"
have fun pookies
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kangeldaily · 9 months
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more kangel related blogs i've made:
@weed-angel — all about weed and wangel!!! pretty much just a joke that started from a post on @//putting-omgkawaiiangel-in-places (inactive)
@kangel-spotted — like all of those spotted blogs but with kangel/ame (inactive)
@kangel-official — lil rp acc for the internet angel (will answer asks as kangel) was also the birth of kangel x miku, kanmiku, internet diva, whatever u wanna call it (posts rarely) (dear god why are all of these inactive)
@kangelnotdaily — evil twin mwuahaha
tw tags are tagged like: tw something example: tw sh
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not much of a dni. this is just a nso blog. but i would prefer if endos and supporters didn't interact. wanna know if im ok with blah blah blah interacting? message me :3
mod is just some trans dude and the host of a did system
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alright!! time for the ocs lore.
@cherrishnoodles @asclexe @jellifishiez @sillyhyperfixator @katttkhaos @hemlocksloadofbull @writing-and-sillies
starting frok the earliest lore, sydney and kat were childhood beat friends, both being born and raised in britian. syd moved to the us at the age of 10, so he left her. some stuff happened with his father blah blah, he got fostered by wilson for a year until he went to hopkins. during his stay at hopkins, wilson got with eddie. wilson became close with house, and house introduced everyone to lena, his "partner" (they're on and off). once syd gets hired as cardio head, kat moves to the us, reuniting them. along the way, they manage ti meet flux, danny and val, who are all friends because they work on cases together (flux and danny both being ob/gyn's and val was a friend of houses, as she helped with cases). so, they're all friends i guess, some closer than others blah blah. ev then comes along, already knowing the ob/gyn team as endo and them work together often because of female anatomy stuff.. uh so yeah.
THATS WHAT IVE COME UO WITH!! if anyone else has anything they want to be added/changed please feel free to tell me 😭
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beelzebubsbois · 4 months
I just need to say this because it's been on my mind. We still believe a LOT of what we have said in the past. But what we don't believe in is seeking out and bullying people because of shit that they believe.
I believe that a LOT of Endos are shitty people. I believe that MOST humans in general are shitty people because FUCK people are horrible and it's basically ingrained in us as a species, selfishness, self centered ideologies, blah blah blah I could write a whole essay on how much we hate people as a species but that's for a different post (different account tbh lol)
But not all Endos are just straight-up delusional. I see the flaw in saying that, and how it can be harmful to people with actual delusions (I mean not really, but people are gonna keep calling me "sanist" [which is a WILD term lmao] either way) sure, some endos may be delusional, but many may just be groomed into thinking that way or just are generally misinformed.
Think whatever you want of us, but we needed to put this out here. We're not apologizing, because really we did nothing wrong, just voiced our opinion in a way that was... harmful in some people's eyes.
And let this be known because fuck this is getting on my last nerve, we are not, in any way, shape, or form, a supporter/friend/follower of AspenFrost. Fuck her and her attention seeking misinformation spreading. We could not give LESS of a fuck about her opinions and the content she is making now. She used to show opinions that we thought could be relatable and thought she would continue to be a streamer or content creator that we enjoyed, but no, she's a hypocritical bitch that we are disgusted to have ever supported. Fuck her and all of her system.
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bromantically · 5 months
what are anti endos even on about. i remember when we had our syscovery and promptly stated we are pro endo, a long time mutual sent a very angry ask telling us we dont take traumatized people seriously and blah blah blah about hurting Actually Traumatized People, and it just really stuck with me all this time because i have not once ever called myself endo and this person had watched me post about some of my most personal traumatic experiences of my life over the course of a few years. and they still sent us that. so do anti endos actually care about traumatized people or do they just care about harassing people for the sake of making themselves feel like "good" people
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mewos-laptop · 5 months
Yoooo intro post ???? ‼‼‼
Hey gamers, uhhh I'm Mewo/Albedo/Fruity and this is my general/mix of so much shit blog !!! My other one is strictly alterhuman based primarily, but I wanted one that my irl friends are permitted to be privy to lmao
Abt me: I'm queer, generally using the label "gay" for myself, an agender trans boy, and polyamorous aromantic/fictoromantic. I use a shit ton of pronouns, but I primarily use it/its, xey/xem, and rlly any noun neopronouns. I also use he/him, however I am brought much joy by my neopronouns being used, so he/him is secondary :P. I'm diagnosed with clinical anxiety (over most of the anxiety disorder spectrum, so including OCD and social), depression, and Hypermobile Spectrum Disorder (HSD), and am self diagnosed autistic, ADHD, and BPD.
I'm a singlet who will sometimes use we/us pronouns !!!! This is because I have severe separation of myself and my emotions and actions. I am aware and conscious that I am a single person logistically, however my lack of identity and moodswings cause me to feel that separation of self.
SPEAKING OF WHO I AM, KIN LIST JUST DROPPED Y'ALL (Subject to change/being outdated bc I don't have enough time in my day to add and remove every single questioning kin everytime smth happens in my brain XD)
We also have a list of "emotions" which may take hold, and information about them.
I'm an alterhuman, a xenogender user, and generally the cringiest person you'll meet !!! My interests that I'm gonna post abt mostly are alt fashion/fashion in general, OMORI/rlly just my friend's OMORI posts, my friend's writing projects, my own writing projects, Regretivator, various mental health stuff, and rlly just anything in general that I like (speaking of which check out Carolina Magat on YT/The Nursery Series my friend [@valleyfthdolls] makes it and it's cool and I play Cody hehe)
I'm a scene kid in style/music taste and a punk in ideals, sparkledog nightmare cringe boyfailure, baby Kandi kid, and the scary faggot transspecies the conservatives warned you about.
Oh yeah, I'm also a minor (16-18 age range) sooo NSFW/NSFT dni plsss Xp
Other DNI shit. I don't cover everything, but I do just block ppl who make me uncomfortable :3
-Including an entire new paragraph for this bc holy shit. THOSE WHO ARE NOT PLURAL WHO ENGAGE IN SYSCOURSE DO NOT INTERACT. No, I do NOT care abt your "hot takes" on endos, you are not plural, so leave it alone. I do not give a shit if sum1 is an endo, it literally has nothing to do w/ me, and I am not plural, so I do not understand that experience whatsoever. Leave it to plurals themselves to talk abt this shit, bc I am so tired of seeing singlets yap on and on abt endos.
-Identity police (specifically ppl who hate "conflicting" queer identities, bc literally sum1's identity has nothing to do w/ you XD), proshippers (I am fully aware it's fiction, no, I do not hate those who engage with hard topics in fiction, but that does not mean I want the romanticized view of those things for the titillation of the viewer on my dash, ESPECIALLY due to it triggering my intrusive thoughts), racists, homophobes, transphobes, Zionists, pro-cringeculture, anti-recovery blogs, anti-alterhuman, intersexists, radfems, blah blah blah y'all get it.
BYI: I will post the occasional vent, I have a godawful memory, and I am severely mentally ill. I will often react before thinking when I am in states of distress, and my BPD can make me inappropriately angry, or inappropriately emotional. I have a hard time remembering trigger tags at times due to my bad memory, so please give me gentle reminders if I mistag something, or if I forget to tag something for you. Just in general, if I do something that makes you uncomfortable, give me a gentle reminder, because chances are I just literally didn't realize/or I forgot.
Alr bye bye :3
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sysmedsaresexist · 2 months
I'm so tired
Blah blah blah debunk debunk don't trust the TPA
Link a paper here
Don't trust the TPA
Suck my balls TPA
Go away, TPA
DID they really just say that?
(Yes, they did)
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the-100-percent · 5 months
So, I’m sorry for bothering, but I have- questions- about endogenic systems-. I’ve been doing extensive research on it, and people’s opinions and the research has me so torn. What I have researched, most of it says it’s not scientifically correct, and a lot of the anti blogs keep saying that as well(among other things). They keep saying that endos are terrible people, and what has popped up for me has been “endos” saying, “you can choose to have a system!” Blah blah blah. Am I on the wrong side of the community to be researching? And uhm- I want to know the goods about being an endo. I have a traumagenic system, and from what I have seen, the community has been an insult, but I want to ask someone who personally has it if some of this is true and if there are truly good endos-. I hope I did not hurt you with any of this, but I truly want to understand, to fully make an opinion. I want to see the good in it-.
I wish I could help you but we're legit too autistic to explain things at all so uh... Maybe ask another endo system or a blog that's made for asking questions about being systems
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plaidshirtjimkirk · 7 months
just occurred to me that i wrote fulfilling the needs 10 years ago?????? time isn't real lmao
more blah blah blah under the cut 🫡🫡🫡
i always say i loved writing that fic. i remember the plot for the most part but it was the feeling of actually working on it that remains with me. i'd picked up writing again after a really long time and it's all thanks to this fandom. everything was exciting. the hyperfixation of best ship and writing as much as i could was a great distraction from having abysmal self esteem.
i never really understood why anyone gave me the time of day around here but i always tried to share the space and do what i could to promote others' content. i enjoyed the hell out of that engagement too because what's better than more content of the thing you love most?
im not trying to be negative or anything, just being real. i stopped showing up because i have lots of guilt for not continuing to do that. also imposter syndrome. it was easy to dodge when i was writing so much and so fast that i didn't have time to process what i actually tossed out into the world. but once endo came for my physical health and the fever pace died, well... all the bullshit i was running from caught up with me. logically, i know im overthinking and perpetuating a vicious mental cycle but understanding something is vastly different from understand how to actually deal with it.
but it's really not all bad. i appreciate the fuck out of everyone. people were so unexpectedly nice to me and i really did enjoy myself when i was super active.
ngl ive been trying to write this post for 4 years. i started it an embarrassing number of times. ill regret posting it but i guess the 10 year anniversary gives me a legit reason to talk about this bullshit. im genuinely not looking for attention, just trying to get some of this off my chest.
and just to be clear (and because im so negative all the time), im okay. mental illness is just a hell of a thing. wild.
so thanks again!! i can't believe it was a damn decade since i wrote that story and started interacting in fandom again, and that people still read it even today.
i don't know when ill write again next or get back to having the energy to give the support and attention that content creators deserve but ill keep on keeping on. 💛💙
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mediumstrength · 9 months
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The conclusion of the second season has left me alone and bereft please join me as I fill the void.
We start with some bitchin spy action
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oh shit
Truly the first few chapters are why I think you see so many people upset about the series settling into a slow burn family comedy. You start off with some juicy Hollywood movie shit here. Assassination! Straight off the bat! Cars careening off bridges! Great stuff.
Now, it’s time for a little quick exposition. We got two countries, they don’t like each other, they are using spies, blah blah.
In Japanese they are straight up written Eastern Country and Western Country (with “Ostania” and “Westalis”) in furigana. Tatsuya Endo, please.
There is one spy who’s the best tho
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Here he is!! It’s our boy!!
He’s bamboozled that bad guy out of those silly pictures!! Time to also be mean to the dude’s daughter.
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lol what a dick
“Robert” is not as fashionable as “Loid,” the double breasted suit was already on the way out in the early 60s (The SXF vibe seems to be early 60s? Except when it isn’t?) being replaced by the single breasted suits we generally see him wearing. Edgar also is wearing a double breasted suit, but he doesn’t seem like the type to worry about fashion trends.
Loid however does seem to really care about looking sharp, and I’m proud of him for that. It’s basically his only non spy-related interest. Maybe someday he will have two interests!
Loid gives Karen a new complex, and then waltzes out of her life. Onto the next mission!
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Berlint 😂
On the train to Berlint, Loid learns that he has to become a fake dad for silly bullshit reasons that are vital to world peace. This silly bullshit is called Operation Strix, and it is so, so important. The most important mission ever.
I wonder if there’s some significance to the name Strix? It’s a mythological creature, but also a genus of owl. In Japanese it’s written 梟, which literally means owl, so maybe the mythological part is not intended?? I want to know more.
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The early art is weird at times
I hate it.
The real estate guy asks him if he has a girl or a boy, and he says he doesn’t know yet. I feel like I should hate these jokes where Loid says something mind-blowingly suspicious, but I actually love it every time.
Anyhow! On to step two: secure a child.
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Tatsuya Endo has a real talents for making just the most detestable jerks. I love to hate you, drunk shitty orphanage guy!
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It’s her!! It’s Anya!! The early art is, again, a little weird here.
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The absurdly hard crossword puzzle is such a good gag.
Daughter acquired!
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I love it. There’s no real equivalent to “chichi” in English, so they went with something that means dad, but is also a little weird and a little baby talk-y. Perfect. I watched a couple episodes of a fan sub of the anime, and they translated it as “Daddy” which is cute but is simply not weird enough. Anya is a Weird Little Girl.
Anya immediately begins helping, by acting deeply weird and suspicious. We love it.
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I love that Spy Wars is just always on somehow.
Onwards! They go out and do some shopping! Anya is a lot! Loid doesn’t understand her! He goes to his local library about it, which is kind of adorable? And gives an early glimpse into a fundamental aspect of his character. With enough information, Loid can accomplish anything. He is certain of this. He has built his whole life around this concept.
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You are accidentally playing hide and seek with your daughter somehow, with no idea that it is even happening. Amazing.
Anyhow he finally barricades her in the fucking house lol
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It’s Franky!! I love you, Franky.
He tells Loid that his new kid legally does not exist, and has been returned to the orphanage 4 times, and Loid decides not to look further into any of that. Greatest spy in the west.
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Meanwhile Anya is causing problems. I love her.
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Edgar is back, which doesn’t make sense because the Edgar stuff was happening in another city, but I guess Edgar is just also in Berlint now for some reason.
We get a brief flashback to Anya’s time as an Eleven-style lab rat, which is sad. What does “studying” entail? I think we will all be sad when we find out ☹️
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Loid returns and we are treated to a sick. ass. fight. Loid takes a guy out with a can of tuna. He breaks a chair over a dude’s head. I think there was some commentary from Endo (maybe in Eyes Only?) about how using improvised weapons just hits harder. We know more about cans of tuna than guns or whatever. We can imagine what taking a tuna can to the face would feel like.
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What a dick.
Anyhow, Loid bamboozles the same guy with the same trick a second time, bravely rescuing Anya, and now it is time for a sad flashback
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Don’t cry, little german boy.
Anyhow, the world where kids don’t cry thing should be so corny, but they really pull it off somehow.
For some reason he decides to walk back into danger and beat those guys up?
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When did he have time to set these traps??
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Loid kicks everyone’s asses, and then, there’s Anya waiting for him, and she wants to stay with him. This is the moment. This is the moment where he realized, subconsciously, that he loves her. Consciously is still a work in progress. But like, he already cares about her so much. It’s been been like 2 days, and he’s gone from “I hate kids” to “I can’t abandon this little girl who I callously adopted to use for my own purposes”
(…This is the plot of the Despicable Me, isn’t it?)
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This little scene on the streetcar warms my heart. Papa is a cool liar.
Ok, jesus christ this chapter is long. I didn’t realize that we also have getting into Eden happening the first chapter??
Anya takes the entrance exam, her cheating plan, as usual, does not really work out, but she does her best and she passes.
Loid experiences a single moment of relief and collapses 😂 The man is so powered by sheer anxiety that his body doesn’t know how to react.
Anya gets the mail, there is a little cute cuddling, and then, the kicker! We need a mama!!
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Chapter rating 4/5
A little too much stuff happens in this first chapter, on reread. The streetcar scene is such a logical ending! The Eden test, and then the subsequent complication of needing 2 parents felt tacked on, almost like that should have been padded out a little and made its own chapter, but also I am eager to get to my girl Yor so 🤷‍♀️
Looking back on some of their earlier interactions, Loid has not been thinking through Strix logically from the start. This kid has no birth certificate, and she has been repeatedly returned to the orphanage like a naughty puppy for no obvious reason. She is (allegedly) 6 and she solved a crossword where one of the words was “symplectomorphism” with no adult assistance?? There are some questions he should be asking here, but instead he’s buying her posters and snacks.
He hasn’t had anything to love in so long, you guys. He’s going to love this kid with everything he has, it’s just going to be a long, long time before he understands that it’s love.
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thefishbowlcollective · 2 months
🎏 hello welcome to the aquarium :3
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Ꮚ . . hello ! we are the fishbowl collective ! we're not entirely sure what kind of system we are, we're still figuring it all out. theres currently 24 of us, but the number is sure to grow. ^.^
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Ꮚ . . we like a lot of video games, we draw Often, and ummm we'll maybe post about that kinda stuff! maybe! :3 theres a lot that we like, its just ummm hard to remember everything. :p
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Ꮚ . . we'll probably make intros for a few of our alters, maybe if we're specifically asked, but for now, heres some information about our host!
hero! he/him (⭐)
the one who's probably gonna be doing the most for the blog.. 16 years old, trans male, bisexual, too silly for his own good.. :3
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Ꮚ . . you'll probably find alter names on the tags of a post if someone specific reblogged/posted it. here are some tags we'll be using for our posts.
ଓ , , #glub glub : just talkin about whatever... blah blah blah!
ଓ , , #fish food : things we rlly like/wanna save :3
ଓ , , #water colors : system art !
ଓ , , #fish answers : answering asks :p
ଓ , , #empty bowl : non sys related stuff
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Ꮚ . . dni list :3 we'll probably just block if we find u annoying anyway, this is more just letting people know we r cool!
ଓ , , basic dni criteria you know the drill
ଓ , , endos, pro endo, idk dude that shit sounds sooo dumb n exhausting so staaayy awaaayy
ଓ , , pro israel / zionists eewww
ଓ , , proshippers / comshippers whatever u freaks call yourselves idc
ଓ , , bitches who only talk about discourse (syscourse, lgbtcourse etc) or whatever I DONT FUCKING CAAAAREE
(more will be added if necessary)
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🎏 goodbye! we hope you have fun watching us yap and yap forever and ever!
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bloodonvalentine · 7 months
gonna be so fr i don't have time to read all of sophie's yap rn, so here's a few things
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we care about the fact that a medical condition (a phenomenon that is EXCLUSIVELY MEDICAL) is being turned into an online trend where misinformation runs rampant and where people have taken to appropriating closed cultures and claiming it can be non medical. you're wrong.
FRIENDLY REMINDER! the ONLY place you should be getting genuine information from about being a system is a MEDICAL JOURNAL or a TRAINED PSYCHOLOGIST that SPECIALISES in dissociative disorders. anywhere else is likely to have false or made up information. fuck i'll even admit im not some all knowing eye on the subject, i just reiterate what ive read from journals and conversations i had with my psychologist.
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that quote you showed? the one you claim makes Buddhism an open practice? it's a quote about sharing meditation, a NON CLOSED aspect of buddhism. anyone can meditate. NOT anyone can participate in tulpa. tulpas are NOT about being a system. it is a CLOSED, RELIGIOUS experience that should NOT be watered down to what "endos" have made it into.
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sux, cope. i didn't declare it.
that's all i rlly have the energy for rn, gonna b real. ummmm "endos" are fakers, non buddhist "tulpas" are lying blah blah blah cya later nerds
-Anon (im back and better than ever)
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