#Healthcare Advice
amitkakkarhealthyway · 6 months
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(via 10 Body Signs that You Should Never Ignore: All You Need to Know)
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Expectant moms frequently want to ensure that they are giving their growing infant the finest care possible. While supplements and drugs can help women stay healthy throughout pregnancy, they must be used with caution. Here are some of the reasons why pregnant women should exercise prudence when considering these options.
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harmeet-saggi · 11 months
How To Recognize Viral Fever Symptoms And Take Effective Action
Welcome to our comprehensive guide on recognizing viral fever symptoms and taking proactive steps to manage your health. Viral fevers can be unsettling, but armed with the right knowledge, you can identify the warning signs early and respond appropriately. In this guide, we will delve into the nuances of viral fever, common symptoms, and provide actionable advice to help you navigate through it.
Know more
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geek-22 · 6 months
Trans men and enby's,
Testosterone does not work as birth control.
Your doctor may tell you this, a nurse might, but it DOES NOT.
For the love of god, wear protection
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nightbunnysong · 12 days
Holistic tips to support brain health
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Incorporate herbal teas
Drink herbal teas known for their cognitive benefits. For instance, ginkgo biloba may improve memory and cognitive function, while rosemary and sage are believed to enhance concentration. Enjoy these teas as part of your daily routine.
Practice forest bathing
Spend time in nature by practicing “forest bathing” or shinrin-yoku. Immersing yourself in natural surroundings can reduce stress, improve mood, and boost cognitive function. Aim for a walk in a forest or park to experience its calming effects.
Engage in mindful breathing
Incorporate mindful breathing exercises into your daily routine. Deep, controlled breaths can increase oxygen flow to the brain, reduce stress, and enhance mental clarity. Try techniques such as diaphragmatic breathing or alternate nostril breathing.
Eat brain-boosting superfoods
Incorporate superfoods that naturally support brain health into your diet. Examples include:
Avocados: Rich in healthy fats and antioxidants.
Chia Seeds: Packed with omega-3 fatty acids.
Beets: Known to improve blood flow to the brain.
Grow your own herbs
Cultivate herbs like basil, mint, and lemon balm in your garden or kitchen. These herbs not only add flavor to your meals but also offer cognitive benefits and stress-relief properties.
Practice Tai Chi or Qigong
These ancient Chinese practices combine gentle movement, meditation, and deep breathing. Both Tai Chi and Qigong promote relaxation, balance, and mental focus, making them excellent for brain health.
Incorporate fermented foods
Include fermented foods like kimchi, sauerkraut, and kefir in your diet. These foods support gut health, which is increasingly recognized for its connection to brain health and mood regulation.
[photo from Pinterest]
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lonelynpc · 2 months
Waking Up Unconscious Characters
on the topic of whump!
if you want somebody to attempt to wake an unconscious character, here's how we do it when waking you from anaesthesia:
always speak in a loud and clear voice. we need to make sure they can hear us.
identify ourselves. this includes what our role is so, "this is (my name), i'm your anaesthetist/doctor." sometimes i will also say, "we met before," just to try jog their memory a little bit.
use the patient's name.
comfort and reassure. we avoid saying, "everything's okay," or similar but we will say, "this is normal," "we're looking after you," "the procedure went well," etc.
"(name), open your eyes for me. i need you to open your eyes now." notice it's a command, not "can you open your eyes for me?" when patients are confused, we sometimes see a sort of "i can but i won't" response. can't leave room for confusion, we need to be direct.
tap their shoulder firmly, if possible. obviously, if they've just had surgery on their shoulder or have a shoulder injury we might tap a leg or their chest instead. we will also loudly and clearly speak to them while doing this.
apply painful stimuli. this doesn't mean we're hitting them. we're stimulating a patient to get a response to assess LOC. mandibular pressure is the common one in anaesthesia, if it was the surgical site or if there is an injury there we won't do it, we might do the trapezius squeeze instead.
"hey, (name), this is (my name), your anaesthetist. you're just waking up from surgery, alright?" let them know what's going on, identify yourself again. keep using their name.
once they open their eyes, acknowledge it. i say, "there we go, hello again, (name)," and then reiterate the above.
tell them to stay still, talk them through what we're doing. "stay still for a second, we're taking the tube out, okay?" if a character is going to be moving or touching the injured character, even if they are still unresponsive, they should explain what they're doing. "i'm putting you on your side," "i'm just checking you for injuries," "it looks like you've hurt your arm, i'm going to take a look."
here's some responses people have when waking up from anaesthesia (often they do not remember this):
crying a lot. this is very common and usually if we ask why they're crying, they say they don't know so we tend to just assure them that this is normal and it will pass. we also often see this if a procedure went for longer than anticipated and the bladder is distended.
combative responses. some patients wake up swinging because they're confused, in pain, etc. some wake up combative because the procedure went for longer than anticipated and their bladder is distended too, that's a common cause of aggression on emergence.
urinary incontinence. it happens, we assure them that it's normal and not to be embarrassed, clean them up and cover them. sometimes it happens before they're 'awake'.
flirting or declarations of love. it sounds weird but it happens. it also happens when we're putting them under too. i had a patient tell me that i have beautiful eyes and make kissy faces at me once.
some people get erections. it's sometimes seen in response to certain anaesthetic agents. maybe not whump material but it's interesting so there you go.
immediately trying to move, pull monitors off or IVs out, etc.
singing. now, i haven't seen this super often and it's not full singing but they try their best. i had a patient mumble-singing the lyrics to funky cold medina once (instrumental included), he had no recollection of it later.
non-purposeful movement. thrashing, writhing, turning, etc with no intention.
crying, combative responses, non-purposeful movement, etc are known as 'emergence agitation' (EA).
i hope that helps a bit and gives some ideas!
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vitalnourish · 3 months
What are quality foods to obtain key nutrients?
Different nutrients are essential to the body to perform different functions (which will be covered in the next blog). Hence, it is important that we eat a varied, nutrient dense diet full of whole foods.
A few nutrients that are needed include;
Iron, which is found in liver and red meat.
Calcium, which is found in dairy products (such as milk, yogurt, and cheese) and spinach.
Vitamin A, which is found in kale and pumpkin.
Potassium, which is found in bananas and mushrooms.
Vitamin C, which is found in strawberries and peppers.
Folate, which is found in edamame and lentils.
Magnesium, which is found in pumpkin seeds and almonds.
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purpurussy · 4 months
gang I am feeling like absolute dog shit rn please give me your comfort vid recommendations <3 older vids are especially appreciated since I haven't seen a lot of those yet
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^this is me btw
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gringadano · 6 months
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sacredglow · 7 days
Every time you remember, forgive again.
Forgiveness is not a one time thing. You will choose it repeatedly, over and over again—even if the offense happened years ago. So it’s good to be reminded that everytime you remember, choose to forgive again.For your freedom, joy, and peace. Don’t allow bitterness and pride to be planted and grow in your heart. Surrender it quickly for yourself.
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bitchesgetriches · 28 days
The Resignation Checklist: 25 Sneaky Ways To Bleed Your Employer Dry Before Quitting
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bogkeep · 4 months
my special skill is that i'm not afraid of emails. in fact i vastly prefer sending emails because i can do it whenever i have time... the alternative is usually making phone calls, and the phone call times are pretty much always work hours at work days, AKA the SAME TIME AS WHEN I'M AT SCHOOL!!!! this really sucks if the only time i have the opportunity to sit down and do Important Paperwork Stuff is the weekend or the evenings!!! Let Me Send A Written Message Please Please Please
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vexx-ation · 20 days
The worst part of being involved in healthcare is sitting around watching misinformation that is going to get someone killed rack up hundreds of thousands of notes. Please for the love of god if you are taking medications for chronic conditions, birth control, or psych drugs don't just do food or supplement related life hacks without looking into drug interactions. You are going to OD yourself
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lonelynpc · 12 days
Medical Inaccuracies I Commonly See In Fics
the titanium skull: characters getting hit on the head and just walking it off or having no repercussions.
swiss army doctor: this doctor knows everything about every specialty. bow before them.
that's my son!: a medical professional treats a loved one.
no nurses needed: the doctor does everything.
companionless, powerful, resolute (CPR): a character does CPR for more than 2 minutes without getting fatigued or swapping out without compromising the quality of their compressions.
shocking asystole: it is simply not a shockable rhythm. please, stop shocking asystole.
'tis but a scratch: a character coughs up or vomits blood but then is fine. also when someone gets shot or stabbed in the hand, leg or shoulder with no lasting impacts.
sims pregnancy: character takes a test the morning after and it's positive.
a refreshing nap: comatose patients waking up and moving around immediately.
neck needles: a character injects something into someone's neck with ease, i guess their neck veins are just magnetised or something.
zap zap: electrocution with no burns, entry or exit, nerve or cardiac damage, dislocations, etc. did you know one of the causes of the less common posterior shoulder dislocation is electrocution?
i don't need this anymore: character gets stabbed and pulls. out. the. blade. to no ill effect.
tourniquets, tourniquets and more tourniquets: a character is bleeding? oh no, time to grab the TQ.
calm, level-headed, tranquil: this character is such a seasoned professional that they don't get an adrenaline rush anymore.
one-way ticket to the afterlife please: character uses a medication or treatment that would do the opposite of treating their condition but it works somehow. (hypoglycaemic patient uses insulin for example)
bumper cars: character is in a major car accident and just walks away with minor injuries.
here's all that confidential information you ordered: character asks for an update on an injured or sick character and the staff just give them the information without consent.
instant absorption: character is given a drug and it works immediately.
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bunnyboy-juice · 8 months
im begging people to turn on the post dates for your feed bc sometimes i see ppl rb advice with good intentions but the advice is from 2010-2017 and therefore is WILDLY outdated!!!! and that's not good!!!!!
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spacedocmom · 1 year
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Doctor Beverly Crusher @SpaceDocMom "Have you tried..." are three of the most frustrating words for anyone with a disability/chronic illness to hear. The answer is almost always "yes" and it's exhausting to have to constantly defend against ensuing quizzes. Information should come with consent and respect. emojis: black heart, blue heart, masked 2:31 PM · Jun 28, 2023
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