#Jon Rowe
incorrectbatfam · 2 months
The batkids babysit the supersons, how bad can this go?
Dick: Where'd they go? Tim, I thought you were watching them.
Tim: I left them right here!
Tim: *gestures to the empty spot on floor*
Barbara: Well clearly they must have slipped out when you weren't looking. I'll check the surveillance footage. Everyone else split up.
Dick: I'll do a sweep around the house and go through the neighborhood after that. Tim, you take their school and the park. Cass, retrace their patrol routes.
Cass: *nods and grabs her helmet*
Tim: I'll text Steph and ask her to keep an eye out in Burnside.
Barbara: I just got a hold of Jason and Duke. They'll divide up the Narrows and Park Row. But I did promise Jason that Tim would do his laundry.
Dick: Babs, can you also tap into all our apartments and safehouses too? And maybe some JL buildings?
Barbara: I'll need the Batcomputer but sure.
Tim, on his phone: Harper and Bette said they can cover the outskirts.
Barbara: Luke's offline but I can use the Batwing to get an aerial view.
Dick: Perfect! Rendezvous at Batburger in an hour if we don't find anything. Remember, Bruce is our last resort.
Everyone: *splits up*
Damian and Jon: *emerge from under the floorboards*
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ev-arrested · 9 months
It’s literally so embarrassing to have a crush on a Robin. Imagine being in the DC universe and crushing on the least datable mother fuckers known to man.
I’m not saying they’re not hot or charming or don’t have qualities that make them stupid gorgeous and attractive, but everyone, and I mean everyone, should know by now that dating a Robin is the worst thing that you could possibly do to yourself. By a mile.
Dating Dick Grayson seems like actual hell. I don’t even think I need to elaborate because there are just too many reasons. I say this as a Dick Grayson enjoyer.
Good luck with certified rizzless Jason Todd. Asexual headcanon or no asexual headcanon, if you flirt with him, bro is NOT noticing. Have fun in pining purgatory.
Dating Tim Drake for his personality is already not worth it?? But then there’s the fact that this mfer will STILL cheat lmao (get it together, Cullen)
Being a young hero and having a crush on Damian Wayne is actually just something you take to the grave. You don’t tell anyone that, Jon.
Don’t come for me—I love all these characters—but anyone in the DCU still crushing on these bastards is getting NO sympathy from me actually
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aziuuu · 6 months
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SEASON 3!!!!!!!!!
Jon is wearing random borrowed clothes... Not like he has time to stylize proffesional looking outfits.
Have some fresh Elias but I didn't change his outfit. Maybe I'm getting lazy lmao
I just made Tim more angry lookin sorry
Michael is the same as in last season and Helen will be in the next one!
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notfeelingthyaster · 4 months
look i love timkon and i learned to like timbern (sometimes), but in honor of pride month, i really think we should diversify into niche tim drake mlm ships, we haven't made use of the opportunities it gives us
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batobbsession · 2 months
Underused batfam-adjacent characters
Mia Mizoguchi (aka Maps aka sometimes Robin?) (also Maya Ducard and Colin Wilkes and Kathy Branden and Jay Nakamura and Suren Darga and Nika/Flatline)
Mia is Damian's school friend and like a partime Robin. Also she's a detective who would definitely get along with Tim. The rest are also Damian's various friends (Kathy and Jay are more like Jon's friends but if Jon and Damian are friends then they're probably friends?). Also Jay is/was Jon's boyfriend if that interests you. Kathy is also an alien so that's cool. I'm pretty sure all of them have their own hero identities so they could totally be a team or something. And I think it's sad nobody in this fandom remembers that Map's was kind of Robin.
honorary mention to Damian's cousin, Mara Al Ghul
The rest of the Arrows
So generally I see just Roy,Oliver and sometimes Dinah and Lian as the arrowfam. And to be honest I don't know much about them, but where's Conner Hawke, Mia Dearden and Emiko Queen?
Conner Hawke=Oliver Queen's son who was raised with his mother, Sandra Hawke, and was sent to an ashram to learn Buddhism stuff i guess. He reconnected to Oliver and became the second Green Arrow eventually.
Mia Dearden=She had an abusive father and ended up an underage prositute. She was rescued by Green Arrow and became Oliver Queen's new ward. She trained with him and Conner Hawke and eventually became the second Speedy and joins the teen titans. Also she's HIV positive? Idk the story there.
Also Jason Todd kidnapped her and beat her up so Tim wasn't the only one.
Emiko Queen= Emiko is Oliver Queen's half-sister. I'm pretty sure she's the second Red Arrow now? Her mom's and assassin which is cool. She was also raised as an assassin.
Tim's Friends
Why do people think Tim's only friends are young justice? He's a social butterfly. What happened to Ariana,Darla,Bernard and Ives?
Ariana-Tim's ex girlfriend. Her father was murdered and she was born in the USSR
Darla-Daughter of a mafia boss with magic powers. Tim's school friend and she used to have a crush on him.
Bernard-... you all know Bernard
Ives- One of Tim's closest friends in high school who he called smart multiple times. He was diagnosed with cancer and stayed friends with Tim
honorary mention to Ives's Wizards and Warriors group Callie,Kevin and Hudson
Jaro the Starro
starfish alien who was adopted by Bruce
honorary mention to Harper and Cullen Row and Helena Bertinelli/Helena Wayne and CARRIE KELLEY my beloved
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With a party happening in Gotham, Wally is feeling a little left out.
And confused. So very confused.
Social Media Masterlist
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hi1234hehe · 2 months
Rockstar Aesthetic
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I deal with my big girl feelings as always: do a meme a forget about it <3 ( tag yourself)
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incorrectbatfam · 7 days
How about Batgirls/Birds of Prey babysitting gen alpha Jon and Dami? Did the kid have fun?
Dick: What's wrong? You look like you saw a Jason.
Cass: The horrors.
Dick: What do you mean?
Steph: We've seen things we can never unsee. Heard things we can never unhear. We will never be the same again, do you understand me?
Dick: I'm confused. Weren't you just watching Damian and Jon for the afternoon?
Harper: I could only stand two minutes. And I've been stuck in a room with Punchline overnight, twice.
Dick: Okay, back up. What actually happened?
Barbara: Hey boys, how was school?
Damian: Kent, spill the lore.
Jon: So this sus guy in math class acts like he's a sigma rizzler mewing for BeReal clout ever since his W Roblox speedrun. No cap, he thought he's Kai Cenat on Twitch and we're from Ohio, when he's really a Big L skibidi toilet with negative aura. So at lunch, we had a GOATed idea and Fanum taxed his gyatt while he stood there cooked like an NPC.
Cass: Uh...
Harper: *gets in her car and goes home*
Steph: I'm gonna re-dig my grave.
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indirectcomedian · 29 days
still cant believe this happened at all
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happybunnykat · 8 months
I'm giving Colin one more episode where he is suspiciously absent before he shows up as a case file.
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To all batfamily rarepair fans: please submit us asks with propaganda for your favorite rarepair that is participating in the first round of the bracket!
Many people might not be aware of the existence and appeal of some rarepairs. The mods ask that you send us explanations of why you like a particular ship, as well as comic panels that you think best represent their interactions.
List of rarepairs participating in the first round:
Tim Drake/Cullen Row Barbara Gordon/Ted Kord Tim Drake/Jason Todd/Bruce Wayne Tim Drake/Dick Grayson/Damian Wayne Stephanie Brown/Cassandra Cain/Harper Row Harvey Dent/Selina Kyle/Bruce Wayne John Constantine/Dick Grayson Dick Grayson/Hank Hall Eddie Bloomberg/Jason Todd Catherine Todd/Bruce Wayne Dick Grayson/Raptor Kyle Rayner/Jason Todd/Donna Troy Kate Kane/Kara Zor-El Tim Drake/Lonnie Machin Dick Grayson/Grant Wilson Tim Drake/Jonathan Samuel Kent
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t-a-l-i-a18 · 3 months
Guys I made an instagram account for the sole purpose of treating it like tumblr and having it as my “girlblog” but on instagram because I give up and need to turn everything into Tumblr
It’s called girl.blogging.abt.bands if you wanna follow it
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batfam-fanfics · 5 months
The Rocky Horror Wayne Show by connorswhisk
1 Chapter - 5943 words
To the Wayne Family's production of the Rocky Horror Picture Show
Directed by Damian Wayne and Jonathan Kent
Starring Tim Drake, Harper Row, Wally West, Duke Thomas, Cassandra Cain, Dick Grayson, and more...
One Night Only!
All proceeds will go to charity. There will be a YouTube livestream as well. Any donations are appreciated.
Cosplay encouraged. Dancing also encouraged. Cannibalism, murder, gratuitous firing of laser guns, and death via ice pick not entirely barred, but certainly frowned upon.
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fanaticalthings · 2 years
You think Bruce and Clark ever lament together on how they missed vital years with their sons?
Bruce with Jason after he died and came back years later as a grown and changed person.
and Clark with Jon, after he left and suddenly came back older in such a short amount of time.
like I really want to see those two talk about all the grieving they must've gone through, wishing they could have those missing years back with their kids.
Both Jason and Jon were really young before they came back, so it must have been so jarring for their parents to adapt to that sudden change.
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blusilurus · 6 months
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Panic at the Dancing Place misc doodles!! The two upper right doodles are stickers I tossed on RB btw!
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