#created headmate culture
myriadeyed · 2 years
The dumbest part of the whole system origins fight imo, apart from like all of it, is the way people will try the "DID is an inherently trauma-based disorder! You can't just diagnose yourself with DID and push into DID spaces! Stop trying to de-medicalize DID, it's inherently disordered!"
I... never said we have DID.
Or any disorder at all.
We're just vibing dude. We're just five creatures hanging out. I don't know how four of us happened, they just did. We don't even switch. Why would I diagnose myself with a disorder I don't have the symptoms of. Or push into a space we have no need for. Leave us alone and we'll leave you alone. We don't have DID. You're killing me.
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sophieinwonderland · 6 months
An Autism culture blog is spreading misinformation about endogenic systems...
The misinformation:
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Naturally, all of this is wrong.
The only true statement here is "you could probably learn a lot more about these things in your own research." Because yeah... Doing your own research is likely to bring you to actually valid sources of information instead of whatever this is.
Real Information:
Endogenic systems are not a "fake form of dissociative disorder."
Endogenic systems ARE plural systems who experience multiple agents, or "headmates," sharing the same body in some way without trauma. Usually, endogenic systems don't even report having any sort of dissociative disorder at all.
And this is a real experience that's been repeatedly acknowledged by the psychiatric community.
So much so that the World Health Organization's diagnostic handbook, the ICD-11, specifically states that you can experience the presence of multiple "distinct identity states" without a mental disorder.
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"Distinct identity states" is the same wording the ICD-11 uses to describe alters that characterized DID:
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It's also acknowledged in the book Transgender Mental Health by Eric Yarbrough, which was reviewed and published by the American Psychiatric Association, that you can be plural without trauma or a disorder:
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Additionally, the phrasing that endogenic plurality "mocks and invalidates people who are actually plural" is especially harmful as it erases and rewrites a huge part of plural history. That is, the fact that "plural" is an inclusive term coined and popularized to by non-disordered and endogenic systems.
Back in the 90s, the popular term that was used was "multiple," originating with "multiple personality disorder," the old name for DID.
The shift towards using "plural" was an effort by non-disordered systems to distance themselves from medical and pathologizing language. As you can see from this article from the 90s:
We don't claim that every multiple system/household is a happy loving cooperative one. What we do question is the *identification* of "real multiples" with the characteristics or symptoms of a psychological disorder. We go further: we question by what right or authority doctors and therapists are given sole jurisdiction over the definition of "an individual".
This is one reason our clan encourages use of the word "plural" rather than "multiple". "Multiple", even standing by itself, brings to mind MPD/DID, "multiple personality disorder", "dissociative identity disorder", which are specific diagnoses created by the medical/therapeutic community. "Plural" is a much more neutral word, more commonly heard in the context of grammar than psychiatry. (The other reason, of course, is that plural can be construed to have a broader meaning, applying to anyone(s) anywhere on the continuum who experience themselves as plural in some way. )
The Bottom Line:
An autism culture blog should be lifting up all neurodivergents. Not spreading misinformation about them and encouraging hate!
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delphientropy · 3 months
as well as why! i'll add on as i go!:)
we do NOT condone harassment, please just block.
includes: pro/endos, radqueer, transID, anti good faith, and more!! XP
first off, so were on the same page, what are these and why are they bad?
pro/endos: try to demedicalize a dissociative disorder, claim you can be a system without trauma, more info here 👉 [X] [X] (both are carrds that link multiple sources) (sorry they didnt save ill put it in later)
radqueer: these are people who transIDs (transage, transrace, etc. these people claim to identify as a different race or even pretend to "transition" into being disabled like transautistic) or ARE them.
anti good faith: good faith identities are basically identities made in good faith. this tends to encompass "contradictory" identities such as lesboys and other mspec identities. anti good faith people police gender and sexuality identities and invalidate these peoples experiences and try to exclude them from spaces or tell them what THEIR sexuality is. dont be misguided into thinking you're doing good if you exclude these people, its splitting up the lgbtq+ community, and thats what they (TERFs, anti-lgbtq+) want us to do.
now onto the blocklist!:)
radfems, TERFs, and transmeds
pach1-pach1 (deleted his dni but befor it was deleted it said that they support vivzie, are anti xenogenders and neoprns iirc, and anti good faith. a reply on my post abt telling ppl to block them also said theyre a transmed, so did another account. theyve also been seen harassing anti endos despite claiming to be it himself) (they own syspunk-is-anti-endo-losers as well)
analog-transid (also transID, as implied in the name) (they run the blog alters-in-a-box which is one of those alter pack things)
whore-hangout (its 18+ as implied keep yourself safe)
cardsoffools (harassed me and told me to kms 🫶)
fools-temps (run by cardsoffools)
maskaphiliax (also transID, also they have alfreds playhouse in their banner so please be safe)
kowalapantheon (also a.. "plural aligned singlet?") (headmate blogs are nonexistent-loli, trans-obsessive-love-disorder, ex-harmful-transpeaceful)
forced-silence (18+, lots of violence, please beware on their page)
zomb-bunny (also think they harassed someone??? i cant remember or find the post)
parxgender (also ace exclusive, anti pan/omni, and anti mogai)
yourfavehatesmspeclesbians (because god forbid someone have a complex relationship with gender and sexuality.)
pollingsystems (also doesnt believe in transandrophobia. wtf.)
anti-lies (spreads misinformation that can be paranoia-inducing)
theinfernalcollective (claims that bullying isnt valid enough to be a system) (TRAUMA IS TRAUMA.)
disys (same as above)
permababy (transID, doesnt label themself as radqueer but does reblog it)
problema-non-grata (pro transID discourse blog)
thefakersystem (demonizes systems and those with personality disorders, anti good faith, fakeclaimer (literally, fakeclaims EVERYONE.) harasses people minding their own business, overall the worst asshole i think ive ever blocked. dear fucking lord.)
cringey-systems (dumbbb dumb baby fakeclaimer doesnt think systems are real dumb idiot baby man who reblogs systems and calls them fake because they have no life ♡)
(people who make ID packs for people to "create" their own headmates, all are pro endo, radqueer, and transID)
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syscultureis · 2 months
System Culture is never understanding why someone would want this.
I've had to hold my headmate while he sobbed over something. I wasn't sure what to do. I'm not good at the whole 'comforting' thing. Why would anyone want this? It's creates such a powerless feeling.
[-Cadmus (The Story System)]
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Info and Resources for Questioning Systems
Our old post with resources is out of date and doesn’t have that much information, so we’ve decided to put this together! Please let us know if we should make any corrections or if you have resource ideas you’d like us to add to this post.
NOTE: Before we get started, it’s so important to mention that every system should rule out trauma first before considering other origins. This is because complex dissociative disorders can present in covert ways, and function by hiding trauma from some alters. Even if you’re certain you’re not traumatized, please research and understand complex dissociative disorders before learning about other origin types. It’s possible to not remember or misunderstand trauma. Ruling it out first will save you a lot of difficulty and heartache in the future!
NOTE 2: As a system, we understand the terms “tulpa” and “tulpamancy” are cultural appropriation, and believe that as a community a different term for these systems should be selected. However, until that happens, we will continue to link handy resources for these sorts of systems.
Now, onto the resources!
This is not a complete list! If there’s any resource you’ve found useful and would like us to add, please get in touch!
CDD (DID and OSDD-1) Specific:
Beauty after Bruises, and especially their article on myths and misconceptions about DID
Multiplied by One, a DID nonprofit that has a wealth of resources on dissociative disorders and CPTSD (and offering support for those in need!)
First Person Plural, another great nonprofit
ISSTD’s public resources
The Cleveland Clinic’s page on DID
Survivors’ Network (not to be confused with the Survivors’ Network Discord) page on DID
The National Alliance on Mental Illness’ info on dissociative disorders
DIS-SOS, a blog with tons of info on trauma, dissociation, and living with both
osdd.one, a site with information on complex dissociative disorders with a focus on OSDD-1
NAMI Michigan’s DID fact sheet
The Healthy Place’s blog on Dissociative Living
Non-CDD Specific:
What is Plurality/Multiplicity? by YoppVoice
More than One
Tulpa.io, Tulpanomicon, and Tulpa.info, all sites where tulpas, thoughtforms, willomates, and their creators can share their experiences
The Daemon Page
Daemonism 101
Manchester Metropolitan University’s Understanding Multiplicity
Plurality-Resources (traumagenic, not CDD, specific)
The Plurality Playbook, a resource for plurality in the workplace (for employees and managers)
Endogenic Hub
The Dissociative Initiative includes resources for both CDD systems and others who experience multiplicity
Soulbonding Info Carrd
Pluralpedia, a plurality wiki created and maintained by systems for systems
The System Speak Podcast
The Bag System Podcast
Tumblr Blogs:
The Alexandrite System
The Rings System
The CTAD Clinic
(psst! if you’re an endogenic/not-trauma formed system YouTuber, please let us know! we’d love to check out your videos and add your channel to this list!)
This Google Drive folder has 13 books on mental health, with a focus on dissociative disorders and trauma.
This Google Drive folder also has a bunch of great resources (keep in mind there are some repeats in both drives)
UTEP’s Mental Health Awareness Training infographic on dissociative disorders
Our own posts on Understanding DID, Establishing Contact with Headmates, Dissociative Amnesia, and Depersonalization vs. Derealization
Seeking help through therapy:
(specifically specialists in dissociative disorders)
Psychology Today’s search page for finding therapists who specialize in dissociative disorders
Carolyn Spring’s article, How to find a therapist for a dissociative disorder
The ISSTD’s Find a Therapist page
Websites we do NOT recommend can be found here! Note: some of the resources we’ve linked here have their own links to websites we don’t recommend. Please use your best judgement when visiting sites, and understand that we as a system DO NOT endorse the sites listed in the link above, even if we’ve included resources that link to those sites.
We hope y’all are able to find some of this useful! Again, please let us know if you have any resources you’d like us to add to this list. Thanks so much, everyone!
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garden-of-mancers · 17 days
Hihihi! I wasn't sure who to come to for this info, and I couldn't find anything related to this, so if you don't have an answer/insufficient research or something like that, then feel free to ignore this! /gen/neu
What's the difference between a tulpamancy and imagimancy? Ty if you answer this ask! <333
No problem! Full disclosure: I have done more research into the Buddhist origins of tulpamancy, but I'm not Buddhist or a tulpamancer, so if I get any academic or cultural information wrong, I apologize.
So, tulpamancy has an origin in Buddhist spirituality, and the modern western "tulpamancy" you see on tumblr is a misappropriated version of it.
In Tibetan Buddhism, tulpamancy is the act of creating a thoughtform (tulpa) with the goal for it to become an autonomous person through developing independent thought, emotions, etc. These thoughtforms are also called "emanations" or "emanation bodies" depending on the Buddhist you're talking to. Most tulpas also break away from their creators once they reach autonomy, therefore completing a cycle or the exercise. I know it's originally supposed to be an exercise to teach the Buddhist student *something* about nirvana and being a living human, but I can't remember or figure out what the specific goal is, so I apologize if any part of this explanation is 'off.' I'm not Buddhist, so I encourage you to take my answer as a starting-off point to do your own research into the topic.
Here's a reddit post by a Tibetan Buddhist on tulpamancy, and here's another reddit thread with multiple insights on the purpose of tulpas.
Appropriated tulpamancy like you see on tumblr, where the tulpamancer is making more than one thoughtform, isn't working towards the goal of autonomy, or is utilizing manifestation techniques to create headmates or "friends" is not tulpamancy. It's thoughtformism--it's a completely different practice that is just using terminology from a different (religious and culturally charged) practice. It should not be practiced under the guise of tulpamancy. It's not cultural appropriation because you're white, (anyone can convert to Buddhism); it's cultural appropriation because you're using terms and ideas in a way completely divorced from the original (cultural, religious) context.
(This cultural shift didn't start on tumblr, by the way. Occultists and westerners were recontextualizing and appropriating tulpas long before people on tumblr did it.)
After a lot of POC and Buddhists criticized the tulpa community, a few secular thoughtformist communities have come up. Daemonism is one example, where the "lore" and framework around your thoughtform is based on the novel His Dark Materials by Philip Pullman. (Although, what I've seen in the community is that daemians can play pretty fast and loose with the rules and no one really minds it.) But a lot of thoughtformists I've seen on tumblr just seem to make a certain flavor of dude (like a servitor, egregore, godhead--all things I'm not yet familiar enough with to explain) without tulpamancy OR daemonism as a label (which is a good thing!).
Imagimancy is the latest thoughtformist community to come up, and in my perspective, it feels like a "configurable" experience in thoughtformism. There's no more religious or cultural context, there's no more lore from already-existing books or movies, there aren't even any occulty or mystical labels if you don't want there to be. It's just... imaginary friends, but taken seriously and refined into a practice or activity that "older kids" and adults can do in a fulfilling way. To me, imagimancy IS the closest thing to what appropriated "tulpamancers" wanted tulpamancy to be. There are no rules or restrictions. One of the co-coiners of the imagimancy term describes imagimancy as "not trying to reinvent or relabel things; just filling the gaps between [thoughtformist] communities," and I think that's the best explanation out there tbh.
This isn't a "tulpas dni" post or anything like that; I'm interested in everyone's experiences of thoughtformism, even if someone's vocabulary isn't the most culturally sensitive. But I am very much in the ballpark of "what you're doing isn't tulpamancy. Call it something else" as a person tbh.
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clowncaraz · 23 days
Empsys, Empsyse
("emp-sis"), ("emp-seas")
A reclaimation of the "empty system" term. This isn't to claim that empty systems are bad or their term is not good, it is to create a new culture surrounding empty systemhood and how it functions.
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What is an empsys?
An empsys is a person who exists alone in a headspace/system for any reason, and is sometimes accompanied by other people at random intervals. An empsys does not need to be plural, and yet is aligned with being a plurallet.
The system can either choose an empsys or one can be selected at random. This is called a selected emp and a random emp.
How does one become an empsys?
Empsyse usually experience fusion, system collapse, hopping, or migration. All possibilities result in different kinds of empsyse.
Fusion - Empsyse left behind by fusion tend to have behaviors reminiscent of previous people who are now unified with said empsys. Can be caused by stress, trauma, coercion, etc.
Collapse - Empsyse that go through this are either normalized to the collapse through cycles, or experience a sudden disappearance of people in a short time. Can be caused by stress, trauma, coercion, etc.
Dormancy - Empsyse left behind by dormancy of other people. Caused by any factor.
Hopping - Empsyse left behind are usually not left alone for too long when people hop. Can be voluntary or involuntary.
Migration - Also known as Moving Out, empsyse who are left behind are most likely the permanent resident of the system who watches others leave to another world/reality. Voluntary.
So far, I have not seen definite terminology other than "fused empty system" being used frequently. Here are some empty system related terminology.
Displural - Someone who was previously plural system but now is not, and integration or fusion doesn't describe their experiences.
Corelet - The remaining headmate in an empty system.
UTB System - "Used-to-be" system. Once plural, now a singlet.
Backroomtien - "...Headmates seem to have 'no-clipped' out of the system."
Abysstien - "...empty system that fluctuates between having more than one member, but always inevitably goes back to having one."
Daromate - Imaginary mental figments based on headmates that had left, fused, or migrated from the system.
Comprestite - An umbrella term for any causation to empty systems.
For those who are empsyse.
Why do empty system spaces feel so desolate/depressive?
Systemhood is seen as this collective thing rather than an interpersonal journey with how you as the individual headmate experiences life with others you cannot always see/hear, but know they exist with you somehow. Since empty systemhood breaks that, whether intentional or not, it's no longer seen as system "enough" and is evaluated as being a singlet space. It can seem depressing because most if not all empsyse there just lost their friends, family, loved ones to comprestitude.
How does one adjust to being an empsyse?
Depending on who or what kind you are, it gets difficult as it goes. Some empsyse never adjust, others use methods such as journaling or reminding yourself that you are with them as one.
Can an empsys regrow the system?
Again, that varies. At certain intervals, people can just show up in the system again from wherever they disappeared from. It is possible for them to voluntary do so as well, with tulpamancy/willogenic origins - though I have not heard of any voluntary regrowth.
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hpdcultureis · 3 months
sys4sys hpd culture is not hearing from your bf in over 24 hours and your brain deciding that this was traumatic enough to create yet another headmate
- 💬
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exantiendocultureis · 3 months
ex-anti endo culture is doing research and finding out that transDID or whatever is NOT the same as endogenic systems
Ex anti-endo culture is...
(Yes!! Endogenic isn't "want to have DID" or "identify with DID, even not being bodily a DID system" (like transDID). Being more than one isn't exclusive of the DID + not all endogenic create their headmates — and even created systems, it isn't "created DID").
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system-voices · 3 months
What to do and not to do for Fictives Connected to a Culture that Isn't your own
by a Japanese fictive in a biracial (White/Honduran) body
Cultural Appropriation is a term that gets thrown around a fuck ton online these days. Here are some educational resources (and more) about it.
Basically, it means taking a culture that isn't your own. Plural systems have this problem with headmates sourced from media where their character is of a different race or ethnicity than the body itself.
So what the fuck do you do when you have a headmate like me who has a different race than the body, hm? Every system is different. Some systems only have their headspace bodies affected while others have headmates form with deeply connected identities that do not belong with the body.
We usually have headmates who are only connected by appearance to a race, but others are deeply connected to deal with cultural trauma we've experienced, not from source, and a culture outside the body affecting the development of a headmate.
Understanding why a headmate is wanting to connect to a culture or identity so much beyond an appearance is important to pinpoint. Is it internalized racism? Some strange concept including racial superiority or believing that race is a choice? Do some good god damn soul searching before diving head first into anything. We all know race is a touchy issue even outside the plural community.
Some rules of thumb no matter the answer are that:
1. Changing the physical body to fit a race outwardly is racist.
EX: A white/other presenting body begins to slowly aquire and appear as another race outwardly that isn't the one they were born as. This can involve surgery, cosmetics, use of slurs, speaking over POC on real-life issues, or even just flat out refusing to acknowledge the bodies race and ethnicity.
2. Claiming a closed culture or closed aspects of a culture is racist.
EX: A hesdmate wishing to dabble or participate in Voodoo, a closed culture, wouldn't be able to and why the affects of participating would have negative consequences. There are obligations as a white/other body you have to uphold in this world.
3. Forcing other hesdmates or the body to follow a specific culture or race that does not align with the body for malicious reasons is not only racist but just harmful in general.
EX: Wishing to claim an entire culture because they "deserve it", "want to make others feel bad," "use it against others," or "get access to spaces and rights they're not supposed to" are, I believe, stepping points in this direction.
This will be good starting points to weed out what racist ideals that may be affecting a headmate. If none of these apply and your headmate simply wants to interact with a culture with appreciation and to connect to themselves in safe ways, where do you go from there?
What to do when your Headmate wants to Connect to a Culture
I am a Japanese headmate because my source is based upon Japanese culture and written by an Asian man. However, my culture is not true Japanese culture. My home is based within a fictional version of Japan with different governments, laws, name structures, and history than the one of this world. When your Headmate identifies with a culture, know there are boundaries and perhaps only specific shared aspects that they long for.
For example, within my source, my name, Katsuki Bakugo, is made up of Japanese phrases and do not resemble real names of real people, intentionally by my creator for people outside his culture. Within my world they are common and not unusual. However, in this reality it is. This is a division of this reality and my own. It is still the Japanese language, but it holds no cultural significance outside of words a being chose to create fictional names.
I am capable of claiming my name and keeping it because it is but an aspect of a language that is open for others to interact with. Japanese is encouraged to be learned and taught. For this reason, keeping my name is not cultural appropriation. This may be difficult for other introjects, especially factives or those whose source stems from a tight intertwining of this reality and their own.
Researching your source name, it's history and why it was chosen, will help decide weather it is one crossing appropriation or simply a name you can still keep. I am lucky mine is not. You may not be.
Because my culture from source is influenced and reflects this realities Japanese Culture, that means certain cuisine and holidays I used to participate in are ones I may know or have memory of.
The solution is simple for this one. If the culture you are based upon or stem from has pieces of food, tradition, or holidays that are closed and unable to be shared or refuse to be shared. You simply give up that aspect and move on to the open, shared, and welcomed portions of the culture. Just because you are not within a body that presents as your race does not mean you cannot appreciate it to the extent that is allowed. But this also extends to the part where you just accept and effectively move on from those aspects of yourself to respect his reality and especially, most importantly, it's own people.
For example, I cook frequently in my system. Most foods I enjoy cooking involve cuisine with tofu, mostly soups, because it's my favorite type of food. The soups I cook are not sacred nor am I stealing them in this body. I researched if they are parts of Japanese culture that are open, shared, and encouraged to be learned and appreciated. If the Japanese culture, or any culture your Headmate wishes to connect with, gives you a wildly recognized green flag to participate, than you may. If not, deal with it.
The only reason I participate within Japanese culture despite living in a body that isn't my own in a world that isn't my own is because of multiple factors.
We as a system collectively have interest in other cultures. We read academic research, we involve and uplift POC voices and actually place our actions where our fucking mouth is. No, this doesn't give us a pass. But it DOES give us an understanding and access to what is right and wrong and how that will influence our decisions. We interact with open aspects of culture constantly and are aware of the dos and donts, continuing to learn all the while. We respect Japanese culture, so when I formed this aspect of it, I was allowed to take part as an outsider, to still have a taste of home. It isn't the bodies culture, but once was mine.
Whatever happens you listen to those of your culture from this world and you slaughter and murder the internalized racism you may have formed with. Anyone not willing to do so is a lost fucking cause.
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sophieinwonderland · 8 months
"Endogenesis" is a "Conspiracy Theory" According to r/systemscringe...
It finally happened. The hate subreddit, r/systemscringe, has made their hit list of acceptable targets to post uncensored.
If anyone is here from that sub because I was added to that hit list... first... hi! 👋
Second, I found this funny in their criteria for who qualifies...
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I briefly touched on them considering RAMCOA a conspiracy theory in another post so I'm not going to address that here. I'll leave that up to others who are more familiar with and educated on the topic than I.
No, I want to talk about the "endogenesis" part of that.
One may ask, who are all these whacky conspiracy theorists who believe you can have multiple agents, distinct personality states or "dissociative parts" with no trauma or mental disorders present?
Well, we can start with Richard Kluft, an expert in dissociative identity disorder, who referred to a possibility that there exists a nonpathological "endogenous" form of dissociative identity disorder back in 2001.
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While a one-off mention, this reference to a possible endogenous form of DID predated the adoption of the term "endogenic" by the plural community by a solid 13 years.
For more explicit support, there is Eric Yarbrough, who holds the highest honor from the American Psychiatric Association, as a Distinguished Fellow of the American Psychiatric Association.
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This book that explicitly acknowledges non-disordered and non-traumagenic plurality was reviewed and published by the American Psychiatric Association themselves.
We have Samuel Veissiere, professor of psychiatry at McGill University, who has written on the personhood of tulpas, a primarily psychological type of created headmate.
This was from a book that was peer reviewed and published by the highly reputable Oxford University Press.
We have the authors of the Haunted Self and creators of the Theory of Structural Dissociation, who have suggested hypnosis and mediumship may involve "self-conscious" "dissociated parts of the personality."
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While they don't explicitly say for certain they are, they do acknowledge the possibility and encourage further research.
And then you have the ICD-11 by the World Health Organization which states you can experience the presence of multiple distinct identity states without a disorder:
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"Distinct Identity States" is the term the ICD-11 uses for alters earlier on.
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And these are only to name a few.
At this point, endogenic and non-disordered plurality has been acknowledged and supported by numerous psychologists and psychiatrists.
It's been acknowledged as a possibility that needs to be researched by the creators of the Theory of Structural Dissociation.
It's been explicitly acknowledged in a book reviewed and published by the American Psychiatric Association.
It's been supported in the ICD-11 by the World Health Organization.
According to anti-science hate-subreddit r/systemscringe, all these people and institutions are conspiracy theorists.
One has to ask then who the real conspiracy theorists are? Are they the endogenic systems saying "look, this is what the scientists and major academic and medical institutions have said," or are they the people who just shout to the rooftops that the ones they disagree with are wrong? The ones who have encouraged a prominent psychiatrist to have their license revoked just for supporting endogenic systems in academic literature, the same exact way COVID-deniers attacked doctors who supported mask mandates?
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thebestcrew · 4 months
I gave this response to a post last night, but I think it deserves its own space and a little more polish.
So you think "the future is plural" means people want more people to be traumatized...
You know the people who are saying they want more people to be plural probably believe plurality can exist outside of trauma. While many see this slogan as spreading acceptance and awareness, others do truly mean they want to see plurality grow and more systems and headmates to exist. You are mad because you are taking the slogan and applying it to your own beliefs while forgetting it's a valid, hopeful statement to those who believe plurality is not reliant on trauma.
The big issue happening around the tags right now is that you only see plurality as being created as an outcome of trauma and are ignoring even the spiritual and cultural aspects of it. You are ignoring the good and positive things that plurality brings. Because I'm sorry, but trauma is never going to stop being a thing. So instead of getting riled over "they want more trauma" lets look at it from a new perspective.
I hope that we will see plurality gain more visibility as acceptance and awareness increase. I also hope that we see more systems who decided to hold on to life thanks to their plurality. I hope plurality is claimed by more people as the stigmas and hate within and outside the community dies and they can feel safe to explore and be themselves. I hope cultural and spiritual plurality nurtures new plurals with each new generation.
There are so many reasons to hope to see plurality multiply. Even if you are anti-endo. Trauma will always exist, so let's make the world a place that systems can feel safe in. Seeing plurality grow doesn't mean it's a sign of trauma increasing. It can mean more people are finding the resources and acceptance they need to be here and be plural. To be seen. To live.
Trauma isn't cool, I think we can all agree on that. Again, no one wants people to be traumatized. I also know plurality is hard and isn't a fun time for many systems out there. Trust me, I've seen it, I know.
But plurality is amazing. How amazing is it that you now have an entire team helping eachother get through life? To have a team that looks out for eachother, to care for eachother, and to protect eachother. Deep bonds and friendships with a touch of self-love that is on a whole nother level.
Trauma is terrible, and the difficulties that come with dissociation and living as a system can make days harder than they need to be. But plurality itself doesn't always need to be a harrowing journey. It doesn't need to be defined solely by trauma.
Plurality is awesome if you start looking for the positives more than the negatives.
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syscultureis · 8 months
plural culture is painfully watching people compare system alters to kins, irls, "DAs", etc etc... When those things and experiences aren't comparable... Or watching singlet kinners/irls use system terms... Sighing, no buddy... No one is "fronting" for you if you're a singlet... No, you are not "switching" when you swap from one kin to another... no, pal, that introject is not your "double" (not including systems that just haven't found out yet)
I really don't care how people identify, if you're a kin or irl or whatever, I don't care, not my business... But do not compare those things to being systems and do not come into system spaces demanding things... We are not the same... Yes, there do exist systems who may also kin or have self misidentification delusions caused by a different disorder... But the experience of a headmate and a delusion and a kin are all so different, they aren't comparable...
And comparing systems to "DAs" only further creates this misconception in other peoples heads that DID/OSDD is a delusion disorder and causes harm to us and our community... We have enough bullshit myths because of Hollywood and movies that portray us as "evil alter egos", stop adding to the fire... Identify as whatever you want, but don't drag systems into it...
-Sincerely, a DID system that also has struggles with a psychotic disorder and self misidentification delusions
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Here’s some positivity for systems with constructed languages (or conlangs)!
Having a language created by your system that is uniquely your own or learning a language constructed by others can be an exciting experience and prove to be a useful tool! Regardless of how your system created, learned, or acquired a conlang, having and using a constructed language is a beautiful thing! Here’s to all the systems and headmates out there who use conlangs!
📝 Shoutout to systems who collaborated for a long time to create their own conlang!
🗣 Shoutout to systems who have learned a conlang from a piece of media beloved by their system!
📚 Shoutout to systems who use conlangs from their own projects or creations!
🔊 Shoutout to systems who read and write in their conlang better than they can speak it, and vice versa!
📝 Shoutout to systems who are new to conlangs and are starting to learn or create one for themselves!
🗣 Shoutout to headmates who are very invested in their system’s conlang, maybe even taking on roles like “chronicler,” “coiner,” or “archivist” for their conlang!
📚 Shoutout to headmates who formed specifically to manage and update their system’s conlang, or to teach it to other members!
🔊 Shoutout to systems whose conlangs are an important part of their inner world or headspace!
📝 Shoutout to systems who use their conlang to communicate with loved ones outside of their system!
🗣 Shoutout to systems with headmates who have a conlang as their first language!
📚 Shoutout to indigenous systems who have learned or are practicing a conlang created by members of their nation in order to revive a dead or lost cultural language!
🔊 Shoutout to systems who have a passion, special interest, or hyperfixation of specific conlangs, or conlangs in general!
Systems who use conlangs, know that the languages you use are each beautiful, fascinating, and special in their own ways. It’s okay to create a constructed language, or to learn and use one that was created by someone else! What matters most is that you’re happy, your headmates are happy, and y’all are able to bond and find fulfillment through learning something new and incorporating it into your daily lives. Please take pride in learning, using, and sharing your conlangs - they are an important part of you and your system and deserve to be celebrated! Thank you so much for reading, and have a wonderful day!
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systemtermz · 10 months
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Flag is meant to be redesigned if desired
A young headmate that holds cultural trauma. This can include being disconnected from your culture (forcefully or naturally), your culture dying, being persecuted because of it, etc.
(This Blog was created to repost terms for the convenience and comfort of others. If you remake a reclaimed flag please tag me.)
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clowncaraz · 12 days
Enth Terminology
Enth - A spectrosexual, someone attracted to ghosts and phantoms
Enthspousal - Marital relations with a ghost
Enthpartner - Intimate (romantic and sexual and queerplatonic) relationships with a ghost
Sentience - A scale between conscious and natural instinct.
Size - Density entity.
Age - Lifespan or years lived.
Formation - Formation of the entity.
Personality - Varied characteristics in terms of values and behavior.
Fictional - Fictional ghosts from various media.
Folklore - Ghosts deemed real by a specific culture, religion, or faith.
Created - Ghosts infused with the personality of OCs, Headmates or Thoughtforms.
Known - Ghosts based on real people who were born on Earth and died.
Relation Superiority - The idea that the only real ghosts are those that are Known ghosts and therefore relationships with those Known ghosts are the only real relationships.
Spiramor/Bonded – Lover/Couple
Wispies/Wispi – Astral or Spiritual children from a ghost and an enth.
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