#ep3 ok so the real reason I called you is to fact check Armand because he’s a dirty liar
dame-lazarus · 2 months
thinking about IWTV and how Daniel says of Lestat, “I’ve gotta meet this guy”…and how the sequel book is basically Lestat complaining how he’s misunderstood and how Louis’s account gets a bunch of stuff wrong, but also explaining his turning and some basics of vampire lore…a perfect framing device for the two of them meeting and commiserating in s3…reflecting on their makers and the fledgling bond…Lestat mentoring Daniel…Daniel chatting with Louis telepathically and driving Lestat insane…Lestat and Louis passing notes via Daniel until he loses it and makes them talk on the phone…Lestat offering to reach out to Armand for him but Daniel refusing…in-person Loustat romance rekindling in the season finale just as the well well if it isn’t the consequences of my actions pops up in the form of Akasha…but they’ll face it together…give it to me
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