#open species in progress
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icesswolvescats · 2 months ago
Lunari Changeling Species Guide Part 1 is officially done. Feel free to read. (Species Not Out yet.)
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It took me forever to make this. but I hope you all enjoy and like this.
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y3aj-3002 · 8 months ago
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Ermm.... *cutely twirls hair* will you partake in my algebralien hc?
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stitchedseaming · 2 months ago
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A little bit about Seamings plus a bit of quick art. The text in the image is below.
Seamings are experiments abandoned by humanity. Humanity has been chasing perfect resurrected life and some just don’t make the cut. Why is humanity creating life? That is something the Seamings aren't privy to.
Seamings created their own communities to have a sense of belonging and togetherness since they are chased out of the human towns and cities. So they’ve crafted their own havens far from humanity. Though they still have strong and often times complicated feelings for humans. Especially towards their creators that abandoned them. Some Seamings love their creator, others hate them, plenty though feel like their creators don't matter anymore.
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queenserena-13 · 6 months ago
Been working on a bit of a secret project, it’s still not quite ready to be shown fully yet but I got one simple question
How do you feel bout the idea of
Slime chimeras?
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masklets · 2 years ago
What are Masklets?
Masklets are an open original furry species created by @evanghost
Still a work in progress
What makes Masklets different?
Masklets use masks to show their intrests, personality, or aethetics.
The inside of ears, around the eyes, nose, pawpads, and stomach are of a substance that is simmiler to slime and looks like slime or looks like space.
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How are they created?
they DONT HAVE typical reproductive parts. To create a new Masklet the two must have a strong bond. When committing to creation they will wait for the full moon. The paw pads have a special alility to create new life when pressed to another and a special vibe is shared leaving the paw pads glowing. Placeing these on the ground will create a ring of light. The parents then wait some (currently unspessified) amount of time. A small (possibly human child age of 3) sized will "drop" from the moon landing carefully in the light circle.
They grow quickly but age simmiler to us.
Neat features?
Masklets can have wings of any variety. Bat, bird, angel, demon, dragon, insect, or more!
Masklets can have pointy or rounder ears.
They can be any colors!
Tails can range from puffy fluffy to small nub bear like.
Horns? YES!
A lore post will come soon or be linked here
Website and other links
Comeing soon
Make a Masklet
YES PLEASE! And tag this blog and my main @evanghost I would love to see.
Only rules are no NSFW, offencive themes, or anything that would be mean spirited
Masklets are supposed to be kind creatures ment to express individuality
Be kind stay safe thank you and hope to see some fun friends!
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vortexishere · 1 year ago
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An official species made by me!
Chameleon inspired species!
They are still a work in progress and will have updates and sub species added later on!
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janxer · 1 year ago
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My own half-open species I'm working on (Trekers) this is mostly just some notes and side profile comparisons!
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reasonsforhope · 9 days ago
"On a freezing cold Wednesday afternoon in eastern Kentucky, Taysha DeVaughan joined a small gathering at the foot of a reclaimed strip mine to celebrate a homecoming. “It’s a return of an ancestor,” DeVaughan said. “It’s a return of a relative.”
That relative was the land they stood on, part of a tract slated for a federal penitentiary that many in the crowd consider another injustice in a region riddled with them. The mine shut down years ago, but the site, near the town of Roxana, still bears the scars of extraction.
DeVaughan, an enrolled member of the Comanche Nation, joined some two dozen people on January 22 to celebrate the Appalachian Rekindling Project buying 63 acres within the prison’s footprint.
“What we’re here to do is to protect her and to give her a voice,” DeVaughan said. “She’s been through mountaintop removal. She’s been blown up, she’s been scraped up, she’s been hurt.”
The Appalachian Rekindling Project, which she helped found last year, wants to rewild the site with bison and native flora and fauna, open it to intertribal gatherings, and, it hopes, stop the prison.
The environmental justice organization worked with a coalition of local nonprofits, including Build Community Not Prisons and the Institute to End Mass Incarceration, to raise $160,000 to buy the plot from a family who owned the land generationally.
Retired truck driver Wayne Whitaker, who owns neighboring land and had considered purchasing it as a hunting ground, told Grist he was supportive. “There’s nothing positive we’ll get out of this prison,” he said.
The penitentiary has been a gleam in the eye of state and local officials and the Bureau of Prisons since 2006. It has always sparked sharp divisions in Roxana and beyond and was killed in 2019 after a series of lawsuits, only to be quietly resurrected in 2022. Last fall, the bureau took the final step in its approval process, clearing the way to begin buying land...
In his book Coal, Cages, Crisis, Schept noted that mine sites are considered ideal locations for prisons or a dumping ground for waste, rather than places of ecological value, as some biologists have argued. The Roxana site has been reclaimed, meaning re-vegetated with a forest that now shelters a number of rare species, including endangered bats.
Opponents argue that a prison will bring more environmental problems than jobs. Letcher County was 1 of 13 counties ravaged by catastrophic flooding in 2022, a situation exacerbated by damage strip mining caused to local watersheds. The prison slated for Roxana will exacerbate the problem.
The Bureau of Prisons estimates it will damage 6,290 feet of streams and about 2 acres of wetlands. (The agency has promised to compensate the state.)
DeVaughan said the purchase also is a step toward rectifying the dispossession that began with the forced removal and genocide of Indigenous peoples. The Cherokee, Shawnee, and Yuchi made their homes in the area before, during, and after colonization, and their thriving nations raised crops, ran businesses, and hunted bison that once roamed Appalachia.
In all the time since, coal, timber, gas, and landholding companies have at times owned almost half of the land in 80 counties stretching from West Virginia to Alabama. Several prisons sprang from deals made with coal companies, something many locals consider the continuation of this status quo.
Changing that dynamic is a priority for the Appalachian Rekindling Project, which hoped to buy more land to protect it from extractive industries and return its stewardship to Indigenous and local communities. DeVaughn said Indigenous peoples throughout the region will be welcome to use the land as a gathering place...
DeVaughan sees its work establishing a new vision of economic transition for coalfields, one that relies less on “dollars and numbers” and more on “healing and restoration” of the land and the Indigenous and other communities that live there.
She is working with some personal connections in the Cheyenne and Arapaho nations to acquire a herd of bison and plans to work with local volunteers, scientists, and students to inventory the site’s flora and fauna."
-via GoodGoodGood, February 6, 2025
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asha-mage · 27 days ago
Because I am coping with current world events in a completely normal manner I've been thinking a lot about how one of the tensions that underpins the whole of Wheel of Time is Robert Jordan as 'person who likes history' vs Robert Jordan as 'person who had to live through the Cold War.'
Something that can be really hard for people born after the Cold War (like myself) to grasp is that for a long time history was the ultimate reassurance against existential dread. Civilizations could rise and fall, empires could crumble, disasters could wipe out a hell of a lot of people, but human beings as a species, where never in any real danger of dying out. New countries would eventually rise out of the ashes of old ones, societies would change to be unrecognizable but they would still be there, religions, cultures ideologies etc might all die out but the people would still be around. History provided the ultimate comfort: whatever happened in our brief finite lives human beings as an group would eventually be fine.
But that changed after World War 2 and the invention of a little something called the atomic bomb. Suddenly human beings had the potential to destroy not just ourselves but all life on earth if things went wrong enough. For the first time in history their was no real guarantee that human beings as a species would make it, and in fact their was a whole lot of reason to believe based on the patterns of history that eventually that power would get used and human kind would destroy itself. That was the Cold War- two nuclear states who really really wanted to start blasting each other to pieces but couldn't without risking the end of life as we know it.
The tension between these two realities- the assurance of history that life will go on and the reality that human beings could in theory actually end the fucking world, is built into the core of Wheel of Time. The first lines assure us: time is cyclical. It's all happened before. It's all going to happen again. Human being will live out the same stories in endless variation, the same patterns will always reemerge. And the world has already survived one apocalyptic event: the Breaking, and come out the other side not doing fantastically, but still around. The world has been reshaped forever and whole eras of progress have been undone, but humanity remains.
But at the same time doomsday weapons with the potential to wipe out the species are everywhere. The Choden Kal can crack the planet open like an egg. Balefire burns apart time itself. A plague of madness is waiting for any old schmo to wander into it's den and carry it back outside so it can infect and destroy everyone. Their are all kinds of different big glowing red 'destroy humanity' buttons laying around in WoT just begging to get pressed. And in a way the Dark One is the ultimate version of that because that button has already been pressed. The Bore has been opened. Left alone humanity is fucked and everyone knows it. It can be delayed and pushed back, but never truly stopped, except by the intervention of destiny- the intervention of the Dragon. That's the core conflict of the series. Rand is struggling to stop a missile that's already been launched, prevent an end everyone can see coming. It's not just 'I need to defeat the big bad evil overlord or everything will be bad forever', it's 'I need to stop the Dark One or that's the end of human beings as an idea'.
What's especially interesting is that Jordan isn't even framing the Wheel/Pattern as uniformly good, because it's history and history is messy and complicated and full of contradictions and no easy answers. The Wheel, the Pattern, is not some force for righteousness. It's a neutral fact of existence. Not what's best or what's ideal- those are subjective and grounded in human understanding of the world- but what's necessary and what's true. To want to break free from history, to break the Wheel, is to want to break free of being human. That's what the Forsaken all truly want (as I have talked about before): to leave behind their humanity, and their willing to sacrifice whatever it takes to do it. What that looks like and what motivates that desire is different for each of them but their united in that common goal, and they all either disregard the consequences of what it will mean or don't understand them.
The story of history is one of incredible suffering and amazing triumph: it's full of heartache and joy in equal measure. It's not fair or just or simple to understand, but it is a reflection of who we all are collectively. The fight to preserve the Wheel isn't a fight to preserve what is good or ideal, it is a fight to preserve what is human. Because as long as the story can keep going, we can have hope for tomorrow.
And Jordan promises right from the offing that their will always be a tomorrow. No beginnings. No endings. Just whatever comes next.
As we enter a period of history that is the most uncertain it's ever been in my lifetime, I can't help but I think of the incredible courage and strength it must have taken be staring down the barrel of nuclear armageddon and stubbornly insist that there would be a tomorrow. The man wrote eleven of the best books ever made exploring this exact struggle- about never giving in to despair or pain, never buying into the belief that things are hopeless, that humanity sucks and we're all doomed.
And remembering that...I don't know. It makes a little easier to breath and keep walking towards tomorrow myself.
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niqhtlord01 · 1 year ago
Humans are weird: The Scope of our Existence
Alien: *Goes for walk through park*
Alien: *Sees human friend sitting on bench near pond feeding strange animals with crumbs and goes over to them*
Alien: Greetings friend Jim.
Jim: *Turns head* Oh, hi Gilmek.
Alien: What are you doing?
Human: *Turns back to feeding animals* Pondering existence and my place in it.
Gilmek: *Confused* Is this a human joke?
Jim: No, I am being perfectly honest.
Gilmek: *Stares at animals, then back at Jim*
Gilmek: If that is true then why do you feed these creatures?
Jim: They’re called “Ducks”.
Gilmek: Why then do you feed these ducks if you are pondering such philosophical matters?
Jim: *Shrugs* It helps me put things into perspective for myself.
Gilmek: *Sits next to Jim* How so?
Jim: *Throws oats and watches ducks eat them up.*
Jim: What do you think of these birds?
Gilmek: *Watches ducks eat the oats* They seem primitive in nature, yet beautiful to look at.
Jim: They have been around far longer than the human species as a whole and predate many other species on our world.
Gilmek: And?
Jim: And they have largely remained the same for the last few thousand years compared to humanity.
Gilmek: I guess.
Gilmek: Different species progress along different points of development and evolution; yet your species has far outpaced their development so why compare to them?
Jim: Because if you take a human from three thousand years ago and drop them in today’s society, or handle it the other way around and drop someone from today three thousand years in the past; chances are high that they would not be able to survive.
Jim: But ducks?
Jim: You could drop a duck from today’s age five thousand years in the past and it would feel as at home as it does right now.
Jim: *Looks at Gilmek* How can we possibly compare to that?
Gilmek: *Opens his mouth to speak, but stops himself as he ponders the statement*
Jim: *Tosses more oats* “How fleeting are all human passions compared with the massive continuity of ducks…”
Gilmek: Did you make that?
Jim: *Shakes head*I’m not nearly as poetic.
Jim: A human author named Dorothy L. Sayers wrote that one.
Gilmek: They must be popular in this time for you to remember it.
Jim: They wrote it four thousand years ago in year of 1935 on my world.
Gilmek: *Looks at ducks again*
Gilmek: You humans have a somewhat disturbing and intriguing relation with your planets animals.
Jim: *Chuckles* You should see what we do with our cats?
Gilmek: Cats?
Jim: Furry creatures about yay high *holds hand below knee* and covered in fur.
Gilmek: How do you treat them?
Jim: We dedicated a few gods around them at one point.
Gilmek: ………
Jim: Come to think of it they may have never gotten over that with how they still treat us in return for our love.
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yestrday · 8 months ago
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the scientists have caught an humanoid anomaly and needs to study it asap! to progress humanity's evolution, our brilliant scientist has to determine whether or not their newest specimen is suitable for... ahem... crossbreeding...
notes ! very much inspired from this yandere asmr on youtube... have fun!
( implied masc reader, slight nsfw, he's crazy!!!... and perverted )
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YANDERE! SCIENTIST who immediately jumps on board when they report to him about the newest anomaly caught by the institute. these side projects have been boring him for far too long! he needs something new to simulate this brilliant brain of his, and what better to do that than some never before seen alien to study and experiment on!
YANDERE! SCIENTIST who fights tooth and nail to be the only scientist who gets access to you. these plebeians don't have the genius to even comprehend the most basic things about anomalies, much less even you! although he has a reputation for being... eccentric, he does eventually win the fight. after all, none of their puny successes can put a dent in his long list of accomplishments.
YANDERE! SCIENTIST whose breath gets taken away the moment he lays eyes on you, floating peacefully in the bubbling incubator. you look so relaxed, especially being an anomaly captured for testing and probing. lightly tapping on the glass, he watches as your eyes flutter open and you stretch your limbs to regain your senses. you seem so confused, having suddenly awakened in a vat full of liquid, but when you lock eyes with him there's naught but a thought behind those wide eyes of yours.
YANDERE! SCIENTIST who has you strapped down on the operating table, a wide grin stretching his handsome face as he slips on the latex gloves. aaah~ ♡ to have such an interesting specimen laid out so vulnerably for him! just for him! he absolutely overwhelms you with questions, even though he had just jabbed you with a syringe and are now too paralyzed to move your tongue.
YANDERE! SCIENTIST who makes you the teensiest bit in danger. although you're not accustomed to humans and their nature, there is something off in those turquoise eyes of his that sets your natural fight-or-flight.
YANDERE! SCIENTIST who's a bit too handsy with you, and if his co-workers were in the room with him they would have told him off for being unprofessional. but no one is here, only him and you, and what does an anomaly like you know about professionalism anyway?
YANDERE! SCIENTIST who eyes your bigger, more superior form with a predatory look. you encompass him by some inches, and your natural form is bigger than him. he wonders if your species is naturally like that, or if you're just the exception. nevertheless, it delights him how big you are compared to him, if the excited pants of his breathing don't give him away.
as he chatters on and on about his supreme intelligence and how lucky you are to have him studying you, you can feel his hands roaming around your body as he pokes and prods. his fingers graze against your denticles, grab the plush of your hips, squishing your cheeks and feeling around your mouth. the drug's worn off enough for you to start squirming, and you can see the absolute delight in those manic eyes as you start regaining your motor control back.
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"so an aquatic-based humanoid anomaly, huh?" your eyes follow him as he jots something down on his clipboard. "bigger than the average human male... has denticles forming on their thighs, sides of face and neck... has extra limbs, tentacles, on the back, but is currently immobile due to drugs at the moment..." he sets the clipboard down and grins at you wickedly. "my subject, you truly are an intriguing specimen!"
he reaches for one of the tentacles protruding from your lower back, sliding a finger between the suckers, pleased by how they weakly twitch under his touch. an anomaly, a being superior to him in strength and speed, so vulnerable under him. "huhu~ despite the drug, you're very sensitive, aren't you? is this part of your genes or perhaps..."
he tucks your messy hair beneath your ear, breath tickling you as he draws himself nearer. "is it just you~?"
his laugh is maniacal as he watches blood color your odd-colored face. you're so big and strong yet so, so adorable. like lab mice. like a pet. he checks himself though, because for all his superiority complex, he is an experienced scientist, and he knows better than to underestimate his research subjects.
"well, well, my dear anomaly, it's time you familiarize yourself with me. i will be the one paying attention to you for these next few months, so it's best that you return that attention as well. it's only good manners, after all." you cock your head as he flashes his i.d at you, letters incomprehensible to you. he notices this and sighs.
"that's yuri isami to you, the captain of darkwick's mortkranken house and your supervising scientist." he introduces himself with a tone like you should have known him already, and he smiles at you with charming arrogance.
"best start practicing my name, since you'll be calling it many times, i'm sure."
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YANDERE! SCIENTIST whose time and attention have been completely consumed by you. his co-workers whisper about how unnervingly behaved he's been and silently thank the poor anomaly that has captured his fixation. rather than talking down to them like he always does, he's been humming more lately and dismissing their comments with a happy grin. finally, they didn't have to deal with his overbearing attitude!
what they can't escape is the maniacal laughter that erupts every now and then from his laboratory. the laboratory which you've made your temporary home. you spend your time splashing around the rather big aquarium that the scientist has moved in for you, humming to yourself as you watch the scientist mess with his weird appliances. he's always talking to you, in the human language that you don't understand, but you can understand tones. and judging by his fast-paced syllables and wide grin, you think he's happy enough.
YANDERE! SCIENTIST, however, has gone on another tangent about how sublime your natural physiology is. he laments about how weak the human body is, and how you will be the key to developing their society. you think he must really like you, with how he often touches you. his touches often go from delicate caressing of your cheeks or perverse groping of your muscles and arms.
sometimes, he has you splayed out on his operating table, bright medical lamps pointed to you so he can observe your beautiful body in all its glory. you're wayyy bigger than him, so he has to straddle you so he can get a feel— ahem, gather accurate data on you... nevermind his intense blush and heavy breathing.
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when you let out a questioning hum, yuri finally stops his roaming hands and snaps out of his trance. clearing his throat, he backs up and composes himself as he tries to get a semblance of composure. not that it matters, when you clearly don't care, but still.
"ahem! apologies, i was just, uh, your body was just too— i mean, i was busy gathering data on you, like always." he coughs into his hand, blushing as he steals another peek at your physique. "anyways, what is it? what brought you to disturb my information gathering, hm?"
you tilt your head and point to the clipboard he's always writing in, then to yourself. you're not stupid, but you don't quite understand why yuri needs so much information on your body. he furrows your brows as he tries to interpret your miming, before letting out an 'ah'. "oh, so you're wondering what i'll be using this data for?"
"as i've said before, humanity's evolutionary gene has fallen into a state of decline. an anomaly such as yourself with an advanced physiology will be able to help humanity with this. of course, this is all a hypothesis, so we'll be doing many rounds of... testing before we can actually proceed with this." yuri must've forgotten that you can't speak the human tongue, so when he sees the blank look on your face, he sighs.
trailing his fingers over your chest, they glide against the muscle before pressing against your chin, then point to himself with the other finger.
"and me."
his face takes on a sensual grin, biting his lip as his eyes lock with your confused ones. together, he brings his hands together, motioning one finger to enter the hole of the others.
"crossbreeding, yeah?"
... even you can understand such a universal signal, as you finally feel your face heat up at yuri's lewd provocation. the scientist, on the other hand, feels delighted when you finally understand his goal, mound squished against your taut skin slicking a bit when he feels you stir behind him.
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MWAHAHAHAH once again i have fooled you into thinking this is a general yan fic. check out this guy at the game tokyo debunker, which has a really cool horror plot and cuter men. the storys really good my guys, so go check it out
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headspace-hotel · 3 months ago
current progress in theories of ecological succession!!!!!! This paper lists 19 different ecological succession theories and their perspectives and limitations
Before I knew its name, I knew succession....I still remember the exact moment of realizing the endless flow of change moving through the ecosystem around me. Looking at weeds, shrubby woods, gardens, and fields, I was seeing this unfolding and expanding web of trajectories and possibilities, and it was like peering into the secrets of the universe.
And ever since I've paid attention to it. Constantly observing the movement in ecosystems and its patterns.
All of these theories are partially correct but incomplete. How could we ever come up with a complete theory of succession? It's like studying the convergence of order and chaos itself. Some of the important tensions of succession brought up in this paper are:
Does the environment determine which plants survive, or do the plants that survive determine the environment? (both)
Does the plant community before disturbance determine post-disturbance regeneration, or does dispersal of new plants determine it? (both)
Are communities at different successional stages formed by whatever random assemblage of plants happens to exist at that stage, or are plant communities adapted to form certain stages of succession? (both)
Is succession a process of maturity of one big thing, or cycles of death and life of a bunch of smaller things? (both)
Do plants exclude other plants from niches as succession progresses or do they open up new niches? (both)
Is succession cyclical or linear? (both)
and like ok. this topic will get me sounding like some kind of deeply unscientific weirdo because I will be like Yes, The Weeds Taught Me The Secrets of Order and Chaos. but also this is a topic in science where all the literature written for non-layperson specialist audience makes Sense.
I was really excited reading this paper because this is like, the stuff I think about randomly all the time. like the other day I just basically blacked out and wrote like 2000 words about The Nature of Disturbance and Temporal and Spatial Dimensions of Ecosystem Change not even thinking about how I was writing about succession, and almost made my brain blow up.
like each successional theory developed so far has highlighted part of the big picture but there are several pieces of the puzzle that have barely been articulated yet. my questions:
Disturbance: What Does It Mean. When talking about something alive and changing, there is no stable state of being, so what does it mean to "disturb" an ecosystem? Every ecosystem is maintained by disturbance, like in an old-growth forest animals will graze and trample and trees will occasionally die and fall and there will be storms and fires and that is part of what a forest is. So like...where is the line between a disturbance that maintains an ecosystem at "climax," and a disturbance that makes the ecosystem no longer "climax."
disturbance, even the most severe and devastating disturbance with near 100% mortality of all plants, does not fully erase the previous plant community. so like, early-successional communities aren't a blank slate, but there is a such thing as an "early-successional community" in the sense that weed species not visible in the pre-disturbance community will pop up. Now, a lot of the theories assume that long-distance seed dispersal (and the availability of seed sources and dispersers) influences the arrival of weeds, but I think the soil seed bank is just as important if not MORE important. Do all soil seed banks have plenty of weeds? Do they have different weeds or the same weeds? Do those weeds match what was there the last time there was a weed community on that site?
disturbance is usually distributed over the land SUPER unevenly except in cases of lawns, logging and industrialized farming. at what spatial scale do edge effects irretrievably muddle the concept of discrete early-successional or late-successional communities. Like if you go into the forest and bulldoze a patch of forest down to bare dirt, that patch is fundamentally different from the bare dirt in a huge housing development, just because of being directly adjacent to a forest. Even completely disregarding seed dispersal- it's shaded, it is affected by the leaf litter and fine woody debris, etc.
I would tentatively state that linear processes of change occur in most man-made environments that are disturbed cyclically, for example, lawns- intensively managed monoculture lawns seem to persist in a lush state for a short time before the grass starts to die. most tilled agricultural fields are losing topsoil and fertility in a linear fashion. so like, the land has an accumulative legacy of tens or hundreds of disturbance cycles. Isn't this likely to be true on a much larger temporal scale? Like, is a forest ecosystem now affected by the fact that it was a prairie 1,500 years ago?
likewise, might this accumulative legacy be necessary for certain ecosystems to reach a "climax" state? e.g. prairie will overgrow into woodland in a few decades absent any disturbance, but cyclic disturbance by fire allows the cumulative progression of a larger successional process
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dread-doughnuts · 1 year ago
Introducing The Skull Index
Hi all! Now that we are in the early launch phase of the project I’m really excited to share the Skull Index! This is a project a team of friends (led by @birbbones ) have been working on over the last several months; our goal is to provide a high quality free to use anatomy resource. This is meant to be used by anyone from scientists to artists to students. Feel free to check out the website, and if you’d like to stay up to date on the project join our Discord!
The Discord is 18+ for privacy and safety. We hope to see it become a hub for people who are either interested in or currently work in museums, education, and the natural sciences. It is of course open to anyone interested in and enthusiastic about the topic as well. And if you’re interested in collaborating on the project as a please feel free to contact us!
The website is a work in progress though we have a goal of completing it Q1 of 2024. Over 200 mammal species have been logged so far!
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stitchedseaming · 2 months ago
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Stitching styles for Seamings ^^ Text of the image blow.
Seamings are traditionally stitched together with a needle and thread but some have more unique stitching. Other stitching techniques used are; adhesives, stapling, and cauterisation. Seamings have also taken to switching their stitching from what their creator chose for them. A lot of Seamings pick one style of stitching but some for aesthetic reasons pick two or more.
Alternative stitching styles. As long as the stitching style is clear it can appear in any style. Adhesive stitching has to be wavy. Cauterise stitching has to be jagged. Staple stitching has to be industrial. Traditional stitching has to look like it was done by a thread and needle.
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theres-a-body-here · 1 year ago
Scumtober- Day 10 (Knotting)
Legoshi x Male!reader
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If someone had told you at the beginning of your relationship with Legoshi that he would be the one to initiate sex, you probably would have laughed in their face.
So imagine your surprise when, after a particularly amazing date, Legoshi proposed that the two of you have sex the next night.
You didn't know what to expect. You're a virgin and as far as you know, he was too. To be honest, you were scared. You took enough biology to know that wolf knot plus a human ass would definitely mean pain. That's not even taking into consideration that Legoshi was way taller than wolves of his own species.
But you had time to prepare, so you did.
You followed every tutorial on Furrchan and Beastube, especially that one gay dude who Nair'd his ass on video and posted it onto the site. He seemed like the expert to go to. You went out shopping and frantically bought everything you might need for such a challenge. Lube, condoms, douche, and information pamphlets went into your cart.
You currently sat on Legoshi's bed bunk, waiting for him to arrive. You had showered, cleaned yourself out, and even used the shampoo that Legoshi liked. Everything had to go perfectly. You even had some soft music playing through a small speaker.
As you waited anxiously, the atmosphere in the room seemed to thicken with anticipation. Every sound that echoed down the hallway amplified your heartbeat just a little more, making each moment feel like an eternity.
Finally, after what felt like hours, there was a gentle knock on the door followed by its slow creak open. In walked Legosi, looking quite flustered as nervously walked over and sat on the bed with you.
"So…uhh," You muttered, not sure how to initiate sex. You were in the dark about these kinds of things.
At your hesitation, Legoshi's eyes darted around nervously before returning to meet yours halfway. He swallowed hard, taking a deep breath as he tried to find the words within him. His cheeks flushed under his fur even deeper at his own embarrassment.
Finally, he managed to squeak out softly, "Um... do you want me to undress first?" It was clear from his voice that this was foreign territory for him too; there was an uncertainty lacing every syllable.
You pause for a moment, trying to remember the pamphlet about healthy sexual relationships. "What if.....what if we help remove each other's clothes?" You finally manage to recite meekly as you fiddled with your thumbs.
At your suggestion, Legosi's eyes lit up slightly as he nodded eagerly. "Yeah," he murmured softly, "that sounds good."
With a snail's pace, he began reaching out to gently grab hold of your shirt hem. With a hesitant look in his eyes, he began to tug lightly, urging you to move closer so he could pull it off properly without letting go entirely. As he did so, he took note of your reaction—whether you were uncomfortable or enjoying the contact between them. You nod timidly and lift your arms up.
As soon as Legosi felt your permission through your lifted arms, he quickly grasped onto the idea and began pulling your shirt upwards with newfound confidence. His fingers brushing against your skin sent shivers down your spine. Once fully off, Legoshi started at your bare torso. He shifted closer as if wanting to take in the sight.
As Legoshi moved closer, his hot breath danced along your neck sending shivers down your spine. He couldn't resist taking in your scent, trying to commit it to memory forever. The way his nose grazed against your skin ignited a spark inside him, awakening primal desires that he didn't know existed until now. His heart raced faster as adrenaline coursed through his veins—this was intoxicating!
This set the pattern.
One of you would take off the other's article of clothing, then stare at their body. As the two of you progressively shed layers of clothing, the air between you became charged with electricity. Every brush of fingers against skin sent ripples of pleasure through your bodies. Even though you were both nervous and unsure, something about this exchange felt right.
Finally sitting face to face in nothing but their underwear, Legoshi couldn't tear his gaze away from you. He traced delicate patterns over your chest with his fingertips, marveling at how soft your skin felt beneath them. Meanwhile, you reached out to feel his soft fur.
Both of you blushed deeply as you realized where this was heading. Neither of you wanted to make the first move, fearful of crossing boundaries or being rejected. But despite your hesitations, neither could bring themselves to break eye contact either.
Slowly, almost reluctantly, Legoshi reached out towards your boxers, his fingers trembling slightly as they hovered just above the fabric. With bated breath, he slowly pulled down the waistband of your boxers, revealing your erect cock beneath. Your member twitched slightly at the sensation of cool air bathing it. After a few minutes of Legoshi staring in awe at your dick, You decide to return the favor and pull his briefs off.
As you pulled Legoshi's underwear off, exposing his hardened cock tentatively, he let out a soft moan of relief. Feeling increasingly bold, he reached out to touch your cock once again, stroking it slowly with his palm while looking into your eyes for any sign of discomfort.
Taking courage from his touch, you leaned in close, wrapping one arm around him to pull him close for a kiss. Your lips met in a tender kiss as your bodies pressed flush together. Your tongues tentatively explored each other's mouths as you began grinding your hips together in sync, rubbing your cocks against each other.
You shifted to lay in the bed. Legoshi didn't stop kissing you as he followed your movements. Fortunately, you had prepared for the next part since you didn't want to waste precious time. You had already lubed your hole prior. But it was still worrying to think about Legoshi's knotted cock fitting into your ass.
As you lay back on the bed, Legoshi couldn't help but stare at your ass, his heart pounding with desire. He knew that this was going to happen eventually, but seeing it right here in front of him made it all the more real.
His brow furrowed in concern when he saw the expression on your face, worry written all over it. "I don't want to hurt you," he murmured softly, his voice full of regret.
You shook your head reassuringly, trying to calm him down. "It's okay," you whispered back, placing a hand on his chest to steady him. "We can take things slow."
With a deep breath, Legoshi nodded slowly, still uncertain but willing to trust in your words. Together, you guided him closer, positioning his tip at your entrance. He had a strong grip on your hips and you placed your hands over his.
"Are you ready?" you asked quietly, meeting his eyes for reassurance. He nodded again, biting his lip as he prepared for the inevitable penetration. Slowly, carefully, he eased himself inside you, groaning softly at the tightness surrounding him.
As Legoshi pushed further into you, a sharp stab of pain shot through your body. You winced and let out a small cry, causing him to freeze midway. "Did I hurt you?" he asked worriedly, pulling back slightly. Closing your eyes tightly to block out the pain, you forced yourself to relax and breathe steadily. When you opened your eyes again, you saw the genuine concern reflected in Legosi's gaze. He looked truly frightened at the prospect of hurting you.
Reaching up, you cupped his cheek gently and smiled reassuringly. "No," you said softly, "just a bit of discomfort. Keep going..." Your voice trailed off as he resumed his thrusts, slowly pushing further into you. Despite the pain, you couldn't deny the intense pleasure mixed with it. The sensation of being filled by your boyfriend was overwhelming. As Legoshi picked up speed, his hands entwined with yours.
As Legoshi's pace quickened, sweat dripping down his fur, his movements became erratic yet powerful. Drool slipped past his parted lips, trailing down his chin as he lost himself in the motions. His eyes were glazed over, focused solely on you and the rhythmic movement of their bodies. His muscles tensed with each thrust, the sounds of fur slapping against skin filling the room.
Every time you cried out in pleasure or arched your back, it drove him even harder, his cock throbbing with need inside you. He lost track of time and place, consumed by the primal desire pulsing through him. All he could see was you and all he wanted was more.
Legoshi's voice cracked as he tried to speak, the heat building up inside him making it difficult to form coherent sentences. "Mmm... God, you feel so good," he moaned, his tongue tangled in his attempts to express himself.
As he continued to pound into you, his hips slapping against your ass, he managed to gather enough strength to whisper, "Please... tell me how much you love this... Tell me it's amazing!"
Despite his plea, he doubted anything could have prepared him for the wave of emotion that crashed over him when you finally answered, your voice hoarse with passion, "Yes... yes, it's incredible. Don't stop."
Legoshi's hand slid down between your legs, his rough fingers curling around your cock as he began to stroke it in time with his thrusts. Your moans of pleasure echoed off the walls, driving him wild with lust. Unable to contain himself any longer, he threw his head back and roared, the sound reverberating throughout the room.
Legoshi's moans grew more intense as his pace increased, his body trembling with the effort of holding back his climax. "I love you," he chanted between ragged breaths, his voice breaking with emotion. "God, I love you so much."
"I love you too," you replied between heavy pants as you felt your world spinning. Your body quivered with each thrust, the sensations overloading your senses. You clung to Legoshi and wrapped your legs around his waist for dear life as he stirred your guts with his cock. Before you knew it, your entire body tensed up as you came with a loud moan.
As you came, your body convulsing in pleasure as you spilled seed onto your stomach, Legoshi growled low in his throat. The sound vibrated against your skin. Seeing your release only fueled his desire further, and he continued to pound into you, determined to claim his own release.
Legoshi's entire body tensed up as he felt his orgasm approaching, his movements becoming more frantic as he neared the edge. Just as he felt like he couldn't hold back anymore, he let out a loud, primal yell. In one thrust, he slammed his knot into you, locking into place with a wet popping sound. He released himself inside you, filling you up with his warm cum as his knot kept you in place. You whimper as you feel it coat your insides. His body shuddered violently as he let out a long, drawn-out moan.
Legoshi stayed buried deep inside you, his body still trembling with excitement. He nuzzled against your face affectionately, soft kisses scattered across your neck and shoulders. "I'm so sorry if it hurts," he whispered softly.
You ran your fingers through his fur gently, offering reassurance as you spoke, "It's okay." You paused for a moment before adding, "Besides, maybe it won't be so bad having us stuck together like this for a while." You gave him a playful smirk which only served to make him flustered even more.
You both spent the rest of the night cuddling closely together, occasionally shifting positions to ease the discomfort caused by his knot. As sleep claimed you both, you drifted off happily knowing Legoshi was connected to you, physically and emotionally.
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hazamacore · 2 months ago
Eva's crow motif & Wolfgang's sheep motif - the relevance of animals in Project: Eden's Garden going forwards
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As a disclaimer, Wolfgang of course has two animal motifs - the sheep and the wolf. In this specific post I will only cover the former as I believe it is most relevant in relation to Eva and this first chapter in general. I personally think that his wolf motif will become more apparent as the story progresses and Wolfgang continues to haunt the narrative. As for Eva - many of the things attributed to crows also apply to ravens and some have absolutely pointed out the associations ravens specifically have (Aesop's fables, the Tower of London myth, Edgar Allen Poe) that relate to Eva. I will not be touching on that in this post and am instead focusing on the different species of crow.
With that out of the way - major spoilers for chapter one of Project: Eden's Garden ahead!
& This is a text only version of my tiktok post, if you are more visual and would prefer to read it there!
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The most blatant is that sheep hold great Biblical significance not least because Jesus Christ himself is referred to as the "Lamb of God" and the term "sacrificial lamb" derives from exactly that in Christ's sacrifice to atone the sins of humanity. Wolfgang as a Christ-like figure being killed by Eva named after the first to sin paints the perfect picture for the commencement of the killing game.
Wolfgang is treated by the majority of the cast, barring Eva, Damon and arguably Ulysses and Wenona, as a "saviour". The most explicit example of this thinking is asserted by Desmond after Eva's trial as he refers to Wolfgang as "one of the only people who could've handled this situation" who could have "made progress on escaping". He acts as this guiding light towards salvation for them as sheep are social, flock animals, and shepherds symbols of guidance. Until he is killed and the ideas of atonement and salvation die with him, even as Diana attempts to "resurrect" his image.
"And he gave unto them commandments, that they should worship the Lord their God, and should offer the firstlings of their flocks, for an offering unto the Lord. And Adam was obedient unto the commandments of the Lord." (Bible, Moses 5:7, Adam and Eve sacrifice a lamb to God)
If we take Tozu's role in the academy and killing game to be equivalent to that of God, then his animal motif being a ram/goat neatly links to Wolfgang's sheep and Christ symbolism. Tozu is the father, Wolfgang is the son, and Eva (as the bird) is the Holy Spirit and all three are bound together as one in this murder case that implicates them all. Not to mention how Eva literally sacrifices Wolfgang, the lamb, to Tozu, the God.
Shakespeare is an interesting perspective to take into account considering Tozu's theatrical nature and the consistent references to theatre within P:EG (EG: Tozu referencing Horace in the prologue). In Shakespeare's plays, sheep are often symbolic of vulnerability and used as a means of "peripeteia" - the turning point where the narrative's tone darkens. Wolfgang's murder, the first murder, abides by this perfectly. His death symbolises the death of any semblance of order and justice within this situation and opens the way for the killing game to truly begin.
"We were as twinn'd lambs that did frisk i' the sun, And bleat the one at the other: what we changed Was innocence for innocence." (William Shakespeare, The Winter's Tale, 1.2.85-7)
While lambs are symbolic of sacrifice in many cultures, they are not entirely passive and become aggressive when cornered, usually by gearing up to ram or buck. This reflects how aggressive Wolfgang becomes when drugged and essentially herded in a corner by Eva, leading him to lash out at Diana. Wolfgang is the only character whose animal motif is an animal classed as livestock which is another way upon his sacrificial lamb symbolism that he was destined to die - he has been slaughtered and his metaphorical fleece has been repurposed for Diana to wear instead.
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Firstly, crows tend to be seen either solitary or paired in nature. While they can be social animals, this is not the trend. Instantly this relates to how Eva has endured isolation and exclusion throughout her life, including in the academy. Damon is the first person she forms any sort of bond with and from the moment they wake up in the same area they are cemented as a "pair". P:EG overall has "pairs" as an extremely prominent theme due to the entire concept of Eden.
Her isolation can connect also to how crows have been observed to hold grudges. Eva's history as a victim of bullying instilled in her a victim complex and "me vs them" mentality where she takes any sort of negative reaction as "proof" that people are out to get her - something her Ultimate peers triggered with their mocking of her actual talent and confusion over her lies alike. Her targeting of Wolfgang was based in a grudge born from him singling her out as untrustworthy and how she believed he was turning everyone against her with his influence. Crows are opportunistic creatures - Eva saw the opportunity to get rid of Wolfgang and frame Diana in one fell swoop and took it. Much of her plan relied on that opportunity.
General populations deem crows largely as pests and they are, as a result, vulnerable to hunting by humans which ties into not only how Eva was and believed she was viewed by her peers, but also in how she was being "hunted" by Tozu every moment she did not kill after claiming the perk. That traitor's perk giving Eva access to the cameras essentially provided her with a "bird's eye view" of the happenings around the academy - something made further apparent by how she was watching from right above the murder as it happened.
Crows are known widely as thieves much like magpies both in the sense of them stealing prey from predators and the reputation they have gained in many human cultures for stealing precious items for their nests. It does not feel unintentional, then, that her plan saw her steal from her peers' rooms ("nests") to kill her prey. Additionally, crows have been reported to cause power outages through contact with power lines/poles which directly parallels the blackout during Eva's murdering of Wolfgang.
Most glaringly is how crows hold the familiar associations with evil and the Devil in Gael culture; in the 18th century, shepherds in the Scottish highlands would make offerings to hooded crows ("hoodies") to deter them from attacking sheep.
"In Pennant's Tour in Scotland (1771) there is described a curious ceremony in which offerings were made by Scottish herdsmen to the hooded crow, eagle and other enemies of sheep to induce them to spare the flock. (...) The crow killed lambs and annoyed sickly sheep." - Ernest Ingersoll, 1923, Birds in legend, fable and folklore, p.165
This blatantly links to Eva's murder victim being Wolfgang, whose animal motif is literally a sheep to her crow. The only "offering" made to Eva was Diana's extension of friendship, but at that point the crow had already taken flight. The hooded crows indigenous to the highlands would migrate down to the more temperate southern England during winter where they gained the local name "Royston crows" due to how they feasted on the carcasses of sheep in the sheep fields of Royston, Herfordshire.
In Shintoism, crows are associated with the idea of rebirth after tragedy strikes due to the image of them feasting on the slain after great battles. Much like Wolfgang's "Lamb of God" symbolism, this will likely come to fruition in Eva's presence never truly dying, that she will be remembered after death, and that Diana will "resurrect" her image just as she is attempting to do with Wolfgang.
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The plain and simple answer is that it depends and must be applied on a case by case basis. Our analysis cannot start and end with the animal motifs nor can it hinge on them as they are one angle of analysis among many - most prominently Biblical allusions and characterisation and, above all, how all of these aspects link to each other. For instance, you cannot just say "this character will kill because their animal motif is a predator" because there are far more layers to it than that.
The animal motifs are important and should not be disregarded as Diana, Eva and Wolfgang have proven - they just cannot be the sole point of analysis at a stage where we have everyone's characterisation to consider in conjunction with them.
For example, while Wolfgang's sheep motif is absolutely relevant and noteworthy, I don't personally think there is as much to say about it as Eva's crow motif based on what we have so far. How it acts as a springboard for Wolfgang's Biblical allusions especially RE his Christ symbolism is the most notable element of it so far in my opinion. And this could very well be because he has two animal motifs for us to sink our teeth into - I just have not found enough with him and the wolf to warrant a full discussion yet.
My thoughts on his wolf motif becoming more relevant later on in the story relates in part to his name, Wolfgang, meaning "travelling wolf" and being taken from an actual German saint in Christianity - which connects deftly to how Wolfgang is already being treated postmortem. In his book "Teutonic Mythology", Jacob Grimm defines the name as one held by a victorious hero. Overall, I think the wolf beneath sheep's clothing is yet to be truly revealed.
On the whole, Wolfgang and Eva prove without a doubt how important and relevant everyone's animal motifs will be beyond mere aesthetics - as does Diana's speech at the end of the chapter! What must be taken into account when looking into what everyone's motifs could mean is their individual characterisations and other elements of their characters. The animal motifs are only one piece of the puzzle, but they are a necessary piece in my opinion.
Thank you for reading please feel free to add more thoughts! I have no doubt I missed stuff, especially in regards to Wolfgang's sheep motif. There is absolutely something to say about him and being an undesirable “black sheep” in relation to his background but those thoughts aren’t fleshed out enough at the moment.
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