#Fallen Heroes in Young Justice
championofnyx · 2 years
Misperception of Issues and Lack of Treatment Part 2: Brion Markov
Both in the case of Mary and Brion, there is influence of a second party contributing to them ultimately switching sides: Granny Goodness and Zviad Baaovi, but both do not have full control over their targets and have to play off of pre-existing emotions and insecurities. We’ve talked about how Mary’s longing for the feeling of power associated with her Sergeant Marvel form. So what did Zviad use to manipulate Brion? An overinflated sense of responsibility mixed with new guilt.
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Let's first talk about responsibility. We know from Deathstroke that Tara was with Brion when she was kidnapped, or that she was supposed to be with him. He had invited her to a foreign country (where I am guessing he attended school at the time) and then left her when she was taken. Landing responsibility for ripping his family apart. This is later emphasized in the first episode during his conversation with the Nuremberg Code Violation (Dr. Jace) about his wishes to become a meta-human, but more importantly, a protector, of both his people and family. His sister was taken when she was in his protection, and to make up for that failure, he has convinced himself that he must change and become more so that no one else he cares about is harmed again. Taking both the responsibility for what happened, and the prevention of another family member being hurt. 
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The second time this is emphasized is in his decision to join the outsiders. This one is a little bit of a reach, but I think it explains a lot if you bear with me. Going back to the first episode we know that the King and Queen had dedicated their lives, and a significant amount of Markovias resources to ending trafficking in the nation, both rescuing and preventing kids from being kidnapped. A dedication they wouldn’t have had to make if Tara wasn’t kidnapped if Brion hadn’t allowed her to be kidnapped. This ended up leading to their deaths. We only got two scenes with Brion before their murders, but in both of them, he spoke kindly, firm at moments that needed emphasizing, but never the anger that we are so used to. Even in the interview with Kat Grant, he walked away rather than engage in her inappropriate questioning. Anger being the most commonly displayed emotion in grief tends to be evidence of an underlying sense of guilt surrounding the death. Brion feels responsible for his parents' deaths because they would have never had to place themselves in danger if he hadn’t messed up. This is why he assumes responsibility to carry on with their wishes: saving meta-kids.
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Now, let's talk about season 3, episode 11. In this episode, Dick tries in his own problematic way to talk through what he believes is going on with Brion. In which, we see that the others, or at least dick, view the impact behavior we spawning from a sort of nostalgic jealousy. Longing both for a home that had been lost, but also jealous over the fact that his brother was able to live in the lost home. Rather than seeing it from a sense of guilt, feeling responsible for both his sister’s kidnapping and his parent’s murder and, at this time, having no way to fix it. He can’t find his sister, he can’t help his brother rule their country, he can’t help continue on his parent’s work, and he is stuck on a farm in Rhode Island with no ways to make amends for his perceived sins. This is why we begin to see an adjustment in his behavior as he is given these outlets over the season, finding his sister, joining the outsiders, and being given an opportunity to help others, but these are all bandages. Instead of providing therapy, they saw what was on the surface, the inconvenience of a hot head with volatile powers, and were too relieved to see that it wasn’t their problem any more than to ask why it was there in the first place. 
I mean for christ sakes be lived with a counselor and no though this boy needs professional help after all the shit he had gone through? But, SImilar to the case of Mary, those around them misunderstood what was causing their problematic behavior and tried to fix it without taking the time and effort to fully understand where it come from through professional mesures and not a diagnosis made by unqualified parties. 
Since we’ve been introduced to his character, Brion has been attempting to fix every problem that his perceives as his fault, which is hindered by his own unaddressed ptsd, from both the kidnapping of Tara and the murder of his parents. First by wanting to become a metahuman that could eventually protect his country, and more importantly, his family like he couldn’t before and preventing more tragedy from befalling those he cares about. Second in joining the outsiders that was formed with many goals, but one that is highlighted in the series, rescuing kidnapped children, fulfilling the promise his parents made that got them murdered, a pledge they wouldn’t have had to make if he hadn’t failed to protect his sister. And lastly, in his conversation is Violet, so let’s talk about that. 
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What really hit me was when Brion spoke of needing “to make something good come out of the ashes” because that is all we’ve been seeing him trying to do. And yet, all of his attempts have led to unhealthy choices, throwing himself into more and more dangerous situations that have been paying off, up until Zviad stepped in, and used the desire to make up for past failures by promising that his strength would be his country's salvation. That the past year and everything that had happened really did add up into making into a person that could protect family and country. A level that couldn’t have been pulled if the pattern laid out was recognized sooner by those, particularly the adults, surrounding him. 
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Part three will focus on the exception made to this pattern, and why it was noticed when the others weren’t. 
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cm-top-10 · 5 months
C.M. Top 10: Heroes who've fallen in the line of duty &/or heroics.
Every hero has their 1st moments to be the best hero they can be. But sadly just as the hero rises to the occasion to prove his worth....they sometimes fall saving the ones they love & swore to protect. We must never forget our heroes or forget their strengths that make them who they are. Their courage, their will, their kindness & above all willing to sacrifice themselves so that others may live to tell their children of the kindness & heroism they've shown.
So this ten features the heroes of all kinds who gave their life protecting the innocent. Which hero will you always remember? You be the judge of that. & may they rest in peace...
1. Young Justice: Phantoms - Tomar-Re
"In brightest day in blackest night, no evil shall escape my sight, let those who worship evil's might, beware my power Green Lantern's light."
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2. Seven Deadly Sins - Escanor Lion Sin of Pride
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3. Overwatch - Balderich von Adler
"Live with honor, die for glory. Live for glory, die with honor"
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4. Rise of the TMNT - Karai
(Anatawa hitori janai)
Translation: You are not alone
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5. DBZ - Vegeta
"Trunks, Bulma...I do this for you. & yes...even for you, Kakarot."
(I know, I know he's technically still alive but don't get me wrong he's had a few close calls in the past of literally no return. & he has sacrificed himself once or twice so I'm gonna count it this one time. Trust me if it wasn't for fan-service, he would've had the old classic Thanos Fade in a heartbeat years ago.)
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6. Pacific Rim the Black - Atlas Destroyer/Loa
"You will get there. I will ensure it."
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7. RWBY - Pyrrha Nikos
"Do you believe in destiny?"
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8. Star Wars Rebels - Commander Gregor
"Don't worry about me. You made me remember who I am. I'll make my way home, I promise."
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9. Cyberpunk Edgerunner - Rebecca
"Alright David let's go to the top then."
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10. Transformers Rise of the Beasts - Apelinq
"This is my fight. It is now your time to lead the Maximals, Optimus Primal."
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dcxdpdabbles · 3 months
The Undead Florist
Anon said: Basically, I just wanted Danny to deliver flowers to the Justice League heroes from his fans. If you can include Everlasting Trio. U can add whatever crack you think would be best! Thank you!
Clark is in the middle of blocking a heat ray attack from a robot that copies the powers of any Justice League member when the unexpected happens. A kid, no older than fourteen, boldly walks into the battlefield carrying a lavish bouquet of red roses and trigger lilies.
He's dressed in a worker uniform: light brown khakis, a black shirt with a light-born vest, and a black baseball hat resting neatly on his head. There is a company logo on the upper right of his vest but Clark does not recognize the stylized D.
There was a still moment when Clark's super speed could see the exact second Amazo spotted the child. The boy wasn't paying attention, staring at his phone screen, which had the faint details of a map, and had two headphones in his ear.
Clark's eyes widen in horror, and he opens his mouth to try to shout a warning—though he doubts the kid could hear him over the loud music playing in his ear—but before he can, Amazo flung out an arm straight at the kid's head, still pinning Clark down with a cheap version of his own laser ray eyes.
No! No, please, he's so young! He pleads mentally, frozen in horror as the robot's hand goes right through the kid's head. It took a solid minute for Clark to realize that Amazo's hand hadn't ripped through the skull of the child but rather had passed through him as if the boy was not physically there.
From underneath a black baseball cap, brim, electric blue eyes stare at Amazo. Gesturing vaguely to the arm going through his head, the boy frowns. "Rude much?"
"Access: Black Canary," Amazo says in response, his jaw opening wider as a super-powered scream is released, pointing black at the kid's face.
The frown on the worker deepens as the boy reaches up and- slaps the android in the face? "Dude, I'm trying to work. I have like eight flower deliveries today. Also, that was a weak imitation. This is a real Ghostly Wail."
He opens his jaw, letting out a sound that wasn't as loud as Black Canary or Amazo but somehow worse.
And the sound—the unholy screech that releases from the child sends Clark to his knees, quivering in his boots as Amazo disintegrates right before his eyes. The only thing left of the android is a smothering pair of robotic legs that fall over with a loud thump.
The boy huffs, paying no mind to the fact that he took out the enemy the league had spent the last six hours fighting before Clark tried to lure it away from the city. He merely glances back at his phone, following the little moving icon on the map until he stands before the fallen hero.
"Hi! Are you Superman?" The kid asks in a polite, chipper tone. It's such a whiplash change between his normal voice and his customer service voice that it sets in. This is really just a Tuesday for him.
Clark opens and closes his mouth with a weak "Yes" and is pushed out.
The kid's smile grows as he pushes the flowers into his arms. Clark nearly drops the vase, scrambling to get a good hold of them as the kid pulls out a harmonica and plays a little jingle. It sounds like a mix between Happy Birthday and Ring Around the Roses.
Once he is done, the boy holds out his arms wide open and loudly proclaims, in a very obvious Transatlantic accent, which makes him sound... rather otherwordly: "These flowers are sent by your fan Kattie Longsmith in Metropolis, wishing to thank you for rescuing her mother and brother from a fire. She wants to remind you that she is your biggest fan and hopes you have a lovely day. Thank you for selecting the Undead Florist as your means of flora travel!"
With a theatric bow, the boy blinks out of existence.
Clark is left kneeling alone in a destroyed cornfield, beating black and blue, while holding a vase of lavished roses and lilies. He is unsure how long he will stay there, trying to process what he just saw as the Batplane flies onto the scene, Bruce jumping out of it with a cry of his name.
Batman growls upon taking in the scene before his friend rushes to his side. "What happened?"
"I ugh...I got a flower delivery." He manages to utter, eyes still trained on the spot of the strange kid.
"Trust me, I'm as confused."
It turns out that Clark's delivery is not an isolated incident. Over the past three months, various Justice League members have reported similar interactions with the Undead Florist.
Flash got a bouquet while trying to stop Captain Cold. The kid had wandered in the middle of a fight, unfreezing the speedster to hand over yellow lilies and sunflowers from a little boy named Teddy Smith in Central City. He had melted the freeze ray that was shot at him while Barry was in the middle of a panic, thinking he would watch a child die.
One little jingle and message was delivered in a Transatlantic accent later, and the boy was gone without a trace again. Bruce had gone to the scene, trying to find anything that could give him some clue, but he disputed the clear picture of his face and the recording of his voice. Nothing about the boy came up in their systems.
Wonder Woman was next, receiving two large bouquets of roses from a fellow woman she had rescued named Trix Cooperman. Her jingle was slightly smoother jazz , and the message leaned towards romantic than gratitude from a fan, but the boy had delivered it nonetheless.
He also took out Cheetah with a well-placed punch, highly impressing Diana. He had the makings of a warrior.
Then Green Arrow, Green Lantern, Martian Man Hunter, Batman, Martian Man Hunter, Hawkgirl, Aquaman, Zatanna, and surprisingly Vigilante each got their own flower grams.
None of them were able to get any information about the child, seeing as he only appeared when the members were in the middle of a fight, which was driving Bruce mad.
Of course, they had tracked down all the clients but met a dead end when each claimed they had never placed an order with Undead Florist. Even when Diana was holding her rope, the people gave the same answer.
They had no idea why Undead Florist was delivering flowers in their name or where the message that came along with the flowers appeared from. The chilling part was that the messages did actively represent their emotions and feelings towards the heroes, but how the overpowered child knew that was left unanswered.
The other thing that bothered Bruce was that the Undead Florist only appeared when they were in battle.
"Maybe it's because he doesn't know how to find you otherwise," Nightwing suggested at the Justice League-wide meeting.
"He uses a GPS that is locked into the heroes." Batman grunts, not dismissing the suggestion but challenging it, which causes his eldest son to shrug.
"Undead could be following online tips or something. It's not like the Leauge is seen just strolling around the cities, but people tweak when they do happen to see us."
"We could test that. Have a group of heroes just relaxing at a cafe or something. See where he appears and if there is a pattern after monitoring social media." Red Robin suggests, rubbing his chin.
Batman considers it before nodding. "I shall divide the teams."
The Justice League goes out, doing as instructed, and sure enough, they find the Undead Florist appearing more and more. Red Robing happily puts together the pattern, pointing to social media generated by the younger generation's demographics.
Undead Florist is an actual teenager using DCtweets to find heroes to bring flowers to. They have enough proof of that to show he's harmless if one ignores his more than impressive battle skills.
"Now all we need to do is catch him," Clark announces. "We don't want to scare him, but the Justice League really needs to know how he's doing all of this. It could be a security risk."
Meanwhile, Danny chills in his haunt, watching Sam tend to the flowers in a large greenhouse he placed for her. Tucker is typing away on a ghost zone-powered supercomputer, looking at all the Soul orders their business is getting.
The Ghost Zone didn't have a formal currency; they had Deals instead. Even small unconscious deals—like wishing on a shooting star, throwing a coin in a fountain, or sending a prayer or two—could be turned into deals if a higher being encountered them.
Luckily for those people, Danny and his lovers are very kind higher beings and choose to complete their requests in a way that satisfies all of their obsessions without stealing souls.
Sam got to spread her greenery across worlds, Tucker got to spend time with tech from different universes and Danny was able to explore and protect the souls of humans.
That Danny could exchange these Soul orders for gold was no one business but their own.
"Ohhh, another order, Red Robin, from Universe Nine!" Tucker crows. "It's roses in the shape of a heart from Kon-el. Aw, he's in love with his best friend!"
"That's sweet." Danny smiles, leaning over his boyfriend's shoulder to read the message he must memorize when he struts into Gotham. "I know how much fun dating best friends is."
"Let's help those losers confess then!" Sam calls, raising her hands as roses of various colors burst to life around her.
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||Single muse #2 tag list||
~Davion (DOTA: Dragon’s blood)
~Edward Elric (Full Metal Alchemist)
~Mark Grayson (Invincible)
~Link (Breath of the wind 2)
~Akira Fudo (Devilman crybaby)  
~Michael Afton(fNAF)
~Ballister Boldheart (Nimona)
~ Loki (Avengers Assemble, the animated series)
~Warumono-San/The General (Mr. Villain’s day off)
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satoshy12 · 7 months
It all started when Dani was known as a villain who fought against the Young Justice and Teen Titans, and Danny learned about it.
Let's say he wasn't happy and made his way to the Justice League reporting station to report the error.
So while there, Danny has a massive argument about why Dani isn't a villain, but the Young Justice and Teen Titans are the villains.
And showed a PowerPoint presentation about why Dani can't be a villain.
1 She is adorable.
2 She is my baby girl.
3 She can't do wrong.
4 She is a good girl.
5 Just look at these pictures of her!
And Danny did then go from her eating all her vegetables to wearing her home knit sweaters, sleeping during the day and when she is told, always brushing her teeth on time 3 times a day, and reading the books she is giving in school without arguing about pictures!
It ended up with Batman sitting down with Danny after Flash brought both coffee and saying. "He knows how Danny is feeling; the people don't understand that his son, Red Hood, is just misunderstood, not a villain."
Danny then said, " But where did I do wrong? I was a hero before I retired; was it because I date a retired villain?"
Danny had been dating Blackfire for a long time. He saved her after she had fallen to Amity Park, and she is pretty good at taking care of the house and loves the engagement ring. Komand'r Fenton fully retired as villain or alien princess. 
Batman:" I did the same, but I don't think it's that fault. My others are heroes."
Dani's villain costume is based on Danny's and Blackfire's costumes.
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foone · 5 months
So here's how the story goes. Four young adults are teleported away from 1940s earth, where it turns out they're the last descendants of the great sages who defeated evil all those years ago, but with his last breath banished the sages to earth. Now, 200 years later, evil has risen again: a vile sorcerer has raised an army and is threatening the peaceful kingdoms of a fantasy world, and only the Divine Bloodline can weild the Weapons of Light and defeat the rampaging hordes. The heroes take up their weapons and fight the good fight, leading the armies of man and elf and dwarf and beast against the evil orcs, who are vaporized by their touch. They cut a path through the horde and defeat evil's greatest champions, who were guarding the Gem of Control, an ancient artifact that gave the terrible wizard control over the orcish population. Just as one of them swings their hammer to shatter it, the wizard intervenes, and uses the last bit of his control to destroy his army, lest they join you in their freed state. As the pieces of the gem hit the floor, already losing their sickly green glow, they see the attacking orcs fade into mist. They'd killed hundreds in your crusade, sure, but he just killed all of them. They later learn, against all fervent hopes, that this extended to the orcish homelands. Men, women, and children, cooking in their homes, planting the crops, raising brutecows and hunting in the dark forests... All gone in an instant. The scouts report a silent land with tools lying in workshops, food left uneaten at dining tables, and bursting into tears at entering a house to find it was a schoolhouse: Quills lying in all the seats, with rough parchment next to it showing the first few letters of the orcish alphabet.
They redouble their efforts, now fueled with genuine hatred for the evil sorcerer. He shifts his tactics, relying on darker magics to summon undead minions, which don't need the Gem of Control. They don't go poof when a holy weapon touches them, but are still no match for the divine warriors. With a skeleton the size of a zeppelin smashing down towers around them, the warriors reach the wizard and drive a broadsword of light through his chest. The skeletons collapse back into their eternal slumber in little piles on the floor.
The warriors put aside their weapons as they're received with great cheer. They're invited to join the royal families of the four kingdoms, marrying into the human, elf, dwarf, and beast royalty. They spend the rest of their long reign ensuring peace returns, monuments are made for the fallen orc nation, and the remaining undead who fled are not allowed to prey on the peasants, only taking up arms again to fight a den of vampires left behind.
In their old age, the wizard who brought them here reappears. It's taken him decades to develop the right magics, but he can finally send them home. They abdicate, letting their hybrid offspring take control, certain in their ability to run a kingdom with wisdom and justice. They leave behind their holy weapons, in case evil rises again. The wizard warns them that much may have changed in the world they left, as 80 years has passed there while it was only 40 for them, but they still want to see if London still stands and if their families or their descendants are alive.
They appear in the modern day, 2024. They're amazed at the technological progress, of course, but then there's a bigger shock. This isn't just an isekai story: this is a reverse-isekai story.
The holy weapons were forged using the same magics that brought them to the fantasy world in the first place. When they vaporized orcs, they didn't die, they were teleported. Teleported here. Every mind-controlled orc warrior that tasted their blade woke up uninjured... in Portsmouth.
And when the sorcerer tried to wipe them all out as the Gem of Control shattered, all he did was transfer that magic to every one of them. None of them died, except for a few elderly orcs who dropped dead from shock at ending up in England, Earth, 1943.
It's now 2024. The Orc population of London is 3 million. There's twelve orcs in parliament, and another in the house of lords. The world has changed a lot since they left, for the better, the weirder, and the greener.
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too-much-tma-stuff · 1 year
No Body to Bury
This is a full dead spin off of another one shot I read about Danny being given flowers for his grave by a child.
The Justice League had been working with Phantom for a while now, not consistently, but he showed up when they were dealing with something ~spooky~, and he’d given them a way to contact him. They called him in to consult, or to back them up sometimes because he was a bit of a power-house. At first they had thought the name was part of his shtick, after all his powers were ghostly enough and there was something satisfying about having a theme.
They had started to suspect something when the child citizen had given him flowers for his grave, and his delighted reaction. It could have just been a kid happy to get a gift, but it wasn’t, it was clearly more then that and Batman had had a flashback to one of Constantine’s crash course lesson’s on supernatural, the one on ghosts. Graves were very important to them, as were morning gifts like flowers and candles, whatever was culturally appropriate.
None of them knew where Phantom’s grave was, Batman had tried to find it, to find anything about the ghosts life and death, but there wasn’t much. Not before he became a hero in Amity park, so he could maybe guess that the other had died in Amity (if he had died), but there was no deaths that matched up with his appearance. The closest thing was a boy named Danny but he had gone missing years after Phantom showed up, and he’d never been declared dead officially. More was impossible to find, even after the GIW had been disbanded the information they had destroyed about the town couldn’t all be retrieved.
Since Batman didn’t know where Phantom’s grave was he couldn’t leave flowers on it directly which meant he had to actually give them to the ghost boy. It was a bit uncomfortable the first few times, and his kids made fun of him for being emotionally repressed but… it made Phantom so happy, and brought him closer and closer to Batman. He had already started to see Phantom as one of his kids, even if he knew he’d never get the ghost to come back to the manor. The gifts helped, he found that Phantom also liked to receive food, he even picked at it sometimes even though it seemed he didn’t need to eat. Sharing meals with him was a good excuse to actually talk some though, Batman would listen and eat his own food as Phantom picked at his and rambled about space, about recent fights he’d been in, and people he’d met.
Through all that Batman managed to learn more about the young hero, about what he valued, and what he did when he wasn’t being a hero. Apparently he spent a lot of time off world but exploring rather then being a hero to the galaxy. Batman had a feeling superman would be upset by that, that Phantom could be doing more good then he was and was choosing not to. But the ghost was clearly still a kid, or at least had been when he died, and he was plenty heroic, he didn’t need to be dealing with universal threats at maximum sixteen years old, Batman felt bad calling him in for the planetary threats, but sometimes it was unavoidable.
As they got closer Phantom started to let other things slip, that he’d had a sister, and a couple of close friends that he still watched over when he could. When Batman had asked if those people knew he was dead Phantom had fallen silent for a full minute and then changed the subject entirely, Batman hadn’t pushed it that time. If he had Phantom would have retreated, but as it was they kept having lunch together, and the boy let more and more slip. Including more stories about those friend he must have had while he was alive, it was during one of those that he let his name slip.
“So my sister said to me, ‘Danny you should-‘” his mind seemed to catch up with his mouth and he froze, Batman was still too but when Phantom started to fade from view he spoke up.
“Phantom, wait, why don’t we leave the tower and go somewhere private. We can talk secret identities, I’ll tell you mine too,” Batman promised, he thought it was the best way to make Danny feel better, besides he did trust Phantom.
Danny hesitated before fading back into full visibility and nodding, “Alright,” He agreed, looking very young and vulnerable. “Do you mind if I fly us down to earth? I’ll keep you safe from space,” He asked and Batman nodded, letting Danny grab his arms and phase them through the building and out. Danny flue quickly back down to the earth, the side facing away from the sun so it was the middle of the night, putting Batman down in the middle of an abandoned park, landing as well and going to sit on the swing set.
Batman followed, sitting down next to the young hero and trying hard not to think about Ace, another talented and powerful person who went through to much and died to young. Once he was sat down Bruce sighed and took off his cowl, showing his face to the other young hero. “I’m Bruce Wayne,” He said with a wry smile when he saw familiar recognition cross over Danny’s face.
“No way, that makes so much sense,” Danny cackled, which wasn’t the reaction Bruce was expecting. He’d ask about that later, instead he just gestured for Danny to introduce himself next.
“Danny Fenton,” the kid introduced, holding out his hand with an impish little smile. Bruce chuckled and shook it as if this was the first time they’d met instead of having known each other for nearly a year.
“I know that name,” Bruce hummed thoughtfully, back peddling a little when Danny tensed. “Sorry, worlds greatest detective and all, I did a bit of research on Amity Park when you joined us to see if I could track you down. I had ruled that out because your civilian identity didn’t go missing for two years until after you showed up as Phantom. Does that mean you’re not, well, dead?” He asked, rubbing the back of his neck at the awkward question.
“Oh, no, I’m very dead,” Danny said with a bitter chuckle, pushing himself to rock on the swing a little. “But I didn’t die for a couple of years after I got my powers, not fully. I don’t think most people understand what it’s like to die twice,” He said, looking down, already pale hands going white around the knuckles with how tight he was holding the chains.
“You don’t have to talk about it,” Batman said softly, leaning forward and bracing his elbows on his knees. “But if you want to talk, I’ll listen, and I won’t break your confidence,” Bruce assured, they sat quietly for a few more minutes before Danny sighed and looked away.
“My parents were.. well probably best classed as mad-scientists. I loved them and they loved me but they were obsessed with ghosts and with discovery, it was always a tossup which was more important. I would join them in their lab to get their attention, and it was often my job to clean up after them. I ended up being micro-dosed on this stuff they called ectoplasm a lot which probably helped when the accident happened. My parents were trying to build a portal to the ‘ghost-zone’, what Constantine calls the infinite realms. It didn’t work at first, not till I stepped inside it, then it opened and it electrocuted me at the same time as flooding me with that weird glowing green ooze. It killed me and resurrected me simultaneously but not properly.
“Instead of actually bringing me back to life it bound my ghost back to my own body so I became the ghost possessing myself. That’s when I started working as a hero, while I was still partially alive.” He paused, swinging for a moment while Bruce stayed quiet and still, trying not to think about what Danny’s homelife must have been life, or how much it must have hurt to be killed like that.
“After a while the GIW showed up, they tried to catch me, but my parents had been trying to catch or destroy me as phantom for years. The GIW weren’t nearly as competent as the Red Huntress, so I avoided and ignored them. But I started to take it for granted and dismiss them, I didn’t pay enough attention, and they finally got the drop on me. I don’t want to talk about everything they did to me, but it was bad, and it was to much for my human half,” Danny stopped again and bit his lip, there was a hitch in his breathing that told Bruce exactly why Danny was hiding his eyes.
“Danny died, but it turned out that being half human was sort of holding back what I was capable of as a ghost,” He snickered with a little bit of bitter, vicious glee. “They couldn’t hold me anymore, all their little devices got left on my corpse when they forced me out and I destroyed the lab. After that I just… couldn’t go back to my life, it’s not natural. I died, they need to grieve me. That’s- that’s how it works.”
“And did they? Did you… get a burial?” Bruce asked, because he hadn’t seen anything about it in the news. His fear was confirmed when Danny took a deep breath and shook his head.
“No, I didn’t leave my body in the wreckage. I was worried… scratch that, I knew my parents would cremate me to try and keep me from coming back as a ghost, because they didn’t know I already was one. And that would weaken my connection to this world. I need to protect people, it’s half my purpose, I need a connection to this world.”
“Where did you hide it?” Batman asked, his breath catching when he saw Danny’s eyes flash a dangerous red.
“Why do you want to know?” He growled, bearing teeth that were sharper then they usually were. “You gonna give it back to my family for ~closure~? Destroy it yourself to curtail my power? I know Constantine is scared of me, he’d like that.”
Bruce immediately held his hands up in a placating gesture, of course Danny would be protective of his body. “No nothing like that Danny, I promise,” He said quickly. “But I just remember from what I’ve been told about ghosts, having a grave is important and, if you wanted, I would like to see you get a proper burial. It’s your body, you should get to control what happens to it but if you wanted a grave, a funeral, we have a protected graveyard for fallen heros. You’d fit right in,” He said with a uncertain smile.
Danny relaxed slowly, his eyes going back to green and his expression turning contemplative, looking back down as he thought about the offer. “Maybe… maybe,” He murmured. “It would be nice to have a grave, I’ve been leaving the flowers near my body in the ghost zone but… it would be nice to have a grave. I can feel the longing, the instinct. It feels bad to not have… have that, have something.
“But… I am scared. Would you be willing to- if you do an empty coffin funeral and burial for me, I’ll put my body in it, once the coffin is in the protected ground I can phase my body into it?” He asked, looking up at Batman worriedly and it was so obvious Danny was just a kid, a neglected boy who had been unlucky enough to die violently twice.
“Of course Danny, however you feel most comfortable,” Batman assured. Watching as Danny took a deep breath, more out of habit then anything, then nodded firmly.
“Then, I would like that. I know I am still here in a way so it feels weird having a funeral for me but, I still died, and I’d like to be remembered.” He murmured uncertainly.
“Of course, I understand. We didn’t get rid of my son’s grave when he came back because he still died. Being brought back, in any way, doesn’t really undo that,” Bruce sympathized, finally getting a small smile from Danny.
“Thank you Bruce, you’re a good guy. Now… do you need a lift back to the watchtower?”
“Yes please,” Bruce agreed with a sigh, finally standing up and pulling his hood back on. He had a funeral to plan.
"When we do have the funeral, can you ask your son to come? I'd like to meet him," Danny asked and Batman hummed, not sure how to explain the complicated relationship he had with Jason now.
"I'll try," He agreed, that was the best he could do really.
Part 2: here
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solar-wing · 2 months
⚣ Badass 👊
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⚣👊 A/N → @natef458 Last request from my previous account. Now, I can focus on one inbox (at least for now)! Shorter than what I've normally done, but I wanted to keep it simple. Hope you enjoy it! Tamaranean male image generated by AI. WARNINGS: Canon-Typical Violence | Tamaranean Male Reader | Dick Is Nightwing |
⚣👊 Summary → It's Y/N's first mission as a part of the team since he came to Earth. The Team and their leader Nightwing soon found out just how capable Tamaraneans are in a fight.
⚣👊 Words → 3.3K
REBLOGS & replies are greatly appreciated, please! 💛
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Under the harsh glow of the moonlight, the Young Justice team converged around the abandoned warehouse where Vandal Savage and his cronies were holed up. Nightwing was co-leading the mission with Aqualad, coming far in his leadership and skill since they had founded the team along with their friend and teammate Kid Flash, and new friends Superboy, Miss Martian, Artemis, and eventually Zatanna.
Many of the original members had grown much from their early days as a part of the team, moving away from their past titles as sidekicks and coming into their own identities as heroes.
One of them was the former sidekick to the Dark Knight, previously known as Robin, who’d realized he wanted to separate himself from Batman and forge his own path and identity. Thus, within a few years after the team’s founding, he left his position and title as Robin and took on the persona of Nightwing.
He’d come a long way from the kid he was before, becoming more of the leader his mentor, and friend Aqualad saw in him. So much so, that the Atlantean had decided to start letting him help co-lead missions, seeing that was their original deal during that first fateful mission on Santa Prisca. And it couldn’t have come at a better time.
Batman had alerted the Team about a new mission concerning Vandal Savage who had just stolen a prototype weapon from a top-secret government facility. This weapon, codenamed "Project Eclipse," was not only a formidable tool of destruction but was clearly another attempt at trying to make humans evolve as a race due to his crazy beliefs in Social Darwinism and survival of the fittest.
By now, the Team knew this could only be the minor puzzle piece to something bigger. But, a weapon of that capability was way too dangerous to be left in his hands. Thus, they were tasked with intercepting Savage and recovering the stolen weapon before he could carry out whatever twisted experiments he had planned.
Only now, their team had grown much larger, bringing in various new members. Some were sidekicks to other heroes a part of the League while others were just regular people who had developed powers and abilities, whether intentionally or not, and were recruited into the team so they could learn how to control them and use them for good.
They’d lost a few along the way, some choosing to leave the team on their own while others had met a different and more grave fate, one of them being the new Robin, Jason Todd, who’d taken Dick’s place after he’d given up the position of Batman’s sidekick. Of course, the team mourned the loss of their fallen teammates, but it didn’t take away from their strength, especially with the other new members who had joined.
One of them being Y/N, an alien refugee who’d made quite the entrance to Earth just two years prior. He’d escaped from the captivity of the Gordanians, an intergalactic race of slavers who’d attacked his home planet, Tamaran, and abducted him as a slave in the process.
But, the slavers were ignorant of the fact that Tamaraneans gained strength from sunlight. So, when traveling closer to Earth within view of the distant sun of the solar system and after encountering the inherent unpredictability of space travel, Y/N seized his opportunity for escape, breaking free from his confines and escaping the vessel.
They’d pursued after him, hot on his trail as he made his way onto Earth, landing in the unsuspecting municipality of Happy Harbor. Unknowingly, but thankful in the end, his arrival had caught the attention of the Young Justice team, whose base was located in the nearby mountain and had come to his rescue.
It’d definitely been an interesting first meeting, considering none of the Team could understand him since he was speaking an alien language they’d never heard of. That’s when Y/N took it upon himself to lock lips with the Boy Wonder, who had yet to give up his identity and position as Batman’s sidekick.
Apparently, Tamaraneans possessed the ability to learn language through skin contact. It didn’t have to be done explicitly through kissing, but they were also a very direct and forward race when it came to their feelings. Being a race ruled more by emotion than reason.
Simply put, Y/N found Dick attractive and planted one on him so he could learn English, much to the then Boy Wonder’s surprise, but also enjoyment. He didn’t know much about Tamaraneans, but, judging by YN’s appearance, it definitely had to be a planet full of attractive people. But, he only had his eyes on one at that moment.
Now, two years later, Y/N had become an integral member of the Young Justice team, his journey from alien refugee to valued ally a testament to his strength and resilience. Despite the initial language barrier and clear cultural differences that in the early stages separated him from his teammates, Y/N had quickly adapted to life on Earth, his determination to learn and grow matched only by his unwavering commitment to the team.
Y/N brought a unique blend of strengths and abilities to the Team, complementing and enhancing the skills of his fellow teammates in various ways. His Tamaranean heritage bestowed upon him powers and abilities that were on par, if not equal, with those of Superboy, making him a formidable force to be reckoned with on the battlefield.
Like Superboy, Y/N possessed superhuman strength, allowing him to perform incredible feats of physical prowess and to go toe-to-toe with even the most powerful adversaries. His invulnerability made him virtually indestructible, able to withstand the most devastating attacks without so much as a scratch.
But what truly set Y/N apart was his extreme proficiency in hand-to-hand and weapon combat. Trained from a young age in the art of combat on his home planet of Tamaran, Y/N was a master of various fighting styles and techniques, able to hold his own against opponents of any size or skill level.
In addition to his formidable combat skills, Y/N possessed the ability to generate energy bolts and blasts from his hands and eyes, a power known as star bolts on Tamaran. These powerful energy blasts were capable of incapacitating even the most resilient foes, adding a deadly edge to Y/N's already impressive arsenal of abilities.
Together, Y/N's strength, combat prowess, and energy manipulation abilities made him a major asset to the Young Justice team, capable of turning the tide of battle in their favor with a single well-placed strike. Whether facing off against street-level criminals or cosmic threats, Y/N stood ready to defend his teammates and protect the innocent, his unwavering determination and indomitable spirit serving as a beacon of hope in the darkest of times.
As the Team faced off against Vandal Savage and his henchmen in the abandoned warehouse, the air crackled with tension and anticipation. Nightwing and Aqualad led the charge, their years of experience and leadership guiding the team through the chaotic fray.
Superboy, Miss Martian, and Zatanna with a few of their other teammates had split off to retrieve the stolen weapon, leaving Nightwing, Artemis, Kid Flash, and Y/N to hold off Savage and his goons. The battle was fierce and relentless, with Savage's forces proving to be formidable adversaries.
As Nightwing faced off against Vandal Savage in the dimly lit warehouse, the villain was proving himself to be a most formidable foe. Savage's millennia of combat experience and immortality made him a threatening force, his strength and resilience far surpassing that of any ordinary adversary.
The two circled each other warily, each seeking to gain the upper hand in the deadly dance of combat. Nightwing moved with the grace and precision of a trained acrobat, his nimble movements a stark contrast to Savage's brute force and relentless determination.
With a calculated look, Savage launched himself at Nightwing, his fists crashing down with bone-crushing force. Nightwing barely managed to dodge the blow, rolling to the side and countering with a swift kick to Savage's midsection.
But, he shrugged off the attack as if it were nothing. With a savage grin, he came at Nightwing again delivering multiple strikes that drove the young hero further back towards the edge of defeat.
Even with his own experience and endurance in battle, Nightwing found himself struggling to keep up with the relentless assault. His movements grew sluggish and tired as his body began to succumb to the pain of the attacks, his mind racing as he searched for a way to turn the tide of battle in his favor.
As he staggered back from Vandal Savage's brutal onslaught, his muscles burning with exhaustion and his mind reeling from the relentless barrage of attacks, he knew that he was on the brink of defeat. With Savage bearing down on him, his fists raised for the final, devastating blow, Nightwing braced himself for the inevitable impact, steeling himself for the pain that was sure to follow.
But just as Savage's fist came crashing towards him, a streak of emerald energy shot through the air, intercepting the attack with pinpoint precision. Nightwing's eyes widened in astonishment as he watched Y/N swoop in, his Tamaranean abilities allowing him to move with speed and agility unmatched by any ordinary mortal.
With a powerful surge of energy, Y/N deflected Savage's blow, sending the immortal villain stumbling backward with a grunt of rage and frustration. Nightwing could hardly believe what he was seeing as Y/N stood before him, his expression determined and his eyes blazing with determination.
But the battle was far from over, and Savage wasted no time in launching another furious assault. As he lunged towards Y/N, his hands outstretched for the kill, Y/N met him head-on, his own strength and resilience proving to be more than a match for the immortal foe.
With a swift movement, Savage managed to grab Y/N mid-attack, his grip like iron as he sought to crush the life out of the young hero. As he tightened his grip around the Tamaranean’s midsection, he was despondent to see Y/N unfazed by his move, his expression calm and determined as he looked Savage straight in the eye.
"I am sorry to disappoint you, but I am stronger than I look," Y/N declared, his words resonating with undeniable strength and conviction no matter how soft they were spoken.
As he spoke, a flicker of determination ignited in Y/N's eyes, the vibrant emerald glow intensifying until his eyes shone with a brilliant radiance. The Tamaranean brought his foot back before unleashing a devastating kick to Savage's chest, the force of the blow sending the mastermind staggering back. His expression contorted with pain and surprise despite his strength and healing as he struggled to maintain his footing against the onslaught.
As Savage stumbled backwards, Y/N seized the opportunity to press his advantage, launching a relentless barrage of attacks that left the immortal villain struggling to keep up. Meanwhile, Superboy, Miss Martian, and Zatanna had succeeded in securing and disabling the prototype weapon, turning the tide of battle in their favor.
As the battle raged on and the rest of the team rallied to their side, they watched in awe as the Tamaranean held his own against Savage and his goons, his strength and resilience shining through with every strike.
He was relentless, pressing his advantage with unwavering determination as he launched into a relentless barrage of attacks. Each strike fueled by an inner fire and a fierce determination to protect his teammates and emerge victorious against the forces of evil.
Also, no one was allowed to lay hands on his leader like that without repercussions. Vandal truly did not know who he was fucking with.
As Nightwing watched Y/N in the heat of battle, a wave of admiration washed over him, mingled with a sense of awe that bordered on reverence. His eyes traced the contours of his form, noting the fluid grace with which he moved and the unwavering determination etched upon his features.
In the flickering light of the warehouse, the Tamaranean seemed to glow with an inner fire, his emerald eyes ablaze with determination as he faced off against the immortal menace of Vandal Savage. Nightwing couldn't help but be captivated by the sight, drawn to the raw strength and resilience that seemed to emanate from Y/N's very being.
But it wasn't just his physical prowess that impressed Nightwing. It was the strength of his spirit, the unwavering resolve that burned brightly within him even in the face of overwhelming odds. There was something undeniably magnetic about Y/N, something that stirred a longing within Nightwing's heart that he couldn't quite put into words.
With a determined nod, he rose to his feet, his own resolve renewed as he prepared to join the fray once more.
Together, Nightwing and Y/N fought with a synchronicity that bordered on instinct, their movements fluid and coordinated as they launched a devastating assault on Savage and his forces. As they drove their adversaries back, the rest of the team rallied to their side, their collective strength and determination proving to be more than a match for the forces of evil.
As the battle raged on, Nightwing couldn't help but feel a stirring of something deeper than mere admiration. There was a connection between him and Y/N, a bond that transcended words and defied explanation. It was as if they were two halves of a whole, each complementing the other in ways that went beyond the battlefield.
In that moment, as they fought side by side against their foes, the acrobat couldn't help but wonder what it would be like to truly be with the Tamaranean, to share in the triumphs and trials of life as partners, as equals, as something more.
But for now, he pushed those thoughts aside, focusing instead on the task at hand. There would be time to explore the depths of his feelings later. For now, he fought alongside Y/N with a renewed sense of purpose, his heart filled with admiration and longing for the alien hero who had captured his attention in more ways than one.
Y/N used his incredible strength and ability of flight to help launch Nightwing into the air, while Nightwing used his light and agile nature to deliver a series of lightning-fast blows against the villain. Together, they worked to bring the villain to his knees, their combined efforts finally proving to be too much for the immortal.
As Savage finally admitted defeat with a promise and retreated into the shadows, the Young Justice team stood victorious, proud and relieved smiles etched onto their faces from their hard-earned victory. They all surrounded their co-leader and teammate, making sure he was okay while praising Y/N for his prowess in his battle with Savage.
"Dude! That was like total badass moves out there!" Kid Flash exclaimed, his eyes wide with awe.
"Yeah, I know you've been on the team for a while now, but I haven't seen a more well-deserved ass whooping like that in a while," Artemis agreed, her lips curling into a smirk.
"It truly was a sight to behold. Well done, Y/N," Aqualad added, his voice tinged with pride.
"I'm so glad you're both safe," Miss Martian added, relief evident in her voice.
"Yeah, that was a close call," Superboy chimed in, his expression serious.
Nightwing couldn't help but chuckle at their enthusiastic praise, his gaze drifting to Y/N. The Tamaranean smiled, his eyes sparkling with appreciation and gratitude at the praise.
"Thank you. Though, I think my friend here is deserving of just as much credit," he replied, gesturing to the former Boy Wonder.
"Oh, no, you definitely did most of the heavy lifting," Nightwing insisted, shaking his head. "If it weren't for you, I would've been a goner."
"I do not know about that. You were holding your own quite well before I arrived. But, we make a good team, do we not?" Y/N mused, his smile widening.
"Yeah, we do," Nightwing agreed, his cheeks flushing slightly at the compliment.
"And now we know, the next time we need to save our butts, just throw Nightwing into mortal danger and Y/N goes into god mode," Kid Flash teased, breaking the mood.
"Dude!" Nightwing hissed, punching his best friend on the arm.
"Yeah, payback, Robby-Poo," Kid Flash, still using his old nickname for his friend despite his name change.
"Well, we should probably head back to headquarters. We need to get this weapon back to the cave," Aqualad interjected, ever the voice of reason.
"Sounds good to me," Superboy agreed, already heading for the exit.
As the Team made their way out of the warehouse, a warm feeling settled over Nightwing's chest, his gaze lingering on the Tamaranean. There was no doubt in his mind that they would continue to make a great team, both on and off the battlefield.
"Hold on a sec, Y/N. We'll be right behind you, guys!" Nightwing called out to his teammates.
The rest of the team shared a knowing glance, a few snickers, and suggestive grins exchanged between them. But they didn't say anything, opting instead to give their friends some privacy.
Except KF who was giving the vigilante a thumbs-up and a wink.
Nightwing rolled his eyes and shook his head, but the blush didn't fade.
Once they were alone, Y/N turned his attention to the former Boy Wonder, his expression curious.
"Is everything okay, Dick? Are you still hurt?" He asked, voice lilting with curiosity.
The acrobat tried not to blush at Y/N's use of his name, the way it rolled off his tongue like liquid gold. Even though they were technically still in the field and should be addressing each other by their alias names, he didn't mind it. Not one bit.
"No, no, I'm fine. Really. Just wanted to say thank you," Nightwing assured, rubbing the back of his neck nervously.
"For what? Defeating Vandal Savage?" Y/N questioned, confusion written across his features.
"Well, yeah, that, too. But, I meant, thank you for saving me," Nightwing explained, his tone growing soft.
"Oh," Heat growing under the Tamaranean's golden cheeks.
"I'm not gonna lie, I was worried for a second. But, then you came swooping in and turned the tables. I knew I was safe," the acrobat confessed, his gaze locking with the Tamaranean's.
"You are most welcome. It was an honor to fight alongside you. I would not have let any harm come to you, Dick," Y/N replied, his expression earnest, though he wanted to say more.
Ever since he came to Earth, he'd grown into the Earthling culture, which meant he was a lot less direct with his feelings, which proved to be much more frustrating than he thought. Especially when it came to expressing the lingering feelings he had for his leader.
"Yeah, I know. Thanks," the acrobat said, offering a small smile.
"Of course," the Tamaranean responded, returning the gesture.
"We should probably get going. The others are waiting for us," Nightwing pointed out, though he didn't want the moment to end.
"Yes, they are," Y/N agreed, a hint of reluctance in his voice.
"Maybe after we're finished filing our reports and debriefing, we can hang out? Catch up on things, or whatever," the acrobat suggested, his heart racing in his chest.
"I would like that," the Tamaranean replied, his cheeks flushing pink.
"Cool," Nightwing nodded, trying his best not to grin like an idiot.
"Yes. Cool, indeed," Y/N echoed, his eyes sparkling with gleefulness.
"You two coming or what? Let's go," Kid Flash yelled from the warehouse entrance.
"Yeah, yeah, we're coming!" Nightwing called back, rolling his eyes.
With a final shared smile, the two heroes made their way toward their teammates, the promise of a new beginning and a blossoming relationship hanging in the air.
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☀️ | Dick Grayson/Nightwing | ☀️
☀️ | Masterlists | ☀️
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panimoonchild · 1 month
Life goes on for the world, but for Ukrainians, it never will be the same
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Farewell to Taras Onyskiv. Azov. The son of a Hero is presented with the flag of Ukraine, the country for which his father died. Glory to Heroes🇺🇦
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There is nothing fair about war. We have to remind ourselves of this too often, especially when young people die.
As today, when a medic who started his career in the ranks of the Hospitallers, 21-year-old Oleksandr Kucheriavenko, call sign "Kuzma", died while performing a mission.
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Died saving others. According to the battalion's press service, Kucheryavenko had recently mobilized to the Defense Forces.
"A man with an incredibly keen sense of justice. A professional who has worked at all levels of pre-hospital care. An idealist who was always where he had to be. A hospitalist to whom more than one Ukrainian soldier owes his life. A man his mother and bride were proud of and loved. A comrade-in-arms whom we miss.
He lived, loved, and fought. He died saving the lives of others. We will never be able to comprehend this incredible loss for Ukraine, the Battalion, his fellow L20 crewmates, and family," - this is how Oleksandr's brothers and sisters-in-arms, who together evacuated wounded soldiers in 2023 and 2024 as part of the L20 Hospitaller crew, remember him. "Young, hot-tempered, he was one of those who found his calling early on. And he followed it to the end, despite fatigue, pain, and loss," emphasized Yana Zinkevych.
Oleksandr Kucheryavenko died on May 14, 2024, while providing aid to the wounded.
"The Hospitallers urge to support his family, who will have a hard time without their son and loved one.
Cards to help the family:
Mono - 4441 1144 2069 5403 Kucheryavenko Lesya (mother)
Mono - 4441 1111 3547 1013 "Privatbank - 4149 4390 4847 6521 Valeria (bride)
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Second brother died in the war @ maryzalipa. You can support the family of the fallen defender here
I'll show you handsome Mykola, now I can. He's in Sweden on a psychological rehabilitation program for combat medics.
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I opened a bank account (in my mother's monobank) for those who want to help our family.
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The worst thing is that my mother is crying now and saying, "We asked you to stay, but we couldn't save one of them, even if you had." And, of course, she is right. Mykola had the right to demobilize after Pasha's death, but he didn't want to.
These losses cannot be accepted. It is indeed a black spring for Ukraine. Don't be indifferent. Make Russia pay. Please hear our cry out to the world, keep spreading our voices, and donate to our army and combat medics (savelife.in.ua, prytulafoundation.org, Serhii Sternenko, hospitallers.life, ptahy.vidchui.org, and u24.gov.ua).
110 notes · View notes
castrianamore · 1 year
Bitter, Had the Heart
DC X Danny Phantom Crossover
Chapter 1: to see or to mistake
TW: Graphic depictions of Corpses, Mutilation, vile smells
Tim Drake was a brilliant Detective. He was a shareholder of Wayne Enterprises. Middle child of the family really. He was working on his degree in business at Gotham U, as expected. He also excelled, as expected. Nothing could have prepared him for this, though. I’m all his years of detective work nothing was quite this gruesome, this brutal. This slow.
A horrified terror filled expression struck across two gang member’s faces. Their deceased bodies had entrails splayed over the alley and he held a rag over his nose and mouth at the smell. It wasn’t just the decay setting into the bones and souls. It smelled like rotten eggs, sulfur. Mixed with the metallic scent of iron and blood and disgust.
Nightwing landed next to him.
“Oo that’s not pretty,”the man whispered. “Damn that stinks.” Time handed over a rag to his elder brother who very gladly put it over his nose.
“You’re telling me. This is one of the more brutal and gruesome cases I’ve seen in a while…” Tim was trying to take in what he could from below. They had to have been tortured alive as they had their entrails removed, at least most of the other rogue’s in Gotham made their subject’s deaths quick, even if painful but these? This was a new breed of brutal and horrific.
Tim was frustrated. He was a fucking detective for gods sake.
“How many is this now?”Nightwing looked at his younger brother before back down at the bodies.
“8… I think we can classify this as a serial case right now,”he huffed. He pulled out a notepad writing things down.
Smell of sulfur.
Entrails spread out.
Claw marks on the walls.
Symbols written into the alleyway walls in the blood of the fallen.
Faces frozen in horror.
This was the 7th and 8th one and of course it was similar to the others. Smell of sulfur. Entrails spread out. Once they got the autopsy report back he high suspected the heart will have been removed and a bite being taken out of the kidney if there even was one.
“So Gotham has another mysterious serial killer whose signature is as gruesome and messy as the Joker’s entire existence.” Tim had been frustrated with this case since it started and he was beyond grateful for the help. A lot of the bats were in on the case at some point. Duke had been trying to do Daytime recon. Tim and Dick were keeping up with police investigation, namely Dick who claimed he was coming from Bludhaven to help with the case. Got them both the inside information.
Bruce and Damian were trying to track down anything and it had been all hands on deck to keep a watchful eye on the city. Cass and Steph were off-planet apparently dealing with something from the covert ops team of Young Justice. Barb was doing her best to play eyes as she kept an eye on the various cctv footage around the city, but Gotham was big and there was always crime to attend too.
Tim was stretched thin himself. He normally had shareholder meetings in the mornings at least once a week, sometimes twice, and after that it was to his college classes. Tim had college, patrols, the company. Fuck. Let alone the occasional charity galas and other events he had to go to not only as a wayne but as a head of the company as a whole.
Tim was running on fumes as this case was running him dry. That was another reason why Dick was in town to lessen the load on Tim. He liked college and he knew that he wan’t exactly the most social person let alone the most normal(look at his job?) but he did want to do things sometimes with his friends. Though, he was sure his ‘friends’ probably wouldn’t be around for super long. Having mundane friends outside of super hero life was hard, let alone a romantic relationship. He had tried with the other heroes. He had tried with civilians but the civilians just couldn’t understand the time necessary and the excuses he was going to have to make.
It wasn’t that he didn’t want to pursue a romantic relationship but it just simply felt as if he had no choice but to not. Wow, he was tired if hid mind was going off on it’s own separate tangent in mind distracting him from the task at hand. Speaking of…
A small flash of one of the police’s camera’s caught him off guard. Unbeknownst to the group a man in black tech wear with white accents and a mask pulled over his nose was crouched by the body. Hands gloves and a hood up over barely visible black hair. He was taking a sample it seemed of, what was that? How did he not notice that?
There was a green viscous liquid and he just collected it, not just an incredibly small amount, but what was on the body at all. It reminded him far too much of Lazarus water for his liking, but if someone had poured gelatin in it.
“Wing,”Time stated wide-eyed at him.
“I see.”
“We have eyes on a potential suspect,”Tim called over coms.
“Do not engage, follow,”Batman’s words echoed back to him. Duh. They wanted information on the dude. The two backed into the darkness a little more as soon as the police-men turned around he was gone. Tim and Dick watched his foot catch on the ledging as he climbed onto the roof of the building pulling down his hood and looking around. Eyes covered by a pair of goggles that were a stunning and haunting green color. Then it seemed he spotted the bats even from their vantage point, and as soon as they noticed. The man took off running.
“Shit!” Tim exclaimed, moving to jump onto the roof to pursue .
“Red! No engaging!”
“I’ve been following this shit for months, I’ve never been then close to a lead Nighty!” He exclaimed moving to follow.
“Language! But, really?!?” Nightwing followed after time the two moving with ease.
“Stop!!!” He yelled at the black masked figure who merely cocked his head to the side running backwards for a moment before jumping across to the next roof doing a roll. Experienced in parkour at least as Tim and Dick followed suit. Fuck he was fast.
“We need to corner him,”Dick hissed.
“Don’t tell B…”
“Don’t tell B what?”Dick replied before Tim threw two batarangs at his target.
“Red!” Dick exclaimed as the man dropped sliding on his knees to avoid the first one but as he got up the second one hit his leg. Bullseye. The person tripped holding his leg for a moment. A small grunt of pain could be heard as he scooted away from the two of them. The way their face was covered left no idea what thoughts crossed their mind. Nightwing landed next to Red as they stared at the man backing up against the wall to the roof.
“Don’t make us hurt you anymore. Tell us what you were removing from that crime scene,”Red threatened, grabbing his bo staff off his belt and letting it unfurl. The person shook their head as they used the short wall to stand up limping heavily. They weren’t incredibly close to the ground at the moment. At minimum a solid 8 stories high.
Pretty far up Tim would say. Which made the next move shake him. The man looked at them and slowly shook his head and by the time they both realized what they were doing their hearts broke. They gave him a farewell salute with two fingers and fell backwards off the edge of the building and neither himself nor Hightwing could catch him in time. Both running desperately to the edge wide eyed with panic.
It wouldn’t have been the first time someone had committed suicide to escape them. Tim doubted it would be the last either. Fate had it out for them in that way. Fate had it out for them in a lot of ways as Tim would find out over the course of events.
Though they never heard a smack against concrete as they rushed to the side, nor a scream of terror. So when they looked into the alley way the man wasn’t there anymore. Dick and him quickly using grappling hooks to get down.
“What the…”
“Where did he—“
“Infrared?” Dick suggested they both moved to look around them. Just the coldness of the alleyways and setting mid January weather. It was freezing in this alleyway.
“Is that a bed?”Dick pointed out the small campaign at the very back of the alley. A few cardboard boxes set up as a table with a few remains set there. Messy soaked sheets sat on top a cardboard bed with a messy pillow half destroyed it seemed
“Of course it’s a bad.” voice drawing them both out from their mission. “I never thought this would be the way I finally run into Two bats. You’re in front of my sleeping spot.”
They looked up to see a young man(teenager?) he only stood about 5’3. He was bundled up with a hoodie and a black trench coat over it. A soft blue scarf wrapped around his neck, hands shoved into his pockets with piercing blue eyes and ruffled black hair being held down by the matching blue beanie. He looked cold and from the infrared sensors on him the man was abnormally cold compared to most normal humans. A metà Maybe?
He had deep tired circles under his eyes. Skin far too pale to be healthy and a guant looks to his cheeks. His clothing almost just draping off his thin frame. He looked like he was very very sick if Tim could guess.
“Sorry for intruding, then,”Dick spoke up walking in front of him. Giving him a nod that he saw it too. “Did you happen to see a man fall from what roof?”
The man shifted and looked concerned Tim’s eyes looking of his shoulders, eyes, lips. Trying to pick up any subtle mico expressions.
“I just got back from classes, man,”The man sighs rubbing his forehead. “I’m half asleep and running 3 red bulls and a pack of saltine crackers.”
“Can we ask where you’re coming from?”Dick gave a charming gentle smile.
“The library.”
“I see, well we’re looking for a man dressed in all black with goggles with bright green lenses and black hair. He was sporting tech wear. You can give the police a call if you see anything?” Tim pulled out one of Greyson’s cards after he spoke. “We’re working with Detective Greyson at the moment for any leads so you can call the precinct if you see anything.”
The man took the card tossing it over his shoulder.
“ACAB, so can I sleep now? Or are we going to be playing a fun little game of 20 questions with me being the epicenter of the bats hyperfixations.”
“Ah… no, not at all. Have good night,”Dick stated as Tim was trying not to laugh as the man grabbing him grappling them up onto the roof. It was silent as they got a few blocks away before Tim burst out laughing.
“He just…”another laugh,”YEET!” Mimicking the card being thrown over his shoulder.
“That kid is suspicious.” Dick huffed maybe a little salty his normal charms didn’t work on him.
“He’s sassy not suspicious.”
“But his body temperature was—“
“He’s probably a meta Nightwing. Don’t tell the bats that you’re a meta, remember? It’s kind of Batman’s whole reason for keeping the city the way that it is, to protect metas.”
“You’re right.”
“I know. The kid looked exhausted the only thing I picked up from him was that he was beyond annoyed that he had to wait a second longer to go to bed. It’s,”he paused to look at his wrist. “2am.” A pause. If we was a student the mostly likely place he would have been would be the library. Even if you were walking from Gotham U library or a cafe it wouldn’t have taken you two hours to get where they were.” The library and most cafes closed at 11 or midnight.
“What did you realize? You’re smile fell.”
“The university library closes at midnight.”
“Okay and?”
“And this part of town is only a 45 minute walk from the library.”
“Is he our culprit they both have black hair. Could be especially if he’s a Meta explain why he was able to get away from us so fast.”
“I doubt it, that kid looked… sickly to say the least, but he was definitively hiding something.”
“So what was he hiding that he didn’t want the bats to know?
By the time they made it back to the alleyway the mysterious kid was gone.
“Dammit!”Tim exclaimed. This case was frustrating. Everything was going wrong.
“Look we at least know one thing right?” Dick was trying to make light of the situation. “He goes to Gotham U.”
“Dick.. we’re going to find hundreds of people who fall under the broad category. Let’s search “Black hair blue eyes” into the student database and see how many we come up. Let alone the fact that black might not be his natural hair color.”
“Hood could find him…”
“No, Hood has enough on his plate with these murders finding a homeless kid is not part of the problem at hand. The dude didn’t hurt anyone.”
“But if we run into him again,”Dick stared at the quickly disassembled bed the few ratty sheets now gone. “Do you think we could get him to the hospital for some help? Meta or not his readings were… rough.”
“We can’t force people into getting help all the time. It’s one thing for rogue’s who are more than a little insane but a guy who’s sick in the alley way?” Tim shook his head with a sigh rubbing the back of his neck. “We’d be chasing after half of Gotham.”
Tim rubbed his forehead a little frustrated with the general turn of events going on right now. Why couldn’t he get a lead on this fucker. He doubted that googles person would be much help. They looked like an investigator themself but at this point it was a lead and Tim was desperate. Each murder was more gruesome than the last like they were pushing their victims and themselves every time they did it. It had to have been a beast right?
“We need to find the masked person…”
“Yeah no I agree. Whatever they pulled off the body they were looking for that. They knew it would be there.”
“Think he’s the murderer?”
“Probably not, but they seem to know more than us which is concerning in its own right.”
“Not wrong there little bird.” Dick sighed. “We should leave. Head back to the cave.”
“Best, I have too many classes in the morning.”
“You have coffee addiction, you’ll be fine.” Dick smirked as they started back towards the cave moving to write a report of what they encountered on their patrol.
“You trying to feed my coffee addiction?”
“Absolutely not, B might kill me with that one,”Dick snorted.
It wasn’t as if Tim could sleep even as they got back to the manor to crash for night after writing their reports. He remained long after Dick had gone to get some sleep. Eyes focused on the screen and then down at his drawing in front of him. A rough sketch of the new person of interest.
Those eerie glowing goggles were stained into his mind as he leaned back in his chair looking at the file they had created for him.
Name: Unknown
Age: Unknown
Height:5’3 ~
Weight: 115-130lbs~
Appearance: Black hair in black tech wear and a respirator over his mouth and glowing green lensed goggles. White motifs along the outfit with a white D symbol over the left side of the chest.
Status: Unknown
Alignment: Unknown
All these unknowns. How were they supposed to figure it out. He had to meet this person again. He had to find them. He didn’t have a choice. This person was a key in his case. He sent a text to Jason.
“Keep an eye out for a guy that roughly looks like this” He sent an attachment of the drawing he did of the rough outfit in greyscale and what he saw.
“Oh… I know that dude. The people called him Distortion.”
Jason knew of him? How did?
“How?” Cue Tim’s annoyed thoughts at how Jason didn’t care to share this information with them. Any of them. “And you didn’t think a new body on the streets who has a name wasn’t something you wanted to share with the class?!?”
More little bubbles as he was typing.
“He belongs to me that’s all you need to know. He’s an associate. A valuable acquaintance.”
“Well your associate was found removing evidence from my crime scene and bolting.”
“Need to know basis, Tim.”
“Do you know his identity?”
“Can i have it?”
“Absolutely not. He doesn’t want to be involved with the Bats or on your radar. I’d advise deleting the file you’re creating on him. He doesn’t take well to being on record right now.”
“Don’t know Don’t care but he’s incredibly useful and I’d like to keep him on our side and he was very hesitant on even coming to me. He only came to me because he’s operating out of my territory.”
“At least the guy has some respect.”
“He has street smarts. Now back off Tim. You know I let you in on a lot and that’s why I’m telling you this, but him? Distortion? Let him do his thing. If he tells me anything I’ll let you know.”
“What do you get out of this?”
“An investigator.”
“You have us?”
“Not all crime is big enough to involve the bats. Not all crime I can do all the work for for myself. He helps me out locating information and in exchange I leave him the fuck alone.”
Tim stared at the texts.
More typing bubbles.
“You tell Dick, Damian, or especially Bruce about this and I will rat you out for the Yelen case.”
Tim would be silent after all…
He stared at his doodle, ripping it up. It looked like shit anyways. He rubbed his face frustrated really as he made no changes to the file. Dick didn’t have to know about what he knew. This felt wrong to him though. Not just the whole Jason apparently knowing of the guy. If Jason knew of the guy but he remained under the radar of the rest of the bats it was concerning, and even as close as he was to Jason he wouldn’t put it past that guy to keep his issues to himself.
He always thought of himself really. First and foremost. It had been that way since his return mostly. It wasn’t like he never tried. Birthdays and holidays he’d show up. Tim wasn’t going to like that he noticed the mans change in demeanor the past year had done for him. A decrease in murders Jason committed in Crime Alley.
It was subtle enough unless you were looking for it, it wouldn’t be noticed, but tim did. Tim did notice. It reminded him of that breakdown he had a while ago. The anger returning to his brother like it had been there all along slowly increasing. The pit madness returning with a full force nearly driving Jason away from everyone. Jason wouldn’t talk about why the pit madness hit him so hard again.
He wasn’t exactly a feelings guy. None of them were. Dick was the most open of the Bat siblings to openly talk about their emotions and hell Duke had the most normal of a life before it all. Even he was hesitant. They all saw the Black Canary at least once every 6 months and that was only after a begrudging agreement with Black Lightning and the rest of the justice league. Most of they, themselves, weren’t involved in the justice league.
It was also why Cass and Steph being asked to go seemed to set him off. It wasn’t his place.
“He belongs to me..” Tim whispered out the words with a slight possessive tome looking at their texts chewing on his lip a little. A small habit he picked up when he was lost in thought and alone. Usually only when he was relaxed and with family. He couldn’t let people read his microexpressions out in public.
“For a solitary man, that’s quite a possessive statement Jason,”he mumbled into the batcave before standing up and walking up the stairs to his room. Not that he got much sleep either.
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championofnyx · 2 years
Misperception of Issues and Lack of Treatment Part 1: Mary Bromfield 
Now that Young Justice has officially given us two fallen heroes, it is only natural that they have some fun analyzing them, and have found two common traits with both journeys away from the good side: the misperception of their issues leading to a lack of proper treatment. Let’s begin by looking at the case of Mary Bromfield. 
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When we are introduced to Mary in the show, she is a 19-20 year old sensational of magic who used to be on the Team as Sergeant Marvel sometimes between the ages of 11-15 who is struggling to come to terms with no longer being a hero, as Zatanna pointed out, despite the time that has lapsed. Her magic utilizes a fraction of the powers she once has, invoking the same gods, but having to use lay-lines as conduits instead of Mary herself being the conductor, placing a buffer between her and what she once had. But as the arch advances, we see that lay-lines aren’t the only conductors she can use, and can also gain power by stealing it from other living beings: people, planets, animals. This is abused several occasions with the endangerment of teammates. Looking at face value, which is what everyone in cannon does, it looks as if she is too “attracted to power” and gives little required to the wellbeing of others so long as “The cost is worth the result”. Has Mary made some questionable decisions? Yes. But I believe that Mary isn’t power hungry, and is instead, attracted to feeling powerful, the confusion of which is getting in the way of her getting proper help. 
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Every person has something physically, even if they haven’t found it yet, that they do or internalize that makes them feel powerful. Make up, nice clothes, jewelry, relieving clothes, modest attire, defined mussels, defined anatomy, androgymous appearance, really it can be anything to anyone. To Mary, it’s Sergeant Marvel. In episode 11 during the Fate induced mental tests while Mary is confronted with a vision of Sergeant Marvel, Serg. tells Mary, “this is what power looks like'' and that she is “beautiful” and “powerful.” Not strong, not magical, beautiful, a physical paragon of strength. Later when Granny Goodness recruits Mary as a Fury, she does so by playing into the idea that, as the SergMary has both “strength and grace,” prioritizing grace to power. Mary is not taunted with the prospect of regaining the form of Sergeant Marvel so that she can have stronger abilities and a closer connection to the gods with their power is drawn on, but rather so that she may be perceived by others as powerful, beautiful, and graceful. 
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Here is the thing though. I bet Mary has been thinking for the past five years that one day, she may be able to regain how she once felt, Sergeant's strength and physical form. The super versions of the Marvel family all resemble some version of the kids when they are older. Both Mary and Billy, now that they are 20 are smaller, less muscular versions of their Marvel forms, and that must have only grown as they have, giving Mary hope that she may someday become the Sergeant naturally. But the Sergeant is supposed to be permanently frozen at 18, and Mary is over that age now, maybe by a few months depending on birthdates. I cannot imagine how crushed she must have been after passing that threshold of an achievable goal only to fall short. Greg spoke of Mary promising to stop using the form when she was younger, only to continue anyways, no matter how much she meant the promise the quiet, behavior similar to an addict. And addicts often develop tunnel vision to reach whatever their vice is. I believe this is where Mary’s “get the end result no other way” mentality. Zatanna in the training scene tells Mary that she needs to use more creativity in her powers, but why would Mary need creativity when she knows her end result. She has felt powerful at Sergeant Marvel for possibly five years, she’s been to point A and B, all she needs to do is say the word, little thinking required. Of course she only focuses on the end results of situations when the end result of her own internal struggle, that earning to become Marvel again, is so close to one way to get it now. 
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But how do the others play into this? We know from the mental challenge in ep. 11 that Billy and Tommy both had interactions with Mary over her behavior, dream billy going so far as to ask Mary “how could you trade everything for power” which I am pursuing is a direct quote from that memory. Her brother and her new mentor both believe that the problem is one of simply wanting power and they treat it as such. Asking Mary to give up or control her inclinations. But the issue goes deeper than wanting power and is rooted in self loathing over being a powerless child that she perceives as worthless and unneeded. These thoughts can not be rid over by teaching better avenues to gain what you want, as Zatanna had tried to do, and rather require time to explore the source of this hatred, and the time and resources to come to terms with herself as she is. They are two very different conversations. And I truly believe that if others, particularly the elder heroes who had taken mentor roles both on the team five years ago and Zatanna had the second, that Mary would not be furious right now. But they looked deeper at the problem and, instead, took it at face value, leading to Mary spiraling down into such a vulnerability that Granny Goodness was able to manipulate her. 
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 Following a trend that will be continued on in part two. See you then, and tell me what you think. 
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dairy-farmer · 3 months
You know? Seeing all these Breeder Asks makes me want to give it a go >.>
You know what seems to be the Universe's version of the Oak tree? As in a Being both willing and able to breed with fuckin EVERYTHING? Humans. Know what's really REALLY Heroic? Saving a species from Extinction.
Too some? Lois Lane is legitimately a greater hero then her husband. She's the mother of the next generation of Kryptonians, a race that otherwise would have died with Clark.
It's? A big universe. Doesn't have to be an entire Race. The extinction of X planet. Y people. Last of their kind. How utterly hopeless they would feel. Unable to bring their people BACK. And THEN? This MIRACLE of a Race? Compatible dispite being from galaxies away?
They're your HERO.
One(1) space adventure gone funky. Suddenly young justice is... uuuuuuuh.... Space? In Space, definitely. Yep. Lots of stars. Very lost.
They're looking for a Lantern. Someone who could direct them home. Find The Last Scion of (unpronounceable)! Under heavy fire by the people who wiped his people out. The save him! Do a Heroics! Wooo!
Dock on his much bigger, but strangely empty ship. Tragic backstory: unlocked. Is Space Superman. He totally can help them find a Lantern though. Neat.
Everyone but Robin heads to bed. S.S. is tragically hot and has Cool Technology. They get talking. He eventually mentions, tragically, how he will never see his babies brooded. They just need to be incubated, huh? Couple weeks? Then get pushed out?
....you got a Machine to finish hatching um?
............hypothetically, HOW many are we talking here?
Because Robin? A hero. This guy is alone. Last of his kind. And... TECHNICALLY... Robin... COULD fix that. In the time frame they're talking. Technically. But he wants specifics.
And S.S.? Drops his god damned control pad in shock and heart breaking awe. Choked up hope at the impossible, dangled right in front of him. R-really? In a soft teary whisper. Fallen to his knees like Robin has offered him salvation in his despair, the terrible darkness of his life.
Well shit. Yeah, really. Now Robin DEFINITELY has to do it. He can handle it, probably. And it means EVERYTHING to this guy. Let's ball.
So before his teammates can, rightfully, talk him out of what's probably a stupid idea. He follows S.S. back to his quarters. Pulls his pants off. And loses his virginity to the most worshipful tentacle fucking known to man. Gets beads stuffed into him until he feels like he'll burst. Deep where they can't fall out, heavy and growing in his gut.
It's... it's AMAZING. The new sensations. The way S.S. hovers and flutters around him like he's the most precious thing that's ever lived. Being treated like someone precious. The center of his world as his gut swells. Feeling everything shift and press. And when they come OUT?
Thick orbs, one after another. Feeling like they won't END. Grinding against everything good and popping out of his poor abused hole. He cums and cums. Feels so EMPTY once it's done.
Of course, his teammates are LIVID at S.S.. Won't let him NEAR Tim once the brood is out. Bundle him off to the Lantern and tattle. Meaning Tim has to sit in a Lantern health office before they can go home. But...
Tim learned something about himself.
Makes a note if it.
And eventually? Whoop! Weeee're in space again! Damn it. At least this merchant vessel is headed in the right direction, huh guys? Everyone makes new friends!
Tim meets another Last of Their Kind. Their babies are tiny masses of shape-shifting tentacles. Tim says Bet. Learns a lot about their culture, flat on his back, as the babies are Fed inside him via fucking. Births a healthy brood so hard he passes out from the pleasure. Last one has to wriggle its way free on their own.
Kon is gonna tear his hair out. Space is trying to Lewd his team mate. This is two for two! No space for Timmy!
Next time they get yeeted by Heroic Shenanigans into space? Him and Bart basicly handcuff themselves to Tim's side. No babies this time!
There are babies.
A birdman puts an egg in him. Tim feels like a Kiwi. Can't stop rubbing his swollen belly. Kon tries to rip the wings off said bird man and make him EAT THEM. Bart is busy stretching Tim so nothing tears when it's time to push. It feels like being fisted.
The Birdmans father takes responsibility for his grandchild AND child's seduction of Tim. Flys them back to earth on the condition Kon stop trying to kill his idiot son.
Young Justice holds an intervention. Tim you have a problem.
Tim does NOT. Tim has a KINK thank you very much!
No one believes them, when they try to warn others. The PRUDISH Bat child? Who are you trying to fool they scoff, time and again. Then others end up in Space with Tim. And when they come BACK?
They very much Believe Them Now(tm).
Tim is traumatizing the Heroic community and Saving dying Races Left And Right. Is a SAINT and CELEBRITY. There are Space Newsletters and lovingly penned reviews. 10/10 would fuck again. Fantastic surrogate and would Mate Up in an instant, if their teammates didn't try to kill me.
NONE of the other Bats are aware of this. No one wants to be the one to tell them.
Eventually, someone IS going to be saved by Superman in space, hear his story, go "oh that's so sad! But don't worry! We TOTALLY know how you can fix that! See there's this AMAZING guy on the planet Earth called-"
And it's going to be DELIGHTFUL~~☆
😭😭😭😭😭 i'm dying at superman being in space, saving someone, spilling out his woes because bruce has put a cap on the amount of times he can bring up being the last of his kind a week, and getting told there's someone on earth that can birth the revival of his race and learns its TIM!!!
also the thought of tim's team almost pulling their hair out over the fact that their teammate keeps getting knocked up with alien babies! and they try their best to be vigilant but they can't be on every space mission. so they corner tim's team that he's being sent out with and they warn them "do NOT let him get pregnant out there again he keeps doing that shit thinking it'll be alright and won't STOP". and all other capes know about the strightlaced robin, the 'lets get down to business' robin and they don't really believe tim's friends. they think they're just exaggerating. but then tim is humming and round with some last of their kind alien following them around like a puppy because robin is pregnant, he's pregnant and how the FUCK are they going to explain to batman how badly they fucked up?
but it's fine. robin gives birth and they try to cope with their near heart attacks and they decide not to say shit about it because it worked out! until it doesn't because it keeps happening and they don't know how to stop it this kid keeps fucking and getting knocked up and giving birth to tentacle monsters and little eldritch horrors.
giving birth is like his default diplomatic strategy and they HATE that it works so well.
when clark comes back he's so awkward around tim because all he thinks about is the endless amount of stories he's been told about how he's a perfect little incubator and surrogate and how he heals well and gives birth to healthy broods.
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mask131 · 6 months
I have a question about Zeus and Kronos. SEVERAL actually. Their relationship gets more confusing the far you dig into it.
How did the ancient Greeks see their relationship? How did they see the whole conflict between the Gods and the Titans?
In modern works, Kronos and the Titans are almost always portrayed as evil, monstrous tyrants, and Zeus and the Olympians as the young heroes that bring them down.
However, in Greek Mythology, Kronos' reign was the Golden Age, an utopic and paradisiac time of peace, happiness and prosperity, and Zeus is the main responsible for bringing pain, disease, and death to humankind through Pandora.
And to make matters more confusing, patricide was a huge sin in ancient Greek culture.
Was Zeus and Kronos' story a heroic tale of order overcoming chaos, or a tragic "Paradise Lost" type of scenario? Is Zeus a hero for deposing his father, or fallen hero that only escaped divine retribution because he himself is a god? Who was in the right in the conflict between Olympians and Titans? How am I supposed to interpret Hesiod's Theogony?
This is a very complex question that opens the door to many, many possibilities. But long story short: in the Olympians vs Titans conflict, the Titans were definitively in the wrong, and yes we are supposed to root for the Olympians.
Remember, the Olympians are supposed to be the "big goods" of Greek mythology - or at least, mostly positive figures. The enemies of the Olympians are by extension our enemies because the Olympians represent order and civilization. The Gigantomachy is the best representation of that, as the Giants were literaly designed to kill and destroy and nothing else. Same thing with Typhon, chaos and terror embodied.
Now what was the problem with the Titans? Long story short, many things. But what we have to understand is that the Titans are being supposed to represent... yes chaos in a way, but also a more brutal, primitive form of the universe. Yes the Titans are gods like the Olympians - but they are not the same kind of gods. Older, rougher. For example take the Olympians - they are kings and queens over the principles they control. Poseidon rules over the sea but is not the sea ; Zeus' decisions control the weather but he is not the weather. When we go by the Titans, however, we have beings such as Helios who was the literal sun or Oceanos who was the literal ocean. The Titans reflect the primal forces of nature, the rough and brutal, less humanized elements, more personifications and embodiments than deities as we understand them today. So what was the object and purpose of the Titanomachy? The "taming" and ordering of the world. Some Titans sided with the Olympians, and thus became more human and more "ordered" and found a place for themselves within an organized world. Themis for example, who as the embodiment of the Law and of Justice, would of course choose the Olympians' side. Also note that, outside of Themis, none of the Titans reflected any concept or principle part of a civilization. The Titans were violence (Iapetos whose name means "piercer", and Kronos who castrated his own father), the Titans were animals (many are the titans with strong animal motifs), the Titans were the sea and the moon and the sun and the light and the earth... They were literaly born out of the sky and earth. But what came with the Olympians? When Zeus got onto the throne, he started creating new gods through his many marriages and alliances: he brought forth Apollo of the art, Athena of wisdom and peace, Artemis of the hunt of the wild, Hermes of all the sciences, and the Horai, and the Muses, and sometimes even the Moirai themselves. Zeus organized the world and brought many of the concepts we cherish so much today.
Not only was the problem with the Titans that they were primordial and brutal forces of nature, but the problem with the specific Titans that went at war against the gods is that they literaly refused to let fate be and time pass. Kronos' flaw and fault is the most common of all mythology: fighting an oracle, trying to destroy a prediction, trying to avoid his fate. He was foretold he would be overthrown by his son. Not destroyed, not mutilated, certainly not killed (because gods cannot die, they are immortal), but just overthrown. And he refused this. He refused to have his throne taken away from him - he refused to let generations change, to let youth come. He had obtained his throne for right reasons (he punished the sins of his father) and yet through bad means (mutilating his own father). As such he got the throne but was fated to let it go, and know a "lesser" version of what he had inflicted upon his father. But he refused this.
Not only that, but he actually ended up repeating the mistakes and crimes of his father Ouranos. By not just bringing a stasis, but by literaly causing a regression. Imprisoning back the Cyclops and Hekatoncheires he had set free ; and then swallowing back into his belly the children he brought forth, literaly reversing the natural cycle of time. So Zeus' war against Cronos was justified to allow the world to continue its own maturation, and evolve further. And from a world of brutality, barbary and regression, we reached an age of order and civilization.
Now let's take the second side of the problem - the whole "Ages of Mankind".
It should be recalled that the Ages of Mankind story comes from Hesiod's "Of Works and Days", not from his "Theogony". And "Of Works and Days" is not supposed to just be a cosmogony like the Theogony, but rather a didactic work. It isn't about mythology per se, as the true topic of the work is agriculture, and all sorts of advices on how to take care of your field, woven with philosophical and moralist lessons about the importance of hard work. The mythological story woven in the work is meant to be an illustration of why humanity has to work, and is tied to all sorts of socio-philosophico messages, making it closer to a fable in many ways. It should also be taken into account that the "Ages of Man" story is tied in "Of Works and Days" to the legend of Prometheus, Epimetheus and Pandora. A legend also told in "Theogony"... but with slightly different details. For example, in the Theogony the story is very misogynistic as the curse of Zeus is... literaly women. As in, women are evil, and that's it. The version of "Of Works and Days", slightly less misogynistic, is the one with the famous Pandora jar later turn Pandora 's box, and there the evil is contained within the jar and is all a convoluted plan to force the "clan" of Prometheus to end up cursing the humanity they favored. Hesiod was never afraid of contradicting himself - even within the Theogony you have opposite stories, such as how in one part the Moirai are aughters of Zeus and Themis, in another daughters of Nyx that predated Zeus.
Anyway, all of that being said, I want to point out something important: in the Ages of Man storyline by Hesiod, Zeus is not supposed to be the one that caused the misery of mankind. At least not directly. It is true that the Golden Age and the first humanity is said to have existed/been formed under the rule of Cronos, while the Silver Age, which was a downgrade, occured when Zeus arrived on the throne. But the text does not say that Zeus was the one who caused the downgrade of humanity. There is definitively a change, an evolution, but it doesn't mean it is Zeus that "corrupted" humanity. In fact, the text does say that Zeus kept around the first humanity as powerful spirits to help, guide and enrich the following humanity. And Zeus' "rule" is not all bad, as there is a mention of one of the humanities brought forth under him being the Heroic Age, which is considered one of the best humanities after the Golden Age. The legend isn't actually about Zeus "ruining" humanity in any way, as the message Hesiod tries to give here is rather that humanity is living through a sort of natural decline... Yes, Hesiod was quite pessimistic, and honestly you can hear a bit of the old as time rant "Young people are doing everything bad, the world is getting worst and worst, wasn't it better before?". You can literaly hear Hesiod doing his youth-hating-grandpa-rant through his tale.
Afterward, we have to consider the whole Prometheus-Pandora-Zeus triangle... And this is where things get tricky and dual. Now I can't possibly embrace the full scope of the implications of the Prometheus legend. There is a reason he is such an inspiring and powerful figure even today - and Prometheus is one of the most complicated entities of all of Greek mythology. But here is the thing I wanted to say... Yes Hesiod does say and explain that Zeus created all sorts of evil he inflicted upon humanity because he was unhappy with being deceived by Prometheus. In "Of Works and Days" it is an especially strong point because the entire text is about explaining why humanity has to work so hard, and why labor is needed by humanity, and why if we have benevolent deities we must still be burdened by chores and toil. And in general this is an answer to the very same problem that the Genesis of the Bible poses: Why would a benevolent god inflict us a life of suffering? Why do we have to work to eat and why isn't the superior power providing us, if they love us so much?
In the Biblical text, this is explained by the original sin, and by all this being a punishment for humanity's original flaw. But in the Greek texts we have something very different - as it is inflicted... to punish Prometheus? That's what Hesiod's text tells us and/or implies, by making the equation "Zeus got tricked by Prometheus, he got mad, and as a result he unleashed evils on humanity". This is what led to so many readings of Zeus as some sort of petty tyrant who wounded humanity to just get back at Prometheus. And this is partially true in Hesiod's myth... But not the whole truth. Because Hesiod insists on a very important fact: he stands as both a human speaking to other humans, and thus he cries over the misfortune of humanity and our suffering, and he explains it comes from Zeus and thus it is why it is unescapable... But he also stands as a devout Greek, as a herald of the gods' words, as someone inspired by the Muse - meaning he also has to point out that Zeus was in the right. This is why, when you compile the dual legends in "The Theogony" and "Of Works and Days", you get a very ambiguous Prometheus, more of a anti-villain by Ancient Greeks standards.
For example, the idea that Zeus got mad upon discovering he had been cheated by Prometheus is a misconception when it comes to the Hesiodic text. When you read Hesiod's text in the Theogony, what does it say? It says that Zeus was not fooled by Prometheus' trick, during the partition of the cow (when it was time to decide which part of food ent to the gods, which part went to humanity). No, Zeus, as king of the gods and superior god, is all-knowing and all-seeing, and the text does say he did knew of Prometheus' trick as soon as he laid eyes on the divided cow. He did play along with Prometheus' trick, but he got massively angry - not at being cheated, no... he got angry at the idea that Prometheus had rigged the game, and had tried to deceive him. See this as some sort of betrayal - he entrusted Prometheus with doing a fair share, and he discovers the Titan had rigged the game. Similarly, when Prometheus stole the fire, Zeus got angry because it was a theft - a theft opposing his law and decisions, an act of rebellion against his position as a king - and yes he would dislike humanity, because now they literaly had a stolen good that they were not supposed to have. Remember that Zeus is a god of justice whose deal was punishing criminals and enacting the law - so of course, a cheater, a scammer and thief like Prometheus would displease him, especially when he is not just a rebel that opposes Zeus' very rule... but also who threatens the cosmic order.
I said it before - in Ancient Greece everything was about balance ad harmony. Humanity had to be "balanced". And the actions of Prometheus literaly placed humanity out of balance. When the partiton of food came, Prometheus rigged the game so that humanity would have the best part. As a result, Zeus had to inflict an "handicap", a "flaw" to humanity so that they wouldn't be too overpowered. This was the removal of the fire. But then Prometheus stole the fire back, making humanity over-powered again. And so Zeus decided to bring the ultimate "handicap", the ultimate "flaw", the ultimate "evil" that would never go away... Because that's another thing with this legend. Zeus never takes away what had been given by the gods. When the partition of food was done, Zeus did not fight it. Zeus removed the fire yes, but when Prometheus gave it back, he did not remove it again. Once something is gifted, it cannot just be snatched back - again, Zeus respects the laws, the promises, the customs. A choice is a choice, a gift is a gift. Which is why, to weaken humanity, Zeus had to GIVE something instead of remove it. And this gift was A) in Theogony, Pandora. Because the Theogony's misogynistic take on the Pandora myth is that SHE was evil because women are by nature evil and ruin humanity. B) in Of Works and Days, the gift of the jar containing all the evils and misfortunes. Which, as I said, was a clever plan to have Prometheus' own family balance his over-powering of humanity by having THEM bring upon humanity something bad. As a way to even things out. When Hesiod evokes the person that brought misfortune upon humanity, when he describes the source of all the evils mankind has to suffer through, he doesn't speak of Zeus... He speaks of Epimetheus. Or of Pandora. But not Zeus. Zeus isn't the "culprit" in Hesiod's texts - rather it is either Pandora (for, misogynistic time, women are inherently curious and curiosity - and women in general - is evil), or Epimetheus (for being a dummy who gets seduced by pretty appearances, doesn't think of anything before acting, accepts any shining gift and is too naive for his own good, trusting both his enemies and the people he doesn't know). Oh yes, the human in Hesiod will cry and lament that Zeus is persecuting humanity... But he will make it clear it was the fault of Prometheus and Epimetheus (Pandora doesn't get much of the "culprit" treatment" because she is either seen as A, the evil Epimetheus brought into the world, B, just a tool and extension of Zeus' own will, and so not an actual "culprit").
The final piece of the puzzle that allows us to understand a bit more the tale of Hesiod is that we have to recall what was the worst crime ever in Ancient Greece. Hubris: for humanity to believe itself equal or above the gods. This was the manifestation of the Greeks' immense fear of unbalance and disharmony, when the low humans tried and believed themselves to be above their natural condition, about to rival with the immortals who were perfect in body and mind (well... absolutely perfect in the religion, much more flawed in the myths and literary works). And all the actions of Prometheus worked on bringing forward humanity close to hubris. By giving them a food better than the gods', by leaving them the full mastery of fire - especially since at the time it was the early humanity, the "golden age", those long-lived, happy, careless, ageless humans that were basically Tolkien's elves - Prometheus was literaly building rivals for the gods. Remember that what Prometheus did was seen as an act of rebellion and disobediance towards Zeus' order, ruling and position... Betrayal of his king, so to speak. Zeus had to inflict on humanity something so that they wouldn't get too overpowered or too similar to gods - he had to inflict on them something that would remind them that they were mortals, not gods, and that the world did not belong to them.
And THIS is where the "Silver Age" problems come from. As I said before, when Hesiod uses Cronos and Zeus to evoke the Golden and Silver Age, he uses them more as chronological markings than anything. By making the Golden Age Cronus' era, Hesiod places this humanity in the far, far, far away distant past, in a time beyond what is mythical - in a time before the actual organized time of the gods people knew, before what humans understood of humanity. And Hesiod insists in his texts that the ills and the worries brought by either Pandora's presence among humanity (Thegony) or by the jar of Pandora (Of Works and Days) are what caused humanity's downfall as they started aging, and falling sick, and losing their happiness, and living shorter... So long story short, it isn't because Zeus became king of the gods that the Golden Age became the Silver Age. It is rather because of the chain of events started by Prometheus - it is because of all the punishments Zeus had to took against the rebellious and cheating Prometheus that the original humanity became another. So... while yes, Zeus did send the evil, the texts of Hesiod also make it clear it is kind of Prometheus' fault. Hence the anti-villain status: yes he tried to favorite and help humanity, and thus is our hero... But he also tried to destroy the order of the world and is the reason we were cursed in the first place, so he is still a villain. Mind you, in the times after Hesiod the Greeks would come to gain a much more positive view of Prometheus - but I am focusing here only on Hesiod since it is what the question is about.
The best metaphor I would have would be : all those incidents we have today when we favorize and protect one species in an ecosystem because it is "cute"... and by doing so, we ruin the entire ecosystem. This is literaly what Prometheus did, as the trickster-rebel, and what Zeus had to fight as the god of order and balance. (And again, we have an Hesiod that is literaly doing grandpa rants about how the "good ol' times" were better and the "youth today is crap", so of course he would offer us a myth where the established order and ruling monarchy is praised, while the rebellious opposition is demonized... with the nuance that the rebellious opposition protected us humans, and thus we have this very ambiguous territory.) It is no wonder that in modern fiction dealing with Prometheus, a question arises that was first brought forward by commentators of Greek myths: did Prometheus act out of excessive love for humanity, or more to get at Zeus? Both options are possible: in "The God Beneath the Sea" for example Prometheus is this tragic figure of someone who loved too much humanity and tried to protect it at all costs... But in the French novel "Prometheus the revolted" by Janine Teisson, he is more presented as a cunning, exploitative schemer that uses humanity as a tool to discreetly try to get back at Zeus, because while he sided with him, he could never fully accept his new king due to his older Titan alliegeance. Which interpret is correct? We can't tell, because the older record is just very ambiguous...
As a final, final note, we have to bring in more "outside-the-text" context to the whole situation. Because these stories were told within a society that had an established hierarchy, an established religion and established morals differing from our own, hence why we can lack some key information to get the nuance. For example, in "Of Works and Days", Hesiod cries and laments about one of the punishments of Zeus against humanity - hiding the grain of plants below the earth, and forcing humans to work to grow their crops and their food. A punishment which is nuanced when you remember something from Greek religion that the text does not speak about: Zeus was one of the favorite gods of farmers and crop-growers, and seen as their ally, because he was a god of fertility and agriculture. Zeus was the god of weather - but of good, fertile, helpful weather. Zeus sent the fertile rain that made the plants grow and the earth alive ; and he also sent all the sunlight needed for fruits to mature and plants to be healthy. This was in fact part of his dicotomy with Hades - Hades kept the grain under the earth to protect it, and then Zeus helped it grow into a plant above the soil. (And yes, this is tied to the Persephone legend in some ways). When you know that, you realize that Zeus might have cursed humans with having to work hard and search hard for their food... But he also clearly helps them to do so by sending the weather needed for the crop to grow well.
Just like how he is said to destroy the various humanities of the Ages of Man one by one to punish them or due to other incidents... But he then grants them some pretty sweet things. Like how the Golden Age humans became Greek-equivalent of guardian angels, benevolent semi-divine entities, or how the men of the Silver Age were said to be among the "Blessed" in the afterlife, and supposedly to dwell in some sort of paradise...
Of course the issue is infinitely more complex, and there's entire books written about this, so this is just a fragment of synthesis. But to return to the original question... Cronos, and the other Titans, were not at fault for oppressing humanity or being tyrants, no. From what Hesiod gives us to read, the Titans in fact had nothing to do or didn't care about humanity in the first place - since before Zeus' time we have no record of any god mingling with humans. We'd have to wait for the Olympians for humanity to become "interestng" or even "desirable" in the yes of the gods. No, Kronos' true crime was a cosmic one. The Titans had to be overthrown because they refused the natural flow of time and the natural evolution of the world, because they repeated the same oppression they had delivered the world from (Ouranos'), because they had enforced a stagnation and even a regression, perfectly symbolized by the image of the father swallowing the babies as soon as they are out of their mother's belly. The gods do grow - but they grow trapped within their father's stomach in a perverse, reverse pregnancy, and in a mirror of how Ouranos' lust also prevented life from spreading forth into the world. And we'd have to wait for Zeus to force a new "birth", through making his father vomit, for the gods to finally be able to accomplish their purpose in life - change the world and make the universe go forward...
As a final note, and I think this is something Jean-Pierre Vernant said (but a lot of what I said above comes from Jean-Pierre Vernant): Zeus overthrowing Cronos is a symbol of the rule of brute strength and violent tyranny being stopped. How did Cronos reached the throne? By castrating his father. How did he maintain his rule? By imprisoning his siblings and devouring his own children. What happened when he was challenged? A cosmic war. And Cronos ruled alone as sole king over the universe. But when Zeus came into the world... He was first of the gods, yes, but he still shared the world with his brothers, so that there were three "kings of the world". His first instinct was to ave sex once he was king, yes, but he didn't just "have sex". He symbolically or officially married the most important goddesses (Themis, the Law/Justice, Mnemosyne, Memory, Metis, Prudence/Wisdom) to bring forth the embodiments of order and peace: the Horai, the Charites, the Muses, the Moirai, Athena... And, unlike Cronos who had imprisoned his siblings as soon as he was king, Zeus accepted and rewarded his allies among the Titans, making entities such as Themis, Helios or Hecate first-rank deities in the new pantheon. AND, while he did overthrow his father, it was in the result of a long war, without any brutal mutilation, and what he merely did was imprison him - and perhaps even latter forgave him and released him according to some stories. So we are definitively into a much better rule than the predecessor.
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owlwithanapple · 4 months
Your Hero
Part 16.
( Bakugou Katsuki X Y/N )
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On the way to the Shirogane Drug Research Center, you clicked the phone to read information on social media, accidentally found a story related to Dynamight. You clicked on it to take a closer look.
On a certain day in a certain year, a huge tragedy occurred in the world, taking away countless lives and Quirks. All professional heroes, including students from the U.A. went together to face this danger.
A chaotic battle put everyone in crisis. Even all the professional heroes were deeply exhausted and seriously injured. When everyone fell into despair, a young hero who was covered with wounds stood up again. He faced despair and declare that will definitely win.
Everyone has fallen into a tragic and desperate situation, but these did not make him who was seriously injured and bruised bow to failure. For his self-esteem, for winning and losing, and for his dream of becoming the No. 1 hero, he once again stood firm in despair and guided everyone.
His stubbornness, self-esteem, pride, dreams and desire to win all pushed him step by step to the top and beyond his limits in despair. His shouts and fighting spirit instantly awakened in desperate situations and ignited the fire in their hearts.
Since he was a child, he has longed for All Might, the No. 1 hero symbol of peace. After the birth of the strongest hero, he has always been at the top of the hero popularity list because of his upholding justice, bold style, and superior combat power, so he is called the "No. 1 Hero."
But that young hero is different. He has a fiery personality, a strong self-esteem, and possesses powerful Quirks and fighting talents. He endured all the pain just want to win. Even his whole body could not move, he did not give up the small hope of victory.
He will never give up to prove his strength and worth to everyone at any time. Even if he falls into the abyss, even his body is seriously injured, even if his self-esteem is ruined, he will still get up again.
All Might is a character that is loved by the public as he shows a confident smile even in crisis. He is the complete opposite. He pursues the way to win and lose, and pursues first place. Even though he has a fiery personality, he has never forgotten his original intention.
The young hero relied on his talent and strength to become the youngest professional hero in the new generation. After winning recognition from many people with his excellent results and outstanding abilities, he successfully climbed to the top and became the No. 1 Hero.
With all his strength and sweat, he successfully proved to the world that he, who was still a young hero had reached his peak. He was once an immature boy, but now he has become the strongest No. 1 Hero.
Now entrusted with important responsibilities, he has set off a wave of heated discussions around the world. Although there will always be people criticizing and talking about him behind his back, these remarks actually push him to continue to prove himself.
This famous and powerful hero is Bakugou Katsuki, Hero Name Great Explosion Murder God: Dynamight.
"Hedgehog. Your history is at the top of the rankings." You looked at your phone.
"Of course! I'm No. 1!" He said confidently while driving.
"But this article is a bit fake because you are not as handsome as it says." You said with a smile.
"I'm going to fucking kick you out of the car!" He complained.
You heard Bakugou's words, but ignored him and looked out the window, not out of anger or disgust. It's just the following investigation mission that makes you feel a touch of melancholy.
Your situation seems familiar to the case, but can't tell whether it is related to the case. You and Katsuki decided to investigate before making a conclusion. He proposed to keep your own situation confidential for the time being.
On the way, Katsuki repeatedly warned you if remembered something, must tell him and never hide it. His intuition emerged in his mind and kept telling this case is related to your situation.
If your past memories are just an ordinary life, he feels reassured for you. But if the past really lying on the operating table, injecting drugs or human experiments are simply too inhumane and cruel.
Although you are calm, he knows that you will show a hint of uneasiness, and not show it immediately when something happens. He knows you are really feeling uncomfortable right now.
"I believe you." Katsuki said suddenly.
"Eh?" You turned to look at him.
"You are Hero, have to face any crisis, whether it is the enemy or yourself. Remember two points, I trust you, you have me to rely on." Katsuki said calmly.
You calmed down immediately after hearing what he said, and you were no longer as melancholy as before. It's incredible that he doesn't treat people gently, but the words that come out of his mouth are polite and comforting.
After arriving at the Shirogane Drug Research Center, Katsuki parked the car and you were about to get out but he stopped you. You turned your head and he kissed your forehead then lips. After separated, he glanced at you and smiled proudly.
"What are you doing?" You asked him with a blushing face.
"Just admiring you. Get out of the car." He got out of the car.
"The fuck?" Leaving you in a daze.
After you got off the car, you saw Kenji talking to other police officers, and several summoned heroes standing on the other side. Dynamight whistled for you to come over and go with him to understand the situation.
Kenji distributed the information from the research center to you and Dynamight, the two of you walked over to the heroes who were looking at the information. The heroes present that you are familiar with, including Hawks who is chatting, Deku who is reading the information, Shoto who is expressionless, and the cute Froppy.
"Hey, old friend! No.1!" Hawks immediately waved to you.
"Hi, everyone!" You walked towards them holding the folder.
"Wind Breaker, Kacchan." Deku greeted you both with a smile on his face.
"This is an investigation mission." Shoto said calmly.
"Kero, but why are you targeting this drug research center?" Froppy tilted her head asked.
"Idiot! Since it is related to drugs, it is basic common sense to start the investigation from the drug research center." Dynamight said.
You flip through the pages and read the information. The recorded information is the same as what Dynamight showed you privately, because they are all previous records.
The founders are Shirogane Raiju and Hayase Mei, but there is no news about them. A search team was sent to investigate before and there was no trace at all. Only the remaining files and information were retained.
Seeing the faces of these two people, a picture flashed in your head unconsciously. You pressed your head closed your eyes to recall it, but you only saw the picture of the operating table that kept playing in your mind. This picture made you feel extremely scary, you have begun to sweat.
A feeling of nausea filled your heart, you covered your mouth ran to a corner far away from the research center to spit it out. After vomiting, you no longer feel that way. You take out a handkerchief from your pocket and wipe your mouth clean.
"Damn it!" You hit the ground hard to calm yourself down.
It was just the photos of those two people that instantly reminded you. Although memory was fuzzy, you pretty sure you were related to this research center. The only thing that can be done now is to complete the investigation mission.
You felt someone tapping your back. You turned around and saw Froppy was following you to see how you were doing. Her expression showed concern, you stood up and responded to her with a smile.
"Kero...are you okay? You don't look good." Froppy hugged your wrist.
"I'm fine. Thanks for your concern, Froppy." You smiled.
"Just call me Tsuyu-chan." Froppy said with a smile.
"Then...Tsuyu-chan. You can call me Y/N-chan or Wind-chan." You said shyly.
"Kero~" Tsuyu-chan stood beside you happily.
The two of you were startled by the sudden call. You took out your phone it showed "Hedgehog". You answered the call immediately. Froppy stood aside and waited silently.
"Where are you?" His tone seemed a little anxious.
"I'm going back with Tsuyu-chan now. Sorry, I suddenly felt unwell just now." You explained to him.
"You go back to the car and wait for me." He said.
"It's really okay now. I can continue participate in the investigation mission." You said.
"Don't try too hard on yourself." He said.
"I'm begging you let me continue, Katsuki." You said urgently.
"Hey! You..." You hung up the phone on him.
Call Ended-
You looked at your phone it showed you had hung up on Katsuki. You blamed yourself. You knew he was concerned about your physical condition, but you tried to push yourself again and again.
You admit you are afraid. There is a pit deep in your memory that you don’t have the courage to cross. The vague fragments always disturb you, but you are even more afraid of recalling everything that happened.
"Wind-chan..." Kero comforted you.
"I'm fine." You said.
After you finished speaking, you saw her groping in her pocket. You stared at her out of curiosity to see what she looking for. She took out her phone and you looked at her blankly.
"Let's exchange contact information so we can keep in touch in the future." Tsuyu-chan smiled.
"Okay!" You happily took her phone.
You entered your contact information into Tsuyu-chan's phone, and she put your name as Wind-chan. It feels like she is comforting you in this way, but having her as your friend will naturally make you feel much better.
"It's okay, let's go back together." Tsuyu-chan said.
"Yeah." You smiled happily.
You all returned to the door of the research center to gather with the others. You saw Katsuki leaning against the door with his hands in his pockets and glaring at you. You looked at his fierce and cold eyes, you swallowed hard as you approached them.
"Here, old friend." Hawks threw a bottle of water at you.
"Oh... thanks." You took a sip of water after catching it.
"Are you okay?" Shoto asked.
"You looked very bad just now. Are you feeling uncomfortable somewhere?" Deku was nervously concerned.
"I'm fine." You shook your head.
"Wind-chan, do you have something to say to Bakugou-chan?" Tsuyu-chan poked you.
You nodded in response to Tsuyu-chan and walked over to Katsuki. His hands crossed in front of his chest expressionlessly, you took a deep breath to prepare, thinking about what you wanted to say.
Others watching from a distance were nervous for you, because Dynamight just glared at you with an angry look on his face. They didn't dare to get close to you two at all, for fear of starting a fight and not being able to stop you.
"I'm sorry Katsuki, I shouldn't have spoken like that and hung up on you so casually. I want to face everything, whether it's memories or you. Are you willing to give me a chance?" You smiled lightly.
"Do you know being unwell will affect your work? If you have time to apologize, why not save your energy and wait aside." Katsuki walked past you.
Listening to what he said, you understood his point. It was your stubbornness and assertiveness that caused the quarrel. Instead of yelling at you, he calmly reasoned with you to made you understand.
Katsuki is such a person. The calmer he is, the scarier he is. The more violent he is, the stronger he becomes. The combination of the two personalities is simply a strong one, but as his subordinate you have been causing him trouble and slowing him down.
You just stand there and reflect on yourself silently. In private life, you and he are lovers, but in the workplace, you work with him as a subordinate. You still know his bottom line very well.
Rather than sighing here, it's better to concentrate on completing the investigation mission now and then complain. It's work time and you have to stay awake and sane.
You mustered up the courage to shout to him "Dynamight!"
He stopped and looked back at you, "Huh?!"
"I know what I just did was wrong, but I want a chance." You walked up to him and said to his face.
He crossed his hands on his chest and looked at you expressionlessly. You felt his resentment, but he was much calmer than before. It was scarier than you imagined. Please stop making trouble next time.
"Final warning, if you dare to slow down the work, I want you to get out and stop interfering." He pointed at you.
"Yes! Boss!" You laughed, your heart finally calmed down.
After a while, Kenji came over and said, "It will start in 10 minutes."
"Ok!" Everyone was fully prepared to start the investigation.
You and the other heroes gathered together discuss the topic of the investigation mission. During the discussion, Hawks kept staring at you. You ignored him and continued the discussion. Until the conversation ended you were curious about what he was looking at.
"Hawks, is there something on my face?" You patted his back and pointed at your face.
"Come here." Hawks put his hand on your neck and pulled you close to him.
"Damn Eagle...get your fucking dirty hands off her" Dynamight complained from the side.
"Bakugou...why are you so murderous?" Shoto asked.
"Shut up! Half and half!" Dynamight scolded Shoto.
"Are you hiding something from me?" Hawks suddenly asked.
"Huh?" You asked him in confusion.
Hawks leaned close to your ear and said "Who left the mark on your neck?"
You were confused. He said there were marks on your neck. You took out your phone and looked at your neck. You saw there were teeth marks there. You immediately covered them with your hands wondered when they were there.
"Who is so possessive? Tell me!" Hawks clung to you.
"I..." You were thinking about how to explain.
"Old friend, don't tell me you don't know who it is~" Hawks looked at you with a mischievous expression.
"Fuck him to death." Dynamight was very angry.
"Kacchan?!" Deku was stunned by his aura.
"Bakugou-chan is much scarier than usual." Froppy added.
The only thing you thought about was Katsuki seemed to be biting, kissing and licking your neck in the morning. Although it doesn't hurt, but there doesn’t need mark in such an obvious place. When think back to what happened in the morning your face turns red.
"Keigo...you're annoying..." You said with a smile.
"I know him?" Hawks smiled sinisterly.
"Huh?!" You were surprised that he actually wanted to guess.
"General citizens or Hero? Wait! Let me narrow down the list and guess which lucky person it is." Hawks was curious.
"Keigo...you fucking want to guess?" You tilted your head.
"It's boring to tell me directly, so I'll just guess. Give me a hint. Is he here?" Hawks said with a smile.
"Hahaha." You nodded awkwardly and he was right.
Hawks looked around to see who it was, but he decided to be evil. He wanted to see who left the marks. After all, his personality is such a naughty one, he pulled you close to him and looked directly at you.
"Keigo?" You were confused by his actions.
"Your eyes are so beautiful." Suddenly he complimented you.
"Huh? Are you acting like an idiot?" You looked confused.
Hawks looked directly at you, and you knew that he did this on purpose to lure out the person who left the marks. You and he have been friends for several years so knew who he was.
Katsuki, who was in the distance, watched Hawks treat you very close, and he felt jealous. He vaguely felt that Hawks treated you differently, but now not the time for him to intervene.
"So who is it?" Hawks' face slowly came closer to yours.
"Fucking Hawks!" Just as Katsuki was about to pull Hawks.
You covered his face with the document "Sorry, my friend. I'll tell you next time."
Seeing you blocking Hawks' approach with documents, he finally felt relieved because you reject him. He's jealous because Hawks has known you longer than he has.
"Tch, stingy. You still want to hide it from me." Hawks pouted.
"I'll tell you when the time comes." You smiled and walked away.
The thought of Katsuki leaving marks in conspicuous places made you feel shy but a little amused. You walked up to him and prepared to argue with him, while Deku and the others stepped aside.
You stepped on his foot. "Boss, give me an explanation."
"Don't like it?" He tilted his head and smiled evilly.
"Fuck..." you secretly chuckled.
"The investigation mission can begin!" Kenji shouted.
"Yes sir!"
Once the door opens, Dynamight leads you and other heroes into the research center to conduct investigation tasks, while Kenji and other police officers patrol outside and seal off the scene.
Now it’s time for you to find the truth.
Part 16 end.
*If you have any ideas, you can leave them in the comment section, and I will try to add in the story.*
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violetduchess · 1 year
Never Forgotten
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Summary: Your light has left but will never be forgotten.
CW: spoilers for season 2, themes of death, angst, established relationship, mentions of pregnancy
Note: I'm sad so you have to be.
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In the quiet confines of your home, darkness seeping through the windows like an omen, you clutch a letter in trembling hands. The letter bears grave news, news that shatters your heart and leaves you with an indescribable ache. It carries the weight of a tragedy that has torn apart your family, your soul. The letter confirms what you had feared, yet hoped against hope would never come to pass—your husband, Rengoku, the valiant Flame Hashira, has fallen in battle, a casualty in the relentless war against the demons that plague the world.
As you read the words, tears flow freely down your face, staining the paper with your anguish. Memories cascade through your mind, vivid flashes of moments shared with Rengoku—his radiant smile, his unwavering determination, the strength and compassion that emanated from him. It feels as if the world has lost a guiding light, leaving you adrift in an endless sea of grief.
You touch your abdomen, a gesture of both comfort and sorrow. Your heart aches with the realization that Rengoku will never know about the life growing within you, the precious gift that fate had bestowed upon you both. You recall the tender conversations you had imagined, the joy that would have danced in his eyes when he learned he would be a father. It was a secret you had intended to share with him upon his triumphant return from battle, but now, those dreams lie shattered like fragile glass, never to be realized.
In the depths of your sorrow, a new presence fills your home. Your young son, Kenjuro, approaches, his innocent eyes reflecting a trace of his father's spirit. Every fiber of his being reminds you of Rengoku—the same vibrant personality, the fiery determination, and the unwavering sense of justice. Kenjuro is a living testament to the man you loved and lost, a constant reminder of the love and sacrifice that shaped your life.
As you hold your son, tears continue to stream down your cheeks, mingling with the bittersweet realization that while Rengoku may never meet his son, his legacy lives on within him. In Kenjuro, you see the strength to carry on, to honor Rengoku's memory, and to protect the flame of hope that he fought so fiercely to preserve.
The days pass, marked by the weight of absence and longing, but also by the flicker of determination that burns within your heart. You pledge to raise Kenjuro in a world free from the clutches of darkness, to ensure that the sacrifices of your husband and countless others were not in vain. Though your soul is burdened by grief, your resolve remains unyielding.
As the sun sets on another melancholic day, you whisper a vow to the heavens. "I will raise him to be strong and righteous, Rengoku. Your legacy will shine through him, and together, we will keep your flame alive."
In the face of loss, love endures, and the bond between you, Rengoku, and Kenjuro remains unbreakable, transcending the boundaries of life and death. And as you embrace your son, the echoes of Rengoku's spirit resonate, guiding you forward on a path of honor and remembrance, a path paved with the immeasurable love you hold for a fallen hero and the flickering hope that still remains.
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breannasfluff · 7 months
The First & The Fierce
“Your imprisonment was willed by the heavens. It was meant to make you strong. Like a sword hammered and honed so that it would never break…
“But because of this, your life has been full of suffering. I will ensure your gentle, heroic spirit will live on eternally.”
-Hylia, Skyward Sword Manga
He has no name, but he is the god of justice. A counterpart to his sister, the one they call Hylia. He is shaped by the beliefs of the hylians. Gods are slow to change, but the world is still young.
A war breaks out as demons try to invade the surface. Prayers–belief changes. And so, the god of justice changes as well. The world is still young, remember. Justice alone is no longer his domain. Now war joins the ranks.
And it is this change of godhood that allows him to interfere. 
The hero Link is dead. Blessed, yet doomed as soon as he lifted the blade. Hylians were his sister’s interest. Yet the god could not stand idly by as justice swung out of balance. Hylia could have her spirit. She could join those she loved to stand beside a future hero.
None of that would save this current one. 
When the god steps onto the surface, Hylia still holds the fallen hero. She’s beautiful when she cries, yet he is not swayed. His sister is young and still naive. She believes tears and pleading will change the will of the Golden Three. 
The god knows better because he is just. 
Hylia looks up at him, perfect eyebrows crinkling in confusion. “Brother. You come to the surface?”
“I am the god of war.” He turns to scan the surroundings; razed beyond use. Dead litter the field. “But first, I am the god of justice.” He returns his gaze to the fallen hero.
His sister wipes away a shining tear. “He was so brave. Yet still, he fell.”
“They are fragile creatures.”
Hylia nods and lowers the hero to the ground. Her dress is stained red; she smoothes it away. Pure as always. 
“I know the path you have chosen,” he says. 
“Do you agree?”
“It is not my place to agree or disagree.”
She snorts; a boorish sound from a slender throat. “You are ever the god of justice, treading a path down the center.”
“That I am.” 
“What does a god of war do with no war?”
“As you say, I am the god of justice.” Will he miss this? Perhaps. Still, he should get on with it. Hylia made her choice. He will make his.
Stepping forward, he crouches by the fallen hero. In death, the lines of agony on his face have smoothed away. He is still so young. 
“Sister, just as you have made a choice to join the mortals, so have I.”
“What?” Her voice is sharp. “You want to join them? Give up your divine form? You’ve shown little interest in them in the past.”
Is she…defensive? Ah, well, she is still young. The god meets her gaze and nods once. “My purpose may be changing but this? This is not justice. Not for him. I will return that balance.”
Hylia lets her gaze fall on the hero. “I cannot save him.”
“And that is why I will.” 
Read the rest here!
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