sleeptherapeutics · 4 months
Children require healthy sleep routines
Sleep matters to everyone, but children need a very healthy sleep routine as they grow into young adults. 
Childhood is the phase where an individual develops mentally and physically the most. Hence, proper sleep is most essential during this period. As a parent, it’s your duty to ensure the same. Same for us, too!
Why does sleep matter for children?
Research indicates that sleep affects alertness and attention, mood, resiliency, vocabulary acquisition, learning, memory and cognitive performance. Also, it affects growth. Napping helps memory consolidation, executive attention and motor skill development in infants aged 1 – 3 years old. Hence, poor sleep may impact their immune system and carry future health risks.
Therefore, we say with conviction that sleep is of utmost importance to children.
Basic principles to follow while setting a sleep routine
Create a calm and comfortable environment for your child.
Keep your child away from electronic gadgets such as smartphones, TVs, etc.
How to prepare a healthy sleep routine for children
From our knowledge and experience, we can say that every child has a different sleep routine. Hence, you must follow the one that suits your child the best. A little trial and error is fine.
Firstly, you can start by noticing what time your child gets tired and is ready to sleep.
Secondly, you can start preparing your child to sleep an hour before the observed sleep time.
In due course of time, you can shift their sleep time to one that syncs with your family lifestyle.
While following them, make sure that you remain consistent with the routine.
Benefits of healthy sleep routines in children
Many studies have shown that healthy sleep routines are associated with positive moods and enhanced emotional-behavioural regulation. Bedtime activities that have a positive impact on sleep include –
Nutritious snacks or bottle/breast-feeding.
Singing lullabies or a song together. 
Reading a book.
Freshening up and brushing teeth.
Bath or diaper change.
Massaging or cuddling.
Talking to your child about the day.
Bedtime Do’s & Don’ts
Maintain consistency.
Try to keep the routine to 30 minutes max.
Ensure that your child gets adequate sunlight, exercise or outdoor time for better sleep.
Maintain dark, cool and quieter bedrooms for good sleep.
Listen to your child for concerns and give them small liberties such as deciding on their pyjamas, etc.
Only make gradual changes.
Start the sleep routine when your child is feeling sleepy.
Allowing them to use digital devices.
Give your child sugary items or caffeine.
Reading scary bedtime stories.
Letting them tire themselves running around.
Sleeping over and above the usual wake-up time.
As children grow up, their needs change and so would your relationship in matters of sleep routines. Start training them by giving them independence in small matters such as brushing their teeth or fixing their bed after waking up. So, take it along smoothly and these sleep routines will benefit them in the immediate and long run.
Sleep Therapeutics is the first niche sleep centre in Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. If you need any help in setting healthy sleep routines for your child, our sleep experts would be more than happy to help you.
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sleeptherapeutics · 6 months
Healthy Sleep Starts Long Before You Go to Bed
Sleep is essential to human existence. Not just humans, even animals, birds, reptiles and other species require their dose of beauty sleep. It’s vital to the well-being of the living being. 
Did you know that human beings are the only species on this planet who willfully disrupt their natural sleep cycles in the name of careers, late-night TV shows, parties and much more? Bad quality sleep impacts the person in the form of daytime drowsiness, inability to focus and concentration issues. 
But sleep-related issues have become very common nowadays, with over a million people affected. Good sleep hygiene can fix many of these cases. This is why we say that healthy sleep starts long before you go to bed. Your habits throughout the day determine how fast you fall asleep and your sleep quality.
What should be done throughout the day to ensure healthy sleep at night?
Healthy activities throughout the day ensure restful sleep at night. This may include a healthy diet, moderate or brisk exercises, avoiding alcohol and tobacco products, avoiding caffeine as far as possible, good mental or emotional health and more. Let’s examine some:
1. Healthy physical activities throughout the day help you sleep well, apart from other health benefits. It could be cleaning your house or lawn or taking a walk down. Also, sports give you the same benefits.
2. Regular sleep-wake time sets your circadian rhythm in sync with your daily activities. Getting adequate sunlight gives this a boost and hence, helps you get restful sleep.
3. The use of too many electronic devices harms your sleep quotient. The blue waves from gadget screens and other forms of electronic radiation affect your body in a subtle way, leading to late-night sleep or even sleepless nights. Hence, at least avoid digital screens for an hour or two at best before going to bed. Furthermore, avoid installing or keeping devices in your bedroom.
4. Other healthy activities such as going on a brisk walk, gardening, having a pleasant conversation with your relatives or neighbours, spending some time in nature, swimming, etc., boost your ability to get restful sleep.
5. Keep those alcohol bottles, cigarette packets, gutka packets and other forms of tobacco away from sight. They do more form than those few seconds of pleasure. Also, caffeine doesn’t help when it comes to restful sleep.
Always prefer dark, quiet and comfortable rooms with ambient temperature to sleep.
Your activities determine sleep quality
The activities we perform throughout the day or even days/weeks leave an impression in our minds. Negative impressions disturb our ability to sleep well. Hence, sleep hygiene forms an important component of CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy), which is the long-term treatment for chronic insomnia. It helps address thoughts and behaviours that prevent your restful sleep. 
Also, it helps with stress reduction, sleep management and relaxation. 
Therefore, kindly note that every action or thought during the daytime sets the tone for your sleep quality at night. So, keep a watchful eye on them and you may see a remarkable improvement. 
Sleep Therapeutics is the first niche sleep centre in Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. If your thoughts and behaviours interfere with your ability to sleep well, our sleep expert can help you with solutions.
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