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stevie-petey · 1 day ago
LMAO thats how i felt writing it
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growing pains
But you’re tired of pretending. “Why am I here, Steve?”  “I thought we already established it’s because you walked in the snow.”  He’s dodging. Avoiding the question and the truths that will come with it. “Steve.” Hissing his name is familiar, it feels more natural. This is how it should be between you. Anger, disdain, raw. “And there it is,” He winces. “The fighting begins. We lasted, what? Ten minutes? Merry Christmas to us.”
Summary: steve buys you shitty coffee five years after your breakup.
Rating: general, swearing
Warnings: fem! reader, use of y/n, exes!au, slight unhealthy relationship if u squint, ambiguous ending (kinda)
Words: 8k
Before you swing in: hi my dears ! heres a very sad/bittersweet coffee shop conversation with far too many flashbacks and miscommunication. yummy ! unintentionally made this a christmas fic, so the bleachers song merry christmas please dont call is very fitting lmao. enjoy !
A flurry of snow coats Hawkins. Christmas lights reflect off the pristine white as the quiet stills everything in the town. There are no cars that drive past you. Hardly anyone littering the sidewalk as your footsteps trace a path in the freshly fallen snow. In the small, rundown cafe there is only one other patron brave enough to face the winter cold. 
The bell above the door signals your arrival.
Steve looks up at you. 
The flush of cold air stains your cheeks a ruddy red, though his gaze tinges the hue pink. The blush gives away the fondness you hoped you had buried below your sternum; but the fondness is still there. It will always be there. 
Steve gestures silently, offering you the seat in front of him. He’s chosen a small table in the back of the room. Secluded. Private. But he doesn’t stand to greet you. 
You sit. The cold makes your body slow. Steve’s presence makes your posture stiff. Your hands remain folded in your lap. You don’t place them on the table, too reminiscent of the times he would reach across and interlace your fingers together. 
The deliberate act is small, your only defiance, but still, after all these years, Steve sees it for what it really is. You’re still exactly as he remembers. The corner of his lip twitches, hiding a smile that you still know the weight of. How it felt against your own lips. 
“The whole town is buzzing about a white Christmas. We haven’t gotten snow like this in years.” 
Inconsequential. Steve’s first words to you in five years are inconsequential. 
There are still flecks of snow on your clothes. A snowflake melts slowly on your scarf. You watch its demise. There is nothing you want to say to him. 
Steve shifts slightly. Clears his throat. You still make him nervous. “I wasn’t sure you’d still come.”
“I walked.” Your first words to Steve are inconsequential, too. 
“In all this snow?” His surprise is soft, bordering on amusement. He takes his coat off, and underneath is a cheesy holiday sweater that makes your throat clench. “Aren’t you freezing?”
You shake your head. “I like the cold.”
And then Steve smiles. Genuine, it stretches across his entire face. “Yeah,” a breathy laugh that echoes in your ears. “I remember.”
“I can’t feel my legs.” Steve whines, lagging behind you as the two of you trek through the snow. You’re at the bottom of the hill, still a long way from the top. “How are you still alive?”
You’re flushed in excitement and youth. The apples of your cheeks match the pink hat that keeps sliding into your eyes. Planting your feet firmly into the snow, you continue to climb. “It’s not that cold.”
“It’s freezing–shit!” Steve slips on a patch of ice. His voice cracks as he yelps, and you giggle at his embarrassment. He glares at you. “Please don’t laugh at me. I’m miserable here, Y/N.”
“You’re the one who wanted to come. I was perfectly happy going sledding alone.” You’re halfway up the hill now. The flimsy plastic tube you’re using to sled hangs loosely from your hand. “Don’t be such a baby.”
Steve scoffs. “God forbid I try to be romantic and go sledding with my girlfriend.”
Your cheeks flush an even deeper shade of pink. It still feels weird, hearing him call you his girlfriend. The word is new, foreign, but the warmth that accompanies it is one that you hope you never get used to.
“Besides, who even goes sledding alone?” Steve continues, still pathetically behind you. “What if you got hurt? No good boyfriend should allow that to happen.”
You snort. “What, are you my knight in shining armor now?” Shifting low, you start scooping up some snow. “Is that what you want me to say?”
“All I’m saying is that I’m totally a saint.” 
You laugh, now packing the snow into your hands as you form a snowball. “Oh, I’m sure you are.” Steve hasn’t noticed what you’re doing yet. He doesn’t know that in a matter of seconds you’ll cover his face in snow. Sneaking a glance at him, your breath catches.
There are snowflakes in Steve’s hair. A few kiss his cheeks, dancing along his freckles. The brown of his eyes glow warm ember in the white snow. His skin is pink, alive and pure. He’s beautiful. Devastatingly beautiful in a way that makes you ache.
“Why are you staring at me like that?” Steve asks you, face wrinkling in confusion. 
You cough, embarrassed to have been caught. The snow in your hands starts to sting. The pain grounds you, clears your mind, and you try to pretend that the molasses in your bloodstream isn’t love. 
Throwing the snowball, it explodes in Steve’s face. He shrieks, sputtering at the cold shock. “Y/N!”
You laugh, loud and happily. Your ribs ache and your breaths escape your lungs in a burn that soothes you. Steve lunges toward you, hands finding your waist as he pulls you close. He grips you tightly, he can feel your laughter in his chest. 
“You’ll pay for that!” he buries his nose in your neck and you squeal, laughing even harder. Steve pulls you impossibly closer. He relishes in your warmth. He relishes in the way you squeal when he starts to tickle you. 
Warm. Everything about you is warm. 
You are sunshine against Steve’s skin. 
Someone else walks into the cafe, the sound of the bell echoes in the chasm between you and Steve. There are no more snowflakes on your scarf. The warmth of the cafe is stifling, although there is a comforting familiarity to it. 
“How are you?” 
Another inconsequential question, although you can’t fault Steve for it. He’s trying. More than you are, anyways. But what are you supposed to say? What are you supposed to do, seeing your first love after five years of silence and absence? 
“Fine.” The response falls flat, mundane. Disinterested. Wincing, you really do try to sound as if you want to be here. “Good. I-I’ve been good.”
“Yeah?” Steve raises his eyebrow, leaning in. “I mean, I’m not surprised.”
Your shoulders tense. “What do you mean?”
Seeing your unease, Steve quickly explains himself. “Shit. That sounded ominous. I’m sorry,” he runs his fingers through his hair. The same way he used to do when he was seventeen. “What I meant is that Robin told me. About what you’ve been up to these last few years.”
Your shoulders drop. Of course Robin still talks to him about you. You suppose it’s only fair, seeing as how she tells you about him, too. She remained friends with you both after the breakup. She hadn’t wanted to take anyone’s side, and she’s kept true to that. 
“What has she told you?” 
It’s a real question. You know Robin would never tell Steve anything embarrassing or incriminating. But curiously gnaws at you. 
“Nothing bad, unfortunately.” Steve gently teases, but his prodding is only met with your uninterested gaze. He sighs, clears his throat. “She told me you moved to New York. Nearly screamed my ear off when your publishing deal got accepted. It’s pretty incredible.” 
Your fingers pick at the skin underneath your nails. “It’s only for one book.”
“Five years, and you still can’t accept a compliment.” 
“You’d be surprised by what can change in five years,” your eyes avoid his. “Is the coffee any good here?”
“It’s terrible,” Steve slides his mug over to you. Steam rises from the black liquid inside. “Milk and sugar. Hope it’s still how you like it.”
You take a sip, cringing at the taste. You’ve come to prefer your coffee black, bitter but rich. The coffee Steve has bought you is too sweet, but you drink more anyways. It gives you something to do. 
“I’ve been good, too. Thanks for asking.” Steve leans against his seat, placing his hands behind his head. He’s as coy as ever. The years haven’t made him humble. “I’m sure you were wondering.”
“I wasn’t wondering.” You set the mug down. “I heard you made history being the youngest English teacher at Hawkins High.”
Steve’s mouth parts in shock. In another life, you pinch his lips together and kiss the tip of his nose. In another life, five years ago, you did.
But not this life. ��Robin talks about you, too.”
“Of course she does,” Steve echoes your earlier thoughts. He leans back again, eyes never leaving your face. “Were you surprised? Steve Harrington. English teacher.”
The answer comes easily. “No.” 
“No,” you twist the mug around. Steve stares at you and you wish he would stop. He’ll see through you, he’ll see the fondness and he’ll know everything you’ve tried to erase. “You were always interested in what I was reading. You didn’t hide it very well.”
Steve smiles to himself, his own fondness leaking over. “Yeah, I guess I didn’t.”
He could never hide anything from you. 
You’re in the classics section of Hawkins’ library. You wanted to check out a few books they recently collected. The librarian has your personal landline. You’ve spent more and more time in the building, reading all of the greatest authors. 
Steve always comes with you.
“Look, Y/N. I adore you, but if there aren’t any ass-kicking spies or alien babes, then I’m not reading it.” He shoves the book you hold in front of him away. “What the hell is a Brontie, anyways?”
“It’s Bronte,” you poke Steve’s cheek. “And I really need you to stop pretending that you don’t know these authors. It’s gotta be exhausting.”
He grabs the hand poking his face and twists it, forcing you to spin and land against his chest. “I’m not pretending, sweetheart. I don’t know any of these names.”
Steve claims he comes to the library with you because he gets lonely without you, but you’ve caught him rifting through Albert Camus and Erich Fromm. He could spend hours paging through their works. 
But you’ll allow him to keep this one secret from you. 
“C’mon,” you laugh, tugging Steve’s arm towards a new section. “Help me find Fyodor Dostoevsky. I want to study the way he writes his characters’ inner monologues.”
“No way that’s a real name.”
You laugh again. “Just shut up and help me, please.”
Eventually you find Dostoevsky and you become engrossed in his words. They’re intricate and complex, yet there’s a simplicity and plainness that strikes you. You write down a flurry of notes, not wanting to forget a thing; one day you want to command words the way all the authors you’ve studied seemed to do. 
You’re so lost in the world Dostoevsky has built, that you don’t notice Steve’s absence until he returns again. 
“Hey, check this out.” He’s holding a book, his finger saving the line he wants to show you. “This Pablo Neruda dude was like, a total romantic. Wanna hear?”
You lean against the bookshelf, curious. “Are you going to read to me?”
The only response is Steve’s charming smile. He steps closer to you, your breath mixes with his. “‘I love you without knowing how, or when, or from where, I love you simply, without problems or pride: I love you in this way because I don’t know any other way of loving.’”
He closes the book, but he doesn’t move away. Your foreheads touch. 
“Love”. A word neither one of you has said until now. Until Steve read you a poem and uttered the word three separate times. 
He loves you, and you love him. 
Standing on your tiptoes, you kiss him. Steve kisses you back. 
“Do you enjoy it?”
Steve drums his fingers on the table. “Enjoy what?”
“Being someone that kids look up to.”
He breathes out slowly. “I forgot how much you love asking heavy questions.”
You finally look at him. “You’re the one that asked to meet for coffee.”
“Fair point,” Steve scratches the back of his head. “Thank you, by the way. For agreeing.”
“I was in town.” You look away again. “The holidays. And the wedding, I guess. Nancy asked me to come.”
“I still can’t believe she got Byers to agree to a winter wedding.” Steve shakes his head, smiles to himself. “Anyways, to answer your shockingly emotional question: I do enjoy it. I love teaching. I love being someone that kids can come to. Is it terrifying? Absolutely. But selfishly, I like to think I’m good at it.”
Even though you don’t want to, you smile at him. “You’ve always been good with kids.”
Steve doesn’t expect your sincerity. The praise is small, a throwaway comment more than anything else, but it’s the nicest thing you’ve said to him in years. He’s suddenly shy, ducking his head. “I don’t know. Those little bastards were really difficult to handle.”
The little bastards being Dustin, Mike, Lucas, Will, Max, and El. The kids you grew up with, a consequence of being neighbors with the Wheelers. One day there was a kid on your doorstep demanding you let him use your old scooter.
Mike had been only nine then, but he had been fierce and persuasive. After giving the scooter over, Mike forced you into his life. Then the rest of the party’s lives. 
Nancy came later, then Jonathan, and then, eventually, Steve. 
“They admired you.” You tell Steve, honest. “They still do.”
He blushes again. “You really think so?”
“I remember more than you think,” you whisper, voice cracking. “I remember everything, too.”
The morning of the kids’ graduation, it’s a blur of packed cars and nervous excitement. Steve offered to drive everyone, giving the parents time to get situated and find seats at the high school. 
“Your car reeks.” Mike kicks Steve’s seat.
He glares at the kid. “Why didn’t you ride in Nancy’s car, then?”
“Her and Jonathan are gross.”
Lucas fixes his graduation cap. “They whisper to themselves a lot. It’s creepy.”
Max elbows him. “It’s because they’re in love, doofus.”
“Steve and Y/N are in love, and you don’t see them whispering to themselves.” Dustin points out, which you laugh at.
“I’ll be sure to never whisper to Steve with you guys around.”
Will pokes the back of your head. “Can you tell your boyfriend to drive faster? If we’re late, I think Hopper might actually kill him.”
“My dad would not kill Steve.” El corrects. “He would only hurt him. A lot.”
Steve pales slightly, stepping on the gas. “Alright. Guess we’re getting a speeding ticket, then.”
You end up arriving at the high school with a few minutes to spare. All the kids run out the car, throwing a quick thanks as they scatter. They’re gone in a heartbeat, a mass of green caps and gowns. 
“We’ll see you guys on stage!” You shout through the window, waving as they leave. 
“Remember how nervous we were when we graduated?” Steve asks you.
You shake your head fondly at the memory. “You wouldn’t stop sneezing. I had no idea you were a nervous sneezer until then. Robin thought it was the most embarrassing thing ever. I contemplated breaking up with you.”
“It’s a debilitating condition, Y/N.”
The graduation is long, but with six separate kids to listen for and cheer on, it passes quickly. When their names get called, you and Steve are the loudest ones who cheer. Robin calls you guys dramatic, but she screams her heart out when Dustin walks the stage. 
Nancy cries when Mike walks, and Jonathan, who had only just stopped crying after seeing Will walk, has to hold back his tears yet again as he consoles her. 
The five of you are a mess, and when the kids find you after graduation, you aren’t sure who starts running first. They swarm you, arms encase you and you hold onto them tightly. Will is crying, El can’t stop jumping, the kids are all a mix of emotions, yet they all remain fixated on Steve.
“Did you see the way I walked?”
“I waved at you! Did you see me?”
“You’re really loud when you scream, ya know that?”
“A poster would’ve nice. Just saying.”
All their eyes are on him. Their questions directed at him, eager to be answered. They seek Steve’s praise, like sunflowers following the sun’s rays. 
As you stand back, watching the way Steve is so loved by the kids, you fall in love with him all over again. 
Steve picks at the frayed edges of his old jacket. It’s the same one he bought with you, back when winter in Hawkins was warm and yellow and light. Now everything is dull. Grey and bleak. 
“I never thought that you’d forget.” He acknowledges your hurtful words. He doesn’t like their implications. “I’d never think that.”
Steve’s clipped words make you defensive. Heat rises to your face. It makes your heartbeat spike. “There are a lot of things I thought you’d never do.”
He sucks in a breath. 
The cafe is quiet again. Your coffee remains untouched, cold. 
Steve finally tears his eyes from you, and the loss of his gaze feels colder than you expected it to. That’s what you wanted, isn’t it? To see his disdain for you on his pretty face, for him to hurt how you had. Isn’t that why you agreed to this?
The way Steve’s entire demeanor changes, how quickly his smile slips from his face, makes you question why you’re even here. Suddenly you want to take it all back. To mold his face into a happier one, get him to look at you again and trick yourself into believing that the tenderness in his eyes is real. 
“I’m sorry.” The apology comes out fast, the words mesh together, but it’s the best you can manage. “That… that was mean.”
“I think mean is fair.” Steve looks at you, his lighthearted smile is back, but it doesn’t shine like before. “Honestly, I’m relieved you’re being mean.”
You’re confused. Everything he does confuses you. “Is that why you asked me to coffee? Because you wanted me to be mean to you?”
“Partially.” He sips your discarded coffee and quickly spits it out. He wipes his mouth, gagging. “Jesus, that’s fucking rancid. I don’t even know why I did that. I hate coffee, and it’s even worse when it’s cold.”
He’s making a whole show of this. The way Steve talks to you, the questions he’s asking and the way he responds to whatever you tell him. He’s trying to recreate something that isn’t there anymore. Treating your time in the coffee shop together as if you’re two friends catching up.
But you’re tired of pretending. “Why am I here, Steve?” 
“I thought we already established it’s because you walked in the snow.” 
He’s dodging. Avoiding the question and the truths that will come with it.
“Steve.” Hissing his name is familiar, it feels more natural. This is how it should be between you. Anger, disdain, raw.
“And there it is,” He winces. “The fighting begins. We lasted, what? Ten minutes? Merry Christmas to us.”
Fed up, you slam your chair back and stand. If Steve wants to evade every question and act as if this is all some giant joke, then he can go fuck himself. 
The sudden motion makes Steve jump, but he quickly stands up with you when he realizes that you’re leaving. “Shit, wait–”
Steve’s hand grazes yours and you flinch away, reeling back. “Don’t fucking touch me.”
“Y/N…” He stands still, the venom in your voice cementing him to the ground. In all the time he’s known you, you’ve never rejected his touch. Bitterly, he thinks that you were right about what you said when you first arrived at the cafe.
A lot can change in five years. 
You press the back of your hand to your forehead, trying to calm yourself down. Even though there’s no one else in the shop, you still don’t want to cause a scene. Not here. Not like this. 
“This was a mistake.” You swallow down bile. Steve still manages to get such a vulgar rise out of you, and you hate it. “At Nancy and Jonathan’s wedding, we won’t speak to one another. We won’t ruin their day, and you can sit with Robin. I don’t care. We can just pretend that we don’t–”
Your words die in your throat. You can’t bring yourself to finish them. 
“That we don’t what, Y/N?” Steve knows exactly what you mean to say. He narrows his eyes at you, pushes you to lay the final blow. 
Your breath stutters. Your body is cold. You may still make Steve nervous, but he still makes you nervous as well. He can still cut through you viciously in a way only someone who has truly loved you can. 
He stands before you, begging. “Say it.”
You’ve always been weak for him. “That we don’t hate each other.”
But your words are meaningless. As if you could ever hate each other. 
Steve lets out a bitter laugh. “The one thing I can’t do when it comes to you is hate you.”
“Steve–” You want to take it all back. You shouldn’t have said it. You don’t know why you even said it, but you did.
“I can go five years without hearing your voice. I can wake up without you next to me. I can spend the rest of my life regretting that I lost you.” Steve doesn’t move, he doesn’t come near you. He’s hurt and he’s in pain and you don’t know how to be the one to help him anymore. “But what I can’t do, the only thing I can’t do, is hate you.”
The bay window caught your eye first. Then it was the rich brown wood floors, and then the garden that overlooks Lover’s Lake. Inside the apartment there are vintage tiles that you adore and the baby-blue walls make you feel faint.
The home Steve finds for the two of you is, unsurprisingly, perfect. 
“Do we really get to live here?” You ask, breathless as you wander through the empty hallways and bedroom. Never before have you had such endless space to yourself. It feels very adult, very final, and you wouldn’t have chosen anyone else to experience this first with than Steve.
“We better get to live here.” Steve huffs, setting down another box. You tried offering to help, but he scoffed at the idea and told you to admire the apartment instead. “The deposit was fucking expensive.”
Your fingers brush over the cream white curtains. They’re soft beneath your touch. “At least your dad was kind enough to pay it.”
“And if by ‘kind enough’, you mean ‘wanted his son to move out already’, you’d be right.”
“Same difference.”
Steve laughs and the sound echoes through the empty room that you know you’ll have years together to fill. You already have a million things you want to purchase for the apartment. Steve’s only request had been that you make the apartment feel like a home.
As if anywhere with Steve doesn’t already feel like a home. 
Later in the night you order pizza, starving and exhausted from moving. There’s no table for you and Steve to sit at. No chairs to rest on. You eat your first meal in your new home on the floor, surrounded by boxes and laughter. 
It’s perfect. 
“While I’m grateful for Mrs. Wheeler for giving us her spare bedding and all,” Steve wraps the blanket tighter around the two of you. The bed beneath you is lumpy and old, the only furniture that came with the apartment, but a bed is a bed. “I feel weird sleeping in her sheets.”
You press your nose against Steve’s neck, feeling your bones sag with relief. “She’s hot. I’d sleep in her sheets any day.”
Steve chokes on his spit, falling into a coughing fit while you giggle hysterically. He hits his chest, tries to suck air back in, and you’re laughing so hard there’s tears in your eyes. 
“You can’t just say that!” He sputters, still coughing.
“I know you were thinking it!” You giggle again, your smile presses against Steve’s cheek. His body is warm and soft and he smells like home; it's addicting. He’s still coughing when you kiss his cheek and brush his hair back. “Can you stop dying already? I’m trying to kiss you here.”
Steve wraps his arms around you and throws his body on top, smushing you beneath him. You squeal, giggling even harder now as he litters your skin with feathery kisses. “You’re trying to kiss me, huh?”
His nose runs down your cheek. Down across your forehead, to the tips of your ears. He kisses every inch of skin he can reach. “I don’t think you’re doing much kissing here, Y/N.” Steve kisses your eyebrow. His lips skim your chin, they linger in your laugh lines as endless laughter pours from you. 
“It-it tickles!” More laughter, you try to shove Steve away, but he places all his weight against you and kisses the apples of your cheeks. His fingers curl around your waist, nails digging in softly. He has you right where he wants you. 
“Kiss me,” he breathes into you. Over and over he repeats himself, kissing you with every enunciation. “Kiss me, kiss me, kiss me.”
Steve begs you and you ache. He never has to ask you. You would do anything for him. 
You tilt your head, find his lips, and you get lost in each other. He kisses you slowly, intentionally. With a softness that makes you shiver. He whispers how beautiful you are, how much he loves you, and the syrup in your lungs simmers.
“I love you,” you murmur, lips kissing his chest. “I think you’re my favorite person in the world.” 
A childish praise, but it’s everything to Steve.
Steve orders you another coffee. Black this time, no sugar. The barista brings the cup over when it’s ready, the steam the only source of warmth between you and him. 
Snow falls outside and Steve hasn’t been able to look at you since you sat back down. 
You’re not entirely sure why you’re still here. Neither one of you talk. There is no more disingenuous small talk between you. No more forced smiles. Polite questions about how the other has been.
All there that remains between you and Steve is the absence of what was. 
“Robin said we’d only last five minutes.” 
You remember the surprise on her face when you told her you’d accept Steve’s offer for coffee. She didn’t think you’d say yes, and the surprise quickly morphed into skepticism. She placed her book down, patted your hand, and told you good luck.
Steve laughs, short and staccato. “She has such shit faith in us. We’re nearing twelve minutes now.”
“We’re stubborn.” The coffee is disgusting even without the excess sweetness. Steve is right. The coffee here is truly horrible. 
“If I remember correctly, you’ve always been the more stubborn one.” He isn’t mean when he says this. More observant, stating a fact.
You set the coffee down. “And if I remember correctly, you hit your head a lot when we were kids.”
A small smile. “Which would mean?”
“That it’s possible you don’t remember anything correctly.” You tug at your scarf. “Maybe I wasn’t as stubborn as you’re remembering.”
Steve laughs this time, a real laugh that melts the ice that froze over moments ago. “Whenever we argued, you never let me get a word in. I’ll never forget that. I would’ve found it impressive, if it weren’t directed at me.”
Snippets of memories flash through your mind. You and Steve hardly argued throughout your entire relationship, but when you did, the fallout was always scattered pieces. 
“Doesn’t mean I’m stubborn.” You say weakly, still not quite ready to admit otherwise.
“I’d argue with you, but I was hoping we’d make it to fifteen minutes.” Steve takes your coffee, sips it again and cringes like he did before. Only he doesn’t say anything this time. 
“Is there a prize if we make it to fifteen?”
He smiles into the coffee. “Possibly.”
Silence again.
Steve keeps the mug in his hands, using its warmth to soothe his cold fingers. Years ago, he would use the heat of your hands to warm him. But your hands remain folded in your lap and you no longer want his touch. 
The silence eats at you. You bite your lip, twist your fingers together. You don’t know why you stayed, but you don’t know why Steve stayed, either.
“I was pretty stubborn, wasn’t I?” 
Steve looks at you. His eyes shine for a brief moment. “Maybe a little.”
Shortly after moving into your apartment, you started writing. After years of reading other people’s stories, you felt that it was time to write your own. But finding the story was difficult. Every night you stared at your blank pages, willing them to fill with the words you were unable to write. 
As for Steve, he started picking up spare shifts at the local diner. He hated being a waiter. He thought it was degrading, but as a twenty-two year old with no college degree or work experience, it was all he could do. 
Money was tight, you were both starting to feel the weight of truly being on your own. You weren’t just two kids anymore. There were real responsibilities now. Grappling with your futures rather than imagining them.
And then one day you got a phone call that changed everything. 
“I can’t miss this interview!”
“And I can’t just leave work in the middle of the day to drive you, Y/N.” Steve sighs deeply over the phone. You can practically envision the way he pinches the bridge of his nose and tugs at his hair. It’s grown long. Longer than it’s ever been before. You like it this way. 
You glance at your watch and curse, frustrated tears burning your eyes. “Steve, please. This could make or break my entire future.”
“Sweetheart, I understand that, but if I leave work early, I’m getting fired.”
“You don’t know that!” You need him to say yes. You need him to drop everything for you and drive you to Bedford so that you can meet with a literary agent and discuss your work. 
It all happened so fast. One moment you were sending yet another draft of short story ideas to random agents. The next, you’re getting a phone call offering an interview in a town an hour away from Hawkins.
None of it felt real. That is, until the catch fell against you: the agent can only meet today and you don’t have a car. 
“David explicitly told me that if I leave work early one more time, my ass is grass.” Steve rubs his face, exhausted. He wants to help you, he wants you to finally get your big break. You’re far too talented for Hawkins, you deserve to be somewhere better; but the reality is that you can’t afford it right now. “Can’t someone else drive you?”
“I already called everyone else.” Your face is hot from anxiety. “Robin. Nancy. Jonathan. Hell, even Mike and the kids! But no one can take me and I have to be there in two hours.”
Your head falls against the wall. “This is everything I’ve ever wanted.”
Steve’s heart clenches. He sucks in a breath. “I know that, okay? I-I do. But I can’t afford to lose this job. We’re already behind on rent, we still owe my dad for the deposit–”
“But you can always get another job!” You exclaim, losing whatever grasp you have left of your sanity. “I mean, Jesus, Steve. You’re just a waiter.”
The line is silent for a moment.
“I’m sorry?”
His tone is quiet, it laces guilt into your veins. 
“I-I just meant that there’s a shitload of restaurants in Hawkins,” you’re rambling now, regretting everything. You shouldn’t have called. You shouldn’t have said what you did. But now it’s too late and you’re in too deep. Letting out a breath, your lips tremble. “But there’s only one literary agent who wants to meet with me.”
There’s yelling in the background. Steve mumbles something to someone, you think you hear David yelling at him to get back to work. Muffled rustling, followed by a string of curses.
“I gotta get back to work.” Steve says curtly, not even giving you a chance to respond before he’s already hanging up the phone.
The dial tone rings in your ear. 
You never make it to your interview.
Steve gets home late that night. He walks past you, he doesn’t acknowledge you besides the slam of the bedroom door. 
“I never apologized to you.”
Steve sets the mug down. He doesn’t ask you what you mean. “No, you didn’t.”
You swallow. “I… I’m really sorry, Steve.”
He shrugs. It was a long time ago. He’s forgotten the sting of your words. The marks they left have long since faded. “It was your dream.”
“But you were more than just a waiter. Hell, you were the only reason we didn’t lose the apartment.” You rub the back of your neck, relieving the tension that knots it. “God, I was so fucking naive. I’m sorry for not realizing sooner, for not appreciating everything you did for us.”
Steve shrugs again. “We were just kids.”
The coffee you drank suddenly sinks in your stomach. 
We were just kids.
Sometimes you forget that your relationship with Steve had been your childhood. The two of you met when you were fifteen, fell in love when you were seventeen, and fell apart when you were twenty-three. 
You’d been so young together. The mistakes you made, the hurt you caused, were childish gashes with bullet-sized exit wounds. 
“We were just kids, weren’t we?” The nostalgia in your voice surprises even you. 
A fond smile ghosts Steve’s face. It’s barely there, almost imperceptible, but it’s there. “Young and in love. Now we’re just old.”
“At least we aged well.”
Steve raises his eyebrow at you. “Was that a compliment, Y/N?”
You smile, coy. “Who said anything about you? I was referring to myself.”
Steve scoffs, light hearted. You expect him to retaliate, to tease you how you’re teasing him. Instead, his gaze softens. He leans forward, drawn into you as he always is, and lowers his voice. “You’re as beautiful as ever.”
Years separate you and Steve. It’s been nearly a decade since love first tied you to each other. There used to be a knot, tied into something intricate, small, yet lovely, that connected you to Steve. 
And yet, with one sentence, the strings come together again.
“I still haven’t forgotten,” you fall back in your seat, away from Steve. “How you hurt me.”
He mirrors your body language, moving away as well. “And what about how you hurt me?”
You cross your arms. Steve crosses his. Staring at one another, a stalemate is reached. The memories that tie you together are both your vice and your virtue. The love is still remembered, it’s still warm to the touch, but so is the hurt. 
Robin would call you both childish if she were here right now. You can practically hear her now, annoyance in her voice as she rolls her eyes at the staring contest unfolding. She’s always resented how stubborn you both are.
“Why did you call me?”
Steve inhales sharply. He knows he has to answer the question. It’s only fair that he gives you an explanation for why he decided to call you at three in the morning the Friday before your plane was due to arrive in Hawkins’ small airport for Christmas and a wedding you both were invited to. 
But he can’t. Not yet, at least.
“If it makes me look any better, I called Robin first.” Steve forces a laugh out. “Granted, she told that if I called you that I’d probably die. But still. Blame her.”
Everything unravels after that.
“You never showed up.”
A crack to the surface, followed by a fist of anger that shatters everything. “You promised me you’d be there.”
“I was dick, I know–”
“Do you know how humiliated I was?” Steve winces, and his shame only enrages you more. “How utterly shitty it was when all our friends, our families, asked me where you were, and I couldn’t answer them?”
“Y/N, please just let me explain–”
“No.” The mug spills over as you hit the table, standing up furiously. You’re crying. You don’t remember the tears building. “You don’t get to call me in the middle of the night, buy me dogshit coffee, and then spoon feed me shitty excuses! You were my boyfriend, I wanted to marry you, and you abandoned me.”
“Is the coffee really that bad?”
Your jaw clenches. Steve rubs his neck, looking everywhere but at you. He’s trying to be funny. His first words to you in five years were inconsequential, and now he’s trying to use humor to ease the sting of guilt that he feels seeing you.
The decision is an easy one. 
“Goodbye, Steve.”
His hand grips yours before you can even turn away. Startled by his sudden touch, you don’t pull back. Not this time, at least. You’re frozen, staring at Steve as he stares at you. He’s pale. His chest heaves and there’s terror in his eyes.
“Don’t.” It’s all he can say to you.
“Let me go.” But still you don’t pull away.
Let us go. Please. 
“I…” He blinks, almost winces to himself. Steve doesn’t know how to tell you the truth. Not anymore. Not like how he used to. But you’re pulling away again and he’s just gotten you back and he can’t lose you. Not again. “I resented you.”
Your back straightens. “Excuse me?”
“I-I know how bad it sounds, but if you just–” Steve gestures behind him, tries to sit you back down. But you don’t move. His eyes plead with you. “Y/N, please.”
He looks so akin to the boy you once knew. The resemblance twists the tendons in your chest, forces the air out of your lungs. You don’t move, but you don’t leave, either.
Steve accepts all that you’ll give him. 
The home you built with Steve loses its warmth. Lazy Sunday mornings cease to exist. He doesn’t hold you at night. Dates go unplanned, dinners eaten alone. Laughter dies and you stop waiting for Steve to come home. Everything stills. Lost in a time capsule that was once your dream. 
Winter comes and the snow that blankets Hawkins softens the dull ache of the distance that’s built between you and Steve. He starts taking night classes at a local community college and you spend your nights writing. 
The first story you write is about a lonely barn owl who hops through dwindling branches trying to find its mate. The creature calls out for someone, its wails echoing through the deserted forest that once was alive with creation. 
A snowflake that gets lost in a storm that it created becomes your second story. Its frail, lithe body too transparent to be anything other than alone. 
Then you write about a dandelion that mourns for its seeds that have been cruelly torn from its body. 
Over and over you write about loss. How cold it leaves a person, the emptiness that can never quite be filled. 
In the end, it’s this sense of loss that gives you everything you’ve ever wanted, yet leaves you with nothing to show for it. 
“I sent my writing to a short story show. I got in.”
Steve unbuttons his work shirt. He worked a double shift at the restaurant, but spares you a tired smile. “That’s great.”
The praise is small, but the rarity of it makes it feel like gold upon your skin. Cheeks flushed, you smile back at him shyly. “Thank you.”
Steve goes back to changing out of his clothes and you’re left to deal with the silence that always seems to follow you these days. Your feet carry you to the bed, sitting down gently as you watch him. He doesn’t shy away from your gaze, but he doesn’t acknowledge it, either.
“The show is in two weeks. Christmas Eve.”
“Oh,” Steve pauses in the closet’s doorway. His hand rests on an old sweater you got him when you first started dating. He pulls out a different one instead. “Well. I already took the day off, so I’ll come.”
You try not to focus on the fact that he makes attending sound like an obligation. A dull chore he has to complete. 
“Robin already promised she’d be front row. Jonathan and Nancy, too.” You get up, stand behind Steve, rest your head on the back of his neck and encircle your arms around him. He stiffens at the touch, so do you. But you can’t let him go. “I think even some of the kids will come. And my parents, obviously.”
“Sounds like you’ll have an entire crowd devoted to you.”
“Yeah, but I only really want you there.” You whisper, vulnerable.
Steve sucks in a breath, releases it. He doesn’t say anything else. 
The next two weeks you read your collection of short stories aloud for hours on end. You rehearse how to present them, the right cadence and intonations. How to make the loneliness heavier, the serenity sweeter. You don’t let Steve listen, claiming you want to surprise him alongside everyone else the day of the show.
Later, you’ll come to understand that you had been afraid of how he’d react. If he’d even react at all. 
The show is a haze of people and praise. Robin brings you flowers, Jonathan takes pictures of you with all the kids. Dustin surprises you with an old leather journal he found for you to write all your ideas in and El hands you a ribbon to bind it. 
Your mother cries and your father hugs you warmly. Mrs. Wheeler and Nancy bring Christmas cookies and organize the large audience you’ve built for yourself in the seats provided by the show. It takes two entire rows to seat everyone you love. 
Robin saves a seat for Steve. He’s late.
The night is spent listening to brilliant writers reading their stories to a small, but kind, audience. There are a total of eight featured writers. You’re scheduled to read your writing last.
After the second writer finishes, you look anxiously over at the audience and bite your lip when you still don’t see Steve. The fifth writer goes on and your nails are bloody from picking at them. Mike murmurs something to Robin, who shakes her head and nervously shifts in her seat, eyes never leaving the empty seat next to her. 
The seventh writer shares a story about newfound love and its warmth. 
Nancy finds your gaze and the pitying look in her eyes makes your nausea even worse. 
You stand in front of a mass of people who lean into every word you read aloud. The seat next to Robin remains empty.
Steve never comes.
And it’s the last time you ever wait for him.
“I really was proud of you, you know.” Steve says softly, regretfully. “Robin told me you won an award later that night.”
“I did.” The award had been your ticket out of Hawkins. It got you money, connections with publishing agents. You moved to New York not even a week later.
Steve looks down. “I should’ve been there.”
You don’t bother to agree with him. You don’t want to coddle him, lessen the guilt he feels for how cruelly he hurt you. You’ll never forget the pit that formed in your stomach when you realized he wasn’t coming.
“I regret what I did. Every single day I wish I had gone.”
“You resented me instead, apparently.” Your laugh is cruel, cold.
Steve sits back down numbly, his body falls and the seat beneath him catches it. He places his hands on the table, slowly, defeated. He looks up at you, allows himself to finally confess everything. “I resented how easy everything seemed for you. I mean, you were making a name for yourself while I waited shitty tables and slept through grueling night courses.”
You clench your fists, still refusing to sit down. “And that gave you a right to diminish my own accomplishments?”
“Nothing makes sense when you’re twenty-three.”
Not an omission of truth, but rather acknowledgement of how differently you see the world when you’re young. Though you want more from Steve, you accept this. In a way, you suppose he’s right. 
“I didn’t go to the show because I was scared of how much I was falling behind.” Steve doesn’t look away from you. He’s laying all his cards on the table, open and waiting for you to read them. “We were in over our heads, but somehow only I was the one drowning.”
Rent, bills owed, grappling with adulthood while still shedding your adolescence. Loneliness while being together. Careers that hurt and dreams that struggled for breath. You and Steve had been drowning together. Until one day you weren’t. 
Steve drinks the coffee, he doesn’t pressure you to sit down again. Instead, he sighs. “I let your words get into my head. In your mind I was just a waiter, and I felt that nothing I was doing with my life was worthwhile. The only thing I had done right by the time I was twenty was having you love me.”
The anger that was quick to rise is also quick to dim. There isn’t any left for you to fight. 
Finally, you sit. You take the coffee from Steve and the now cold liquid is a reminder of how much time has passed. “The age old question: do actions speak louder than words?”
Did what I say justify what you did? Or did they cause each other, creating a cycle that we can never escape? 
You won’t forgive him, but you understand him. Steve was hurting just as much as you were, only his hurt came from your own insecure and unsure words. You told him he was just a waiter because you were scared all you’d ever be was an unknown writer. The weight of your future made you scared, the uncertainty of it all overwhelmed you and made you cruel. 
Steve had fallen victim to the same fate.
“Robin told me it was growing pains.” Steve says. “What happened between us. It was all just growing pains.”
Begrudgingly you smile. Your cards are on the table as well. “You called me to discuss growing pains?”
The crinkle of Steve’s smile warms the cold cafe. “Yeah. I guess I did.”
“Tell me, then. Are we done growing?” You lean forward, allow your body to be near Steve’s again and the buzz of the proximity sets your skin on fire. He breathes in sharply. He hasn’t been this close to you in what’s felt like a lifetime. 
Steve leans forward too. You can smell his cologne, his eyes still shine how you remember them. His face is the same, though weathered with age and experiences you no longer know about. You count the moles that scatter his face, heart thumping wildly when you realize you still remember how many there are.
He’s still so beautiful. 
You’re weak for Steve. Your bones still remember the weight of his love.
“I don’t think we’ll ever be done.” Steve sinks even closer, nose almost bumping your cheek. You hold your breath, body humming. 
Breathless, you ask him, “then where does that leave us?”
Steve pulls back slightly, just enough to look at you. He studies your face, the familiar angles and peaks of your nose. Your eyes, how they’re still his favorite color. Your hair is the same, maybe a little shorter now, and your perfume still the warm vanilla that reminds him of home. 
You’re still the girl Steve fell in love with when he was a kid. He’s still the boy you fell in love with when you were a child. There is still hurt, memories you both want to forget, but there is love within it. Young love can be formed anew, if someone lets it. 
“Together.” Steve finally says. “It leaves us together.” 
⌑ writing masterlist
⌑ please feel free to like, reblog, and comment. i adore hearing from you guys :)
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stvharrngton · 1 year ago
im really sorry about the con man that really sucks :/ use the refund money to buy yourself an indulgent christmas present for yourself! the con should have announced sooner for sure
thank you :( i do find it hard to believe that they didn’t know prior to 7pm uk time that joe wasn’t able to make it considering how long a flight from the us to the uk can be 🥴
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kurokoros · 9 months ago
hey i hope ur doing good! i think you're a writer of one of my favourite fics, "into the flames". If not, my sincere apologies! if you are though, omg its seriously one of my most favourite things i've read ever and i truly read parts of it over and over again depending on my mood, including just reading the whole thing over sometimes! The relationship in it is sooooo mature and well developed and well done, it seriously amazes me, and in my own mind, it's how i'd like any future relationships to act like! and the horror of it is very very real, one of the first times i've felt real fear from a fic! the idea of something using my voice and sounding like me to lure me out of th ehouse is sooooo terrible and scary and freaky and omg its just such an excellent story! if it is you, then omg, i have so much more to say about that fic, and if its not my sincere apologies and i hope you have a great week regardless!
Hello hello! Yes, into open flames is my fic! asdfghjkl I'm so glad you've enjoyed rereading it from time to time over the last year! it was a delight to write and I definitely adored writing the relationship between Steve and hopper!reader! also, this is the fic that got me to start writing horror projects, so I have a lot of love for it :D
honestly, this was just the most delightful ask to get today. i've been dealing with some things that are stressing me out a lot, so this was very sweet to receive. thank you <3
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wishing-on-a-staranise · 1 year ago
You, Me, Lonely.
(s.h. x reader)
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from the river to the sea (educate yourself and help however you can)
Summary: you love Steve, Steve loves you. But maybe you both want different things from life.
Warnings/tags: reader menstruates (reader has uterus), abandonment issues, the ‘six nuggets’ talk, suggestive
Word count: 3.4k
a/n: huge huge huge thanks to @procrastinationprincesses for helping me out with this fic and giving it an ending (ur amazing sanjana <3)
writing and posting something because i might have to go MIA for a lil bit (miss me while I'm gone will ya?)
fic is inspired by ‘You, Me, Lonely’ by FIZZ i absolutely love this song like its so close to my heart ughh what can i say I'm a little bitter about the six nuggets scene 
also if you couldn't tell already I have major abandonment issues and an anxious avoidant attachment style. It will reflect in what i write soz :(
In the quiet of the night, you wish for this to last forever. That you'll have him forever.
When you came out of the shower you found him asleep on his side of the bed. His side– the one closer to the door. ‘so I can protect you from anyone who'll try to steal you from me’, he had justified it when you asked him why he was adamant on that side.
you had turned off the bedside lamp ten minutes ago, slipped under the duvet, as quietly as possible so as to not wake him up. on your side of his bed. your bed.
He always sleeps on his stomach, one hand under his pillow and the other extended a little towards yours. His body moves with steady and slow breaths, back rising and falling under the covers, head peeking out from under the rumpled up duvet. his cheeks are squished against the pillow cover. His hair is a mess from the lack of hair product, and still damp from the shower he took before you. There's a few strands of his brown hair sprawled across his forehead too. With your softest touch you brush them away from his eyes.
You wonder what he was dreaming. you hope it was something nice. He looks calm, at peace, and very, very pretty.
You look at him and you know you love him. You want to love him forever.
Love had never seemed like the type of thing you’ll get– like it wasn't meant for you. But then you met him. This boy. This boy who you never thought to be your type. You never thought you even had a type. But his boyish charm and stupid grin won you over.
Your heart doesn't skip beats around him anymore, and you’d think that that means he doesn’t have that same effect on you anymore but that would be wrong. You don’t think you’ve ever loved anyone as much as you do to him. You don’t look at him and get butterflies in your stomach, you look at him and… you’re sure. your heart is quiet and sure. You don't think you’ve ever been sure before.
You want to be sure forever.
He feels like the comfortable still of rain after a scorching hot summer, like the calm and cold breeze that cools you down. Like standing at the top of the mountain, looking at the clouds and valleys below, he feels like the crisp air that fills your lungs. Like the comfort meal your mom makes– the one you can never really recreate, the one that tastes the best when it comes from her. 
You love him and you know. You know. You know he likes you, loves you even. 
Steve Harrington loves you like a dream, and you're worried that one day he’ll wake up, look at you and realise that he deserves so much better. He’ll wake up and he’ll leave for work and he’ll bump into a pretty angel of a girl with a disposition as bright as his. And he’ll never return. people fall out of love. People fall out of love all the time.
You wish for him to love you forever.
How long is a forever anyway?
You wonder what it'll be like. When you're older, with wrinkles, white hair and weaker limbs. 
It's like you see it.
You and him in a bed– just like now but older, wiser, more tired. His back turned to you. There'd be distance between you two, you’d want to move closer and hold him– but you wouldn't. You’d just stare at the back of his head, counting all the grey hairs you’d memorised like all the moles and wrinkles on his skin.
You’d notice his breathing, the rise and fall of his chest and you would have known him so long and so well that you'd just know that he wasn't actually asleep. you'd know why he wasn't asleep.
there'd be a pain in your chest. You would know what it is, why its there. You would gulp and try not to think about it.
“Do you always stare at me in my sleep?” his groggy voice pulls you out of your own head.
You blink, multiple times. Forever, right.
He softly smiles up at you. You blink away before moving to lay on your back, the sheets rustling with your movement. “sorry I woke you up”, you mumble an apology, staring at the ceiling, you fail to hide the shake in your voice.
“Yeah.” the sheets beside you ruffle but you keep your eyes trained on the ceiling. it seems inevitable. You know, one day it'll happen and despite having expected it, it’ll be the greatest heartbreak of them all. 
“Thinking ‘bout somethin’?” he sounds a bit more awake.
“When am I not?” you shake your head and laugh hoping he doesn't notice that it isn't real, thankful that the curtains didn't let in any moonlight and that you had turned off the lights.
“What is it?” but this is Steve, he doesn’t need to see you to know how you’re feeling.
“Were you lying about liking the pasta I made?”
“No, Steve it was good”, a real laugh slips out of you, and you finally look at him. He’s leaning on his elbow, the messy head of hair in his hand, looking down at you. You suddenly wish it wasn’t so dark so you could see the colour of his eyes, the moles and freckles on his skin.
“Then what?”
“Nothing.” your gaze moves back to the ceiling.
“Must be something if it's keeping you up”, you feel him shift closer to you. He smells of fresh shower, mint, shaving cream and washed laundry. 
“No, I'm just….  not sleepy.”
“Yeah?”, he raises his eyebrows with a sly smirk, “Well, I know a way to make you sleepy”, he leans down– both arms caging you in, landing a kiss on your neck before trailing further up to your lips. and its lovely, so god damn lovely, you don't want it to stop but this hurts.
“Ste– mmph– Steve stop”, you turn your face away, because if he keeps going, you think you'll cry, palm pushing flat against his bare chest, “I’m– I'm not in the mood.”
“Okay, I'm sorry”, he moves back onto his one elbow. The silence gestates for a while, you can feel his eyes on you. The ticking of the clock is the only thing heard through the room before he softly says, “Hey, please tell me what's happening?”
“Nothing”, you shook your head, “I’m just tired.”
“You just said you're not sleepy.”
“J– just go back to sleep okay? sorry for waking you up”, you turn onto your side, face away from him. 
He sidles up behind you after a second or two, warm breath across the back of your neck, you squeeze your eyes shut. “yeah, like that's gonna put me to sleep", he mutters behind you.
His arms snake around your waist, pulling you in closer, “C'mon, you know I wont be able to sleep after fighting”, burying his nose in your hair– he sighed.
“Did you just sniff my hair?”
“Yeah, I do all the time. smells s’good."
"You pervert", you both laugh lightly at that, your hand going for his around your waist, before your smiles fall and silence takes over once again. 
You lick your drying lips, you forgot to put on lip balm again, “We’re not fighting, Steve.”
“Could’ve fooled me.”
You take in a deep breath in, fingers drawing patterns on the back of his hand, you breath out, “m’sorry.”
His arms squeeze tighter around you, he lets out a quick sigh before placing a kiss on your shoulder, “I’ll forgive you if you tell me what’s going on with you.”
“Steve…”, your voice trails off, you're not even sure what you were going to say.
“Is it— Is it your…. Uh, that time of the month?”
That makes you want to roll your eyes at him and smack his chest but you restrain yourself, you’re not sure if you want him to see your eyes right now anyway. Instead, you sigh,  “I had it last week, Steve.”
You got it in this very same bed. Awoken by cramps in the middle of the night. and Steve, your lovely Steve had given you a hot water bag while he took off the sheets and put on fresh new ones and then gave you a soft massage that put you to sleep.
“right... yeah, sorry," he says all sheepish, “So what is it then? Did someone say somethin’ at work?”
“Did I.. " he hesitated a little, "did I say something?”
“...no”, you curse yourself for pausing before saying it.
“I did, didn't I?”
“No, no. you–”
“honey, you should tell me if I ever say stupid shit– you should call me out immediately–”
“You didn't say anything stupid or whatever. I'm the one who's being stupid.”
his hold on you loosened, he shifted back to give you space to turn around, “What did I say? Hey, look at me,” you finally turn in his hold, facing him “what did I say?”
“We’d have the cutest little kids, won't we?”
“..what?” You stood infront of the kitchen sink. your hands stopped their scrubbing at the pot you were washing. You tilted your head towards him who had his head rested on your shoulder, his arms around your waist.
“Little Harringtons”, you could hear the smile on his lips.
“Or maybe we get our names hyphenated. That works too, it’d be cute”, his hands hold your waist, his duty of drying the plates abandoned. “They’d have my fabulous hair, and your pretty, pretty eyes– cutest kids around the block”
“Our kids?” you repeated dumbly.
“Yeah, and six of ‘em. six little nuggets. They’ll make up half of a football team”, he giggled, warm air hitting the side of your face, “Doesn’t that sound lovely?” he smiled at you.
“...yeah. Yeah, it does.” you smiled back at him which only made him grin wider. His arms tighten around you again, and lips start a trail from behind your ears to down your neck.
You scoffed softly "You’re supposed to help me wash dishes you filthy animal." 
“Oh, fine,” he gave you an over dramatic sigh, before his hands left your sides, skin feeling lonely as ever.
“No, it's fine. I’m almost done anyway", you went back to scrubbing at the bottom of the pot, "Just go and take a shower, you reek.”
“Alright, fine, I’ll go!” he groaned, playfully as a kid, before he leaned against the counter, looking at you with his ‘Harrington charm’. His voice is silky when he asks, “Will you join me?”
“Steve." you said it almost as a warning.
“I don’t hear a no.”
“Okay then, no.”
“Tomorrow morning…?”
“I have an early shift tomorrow, you horndog.”
“We'll make it work.”
“Okay", he sighs, “come up quickly though, I wanna be the big spoon today”, pecking your cheek before leaving for the shower upstairs.
Looking at him, you brush the now mostly dry hair falling on his forehead, tucking it behind his ear. Your fingers lingered there, you smile, “nothing, Steve.”  your thumb rubs back and forth on the apple of his cheeks. “You didn’t say anything. it's stupid.”
His hand reaches up to hold your fingers in place, he turns his head a little to kiss your knuckles, “okay, I didn't say anything” he kisses your knuckles again, gaze stuck to your face, “but could you tell me what it is you think you’re being stupid about?”
God, I love him, you think. “Don't worry about it”, your voice barely a whisper as you attempt to give him a smile. You move closer, planting a slow kiss on his lips which are so much softer than yours– he never forgets his chapstick.
And god, you needed this, your brain stops when you kiss him. thoughts quelled and its quiet again. After some time though, your throat starts to burn and your chest is on the verge of a sob. So, when you pull away, you fail to hide the stuttered breath that you take in.
Steve knew there was something to worry about, but when he hears your breath that almost sounds like a sob, he’s immediately on high alert. Before he can brush your hair out of your face to look at you, really look at you, you bury your face in his chest.
It takes him a second to realize that you’re crying and it breaks his heart because you’re trying to hide it.
“Baby..” he feels you curl in further, your face warm against his skin. He moves to pull you in closer, palm holding the back of your head. He just wanted to take away whatever it was that was bothering you. He tried to pull away to get a look at your face to help you calm down but you wouldn't let him. He settles on carding his fingers through your hair, rubbing circles on the little sliver of exposed skin between your t-shirt and shorts, hoping it gives you some sort of comfort.
"Honey", it is then that you finally let in a shaky breath. he feels the skin where you hid your face get wet maybe with tears, sweat, snot, he didn't care-- he just wanted to take all your pain away.
You both stay that way, and you're suprised by how much you sob, how hard you heave. You weren't sure how long you stayed that way, maybe minutes, maybe hours, however long. It feels like forever.
At this moment, encased in Steve's arms, breath hot against his skin, despite the nose plugged with snot, lashes clumped with tears, eyes squinted shut, you think this is comfortable. Yet it hurts. Because you'll have to pull away. It hurts so damn much because you know how this can go, you know it can hurt so, so much more. You know it will hurt.
You want this to last forever, however fucking long one of those is.
So, you hold on longer because, you’re selfish with your love for Steve. You're selfish because despite the heartache, you’ll have him, for as long as you can.
His hold on you gentle yet firm, as if afraid he'd break you. In your head, he already had. He tries to pull away again, to look at you but you can't. Your eyes still squinted close, willing it all to be a stupid dream. “Honey, I promise you whatever it is, you can tell me”, he says, voice soft as feather. Of course it's not a dream.
Your tongue betrays you, “Its…s–” stupid. Silly. It really doesn't feel stupid or silly, but god, you're so scared that you can't say it, you didn't want to say it because if you do it’ll come true, wont it?
“Whatever it is that you think is stupid," he assured you as if he could read your mind, "I still want to hear it because I know I won't think it's stupid."
suddenly it burns, and you need air. you sit up and try not to think about how ridiculously not pretty you probably look with snot running down your face, “What if- what if we- we end up hating each other?” you manage to say through hiccups.
“What?” he sits up as well, he says as if you had said the most ridiculous thing, “I'll never hate you, honey.”
For some reason, tears fill your eyes again at that, “Steve, you don’t know that.”
“Yeah, I do.”
“No. Ste– people fall out of love, Steve- all the- all the time.” It terrifies him how convinced you sound of it.
“Do..... do you think you’ll fall out of love with me?”
The question startles you, its evident in your wide eyes, “Wha– what?”
“Do you think… you’ll fall out of love with me?" he repeats, "You think you’ll hate me?”
You shake your head, the tear that had been sitting on your lower lash finally slides down your already tear-stained cheek.
“Good." he wipes the wet trails left behind with his thumb, "then, why would I hate you?”
Your face twists into an expression that Steve wasn't sure what to describe it as. a deep frown on your lips, chin wobbly, brows scrunched up together, eyes red and tired yet nostrils flared. “‘Cause", you start but before you could continue another sob leaves you. you look down at your lap, trying to catch your breath. it takes you a minute before you begin again, "do you remember.... what you said about our kids?”
He nods, heart clenching at the way your voice breaks, “I don't think I can… do that”, he doesn't think he's ever heard you sound so broken. “I– I don't think if I– if I want that.”
He sits silent and you think this is it. maybe forevers aren't that long after all.
More tears fall, more sobs leave you, you don't bother to wipe them. What's it matter anyway? He hates you already. He's probably thinking of a way to let you down easily because he is kind like that “Honey.. I want a family..” you feel your heart ripping in two and you just can't look at him.
“And I want you to be a part of that family. I– I want you to be the person I built a family with, no matter the size." He wipes at both your cheeks again, making you look at him, "even if its just us.”
The relieved smile he expected from you isn't there, instead, you frown, the crease between your brows deepens. the part that hurt the most was that you push his hands away, “you’re saying that now, but what happens when years down the line, when we’re old, you– you end up resenting me. Y- you love me right now, I know. But how do you know you wont end up hating me like, ten years later?”
“I dont want to watch you grow old and hate me and then leave me, Steve. I’d rather end this now if we’re destined to just end up unhappy together.”
“We’re not. Okay? We’re not. I know I wont hate you, ever.” He reaches for your hands again. He kisses your fingers before continuing, “And I know that I want you, just you and whatever that– that that comes with. We could never have kids and I would never hate you for it.”
“You won't be happy", you say meekly, like he'd be mad at you for speaking what was on your mind to him, “You wont hate me but you wont be happy either”, you muttered, chin ducked into your chest.
“Honey”, he hooks a finger under your chin, tilting your head to make you look at him, to make you understand. “you’re what I need to be happy. You make me happy. And.. I’d hope you need me to be happy too”, a wet chuckle escapes you at that. A hint of a smile on your face despite the tears.
“You do, don’t you?” he clarified with a soft smile of himself.
You nod, "yeah", letting out a loud sniffle.
“Good. I know its scary but you’ve gotta put your trust in me. Trust me enough to believe in me when I say that you are what makes me happy. and I am happy."
He wipes away gently at your face, ridding it of the tear stains, “Sometimes, you’ve just gotta trust. I promise I’ll never break it.” 
You sob again but it's lighter than before, you wrap your arms around his neck and feel the weight you felt get lifted, you sniffle into the crook of his neck, "thank you."
You feel his lips on your hairline, "Let's go back to sleep, yeah?"
"Yeah. You still wanna be the big spoon?"
"yeah, I think you need to be the little spoon today." he pulls you down with him, your back to his chest, kissing the skin behind your ear he finally settles in beside you.
You call out his name, he hums in response. "how long do you think a forever is?"
"I don't know, honey."
"Can we stay like this forever?"
"Um.. if you mean us staying forever then yes, definitely forever. But, if you meant me being the big spoon forever, baby, I'm not sure if I'll be able to commit to that."
You laugh, "I love you." you confess.
"I love you too."
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girls-and-guts · 11 months ago
rules: pick a song for every letter of your url and tag that many people
thank you so much for tagging me @procrastinationprincesses !!! this took me a bit:)
g- goth babe by surf curse
i- i know the end by phoebe bridgers
r- ride by lana del rey
l- lovers rock by tv girl
s- self control by frank ocean
a- alrighty aphrodite by peach pit
n- number one blind by veruca salt
d- dykttatuob by lana del rey
g- girlie by alexandra savior
u- under the table by fiona apple
t- the blonde by tv girl
s- still beating by mac demarco
no pressure tags: @lacyscabinet @noahclay
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crappymixtape · 1 year ago
play it cool
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REQUEST → @procrastinationprincesses, 1K FOLLOWER CELEBRATION ❝ 💿 requesting the cd because i think i need to explore more music and this seems like a good way to do that! ( song x blurb with steve harrington x reader – this one is a lil fluffy, a lil flirty, a lil fun – recommended to listen to your song while reading! )
P L A Y I T C O O L SONG PICK -> 🎶 dream boy, savannah conley
Leaned against the wall of Tina’s living room, you were trying to blend in with the wallpaper. Trying not to draw any attention. Trying to keep hidden behind all the people dancing under the disco ball strung up over the carpet as it spun around throwing glittering pinks and turquoises and tangerine across your face because you were stuck. Caught up. Held fast by this boy you’d never met.
You’d heard the girl talking him up say his name, sweet like candy, her gaze all doe-eyed and mushy and god you could feel your heart stutter every time he laughed.
His smile was brighter than the sun. Like he held June, July, and August behind his lips and summer under his skin and you tried to shake him. Tried to tell yourself you had no idea who he was and you'd probably never see him again, but your mind kept running...
Wondered if he’d look at you like that, if he’d laugh at your jokes, if he’d lean down closer to hear you better and what his cologne would smell like and–
“Hey, uh–I just noticed you’re over here alone. Y’okay?"
His eyes threw you into the deep end. Warm amber and flecks of green and the long sweep of his lashes brushing soft against his cheeks and–
"Shit–sorry. I’m Steve. Listen, can I get you a drink or something?”
And god you swore you’d passed away because he was looking at you like that and leaning down closer to hear you better and his cologne smelled like citrus and cedar and boy and you were trying to play it cool, but–
When he smiled at you? You knew you were done for. Completely in over your head all because of this–
Dream Boy.
crappymixtape™ • steve harrington masterlist // stranger things masterlist ♥️ reblogs and comments keep me going, friends! ily! ♥️
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deadboyfriendd · 1 year ago
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I’m bored and doing tag games
No pressure tags: @dr-aculaaa @jo-harrington @procrastinationprincesses @courtingchaos @bettyfrommars
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stevie-petey · 7 months ago
hello m, i hope u r well. it is my bday today so i wanted to request a blurb if that's cool :). maybe something fluffy about bug and steve celebrating his bday or if ur feeling it, another peek of frat!steve (cool if u want to keep that under wraps for now though). bye, have a nice day!
AH HAPPY BIRTHDAY MY DEAR !!!!! i can DEFINITELY provide more frat!steve, especially because i finally have a clear vision for him that i am absolutely dying to how yall once im done with come home <33
i introduce to yall vixen ;)
enjoy !
"what the hell are you doing here?"
steve looks up, surprised to hear your voice despite being the one in your room. his eyes are wide, his posture straightens, and you can practically hear his scared gulp when he realizes youre back far sooner than he thought youd be.
youve caught steve harrington sitting on your bed, next to your little brother who has only ever been shy around strangers. and yet, as you stand before them, your brother eyes steve with wonder with the remnants of laughter on his face at something hes said.
hearing your voice as well, dustin turns and his smile only brightens when he sees you. "oh, hey, y/n."
"what are you doing?" you storm into your room, throwing your backpack at steve. he lets out a grunt when the object collides roughly into his stomach, and dustin makes a surprised noise. "why are you with my brother?"
"woah, hey-" steve ducks as you go to hit him with the shoe youve kicked off with impressive speed. he jumps from your bed and runs to the other side of the room. "ow, you goddamn vixen!"
"dont call me that in front of my brother," youre seething. how fucking dare he. after everything hes done to you. the rules youve each agreed to. the lines neither one of you have dared to cross. and now here steve is, in the same room as your brother, far too close to the fire youve tried so desperately to keep at a low burn.
"im right here, you know." dustin finally says from the bed. he doesnt have any idea whats going on or why youre throwing shoes at his new friend. dustins train had gotten in earlier than expected and he called you to come get him, but you never answered his thirty calls.
you cast a quick glance towards your brother, feeling the sting in your eyes as tears threaten to come. you try to swallow them down as you press your cool palm against your overheated and flustered skin. "please, not now, dustin."
"vixen-i, uh. i mean henderson, no. shit-" steve stumbles over his words as he rubs his bruised arm. your aim is far too good. its frightening, actually. "y/n, look-"
he hasnt called you by your name ever since youve known him. ever since the agreement had been made. youve only ever been henderson to him, vixen, bitch, tease.
never your name.
"get. out." you dont want to see him. this is all too fucking much for you. dustin wasnt supposed to know about steve. they were never supposed to meet. steve is the type of person you guys make fun of. tease and make jokes about. dustin has always hated guys like steve, the overly charismatic and repugnant type who join frats and sleep with every warm body they meet.
the type who kiss girls and make them feel as if they mean anything to them.
the type tommy had been.
dustin hated tommy. he hated him the entire five years you were together.
and now here dustin is, laughing with steve only moments before you walked into the room. you dont understand how the hell you got here.
lost in your head, you dont notice that steve has stepped so close to you until his hand falls softly on your arm. the touch causes you to flinch away, it burns you. knowing hes gone too far, steve backs away from you and puts his hands in the air. "hey, its okay. im sorry, alright? i-i know things arent, uh..."
steve looks at dustin, who stares at the two of you with a knowing look on his face. hes already figured out more than you ever wanted him to. dustin has always been too fucking smart for his own good. steve seems to recognize this, too, and clears his throat. "look. i know youre angry with me. i dont blame you, alright? but the kid called nancy earlier, apparently you hadnt picked up, and he needed a ride here and she had her exam and i-i just... she called me. it was getting dark outside and nancy was frantic. thats it. thats why im here."
you refuse to look at steve. while youre still infuriated and hurt by what he did earlier, you cant help but admit that he did a good thing. he stepped up, even though he knew youd throw a shoe at him in the end. like the fucking prince charming that he is. always good, always kind to everyone around him. sickeningly sweet, yet you know what really lies beneath his charming persona.
instead of voicing any of this out loud, you sit next to dustin and gently run your fingers through his hair. hes getting too old for this, you know that, but still your fingers tangle in his curls anyways. "i thought your train arrived at seven tonight?"
"so did i. ended up stranded in the middle of nowhere for an hour." dustin responds, knowing you still need a few moments to collect yourself. he may not know who steve is to you, but he isnt blind. the guy has royally pissed you off, but still he had been kind to dustin. so clearly he wasnt too bad. "thanks for that, by the way."
"im sorry," you sigh out, remorseful. "i... i got caught up in something."
"something, or someone?"
you glare at steve. "i wasnt talking to you.
"no, but im sure you were talking to prescott."
dustins eyes widen. "youre talking to that dickhead tommy again?"
"oh, henderson, we have so much to talk about!" steve high fives your brother with glee. "tell me, when did you first realize your hatred for thomas prescott?"
"the moment i learned his last name was prescott."
"its a god awful last name, isnt it? makes the asshole even more pretentious, which shouldnt even be possible."
dustin and steve gravitate towards each other eagerly, ready to share insults about the boy you once loved so dearly, and youre sick of it all. your stomach twists, your skin crawls. its too much for you. after what youve learned tonight about tommy, hearing his name over and over again threatens to make you sick. on the verge of a nervous breakdown, you slam your shoulder against steves and run into the bathroom.
the door locks behind you.
dustin and steve are left in silence.
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wishing-on-a-staranise · 10 months ago
Kiss it away, honey.
(s.h. x reader)
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from the river to the sea. (get in your daily clicks, read about it, donate if you can.)
summary: you have a perfect and loving boyfriend, and everything should be great but something is just not right.
word count: 6.7k
warnings: use of y/n, no pronouns used (gn!reader), use of pet names (honey, etc), codependency, dark themes, a new flavor of jealousy, horror (spookies and scawies), gore, murder
a/n: yall remember when i was yapping about clones and all that? yeah. I went a lil feral while writing this lmao✌️🤪
another banger by @procrastinationprincesses and I on tumblr dot com. Thank her for listening to me babble on and just helping me sift through the different routes this could go and also being what is basically my proofreader
i might write a part two of this. do not ask me when.
You haven’t changed out of your work clothes yet, staring at the phone on the wall. 
It was silent now but it had rung, blaring, louder than you'd ever heard it before. Five times it had rung.
5 calls– 5 missed calls. Unknown number. No voicemail.
You hadn't picked up. You had just stared, you weren’t sure why– the ringing scared you. you weren't sure why but every fiber in your being had coloured you stuck– immovable even if you wanted to do otherwise.
Now it had stopped, empty as vacuum, dead quiet left in the wake of those shrill rings.
And just when you were about to let out a sigh of relief, just when you thought you could finally get to changing out of your work clothes, it started ringing again, your temples hurt from its shrill notes. 
Your nostrils flared, you will not cower, no, you huff of frustration before stomping towards the phone. Its red plastic is just as bright as it had been when you had first gotten it with Steve.
It's probably just a prank call. It's a prank call. A stupid kid doing a stupid prank call. Why the hell is your heartbeat so loud? 
You pick up the receiver, gripping it tight, ready to give the prank caller a piece of your mind.
Hello? Hey you stupid shithole, find something better to do with your stupid, pathetic life, why dont ya’? Good fucking night.
“He– hello?”, your voice comes out nowhere near as fierce as you had wanted it to be.
The line is silent for a second or two. But then you hear a gasp and then some rustling, crackle. You strain your ears, the sounds seemingly impossible to decipher, “hello, who– who is this?”
You think you hear muffled crying, after a few seconds they finally speak up, “y/n”, their voice is of a woman's. “y/n–” is all they choke out before breaking out into a sob. She says your name as if she hasn't said it in a long while, as if she can't believe she’s saying it. And you don’t know why but you feel your eyes sting. You press the receiver closer to your ears, the plastic creaks under your grip. you think you recognise her. The realisation hits you that you do. She sounds familiar.
“y/n, my baby where–” you hear a click, followed by beep beep beep beep, indicating that the call has been disconnected. This time you blink, a tear finally trickles down your cheek. You stare at the receiver, the beeping barely audible. You take in a deep breath, and dial the number again, waiting for the ring or the woman’s voice.
The ring never comes, her voice never comes. Invalid number.
You stare at it. If you were to look any harder, you think the plastic would melt. Too many thoughts were running through your head. And why the hell are you crying?
You hear the jingle of keys followed by the sound of the door opening. You tear your burning gaze away from the phone to the clock. 7:08 p.m. 
“Yeah!” he answers back immediately, you hear the door shut, the keys in his hand jingle again followed by the clink of them landing in the ceramic ashtray-turned-bowl next to the door where you keep your keys. 
Any other day you would have walked to him, and even if he’d be in the middle of taking his shoes off he’d stop, give you a loving smile, hold his arms up, ready to engulf you into a hug. Any other day, you would have wrapped your arms around his torso, kissed his shoulder before burying your nose into his neck. 
He is the only one who could ever fix you, everyday you come from work, bags under your eyes, tired to your bones and everyday he comes and puts you all back together as if it was the easiest thing to do, as if he was made for it. And you want to go to him so bad. Any other day, you would have. But today doesn't seem like any other day. 
“Hey honey”, he finally comes around the corner and he gives you that smile you love being on the receiving end of, all lazy and adorning, “haven't changed out yet?” 
You look back down at yourself, and you see that you had still been stuck, body still facing the wall where the phone hung. you indeed haven't changed out yet. You barely shake your head before his brows scrunch up, “You okay? Your eyes look all red”
You blink before shaking your head, “Uh, yeah, yeah. I’ll go ch–”
Ring-ring. Ring-ring.
What you were saying is left abandoned, your head snaps towards where the phone is. 
“I’ll get it. You go change,” Steve tells you, not noticing your immediate panic. As he ambles to the phone, you slowly shuffle away– moving towards the bathroom, making sure to listen in on the conversation. “Hello?” you hear him speak into the receiver, he pauses for a second and so do you in your tracks, “..oh hey, Henderson'', you breathe out in relief at hearing the familiar name, “Yeah, yep, doing good. How’s the new place treatin’ ya?”
The audibility of his words lessens as you continue on your way to the bathroom. In the small, tiled room, your own breathing echoes, it engulfs you. you immediately regret not just changing in your room because you can't hear Steve’s voice anymore. But you have already locked the door. You weren’t sure why you did– maybe it was your uneasiness and apprehension but normally you never lock the door because your ever clingy Steve loves joining you in, majority of the time there is nothing sexual about it. Most of the time he just stands there by the door, that same adorning smile on his lips.
When you step out of your jeans, it rings in your brain, again and again. The piercing ringing of the phone, the woman’s voice. You know that voice. You know that voice. You know that woman, you are certain. It is like its on the tip of your tongue, like it is obscured behind a frosted glass, like an itch you can’t scratch. 
A knock on the bathroom door breaks you out of your thoughts, “uh honey?” the voice comes muffled through the wood, “Are you done? Need to take a piss.”
“Yeah, just–” you quickly hop into your shorts, balling up your dirty clothes and tossy them into the laundry basket before unlocking the door. 
And he is there, that smile blooms across his face, “there you are”, and then his lips are on yours, his wide palm comes to hold your face, thumb rubbing softly at your cheeks— he’s a tactile being, your boyfriend, loves holding your face, loves holding you, touching you anywhere. 
When his fingers burrow into your hair behind your ear, you somehow manage to breathe out between the deepening kisses, “Thought you had to take a piss”
“Don't bring up pissing when I’m kissing you”
“Oh, but its okay when you wanna hold my hand while pooping?” He once told you he’d hold your hand while pooping if you’d let him– he had been absolutely drunk, maybe high off weed– inebriated, really and didn't remember saying it the next day. you love to tease him about it. he groans at the mention.
“I was high”, he whines, embarrassed,  “I told you I didn't mean it.”
“Drunk words… sober thoughts, honey.”
“You said it was endearing”
“It is endearing but still a weird thing to say”, you laugh all toothy and cute.
“Whatever, I gotta piss”, he mumbles trying his best to hide his smile before moving you by your shoulders to swap places with you so it’s him who is in the bathroom. He shuts the door, the sound of the lock clicking never reaches your ears.
You’re left alone with your thoughts again, and your smile fades away– you’re anxious, you know that much. You’re not so sure of what exactly. You plop down on the edge of the bed, leg bouncing restlessly, finger tracing over the pattern of the sheets. The pillows and comforter are set up perfectly for the night– every morning Steve sets the bed while you shower knowing you always get frustrated with the task. 
Your back sinks into the mattress, you breathe out, deep and slow, eyes closing on their own accord. You almost fall asleep for a second, but the bathroom door clicks open. A few seconds later, the bed dips beside you, the fabric rustles, “tired?” the question is followed by a groan. When you peak a look, you find him stretching out his arms beside you.
“Absolutely”, you answer.
“Yeah, me too,” he sighs out.
“We still have to make food.”
He lets a frustrated groan tumble from his lips, “can't we just have mac and cheese today?”
The night goes by in a breeze, not a lot of talking. 
The love is still there though, in the way that Steve holds the corner of the open cabinet door to make sure your head doesn't hit it, in the way he lets you sit on the countertop while waiting for the water to boil over, in the way you stare at him when you think he isn't looking, in the way you pull his hand over your lap and massage the tight muscles of his palm while he stirs the pot with his other hand. 
You put on his favourite show when he plates the food, he makes sure to put some chives on your plate to make it look a little more pretty for you. You watch the show in silence, eating under the flickering light of the tv. You let it play in the background while you wash the dishes, it is Steve who watches you this time, his head resting against the cabinets behind him. and he thinks he could watch you all day. Something about doing the most mundane things with you makes him feel all warm and lovely. He is sure that past anything grand and dramatic, its the everyday things that show love. He hopes in every world, he gets to hold you and love you. He thinks he'll give it all up just to be with you, just to watch you wash dishes, just to have you sit beside him while he cooks.
When the dishes are done, he makes sure the doors are locked, you turn off the lights and the TV. Before you know it you’re in bed, and before you know it, you’re already falling asleep. 
At first you weren’t sure why you were awake. Then you hear shuffling behind you, and you barely even roll over when there is a warm hand on your hip, “honey,” he whispers– voice all scratchy and low that makes you melt, you hum for a response, “I’m sorry honey, wake up please”, his tone is slightly rushed, you’re a bit more awake at that. 
Barely did you sit up when he engulfs you in a tight hug. You hold him back without a thought or hesitation. Your hand rubs his back, his arms tighten around you, nose nudging into your neck, his skin warm. your fingers find their place in his messy head of hair like they always do, you card through the strands. He pulls you closer, and then you're in his lap. He holds you like a boy holds his favourite toy– like he doesn't plan on letting go.
“Want some water?” After some time you ask softly. You feel him nod into the junction of your neck.
He loosens his hold on you enough for you to climb out of his lap. Not saying a word, he follows you to the kitchen, and he stays close when you pour him a glass. He is mid-gulp when you ask, “nightmare?”
He nods once, the rogue strands on his forehead bouncing with the movement, and downs the water before saying a soft ‘yeah’.You take the glass from his hands and place it in the sink, and lead him back to bed. 
You brush aside his disheveled hair. You tuck yourself into his side, an arm around him, “wanna talk about it?” you ask softly, fringernails scratching his faint stubble.
In the dim of the room, you see his adam's apple bob. Apparently, he does want to talk about it, because he nods– the movement barely noticeable but there. You put your head back on his chest and you wait patiently, trying your best not to fall back to slumber.
It takes him a while before he starts, “You were…”  his hand moves to hold yours, “you were sick–in the hospital, these wires and tubes attached to you. Y-You had been there for months. You were sick and you wouldn't talk to me, wouldn't even look at me. And– and…. Then the– the damn heart monitor–”
His words are frantic and uneven, “I didnt– I didnt know what to do after. I didn’t–”
“Steve—” you hold his face to make him look at you, “I'm here.”
He licks his lips, then swallows, nodding. he pushes his face forward so your foreheads are touching. “I know", his nose is hot against yours, "it was still awful.”
You both lay that way for a while. Your thumb brushing against his red cheek, he sniffles a couple times. you hate seeing him this way, with his lashes clumped together, his beautiful eyes all red. The moisture glistening under his eyes doesn't let you fawn over his freckles like you'd normally wish to.
When his skin is a little less warm, and his heartbeat calmer beneath your fingertips, you kiss him. Your hand snakes up to hold his face. Fingers, softly rubbing over the spot behind his ear that makes him melt. You kiss him all slow and purposefully, so he knows that he has all the time in the world.
When you pull away, he murmurs, “Can we go back to sleep?” he pulls you closer, face burying into your neck, warm puffs of breath against your collarbones.
You land a quick kiss on his eyebrow before resting your chin above his head, “‘course”
You wake up to the alarm clock on Steve’s side of the bed. He turns off the thing before rolling around in your arms onto his back and then turning his head to face you. “Hi”, he smiles that way again and you do the same, sleepy as ever.
“Hi”, you say still half asleep– you ended up not getting a lot of sleep last night. Thankfully you had the day off today, so you plan on being unproductive and sleeping it away.
He stretches, a yawn escaping him, “Jesus, I so don't wanna go to work today”, your boyfriend laments.
You hum, “then don't go” you propose, eyes still closed, “We can both have a day off”
He turns his body so it faces you, leaning on his elbow. His hand moves to your waist before massaging the love handle there “hmm, tempting. I can't though”
“No fun”, you mumble groggily.
“Hey, don't fall asleep on me”, he brushes the hair that falls on your face with the back of his hand.
"But ‘m sleepy", you mumble into the pillow.
"Aw, don't worry, I will kiss it away, honey." He leans down, a smirk painted across his features. His soft lips land on your cheeks first, then one on your nose, they follow a trail that leads to your lips.
You hide your face in the pillow before your lips could meet though, “No, No kissing!” you giggle, holding up your palm to his face, effectively blocking his attacks, “no kissing before brushing your teeth!"
“You're no fun”, he rolls out of the twist of sheets. He stretches his arms, the muscles rippling beneath the skin– he's trying to entice you, seduce you. and if you weren't so damn sleepy, you would have climbed him up like a koala. He gets up to go to the bathroom. When he notices that you haven't moved, he pulls you by your ankle. You let out a surprised shriek that transforms into giggles when you feel his fingers creeping up your torso– tickling you. ”Here comes the tickle monster!” 
A fit of giggles erupts from your throat, "What are you–", your question gets interrupted by your own laughs.
"The tickle monster will not relent unless you wake up!"
“No! Okay, okay, I'm awake! Steve! I am awake!”
The two of you share the cramped space of the bathroom. It is small, but its the best you could afford. So when you brush your teeth together, you try to relish it when your elbows bump. And when you're done, he kisses you as if he waited ages. 
By now, you're a bit more awake so you decide to get his breakfast ready while he takes a shower. It's simple enough, waffles with banana and some coffee. When he comes back out, he kisses you again when he sees you at the stove, this time on the crown of your head.
When he is getting his keys to leave, he gives you another peck, “drive safe", you murmur against his lips..
“I will. You get some sleep, yeah?” you hum and nod in response. You both bid your goodbyes before he turns to leave.
You decide to eat the leftover waffles and clean up a little before returning to your bed. You make yourself a plate with the bananas neatly cut and placed beside the waffles. You drizzle maple syrup, and then start eating the sickly sweet breakfast, skipping the coffee. While you're pouring yourself a second helping of the maple syrup, the expiration date on the bottle catches your eye. expired more than a year ago. ew. 
Your face scrunches in disgust before immediately throwing it in the trash. And you wonder how the hell either of you hadn't gotten food poisoning yet. then it hits you, from what you remember you bought that bottle only a couple months ago. Did you buy an already expired one?
You open the fridge, the condiments and bottles staring at you. One by one, you check each and every one; ketchup, expired. Hot sauce, expired. Whipped cream, chocolate sauce, milk– expired, expired, expired. 
What the fuck?
You throw it all out and make a point to call Steve later to buy everything as he often calls to ask if you had to get something from the store. And that makes you wonder, when was the last time you actually told him he needed to get something?
You try not to think too much about it. Honestly, you don't know what to make of it, so you decide to go back to sleep.
You hear your name. Its faint. It echoes. Like a whisper in a church.
“y/n”, you know that voice. “I– I know you’re there, y/n”, the woman says, all shaky but sure. “y/n”, she repeats. Its that voice… again. 
Who are you?
“Its me, y/n! Its me!” she exclaims as if that would make you remember.
I don't ... understand.
“Baby, just tell me where you are– I'll find you.”
I’m home.
“Home? No– no baby, you’re not. You haven't been home—” her voice gets cut off. It becomes too loud. You feel as if the veins in your temple are going to explode. Its too loud to even tell what it is you’re hearing. Its a static like a radio or a TV, or maybe its wind, maybe its cars, maybe its screams. You think you hear sirens– you wonder if they’re the police or an ambulance. You hear your own breathing, your own heartbeat. Its deafening. And beneath it all, you hear….. Ringing.
Ring-ring. Ring-ring. 
Your eyes fling open and you see your ceiling, you smell the faded mixture of your perfume and Steve's cologne. You’re in your bed. You still hear the ringing. The phone.
You are up in a second. Rushing towards the origin of the sound. When you’re there, you dont wait a second, the plastic is already to your ear.
“Hell– hello?” it comes out all out of breath and broken.
“Honey, you’re– you okay?” its not the voice of that woman.
“Who else?”, he chuckles, “you okay?”
“Uh– yeah,”you clear your throat, “I was um– sleeping. I think I just had a dream..” your hand creeps up to the back of your neck, scratching there to try to alleviate a little bit of the ache.
“Oh, well okay sleepy. I just wanted to check if you need me to buy anything? Like, groceries or whatever on my way back.” you give him the entire list of everything you wanted him to get. You would've talked more if Steve hadn't been interrupted by a customer. Nevertheless, you said your 'I love you's and the call ended.
Your heart is still loud in your ears but the ache has dulled down for the most part.
that voice. that woman. 
Its me. 
I’ll find you. 
You haven't been home.
"Home..", you say out loud to yourself. Home.
Hours have passed. you think you’re losing your mind because you have turned the apartment upside down. you're surrounded by boxes, most of them filled with normal things, your tattered rollerskates, shoes, old clothes. Most of it was normal, except one.
One unlabeled box you found in the corner of your closet. You haven't touched that box in ages, not since your fallout with your family, lying out of sight and out of mind. It didn't have a lot, all packed in a hurry. things you'd had in your room. picture frames, some books, clothes, papers.
You pick up a frame. The picture was from when you were a twelve-year-old. Wearing what were your favourite clothes back then, your hair in a manner that made you feel a little sorry. You're so different now, yet somehow its still you. There's your older sister, her braces glimmering under the flash of the old camera– her smile wide. Your dad, who doesn't ever know how to pose in pictures. Your mom, she holds you and your sister by your shoulders, a soft smile on her lips, her makeup done perfectly. Another picture from your high school. Another of you with your sister and cousins. 
You pull out the books, the pages are slightly yellowed and they have an earthy smell to them that you love. Pages you don't remember reading, dog-eared and written in.
Then there's the papers– some doodles, some notes, a few maps, some scraps and then.... a file. the file that has your name written on it. And when you open it; medical papers. medical bills. They are a little more than a year old. This wasn't a small stay apparently. From what you can tell from the dates on the bills, it lasted months. You don't remember going to the hospital.
Okay, what the actual fuck?
You find yourself reading through all the details of the paper on the floor of your closet.
months. you had been there for months. Steve's dream.
The entire time, you read and re-read the papers. Why don't you remember any of this? Why does Steve not remember any of this? Maybe he does, he had that dream after all, right? Why are there no discharge papers?
Hours pass. It's maddening, how slow the time passes. Its absolutely maddening. What the fuck does it mean that you haven't been home? You are home. and who the fuck was that woman?
You look through the box again, its contents scattered around you by now. The photos. Your family. Your parents. You miss them. You haven't seen them in so long...
Some broken memories have come to you. You had left– run away. You don't remember why. Then you met Steve when you were stopping by in Hawkins for a few months. You fell in love so quickly. Then one day, you asked if he wanted to run away with you. He said yes and you both left Hawkins and came here.
You don't remember much after that.
Wait, where is hawkins? and why did you go there?
It is 7 p.m. and you are pretty sure you have lost your mind. Why isn't Steve home yet? You need Steve. He's the only one who could ever fix you. And now, you need him to fix you again. You need him to fix this, to make some sense of this.
You are sitting by the door, eyes fixated on the hands of the clock.
7:01, nothing. Your arms fidget.
7:02, nothing. Your leg bounces.
7:03, 7:04, 7:05, 7:06, 7:07; nothing, nothing, nothing.
Then, 7:08 p.m., rattle of keys and the sound of the door being closed. Steve. Steve is home. Steve.
You're up on your feet instantly, Steve comes in holding a bag of groceries in one hand and his keys in the other, “I was so worried about you!” you say all hysterical.
“Worried, why?" he says, almost chuckling, but his brows furrow before he looks down at his wristwatch, shaking his head,"I don't think I’m late.” He leans in to land a kiss on your lips, but before he could do so, you turn your head away, “whats– whats wrong?”
“Can I ask you something?” you wrap your arms around your torso to somehow collect your thoughts a little better. 
"Sure", he assures before moving to put the grocery bag on the beige kitchen counter. 
You follow behind him with hurried steps, "When did we buy groceries before this?"
He starts taking out the groceries, "um.. I don't–” he pauses, looking up as if trying to remember himself, “last month probably?" Confusion paints his face, "why?"
"All the stuff in our fridge had gone bad ages ago."
“Have you talked to your friends recently? Where are they?” All your attempts to collect your thoughts are all for nought as questions come tumbling out of your lips and you don't even wait for Steve to give a response.
“Honey, why are you–”
“Okay, okay– what about that nightmare you had?”
“Nightmare?” he echoes, brows scrunching together as if he had no idea what you were talking about, “what nightmare?” he asks like he hadn't cried in your arms the previous night.
“Last night! You had a nightmare that I was in a hospital and– and then I was looking through our closet and I find these medical bills–
“Woah, honey. I didn’t have a nightmare. I think I'd remember something like that.. And– what bills?”
Your feet are moving before he even finishes his sentence, you grab the bundle of papers, you show him everything. And he just... stares at them. After some time, all that comes out of his mouth is a “what the fuck...” under his breath.
“I don't understand Steve, I don't remember, you don't remember. And there was this call yesterday–”
“Call? what– from who?”
“From– “ you pause, trying to remember, “ I– I dont…” from who? And then you feel everything you had recalled leaving you. Who called you? What was Steve's nightmare? 
“I don't remember!" you exclaim, frustrated, "why do– I'm so– I'm scared Steve. I’m–”
“Hey, it's okay. you have me honey, you have me”, he holds you by your shoulders, to provide you some semblance of comfort, "we'll figure something out.”
“Steve….”, you mumble, tears starting to collect on your lash line, “something's not right Steve…”
“Its okay..”
“No, no– I dont– I keep forgetting stuff. Why don't I remember anything?”
“Hey, honey—”
“And whatever I do remember; none of it makes sense– nothing makes sense!"
“Its okay–”
“Do not tell me to breathe–”, “breathe for me–” you warn him the exact same time he says it.
You have lost it. You have lost your mind. Eyes wide, you ask, “Why do I already know what you’re going to say? How is that– “
“Hey, hey look at me”, he holds your face in his warm palms, “Breathe for me”, he instructs, “please honey.”
“Steve”, you pull his hands away from your face not because you don't want him to hold you. You do, you want him to hold you forever, but dammit, you feel like you’re going crazy, “where did we meet?”
“Where did we meet?”
“Family video! We met in Family Video! You just came in one day and asked if I could help you pick out a movie to lift your mood up”
“Where is family video? Like, what town? Wh– what state?”
“..Hawkins, Indiana”
“Steve.. There's no town named Hawkins in Indiana”
“Of course ther–”
“No– no. You can look in a map steve. There was a map in one of those boxes. No town named Hawkins. And then– those papers...” you gesture towards the papers in his hand. You stand there, impatiently so, as he scans over the papers once again. For a split second, you think you see a tinge of recognition in his eyes.
“What does it mean, Steve? Then your dream last night–”, he hands you the papers before turning towards the door.
“Steve, hey, steve!” He heads towards the apartment door. “Steve, come back here!” he doesn't stop, doesn't even spare a glance, his movement robotic. Your voice gets louder, more authoritative, angry “Steve! Come back here right the hell now.”
He doesn't stop, not for his keys, not to tie his shoes. Not for you. Tears cloud your vision and your words come out all desperate and weak, “Steve please! Please don't leave me..”
The door slams shut. Its loud, the silence after it. 
“No..” you whimper to yourself. Tears, finally streaming down your face.
He'll come back, you know he'll come back, sooner or later. He’ll come back to you. Steve wouldn't leave you. He couldn't.
You wait by the door. hours pass. You fall asleep waiting for him.
You wake up to the smell of something sweet in the air. When you open your eyes, you’re on the couch. But you don't have time to think about whether your neck will hurt for the rest of the day because Steve is there, standing over the stove– his back facing you. 
“Steve?” your voice comes out croaky.
“Y’wake baby?” he turns to take a glance at you. The furrow between his brows you saw the previous night gone. He smiles softly when you nod dumbly at the rhetorical question, “Well brush your teeth I’m making pancakes”
He notices that you don’t move, your gaze fixed on him. “Hey, what's wrong?” he leaves the batter he was working on on the counter before walking towards you, “You okay?”
“I’m sorry”
He kneels down infront of you, holding your hands in his– he smells like vanilla from up this close, “Sorry, for what?”
“Yesterday… I didn't mean to upset you. I just– I was–”
“What would I be upset for?”
“Last night.. I–”
“baby, I’m not upset”
“But you just left and..” you sniffle, “when did you come back?”
“I didn't leave. I was here the entire time”, he shook his head, confused.
“But– I… “
“I think you had a dream honey. Freshen up, kay? I’ll bring breakfast. I think we should rot in bed the entire day today. Get some sleep. How’s that sound, honey?”
You nod, he smiles as he pulls you in for a quick kiss, “Good thing we both have the day off– thank jesus for sundays”
7:08 p.m. that is what Steve's wristwatch reads and he is standing at your apartment door. Steve isn't sure why he is back. He isn't sure why he left. Maybe he needed some time. And spending nearly an entire day alone... he remembers things. things he wishes he could forget again.
Although Steve is unsure about a lot of things. one thing is for certain. He loves you. He loves you like he was made for it... and he was.
He was made for loving you and not loving you is not living. He's been there before, not having you to love, he remembers the torture of it. You still don't recall it yet and he doesn't want you to, but he does. He remembers it all. All the hurt, the loneliness, the grief, the silence.
The grief that was too much to bear. Silence was unbearable when it wasn't mixed with your heartbeat.
When he turns the door handle– the door isn't locked. He steps in slowly.
He can hear the TV playing, you're on the couch. there's someone else with you. Its him.
Steve watches as he sits between your thighs on the couch– his place, your fingers playing with his hair. He readjusts his head as if can’t quite find a comfortable spot, “You okay?” you ask as gently as you always do.
“Uh, yeah its just–” he sounds just like him, “I just have this nick in my neck”, he says rubbing the back of his neck.
“Here, let me…” you mumble sweetly as your expert fingers move to where he said it ached.
He sees you dig that spot a little with your thumb, “Ah, thanks honey” he almost melts, and it makes him groan the way that always drew a groan out of Steve.
Steve doesn't mind you made him, you probably didn't even know you did, you're powerful like that. But Steve feels something bubble inside him– maybe this is what jealousy feels like. Steve watches, watches as you touch him. He digs his nails into his palm, he feels the urge to touch where you are touching him. He wonders what he would feel when his thumb would run over that area.
His fingers rise on their own accord. Skin barely touching skin, almost hovering. And then he feels… a bump. He isn't sure how to describe it but he knows that that isn't supposed to be there. Not normally, anyway.
He watches as your expert fingers move up into his hair, he always loved when you did that to him. 
His own fingers move higher into his hair. He feels another– another protrusion, another bump.
Steve knows what those are, he knows not to press down on them. You have them too. You have them where he holds you when he kisses you. Its the reason you don't remember, its the reason he didn't remember. Just for a day, he didn't have you to hold him like the way you always do and now he remembers.
Steve watches as he leans down to kiss you. And all Steve sees is red. He doesn’t have control over him as he stomps over to where the two of you were. Your heads snap towards the sound. Confusion flashes through both your features.
“y/n”, Steve says. He watches as your eyes flick between himself and the other. Your eyes land on his. Of course you know he is the real Steve. You made him.
He holds a protective hand infront of you, “y/n”, he sounds like him, “y/n, get inside”, he nods towards your bedroom door. 
“Look, man I dont know who the fuck you are. But you need to leave”, Steve hates him, he sounds nothing like him. objectively that might not be true, but he isn't him.
“You don't know who I am? Fucking look at me"
“y/n get inside”, Steve doesn't like how he says your name, how he shouts it. It sounds nothing like him. 
Steve lets you go, he doesn’t want you to see this. 
You can't look away despite not being able to see much through the sliver of the slightly ajar bedroom door. It is only when he lands a punch on Steve, that you move away from the door– eyes closing on themselves.
You hear shouts. Then thuds, knuckles hitting jaws. Some more thuds and then a loud crack. Then nothing. Its becomes too quiet. 
You quietly step even further away from the door when you hear footsteps approaching, until you feel your back hit the wall. 
The hinges of the slightly ajar door creak. and he is there. Your Steve.
He has a split lip, bruises blooming on his cheekbones. Blood splattered on his jeans, on his hands, his arms. He lifts his arm to wipe his bleeding lip, more so smearing the blood in the process. Your eyes water, heartbeat too damn loud in your ears, eyes wide as a doe.
“It's Steve. your Steve”, he reassures you, holding your face by your chin. From up this close, the blood on him doesn't look quite like blood. Its too dark, too shiny, more viscous than it should be and it doesn't seem to clot. “I’m gonna take care of you, okay?”
“But you already know that. dont you, honey?” Steve coos oh so gently as he thumbs over your cheeks to rid you of the tear stains. He feels sorry when the action instead makes the blood on his hands smear across your skin. He regrets it immediately, to have tainted you with it. He is sorry you have to see all this, to see him like this.
Steve knows he'll give it all up for you. If he ever had something to give, he would give it all up, just like you did.
Ring-ring. Ring-ring.
“It's for you, honey.”
He moves aside so you can go to the phone. It rings loud as it did earlier. You move past the kitchen, you don't see him– not entirely. He is on the floor, you see his hand around the corner of the kitchen counter, lifeless, a pool of that blood surrounding him. The corner of the kitchen counter drips with the liquid, forming a stark contrast against the light beige.
You move past the kitchen counter, eyes not daring to look at him or Steve, you don't turn around to see if Steve is there watching. You know he is.
You move to the bright red phone that is still ringing, blaring. You pick it and hold it up to your ear, “hello?”
“y– y/n? y/n its– it's me”, that woman says. And somehow, now, you know who she is. “it's me, do you–”
“Mom?” you say it before you even realise you did.
“Oh my goodness! Yes baby, it's– it's me!”
“I’m sorry mom, I had to.”
“y/n, what–”
“I have to go now.”
“y/n, no– no. Please don't hang up–” click.
“There you go honey", you feel Steve's warm hands on your shoulder, he rubs into the tense muscles there– surely staining your shirt with the liquid, "there you go."
You turn around and you see his eyes-- beautiful coffee coloured things, moles littered across his skin just the way you've memorized to heart. That smile, adorning and warm as ever. He holds you like he always does, thumb on your cheek, palm holding your face. 
He holds you like he was made for it. Your cheek fit perfectly in his palm as if you were made for him. You were made for each other.
You lean in closer and then your lips meet. It isn't hard and fast. Its slow and deep. Like you have all the time in the world, and you do.
When you pull apart and look at him, its just him. Your Steve.
You don't even remember what it was you had been worried about. All you see is Steve, all you feel is Steve. Your lover, your home, your family, your everything. It's all Steve.
You smile up at Steve and everything is right. The blood he had smeared on you was gone. The counter was clean. He was gone. Everything is right, once again.
"So", he starts, walking towards the stove, "what are we feelin' today? pancakes with blueberries, strawberries, or plain ol' choco-chip?"
"Is there an ‘all of the above’ option?"
"For you? always."
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girls-and-guts · 9 months ago
*nine people i want to get to know better*
last song: numb by men i trust (im on a men i trust kick rn)
favorite color: any shade of red but especially like cherry red
currently watching: re-watching the end of the f ***ing world for the millionth time
last movie: furiosa: a mad max saga (it was so insanely good everyone should go watch it)
currently reading: middlesex by jeffrey eugenides which is so interesting, i just reread the virgin suicides so im trying to expand into more of eugenides’ work
sweet/spicy/savory: i would say sweet but it honestly depends on the day:)
relationship: i’ve been dating my boyfriend for almost a month and i could not be happier!
current obsession: oh my lord, sofia coppola movies, trying to bake more, scrapbooking and journaling, the mad max films, mood boards
last thing i googled: function of the cell membrane? (i have finals next week)
currently working on: all my little un finished fan fictions and stories as always
tagged by: @procrastinationprincesses which thank you so much this was a fun little break from studying!
no pressure tags: @lacyscabinet , @mollywog , @youdonothavetobegood
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crappymixtape · 9 months ago
last song: cosmic dancer by matt maltese ft. dora jar
favorite color: turquoise or tangerine
currently watching: ST S3 ( whatever, sorry not sorry LOL )
last movie: anyone but you
currently reading: every summer after by carley forture ( i've literally inhaled ALL her books ) and a study in drowning by ava reid
sweet/spicy/savory: oh savory fahsho unless i'm on my period then watch me demolish a giant ass bag of sour gummy worms
relationship: married for 10 YEARS THIS MONTH?? holy fuck. dating for 14 😵‍💫 definitely still very much in love with his goofy ass AND he likes my stevie fics soooo, he's a keeper.
current obsession: listen, joe keery is and always will be my current obsession, okay? second on the list is always music, the artist just tends to change – current vibe is lizzy mcalpine cos her album older is literally the book i'm writing
last thing i googled: sam claflin ( hah! my inspo for the MMC, max, in my book )
currently working on: • fic WIP: steve tangled!au pt. 2 • book: title tbd, but it's childhood best friends -> strangers -> lovers and oh my holy hell does it have everything – angst, fluff, smut, GIMME ALL OF IT – EDIT // it's HUGELY inspired by my laugh like lovers, kiss like friends stevie fic soooo if you liked that you'll be getting 300+ pages of it once this shit goes to print!
tagged by: @procrastinationprincesses – this was SO fun, bb!! <33
tagging (no pressure): honestly, if any of my moots wanna do this, would be so fun! off the top of my head tho, @hollandweather @superblysubpar @thecreelhouse @we-out-here-simping @palmtreesx3
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deadboyfriendd · 3 months ago
That you for the tag @courtingchaos !!! It’s been forever since I’ve done a tag game!
Five songs I currently have on repeat (that aren’t Christmas music)
No pressure tags: @jo-harrington @dr-aculaaa @procrastinationprincesses @somnambulic-thing
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stevie-petey · 2 months ago
listening to love on top by beyonce and it kills me that bug and steve can't listen to this song and instantly think of each other for another 20 years :(
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wishing-on-a-staranise · 1 year ago
@procrastinationprincesses the ✨vision✨ is there
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The way Ram cannot stop himself from singing and doing The Pose® whenever he sees Chandni always gets me weak ❤
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powderblueblood · 8 months ago
hello powder i hope u r well. i am sure you will be pleased to learn that i have finished the first season of justified. my gawd. what a show. what a man rayman givens is. i understand your affinity for boyd crowder and i so see where you're coming from, unfortunately i am about to slut myself out to rayman givens. oh my lord, i understand how women felt during the gold rush when a beautiful lonesome cowboy wandered into town on his way to the mountains and you spent just one heavenly night with him and his rough hands before he left the next morning at dawn, never to be seen again, leaving you to dream about him and his voice for the rest of your life, where no one can compare. i understand ava crowder immensely actually, including the other side of her gun, and i actually think winona is 2 cool 2 fast 2 furious for anybody ever. i think that's all i can say at the moment, i think my analytical mind will begin to pick all the superb dialogue and themes apart once i've had some time to truly comprehend the insanity marshall givens is wrecking on my uterus. my apologies if that is tmi. i just wanted to thank you for being the gateway to this beautiful thing.
SANJANA BABY NOTHING NOTHING has made me happier in recent times than this news I mean hello I mean come on I mean welcome to the family I mean you will never leave Harlan alive
and look the Boyd Crowder effect is a slow burn, season one you’re like baby this guy’s a fucking freak (season two is where the magic begins to happens ugh he’s so sad and broken but then not oh my GOD season two my beloved) but we all came here primarily for Us Deputy Marshall Angriest Man I’ve Ever Known Raylan Givens sssssluttting his way from Miami to Lexington
and let me tell you, on the scale of needing Raylan Givens carnally, you ain’t seen nothing yet, he’s about to give you somewhat crooked old time lawman he’s about to give you reluctant girldad he’s about to get the shit kicked out of him and look soooo hot about it and he really do be wearing the shit out of that goddamn hat
and dzzont even get me started on the ballad of Ava Crowder, my fairytale princess with the sawed off shotgun, yet another ex cheerleader that I ADORE ugh I love her and Winona so much so much so much
I’m so fucking glad you’re enjoying it babe it actually makes my heart want to BUST
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wishing-on-a-staranise · 1 year ago
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summary: Steve's best friends convince him to travel to a country they know almost next to nothing about for a vacation. so, with clothes in a suitcase, emotional baggage in the carry on and most of the money in their wallet from Steve's dad's earnings and Eddie's recent gig, they fly to India. it is there that Steve keeps bumping into a girl who looks like she has a personal raincloud following her at all times.
a/n: although the story is based in india reader has not been specified as indian just desi who has decided to vacation it up in india
this series doesn't even have a name yet so u can guess how much progress I've made in writing it (close to none) but it's just been rattling in my brain for far too long and I need to unleash it into the world. I have no idea when I'll write and put this out
tagging people who liked my last desi fic:
@luvsersi @bitch-biblioklept @avianawrites @lauenderhaze @kaverichauhan @hollandweather @procrastinationprincesses @eddiesguitarskills
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