#aliens and changelings
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lokiinmediasideblog · 1 year ago
hi! :D you've said before that you see mcu loki as ND-coded, and i'm curious about your specific thoughts on that. personally, i've mostly thought about this in terms of acquired mental illness stemming from trauma, but if i'm interpreting you correctly, you see him as innately neurodivergent? which is a fun + interesting take. are you thinking of a specific diagnosis, and/or is there a specific moment that stands out to you as ND Behaviour, or is it more of an overall vibe?
It started by thinking of Loki being ND-coded metaphorically, but I think he shows some behaviors. I will be breaking this down into actual behaviors and metaphors. I have ADHD, so I tend to skew his diagnosis towards that or AuDHD (and I have a mutual that thinks BPD also fits rather well and they're welcome to join in, lol).
Metaphors (movies):
1. The Jotun reveal. Aliens and changelings (both of which Loki is in cannon to Asgard) are common in metaphors to describe autism. From both the ND’s perspective as being in “Another planet” and from the NT’s perspective.
“A persistent trope in some autism communities is that autistic people are aliens, or, symmetrically, that non-autistic people seem like aliens to autists. Some autists are attracted to the metaphor of the alien to describe their own condition, or to say that they find other people alien (Hacking, 2009).”
“In addition to failure to thrive, before the development of modern medicine and psychiatry, it is very likely that any number of childhood disorders were interpreted as stolen children. Several modern authors have suggested that, in pre-scientific eras, children born with autism and other developmental disorders were probably considered changelings (Ashliman 1997; Wing and Potter 2002). By the late nineteenth century, science had begun to provide non-supernatural explanations for children who did not thrive or otherwise did not meet the normal expectations for a healthy infant, and belief in changelings faded. ”
2. Loki does not fit in at Asgard, the only home he’s known. His friends are actually Thor’s rather than his, and seem to tolerate him rather than like him.
3. Loki also gets blamed for misdeeds without good evidence: The W4 start suspecting a crown prince based on an enemy’s words and they assume Loki wants to harm Asgard. I think it’s important to note that they don’t assume he just wants the crown; they assume in his very short reign, that he’ll harm Asgard, which is never in his plans. And it’s unlikely they cared about Jotunheim since they wanted Thor back right away.
A parallel to being ND is that people distrust and even villainize you due to your mannerisms (e.g. “weird and quiet”). And I’ve talked about how I think Asgard promotes a very ridiculously straight forward mannerisms on its population to make self-policing easier. So Loki’s mannerisms must have clashed with the general population’s for them to distrust them so easily.
4. Loki’s main power-set being illusions, and unbeknownst to him, being changed into something he wasn’t born as (Jotun -> Asgardian), is a power-set analogous to masking (i.e. the process through which NDs camouflage themselves to fit in better).
Masking involves a lot of rehearsing and suppression to act in a more socially acceptable way. → Loki also needs to be useful to be appreciated
5. Thor being preferred for acting in ways deemed more socially acceptable by Asgard and Odin. A personal experience from me is getting shit to this day about how I was “so difficult as a toddler, unlike your brother!” and some mean comment about how I made life hell because they couldn’t take me to public places.
Some traits Loki showcases (and seem relatable to my ADHD-ass):
1. Tendency to fidget (in the movies and series). I think it’s even more noticeable in the series, where he’s doing random shit with stamps and hammers while he speaks to people (S2E1 talking with OB). It’s like he can’t stay still.
2. I pulled something very similar to the salad scene around an older mentor figure. It was rice I kept squishing in my hand while going off in a rant. My former mentor found my behavior amusing, for the most part, and never let me live that down.
3. Tendency to info-dump about how his magic works.
4. Poor impulse control (Loki series, gets drunk in a train, and cut Sif’s hair just because ← I HC he wanted to sabotage the relationship out of fear of vulnerability).
And that’s on top of the trauma-based extreme fear of abandonment he showcases in pretty much everything he’s been in.
Badly-formatted Sources:
Hacking, Ian. (2009) https://www.jstor.org/stable/40543987
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goryhorroor · 8 months ago
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favorite horror movies (61-90)
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lilalienz4ever · 4 months ago
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hollis-art · 24 days ago
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new star trek oc just dropped
shapeshifter guy who took over the chief medical officer's role (the actual guy is left stranded on a planet) and is forgetting what he's supposed to look like, but no one comments because they just think he's getting older and they don't want to offend him :D
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my star fleet ocs :D yayyyy yayyyyy
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thebrainrotsreal · 11 months ago
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BACK ON MY INVINCIBLE MLP CROSSOVER JOY!!! I love this crossover smmmm, my soul is happy, cured even, treated of all possible ills. For Andressa's species, instead of relying on a horn for magic (which they don't have), every filly is bestowed a gem for magic! AND, because I want it, Oliver has some winks to Andressa's designs with the swirls on his legs mimicking the lines on hers, sharing a thinly tail, tiny little bumps like spikes, and the curls sorta kinda maybe like her antennae (if you squint and believe, which you should). Andressa and Oliver ilysm. Best purple pony on the planet tbh, sorrry not sorry Twilight Sparkle :/
Bonus drawing of Oliver trying to practice magic by lifting a sheet of paper, he's trying his best, ok???
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ukk0 · 6 months ago
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Pathologic!AlienAu! Yes, I saw the Romulus few days ago lmao. But like think about it; big space ship named Gorkhon, that is a home to people of the town. So its massive.
Polyhedron is a machine of sorts, part art part functional. (Something among aesthetics of divine machinery).
Mother Bodho would be this space parasite that has begung to grow on the side of the ship, only the Kin knowing its real name. And Isidor with Simon allowed the xenomorphs into the ship.
Artemy, Daniil and Clara all have their own ways to save the people in this universe as well; Artemy wants to use the polyhedron to destroy the parasite (and that will destroy the polyhedron as well), Daniil only wants to save Polyhedron,Clara makes a truce with sacrifices with the xenomorphs. Idk how it would all work, but i like the idea of Kins in space, mother bodho being parasite, something about so earthly thing being in space is ....fascinating
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crypt1dcorv1dae · 5 months ago
I love okarun so much cus like we don't know WHY exactly he was bullied as a little kid (there's many possible reasons we can make assumptions but we just dontnknow for a fact yet) but that bullying is what pushed him towards the occult as an interest, wanting to find some solace in aliens and cryptids, and that interest probably became ANOTHER reason people bullied him, in an endless cycle of:
ostracized for who you are => find comfort in unusual interests => ostracized for being "weird" => pushed further towards those unusual interests
On and on until someone gives enough of a damn to show interest in who he is as a person, even just for a moment
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lexezombie · 3 months ago
Drew the homies over a MLP screenshot~ In order from left to right:
@normalfrances - @ibbywondrous - @amevello-blue - @spacey-jazz - myself - @dibzdoesarts
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OG screenshot under cut <3
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domesticlion · 8 months ago
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meet anoma, one of my exocolonist ocs!
(layout inspired by aru-art)
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humunanunga · 2 months ago
"You can believe in magic as long as you don't believe in it too hard and still think the same way I do"
Or. Just maybe. People can believe and do what they want with their lives, as long as they're not hurting anyone? As in, the baseline for anything?
So now that my post has over 51,000 notes, I'd appreciate it if the version with the answer sheet was also in circulation.
There is nothing wrong with having a lil whimsy in your life or including the spiritual practices when celebrating your culture, but "as long as they're not hurting anyone" is what "but watch out" means.
Ancient aliens, Antarctic pyramids, Anunnaki/Nibiru, empaths/dark empaths, the Galactic Federation, indigo children, Neuschwabenland, phrenology, reality shifting, shadow governments, spirit science, starseeds, they do not count as "not hurting anyone" when they are they are rooted in ableism, antisemitism, eugenics, scam cults, white supremacy or all of the above.
That is why pseudosciences and conspiracy theories have been complicit in pipelines to the far right, and like cults, they depend on criticizing all information from outsiders to make themselves look more believable. To gain your trust by casting doubt on everyone else.
Cultists want you to believe in only two kinds of people: those who tell you what you want to hear, and those who don't.
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icesswolvescats · 2 months ago
Lunari Changeling Species Guide Part 1 is officially done. Feel free to read. (Species Not Out yet.)
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It took me forever to make this. but I hope you all enjoy and like this.
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graff-aganda · 7 months ago
something something psych star trek au
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ethanscrocs · 5 months ago
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Ending Girl Constance - by saintverse
#23221D #41403E #B2B1AC
#734538 #BE817E #336765
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twocupsofsugar · 8 months ago
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Personal Portrait,
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gameclam · 2 years ago
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Hey guys i drew the barney's + freemans as ponies. (Rex is gorgeous freeman's barney, idk why that's his nickname it just is.)
hope u all enjoy
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thepalecrawlers · 2 months ago
6 month old baby abducted from crib
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