#and the ending is a phoned in let down
twopoppies · 1 year
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skellydun · 1 year
Actual Phone Conversation I Had With A Girl Absolutely Going Through It This Morning:
me very quickly: hi this is dylan from x. how are you today? is now a good time to talk?
girl on the phone: what? oh you know! it's just work, work, work.
me: haha yeah! Just another busy Monday :)
girl on the phone i have known for exactly 11 seconds: sometimes i wish it would just stop. it's relentless. and it's every week! how many mondays can someone go through?
me trying to do my job: ha ha i know right? so I'm calling--
girl on the phone i have known for exactly 16 seconds: i'm so tired. i'm soooooo tired. shelby kept me up all night again. she will not get over keegan. they keep calling each other just to yell i swear to god.
me: only 4 days till the weekend and some sleep! :D
girl: yeah. but she's sleeping with me. at my house. didn't he tell you? who is going to get the dog? or the fucking 300 dollar blender I got them?
me: unfortunately no! so i would love to know more but the reason i'm calling is to get you scheduled for x job interview are you still interested?
girl whispering: what?
me awkwardly: it's...i'm dylan. from x. the x job you applied for. we would like to interview you for it.
girl: oh my god. no. oh my - I am so sorry. I thought you were my friend--I cannot believe--I told you work was relentless. I don't really mean that! I talked about blenders!
me: no, no I totally get it. It can be. But that's why you're interviewing for somewhere better! Tell Shelby to apply too! Do you have any availability on Thursday?
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hypewinter · 1 year
The Young Justice learns about a new experiment going on at Cadmus once again involving cloning and decides to go rescue the clones. They expertly break into the facility avoiding all alarms only to find out that they trigger anyway. Instead of a voice coming on over the intercoms announcing intruders though, it instead announces an escape. What?
The team continues navigating the base until they come across two kids. The older boy can't be older than 8 while the girl being tugged along behind him looks around 5. The boy narrows his eyes and his body tenses up.
"You're definitely not guards. Who are you?" He questions.
It's Superboy who steps up and says "We're the Young Justice. We came here to rescue you."
The boy doesn't seem to believe them but the girl immediately gets excited. Apparently she couldn't wait to meet real life superheroes. Especially Superboy. That means whatever Cadmus was doing with the kids, they'd already implanted knowledge of the outside world in them. That didn't bode well.
The team decides to push that to the back of their minds for now and focus on the mission. They manage to convince the boy (with the help of the girl) to come with them and they get the two out of the facility. Of course this is after they take all the information they can from the servers (Thanks Robin).
As they get both kids to the medical wing on the Watchtower, the boy introduces himself as Danny and the little girl as his sister Ellie. Connor's never seen clones with such a close bond before and he can admit he's a little jealous that he and Match don't have that kind of relationship. Still he's just happy they rescued the two.
Now to find out who they're clones of and what Cadmus wanted to use them for.
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stevebabey · 5 months
a piece that alas, will never get finished 😔 the bath fic that was once discussed, half written, and left to rot in my tumblr drafts. i hope u can read the seeds i was planting and see the vision i had even if i never could write it <3
Hot water is, indisputably, a luxury in the Munson household.
Far as Eddie knows, the same goes for the whole damn world.
Hot water is something sacred. Something to be used scarcely, lest you drain the tank and have only cold water to wash your plates and yourself in for the rest of the week.
It's not the worst, but, well, then again Eddie can think of few things worst than needing a shower during the colder winter months when the water splutters out lukewarm and the cold trickles in right when he's in the middle of washing his hair. It sucks. Always sends him to bed with the shivers.
Hell, sometimes he'd even do the mile at school just for a chance to get in the showers first — dashing in for the free hot water that only lasted a good couple minutes.
It was worth it though, Eddie thought.
Both the exercise and the sneers, in exchange for getting to be truly warm for the first time since he'd gotten out of bed that day. Warm showers will do that to you though.
Eddie's heard stories of places, of faraway like Hawaii or somewhere, where it gets so warm that when it rains, the water sometimes rains down already warm. Like a great big shower for the whole place.
He reckons if that ever happened here in the middle of nowhere Indiana, he'd be out dancing in the streets in the warm rain. Soaking it all in. Taking not a single drop for granted.
Steve's house, as Eddie has discovered, has more than one shower — because it's got multiple bathrooms.
In the time he's been hunkered down there, his sides patched up roughly and healing at what feels like a snails pace, Eddie has taken to exploring the empty halls of the Harrington House.
It's... enormous. Gargantuan. Fucking massive.
There's rooms with doors that never open. Rooms that Eddie's never even seen Steve go near. Endless doors and cupboards and an upstairs and downstairs, and far too many garages for one just couple and their son.
Eddie explores them all.
It stems from his boredom, of course, because patient isn’t one of the words used to describe Eddie Munson but restless certainly is.
He wanders aimlessly, under the guise that he needs to keep using the muscles in his legs while he heals up but truthfully, he loves a good snoop.
Soon enough, the driving force of his wandering transforms from boredom to… curiosity.
Steve Harrington has always been an enigma to Eddie.
Upholder of conventional standards and the heterosexual gaze turned, well, loser, in the manner of a couple months- it was jarring to say the least.
Especially to the likes of people like Eddie, for whom he had represented everything wrong with small town Hawkins. Rich meathead jocks who pay their way through school.
Eddie always figured he’d had a fucking mansion of a house but this place… it’s unsettling, seeing so much space, so unlived in.
It’s even more unnerving how Steve just… doesn’t take up space.
Even in his own home. Steve’s bedroom doesn’t sprawl out, it’s not packed with possessions and hobbies like Eddie knows his own is. His wallpaper matches his sheets, picked out by someone who clearly doesn’t know Steve.
Everything is tidy because Steve seems to have this neatness ingrained deep within him. He putters around, on auto pilot sometimes, to keep the space clean for parents who don’t seem to come home.
When Steve's out at work and it's just Eddie, wandering aimlessly to keep the strength in his legs, the loneliness of the place yawns down the halls. Consuming. Suffocating.
He’s found himself eagerly awaiting Steve's arrival home from work, if only to hear someone else's voice other than his own.
Today, Eddie's searching has lead him here— into the master bedroom’s ensuite and they have a goddamn fuckin’ bathtub.
It’s a proper fancy type one with clawed bronze feet and a wide lip, made of sparkling clean marble. The type he might describe for that is a King in a campaign, just to be on the nose about how wealthy and greedy this character was.
He’s so transfixed on it that he doesn’t even hear Steve jimmying his keys into the lock, coming home.
It isn’t until— “Eddie?”
Eddie jumps, startled, as Steve’s hand touches on his shoulder lightly. His goal to not scare the other boy doesn’t go as intended, considering how much Eddie flinches but the moment he turns his head, his face is relaxing.
“Fuck, dude,” He breathes a sigh of relief, lips quirking into a smile. “Didn’t hear you come up.”
Steve shrugs a bit and scratches behind his ear, a bit awkwardly. “Sorry, didn’t mean to scare you.”
Eddie nods, but his gaze has already shifted back to the tub before them. Steve follows his gaze easily, an easy chuckle passing his lips.
“I see you found the bath.”
“Yeah…” Eddie says, sounding a bit breathless, his voice distant. Steve glances over, trying to understand the strange emotion toying on Eddie’s features. It’s just a bath. Steve hasn’t even been allowed to use it before, sure, but he likes his own shower just fine.
“It was such a bitch to get it in when they first got it,” Steve explains, folding his arms across his chest as he recalls the memory.
He points his finger behind him to the doorway without moving his arm. “Knocked down a whole wall ‘cos they couldn’t get it to through the doorway. To be honest, I’ve always thought it was kind of ugly.”
He’s waiting for Eddie to say something. For the joke, for the sneering comment on his parent’s fortune, for any lippy spiel that usually gets under Steve’s skin in the best way. The longer Eddie stays quiet, the more it begins to worry Steve.
It’s as though Eddie hasn’t even heard him.
Steve clears his throat and tries again, his tone light and delivered with a chuckle. “Man, you’d think you’ve never seen a bath before.”
Eddie’s head snaps toward Steve. He finally breaks his trance, regrettably just to snap at Steve. “I have, thank you very much.”
Steve feels a bit of embarrassment bloom over his cheeks, wanting to backtrack on his poor joke instantly but before he can open his mouth Eddie is already softening, hackles falling. His eyes are back on the bath.
“Just… haven’t even taken one.” He admits softly.
Steve doesn’t know what to say, doesn’t know what’s going through Eddie’s mind — can’t come close to understanding what forlorn nostalgia is tugging at Eddie’s gut.
“Not really, I don’t think.” He continues. He pauses to think, head tilting back just a bit. “When I was really little, maybe. Little enough to fit in the sink or— or something.”
Eddie seems to realise he’s letting whatever thoughts he’s having drift out of his mouth and promptly snaps his jaw shut, teeth clacking as he does. He doesn’t look at Steve, doesn’t want to see the pity or the sympathy or the—
“Anyways,” Eddie huffs a breath, turning to leave his newfound discovery on the exploration of the Harrington House.
“Do you want to?” Steve asks suddenly. His voice is sincere. “Take one?”
Eddie blinks. Wonders if it’s a joke, that it’s being offered out just so it can snatched away and Steve can laugh at how desperate Eddie is to actually be given this. He has to hastily remind himself that Steve wouldn’t do that to him.
There’s no containing the excitement rushing in his voice when Eddie spits out, “Can I?”
Steve chuckles, an easy smile at the other’s eagerness.
It’s easy to overrun the instinct that’s ingrained deep, not to cross the little rules his parents have scattered through the house — easy because he’s doing it more and more with Eddie here.
They’d eaten off his mom’s expensive and untouched china on the first night Eddie had managed to get up and about to eat downstairs, instead of tucked in bed.
He’d been so keen to help, proclaiming that he’d set the table for the both of them— too excited to be up and moving to remember that he and Steve weren’t usually as buddy-buddy as they were acting.
Steve had soaked in it greedily. Warm brown eyes, saccharine smile, he’s found that Eddie sort of glows when he’s happy. And that giving him good food is one of the ways to stir up that happiness.
But even then, Steve had paused seeing the plates in Eddie’s hands, an instant stone in his throat because he isn’t allowed to use those ones.
Sputtering through a sentence, Steve swallowed the stone and skipped over the rule he’d never broken before. It was worth it for the smile on Eddie’s face.
Just like it’s worth it now. Seeing the awed smile on his face, already a little jittery at the thought of a bath… Steve’s embarrassed to find he can’t really say no to him.
He keeps that to himself though, because if Eddie knew that he’d be batting his eyelashes and making every demand known to Earth. But then again, that didn’t sound so bad either.
Christ, Steve thinks to himself. He’s so screwed.
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randomness-for-life · 4 months
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Finished replaying Apollo Justice and I forgot how truly GAY Klavier and Apollo are for each other
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caluski · 2 months
today at the store i behaved like a child.... i bought a diary/journal and crayons.... lets attempt journaling again
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chirpsythismorning · 1 year
My exact reaction to milkvans interpretation of ST
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#byler#when they act like the airport kiss/hug is peak romance…#when Mike literally puts her gift (flowers) between them so they have to separate sooner bc of her squishing them…#and with us not even getting mikes reaction…#how romantic#then followed by Mike practically dropping his bag to hug Will only to cut it short and stare at him Will up and down…#with us getting to see mikes reaction to Will clear as day…#how platonic#when they say el’s favorite color is yellow#or that Mike never called Will over the phone but did call el…#that one is fascinating to me#bc imagine Mike calling the Byers to talk to el and not make any effort to talk to Will…#that would literally be mikes fault#bc what is Will supposed to do?? interrupt el and say ‘let me talk to Mike?’#EVEN IF that was the scenario#(we know it’s not bc byler was the only one that talked about phone calls in s4)#it would have been shitty of mike and el arguably to make a point to talk to each other#only to end it and never make a point to give the phone to Will so him and Mike could chat#so that whole argument just doesn’t make sense#not to mention#their excuse for why el has a shrine for Mike in her room#while mike has nothing in his space related to el in contrast#is apparently bc Mike having el related stuff in his house would risk her identity being known…#so which is it? can they talk on the phone or not 😭#bc both those arguments don’t work together 😭#it just starts to all contradict and not make sense basically
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caterpillarinacave · 3 months
For the yes/no ask game: If you were interested in picking berries and learned all the good spots in your area to collect from, of which there happened to be many, and you found yourself falling into a little community of berry pickers, where you trade locations, recipes, and knowledge of berries, and one day you heard of a little local legend about a lost grove that's supposed to have some of the most delicious berries but no one remembers the path since the markers for it were washed away one particularly strong storm, only a general area of where it might be is recalled, but you're intrigued, so armed with what little information you have and boatload of determination, you pack yourself a little picnic and decide to make a day of it, hiking out to the spot, and it takes the better part of a morning, mostly because you keep stopping to check for berries, but by noon you've reached a place you're pretty sure must be it because the bushes are so high and thick they seem to be trying to drown out the sky itself and the berries (which you one hundred and ten percent recognize 'cause you're cool like that) are plentiful as expected, so you get to work filling your basket and while you're collecting you stumble across a couple little neat trinkets you decide to pocket as well (a spinning top, a key, a dog tag, and an old useless walkie-talkie) and before long you've filled your basket and you start your trek back following your markers, only to see a door halfway back, standing in a frame in the middle of a clearing of a thicket, so, obviously intrigued, you wander over to give a closer look, it's old, vines climbing the brick around the frame, it's closed and the door is painted black, when you try the handle you see it is locked, when you go to the other side you see the door is white, and when you try the handle the same applies, even when you rattle it nothing happens and while you chew on a berry and think on this problem you remember the key you found earlier, and having nothing better to do you dig it out and try it, to find to your delight that it does indeed open, you take the key back out and step through the doorway, closing the door behind you, you try the key on the black side, but it doesn't work, so you shrug and pocket the key once more, returning to your journey out of the woods, only...where are the path markers you tied on the way in?
You wouldn't say you're lost quite yet, but you hurry along the path you're sure you took anyway and you make it out, but your way home is missing, you let out a noise of frustration, you've been robbed, but you have no cell service here so you start walking, luckily home isn't too far, but it is tiring, and by the time you make it to town it's mid-afternoon, you're tired, yet satisfied with your haul, but as you walk into town you make a very disturbing observation, this is not your town, the streets are strange, the architecture too, you make it to where your house should be and there is no building, instead the place is a garden, there are people, tall with long dark hair, and you wave to them to ask where you are, obviously you've made a wrong turn somewhere, but as they come close they seem confused by you and your words, when they speak the language is harsh and punctuated by chirps, like nothing you've ever heard, you can't understand them, so you politely apologize as best you can and try to speak to the next person walking down the road, but with the same results, you try again and again, each time you fail to communicate a sense of unease quickly turning to dread fills you, you can't even find common words in any language you know or gestures with those who try to communicate with you, eventually you find yourself sitting alone outside of town, evening will be here soon, you put away your phone, which you noticed earlier hasn't had service all day, and your fingers brush against the key from the Door, despite how bizarre it sounds, you are struck with the hypothesis that it may be the source of your current mishap, after a long bout of debate, deliberating your options, you decide to try going back to the Door, while it might be a waste of time, it couldn't hurt and maybe you'd solve this problem while walking anyway, so you head back, much more direct than the first time, but it's still dusk by the time you make it, the doorway is just as you left it, you try the key in the lock on the black side of the door again, to no avail, you bang on the door, kick it, try to pick the lock, eventually you circle around to the white side, this time when you try the key, it opens, but when you look through you are certain that is not your world, do you walk through?
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dredshirtroberts · 2 months
it is not slacking off to write or create it is not slacking off to do things that are fun i am not slacking off or procrastinating right now i'm allowed to do things i enjoy doing for fun including playing games and writing and such
#if i say it enough i will remember it's true#can you guess which aspect of capitalism i'm struggling with today?#it does not help my bones are somehow WORSE than yesterday even after all of the rest i took so that's Super Fun:tm:#so i've got that on in the back of my head#ugh#i... am putting off calling my grandma - i meant to do it last week but i got too in my head about it#and uno reversed myself into forgetting to do it at all until the Worst Times Possible#(generally around Normal Fuckin Meal Times)#i want to call to wish her a belated mother's day and check in re: grandpa but also...#also i don't want to have to do a phone call i don't want to talk to them about anything at all#they stress me out to talk to and it makes me super uncomfortable to be on the phone in general let alone with a Heavy Topic over our heads#like.... i'm comfortable with where i'm at acceptance-wise with Grandpa's whole situation#and i know i am late for a better relationship with the pair of them in general#like i'm not going to repair a relationship that wasn't built to collapse down to this point this is as far as it got built up to#i'm not building more relationship between me and someone who i know is passing soon when they didn't take the opportunity either#like they had just as much chance as me to improve our relationship after i became an adult and they chose to use my mother as#an intermediary which has stunted their connection to me and that's not my fault#i admittedly did not reach out but i was not taught i could safely do that to anyone#because my parents badmouth literally any person they know for one reason or another#i regularly fuck up in conversations with my grandparents because i'll say somethign that is a holdover from my understanding of them#through my parents and it's like. kind of really insulting! and i've been doing it my whole life and i know as soon as i get their reaction#and i can't recover because i don't actually know them at all#so i can't be like ''oh my god i know that's inaccurate i have no idea why i said that'' because i *don't* know until after i've done it#every goddamn time it happened the last time i got a call from them too#like... my bio fam/family of origin is just not good at keeping in touch and i know i'm a product of that#and i know theoretically how to adjust for it but it does require work on the other end of the line too#and unfortunately i know my bio family too well and know they won't do their part#i grew up in the group project everyone hates#and i'm on my way to deciding they can show up to the presentation day without me#i've started a new family project over here with blackjack and hookers
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arcxnumvitae · 10 months
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kendallroygf · 1 year
the thing is. yeah kendall feels like his whole life now is worth nothing. the one thing he was always meant to do, since he was seven years old he now cannot do. he will never get to do it. so he might as well die, right? he might as well end it all but the thing is life is never that kind nor generous. so i think kendall will try and fail. and he’ll try again and again but the world will keep its grip on him and eventually he’ll just stop trying. and yeah maybe he’ll never be a whole person (we’re nothing) maybe he’ll take logan’s advice and collect sports cars or write a book or start a new company but either way he’ll be forced to start anew. kendall logan roy died it’s just kendall now. and this outcome in itself is generous in a way because circumstances out of his control have kind of forced him to hold some accountability for his own life finally instead of counting on broken promises his father made him at 7 years old. he’s actually being forced to Be instead of just living up to someone else’s name. and he actually has people around him who still undoubtedly care. he’s sick and horrible and twisted but he is still ultimately lovable. he is still a human being weeping on the dirty ground even though he has spent so long trying not to be. even though he recanted the very thing that made him Real. the world will simply not relinquish its hold on him! tragic but somewhat hopeful in a way
#like he’s never going to be happy. never ever. but being content or even ambivalent to your life is different than being happy and i truly#think kendall could get there at some point. something about the world forcing you to go on. i like how his last scene was surrounded by#earth and water. things that are Materially Real compared to kendall himself who is Not Real. like i think while some things can’t be#repaired it’s not too late for him to be a little bit involved in his kids lives. maybe a few years down the line. rava still cares about#him and offers him so much kindness even when she shouldn’t. he will have stewy forever like. stewy will love him forever. give roman a few#months. ultimately i think roman will push kendall away at first bc he spent this whole season maintaining his family out of Necessity and#i think kendall and roman have got to a place where it’s a bit sick. and roman will come around but he needs some time and so does kendall.#but ultimately they’ll be okay.#with shiv it’s like. well. god. like kendall will never ever be able to look tom in the eye ever. but i think they will not talk for years#maybe. but they’ll ache for each other a little bit. but also the resent and anger and hurt gets in the way. but i think give it like. 10#years or idk maybe even less but 10 seems good to me. and they’ll slowly start to let each other in again. i think the three of them will#grow old together like ultimately they’ll always be kids when they’re with each other ykwim.#but idk i think kenshiv will be okay in the end jus rn it’s bleak asf. i think at different times in the next few years they will Try with#each other but the other will be so resistant but there will be a time where they’re just both so Tired and when tom dies shiv will call#kendall first even though they maybe haven’t spoken for god knows how long and he will be with her on the phone. and when connor passes away#they will hold hands again and idk. they’ll be okay. broken but okay.#anyway. i’m so over this <- girl who will never ever be over it#kendall
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lesbianlotties · 1 year
the anxiety that the last episode of Dead Ringers made me feel shouldn't be allowed. if i hear [phone buzzing continues] one more time i swear to god not even rachel weisz could stop me from committing a murder
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vogelmeister · 1 year
common act 2 L
#im so deranged tbh that act two is becoming impossible to write#just write is becoming awful advice tbh#okay firstly its way too long and a lot happens#it actually covers a month of time#because it goes from the party scene where dirk-jan gets the text and ends roughly the day before the tuesday night which is one month#so act two is hideously long because it covers one month of time and in that time a lot happens#and i could change the ending scene and move it a bit later but that ruins the cliffhanger and i like the fact that act 1 ends with the tex#because at that point its not revealed until act two that anne-fleur was Not the one who sent the text and it was kim pretending to be a-f#which gets revealed pre quickly in act 2 anyhow but its a nice leaving point#so like i can do that but will i? nee. unless i can find a better ending for act 1#and then i was like oh yeah lol we can remove the phone thing but i think it reveals something important about a-f#bc deep down she knows it was not her that sent that message. yet she still goes for it.#she still is like 'hmm yes lets see if belgium changed our chemistry" while dating merel. oft#ALSO i was worried that a-f would be too likeable bc her motivations are decent but i realised she still betrays merel and cheats on her#and thats unforgivable#anyways yeah act 2 is niet een slay and i just can't because theres so much i want to explore with it#we should all be like act 3. nice. gets to the goddam point.#idk fam#dutch language found dead
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lesbianaang · 8 months
i really can’t believe i sat through the entirety of merrick waiting for merrick to turn on/double cross david only for it to never happen and actually she’s now in a vampire polycule with him! like i was CERTAIN that a novel that bounces between louis and his feelings of guilt over claudia’s vampiric life and death and david reflecting on how HE and another man became surrogate fathers for a young girl and whisked her away from her family into the world of the supernatural, but one that isolates her from others, would like… make that parallel explicit? claudia’s ghost stabs louis through the heart after berating him for how he used her for his own selfish desires, and merrick doesn’t even get to maliciously curse david a little bit? after he engaged in a sexual relationship with a woman he refers to as a daughter? i don’t know why i was surprised this deep into my tvc dive that the predatory father-figure does not get properly chastised by the narrative, but i was just certain this was an intended parallel that would pay off and finally give david a narratively-meaningful character flaw. anyways in my rewrite merrick gets to torture david with spirits until he dies <3
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jamiebluewind · 4 months
Oh my god could I stop being sick please? It's been two freaking months and I got shit to do!
#nasty bronchitis that ending up putting me in the hospital#I'm behind in doing real life things but also just so freakin tired#i wanna do dumb tumblr stuff#but i already have a post wrote up with links to all the info on shubble/wilbur situation so people don't have to look 50 different places#BUT I also don't wanna make every post I have time to make about... THAT#THAT'S DEPRESSING#but i said i would and I'm a person of my word so...#it's been over a month since I've been able to make a sound#you'd be surprised how bad it is sensory and emotion wise to not be able to laugh or make sounds when you cry or groan in frustration#I'm in PT too because I was so weak by the time I got in the hospital that I couldn't stand#was literally coughing so hard and so constantly that I couldn't keep down food#lost about 25 lbs in 3 weeks according to the doctors (I'm overweight but that is still a LOT for anybody that's not exercising to lose)#going to push myself today because my hair has gotten so thick and long that it's causing too many sensory issues#also a bit of gender dysphoria just to keep it interesting#the person who cuts my hair is aware of how sickly I am and is having me come in when she hasn't been doing a hair treatment before me#still there's a risk of an asthma attack or just collapsing from the short walk#literally do not care#my hair is thick and hot and too long#let me be an androgynous gremlin!#also my cat says hi (he is slapping my phone like No phone love me NOW!!! XD )#bluewind talks
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chenyann · 1 year
Having to decorate rooms in games releases my demons.
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twst I think we are moving a little too fast here- you know I don't much gems left and you pop off with kalim ☹
Now I'm expecting Jamil club wear in jp sever soon plz
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