#eat your legumes
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Do you have any healthy snack suggestions for someone who isn't a huge fan of nuts and dried fruit?
FIRST: A 'Snack' is just a small portion of food. It is a signifier of quantity. 'Snack' does not exclude any type or form of food - it just means a lil' bit of food.
SECOND: "Healthy" is entirely relative to every individual.
'Healthy' is just 'Supportive of a complete nutritional profile, taking into account a person's existing diet, dietary needs, and habits of energy expenditure'
For example:
A small, greasy hamburger is an EXCELLENT snack for a highschool athlete who needs to consume an large amount of calories every day to maintain their body. It has lots of fat and protein for muscle recovery and long-term energy, carbs for immediate energy, and some lettuce/tomato/onion for some extra fiber/vitamins/minerals.
On the flip side, if someone already eats a fair amount of of meat and carbs already but has a lower-energy lifestyle, a healthy snack for them might entail leafy greens, beans/legumes and vegetables, because they need more fiber and nutrients in their diet that plants have in abundance.
If you are allergic to or hate eating something, then it's not healthy to force yourself to eat it anyway. Find a different food, or a different way to prepare it that doesn't cause physical or psychological distress!
Don't like peanuts, but peanut butter is good? Eat peanut butter instead! Hate the texture of whole tomatoes, but tomato sauce is good? Eat tomato sauce instead!
Don't be afraid to finely mince or blend your ingredients into a sauce or smoothie if you feel you need or want to eat something for the nutrients but hate chewing it.
I'm a big fan of probiotic stuff in general, like fermented foods (kimchi, pickles, sauerkraut, miso, mustard and yogurts), since a strong bacterial colony in the gut has a positive impact on wellbeing for most folks. More importantly, I love the taste.
Buuuuuuuut~ some people are extra sensitive to compounds that are concentrated in fermented foods. Those people should not eat a lot of fermented foods. It's not healthy for them.
If you're munching snacks out of boredom when you're not actually hungry, something low-fat but satisfyingly crunchy usually does the trick for me. Something I can keep devouring for the sensory delight, gives some good nutrients, and won't make me feel overly full afterward.
Carrots, bell peppers, mung bean sprouts, apples, pears, jicama, radish, pretzels, sweet onions, green papaya, broccoli, popcorn, cucumber, water chestnut, seaweed crisps, coconut chips, any of those fermented foods I mentioned... hell, coleslaw is mostly cabbage with oil and vinegar - plow through that and have a great time!
If you want a snack because you're hungry, but you just want to tide yourself over until the next meal, eat something that is high in fat and fiber. Fat & Fiber makes you feel full.
Cheese, Yogurt, Butter. Olive oil. Guacamole. Tinned fish. Cream. Fry up an egg. Olives, Hard-boiled eggs - These are all relatively high in fat.
Beans, Legumes, Oats, Leafy Greens, and most Berries are pretty high in fiber, and can pair up with any of the fatty things.
Hell, a slice of cheese pizza is also fine! Buttered toast is fine! A small portion of roast beef from last night's dinner!
Eat a little bit, wait 20 minutes, and see if you're still hungry after that. A normal stomach takes 20-30 minutes to register feeling satiated. (Some people's stomachs don't really feel the difference of hunger vs satiation. Those people need to be more mindful of the quantities of food they eat - both eating too much, AND eating too little!)
If you want a snack because salty snacks in particular sound fucking amazing, but other fatty and high-protein foods sound kinda gross, Try chugging a glass of water.
If water doesn't resolve the feeling after giving it a few minutes, try something with salt.
Dehydration and not having enough salt in your body both cause salt cravings. Acute thirst is often mistaken as hunger.
Honestly, you can have a handful of chips. Eating a whole family-sized bag of potato chips in one sitting is probably too much salt & fat for most people, but eating a handful here and there is fine. It's just as morally neutral as eating a carrot.
Eat some rice with soy sauce. Eat some pickled okra, or pickled onions. Eat some miso soup. Drink some soup broth. Have some salt-cured meats.
So: A Healthy Snack!
Ask yourself: Am I hungry, bored, or thirsty?
Ask yourself: What have I been eating lately, and what has my diet lacked, or had in excess? (Fats, Protein, Carbohydrates, Vitamins/Minerals, Water, Salt)
Ask yourself: Am I trying to provide my body with a complete nutritional profile, including fats and carbs - or am I focusing on an imagined 'purity' of food and assigning moral value to eating what diet culture calls healthy so I can be 'good.' (Aka: Do you think instances of eating candy or fatty food is 'being bad'? Stop that.)
Ask yourself: Am I able to rely on my body's signals for hunger and thirst, or do I need to manually track this?
Sometimes a snack is a small portion of leftovers from yesterday.
Sometimes a snack is carefully sliced, cooked, and arranged on a cute plate.
Sometimes a snack is gnawing through half a head of cabbage doused in vinegar.
Sometimes a snack is a handful of shredded cheese eaten from your own palm so you become both the gentle horse and the stablehand feeding it, and that's all okay
#fuckingrecipes#kitchen tips#food#relationship with food#healthy food#snack#snacks#snack ideas#healthy snack#I want chipotle#I SAID A HEALTHY SNACK REBECCA
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Every once in a while I will see a post claiming vegans kill more animals then people who eat meat because of the rodents and birds killed harvesting crops and it always makes me laugh.
If you don’t want to be vegan then don’t be vegan but if you’re going to be a troll, at least use your brain.
You also eat fruit, vegetables, nuts, legumes and grains. (Not just vegans.)
You know who else also eats those? Livestock.
Almost 80% of the world’s soybean crops are fed to livestock. A quick google search will prove this to you.
#vegan#veganism#govegan#go vegan#veganfood#vegan food#animals#farm#farms#factory farms#animal rights#animal liberation#animal welfare#Alf#animal liberation front#vegetarian#what vegans eat#whatveganseat#vegan girl#vegangirl#cute animals#animal lover#baby animals#cows#cow#pig#pigs#micro pig#chickens#cottage core
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Quick and cheap filling vegetarian food (I’m going ovo-lacto for this)
Dump some cans of stuff in a pot. Maybe some seasoning too. Pearl barley or rice may also be a good choice to bulk things out. With beans or legumes and some kind of grain you can make a whole protein. If that doesn’t appeal to you add some cheese or poached egg. Don’t add a lot of rice btw it will expand don’t turn your soup into a rice dish I swear to gosh
Basic idea for this is shredded cheese melted in between two tortillas warmed up on either side in a pan, in a microwave if you’re feeling extra depressed. But other stuff can be added. Salsa, pico, leftover tofu or beans, sliced peppers or onion. It’s a dish that’s as complicated or as simple as you want to make it.
Dump a can of cream of mushroom or cream of potato soup on it. It’ll work itself out probably.
Scrambled eggs:
The most braindead way to cook eggs. You can even scramble them in the pan. Put stuff in it. I like putting fried tomatoes in it. Add enough mushrooms and cheese and you can feel your system clogging up in real time. Eat some toast with it to convince yourself that adding carbs makes it fine actually
Wildly oversimplified term for basically most Indian food. It’s simpler to make than you think. The spices are the important part. The base of a lot of types of Indian food is onion, ginger, garlic, and tomato and then add spices and stuff to that. What stuff? Whatever. Spinach, potatoes, coconut milk, regular milk, even more tomatoes, lentils, beans, yogurt. Put it over rice probably. Use powdered onion and ginger-garlic paste and canned tomatoes when you’re tired. Probably look up some actual Indian YouTubers and bloggers to get more specific recipes than my stupid ass can provide.
Peanut noodles:
Cook some noodles. Probably ramen noodles. Melt some peanut butter on it and add soy sauce. Merry Christmas.
Get a panini press so you never have to think again. Cheese, something else, bread, hot, eat. Add a sauce and some nicely grilled vegetables if you want to but tbh a midnight grilled cheese with tomato isn’t gonna be a gourmet meal. Just make it so you can finish crying.
Frozen fruit and/or veggies and some kind of liquid. I usually use strawberry, mango, and soymilk. Maybe yogurt too idk. The worst part of this is cleaning the blender later but the actual process of making it is fast.
There’s more to life than just spaghetti and red sauce. Or so I’ve been told. You can use canned soups as a sauce sometimes if you reduce them a bit. I like butternut squash soup. Adding some cream cheese to sauces tastes better than it sounds and can fix your protein problem that you sometimes get with pasta dishes. Keeping a jar of pesto and some mushrooms in the fridge can make for a fast dinner when you need it.
Get two different types of beans and some tomatoes and chili powder and whatever in a pot and let those bitches get to know each other and simmer while you stare off into space for a while. Maybe like 10-20 minutes idk it tastes good with sour cream
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Ok, now I'm really concerned that how to prevent rats isn't common knowledge like I thought it was. So, to anyone whose parents/guardians/adults didn't teach you, here's the basics of prevention*:
Rats, like you, need three things: food, water, and shelter. If they don't get these things, they don't bother sticking around. Access to food is probably the biggest draw, and the one you can do the most about.
Rats eat the same foods you do, and the same food that most pets eat. You don't want them to have access to this food, so:
Don't leave dirty dishes laying around, the smell will attract rats. Don't put leave dirty dishes in your bed room, or under the couch, or in your car, or whatever. Dishwashers are great, but if you don't have a functional one, and you're low on energy/executive function, at a minimum cover your dirty dishes with soapy water instead of leaving them out. Rats can't eat soapy food.
Work to minimize food waste, because the smell of tasty food in your compost or garbage will attract rats.
Don't put food scraps in your indoor garbage unless your garbage can is rat proof. Take it outside asap, to a rat-proof bin.
When composting, if you're composting food that would be attractive to rats (grains, fats/oils, dairy, meat) it's best to: bury the food down in the center of the pile, try out bokashi composting, or have a rat-proof composter. Generally people do tell you not to compost dairy and meat, but I do know that some people do it anyway.
Keep your grains & legumes in rodent proof-containers. Glass jars, metal trash cans, etc.
If you have dogs, put their food away at night. If you have birds or other animals that eat a seed-based diet, then it pays to make their food/enclosures inaccessible to rats as well. Cats are rat deterrents so leaving dry food out for them is probably the one exception.
Clean up spilled foods immediately.
If you have fruit trees (like those apple trees everyone has that were planted 3 or more decades ago) and notice that something besides a deer is eating them, it's really best to pick all the fruit. You probably can't eat it all, so giving it away is a good option. Compost the rotten/icky ones fallowing the advice above, or dig a hole and do some trench composting.
Rats also need water, which is another reason to make sure you don't have any leaks anywhere, and to not leave beverages out in open containers.
Beyond that, thoroughly looking around your house, inside and out, to make sure there's no access points. Vents can be covered with wire mesh, holes the size of a dime need to be patched (because mice exist, too). Keep vegetation clear from around the base of your house, and make sure there's no trees or shrubs growing close enough to your house that a rat could make the leap to your roof. Keep an eye out for tunnels near your house's foundation, because they will tunnel underneath.
Also, while I'm at it, for the love of your house's structural integrity, DO NOT store wood piles against your house. Termites people!!!
And yes, there's a reason why cats are such a common pet. Not only do they hunt rats, the very smell of a cat is enough to deter rats. Do not just get a cat for rat prevention though, only get a cat if you're going to provide it a good home and are able to take on the additional care tasks without over extending yourself. Getting a housemate that comes with a cat is a great alternative to getting your own cat (and I'm only halfway joking).
*because prevention is much easier and much less terrible than dealing with an infestation. Prevention is so, so, so much easier than getting rid of them, particularly because once they're there, they'll start eating other things that wouldn't have been enough by themselves to draw them in.
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Here are some tips that have helped me stay sane in the face of my body dysmorphia and disordered eating habits.
Positivity time! This one's for all the ladies out there struggling with their bodies.
Body dysmorphia causes changes to visual areas of the brain. Your brain is literally lying to you. You are hallucinating. No, seriously. This is SO SO IMPORTANT. Look, if you have an ED then chances are, you may very well have legitimate body dysmorphic disorder. Your brain may be warping and distorting the image in the mirror. It's why everyone around you keeps saying how thin you are, but all you can see in the mirror is flab. It's a neurophysiological thing. (Most of the literature on BDD seems to pertain to cases regarding the patient's facial features or similar, rather than in the context of body size in ED patients, though.)
One binge won't undo your progress. Everyone fucks up sometimes. Don't dwell, don't ruminate, just pick yourself up the next day and keep going! This applies to "binges" in the proper clinical sense, as well as 4n4 "binges" that are more aptly described as simply "overeating." I occasionally will give myself a "free day" once a month or so, or if it's a holiday or something.
If you fast and restrict, take a good multivitamin, plus a calcium supplement! I also take thiamine to be safe. Being thin and undereating are associated with osteoporosis risk later in life, so calcium is a must! You need to make sure you're getting all of the critical micronutrients your body needs to function.
Exercise, especially cardio, helps with dopamine regulation. I have industrial strength ADHD-PI, ymmv. I also find that exercise bike, walking, or even pacing constantly = STIMMY STIMMY STIM TIME STIMS, MUST STIM, MORE STIM, CANNOT BE STILL, FUCK YOUR QUIET HANDS. Again, ymmv, fuck quiet hands, all my ND homies hate quiet hands.
Strengthening/resistance exercises help prevent osteoporosis later in life. 20-30 minutes 3-5x/week of yoga or pilates is great for this!
THC gummies are pretty low calorie. Shoutout to drugs other than alcohol for not having calories! (I use cannabis and hallucinogens, not big on hard drugs though.)
If you do drink, there are low cal options, but please moderate and try to follow CDC guidelines and avoid frequent binge drinking!! Guys, susceptibility to addiction runs in families. Also, struggling with impulse control aspects of binging may cooccur sometimes with susceptibility to alcohol abuse and addiction. I like vodka with diet tonic water, gin and tonic with diet tonic water, and vodka cosmos with diet 5 cal cranberrry "juice!" White Claw and similar hard seltzers are also great. Personally, I avoid drinking alone, don't drink all that often, and take care to be responsible and cautious. Ymmv, especially if you're still in early adulthood and just now starting to really experiment with substances!
When you do eat, make sure to get enough protein and fats! Carbs, you can take or leave. No one ever died from lack of carbohydrates, oddly enough. Protein and fat, though? I've had seizures due to low blood protein (combined with an accidental double dose of bupropion, to be fair). Rabbit starvation is a thing. This is especially important to pay attention to if you're vegetarian or vegan! Egg whites, chicken, tuna and other fish, olives, chickpeas, nuts, and beans are all good low calorie sources of protein and fats. (Olives, legumes, and especially nuts are energy dense though, so moderation is key.)
Enjoy the nice, healthy, low calorie foods that you do eat. It's okay to enjoy food, even if it's safe foods like light salads or cauliflower rice with vegetables.
Seek out social support and harm reduction advice. One thing people overlook about the whole "pr0 4n4" thing is that these communities are key sources of social support and harm reduction information for people who struggle with EDs.
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based on a health link article
Cycle syncing is when we match our menstrual cycle to our health lifestyle, such as nutrition and exercise. By using your menstrual cycle as a guide of your health throughout, you become in tune of your hormonal needs
Our menstrual cycle has 3 distinct phases excluding your period, which occur over a month.
Follicular(menstruation happens in this phase). Lasts for 6-14 days. Estrogen and progesterone are increasing.
Ovulatory. Lasts for 15-17 days. Estrogen is at its peak, testosterone and progesterone are increasing.
Luteal. Lasts for 18-28 days. Estrogen and progesterone are high, but if the egg stays unfertilised, the hormones decrease and the cycle repeats.
Your hormones are at its lowest, so light exercise and cardio is better suited for your stamina here. Yoga, walking, stretching, jogging
Hormones are increasing, so high intensity exercises are suited for this phase as your energy is higher. gym, cycling, skip rope, running, HIIT
As your body prepares itself for another cycle, energy may be low, so light or moderate exercise is best. Pilates, ab exercises, any strength training
Your Estrogen will begin to increase in this stage. Drink warm beverages to help with cramps. Despite your cravings, limit fatty/oily foods, caffeine and watch your sodium intake. Eat foods that help with metabolising your estrogen.
broccoli, sauerkraut, cabbage, high quality meats, cauliflower, spinach, sesame seeds, flaxseeds
Your estrogen is the highest so opt for foods that support your liver, protect you from environmental toxins(as they can impact your hormones) and are anti-inflammatory.
Leafy greens, whole grains, eggs, legumes, high quality meat & fish, garlic, almonds, whole fruits
Estrogen and progesterone are high, but will begin to decrease. Magnesium rich foods to help fight fatigue, and foods that help with serotonin are best.
Leafy greens, quinoa, buckwheat, dark chocolate, spinach, pumpkin seeds, sweet potatoes, beans, avocado
This is the phase when your cycle is beginning to repeat, so you want to ensure that your diet is optimal. Avoid caffeinated drinks, sugar, deep fried foods and high amounts of dairy.
To start implementing these changes to your lifestyle, track your cycle and begin to identify how long each phase lasts for. Pay attention to how your body responds to each phase.
with that, I wish you luck 💖🎀 i hope we all stay healthy and happy together 👏
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For Meredith:
What is your favorite food?
What's your least favorite food?
she's a bit of a foodie. also, she has a sweet tooth.
food descriptions under the cut
A sort of dumpling, typically filled with minced meat/brains and a pickled vegetable for a bit of a crunch. Usually boiled, but can be fried, and often topped with a small bit of sour sauce. Would be about the size of a baseball.
A soft, melty, cheese-like substance, usually mixed with a fruit/berry (gives it color & flavor) then wrapped in an edible frond and candied. Usually served room temperature, if heated the filling risks becoming liquidy.
A grainy dough shaped into a cup before baking, then filled with any variety of ingredients. The one shown is topped with hae's mock orange, sweet green nuts, and a whipped cream analogue.
Rolled y'kul brisket. An uncommon, costly import that can be eaten as-is or used for other dishes. Meredith usually gets a sugared type if she can find it.
Basically microwave enchiladas and rice with sliced pepper, though hae "rice" is a bit tougher to chew than our own. Sauce applied liberally. Pre-made meals are strictly regulated to be nutritionally dense, though there are healthier options available. It would taste better than it looks.
Ground meat and vegetables cooked and then pressed into cubes, meant to be used as an ingredient in soups or broken up as filling for some other dish. Meredith would eat them as-is like a freak (college graduate struggle meal)
Microwave noodles with chopped veggie stalks. The noodles would be thick and the overall flavor mild. Usually topped with the consumer's choice of sauce, but Meredith also ate these as-is.
Y'kivta, or more formally, y'kul-kivta (heart of y'kul). A fruit with an acquired taste (like sweet grapefruit) and texture (like raw flesh).
The Horrid Legume. An oversized pea, really. Generally eaten with a sprinkling of salt. They're a "superfood" that Meredith refuses to touch. Enrais likes em though :)
A lot of modern hae food has human influences, because the Hae have learned a lot from humanity. Especially what not to do.
#answered#my art#digital art#this was basically a mini comic#most answers will NOT be this detailed#but I had fun with it!#meredith hae#enrais#character ama#original character#paper aliens#alien food#food
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Since I'm vegan, incorporating elements of a canine ancestral diet into my lifestyle will be more about emulating the nutritional balance rather than the exact foods wolves consume. Wolves eat a mix of proteins, fats, and plant matter, with an emphasis on whole, nutrient-dense sources. Their diet is built for survival, strength, and endurance—qualities I can mirror through plant-based foods while maintaining my values.
### **Key Elements of a Wolf's Diet & Vegan Alternatives**
#### **1. High-Protein Intake**
Wolves thrive on a protein-rich diet, which fuels their muscles and sustains their energy for long periods. You can incorporate:
- **Legumes & Pulses** – Lentils, chickpeas, black beans, and split peas
- **Soy-based Proteins** – Tofu, tempeh, and edamame
- **Seitan (Vital Wheat Gluten)** – A high-protein, meat-like option
- **Hemp & Chia Seeds** – Packed with complete proteins
- **Nutritional Yeast** – Adds protein and a cheesy flavor to dishes
#### **2. Balanced Fats for Energy & Brain Function**
Wolves get essential fatty acids from prey, but you can substitute with plant-based sources:
- **Omega-3s** – Flaxseeds, walnuts, algae-based supplements, hemp seeds
- **Healthy Fats** – Avocados, olives, coconut, and nuts
- **Medium-Chain Triglycerides (MCTs)** – Found in coconut oil, which can boost energy like animal fats do for wolves
#### **3. Micronutrients & Minerals from Wild Plants**
Wolves eat berries, grasses, and herbs instinctively to maintain their health. You can add these:
- **Berries** – Blueberries, blackberries, and raspberries for antioxidants
- **Leafy Greens** – Kale, spinach, dandelion greens (high in calcium and iron)
- **Herbs & Wild Edibles** – Nettles, burdock root, and spirulina for detoxifying and nutrient density
#### **4. Gut Health & Digestion**
Wolves consume organ meats and bones for vitamins and minerals. A vegan version includes:
- **Fermented Foods** – Sauerkraut, kimchi, miso, and kombucha for gut health
- **Seaweed** – Rich in iodine and minerals, similar to nutrients found in animal organs
- **Mushrooms** – Reishi, lion’s mane, and chaga mimic the adaptogenic benefits of organ meats
#### **5. Cyclical Eating & Fasting**
Wolves don’t eat constantly; they gorge, fast, and graze on small plant foods. You might try:
- **Intermittent Fasting** – Eating within a set window (e.g., 8-hour feeding period)
- **Feast & Fast Cycle** – Some days with high intake, some days lighter with just fruits and greens
- **Instinctual Eating** – Listening to your body’s needs rather than forcing strict meal times
#### **6. Hydration & Natural Electrolytes**
Wolves get hydration from prey and fresh water sources. For you:
- **Coconut Water** – A natural electrolyte boost
- **Herbal Teas** – Dandelion, mint, and chamomile for hydration and benefits
- **Infused Waters** – Lemon, cucumber, or berries to mimic mineral-rich natural waters
### **Meal Ideas Inspired by a Canine Ancestral Diet**
- **"Hunt & Gather" Bowl** – Lentils, roasted mushrooms, wild rice, dandelion greens, and tahini
- **High-Protein Wild Plate** – Grilled tempeh, hemp seed pesto, roasted root veggies
- **Feral Smoothie** – Blueberries, coconut milk, hemp protein, chia, and spirulina
- **Forager’s Broth** – Miso soup with seaweed, tofu, and mushrooms
- **Raw Energy Bites** – Dates, walnuts, cacao, flax, and a touch of sea salt
I'm a nerd and a vegan wolf so have my collected information and brainstorming
#therian#therianthropy#therian things#wolf therian#wolfkin#canine therian#caninekin#canine theriotype#dogkin#alaskan black wolf#diet#canine eats
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How to follow a Mediterranean Greek diet
The Mediterranean diet naturally expands throughout the coastal countries of South Europe, North Africa and the Middle East but there are some small differences between their cuisines. So here I am writing specifically about the Greek version of the Mediterranean diet, known for its delicious, natural flavours and its significant health benefits.

Eat daily:
Olive oil: the pillar, the liquid green gold of the Mediterranean Greek diet. Olive oil should be used ideally exclusively for all purposes. It's dressing salads, it's used in cooking and in fact it's traditionally what is used in frying too. Replace all types of oils, butter and margarine with olive oil even when making pastries. The only problem here is that outside of the Mediterranean basin olive oil can be pricey, however that's the foundation the diet is based on. If you are interested in following the traditional Greek diet for taste or health purposes, it is good to really incorporate olive oil in your daily cooking. If it’s not possible to afford buying olive oil all the time (although you could balance it out by not buying other oils and butter), a non-Greek-typical but equivalent alternative could be avocado oil. However, I doubt avocado oil or any other oil can remotely compare to olive oil in health properties, taste or in any other positive quality 🫒
Vinegar: Just like olive oil, vinegar is a very important ingredient and is also used in natural remedies However, it can hurt a sensitive GI tract if consumed in large portions. A little bit of it added to meals frequently is very healthy. Apple cider vinegar is also very loved and used in salads often 🍇
Vegetables: no portion can be too much (wild greens, garlic, onions, cauliflowers, cucumbers, eggplants, beets, peppers, spinach, artichokes, zucchini, peas, lettuce, the list never ends). Tomatoes and broccoli are recent additions to the Greek diet however they were integrated perfectly to the Greek cuisine. In general, all vegetables can be enjoyed freely with some moderation in the potatoes, especially when fried 🥗
Fruits: grapes, berries, apples, melons, cherries, figs, prunes, sour cherries, peaches, pomegranates are the most historically loved fruits in the Greek diet. Since the middle ages citruses like the orange, the lemon and the mandarin are more and more loved. Greeks nowadays use lemon almost more than vinegar and both have become integral components of the Greek diet. Obviously, tropical fruits like, say, banana, mango, grapefruit are not present in the traditional Greek diet, however all fruits are good fruits and you can enjoy them freely 🍎
Legumes. Eat freely to the tolerance of your body. Legumes can be too heavy for some GI tracts. Legumes are a great source of protein and fibre. Choose brown lentils, white beans, fava beans, chickpeas, giant beans and black eyed peas the most 🫘
Nuts, seeds: almonds, walnuts, sunflower seeds, peanuts etc. Eat as much as your body can take, because everybody is different 🥜
Mushrooms: mushroom it up! A great healthy way to have them is grilled with herbs and plain or apple cider vinegar dressing 🍄🟫
Whole grains: this is the traditional way to eat grains. Brown bread, oats, whole wheat pasta 🌾
Fish and seafood: find and eat them fresh. Instead of buying them deep frozen from the big markets, find local fish stores if your place is coastal and has them. Eat both large but especially small and medium sized fish. Some fish like salmon and tuna should ideally not be consumed daily due to their high levels of mercury and fats 🐟🎣🍤
Herbs and spices. Feel free to use as much as you want however if you are interested also in the flavours of the Greek diet besides the health benefits, a tip is that Greek dishes do not contain extremely hot spices 🌿
Water: A lot of water daily and, mind you, plain clear mineral water. No flavoured water, definitely not sparkling water and ideally no other liquids in place of the water. I mean, sure you can have liquids but you should ALSO have plain water 💧
Eat a few times per week:
Poultry: Poultry and lean meats entered the Greek cuisine mostly after the Middle Ages however they are nowadays enjoyed as part of the Greek Mediterranean diet because they are tasty and healthier than other types of meat. Chicken has become especially popular in the Greek cuisine. Other birds are the pheasant, the quail, the turkey and more sparsely the duck 🍗
Eggs: eggs are healthy and should be consumed a few times per week but not daily because they can cause a rise in cholesterol levels 🥚
Dairy: Greeks LOVE dairy products, especially the various types of cheese, however they are often irritating to the GI tract and they are linked with rises in the level of inflammation in the body. This is why you should ideally limit them to a few times per week. One exception is the yoghurt, which is fermented and can be perhaps consumed more frequently due to its beneficial properties. Important note: if you want to follow the Greek diet, you should ideally opt for milk and other dairy products from goats and sheep! Cow milk is not traditionally used in the Greek cuisine often and sheep and goat milk are significantly healthier and more nutritious. The only drawback is the stronger smell, however if you can get past that, it is strongly advised to switch to those instead of cow milk. Another note: what is known as “Greek yoghurt” in western countries is not in fact a true Greek yoghurt. What you call Greek yoghurt is to us simply a strained yoghurt, a yoghurt from which the whey has been removed. Sometimes in western markets (and in Greek “modern” dessert yoghurt products) butterfat and powdermilk is added to them and they are mostly made of cow’s milk. Again, a traditional Greek yoghurt is made of sheep, goat milk or a mix of both and is unstrained. It also has a trademark thickened skin on its top (dunno if this is the actual term lol) which is in fact the part of the yoghurt that contains the most nutrients and personally it’s the tastiest part of the yoghurt but apparently it is not for everyone. As an example, a study showed that an unstrained sheep yoghurt has more protein, more omega-3 fatty acids and minerals yet fewer calories and fats than a strained cow yoghurt 🍦🧀
Wine: in small portions, like a small glass up to a few times per week and always in combination with your meal. You don’t drink it to get hammered, you drink it for the health benefits it has in very moderate quantities and for the reasonable mild euphoria it causes before it becomes harmful. The GI tract is linked to the brain and is detrimentally influenced by negative emotions. This is why it is important to try to be in a good mood, relaxed and peaceful when you sit down to eat. A sip of wine now and then can be good for that 🍷
Eat once per week or ideally less:
Red meat like pork or beef. In fact, beef should be the one most avoided not only because it is indeed the rarest of the common meats used in traditional Greek cuisine but also because you can’t separate the fat from the meat as easily as with pork. To follow the Greek style in a healthy way opt for goat, then lamb or pork and make beef your most occasional meat dish 🥩
Processed meats should be eaten rarely. If you are in a mood for it though, opt for Greek style sausages with herbs in or bacon at most. Cured meats like ham are better to be avoided but turkey is the healthiest of them. They are not a part of a traditional Greek cuisine though.
Refined grains can be enjoyed weekly but should not replace whole grains
Pastries. What’s new, pastries are not ideal for health. However, if you are yearning for something sweet, if you want to keep it healthy as much as possible in the “Greek way”, opt for desserts made of healthy ingredients like honey, nuts, olive oil and fruits. Chocolate came to Greece in the 19th century, however it has become an integral part of confectionery since then. Opt ideally for dark chocolate, combined with nuts or fruits such as oranges and prunes. Greeks especially love chocolate combined with nuts.
Soft and sugary drinks. Avoid them overall, especially the processed products in the markets. If you need a sweet drink really bad, you can keep it traditional by making your own sweet lemonade, sour cherry, pomegranate etc drink at home. You could also enjoy small quantities of lemon or mastic liquors which are good for digestion.
Try to find mastic if it’s available where you live. The mastic is a resin produced from the mastic tree, a species endemic to the Greek island of Chios and a small part of the opposite coast of Turkey. It has numerous beneficial properties, especially for digestion and gut health, and it combines them with a very pleasant fresh and sweet flavour. You can find it in gums that boost digestion, in drinks, in pastries and even in non-edible products like toothpastes. Learn about it and give it a try, no matter if you are interested in following Greek diet or not.
Greek cuisine does not go berserk on as many ingredients as possible (however Greeks typically add more ingredients than, say, Italians and perhaps fewer than the Middle Easterners). Don’t worry about adding as many foods and nutrients in one single dish. The most important thing in Greek cuisine philosophy is to pick the finest ingredients. Avoid deep frozen or precooked and processed ingredients. Pick whole fruits and vegetables from your local small grocery store. For example, don’t buy a watermelon slice in a zelatin bag from the supermarket. Take the whole freaking watermelon home. You heard me right. It’s heavy, yes, but you would be surprised how much tastier and healthier it is this way. Go to the butcher for meat. Go to the specific cheese shop for cheese. Go to the fisherman for fish and seafood. Go to the pastry shop and get a nice dessert instead of buying candies from the market.
Remember that in moderation you can eat most of the foods you desire, especially if they are not processed foods. There is nothing about the Greek diet that is restrictive in terms of its philosophy - historically the intake of various foods was regulated only based on availability and price. There are no foods you should limit due to any perception of them being “bad” and you should never feel guilty the moment you are actually having the food. Just work slowly and progressively by building gradual appreciation for healthy foods and prize less nutritious foods as occasional taste bud rewards.
As said above, a good mood is crucial when you sit down to eat. In the history of the Greek society this translated into eating with friends and / or family, maybe with the occasional sip of wine, ideally in a pleasant environment and always taking your time with your food. If some of these are less feasible than others, try alternatively to improve the setting in which you eat, to eat in an environment that calms you down. Schedule your meal so that you won’t eat in anxiety or hurry, if this is possible. Think of pleasant memories and feel grateful for your food. Cheers! Or, you know, εις υγείαν!

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you heard of trump project 2025 but prepare yourself for MY orthoanoreximia ariana inspired project of 2025
disclaimer: this is for me and only me, I do not recommend to follow this rules, I support recovering, this is my blog and my safe space to deal with my ed without the fear of being judge, if this triggers you please feel free to block me.
this will start on January first and will last all 2025.

(ariana grande, cynthia erivo, anya taylor joy, rosé and natalia osipova)
1) 900 calories. not less. not more.
2) if I binge, I purge.
3) walk 15000 to 20000 steps everyday to burn 600-800 calories.
4) pilates/workout at least 3 days a week, not less than 30 minutes, this is to tone and tighten everything so that in the long run I won't be having loose skin.
5) eat as healthy as you can, additives and preservatives are your worst enemies, prioritize whole food like veggies, eggs, legumes, oats etc.
6) do intuitive eating, if you need to do omad do omad, if you need to do 3 low cal meals do 3 low cal meals.
7) it's 2025 and you're still dehydrated!! embarrassing. drink 2 litres of water everyday.
8) weight yourself EVERYDAY (with exceptions for *see rules for weight in*)
10) measure yourself once a week.
1) first gw 65 kilos
2) second gw 62.5 kilos
3) third gw 60 kilos
4) fourth gw 57.5 kilos
5) fifth gw 55 kilos
6) sixth gw 52.5 kilos
7) seventh gw 50 kilos
8) ultimate gw 48 kilos
1) play the violin
2) play the piano
3) listen to music
4) study
5) smoke
6) vape
7) walk and talk by yourself
8) watch a movie
9) clean
10) do occasional self care (face masks, warm bath, paint your nails etc)
let's pray this will work because I'm fucking tired of not being skinny. I deserve it.
#girlblogging#4nor3xia#wongyoungism#i want to lose weight#tw ed ana#weight loss#tw 3d vent#i wanna be sk1nn1#orthorexx#3ating d1sorder
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📢 For more than a year, we have been displaced. We left our homes destroyed by war😪 and left homeless. We have not tasted meat,🍗 chicken eggs🥚 or fruit 🍑🍓🍌for more than a year. We live on bread crumbs🍞🥖 that we can hardly get.😭
We eat some canned🥫🧃 legumes that we get from the support of international charitable organizations.🙏 Even vegetables are not available, and if they are available, they are expensive and we cannot buy them.
So we planted some vegetable seeds next to the tent we live in, and we hope it works out.🤲🙏
Although it is not easy due to the lack of water and the difficulty of obtaining it to water the crops, we are trying.
We address the merciful people in the world,📢 to stand with us in these harsh circumstances, and to provide us with assistance in these harsh circumstances. So we can provide food, drink and clothes to the children to protect them from the extreme cold.🙏 🚒 🚑

Please help by donating, supporting and spreading my campaign. 🚨🚒🚑🚨
I am very grateful to you.🙏 Please donate link here. 👇
#france#ireland#sweden#church of ireland#peace lovers#vienna#scotland#finland#free gaza#free palestine#russian church#church#gofund.me#please help#send help#help families#90 ghost#american girl#americana#american people
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Beans beans the magic fruit
The more you eat
the more you Crave
The more you need
The more you lose!
Sell your soul for the ancient legumes
(by Tom cardy)
#hermitcraft#hermitcraft fanart#mcyt fanart#impulsesv#impulsesv fanart#demon impulse#dose of impulse#paw beans#team zits
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Eating Well
If you are someone who struggles to figure out what to eat, this post may help.
There is a lot of information out there about eating well. It's important to know it's not as complicated as most guides try to make it. The following is a simple way of looking at food adapted from David Werner's Where There Is No Doctor:
You need a main food, or foods. A "Main Food" is one or more starch bases, like pasta/noodles, bread/tortilla/biscuits, hominy, rice, potatoes, taro, millet, barley, or another grain or starchy tuber.
These are usually cheap and should make up a majority of your calories. They often also provide an amount of protein, vitamins and minerals.
However, living on starchy bases alone is not adequate. To them, you need to add at least one or two each of "Go Foods", "Grow Foods" and "Glow Foods" every day.
"Go Foods" are energy foods. They are things like oils, fats, peanuts, other nuts, oily seeds (like sesame and sunflower), and sugars (like granulated sugar, honey, maple syrup, and fruit juices). Eat more of these if you are doing heavy work. They can also replace some of your Main Food, though they are often somewhat more expensive.
"Grow Foods" are foods that build muscle and other body tissues and heal injuries. They include animal foods (like meat, eggs, milk, and fish), legumes (beans, peas, peanuts, and lentils), and seeds (pumpkin, sesame, sunflower, melon, etc...).
"Glow Foods" are foods that contain a lot of vitamins and minerals. These include dark green leafy vegetables (spinach, kale, collards, turnip greens, radish greens, etc...), orange vegetables (carrots, pumpkins, sweet potatoes, tomatoes, peppers, winter squash of any kind, etc...), fruits (apples, pears, berries, quince, etc...) and other vegetables (turnips, radishes, summer squash, onions, cabbage, etc...), herbs and spices (chili powder, garlic, cumin, thyme, oregano, sage, cinnamon, etc...).
Example meals (each meal does not need to contain all types of foods, as long as someone is eating some of each every day):
A rice bowl (Main) with vegetable (Glow) and bean (Grow) curry (Glow).
Oatmeal (Main) with whole or coconut milk (Go, Grow) and berries (Glow)
Spaghetti (Main) with tomato sauce (Glow) and meatballs (Grow)
Tapioca pudding (Main, Grow, Go) with cinnamon and nutmeg (Glow)
Farrow (Main) with stewed tomatoes (Glow) and olive oil (Go)
Zucchini boats (Glow) with black beans (Grow), rice (Main) and cheese (Go, Grow)
Baked potato (Main) with broccoli (Glow) and cheese (Go, Grow)
Potato (Main) and spinach (Glow) curry (Glow)
Whole fat yogurt (Grow, Go), granola (Main, Go), and berries (Glow)
Peanut butter (Go, Grow) and jam (Go, Glow) on toast (Main)
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Natural alternatives to l4x4tives
Continuation to my post about l4x4tive safety, a list of natural alternatives to l4x4tives. Hoping that this inspires someone to not go down the path of using l4x, or helps someone achieve a ummm bowel movement
List of natural alternatives:
Fiber: eat more fiber. Total recommended fiber intake for females is 25 grams and for males 38 grams. There are two main different types of fiber that you can eat, and the best for constipation is to get a good mix of both types. A diet cutting out carbs, and a diet with a restricted intake is likely to be deficient in fiber.
Insoluble fibers: adds bulk to poop and makes it pass through your digestive system faster. Sources for insoluble fiber include wheat bran, whole grains, leafy greens, fruit and vegetables, cauliflower, brown rice
Soluble fibers: softens the poop and improves its consistency, helping it pass easier.
Sources for soluble fibers include oats, barley, peas, some fruits, carrots and legumes, as well as psyllium, which studies show is a helpful source of good fiber for constipation
Glucomannan/shirataki noodles: Glucomannan is a type of soluble fiber found in the roots of that konjac plant. Sources include shirataki noodles and supplements.
Coffee, caffeinated coffee: For some people, drinking coffee can stimulate your digestive muscles. A study from 1998 found that caffeinated coffee has 60% more of an effect on the digestive system than water, and drinking more water is also a thing that can help with constipation.
Water: stay hydrated!! Seriously, dehydration can cause constipation. Drink some water, even carbonated water works (NOT soda or coffee or something else that doesn’t hydrate you so well)
Castor oil: Swallowing castor oil can have the effect of making defecating easier
Prunes/prune juice: prunes contain a compound called sorbitol, which can have laxative effects and is pretty effective. The effective dose is about 7 regular-sized prunes or 50 g of prune puree, but pooping is worth it imho
#34t1ng d1s0rd3r#3ating d1sorder#3d blog#3d f4st#3d not sheeran#3dtmblr#4n0r3x!4#4n@diary#4nor3xia#@n@ tips#tw ed ana#a4a diary#ana rexx#ana tip#ednotedsheeran#tw ed implied#@na rules#@n@ buddy#@na blog#@na buddy#@na motivation#@n@ diet#@n0r3xi4#@na shit#harm reduction#4n4blr#4n4m1a#4namia#4norexla#tw 3d vent
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dad what do we do when the world goes to hell. im scared
If you have the money, buy a firearm and learn how to use it. Nothing crazy—a .22 rifle is good enough. It'll take an elk if you know where to shoot.
Plant a victory garden and learn to can. Root vegetables and proteins are your best friends—that means potatoes, onions, garlic, legumes like peas and beans. Cowpeas are good if you live in an arid region in case you can't afford water or don't have water in accessible enough quantities to be using it for crops. If you have the space, allow for corn as well, as long as it's not sweet corn. Get Dark Star zucchini—it's a cultivar bred for drought conditions, with deep roots—along with melons like rockmelon and pumpkins, and also tomatoes. All of these are deep-rooting and will be able to water themselves with little supplementation if your water is limited. You'll also want crucifer crops for the sake of vitamin C. Crucifers don't use much water either.
(Make a rain barrel, on that note.)
If you have the outdoor space, you want to have rabbits. Rabbit meat tastes like chicken, it only takes a few months for them to reach slaughter age (you'll want to do this when they're around 5lb/2kg for maximum profit on the meat), and they will thrive on nothing except access to fresh grass or dried hay. They're silent, so your neighbours won't complain about noise that could get your chooks taken away in a suburban environment, they're easy to house, easy to slaughter, easy to skin, you can sell their hides or use them yourself if you learn how to tan them and work them, and the best part is that rabbits are considered one of the best producers of cold manure. Cold manure means that you don't need to compost their manure before using it, as it won't burn the roots of your crops. The ONLY downside to rabbits is that their meat is extremely lean. If you eat nothing but rabbit meat, you will starve to death. You need to supplement fat from elsewhere, which brings us to our next bit...
Pumpkin seeds and sunflower seeds are your best friend if the agricultural system completely shuts down. You can grow both of these at home, and the seeds are high in fat. Your body and brain (ESPECIALLY YOUR BRAIN) needs fat to survive. This is why people starve to death when they only eat rabbits or squirrels or other small, lean game. Another good source of fat is fish, especially salmon and trout, but your ability to find those depends on your location.
I'm telling you all this because it's how my grandparents got through the Great Depression. I hope you won't need any of this, but it's here just in case.
Above all else, just help each other. Be there for your neighbour so that they'll be there for you. Be patient. Be kind. Be understanding. "What you have done for the lowest amongst you, so you have done for me." I think Jesus said that, or something.
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hey goopers and gunkers, here is, drumroll please
All of them council quotes from my quotebook (ft markiplier)
"Your blood is worms" -slimecicle
"Eenie meenie miney fuck you" -gillion tidestrider
"This is not the becoming of a prince. This is the becoming of a monster" -shilo bathroy
"I have a lot of opinions, none of them matter" -chip
"You must have confidence in yourself peter. Only then will you slay pussy like you slay gods" -thanatos
"I've never met God, but when I do I'll break him." -William wisp
"Great rune of the unborn? What is that, like an abortion perk?" -slimecicle
"What if you were like oh let me just check if the floor is real and you kicked it one day and it just disappeared, you'd probably be like of fuck I shouldldnt have done that" -slimecicle
"What do you really want? And just say it so I can fight for it" -gillion tidestrider
"Welp, you know what they say! When life gives you wolves, kill them. Also what? " -slimecicle
"Oh my Lord I smell estrogen" -slimecicles chat
"I'm beans mother fucker" -slmccl
"Two Mommy?"-Gillion Tidestrider
"This Jesus guy seems really cool!"-Gillion
"I can't wait to k*ll myself!" -Jay Ferin
"That girl just bit me. and I think I was into it?"-Jay Ferin
"If you zoot one more time im gonna choke you."-Rumi
"Yippe"-Dakota Cole
"I'm just gonna kms and its gonna be your fault!" -Bizly ooc
"Ahhghduhiejbagci wa"-Kian Stone
"Julian the groomer… has a nice ring to it" -julian
"Its.. sewer ravioli!"-Dakota
"i didn't really think destiny was a thing before i met you, you know everything i had in life was just kinda a shitty hand . i really think it was you that made me feel like we were right where we were supposed to be, you're my friend you know- id drown the world for you" -chip
"That must have been a slant rime because she seemed pretty tilted" -slimecicle
"Be the beans you wish to see in the world" -slimecicle
"A vagina with fangs? Bitchin… What? It sounds stimulating" -grizzlyplays
"Even If it was all inevitable… I'm glad we were written into the same story" -Gillion Tidestrider
"Niklaus is making a deal with russian Goku rn"-Bizly i believe ooc if not Chip
"Fuck my fucking gay ass life" -condifiction
"SKIBOMBAY" -gillion tidestrider
"He looks like a stop sign and has an ass disorder Its not my fault" -William wisp
"Dude you've GOTTA get advantage on this, dude is built like an among us" -slimecicle
"Beans. Beans. I grow my own beans. They are local and they are green. If you taste them you won't be mean. Come on now and try some beans. If you mean business, then trust my bean business. Have a legume, it won't be your doom. Have a legume, you will enjoom. I see your attitude is kind of mean, but you know what cheers me up? My beans. I grow em in the garden, they don't grow far from my home. Beans. I'm in the BEAN ZONE." -slimecicle
"I am weaponless but not defenceless" -slimecicle
"Don't play the game, eat the dirt, win." -slimecicle
"You underestimate the power of SEX" -slimecicle
"aHgiA- FORTNITE" -slimecicle
Demonic rambling -slimecicle
"People will say eating chicken nuggets is bad for you, YOU KNOW WHAT ELSE IS BAD FOR YOU? BEING A LITTLE BITCH. WHAT ARE YOU SPONSORED BY SALAD?" -grizzlyplays
"That's right I got two extra hearts and a wooden sword what the fuck are you going to do about it god" -charlie slimecicle
"I'm grabbing bed knife and I'm grabbing bed spear and I'm duel wielding that shit" -markiplier
#jrwi#gayyyy#jrwi podcast#just roll with it#slimecicle#jrwi prime defenders#jrwi gillion#jrwi riptide#grizzlyplays#markiplier#jrwishow#jrwi show
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