#amc see my vision
dame-lazarus · 2 months
thinking about IWTV and how Daniel says of Lestat, “I’ve gotta meet this guy”…and how the sequel book is basically Lestat complaining how he’s misunderstood and how Louis’s account gets a bunch of stuff wrong, but also explaining his turning and some basics of vampire lore…a perfect framing device for the two of them meeting and commiserating in s3…reflecting on their makers and the fledgling bond…Lestat mentoring Daniel…Daniel chatting with Louis telepathically and driving Lestat insane…Lestat and Louis passing notes via Daniel until he loses it and makes them talk on the phone…Lestat offering to reach out to Armand for him but Daniel refusing…in-person Loustat romance rekindling in the season finale just as the well well if it isn’t the consequences of my actions pops up in the form of Akasha…but they’ll face it together…give it to me
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milfzatannaz · 12 days
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do you know what it means to be loved by death?
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mmelolabelle · 7 months
I cannot believe people were so pissy about Assad’s casting as Armand, look at him —
The man looks like every homo-repressed renaissance painter’s wet dream - like 10/10 would paint him as Jesus or several angels into as many frescoes as possible.
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pinootgu · 3 months
the thing about the terror is the same thing would happen if they were all just working at a grocery store literally anywhere ? like john franklin is the shitty general manager that is providing 0 oversight. hickey is someone who is a shit employee that is only held on to bc he's attached himself to some middle management. the stewards are cashiers bc the front end is where you know everyone, interact w bigger bosses more frequently and have a weird interpersonal dynamics that are akin to a chicken coop. the lieutenants are like supervisors for depts of the store. it hasn't been going well. they ran out of plastic bags like a month ago,,,
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robot-singularity · 18 days
Alright, in honor of @oldbutchdaniel 's Fan Fiction Fridays, I had an idea for how the 70s chase era of devil's minion might go, but I'm not great at full fledged writing so! Plot beat bullet points:
Daniel wakes up in a drug den, dried blood down to his ankles, massive neck wound, and the knowledge that vampires are real. He then realizes that, shit, he doesn't have the interview tapes/any solid evidence that would prove it.
Goes back home, patches himself up, and within a week decides to backtrack to Divisadero street and try to remember which apartment they were in. Maybe Louis left something, anything that could be concrete evidence that vampires exist and he was attacked by one. Or better yet, he might find a single cassette of the hours of recorded tapes.
So, Daniel heads towards Divisadero, and, with the slightest bit of self preservation, decides to go during the day. Vampires can't go out in the sun, so. Should be safer, right? 👍
Cut over to Armand, in the main room of the apartment, cleaning up, patching the wall, trying to fix the northward slant of the floor, when he looks up and Daniel's standing in the doorway. (Maybe the door wasn't locked, maybe Daniel picked it, maybe he went to pick it and found it was unlocked.)
They stare at each other for a beat. Armand thinking that there's no way this boy is That stupid. Daniel thinking oh shit, I just broke into this guy's house. This kind of? familiar? looking guy? Which could either be deja vu or I'm still mildly concussed.
They talk back and forth for a minute, until it eventually devolves into Daniel getting told to leave, refusing, and then Armand asking hey, how fast can you run? I'm going to hunt you down, so. Go, now. Start running.
Daniel books it, out the door, down the stairs, door opens, door closes. Starts down the street, only to slow, stop, think it over, and starts going in a different direction, patting down his pockets to see if he has any money for either a payphone or a taxi or maybe a plane ticket if he can manage to get to the nearest airport.
And! The chase begins.
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baba-o-riledup · 9 months
episode 7 is called “I want you more than anything in the world” ohhhhhhh my god because of the three timelines what if armand is saying it in all three of them. what if season 2 ends with armand throwing himself at lestat in the late 1700s, Louis in the late 1800s 1940s AND TO DANIEL IN 2022‼️‼️‼️
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sesamestreep · 6 months
I know we’re like spoiled for choice when it comes to connecting Siken poems to characters from The Terror because of the, um, Themes, you know? But honestly, if we’re not talking about “Real Estate” and how it’s The Poem for Crozier then actually what are we doing, even?
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theboarsbride · 11 months
trying to manifest The Terror but in a Don Bluth style🐻‍❄️
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But yeah....Bear Wife but doodled as if she were a don bluth villain😍
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nashvillethotchicken · 7 months
And when I get my all black interview with the vampire remake ala the wiz then what
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bodythieves · 2 months
I did it 🧎🏼‍♀️I made this in like 2 hours. take it. take it from me.
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sonofcelluloid · 2 years
When we get Lestat POV in this series, I truly do not believe this show is above using the Fleabag looking/talking into the camera device. Like when he’s really trying to get his point across to whoever he’s telling the story to or defending himself against past tellings of the story. And the bitch of it all is he’s so cunty I would let him get away with it🙄
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mmelolabelle · 10 months
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we can call it even / even though I’m leaving / and I’ll be yours for the weekend
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autism69 · 2 years
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nightcolorz · 3 months
my theory about the reason Armand’s characterization in the amc show is being changed a little to not make him a better person necessarily, but to frame his evil actions in iwtv to be based in concretely sympathetic reasoning, is bcus Anne rice was open about having a lot of trouble figuring out who Armand was and what exactly she wanted to do with him (she didn’t rlly start to “understand him” until the vampire Armand), and so in the vampire lestat she set him up as an insane villain, specifically bcus she planned for him to be like akashas proxy in queen of the damned and to have a very villainous role, but she realized through writing devils minion that this wasn’t who Armand was and she couldn’t see him as a villain, and rlly re evaluated how she saw his role in the story overall. So what I think amc is aiming to do is combine the conflicting characterization Armand has gone through throughout the series into a more consistent guy who aligns more with Anne rices vision by the end of the series of who Armand was
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findyourlovely · 6 months
Lots of speculation on when these two fell in love in the original timeline— here’s my personal head canon:
Michonne falls for Rick when he kills the claimers. I always felt like this was true and when Danai confirmed it I just knew I could trust their vision with the new spinoff. I started shipping Richonne together in the “must’ve been something else” era but I wasn’t actually expecting AMC to have the balls to follow through. but Michonne’s “you’re okay because I’m okay” moment sparked the hope that this relationship was really happening, just off the symbolism of what this moment meant for her.
She’s never felt like she had someone who could step up to protect her but Rick fully proves himself in that episode. That is a man who would do anythinggggg to protect his family. She doesn’t judge him, she understands he did what was necessary. And after the way she lost Andre, she could never trust her heart to a man unless he had that level of grit to protect his own.
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I think she’s consciously aware of her love for him as they entered those gates at Alexandria. She doesn’t tend to initiate physical contact with Rick, but this moment with him and the kids in the car is an exception. This is her recognizing exactly how hard this journey has been for Rick and she knows that he did it anyway. For her. He lets her lead him into the future and she’s starting to wonder if it could be one where maybe they build something together for real(it’s already real she’s literally a mother to his kids and his closest confidant and he stares at her ass at every opportunity).
Ricks shenanigans with Jessie set things back but I still think she already knew her own feelings. It’s just not something she would let herself really think about until they’re in a stable place.
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I think for Rick, he starts to fall in love with her after she tracks them back in S4. I don’t think he knows it yet but the way he slid down that door in happiness cannot ever be anything but loverboy behavior. This man is elated to see her and 100% would have been okay just staying holed up in that house indefinitely. She makes Carl laugh. And the next day he straight up asks her to commit to coparenting with him, so clearly Rick isn’t trying to risk a separation ever again. Michonne’s presence restores his hope. And he loves watching her sweet relationship with Carl.
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Rick consciously understands the depth of his feelings for her outside those gates of Alexandria(or in the moments leading up to it). Because that man would have never walked into that community if not for Michonne’s sake(not even mentioning the 100 mile march to get there). He knows that well enough to tell her so! And now he tells her he’s struggling with how “the rules keep changing” in part because he knows she’s the one he wants to let in, and the implications of pursuing that are monumental for him and his kids. Who else matters enough for this much self reflection?
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Ofc we have to wait for Rick to deal with his PTSD rebound first, but the foundation is right here. These two were already it for each other, they just needed to feel safe enough to lean into it.
Y’all let me know if your timeline is any different.
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