#bio mom shiva
ali-kitkat · 2 years
i have such a hard time deciding on which fic to work on so imma let you guys decide for me and hopefully we get somewhere.
imma leave this up for a week and in the mean time yall can send me asks if ya want any more options. cheers!!
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undertheredhood · 10 months
“why do you headcanon jason todd as a poc?” idk maybe it’s because he was racially ambiguous enough to the point where he considered lady shiva as one of the potential candidates to be his bio mother as a possibility.
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imperatrice21 · 3 months
a child of Conner Kent and Cassandra Cain would be so op tho
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scarecrowdrugs · 4 months
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Currently toying around with using Brandon Lee as a face reference for Shiversverse Jason Todd. Chat, how are we feeling?
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autisticrosewilson · 5 months
I'm an open marriage/poly Catherine/Willis truther so do you guys think Jason has some half siblings running around? Every few months Jason finds another kid that looks like one of his sixteen parents and he's like "aw shit here we go again." Anyway I was thinking about that one universe where Jason had a brother named Danny and they basically fucked everything about his character up but I liked that bit so I've just been rotating it in my brain.
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summerbummin · 1 year
Imagine an AU where Tim and Cass are twins who were separated at birth
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cloakedsparrow · 7 months
Another one of those 'Tim joins the Batfamily early' Au's that's also a 'Cass joins the batfamily early' Au, wherein Bruce doesn't suddenly start respecting his children's privacy and boundaries when Jason meets his bio mom and actually hovers right outside the door, thus knowing the moment things turn south. He gets his boy out of there right away (the Joker still has diplomatic immunity for whatever reason and Sheila still dies). Jason is sad about how it all went down, but Bruce explains to him what he'd explained to Alfred before Jason learned about his mom. Between that and how Bruce behaved when he found Jason overseas, he knows his adopted dad loves him, so he's okay.
He does, however, think that they should probably look into the whole thing where Lady Shiva might have slept with his bio dad and then had a daughter around the time Jason was born. Just in case. So they track down feral fifteen year old Cassandra and are kinda thinking they should keep her no matter what when the DNA shows that she actually was Willis Todd's kid all along.
Bruce is definitely keeping Jason's half-sister, so she stays.
Dick comes back from space to learn about all of this and starts spending more time with his little brother and sister, which gets the Titans involved. Raven helps them translate some basic motions beside Cass' greeting punch to speed along communication with her.
While Jason and Cass are bonding and learning to communicate, she keeps bringing this kid to his attention or deliberately putting them in the boy's path. He's a few years younger than them and Jason's pretty sure he's seen him around, but he's never really paid any attention to Tim Drake before. Now that Cass has imprinted on him or whatever, he decides to try to get to know him.
What he eventually realizes is that Cass has been trying to tell him that Tim knows who they are. He's good at keeping a secret, but little clues in his body language when he sees them had clued her in. She can also tell he's studying martial arts and gymnastics, so she sees an easy in and just starts training the kid. That's when Jason figures it out.
Jason and Cass get Dick on board, and the three convince Bruce they need to keep Tim.
Alfred says nothing throughout all this but a room has been set up with a batman and robin bedspread, a bunch of Sherlock Holmes, Agatha Christie, and Artemis Fowl books, and the closet has been converted into a mini darkroom, so it's safe to say he saw the writings on the wall.
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webshood · 2 months
If shiva was considered as a possibility for Jason’s bio mom then Jason is wasian PERIOD the end bye forever
this is literally canon, DC editorial just didn't confirm it bc they're cowards, also Jason being a racialized man would be soooo good for his characterization, y'all don't get it
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brucewaynehater101 · 3 months
I was wondering what Tim's racial traits are? Because I know that Bruce is Jewish, Dick is Romani, Jason is possibly Latino (I don't know if it's canon but his own traits wouldn't change because Latinos are very diverse, some may be white… The Latina who lives in Latam speaks uwu) , Cass is Asian, I think Chinese?, Babs is possibly white, Duke is Afro-American, Alfred is obviously British, Steph is white and Damian is mixed Arab-Jewish.
This is because I have seen him portrayed as white, Jewish or Asian, specifically Chinese, Japanese or Cambodian. I also love the possibility that the Batfam is a target of the Pro American (Damian would be a frequent victim) and Neo Nazis (Here they put everyone in the bag , even Tim if he were a white man the Nazis also persecuted homosexuals) and I feel that it would be something that would unite them as a family because it would be them against the world sjfshsaj and DC is a coward, possibly they put those things. and i lov your work uwu
Hello! I've seen a ton of cool AUs that portray him (and more specifically his mom) from different backgrounds, but I believe he is canonically white.
For Tim, I've seen some posts mentioning that some comic book creator was going to make him Jewish. They never quite added that into canon (his dad is atheist and his mom is implied to be Catholic), but that might be another reason why he's been portrayed as Jewish or other cultural backgrounds in AUs. Personally, it's rad to see how his storyline, characterization, or choices may or may not change or be affected by changing his upbringing, cultural background, or race. I've seen some cool AUs with Red Room or Russian decent Tim Drake.
I'm honestly not positive on Jason. I don't think DC quite confirmed a specific ethnicity for him, but he's implied to be white. I was trying to find anything that mentioned it, and someone talked about how, when he was researching who his bio mom is, he seriously considered Lady Shiva. This could indicate that he's racially ambiguous.
I personally hc him to be a third or fourth generation immigrant on his dad's side. This, in the hc, could be examined for how his dad may face social and structural barriers to obtaining work. Combined with his dad becoming a father at a young age (anywhere from 18 to 23), Willis was forced to find illegal work just to pay his bills for his family. At least, that's my hc if we're going with a good parent Willis.
You are correct that the Waynes, due to their mixed backgrounds, may face hate or be targeted by hate groups. Barbara may also be included with this due to her visible disability (I hc that some of the Waynes have, at the very least, some invisible disabilities). If we're going strictly off of canonically proven backgrounds/traits, Tim would face hate for being openly bisexual.
I am not aware of any hate groups residing within Gotham. I could 100% be wrong about that. There is the possibility of eugenicists, anti-meta groups, and supremacists (especially in positions of power) existing in Gotham. On the other hand, some of the Rogues would probably decimate those groups if they tried to root themselves in Gotham. That city is chaotic, but I love the hc that the Bats and some rogues (like Harley, Riddler, and Ivy) protect Pride events and other such gatherings. I find it more healing to think about the Rogues, despite being mass murders, drawing the line at being a bigot.
I've seen some fics that chat about the Waynes coming to Damian's defense when he's being racially targeted at school or galas. I haven't seen any for the Waynes as a whole being targeted by hate groups, but that is a possibility to explore. At the very least, there may be some awful shit online that Barbara stumbles across (even if the users aren't based in Gotham due to the Waynes being famous).
I'm glad that you enjoy my work! Stay safe, everyone, and fuck the pieces of shits that hate folks for being themselves.
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empire-of-the-words · 1 month
I think everyone's aware Lady Shiva could technically be Jason’s bio mom, so I was wondering what version of this headcanon people like better:
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thelibrarian1895 · 5 months
Bat bio donors
So Catherine Todd, unfortunately, wasn't Jason's bio mom, even if she was his mom in every other way that matters. Embezzler, child trafficker, and Joker associate Shelia Haywood was his biological mother...probably.
There was no DNA test so I remain unconvinced.
That being said, I see no acceptable evidence that Willis Todd was Jason's bio father. (And if there is, shhh, don't care)
Yes Bruce could be his bio dad but boring, be more creative!
For example, someone else who's based in Gotham, who might have a fling and not follow up on it for very whatever reason, and who might be the namesake of our favorite gun wielding bat: Jason Bood. Yes Shelia, if she is the mother, may have put Willis on the birth certificate, but there's nothing to say that she didn't have an evening with a man with a charming accent, considerable experience, and a rather two faced nature.
Or perhaps someone who is a tiny bit less volatile such as David Cain.
Or honestly there's enough weirdness in Gotham that Jason's other bio donor was Nocturna, the woman who would later want to adopt him while he was Robin and she was, in fact, though she didn't know it, trying to get her own bio child.
Furthermore, Bruce as Tim Drake's bio donor, yes, good, understandable, likely even.
However, there are other options, for example:
Janet spends a great deal of time going around the world and with various artifacts, some of these artifacts could be magical in nature. That magic may have various effects on the average person and one of the more popular things that people in ancient times sought revolved around fertility control, to improve or prevent. Janet might trip over more than a few artifacts designed to improve fertility, let's say even to the point that some who might not normally be able to sire children might in fact be capable of doing so with Janet while she's still under the influence of such magic, such as:
Lady Shiva who admires Janet's ability to handle both a growing business and her academic pursuits.
Ra's Al Ghul who came by for an artifact and had a fling with the lady who found it mostly because why not? Yes if Tim ever found out, or Ra's ever found out, it would result in considerable mental distress, but it could also be hilarious. Flip a coin to decide if this would make Talia want Tim dead more or less than she already does.
Some ancient god who's essentially mortal at this point and has been clinging to existence by the thinnest thread and really the only reason their name is known at this point is because it was in a letter about very bad copper. Tim receives no benefits from this parent except above average endurance and healing which is how he's survived. He's also as stubborn as the nameless god that's hung on for four thousand or so years.
Gotham itself is Tim's bio donor and this is why tiny baby stalker Tim didn't die a thousand times over while he was taking pictures, Gotham was looking out for their son.
Then there's Cassandra, "one who is all" who may or may not be Shiva's daughter.
Honestly for Shiva and for Talia, given the danger they put themselves in and the stress that pregnancy can do to a body, plus the necessary time to heal properly afterwards, the canon where Damian is grown in a tube makes sense and I wouldn't be surprised if Shiva took a page from Talia's book.
Shiva as the mother of "one who is all" can make sense. The other bio donor, well, let's look at other options.
Slade perhaps? He's had quite a few remarkable children, and can handle none of them, but that wouldn't stop him from being a candidate.
If you're a fan of wuxia or xianxia novels, look for or make up some ancient cultivator that Shiva sought out for training perhaps and on that strength Cassandra can pick up cultivation and become that much more awesome, maybe even teach it to her brothers.
Sect Leader Cass o((>ω< ))o
Or someone can be related to or connected to a Lamont Crantson and see if they can step out of his Shadow.
Dick's bio parents were freakin' awesome so jumping over him and also leaving Duke's parentage alone though more distant ancestors for either of them, such as great-great grandmothers or grandfathers might be interesting. Dick has a Talon in the family tree but who else might be hanging around in there?
For example, Santa is real in the dc universe. Tim and his team could have witnessed the death of Dick's maternal great-great-great-great grandpa.
As for Duke, if his family has been in Gotham for longer than a generation, there've got to be some serious weirdos in his bloodline, maybe a lesser known Talon or Queen Mab.
Damian not being the son of Bruce and Talia would be a serious blow to the kid and not worth it. Giving him blood siblings is more fun. He already has a problem learning to share his dad with his adopted siblings, sharing with blood siblings would be good for him.
Stephanie? An additional dad option would probably give her some sort of mental crisis since she originally based her vigilante career on defeating her deadbeat, second rate rogue father. It would be interesting and honestly a little hilarious though if her mother had a fling with Oliver Queen.
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were-wolverine · 5 months
pjo x batkids
neither of them know they’re demigods, dick thought john grayson was his bio dad and jason thought catherine was his bio mom.
hermes met dick’s mom while she was traveling with the circus. he stayed with marie for about two years after dick was born (taking care of him while she performed) before leaving. a few years later she met john grayson and fell in love. she would often read dick greek myths but never told him about his parentage.
after dick’s parents die in gotham, he (10) is sent to juvie and then an orphanage, which he runs away from.
he survives on the streets for a few months by busking (performing tricks for money) and living in abandoned buildings that no one else can reach. he then meets 8 year old jason todd who is living with catherine and willis todd. they bond pretty much immediately and dick visits him every day. they do cons and steal tires together, plus dick is an expert pickpocket. he is there for jason when catherine and then willis die, and they live in willis’ shitty apartment together.
about a year later they are found by a satyr who explains that they are demigods and that there’s a summer camp for kids like them. they are VERY distrustful at first because that sounds crazy but also it’s a satyr so maybe they’re not lying. eventually they decide they might as well go, gotham is a shithole anyway.
they get to CHB without incident bc neither of them really attract monsters and the Gotham Stench hides their scents anyway. they are the first of the batkids to arrive at camp.
dick (11) is claimed by hermes about three weeks after arriving. him and jason (9) live at camp year-round. when he’s 16 dick becomes head counselor of hermes cabin.
son of athena. father unknown. was left on the streets and found by catherine todd, who convinced willis to take him in. he was living with them when he met dick. they immediately bonded and after jason is orphaned they live together, until a year later when a satyr finds them.
he’s not claimed for a while after arriving, but doesn’t really mind bc it means he gets to stay with dick. eventually claimed years later but still eats lunch with the hermes cabin cuz dick is his family.
hades/bruce meets lady shiva and falls in love with her deadliness. they have a child together but he has to abandon her bc the ‘no more kids’ pact the big 3 have.
sandra wu-san meets david cain while pregnant and tasks him with training her daughter. he agrees and lady shiva leaves soon after giving birth. cain does not know she’s a demigod. he trains her to be the perfect weapon and hades/bruce can do nothing about it without alerting his brothers to her existence.
her powers manifest after the first time she kills someone (at 8), and she runs away. she travels across the world for years until a satyr finds her and brings her to CHB. she (10) is claimed soon after, and enjoys living alone in the hades cabin. chiron and babs teach her how to read and speak, even tho she’s learned a bit over the years. she arrives a year after dick (12) & jason (10)
athena met jack and janet drake at one of their archeological digs, and admired their intellect. she gave them tim as a gift. jack and janet spent the first few years of his life at home with him, until they decided he was old enough to join them on their travels. he was an incredibly smart child and was very self-sufficient, so it didn’t cause them any trouble. he didn’t go to school, but had a tutor that accompanied them on their trips.
when he is 10 his parents die in a plane crash that he survives. after their funeral, he ditches NYC (where they were buried) and athena sends an owl to guide him to camp. he arrives at CHB about a year after cass (11) and 2 years after dick (13) & jason (11). he is jay’s favorite bio sibling.
daughter of hermes. raised by crystal brown in gotham until a satyr finds her (11) and brings her to camp. frequently exchanges letters with her mom. arrives a year after tim (11), two years after cass (12), and three years after dick (14) and jason (12)
claimed few months after arriving at camp. she is dick’s favorite bio sibling
son of apollo. one of the rare apollo children that can control light. raised by his mom in newark until they were attacked by a monster and his mom was injured.
he left in order to keep her safe, and went to CHB (which apollo had told her about, and she told duke about). he keeps in contact with her through letters and iris messages. he is claimed about a month after arriving at camp. he (11) arrives two years after steph (13), three years after tim (13), four years after cass (14) and five years after dick (16) and jason (14)
similar to lady shiva, bruce/hades is captivated by talia’s deadliness. they have a child together, which she tries to hide from ra’s, but he soon finds out and learns he is a demigod. to him, this makes him even more fit to ascend the demon throne (the LoA is a cult, and the lazarus pit is magic).
damian is trained to defeat monsters and humans alike, and is gifted a stygian iron sword for his fifth birthday. bruce/hades had told talia about CHB, and she is finally able to send damian there when he is 10.
he arrives three years after duke (14), five years after steph (16), six years after tim (16), seven years after cass (17), and eight years after dick (19) and jason (17)
has been at CHB since she was 13, the same year dick & jason arrived. she is the new oracle of delphi. basically rachel elizabeth dare. is 21 when damian arrives. was paralyzed at 16 when she tried to interfere with a prophecy, and has been in a wheelchair since
daughter of ares, became a Hunter of Artemis at 16 (the year duke arrived at CHB)
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11queensupreme11 · 8 months
I have a question about mom Loki AU
How would the gods react to finding out that baby Percy's real mother is Sally?
How would the Nordic and Greek family react? What about romantic and platonic yanderes? Would they accept? Would someone secretly order Sally's murder?
I don't know if Poseidon would react well to learning that baby Percy was generated by another God, even if it is an alternative version of him, he will probably justify, to himself, that the alternative version continues to be his essence he is older so HE is the original version while PJ Poseidon is the copy so since baby Percy is made of half of that Poseidon's ichor she is also made of half of his ichor
What interests me most is Loki's reaction, I feel like he wouldn't accept it, this baby came from him so it's his daughter, accepting that your dear little baby only exists because of a human woman and that he was only a temporary charmer is an unacceptable idea
The humans' reactions would also be interesting because at the same time they believe that a baby should be returned to its family, they also realize how dangerous the PJ world is for baby Percy, why return her to a world where she will be where Will she have to initially grow up in poverty only to later grow up being hunted and killed? If her mother really loves her, she would agree to leave her daughter in a place where she will be properly raised with love and protection certainly their opinion was not influenced by being slightly platonic yanderes
And the valkyries would be desperately trying to convince Sally and PJ Poseidon to leave baby Percy in this universe, they know that if baby Percy is taken the gods will destroy this and the PJ universe trying to get her back
Shiva is fighting tooth and nail for baby Percy to stay so he can delight in the sight of her and his own son playing, no one, ABSOLUTELY NO ONE is going to stop this play date
not only would they be pissed as fuck, but they're also NEVER going to accept sally as percy's mom. eventually, they'd deal with the fact that sally was the first person to actually carry percy in the womb, but they won't ever accept HER. partly because they want baby percy and partly because sally's a human, so they're just never going to accept her or care that she was the bio mom. sally's human, she doesn't have any rights or say to them.
loki is downright disgusted at the fact that HIS baby's bio mom is actually a human who, more importantly, wants her back. he's not even gonna bother hiring an assassin or trying to kill her secretly, ITS ON SIGHT THE SECOND HE SEES HER. hell, he could be taking baby percy on a walk with a stroller and if he sees sally, he's jumping that poor woman with no hesitation 😭😭😭
poseidon is probably gonna be the second most pissed about this right behind loki. while loki's got beef with sally, he's got beef with pjo!poseidon lol. he will degrade the shit outta that man and point out every singly little flaw his counterpart has: he's practically a kid, he has a deadbeat to all his 1234282347 kids, his seas are filthy, his family's a mess, he's a serial cheater like zeus, he isn't even allowed to RAISE percy so why should he have her, etc etc. he actually brings up a LOT of good points, which is when the ror humans start to lean more for the ror parents
what really makes the ror humans go for ror!poseidon and loki is how demigods' lives work back in pjo verse. it's way too dangerous and the fact that the gods can't even interfere in their lives to protect them is ultimately what makes them choose the ror!parents over sally and pjo!poseidon. the same for the valkyries tbh. they'd be more sympathetic for them unlike the ror!gods, but they really rather percy stay in their universe instead since she would actually have a higher chance of survival
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dragonpyre · 3 months
How does Cass die in the Robin Au? Is it similar to Jason's canon where she tries to find out more about her bio mom or is it something else entirely?
She goes hunting for her birth parents just because. I mean, I imagine most kids if they didn't know their births parents would want to to some varying degree. Cass would have access to basically the entire planets database through Bruce.
Unfortunately, Shiva still lied (well. she doesn't consider herself a mother. she doesn't have kids. she just made them) And Sheila Haywood took advantage of a situation.
And sadly, that ended in an explosion and a casket.
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airasilver · 1 year
I’ve read fics where Jason or Tim are Bruce’s biological sons. One thing I just thought about…are there fics where Dick is Bruce’s biological son? Where all three of them are? Heck, are there fics where all the kids are Bruce’s? If so, where are they?
I want to read about Bruce going to adopt Dick or to become his guardian and find out he already has custody just from being his dad. (Bruce was running around the world so…)
I want a fic where Steph runs away because Cluemaster (Arthur?) is going to kill her after killing her mom (Crystal?) because he found out Steph is not his. I want her running into Dick or even Bruce and Bruce figuring out she’s his because Steph looks like Martha.
Duke goes looking for his bio dad because he needs someone to care for him with his parents out of commission (He’s adopted by them and has known from the beginning but not who his biological parents are.) thanks to Joker.
Cass is a mistake Lady Shiva had, she’s not to Bruce, and tried to pull off as David Cain’s. She also looks like Martha.
Jason’s easy. Sheila pulled it off until Catherine left Willis when she got clean and she wanted to protect Jason from her husband. She didn’t worry about herself, just her son.
Tim, Tim was found out because Catherine ran into the boy one day when she was taking a walk close to where their properties met. She noticed no one with him and asked Alfred about the Drakes. Alfred found out Tim was Bruce’s when Tim came running over with his birth certificate and just wanted Catherine.
Damian was still born in the League of Assassins but Talia brought him over as a baby instead of 9/10.
Barbara is Dick’s best friend/ex. Jim is called uncle by all of them. (Alfred is their grandfather even if they all call him Alfred.)
Catherine lives full time in the manor and she and Bruce might have something going on. Talia has a room there and might be with both Bruce and Catherine. The kids don’t care. They call both Talia and Catherine Mom and Mama.
I just want fanfics where the kids are Bruce’s biological children.
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cottoncandy-cult · 1 year
Tough Talks
Shiva X Reader
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(This is just a little something I did based off an OC of mine I plan to elaborate on over on my Ao3, I did this as a reader insert and if you're interested in seeing what OC of mine this is based on hop over to Ao3 or drop a comment and I'll drop her Bio!)
The little sea nymph skipped through the halls of Helheim, searching for her dear uncle Hades in need of advice in regard to her father Poseidon. Hades was the uncle that watched her most as a child when her father was busy, so she was a normal face to see in the underworld as she often visited and came to him for sound advice on things she wasn't comfortable bringing to her father. "Lady (Y/n)? I didn't know you were here." This had been her older cousin Hermes; despite her smaller stature she was only a couple hundred years younger. "I came to see Uncle Hades; do you know if he's in the throne room." The young woman turned to face the tall male, arms crossing in front of her as she rocked on her heels. The older male chuckled, nodding his head as he pointed down the hall. "Yes, he is, I just came from there to deliver a message from Lord Zeus. Is everything ok?" This made the girl giggle; she knew how much of a gossip her cousin could be, so she decided to tease him some. "Oh yes, I just need some advice on approaching my father about something." That clearly got the male's attention as he crossed his arms and cocked a brow, leaning forward some. "Oh? I do hope you aren't in trouble. You've always been such a good girl." The male was now teasing back, causing twin grins to break across their faces. Of course, their teasing was all in good fun, both were quite friendly when they'd see each other. "No, no trouble just… I believe I've found the relationship I would like to be in." She was purposely wording it in a way to avoid giving him information, she wanted to speak to her father before it burned through the family like wildfire. "I see, so it's about a love interest. I'll not keep you waiting then, the sooner you talk to your dad the sooner I get to tell the others." He gave her a playful wink and wave before he turned to leave, letting the young woman resume her way to the throne room. She knocked gently at the door after greeting the guards, waiting for her uncle's permission before she entered. "I hope you aren't busy Uncle; I have something Important I need to talk to you about." The sweet little nymph practically skipped towards her uncle's throne, moving to sit in one of the small thrones beside him. "Never too busy for you darling, what it is you need?" The older male gave her a smile as he turned to face her, Poseidon had many children and her being one of the youngest she only really got to spend so much time with he father. Hades would often watch her for her father as her mom was often "busy" whatever that was supposed to mean. Hades had a few of his own and his favorites to raise were his daughters, so he had instantly melted over his niece when she came to be in his care. He'd spoil her if he felt she was being treated fairly, even spoke to his younger brother when one of the male's mistresses would step out of line in regard to the little one. Needless to say, little was more important than his niece. "You see, I have been talking to and spending time with a god and his wives from another pantheon. But he wishes to talk to dad and get his permission to date me to avoid stepping on his toes, so I need to set up something for them to talk. But I don't know how to bring it up to dad especially since I don't know how he feels about the god in question." She blushed deeply; she knew her uncle could probably guess who it was based on how important it was to her. Afterall, she had the same crush since she was a preteen, none other than the god of destruction himself Shiva. She had met him a few times growing up from accompanying her dad and uncles and even cousins to certain events and meetings, she had never spoke to him though and simply fangirled and flustered herself from a distance.
It wasn't until she was officially old enough to drink that she had actually met Shiva's 3 wives, it was at her birthday celebration that she had truly got to socialize with many of the other gods. Zues had thrown a big party, inviting a large number of gods and goddesses from across the pantheon. Dionysus had even showed up to serve as a bartender, making for plenty of variety. Kali had approached first to wish her a happy birthday, giving her a necklace from the 4 of them. It was made by some dwarvish artisans with a bunch of gemstones handpicked by the group, figuring if she was important enough for Zeus to throw such a party then she was worthy of a thoughtful gift. "I see, so Shiva has finally noticed you?~ Congrats sweetheart." He chuckled and gave her a head pat; he knew she'd probably tell him all about how this all came to be later. "Well, your father and him have never really spoke much as far as I remember, so if he dislikes Shiva, he has never made it known. I don't think you'll need to take any special precautions, just approach him when he isn't busy and let him know that Shiva would like to meet with him to discuss courting you. My brother isn't the type to freak out, and everyone knows how far Shiva would go for the people he cares about so he has no reason to believe Shiva would do you wrong." He could see her relax some, despite how calm he was her father was still quite intense at times and most daughters would be apprehensive to approach their fathers about a man wanting to date them. So, her anxiety was very real and understand able, but Hades knew well everything would work out. "Would you like me to accompany you and wait outside the door just in case?" The older male chuckled as he pinched her cheek, knowing she'd most likely deny him but still wanting to offer. "No that's fine, I think you're right and I'm just overthinking it." She nods her head and moves to stand, stretching some as she took a deep breath. "Now to go home and get things settled, Hermes wants details and if it takes more than a day or two, he'll be teasing me about being a scaredy cat for the next millennia." She pouted as her uncle laughed, nodding his head. "Alright darling, be safe on your way back. I'd hate to think of what the god of destruction or my brother would do if something happened to you on your way back." His comment made the girl giggle as she bid him goodbye, practically jogging out of the room to go and see her father.
It didn't take her long to get back up to the heavens, and back to the home she and her unwed siblings shared with their father. But she took her time once inside the castle, rehearsing her words in her head to make sure she didn't mispeak or leave anything out. She had been on her way to her father's throne room, spotting one of the many servants walking down the hall. "Excuse me, is father in the throne room?" The servant had been quick to turn and bow, giving a curitous yes as they kept their eyes on the ground. Her father refused to let the servants treat his children any less than him, as since he was perfect that meant his children were aswell. "What do you know of his mood? I'd prefer not to bother him if it's been a particularly frustration day." With that the servant stood straight, though kept their eyes on the ground. "It's been a quiet day so I don't believe he is upset. Though you know your father best." (Y/n) simply nodded, turning to continue on her way to her father's throne room. She entered quietly without knocking, her father always telling them that it was their home and they have no need to tiptoe about as no one would dare scold them for adventuring through their home. "Hello father, is now a good time?" She walked over to his side, standing patiently as he flipped through his book. "I suppose it isn't a bad time, has something happened?" He tilted his head slightly to look at her, he saw his children as his equals as far as their existence went and so he had no problem looking at them. Something that used to piss off Adamas, as the other male hated how Posidon doted on his kids in a way most other gods would never understand and the fact his neices and nephews received more respect from the male than he did enraged him. "Nothing bad, I promise. It's just… There is a god who would like to speak with you about courting me." Now that had the blonde closing his book and setting it aside, he took the relationships of his children seriously and he'd never sell them off to just anyone. "Oh? I'm assuming you wouldn't bring this to me if you weren't interested in him as well. So which god do you want?" He spoke as if he was going to get her a puppy, no doubt that's how he saw the gods who he allowed to be with his children. "It is Lord Shiva… I've spoken to him and his wives for some time, and they'd like to move forward with a relationship. But Shiva doesn't wish to cross you and so he wishes for your permission."
The older blonde sat quiet a moment; he didn't have any particular qualms with Shiva. The male could be somewhat loud, but he was also strong in his own right and only a foolish god would be unaware of Shiva's devotion to the things and people he cares about. "I see, I suppose I can make time tomorrow to speak with him. You can go out with the other women; I'll speak with Shiva man to man." He nodded his head, watching his daughter smile in relief before she hugged him. His daughters were the only ones that could get away with such actions, the only thing they'd receive is a pat on the head in return just as she did. "Thanks dad, I'll go let him know." It wasn't until she was out the door and down the hall that he let himself chuckle, his little ones were growing up so fast. Soon they'd all be married off and having their own families, it was odd for him to think about given how long he had been living in a full household.
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