#Sirius and Lily
moonyswarmsweaters · 2 days
Lily: That was McGonagle calling. Apparently, Harry has been using some very creative language today
Sirius: Oh? Do tell.
Lily: Well, he called her Potions homework a "cluster duck" and his professor a "mother flunker"
Sirius: [amused] Did he call anyone a "sock sucker"?
[Lily looks at him, pissed]
Sirius: What? It's just someone who sucks socks.
Lily: I can't believe you're teaching my son loophole swear words.
Sirius: In my defense, "mother flunker" was entirely the little deviant's creation. And very clever of him, I must say.
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ghosteccedentesiast · 3 months
*Sirius being sick of everything *
Sirius: *Points at Severus* Fuck you
Sirius: *Points at Barty* Fuck you
Sirius: *Points at Peter* Fuck you
Sirius: *Points at James* Fuck you
Sirius: *Points at Remus* Fuck me
Sirius: *Points at parents* Especially fuck you
Sirius: *Points at Lily* Fu- uh hi?
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lilyslark · 2 months
thinking about sirius and lily finding the siblings that they lost in each other. sirius losing his younger brother and lily her older sister. both of them gaining a new perspective about what it must have been like to be the other sibling. sirius having a sister for the first time and lily a brother. sirius teasing lily about being a few months older than her—sirius having a younger sibling again and lily an older one.
thinking about sirius losing his baby brother for good. thinking about petunia suffering that same pain when she loses lily.
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that-bitch-kat3 · 5 months
I wrote some stuff about lily and sirius talk about their siblings last night and while I'm not sure that I like it I've decided to post it. Also heres my AO3 which I guess I've never needed to post before. okay here it is:
"I did everything I could-" Lily said, but even as the words came out she knew that they were a lie. She stopped herself and sighed, but then she did something that neither of them had been expecting. She told the truth. "No, I didn't."
"What?" Sirius looked over at her, eyebrows high, but Lily didn't see his expression. She didn't even look at him. She just stared out at the sky. It was an unspoken rule that they didn't look at each other on nights like these. When they sat at the top of the astronomy tower, moping and looking for someone to trade burdens with.
Lily's confession shocked them both, but she just stared straight ahead into the night and kept talking. "I didn't do everything I could. I could've- I should've written more. And when I was back for breaks I should have tried harder, to talk to her, and to keep up with her interests." Sirius looked back out the window, going back to following the unspoken rule, but Lily had hardly noticed his gaze at all too lost in her regret to even really be aware of the boy sitting next to her.
"I shouldn't have let Sev take over my life back home, and I really shouldn't have picked fights with her." Lily sighed. "but she's just been so cold since I left. I felt like fighting with her was the only time when I could even get through to her- or not get through to her, but, talk to her?"
Sirius nodded looking out at the night sky. The moon was a sliver in the sky, but the stars were out and they lit up the sky well enough. Without even meaning to Sirius sought out the Regulus star. "I didn't do enough either," Sirius admitted and they sat in silence for a beat before he continued. "I pushed him away. I knew what they expected from him- from us, but I was so determined to not be what they wanted that in my efforts to be different, to be better, I isolated him."
Lily nodded. "I feel like I abandoned her." She whispered her confession to the darkness, but Sirius heard anyway and this time it was his turn to nod.
There were several moments of quiet before Sirius gave up one more confession, one more secret to the sky.
"I did abandon him."
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jameskinniesrise · 5 months
Lily: Severus Snape, you have the right to remain
Sirius: A fucking loser, hah!
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ugh. sick.
lily crying in the common room late at night, and sirius 'i know no sleep' black comes downstairs and is like . oh no what do i do. cant make fun of her bc james likes her. (this takes place shortly after swm so flowerpott aren't tgthr yet). a little talking and lily blurts out that it's about severus (calling her a slur) and sirius makes a face on instinct.
lily being really pissed and being like . you dont know him, we grew up together, that's why his betrayal hurts sm, he wasn't like this - he was awkward and shy and really sweet and he loved me more than anything and hid behind me and couldnt talk to people and now he's doing everything that goes against the very core of my being and he's been doing it for so long and i've been ignoring him, because he's like a brother to me, but it's coming to bite me in the ass and i feel horrid and selfish that i only care because it's about me, but i do and i dont know how i can move past this . i dont want to, because part of me thinks of him as someone who's just misguided - his father's horrible , you kno- - but he's old enough to know what he's doing and i have to confront him but i dont want to
sirius is like wowzers this is sev=reg i feel 4 u . but as lils goes on hes pissed at her who he's always thought was fairly respectable (even not under influence by james) acting stupid and emotional over something that had an easy solution, because if someone's a blood supremacist you leave it's simple as that, isnt it? lily's a coward, to him, now that he's seen her blubbering over a greasy haired unwashed snake who doesnt care for her but he doesn't say anything just scoffs and leaves
(sirius thinks he sees himself in lily and almost empathizes but then he sees regulus and thinks of her as a coward.)
(*&sirius/lily r projecting/under assumption here if you find anything non-canon)
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hxuse-xf-black · 1 year
[Pre-Jily] 17-year-old Lily: *kisses James on the cheek* Sirius: *barely audible squealing*
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pottersbf · 5 days
lily and sirius bonding over having estranged siblings who they do deeply love but can’t be in the same room as or a fight will break out.
like they’re the only ones who truly get what it’s like to love someone so deeply and hate what they’ve became. they’ll always love their siblings even if they can’t help but to hate them for what they did.
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binvibin · 6 months
nah give me kim possible lily and ron stopable sirius
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owlscanread25 · 3 months
Things that my friends say on our grp chat that the Marauders would say in their's: (Part - 3)
Yeah yeah I just like calling them gravy - Dorcas
You'll find it in a month - Mary
damn thats gay - Marlene
a true tactical mastermind of the greatest caliber - Lily to Remus
necessity is the mother of invention 🤷‍♀️ - Remus
Has anyone written Bio GRW ( Give Reason Why) -: i genuinely thought you were asking for a bio get ready with me 💀💀 - Lily and Sirius replies
(When Sirius replies to a month old message) :- this was a month ago 💀 - Remus to Sirius
yea I've always been a nice person *summons kuroo indirectly* - Lily to Marlene
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lilyslark · 2 months
sirius black had three siblings: regulus black, james potter, and lily evans.
regulus was more of a memory than anything, the little boy he’d grown up with but no longer recognized. james was the brother who had saved him, the person he loved more than anything in the world. lily was the sister who snuck up on him, the only one who had lost a sibling too.
sirius knew that he and regulus were miles apart, that he couldn’t follow where regulus was heading. and so sirius fought to protect james and lily—the siblings he’d chosen—with everything he had.
and in the end, he couldn’t save any of them.
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nereidaa · 1 year
i believe in lily and sirius being besties and insulting james together (with love ofc)
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vomits0cutely · 5 months
Sirius: where are you going Prongs?
James: to the aquarium.
Sirius: ..why?
James: because I’m an adult! And I can do what I want??
Lily: he saw a photo of a teddy seal and now he needs one.
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lily and sirius sitting together or getting along really well or smth and james is like THATS MY WIFE DONT GET TOO CLOSE and lily's like HE'S MY WIFE NOW 🗣️
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solemilyswear · 2 years
Sirius hating the amount of attention James gives Lily and so in retaliation he starts making it a point to call Lily a different flower every time he sees her, until he calls her petunia and it hits a sore spot and he apologizes and thus begins their bond over strained sibling relationships
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risetherivermoon · 1 year
when lily found out about the marauders animagus' she started seeing padfoot more frequently and she'd always pet his head whenever saying goodbye and she started doing that when he's sirius too, and sirius just loves the headpats
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