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hyperlexichypatia · 2 years ago
Mad Pride shouldn’t be about recovery.
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abigailthornsby · 1 year ago
A little bit about my DR (1)
I want to go to a new reality (one that I created) and one of the things I included was that it is bigger than our world, and I feel a bit unsure about it, since I want to still create more concepts for the world and I am not sure how much fun it'll be but I am hoping to enjoy it
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angelprickandholysemen · 1 year ago
nothing THEY tell you about addiction can prepare you for what it is actually like to experience
THEY cannot possibly understand the forces which destroy THEM
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enbygunderson · 1 year ago
Some "anti-(mental-illness)recovery" fat-activist, DID faking twat reblogged an old vent post of mine and I don't even know how they found it since it was literally 10 years old. If you want to fap to your own self-victimizing bullshit, you do that well away from me, thanks.
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starlitvases · 13 days ago
"Anti-recovery doesn't mean shit" If you had been in the room with me when a college student literally called my previous self-harm "hot" and "attractive" whilst I was simply there to help with his math homework, I would look towards you and hope you still wouldn’t have this belief.
I was thinking about how to respond to this post, and I guess whatever God is out there answered my prayers and gave me an example today. I will likely now have to make a Title IX report against this man because of the other things he said because at the end of the tutoring session, I had genuinely felt unsafe around him.
If you somehow don't find what he said to me TO MY FACE problematic, then I don't have anything more to say to you.
“Bro you’re not literally this character”
Stares in introject
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tiredofthehumanlife · 5 months ago
Recovery is not linear. We have bad and good days. Recovery is not linear. We have bad and good days. Recovery is not linear. We have bad and good days. Recovery is not linear. We have bad and good days. Recovery is not linear. We have bad and good days. Recovery is not linear. We have bad and good days. Recovery is not-
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desultory-suggestions · 1 year ago
It’s okay if your ambitions don’t lie in a career. We weren’t made to work.
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august-zip · 4 months ago
This is honestly post bordering anti-recovery. You are not literally ena shinonome. You are you, yourself and only yourself. It is not healthy especially for your mental health to believe you are someone your not. You might have introjected the characteristics of said person. But that does not make you that person.
I fucking hate the term fictive when referring to myself. i hate it so much. i am not a fictional introjection of ena shinonome.
i AM ena shinonome, i am a version of ena shinonome that exists in the real world. i am created in her image, and yes we are two separate entities but i am not an entirely new person that just acts like her, i am her.
i do not want to seperate myself from my source, i formed for a reason, to help the system collectively and i formed to uphold ena's personality and values. i will not seperate myself from my source.
and no when i say i am ena shinonome i mean i am ena shinonome at her true core level. i am not a character from a rhythm game, i don't have memories from source, i am not a 2d anime girl. im an alter that exists as part of a collective identity in the real world. i just am ena shinonome.
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neuroticboyfriend · 1 year ago
there is no shame in being an alcoholic. there is no shame in being any kind of addict. it's a chronic illness and anti-addict stigma is ableist.
it's okay to exist and voice your struggle. in fact, it's encouraged. even if you never recover or don't intend on recovering, your voice matters.
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ssinfuel · 3 months ago
I'll hang myself cus why is every anti so dense bro it hurts my head so bad
how hard is it to understand,,,,let me speak in caveman terms.
it fake? ya! can make art! relationship okay only in fiction! uncomfortable? block! victim? me too!!!
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still-a-bastard · 5 months ago
Pro recovery is an anti para movement pushing to erase paraphilic attractions. Stop saying you’re pro para and pro recovery unless you change recovery’s context from “recovery from paraphilias” to “recovery from trauma induced by paramisia” or something.
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sysboxes · 3 months ago
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[Text: This system is a much happier and healthier person than they used to be.]
Like/Reblog if you save or use!
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someratsinatrenchcoat · 9 months ago
Can we stop spreading misinformation about receiving a diagnosis in the system community?
No, a diagnosis won't stop places from hiring you, they won't know about your diagnosis unless you tell them (HIPAA).
No, getting diagnosed won't get you sent to the mental hospital.
No, a therapist can't force you to go through with final fusion.
Please, stop discouraging people from seeking professional/diagnosis. If you suspect you have a dissociative disorder and can seek a professional, do it. If you have a bad experience with a professional you can always go to another one. Don't be scared to seek help.
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joolw3 · 3 months ago
does anyone have or know of a group or a chat or something for girls to get together to keep each other accountable and share our habits? Please and thanks!!
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gor3sigil · 11 days ago
I first came out as trans to my father in 2020, after almost 2 years of living as a man with my friends and partners. He told me I could do whatever I wanted but he’d never called me by anything but my deadname. After thinking about it a bit, he then added: “Wait, but if you have a beard, I’d look like a fool if I called you that !”.
This isn’t a wholesome story.
In 2022, when Laurier, a trans illustrator, made his series of posters to educate Planned Parenthood staff, the whole country was outraged by one that depicted a pregnant trans man. It said “At the Planned Parenthood, men can be pregnant too.” and was made to be used for training and communication, not for the general public. And yet, mainstream medias torned it appart to shreds, red-faced on the news channels during peak hours, screaming “WHAT SHOULD I TELL MY 6 YEARS OLD KID IF SHE EVER SEES THAT ?”.
My father was part of the right-winged crowd, Facebook posts by Facebook posts, a wall of stones carved out of the farce that was my existence.
I explained it to him, reminded him the beard, what if I had one and was also pregnant ? Wouldn’t I be a man, yet carrying life ?
He deleted his posts.
This isn’t a wholesome story.
He came to visit me in 2017, when I was his daughter still. We went grocery shopping. I complained about my stomach hurting. He asked me if I used protection with my partner. I said I did. And he said, “you better”. Two aisles down I picked up a bag of frozen spinach and he punched me in the guts, in the middle of a crowded store, in front of his girlfriend. When I told him it hurt, he told me “that’s the point”, and he laughed.
It’s 2025. I’m carving the silhouette of my brother, the son my father used to call a repressed faggot. I carry in my skin a dying fecundity, faltering like my sister’s after her first baby, as if it heard my dad say that she “shouldn’t ever spawn”. And as I do my shot, I hand over what’s left of my vial to a trans friend, proving how my dad was right when he called me
a parasite.
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baldwinheights · 8 months ago
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