#arent you paying attention to me? tell me that you love me. but it could never be sincere towards someone like me. i cant be loved.
yamikawaii · 26 days
theres just something about being inherently unworthy of love
#the cycle of i need to make friends. i need attention. why would someone bother with me? i dont have anything to give. are we friends? why#arent you paying attention to me? tell me that you love me. but it could never be sincere towards someone like me. i cant be loved.#love isnt real. i am love. i am the only one who loves. it hurts. why cant i be loved? is anyone else real? is this a dream? am i dead? is#this hell? whats real is fake and whats fake is real. its wonderland. rabbits talk cookies make you big or small everyone is so confusing.#do others love me or hate me or feel indifferent? it seems to switch as random. one day you'll adore me the next its as if we never met. and#i have to keep making friends. i cant keep making friends. if i dont i'll end up with no friends. i dont know how to make more friends.#clinging to bubbles floating up scrambling to catch another as it pops so you dont fall. everyone blends together whats what whos who?#in the span of a few years i feel like an immortal tortured with the despair of outliving all their relationships#except everyone is perfectly alive just out of reach. but i cant just talk to people. thats bad. no one wants me. i cant do that to someone.#every bubble pops at some point. i cant find anything sturdier. fleeting bursts of attention are ok for now#but i cant even get that. so what do i do? i want to sacrifice myself to make people like me but i have nothing left to give.#whats the point of me? if i cant love and be loved if i cant find more than a few people who will stay for more than a second. what do i#have to do? please tell me what you want. i'm sure i can do it somehow. can i do it somehow? i cant. i cant. i cant anymore. im sorry. just#forget about me. you dont need me. youll be happier when you dont even know who i am anymore. i can disappear without a trace for you. thats#all i can do. take the weight off our shoulders. im just using you if you think about it anyways. to feed my own selfish desire for love i#never deserved. keep myself afloat while i drag you down. isnt it time for me to sink? in a shark attack punch it in the gills. youll be ok.#more than ok. free. i didnt want to bite your leg but i just needed something anything. i dont know any better and i never will. thats why i#belong in the depths where i cant hurt anyone. i cant do anything but hurt. what more am i good for? what more have i done? what have i done#for you? think about it. think about it. think about it. think about it. think about it. think about it. think about it. think about it.#its nothing.
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seongclb · 1 year
— enhypen when they marry a fan on live to make their s/o jealous !
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idol!enhypen x reader, established relationship au, fluff & no warnings.
hi guys! hope you enjoy my first work <3
♫ sunshine girl by jakob
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𖠗 이희승 | lee heeseung.
oh gosh
definitely would tease you but at the same time shower you in affection bc he just finds it so so cute that you’re jealous over something like this AAAAA
you’d probably be sitting in the corner of the room while he was on live, reading comments.
at first, even, you’d probably be studying rather than paying that much attention to your boyfriend
but your ears perk up at your boyfriend reading a rather concerning comment
“heeseung will you marry me for ten seconds?”
he lets out a giggle.
and slightly glances at your expression where you’re sitting with a raised brow.
he smiles back at the camera and starts counting down from ten.
you would have scoffed if not for the fear that the fans would hear
as soon as the live ended, you look at him with straight face
“what is it, love?” you almost throw your notepad at the smirk on his lips
“love?” you question. “shouldn’t you be calling your wife that?”
he’d probably walk over to you and wrap his arms around your crossed arms and place a kiss on your forehead :(
“i divorced them bc of how cute you are”
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𖠗 박종성 | park jongseong.
i don’t think jay would ever think to do something like this to his beloved himself
he was on live with jungwon and niki who read the comment “jay hyung, a fan asked if you’d marry them for ten seconds”
jay would be hesitant but after seeing a playful expression on his two younger members faces, something irked him to play along
he knew you were at home watching so he suddenly thought about how fun it would be
“sure!” he smiles and counts down from ten.
now, when he gets home he expects to be questioned on why on earth he would agree to that
but instead
hes punished with silent treatment
oh boy does he work for you to give him attention
“y/n, it wasn’t even me! jungwon and niki read it out! if i saw it i wouldn’t have even read it!”
can’t sleep if you don’t talk to him
if you talk to him but you’re still evidently mad, hes gonna cling onto you like a koala when he sleeps
meaning you’re stuck there until you show him some love bc hes never gonna do smth like this again
will probably tell of jungwon and niki for no reason 😭
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𖠗 심재윤 | sim jaeyun.
the type to say “10 seconds?? i’ll marry you for way longer” with a wink or something
or even something like “you only wanna marry me for 10 seconds? that’s a shame, i won’t even be able to give u what u deserve”
deadass would say smth cheesy you can’t fight me on this one and it would be merely for the reason that he knows you’re eventually gonna see it even if you arent rn
and that’s exactly what happens
you probably won’t have seen it for like the first day but since you’re so obsessed with your bf, you follow his name hashtag on like every social media platform
so when a certain video in particular is trending on every single one of those apps, you know it’s bad. you know who you’re dating after all
at this point, jake doesn’t even remember what he said so when you angrily go over to his dorms, phone in hand and ready to scold him, he’s like “when did i even do that?” which only makes you more mad
then when he realises omg he gets so excited like “AAA i’ve been waiting for this”
and then just smothers you in kisses and hugs bc you’re too adorable and no one else compares
*crying* but so are you bc you’re wondering how many more fans he’s gonna flirt with for the rest of your lives together
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𖠗 박성훈 | park sunghoon.
this mf omggggg
would def do it with the hopes that you’ll just be so cute with him afterwards so he could just tease you
and tbf that’s what he ends up getting so for him it’s like a success
not only would he agree to marrying them but tbh i think sunghoon would do a bit more
like hugging the camera, bragging about his looks knowing the fans would comment all sorts of things etc
he would just do the most for no reason.
“aww is my baby jealous over a ten second relationship with a fan who i’ve never met? that’s so cute” *cheek pinch*
you’d whack away his hand and pout
“that’s all it took for you to marry someone else :(”
he laughs at all your responses but part of him actually feels bad
he gives you a bit of secret reassurance like before you go to sleep, he’ll cuddle you a bit tighter and say sweet things to you
“you’re so perfect, baby, i’m so lucky to have you.” “i don’t know what i’d do without you, my cute baby”
lots of cheek kisses and pinches
soft hoon unleashes in the night
in the day he goes back to “which fan should i let have me for today” to which you throw a pillow at him for
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ashton-sano · 2 months
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Blue Lock Characters in: Being Jealous
(Characters Inclu.: Yoichi Isagi, Meguru Bachira, Seishiro Nagi, Reo Mikage, Chigiri Hyoma)
Trying to get into the habit of posting more often, so have these headcanons. A Bit short but I hope you enjoy
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Yoichi Isagi
-Somehow the worst one on this list
-He's likely to give the nastiest glare to whoever you're wasting your time with (of course when you arent looking)
-Post Blue lock Isagi is kinda the same, Just a lot less subtle. curses and maybe a fight or two if its Kaiser. 
"That blonde asshole has no place talking to you, you're mine.."
-Don't be alarmed, he's unlikely to take his jealously out on you
-Unless you're teasing him on purpose, then he might get a bit agitated with you
- "My dear, I'm not too fond of how you let him touch you just then, please stop that."
-He's a two way street, either a sweetheart who tries to dodge around it or a straight maniac who will plot murdering whoever it is.
    -Nothing to mistake, he isnt brainless, so theres always a chance he wont care
-He's mostly secure in your relationship with him but could use reassurance in times like that
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Meguru Bachira 
-Relatively tame for the most part
-If anything, he may get clingier
-He honestly doesnt even acknowledge the person youre talking to at first, he's too invested in you
"Oh, Baby! You busy today? I wanted to try this- hm? Oh, you're talking to someone...? Anyway, its this cool bakery I saw, we should try it!"
-If you aren't giving him your attention, that's when he'd get pouty
-He's a child at heart, naturally he's gonna get upset if you aren't paying him mind, no matter the reason
"Babyyyyyyy, gimme attention...! I dont care who youre talking to, love me!"
-Its cute so you usually give him his way and stop what youre doing
     --> Little do you know, he does it on purpose because it always works
-Definitely a michevious little bumblebee
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Seishiro Nagi 
-Another rather tame one
-Hard to tell if he even cares with how lazy and laid back he is 
-It usually never bothers him since he does trust you 
"Hm? Your friend asked to hang out today? Sounds cool.." 
-Like Bachira, he only cares when it cuts into your time with him, now its something of note for him
-How could you leave your boyfriend for some lame hangout? Playing Video games with him is much more important
"You want me to get off..? No...Not until you promise you'll stay and hang out with me..."
-Please just stay, he might actually cry if you leave (he wont, but it always gets you because you believe him)
     ->A 6'2" babi, why wouldnt you want to give him what he wants?
- Eventually he makes you forget why you were trying to leave in the first place
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Reo Mikage
-Have you seen how he gets with Nagi? Safe to say he wont be very happy
-As mad as he'd be, I doubt he'll make sure you see that
-All smiles and grins when you look at him, what do you mean you swear you saw him scowl at the guy behind you? You're just seeing things love
"Dove, who's this? A..friend? Ah, well im sure we'll get along well, real well...."
-We all know how privledged he is, he would be appauled that you want time with anyone besides him, what could they give you that he cant?
-Granted, he wouldnt give it much thought at first but as you keep focus on this person, itll eat away at him more before he's pouting and begging for you to give him your undivided time
"C'mon Dove, how bout we go to that new cafe you were talking about, hm? No, im not trying to distract you, how could you say that..?"
(Thats definitely what hes doing)
-Eventually he'd bribe or sweet talk you into giving him what he wants 
    -"Dont ask about where that guy went, hes not important....Now lets go get some ice cream, yeah?"
-A tad creepy and overprotective but with all that money, who is to stop him?
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Chigiri Hyoma
 The most tame on this list, and by a rather large margin too
-This pretty boy knows you'll eventually give him your attention, nothing to worry about
-If anything, he encourages you to allocate your time doing what you want and speaking to who you wish
-That can change if the person is too touchy with you, however
"Pretty sure they asked you to take your hands off, keep them to yourself."
-He trusts you entirely, its the people you hang around that can overstep and agitate him 
-Hence why he's almost always hanging out with you, your friends are his friends right? What better way to show them that you're happily taken then to bring your sweet, beautiful redhead with you?
"Going out sweetheart? Mind if i tag along? I mean only if you don't mind."
-Truly a man who knows his worth, but it would help if you told your especially pushy friends to mind their manners when he's around 
    -A few of them have actually attempted moves on him once or twice
-We stan a Pretty King 👑 
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reputationmunson · 2 years
Not sure if you're taking requests or not, but if you are can you plz write something about just being with steve, Robin, Nancy, and your boyfriend eddie and eddie just keeps doing things that arent conventionality sexy, but it turns you on none the less and you cant help but jump him right then and there and you keep telling him how sexy he is and the gang tell you guys to get a room and you guys do 👀
honestly, everything eddie does turns me on so this was definitely easy to write. thank you for the request i hope you like it! :)
cw: Smut (18+), afab reader, exhibitionism, unprotected sex, cream pie, slight dom!eddie, drug use, use of y/n (like once or twice), some good ol’ light spanking, reader is insanely feral for eddie
Your boyfriend is driving you absolutely crazy.
Usually it wouldn’t be an issue, but you’re positive your friends wouldn’t approve of you jumping his bones in the middle of Steve’s basement.
Ever since the events of the upside down, you and your friends made an agreement to get together at least once a week and do something fun. Whether it was going to the movies, or bowling, or going out to eat, it didn’t matter because you were all safe and together.
While you loved this new-found tradition, tonight was the most inconvenient night to have a get together. Every little thing Eddie did was turning you on and he was unaware of the effect he was having on you.
You and Eddie had quite literally started your day with a bang before he headed off to his new job down at the garage. While he left you satisfied, he also left you wanting more and with the last minute idea to have a night in at the Harrington household, you didn’t even have time for a quickie.
The strange thing is, he isn’t even doing anything that would be considered sexual which makes it worse. He could give you a wet willy and you’d probably cum on the spot.
Earlier when he opened his beer bottle with his teeth, you literally whimpered instead of giving him a speech on dental safety. Thankfully, it wasn’t loud enough for anyone to hear because your friends would definitely make fun of you.
Currently he's sitting on the couch rolling a joint while you sit across from him on the floor.No one else is even paying attention, too caught up in conversation, but you’re watching him like a damn hawk. God, his hands are so fucking sexy.
Watching his fingers work their magic has you in a trance. You can’t help but think of what they feel like when they’re in- “You alright, babe?” Eddie asks before you can finish your thought. “Oh, yeah. I’m great. Just a little tired”
“Lick this for me?” He asks and your eyes widen. Eddie chuckles. “The paper, ya perv.
“Oh, right” Everytime Eddie rolled a joint, you licked the paper for him. You weren’t sure why, but it was a cute thing the two of you always did.
You lean forward and licked the paper while making eye contact. It took everything in you not to wrap your lips around his thumb and suck. Once you’re done, you sit back down on the floor and he sets the joint on the coffee table. “Thanks, baby. I’m gonna go get you a glass of water for when we smoke” Fuck, he’s so considerate you could just suck the soul right out of his body.
Once Eddie’s upstairs, you decide that he probably needs help and you’d hate to be a bad girlfriend.
“I’ll be right back” You say to your friends and sprint up the stairs.
When you walk in the kitchen, his back is facing you and he’s unaware you’re in the room. Eddie is rummaging through cabinets and humming a song while bobbing his head. You love seeing him lost in his own world.
Not wanting to keep your hands off of him any longer, you walk over to him and hug him from behind, giving him a squeeze.
“Steve, how many times do I have to tell you I have a girlfriend?” He jokes. You laugh and bury your face into his back and breathe in his scent. You move your hands under his shirt and he covers your hands with his own.
After standing there for a couple of minutes, Eddie turns around to face you and wraps his arms around you. “What’s got you all lovey dovey?” He asks, rubbing your back. “Just missed you” You put your hands behind his neck and play with his hair. “Well we can’t have that” Eddie leans down to kiss you.
The kiss is slow and passionate, but you need more. Your tongue slides across his bottom lip and he opens his mouth. Both of your tongues move together in harmony. His hands slide down to the back of your thighs. You know this means he wants you to jump and wrap your legs around him, so you oblige.
Eddie sets you on the counter and the kiss grows more intense. You feel a sense of relief and your body starts to go limp as you relax. You’re finally getting what you’ve been waiting for all day.
“Munson, y/l, you two better not be fucking in my kitchen.” You hear Steve shout from the top of the basement stairs.
“Guess we should get back down there” Eddie sighs and gives you a peck. You hop off the counter and head down to the basement hand in hand.
“How nice of you nymphomaniacs to finally join us.” Steve comments when you reach the bottom of the stairs. “If you missed me that much, Steve, just be honest” Eddie replies, making everyone giggle. “Yeah, you’d like that. We smokin’ or what?”
Robin, Steve, and Nancy all sit on the couch and you and Eddie share the oversized bean bag chair.
“M’lady, do me the honors of the first hit?” Eddie holds the joint to your lips and you inhale. Smoke fills your lungs and you immediately feel a sense of relaxation once you exhale. Eddie hands you your glass of water so you don’t have a coughing fit.
Moments later, the first joint is gone and you start to grow needier for Eddie’s touch. Weed always makes you horny, so smoking might not have been the best idea.
“Robs, pass me that blanket please. It’s freezing down here” It’s not really that cold but you can’t exactly palm Eddie through his pants without something to cover you. She throws it at you and Eddie places the blanket over both of you.
He throws his arm around you, pulling you closer and you rest your head on his chest. “Maybe we should put a movie on. Something scary?” You suggest. You and Eddie always get riled up during horror movies.
Once the movie starts and everyone’s eyes are glued to the screen, you start to have a little fun.
His shirt has slightly ridden up, so you let the hand that’s resting on his chest drift down to the exposed skin on his side. You slowly trace circles on his skin and he lets out a content sigh.
Once you think he believes this was an innocent gesture, you move your finger to rest atop his waistband and play with the fabric.
He tenses up, but quickly relaxes when he sees everyone else is paying attention to the movie.
Feeling bold, you start to plant tiny kisses on his neck without moving too much to avoid suspicion. Eddie’s hand moves down to rest on your ass occasionally giving it a squeeze.
Without hurry, you move your hand to rest atop his crotch. Eddie gives your ass a rough squeeze. While he means this as a warning, you take it as encouragement to keep going.
Your hand starts to rub him through his jeans, making him lay his head back and his eyes flutter close. “You’re so sexy. Been thinking about you all day” You whisper in his ear. With his neck more exposed, you go back to kissing it.
He tilts his head back up and he gently grabs your wrist, suddenly remembering you two aren’t the only ones here. “Baby, not here. Promise I’ll make it worth your while at home” It’s a nice promise, but not nice enough to stop you from palming at his crotch again. “You really want me to stop? Tell me again and I will.” You whisper. As badly as you want him, you really will stop if he’s uncomfortable.
Luckily for you, he doesn’t tell you to stop again. He lets go of your wrist and tries to act as casual as possible.
Without causing too much commotion, you undo his pants and slide your hand down to touch his cock. You look up at him and his lips look just so irresistible. You move so you can kiss him and he cups the back of your head.
The movie reaches a quiet part and your friends can hear the noises of you making out. “Munson, please tell me your dick isn’t out” Steve whines. Both of your heads immediately shoot up and look over to see the disgusted looks on your friends faces. “I would love to be able to tell you that, Steven, but then I’d be lying.” Eddie responds, face as red as a beet. You hear a chorus of ‘ews’ and ‘thats gross’
“Steve practically lives in a mansion so I am begging the both of you to please get a room and when you come back lets all keep our genitals in our pants” Robin pleads. You give each other a look and waste no time getting up and running towards the stairs.
“Any room but mine or my parents, got it?” Steve shouts and the girls laugh uncontrollably.
After what feels like ages, you finally find a spare bedroom. Your clothes are already torn off and Eddie pushes you on the bed.
“This what you wanted?” Eddie asks, pushing his jeans and boxers down far enough to get his dick out. “Beg for it” Eddie taps his cock on your clit, waiting to hear you beg.
“Please give me your cock. I wanna make you feel good. please, baby I’ll be so good”
You’re already dripping wet and he slides in with ease, making you simultaneously moan.
His thrusts are fast and rough. He starts to rub your clit faster and faster, showing your pussy no mercy.
“Fuck, Eddie. You feel so good inside me” You’re happy your friends are in the basement because the two of you aren’t even trying to be quiet.
“Your pussy feels so good around my cock” He’s breathing hard “Can’t wait to fill you up with my cum.”
“Can I ride you?” You ask and he smirks. He pulls out and lays on the bed.
You slowly sink on his cock and you swear it gets better and better each time. You steady yourself by placing your hands on his shoulder and start to bounce.
“Faster. Show me how bad you want me to cum in you” He smacks your ass causing you to let out a loud moan. You obey his orders and ride him faster. Your tits bouncing in his face start to drive him over the edge.
He grabs both of your tits and starts massaging your nipples. “Please tell me your close” He whines. “I’m close. So fucking close” You start to rub your clit, but Eddie smacks your hand so he can do it for you.
“Gonna cum. Cum with me right fucking now” He orders. You gush around his cock and his cum fills you up, making a satisfied smile appear on your face.
You're both panting and trying to catch your breath. You bury yourself in the crook of his neck and he soothes you by rubbing your back. He doesn’t pull out of you yet, knowing how much you both love feeling as close as possible.
“I love you” He says, voice strained
“I love you too” You kiss his neck.
Needless to say, you never made it back downstairs that night.
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aihaitahm · 1 year
brat tamer alhaitham
cw ns:/fw mdni. reader is afab. creampie, fingering, squirting, tit-play, pwp, light clit slapping, overstimulation, light degradation, praise
im really horny…. im sorry if its self indulgent >_<
uses the words darling, beautiful, good girl, princess
it was a boring weekend and you were trying to get your lover’s attention but he was reading his stupid book. you kept looking at his fingers and at his crotch because you were horny. you placed your hand on his thigh rubbing up and down. alhaitham noticed this and then gave you a kiss on the forehead and told you to be patient with him since he was about to finish it anyway. but you were persistent with your begging. you decided to go to the closet and wear his favorite lingerie and thigh highs.
“haitham…. pay attention to me now.” you demanded as you straddled on his knee and nibbled on his neck. you were grinding on his thigh and you felt a puddle form in your underwear. his breath hitch but he continued reading, enjoying where this is going. his eyes darken and slowly, a smirk appeared in his face. he then laid the book down and flipping you over, your ass up in the air.
“what did i say?” he said as he slaps your ass. you only cried out but it felt so good that it made you drip even more.
“answer me princess.” he smirked at your flushed expression.
“t-to be patient!” you whimpered. fuck he is so hot whenever hes manhandling you like this. you love being his brat and you want him to fuck you til all you could think of is him and his dick.
alhaitham saw your lustful expression and he chuckled darkly. obviously having plans for his precious cute darling. how could he resist especially that youre wearing his favorite underwear and thigh highs?
“oh? but have you been patient? no. and is that how you talk to your master? you demand him?” he asked dominantly. your brain already mushy, you whined in a gibberish manner.
“use your words.”
“i-im sorry m-master i’ll be a good princess but p-please i want your long thick fingers in me and then y-your big cock please pleasplease..!” you shamelessly begged. fuck, how could he resist you’re so hot and cute just for him.
he laid you on your back and left light feathered touches on from your nipples, to your neck, stomach and thighs. but actively avoiding your clit. he then spread the lips of your flower, staring with lust and affection as he observed how it glistened. you kept whining and whining telling him to touch your pussy.
he started playing with your breasts and sucking on it. all you need is just his big cock. he was so mean, teasing you but then again you deserve it for being impatient.
“master…master… fuck me please!”
he then slapped your wet clit lightly, creating a beautiful sensation that made you grip the sheets underneath you.
“at this point your enjoying this arent you? my princess is so impatient. what do we do with brats like you?” he teased as he put one finger in you and left it there. once in a while curling it up which makes you jolt and whimper.
you got so desperate that you were about to use your hand to rub your sore clit until he stops you.
“you naughty fucking brat. how many times do i say be patient hm? i guess i will have to tie you up with your ribbons. do you also want me to muffle your pretty mouth with your soaked panties or are you gonna be patient?” alhaitham exclaimed as he held your wrists together, tying it with a ribbon from your nightstand.
he kissed you on the lips and felt you moan through the kiss. “are you still okay, do you still want to keep going?” he asked, wanting to be sure you that you are okay.
“yes im sure haitham.” you reassured and he continued.
he starts adding 2 fingers in and thrusting it in a extremely slow yet strong pace. thumb lightly brushing your clit as you arch your back, trying to move your hips faster. he clicked his tongue and held you in your place, as he marked your neck and occasionally whisper dirty sweet-nothings into your ear, making you extremely warm and close to your release.
before you could even feel yourself cum, he stopped when he knew he pushed his fingers into your g-spot. you shiver and scream just from his fingers. he smirked as he felt you clenching around him, asking for more. he took off his fingers from your wet pussy and removed the ribbon tied to your wrists.
“mhm. thats my good girl. being patient for her master. what does my spoiled princess want?” he whispered, nibbling on your ear. you could only whine from the sensation but oh my all you wanted to do was to cum.
“cum…i wann to cum and i want your big cock and then you cum inside me m-master pleaseplease please!” you begged, biting your lips and spreading your legs for him.
he strips naked and strokes his big cock. he could see how your mouth was watering for it. he aligned himself and he lightly taps your clit with it, feeling the warmth of it.“are you sure all my dick can fit in here?” he teases. he is so mean and devilish.
“master please… ill make it fit. its mine afterall. please just fuck me…!” you screamed. alhaitham slowly thrusts in and it leaves you moaning loudly and clenching tightly, hands gripping hard at his muscular arms, feeling yourself already cum just when he began.
“did master tell you to cum already? i dont think so. does my little slut enjoy punishments that much?” he asked, as he purposely overstimulates you and thrusts in a rough pace. alhaitham never stops because of his godly stamina, he kisses your lips, neck and breasts as you couldnt keep yourself together. his cock hitting the same deep spot repeatedly as you lost your count of how many times he made you cum. you lost in his sensational dick, moaning, shouting loudly not caring if kaveh hears. alhaitham losing himself and groaning deeply as he feels himself about to cum.
“m-master… too much..! cum… cummingcumming h-haitham!” you cried out as you squirted all over his toned stomach and dick. you shivered and moaned as you felt him animalistically thrust in and out again as he is reaching his orgasm. feeling his cock kiss the deep spot inside you. you start clenching uncontrollably from the overstimulation as you felt another mind blowing orgasm creep in, making you arch your back.
“cumcumcum in me master, master, master!” you screamed and he moaned as you both came. pumping all his pearl white cum into you. recovering from his high, he kisses you all over the body and then on the shoulder. he kisses you gently on the lips as he still left his cock lay warm in your pussy.
“this is just the first round. i know you can take more my princess.” he smirked.
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luv4divineruler · 1 year
kai anderson x fem!reader headcannons
MOVED TO @spectr3inl0ve
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authors note: this is my first time writing headcannons so naturally it wont be top tier quality! i will try to write for gender neutral readers but atm im still trying to figure out my writing style and get comfortable with it :)
please remember that these are my headcannons i have for kai and may be out of character. i do however try to keep them as realistic to his character as possible as i prefer it that way!
contains ⚠️: kai anderson, slight fluff, kai being cold ig
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kai anderson is not fond of pda, unless he initiates it. this would be when hes trying to make himself look like a good partner so the public perceives him as "an average man" (i will bring up the average man again)
his staged pda may look like: hand holding, swift kisses on the cheek, arm around ur shoulder and maybe around ur waist. he would be more likely to allow u to initiate it as well. he doesnt want to be viewed as clingy or touchy
in private he is tolerant of ur kisses (on his cheek, nose, wherever), hand holding, hugging, clinging to his arm, cuddling, resting ur head on his shoulder, etc. he probably likes it, but he would never let u know that
kai has invested in stocks and a few small properties. that, combined with his job as an app developer and his parents retirement funds allows him to live comfortably. and be able to spoil u.
that being said, his love language is more likely to be gift giving.
when u wake up with kai not being by ur side, sometimes a wad of cash ranging from hundreds to thousands of dollars (lucky u ;)) will be left in his place
kai may even be gravious enough to leave a simple note reading,
"*reader*, buy yourself something nice. K.A"
though sometimes he leaves the cash not for ur shopping but for u to buy groceries, household items and things that he needs such as clothes, razors, hair dye, etc. u dont complain as u live in his house for free and he makes sure ur health is at peak condition
dates arent common, but they arent rare either so sometimes he will plan take u on a date on the days he leaves cash for u to spend on urself. on these days, the money would be accompanied by a note reading,
"I'm taking u out to dinner tonight at *place* at *time*. Dress accordingly. If you would like you may buy me something to wear to dinner. K.A"
or something along those lines. If he doesn't leave a note he'll send a text and either way he'll sign with his initials. (will def write more about this so stay tuned)
he would never let u know that he likes (not to be confused with loves) when you buy outfits for him to wear.
he probably had poor hygiene before dating u. u would've had to convince him to take showers everyday and to wash his hair more. he would shower more, but would neglect his hair. when u wash his hair, u notice how he's slightly more vulnerable with u, less hostile.
when kai needs to re-dye his hair, he asks u if u want to do it, otherwise he'd do it himself or get winter (b4 her death) to do it
this isn't original (i read it in an amazing smut but i dont remember the @ 😭) but he doesn't pay attention to conversations or u talking to him while he eats. he's focused on the food in front of him. u use this to ur advantage, getting him to buy u lavish gifts he wouldntve said yes to buying if he wasn't eating.
doesn't really give compliments of assurance, only when ure literally sobbing in his arms or in a dark corner of a room.
"I've tought you to be stronger Angel. You should be secure with who you are. It makes you impenetrable. Untouchable."
he would tell u, as he presses a hard kiss to the top of your head
would definitely have pet names for u. probably animal related like Bunny, Little Lamb (a popular one associated with kai). he would also call u Angel, maybe babe or baby. I don't see him calling u kitten or queen. sorry
when u sleep u have ur back facing him, depending on his mood u could be holding hands or he could have his arms snaked around ur waist. if hes exhausted he may let u cuddle into his chest (idk y but i feel like he'd normally have a problem with that). either way, u always kiss him goodnight, whether that'd be on his lips, cheek, head, nose, or somewhere in between. he usually wouldnt reciprocate it, but if he's feeling generous he will
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soo thats finished, i am definitely going to write some oneshots based on a headcannon or 2
taglist (dm or comment to be added): omg it looks so lonely rn
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stormblessed95 · 2 months
JK and JM are so annoying to be honest and I say this with so much love.
Like if you want to fuck, maybe fuck and get it out of your system. Whats the point of having all these awkward sexually charged moments? I mean they have been in the same band for over 10 years. And if you don't want to fuck, what's the point of looking like you want to fuck all the fucking time? You know what I mean. Regardless of what I think of their relationship, it's very obvious that they are attracted to each other especially JK who honestly seems to be obsessed with JM (saying it nicely). What's the point of being whatever they are when it seems pretty obvious to a lot of people that they want to fuck and would probably fuck if they could. And to be honest if the situation is that they want to show people that they aren't into each other, maybe they need to some acting lessons. Like if you want people to think you aren't into each other, maybe work on your facial expressions. If their intention is to prove to people that they are straight and aren't into each other, maybe take a break from each other. What's the point of doing a show together and spending your last moments before the Army with each other? If you are dating other people, why arent you spending your last moments with others before enlisting rather than with each other? That's just clingy as fuck.
Once again, I mostly say this to JK than JM. JM has enough sense to tell JK to not flirt with him and keep him under control but JK doesn't seem to have the same things. Like we all know JM is irresistible but maybe try to keep your expressions under control JK!!
Also I was seeing Taekook vs Jikook discourse and I always wonder if these people are blind because to me it looks like Jimin is the prize. Both Tae and JK are literally obsessed with JMs attention and they want to be his main focus. I always see both these boys try to get his attention and I have noticed this since forever. I do think that JM tends to baby and maybe pay a bit more attention to V when he is around but I think it's because he is with JK and wants to focus on his friend when they are all together. I could be wrong of course but thats what it feels like to me when I watch their content.
To be honest though, if Jimin was in my team, I would thank god for giving him to us and worship him. How can someone be this perfect. I don't only mean his looks and.his talent because those are incomparable but even his personality. Who the fuck gets to be this good looking, talented and this fucking charismatic while.havujhnan amazing personality. It's stupid and unfair.
Okay rant over. Sorry just wanted to rant
I - 😂🤣😂
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raynetheinsane · 7 months
Batfam (and friends) as Henry Danger quotes
(Because im a nerd and love this show)
Damian: Tt, my parties arent that bad
Jon: Christmas. 3 years ago. 15 kids ended up in the hospital!
Damian: FATHER!!!
Tim: Damian! Were trying to study here *indicates to Duke and Steph, both clearly not studying*
Damian: I’m talking to my Father.
Robin!Jason: Dangit! All these jobs say i gotta have skills..
Dick: You have skills!
Jason: Name one.
Dick: You’re a great dancer!
Jason: No I’m not?
Dick: You could take lessons.
(More under the cut i just dont want this to be super duper long)
Bruce: How old are you?
Tim, trying to become robin: Im 13, I’ll be 14. On my next birthday
Dick: Ah so youre aging sequentially
Tim, extremely tired: Do you ever dream about sleeping?
Steph, extremely confused:…no??
Tim: good. If you did youd be dead.
Bruce: Lets ride.
Robin!Jason who is very new to this: Wha- Ride where?
Bruce: We’ve got people in the Jandy River that need saving.
Bruce: Come on.
Jason: You mean we’re going there? Together? Like right now?
Tim, extremely dirty and has a cut on his face walking into Drake Manor:
Jack, not paying attention: Hey Tim, did you get the job?
Tim: Yeah, just finished my first day.
Jack: So hows work?
Tim: Uh it was pretty… interesting.
Bernard: Hey, you never told us what you do at your new job
Tim: *just stares wide eyed silently*
Bruce: While we were patrolling, Poison Ivy stole packs of baby bottles, can you guess why?
Robin!Dick: Uhhh
Bruce: To flood the bottles with radioactive plant matter.
Dick: I would not have guessed that.
Jason: I see youre in your pajama pants.
Tim: Yeah its almost midnight, I was studying for this test i have tomorrow
Jason: What subject?
Tim: Puerto Rican history
Jason: Ah Puerto Rico… land of…
Tim: Puerto Ricans?
Jason: yeah..
Red Hood: Strike three.
Spoiler: That was only 2
Hood: Okay, don’t correct me in front of the criminals
Duke: Whats in the mug?
Tim, who just poured himself and entire pot of coffee despite hating it: Coffee.
Tim: To keep me alive.
Duke: no, no, no, no, you cannot drink this much coffee after work. This mug is comedically large!
Steph: I have the same dream all the time. It satrts with me getting a horse for my birthday. Then my dad shows up. Then the horse kicks my dad in the face!
Jason, helping Tim study: You want a good grade on your puerto rican math test?
Tim: history
Jason, who died before he finished highschool: Same thing
Non-Bat who needs the antidote for Joker gas or something: Will this hurt?
Black Bat: Yes, very much.
Bernard, talking about a criminal the Bats cant catch: Its not Batmans fault, he just needs a better sidekick
Tim: One more time.
Bernard, who knows: Just saying, I’d be way better at catching criminals than the current Robin
Dick: I’m gonna die..
Jason: Not in the house. If you’re gonna die, do it outside
Tim: I’m Robin.
Bernard: I know. I figured that out.
Damian: Todd, I wish to speak to you about something.
Oracle: Steph, come to Gotham Park right now!
Steph: noo, I’m not in the mood for trees
Oracle: did i ask you what youre in the mood for?
Vikki Vale: So, Spoiler, how did you catch Two Face?
Spoiler: I’d love to take all the credit, but it was really all thanks to my partner, Black Bat.
Vikki: Interesting. Black Bat, can you tell us more?
Black Bat: No.
It really bothers me the lack of Babs, Cass, and Duke worthy quotes there are 😔😔 also my personal favs show a lot and im sorry for that, but there will be more as i think of them, these are just eps 1-4, the rest will be posted like in a queue or something and as single quotes cus im eepy
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blindmagdalena · 1 year
I was rereading the reader breaks up with homelander fic and it got me thinking 🤔 . What if homelander and his partner are hanging out or something and homelander is talking and his partner isn't paying attention or misunderstands him and thinks he's breaking up with them and they're like what? You aren't breaking up with me! You arent getting rid of me buddy that ship has sailed and there's no receipt! How would he react?
Homelander blinks several times. "What?" "It's not happening," you tell him, audibly swallowing a lump in your throat. He can smell your anxiety, and yet your head is tipped back in pure defiance.
He has to bite back the smile that threatens to form. Christ, you think he's dumping you. Admittedly, he probably could have phrased this whole plot of his better than I think we need a break.
"It's not?" He asks, carefully talking around his amusement, keeping his tone even.
"No," you say firmly. You take his hands, and knowing what he knows, he can't help but find the anxious purse of your lips deeply endearing. You always do that when you're trying not to cry. "We'll talk, and we'll-we'll figure out the problem," you say, squeezing his hands.
He almost feels bad keeping you on the hook like this, but fuck, you're so goddamn cute. "You think so?"
"Yeah," you say quietly, heart thudding loud and sweet in his ears. You sure got worked up quick. It's almost mesmerizing to watch how rapidly your demeanor falls into this frenzy, desperate to fix what isn't even broken. It's like yanking a direct line to seeing just how deeply you love him.
"Just... Just please don't... don't-" Your voice catches, eyes turning glassy.
Oop, too far. Now you really look like you're going to cry.
"Okay, okay, okay," he says, untangling his hands from yours so that he can pull you into his arms, stroking his hand up and down your back in firm, soothing sweeps. "It's alright, okay. I hear you. No vacation."
There's a long pause. He tries desperately not to laugh. Slowly, you press your hands to his chest, and lift your gaze to meet his. Your eyes narrow. "What?"
"You know, a break. I was thinking we could use a break, get out of the city. Check out Hawaii or Italy," he says, practically chewing each word. He can't keep the Cheshire cat grin off his mouth any longer.
Your jaw slowly drops. "You..." Even though he sees it coming a mile away, he does nothing to prevent you from whalloping your fist against his chest. "You evil man!" You gasp, striking his padded chest again. "You wicked beast! You creature!"
Homelander's outright cackling now, impervious to your strikes. He catches your wrists and yanks you into a gleeful kiss, humming a devious little purr against your lips. "C'mon," he rumbles. "You didn't really think I'd let you get away that easily, did you?"
"Stop kissing me, I'm kicking your ass," you say, stubbornly twisting in his grasp, kicking ineffectually at his shins. "You scared the shit out of me."
"I don't see how this is my fault," he says, backing you up against the wall, maneuvering both of your wrists into his one hand, pinning them above your head. His grin is downright wolfish. "You're the one jumping to conclusions."
"You said we needed a break!" You say, but when he presses his body against yours, you practically melt into it. He kisses you until you stop biting at his lips, until you cease those meager attempts to twist out of his iron clad grip. He kisses you until your heart beat settles, and you're kissing him back.
"Italy," you say, warm breath mingling with his.
"Hmm?" He hums, in a little daze all his own. He feels intoxicated by your visceral response, by your possessiveness and desperation to keep him.
"I want to go to Italy," you clarify, kissing him again.
He smiles.
"Anything you want, babe."
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k-s-morgan · 2 months
Recently checked back up on ATLWETD to see if it had updated and followed the tumblr thread here. Imagine my surprise seeing all of the wonderful snippets and asks you answered. Tom using the mood stone? I almost forgot that was a thing. And finding out that Tom was just being a possesive/calculating bastard when he took Harrys food is embarassing to me since my guess was so far off. I thought that Tom inferred that Harry suspected him of poisoning/ truth seruming his food when he told Tom "Happy Poisoning".
Anyways, I decided it was finally my time to step up and praise you like the glorious writer you are. How on earth you could ever believe that your works arent as creative or as plot heavy as other tomarry works is beyond me. To me, your fics have lovely foreshadowing that makes me pay very close attention to anything that is mentioned offhandedly by a character because in your works everything means something. (Like seriously, one detail I missed in WHGTB on the first read was Harry reading the description of the book Tom was going to use to bond him and you stuffing permanent bonding inbetween fertility and necromancy. You had Harry misdirect us by having him muse about necromancy so we wouldn't notice. And you're right, I didn't)
And the humanity and characterization that you give to any character you write? Hell, i'd say you give them more layers than the origional authors. I always know that you won't make the characters make stupid and out of character actions just to advance the plot.
My experience with your writing started with WHGTB (my first convincing tomarry fic btw, you were the one who snagged me). After that, I trailed after your content like a lost puppy. I consumed your hannigram fics without having a spec of knowledge other than "haha cannibal eats the rude". I have now watched the telltale John Doe/Bruce Wayne playthroughs on youtube and rewatched the lego batman movie for the first time since i saw it in theaters when it came out. A Rule for a Rule is shaping up to be the best thing that happened to batjokes (outside of Half Way Across). I've even tenatively read through your Black Butler work, which I was hesitant to look at given the age gap and having never watched the anime. Should have never doubted that your approach to their relationship would make sense. You make an anime which could be categorized as ridiculous (I apologize, I have no nostalgic memories of this anime holding me back. I read your fic first, the anime can't compare) into something psychological and beautiful. Just so so real.
Anywho, there's my small (because I could genuinely write an analytical essay on your works and enjoy it) love letter to your writing.
Stay safe angel, it's unfortunate that I can't do anything to help you or your country. Even more disgusting that my country could help if they gave half a shit but won't. I would say I'm praying for you, but given that I'm not religious that goes nowhere. So, pathetically, my 11:11 wishes will be used for your continuted health.
Hope your writing continues to bring you joy <3
Hi! Thank you so much for such a lengthy, wonderful ask - I have a few more unanswered ones in my ask box, and I'm so delighted that my stories evoke so many thoughts and feelings in my readers!
Funnily, quite a few people thought that Tom sharing Harry's food and drinking from his cup is related to Harry's 'happy poisoning'! This never occured to me. I admit I love when such stuff happens because it proves how a text is its own thing, a living organism, something that the author and every reader can have vastly different interpretations of. In this case, yes, I intended for Tom to keep testing the intimate boundaries and to see how much Harry would allow, to gauge what exact type of relationship they used to share. Slowly turning him into a possessive, obsessed monster in love is such a delight.
I'm so gratified that you enjoy the foreshadowing I'm trying to build! I do love it, and I can tell that in ATLWETD, the seeds of the largest plot twists and the ending have already been planted. It's difficult to recognize them without knowing the rest, but if someone re-reads the whole story after it's done, these little hints should become obvious.
Also, it's so flattering that WHGTB became the first Tomarry story you really liked! Really, it's an honor, considering how big this part of fandom is and how many brilliant stories fill it. And knowing that you followed my fics across the fandoms despite not being a part of them - wow! I'm speechless! You honestly made me blush, I'm so happy to hear all this.
I appreciate every word you wrote - this means so much to me, I re-read your ask a couple of times because of how happy it made me. I hope you continue to enjoy my stories and discovering new great fandoms :D Thank you!
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stevie-petey · 9 months
hiya m! hope all is well and ur doing good with school stuff. do u maube want to do something from nancy's pov? specifically about maybe her feelings on r and johnathan's closeness and how she feels a little like she's intruding/unsure if she's stepping on toes, or maybe even how close r and steve are (though i don't think she suspects or makes anything of it at this point but i'm not sure). just something about her thoughts on r and her closeness with one of the boys would be so very delicious <3
hi my dear !! im doin well and have no pressing assignments today so <3 we rock n roll. ur blurb is fantastic and i hope i did justice to nancys character shes an intimidating person to write tbh
enjoy !
“how long until they finally get together?” barb asks nancy, the two of them watching as you and jonathan walk towards your locker.
“jonathan and y/n?” nancy closes her locker. “i dont know, havent really paid attention to them.”
barb pokes her with the tip of her pen. “liar, arent they always hanging out with your brother?”
“mikes life is none of my business.”
“fair, but c’mon. you seriously cant be telling me that you dont think jonathan and y/n will get together soon.”
nancy doesnt say anything, hoping that if she doesnt respond then barb will drop the subject, but she knows she has a point. nancy had been lying before, she does pay attention to you two.
not in a creepy or judgmental way, but of course shes paid attention to you and jonathan. how could she not? the two of you were like this inseparable pair of endearing grandparents. always bickering and yet always holding each others hands through it all.
nancy thinks its sweet, in a way. to have someone care about a person so much and with such devotion. to be taken care of. it was obvious, even to nancy, that the two of you really loved each other.
its also why she kept her distance from you two, though. nancy felt like there was never any room in your little planet together, but she didnt mind. she had barb, steve harrington winked at her last week; she was doing fine.
but when nancy began hanging around you and jonathan because barb went missing, she started to fear that there really was no room for her on the planet you guys inhabited. she always felt three steps behind in the conversations with you and jonathan. the two of you had long perfected an unspoken language and nancy was helpless in deciphering it.
but she had to push down the uncertainty to find barb. thats all nancy cared about, even if sometimes jonathan looked at her like she was someone other than perfect nancy wheeler. like he was interested in her intelligence rather than her beauty.
it was nice. really nice.
no one had ever taken her seriously before.
but then nancy would see you in the background, hovering over jonathans shoulder as you always have done, and she’d feel like shit afterwards.
nancy knows you love jonathan, and the way he looks at you when you arent looking at him, she cant deny that he loves you, too.
what she cant figure out, however, is the capacity of love between you and him. despite days of being around you two, seeing all your interactions and small gestures and nicknames and adoration between you, nancy cant figure out if its romantic or something else.
and after watching you and jonathan for a few days, nancy concludes that you guys dont seem to know whats between you either. theres a thin line that hangs over you and jonathan. a thread of almost thats so precariously thin.
and nancy doesnt want to be the one that severs it.
so when she gets paired with you in the shed that night at the school to find will and barb, nancy takes her only opportunity to reassure you that shes not a threat. nancy isnt an idiot, shes seen the way you look at her after jonathan has done something kind towards her.
“i dont want to intrude.” nancy tells you, with all the sincerity and truth she can offer. she really, truly doesnt want to step over the line with jonathan. she understands that hes yours and youre his in a way that she may not ever fully know. but she still respects it.
nancy wants to be your friend.
but she also wants jonathans understanding of her, too.
its a dangerous and blurry and confusing thing.
and sometimes nancy is terrified she’ll fuck it up, hurt everyone in the process, but shes also been perfect her entire life.
nancy wheeler understands that selfishness is not inherently wrong, but every time shes selfish, the people she loves the most get hurt.
thats one thing barb taught her.
nancy refuses to hurt anyone else, especially someone as selfless as you, as genuine as jonathan, and as sincere as steve.
none of you deserve it, so nancy bites her tongue and goes to parties and makes sure to always leave a few inches of space between her and jonathan.
anything to keep everyone afloat.
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awesomehoggirl · 9 months
i have a really weird complex where i dont wanna tell my parents anything bc im scared theyll be mad at me (even tho they are so incredibly supportive). today i cried and opened up and told them absolutely everything including my ocd diagnosis and medication and even smoking (idk why 😭) and so much more like all my deep dark secrets and You know what they said ? they said Girl you should have told us sooner so we could have helped you and supported you better we love you we worry more if you dont tell us these things and we arent angry at all :) and i was like OK i would convinced U would think i was a crazy faker who just wants attention but obviously you would think the normal thing because you care about me and i know this. Well it felt good and im glad i did it and theyre paying for me to see a therapist
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safetycar-restart · 2 years
my own personal life has given me inspiration.
hickies covering ur tits.
maybe charles has just been lay suckling on ur tits and he eventually moves away from your nipple and just onto the skin without thinking. and when he pulls away he looks down and sees a large red bruise on your boob and he panics a little bit. because theres a bruise? on mommys tits? and he caused it? he hurt mommy? you probably arent even paying that much attention. you’ve been reading or watching something whilst running your hand through charles’s hair as he suckles and kisses. and when you feel him stop you look down and your poor baby is almost in tears hovering just above the hickey. you ask him whats wrong and he just responds with ‘i bruised you i hurt mommy’ and a tear runs down his face. you wipe it away and shush him and hold him and tell him its okay. that it doesnt hurt and it infact feels good. that it’s a hickey not just a bruise. and all of a sudden hes asking to give more. and within twenty minutes you’re covered in hickies. charles is just latched on and refuses to let go. which is perfectly okay, you’ll just have to give payback later.
- 🍁
OH MY GOD YES!!!! THIS IS AMAZING. This is so perfect and sweet and cute I love it.
Firstly, Charles’s little mind really just turns off once he’s in your arms like that. Cause he’s so comfy!! Comfy and warm and safe and it’s amazing!!
You’re just scrolling through your phone with one hand, and rubbing your other hand through his hair because you know he likes that. He’s so happy there, half asleep as he suckles on you and just has the best time.
He ends up turning his head a little to rest more comfortably, and his mouth slips off your nipple and latches onto the side of your breast. You don’t even notice it, just keep on playing with his hair. Hes so out of it that he just carries on sucking, feeling nice and warm.
He lifts his head a little to change position again and that’s when he realises what he’s done.
And instantly he’s so scared.
Cause he… he bruises mommy? Mommy lets him lay on her chest and suck her titties like a little baby and in return he bruised her?? That’s so bad!! He’s been so bad!!
How could he ever bruise mommy?!
And yes he knows what a hickey is, of course he does. He’s covered in them. But that’s because his your good boy and he wants to feel owned. But he… he has no right to leave marks like that on you?
You look down at him because you didn’t feel him resume sucking, which usually means he’s fallen asleep and you wanted to see if he had. But instead, there’s a teary eyed sub staring up at you.
You frown, asking him what happened. Did he have a bad dream? Sure not? He never has bad dreams in your arms.
He moves his head and shows you the mark he left, apologising over and over again for it and promising he’ll never do it again. He’s so scared that you won’t let him suckle anymore. And he can’t handle that!! He can’t!!
And honestly, you’re very happy to have hickeys from your sweet boy? You know there’s not a dom bone in his cute little body, and that’s absolutely fine because that’s your job, but your his as much as he’s yours. So to have some marks from him? That would be amazing.
So that’s what you tell him, and he’s so shocked?
He kinda just looks to you and mumbles, “mommy… mommy wants marks? From me?”
You nod, kissing his head, “Of course! Your mine and I’m yours, yeah?”
He nods so quickly it’s comical. Because yes!! Yes that’s exactly how things are supposed to be!!! He’s yours and your his.
So of course he just has to ask if he can leave more. You nod, telling him that he’s always allowed to. As long as he doesn’t go above your breasts so that you can wear shirts easily, then he can do whatever he wants.
And he’s just… he’s so happy!!!
So he settles back against you, pressing open mouth kisses all over your breasts, stopping randomly to suck hickeys and to suckle on your nipples.
He’s so happy there. He’s honestly like a kid in a candy store, just licking and sucking to his heart‘s content.
Needless to say, you’re covered in hickeys by the end of it, and Charles is obsessed. He did that!! He marked his mommy!!!
The next day you’re about to do a scene and you have Charles undress you. The poor thing just malfunctions when he sees all the marks he left.
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Realizing your trans while dating them (Ftm, will post Mtf later)
TW//slight mention of pregnancy (in a semi light hearted matter), crying, implied sexual content
baby boy is so so so supportive…in his own weird way. You tell him while he’s at your apartment for a study session it went a little something like this
“Hey..liam? i have something to tell you…”
he looks up from his book from above the rim of his glasses at you before noticing your pained expression and transferring his face into one as well before quickly shutting the book and sitting up to pay attention to you.
“What’s wrong…? You look upset.”
“Liam I realized something about myself, well more like i’ve come to grasp with something i’ve always known…”
he now looks Puzzled, what could you possible mean by that?
“I don’t Feel Right in my body…something is wrong with me where i am now. I don’t Feel Like a girl. And i totally understand if that’s a deal breaker for you and you want to break up with me.”
your eyes start to tear up and your composure breaks and you start to cry in your hands but before you can let out a genuine sob liam has wrapped his arms around you and you gasp from the sudden contact and you go to look up at him and he is smiling at you.
“Why on earth would i do a silly thing like that? You know i’m Bisexual right?”
He pulled away from you with a smirk on his face
“Besides the whole idea of Gender conformity and What a person can be is So mainstream”
You rolled your eyes playfully at your boyfriend, you couldn’t be happier at this outcome
He literally has gay dads, he’s so supportive of LGBTQIA+ people it’s frightening. Like you don’t expect this kind of proud and Kind nature from DAIMEN of all people.
“Hey babe..? i have something to tell you…”
you said fidgeting with your fingers
“He looked at how nervous and Somewhat pained your expression was and he got nervous”
“Oh fuck, what’s wrong?? Don’t tell me your pregnant. I’m not ready to be a dad yet!”
“NO IM NOT PREGNANT YOU IDIOT!! we use a condom every time anyway, where’d you think it’d come from?”
“I dunno, like a freak accident or something”
“Well no, i’m not pregnant but this is still serious”
“What’s wrong then…?”
“Well, I don’t feel like a girl anymore… to be honest i don’t think i ever did”
His posture seems to relax and he sighs of relief
“That’s it? I thought something was wrong you scared the shut out of me”
“Wha- But arent you straight?”
“HAH- That’s funny babe. I’m attracted to you regardless of your gender. I think your awesome and i love being around you”
“Awww thanks Babe!~”
he then opens the window and shouts out to the world
and you both know that somewhere in hell daimens dads are smiling
You told him at Camp Spooky when you were walking in the woods back from the meteor shower you had just watched together 
“Hey Cal..? Can we Talk?”
“Of course romantic partner Y/N!' what do you wish converse about?”
“Well What do you know about Gender Identity?”
“Ah in My hard drive i have memories of talking with Friend Milo about that topic. They mentioned that they are in fact a ‘non-binary’ and in Fact use they/them pronouns, After that i conducted a data search on the web and found out there was a plethora of others and labels for people who have a different perception of self from their biological sex. Why do you ask?”
“well i believe im somewhere on that spectrum you just mentioned..”
“oh my, Are you saying that you are transgender?”
“Yes i am…are you okay with that?”
“Of course! I am attracted to you romantically regardless of your biological sex, you have done that for me being that i have no Sexual reproductive parts. So of course i see no issue, what would you like me to refer to you as?”
You told him in a motel on the road-trip you went on with polly, she was in a separate room since we were able to afford 2 and since you and scott were dating it was obvious you were comfortable sharing so Polly was super stoked to have a huge bed to herself
“Hey scott..? we need to talk..”
“Oh no are you breaking up with me??? did i do something wrong?? am i not a good boy??”
“No no no! nothing like that I swear, It’s just something i have to tell you”
“Oh, well then what is it?” he said tilting his head like a confused puppy
“Well Yknow how I’m a girl right?”
“Yeah? you’re my girlfriend!”
“Well i’m not so Sure i am a girl anymore…i’ve realized i might be trans..sorry if it’s a deal breaker for you and if you wanna end things i completely understand”
“What?? break up with you??? why would i do that when i just got a boyfriend! is there anything else i should know?”
Wowee this took unnecessary long for me to write considering the last one was only like 15 mins 😅 i hope you all enjoyed this one! i’ll post the ftm version and nb version later
Peace and love! -Ghosty
pst follow my main @ghostygloom
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calebwittebane · 1 year
but yeah man youll never see me recommend any big city or Known Touristy Place in poland LOL. sorry to those places. something you need to understand is that poland is a bit of a shit hole so anything considered Presentable and Famous will be crazy overhyped and crowded beyond imagination. and a lot of the time those places really are something that you could find an equivalent of in some other country except less bad and with less antisemitic graffiti on nearby buildings (something many tourist guides wont tell you about big polish towns but is a miserable reality because for some reason local soccer club fans here are basically neonazi militias). you must ask a wise wizard like myself for advice, or better yet, to guide you in person. a wise wizard who has experienced a lot of suffering and loneliness and fear living in this country, and therefore has learnt to observe and appreciate things as a transient being, always just passing through, to love and experience but not chain it down with that love. understand that things that are big, popular, fancy, renowned, exciting, arent always the best ones, areny the ones most worthy of experiencing. things that are unique and special often come with many downsides and inconveniences and "ugliness". some just seem so mundane. some of them, maybe i just find them special personally because of my limited perspective. but listen... during a train ride between częstochowa and warsaw youll look out the window and see vast fields, some still used as farmland and some not, but youll see that sometimes they give way to overgrown bushes and young forests and flood plains, and for some reason in many such areas most of the shrubs and bushes there grow to be almost perfectly spherical. dense blobs of dark green emerging from a tangled mess of tall grass at different levels of dried up. with an occasional shimmer of a small creek running there under that cover. or--youll take a train to ustka, a somewhat popular seaside town, and youll find yourself on a bizarrely large, mostly defunct railway yard, with many many tracks running into cracked concrete fences, ending in the harbor and "burrowing" into the pavement there, running between buildings and barriers, blocked by rusty pipelines. people dont pay much attention to this area but its so fascinating. and youll follow some of those tracks and see that they lead to the shipyard, the ugly rusty bent metal sheets shipyard, and then further into the harbor, above which looms a large smoke-stained decrepit concrete building that used to be a fish processing plant. both of these buildings have been the object of protests calling for their demolition, because they Spoil the pleasant tourist-friendly landscape, and they do in fact stick out like two sore thumbs, and indeed last time i was there two giant banners had been hung up on both, saying, "how long is this ugly thing going to remain here?". the rest of ustka is all lovely sandy beaches, cute walkways, quaint architecture, nice restaurants and town squares and parks, its all very quaint and lowkey, except for those two monstrosities, and i love it. i hope they never tear them down. you feel me?
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okay but hold me like you scared to sounds so good already (they all sound so good tbh but this one piqued my interest lol) what's it about? and for the fanfic questions 32, 50 and J :))
@frappe-the-peppermint WE GOT ONE 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 ahem oh wow who said that. anyway ill do the questions first then get into fic discussion…
32) Do you listen to music when you write or does music inspire you? If so, which band or genre of music does it for you?
i listen to SO MUCH MUSIC!!!!! it depends on what im wrting tbh but i just queue up a bunch of songs in my liked playlist and write and write until it ends or im no longer on that flow. and well my music taste is an absolute mess so there isnt any one definitive band or genre that does it for me (i only pay attention Sometimes) but i suppose artists like mitski and queen would be a decent summary of my taste 😅
50) How did you get into reading and/or writing fanfiction?
gravity falls, no stop. the first one that ever piqued my interest was versability (originally on ff.net me thinks) and god damn it HOOKED ME!!!! gravity falls was already getting me up but wow that just got me SO MUCH HIGHER. i have a few authors i started binge reading like thesnadger and pinesinthewoods, i started extracting fics from reccs from tumblr artists, soon discovered ao3, and never looked back. and as for writing fic,,,,, well frankly it was the search for the cure’s original form that got me GOING!!!! it originally had crappy ocs as the forefronters but i soon changed that lmao (im definitely not saying theyre bad in general, just those… no) and i wrote So Much For It on my notes app. i didnt realize i culd actually show people until way later, in which i did, and realized that it could actually be better. thats why i reversed back to part one, made the story a part two, scapped the ocs, and…now we’re here. i still love it and gravity falls, i dont really show it here anymore. i really should, man. i need to write for them again!!!! it still excites me!!!! and the prose that im weaving now,,,, id DEMOLISH THE GAME!!!!!!! :)
J) what your favorite fanfic trope? have you written it?
honestly i think just showing you my favorted ao3 tags will paint a very detailed picture. here:
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though i suppose if i had to pick one here…god its between time loop and presumed dead (and grief/moruning but idk if thats a trope so much as it is a theme). MMMMMMMM. mmmmm. just YES. the psychological affects of both being a time loop and thinking someone you love is dead but they arent actually are DELICIOUS!!!!!!!!!! they are a MUST HAVE. i daydream constantly, but i havent written time loop yet because while i love it, i havent hadthe motive to write such a thing myself. reading is chill ✊ and presumed dead well i try to throw it is as much as i can, the most recent ive used being a west end town and my favorite being that one kid from jersey ! i need to do more of these fr. its just so GOOD!!!!!!
okay. its finally time for the brainwashing discussing of the fic ! i can tell you alllll about that story and it will be my pleasure sonny 🫡 its a very long story. but short verison in case you dont want to go on: its a Titanic epic . april 1912. iceberg. ive read a few that are AMAZING, but i wanted to write one that catered it allll to Me. it has lesbians, heaven sucking ass, flood parallels, and a king of the world AND draw me like one of your french girls scene. very nice 🔥
okay now its time for the long story. so a super super long time ago for a post i cant even remember (i really wanna find it 😭😭) i for someone reason went on a tangent about the titanic. i had just read this fic called sinking into the sea which was tbh VERY GOOD (and i would read it again fr fr ) but at the time, i was kinda bummed that aziraphale and crowley never actually Interacted when i had expected. aziraphale didnt even know crowley was there!!! it left me feeling melancholy, and realizing that all of the titanic fics ive ate up to that point didnt HIT hit the spot (i didnt find this after this realization, but again, theyre not even on the boat 🤧) so i was feeling a bit incomplete. i started ranting and ranting it was a wholeee wall of a text of what I would do with a titanic story and i realized oh wait i can Do Something with this because i haev free will and actual (somewhat) coherent skill. pepper jumped on the wagon, REALLY REALLY encouraged which i cant thank enough for, and….we’re here. its brewing. i had a very large interest in the titanic for a long time before this tbh, so being able to insert it into The Interest just JUMPSTARTED my brain and it still does to this day. now for the plot….
its 2020, a year after the apocalypse (no pandemic). anathema, newt, brian, crowley, and aziraphale have been assigned to plan adam’s 12th birthday party—they shenanigan, as you do. on the day of the party (adam’s birthday) anathema and newt find a chest in jasmine cottage’s attic full of titanic relics, including a pack of polaroid photos (handheld cameras did indeed exist in 1912, i checked !) which kinda might sort of have a photo of aziraphale and crowley!?!?! it was sent to them about six months before. but after the whole Second Volume fiasco, anathema just sort of wrote it off in that way and Hid It. but newt was curious, he found it, and god it was writtent his way wasnt it. (well, not by the nutter they were thinking of actually). anathema confronts them about itsoon after, and they all sit down to hear the story of the titanic in a sort of rose dawson beat. then its 1912—50ish years since the holy water incident and almost a century since the resurrectionists disaster. aziraphale has been assigned to take this trip to new york for Some Reason (we found out why later) and happened to invite crowley to come along to attempt to make amends after Allat (he really does feel bad, but he will NOT do the holy water thing yet </3) shit occurs, but history atlarge will not be rewritten. it does change their story, though. adding a sprinkle of interest in the device family line. agnes prophec(y)(ies), dancing on deck under the stars, playing cards with humans and winning by a Lot, aziraphale’s artistic skills are put to use at one point—ughghgufhits just so DEAR TO ME!!!!! and of course the conflict will come later, especially considering the religious connections to the titanic sinking—“not even God can sink this ship” type conversation 🥰 aziraphale can and will be made uncomfortable. its for the character development dont worry about it. i even have a playlist for this fic (it sorted by the way the tone shifts thru the story, some songs are silly but they had to stay). pep has also made some song covers to some of the songs that ive heavily connected to the fic and I REALLY FUCKING LIKED. LIKE A LOT. THEYRE AMAZING YOU SHOULD LISTEN IF YOU WANT TO!!!!
the point of all this is that i like titanic fics and im trying to throw my hat in the ring even if its just for me and my friend 🔥🔥 because while others have fed me, i havent seen ones that have documented like Every Single Day on the titanic that aziraphale and crowley would theoretically have as well as developing aziraphale and crowley’s relationship while taking into account whats happened before (insert the story into a part of the timeline seamlessly i think thats how i’d describe) AS WELL AS connecting the reason why the titanic was such a freak tragedy and how the world is not fucking fair instead of just “oh whoops the thing sank 😞” i want NITTY GRITTY DETAIL!!!!!! I WANT GUILT!!!!!!! I WANT CHAOS!!!!!!!! I WANT TALKING ABOUT GOD!!!!!!! I WANT AZIRAPHALE IN A MENTAL CRISIS!!!!! I WANT CROWLEY JUST WANTING TO FUCKING LIVE FUCKING PEACEFULLY!!!!!!! I WANT LESBIANS!!!!!! i need to get on this,,,, so much to do. i love it all and TY FOR THE ASK!!!!
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