exantiendocultureis · 3 months
ex anti-endo culture is feeling really guilty existing in mixed origins spaces, despite being mixed origins
Ex anti-endo culture is...
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exantiendocultureis · 3 months
Ex-anti endo culture is feeling bad whenever you remember the beginning of you and your (endo) system friend meeting, because we were strongly anti-endo just because everyone said to be :(
Ex anti-endo culture is...
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exantiendocultureis · 3 months
Ex anti endo culture is discovering your traumagenic systemhood thanks to an endogenic system, getting pulled into being anti endo, twisting the endogenic systems actions into "oughhhh i was abused!!!" When it wasnt the case, and feeling so awful once you stop being anti endo
Ex anti-endo culture is...
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exantiendocultureis · 3 months
Ex-anti-endo culture is discovering you have an endogenic subsystsm and having to navigate through the stuff you internalized about how your system is "allowed to present"
and having to make a whole new account just because you're so scared of anti-endos dogpiling you
Ex anti-endo culture is...
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exantiendocultureis · 3 months
Ex anti endo culture is
sending in a userbox request to an anti endo blog a while ago, then getting reminded that you did so when you get a notification of it. And then just feeling like. Very. Guilty-
(Idk if guilt is the right term for it but yk)
Ex anti endo culture is...
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exantiendocultureis · 3 months
hey I just wanted to lyk that I appreciate this blog and the community around it. It gets tiring to have hate coming at you from all sides, so this is nice. /gen
thank you!! I am happy with this blog too, i really don't know that exist a lot of ex anti endo
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exantiendocultureis · 3 months
ex anti endo culture is leaving an abusive relationship and unlearning the hateful views they instilled in you... and discovering your own mixed origin system after that <3
Ex anti-endo culture is...
(i'm sorry about that, you deserve the best.
And i am happy with your discovery! /Pos)
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exantiendocultureis · 3 months
ex anti-endo culture is having some alters still have some anti-endo beliefs as "armor" of sorts, and having to tell your therapist that you used to be anti-endo so they can help them :( literally dreading it (hope this is coherent, apologies if not lol)
Ex anti-endo culture is...
(it makes sense, don't worry!)
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exantiendocultureis · 3 months
Ex anti endo culture is being baffled at anti endos wanting "non endo terms" for introjects. Despite the fact the medical term introjects literally exists and you can just put fiction/non fiction in front of it. Like What
Ex anti-endo culture is...
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exantiendocultureis · 3 months
Ex-anti endo is feeling scared to admit I am pro endo but not sure why. I assume it could either be ego pride OR fearing backlash from the community. I say I'm endo neutral and don't really care much on system origins
Ex anti-endo culture is...
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exantiendocultureis · 3 months
ex anti endo culture is realizing how much kinder endo spaces are than anti spaces
Ex anti endo culture is...
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exantiendocultureis · 3 months
ex anti endo culture is starting to feel weird abt the shit anti endos are spewing and taking 10 minutes to research endos and going "oh shit we were so wrong" and then also figuring out your mixed origins lol.
Ex anti endo culture is...
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exantiendocultureis · 3 months
hi I saw the ask about changing from anti to pro and I didn't wanna put this on main so here I go
My experience with being anti endo was a roller coster of an experience. it had it's up and it had its down I will admit. it's ups we're feeling welcome in a place for traumatized people when I was growing up in a town and generation where mental health stuff was glossed over or not important (especially as a teenage woman). being in these spaces helped me understand why I was the way I was and learn that being truamagenic was very normal unfortunately it comes with being forced into boxes you cant even imagine being told you're faking when something weird happened you didn't quite understand and called delusional for having headmates that didn't quite fit their roles. one time my partner was completely banned form a sever being called a faker for wanting to do a servay in a server abour systems to better understand them and was told they were "treating it like a game" when that was simply not what was happening and was made fun of for explaining it's because they are autistic. while anti endo spaces helped me understand myself from a truamagenic standpoint it didn't help me at all in my self esteem and confidence in that what I was experiencing was real. it also didn't help when my system became mixed origins and I could no longer use the information I had for truamagenics but I forced myself to believe they were and refused other origins even becoming hateful twords others. a huge turning point in this for me was when my partner has been so distressed by their system and how complex it was I forced myself go put aside my spite and anger for a moment to tell them I didn't care what they identified origin wise and that's when I kinda realized I was treating endos like inhuman. being anti endo makes you treat others as inhuman or even yourself. endos are people like the rest of us and saying they aren't real or invalidating them or calling them delusional is never morally correct because you wouldn't say that to a person with depression. and the reason people do is because they see them as sub human. realizing that is what made me deciside I want to change and love myself and others and turn pro endo because I don't care what you are all I care is that you are happy and are surviving because that's so awesome
sorry to go off a little but I really have been wanting to get that off my chest for a while
Thank you to share your experience!
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exantiendocultureis · 3 months
If you are okay with this type of question, we* are curious about what it was that made you (blogger and followers) change your views from anti- to pro-endo?
hello! what make me being pro-endo was discover and accept i am mixed origins.
If anyone want, can talk about your experience as ex anti-endo!
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exantiendocultureis · 3 months
ex anti endo culture is when you stop holding your experience to the oppressive standards the anti endos you knew manipulated you into believing, interestingly, your plural experience becomes a lot smoother... like you may not be a CDD system.
Ex anti-endo culture is...
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exantiendocultureis · 3 months
Ex anti endo culture is going "wow am I stupid" when learning you are mixed origins and you accidentally actively hurt old headmates by not understanding yourself because of antis pushing ideas into your head that were not healthy (such as forcing headmates to believe our memories had to be related to the body's truama and was actually soulbound stuff) and spending too much time running from yourself about how I am wrong or I'm "faking" when I'm just truamagenic in body origin and soulbound multiversal in a spiritual way and I can have both and suddenly the weight has been lifted from my chest like someone rolling bricks off my chest
Ex anti-endo culture is...
(i have a similar experience 😭)
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exantiendocultureis · 3 months
ex-anti endo sysmate culture is only being anti-endo bc your abuser was an endo system and you really just… wanted to defend your sysmates from that happening again. even though like 90% of endosys aren’t like that.
— qhualhul
Ex anti-endo culture is...
(I'm sorry about your experience, i hope you are better now, you deserve the best! /Gen)
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