#Don't ask me I don't use Tiktok and I don't play Minecraft
royalarchivist · 5 months
👤: What do you mean you want a relationship like two Minecraft blocks?
Pac: You would not understand
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Pac just posted this on his Tiktok...?
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incorrectbatfam · 7 months
Damian being a gen alpha implies in gen alpha Jon too ...
[at a sleepover]
Damian, whispering: Jon?
Jon: Yeah?
Damian: Our planet is doomed.
Jon: Yeah, it is.
Jon: Wanna sneak downstairs for snacks?
Damian: Sure.
Steph, as a Batburger cashier: Sorry ma'am, that product was discontinued months ago.
Jon: *secretly starts recording*
Margie: You didn't even bother to check! What kind of lazy service is this? No wonder the world is the way it is with your generation. I should call the corporate hotline right now and report you for refusing to serve a paying customer. See how you like it when you lose your job.
Damian: Hey Karen, she said they don't have it anymore. Either get something else or leave. Some of us have places to be.
Margie: And who do you think you are?
Damian, pointing to Jon's camera: The best friend of someone with 150,000 followers.
Jon: Say hi to the internet!
Damian and Jon: *putting up hand-drawn posters around town*
Comm. Gordon: What are you kids doing?
Damian: Advertising our joint channel.
Jon: We're gonna have an epic Cheese Viking and Fortnite mashup tournament.
Damian: Proceeds go to the Wayne Foundation.
Comm. Gordon: *scribbles a note and hands it to them*
Comm. Gordon: If anyone asks you for a permit, it's on me.
Damian and Jon: *huddled around the Batcomputer*
Jon: I think we should sort it by distance instead.
Damian, typing code: Good idea.
Barbara: What's that?
Jon: Our new website.
Damian: It allows people to report stray animals they see without the risk that comes with physical contact.
Barbara: Oh, cool. Carry on.
Kara: What do you want to drink?
Jon: Mountain Dew. Dami, you want one?
Damian: Depends. Is it vegan?
Kara: *starts typing into Google*
Jon: Hey Alexa, is Mountain Dew vegan?
Jon: Dami, get on Discord.
Damian: Why?
Jon: Live-action One Piece streaming in the Gay Minecraft server.
Jon: Ms. Kyle, check it out!
Selina: What is it?
Damian: TikTok added a set of Catwoman stickers.
Selina: Show me.
Kate: I still think you are far too young for things like Instagram.
Damian and Jon: *snicker*
Kate: What?
Jon: Well, Ms. Kane, how should we put it...
Damian: No one uses Instagram anymore.
Jon: *takes a 0.5 of him and Damian with Dick in the background*
Damian: You're in our BeReal now. Deal with it.
Dick: What's a BeReal?
Damian, handing Jon a rock: I would like to buy this playhouse.
Jon: Too bad, the economy just disappeared.
Lois: What are you doing?
Jon: We're playing Society.
Damian: Alfred, we're hungry.
Alfred, on the phone: *makes the thumb and pinky gesture and mouths "I'm busy"*
Jon: Huh?
Alfred: I'm on the phone, boys.
Damian: I think he meant this.
Damian: *puts his palm to his ear*
Jon: Parkour!
Jon: *hops over a log*
Jon: Parkour!
Jon: *climbs a tree*
Damian: *recording*
Clark, to Bruce: That's one way to play.
Bruce: Mhm.
Clark: Do you ever get worried about, you know, how these kids are turning out?
Jon: Parkou—
Damian: Wait, stop, there's a bird's egg here. I wonder what species it is.
Jon: I have an app that can scan it.
Bruce, to Clark: I think they're gonna be alright.
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imaginemcyt · 2 years
living with the dream team headcanons
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dream is super helpful. need help setting up a new pc?? he's on it. you're washing the dishes? he's drying them :)
you and george watch tv or movies together and judge tf out of them. y'all are petty bitches (we love him tho). 10/10 it's so much fun
dream and sapnap will walk in and y'all are throwing popcorn at the tv and trash talking wendy williams and they're just like "😀"
sapnap tries to get you to watch anime with him and you probably aren't nearly as engaged as he wants you to be but he's glad you'll watch it with him at least
sometimes you guys have movie nights but usually they end in arguing over movies or george on his phone 😐
george has the WORST sleep schedule so he'll wake up at 11pm or finally get to sleep at 9am
sometimes you'll be awake at ungodly hours when he is, which leads to conversations at the kitchen table at 5am about literally anything at all
going on breakfast/lunch/dinner dates with them for literally no reason <3
"hey y/n, wanna go get lunch?" sure thing sap
"hey y/n, since it's just us here do you wanna go out for breakfast?" yes i do dream
"wanna order some pizza, y/n?" absolutely george
playing minecraft with them in your free time
doing stupid challenges and fucking around on new worlds
showing up on stream or in the backgrounds of videos sometimes
chat loves it. sometimes on george's streams they'll ask for you, or on sapnap's they'll ask how you are. you've been heard yelling britney spears lyrics in the background of dream's stream before
chat loves you omg
modelling their merch for the website !!!!!!!
being their literal best friend omfg
dream 100% sends you songs at like 1:31am and a text that says "idk why but this song gives me you vibes"
and they're always bangers
listening to music in sapnap's car with him and dream
going to the skate park with sapnap, even if you don't skate, just to hang out
late night convenience store runs with him, too
patches loves you
and you obviously adore her
once dream came home and found you and patches cuddled up on the couch fast asleep and mans almost combusted on the spot
he took pictures and sent them for you to wake up to
you and george make tiktoks together and they're always really dumb but you love them
if you're a cc, they're your biggest support and hype squad
or at anything you do, really
your lockscreen is a picture of the four of you doing something dumb
they all love you so so much!!! /p
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toxic-transvestite · 4 months
Minecraft altars
Pt: Minecraft altars
Before this starts I'd like to note two things! One, I am not an expert. I am but a guy in the internet who loves to talk like one. Take everything I said with a grain of salt and through your own perspectives. Two, this is coming from a PCP witch! The altar I will be using as base example is for a PCP god. I'm assuming the same principles apply for any kind of god, but keep in mind that's where I'm coming from.
This post also uses altar to refer to a space for an entity. Similar things can apply for more personal altars though!
That's out of the way, here's some tips for building an altar in Minecraft! (Under the cut bc it's going to be a long one)
1. Pocket vs Bedrock and Java
There are benefits to both of these! I find controls on bedrock to be easier, especially if you're already used to your choose devices controls. Honestly Java is my favorite place to play Minecraft in general, but it's not always the best for an altar. Pocket addition has the benefit of being (easily) transportable. You can use it as a travel altar unlike the other two. (This mainly applies to those who aren't already versed in Minecraft) (also obviously price plays a part in this as well)
2. Building skills
These are obviously not a requirement. I just like everything being pretty. If you also like everything being pretty, watch a few Minecraft build videos! They can be short form on TikTok or long form. Try to observe techniques used and replicate them. (Only applies if you care about aesthetics and not just function!)
3. Inspiration ideas
This'll be the longest section I fear. It'll be a list within a list! Things you may want to keep in mind when building;
- Actual altars/temples. Whether these be full scale ones or in house ones. You can take inspiration from your own if you have one, or observe others! You can also take inspiration from architecture from your entity's time period.
- Associations. Are there animals, plants, other entities, ECT that your entity is related to? Try to include those! For example, the entity I was building for is associated with another person who's associated with red. So I added hints of red into the altar. I put bookshelves inside, and crops outside. Color magic also applies here! Minecraft has basically any color candle you could want so you can go wild. Item frames are an easy way to display items that are associated with your entity as offerings.
- Imagery. There might be a painting that resembles your entity. Or a mob, or any of the many things in Minecraft. Try having a scroll through the inventory and see what seems right
- Prayer/spell books. Minecraft has both a book you can write in and bookshelves you can put those books in. It is entirely possible to use this to create a library of prayers or spells.
- Paintings. While I've forgotten how to do it, it is possible to upload images into Minecraft. If you're like me and don't particularly feel like doing that and want a painting, go through the default ones and choose one that resonates
That's all! If I've forgotten anything please add on! I'd love to hear other's input on this. Thank you for reading this novel of a post. Remain respectful in the notes and have a good day!
(note: if you'd like to see the altar I built feel free to ask! This post is already long enough so I won't be attaching it here)
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koolades-world · 3 months
Hi hi! Just wanted to start off by saying I love your work ╰(*´︶`*)╯♡
Anyways I was wondering if you could do some comfort hcs for an mc that has IBD? You’re fine if you don’t want to write for this since it’s pretty uncommon from my understanding.
Note: I felt it important to say since there’s lots of misconceptions floating around (cough cough TikTok-)that IBD has lots to do with diet. Either it playing a role in the cause or for treating it. Which all the specialists I’ve seen have said diet is neither the leading cause nor is it the solution. All it is that some foods irritate for no particular reason and should generally be avoided.
Sorry if I overshared lol I’ve just had people tell on multiple occasions that it’s a diet thing when it’s not- it’s an autoimmune disease.
Thanks so much for reading my little impromptu rant. Again you don’t have to write for it if don’t wish to due to it being a very niche topic. Anyways hope you’re well stay safe.
hi!!! of course I can! no worries about oversharing or anything, i actually didn't know that was a misconception and help me out :)
i'm almost certain i have ibs (long story short i couldn't get diagnosed but it runs a very clear path in my family and all of my symptoms match up exactly the same it's like it was copy and pasted) and of course so i could properly write this i did a little research, and based on what you said and what i read, it sounds like people are getting the two mixed up which is something that could be fixed by a simple google search :( i'm so sorry you have to deal with people like that
i hope i did you justice and this could be a little respite in your day. enjoy <3
Mc with IBD
he tries his best to make your days better in little ways!
gift baskets will randomly appear in your room filled with things you'd only mentioned in passing that you wanted or needed to him
if you're feeling up for it, he'll take you out for a meal at least once a week to make you feel special. it might not be fancy every time, but you can still feel the love
if you're not though, no worries! he'll do something equally as nice at home for you with food he made himself
if you need surgery, he's becoming your personal nurse while you heal!
every moment he can be, he's by your side
lots of cute little forehead kisses and magically producing your favorite candies from behind his back for you
you won't even have to lift a finger to change what you're watching on tv, let mammon take care of it <3
he's the king of staying in, so if you don't feel like going out, his room is always open to you!
you don't even need a password to get in, because it's you
if you're ever feeling down or unwell because of your ibd, he always lets you have full control over what you do
if you play a game like minecraft together, he'll always have surprises ready for you so next time you play, you'll find it <3
he's curious about your medication and does extensive research into it
he always makes sure any painkillers or other meds you might take won't interfere with your ibd meds!
he will recommend the over the counter painkillers if you want them that have the least amount of bad side effects, such as tylenol because he hates to see you in pain
he's got lots of connections and will use them in any way possible if it could possible help you
he's the best at making sure you take good care of yourself!
if you're bad about taking your meds, he'll get you a cute little pill divider
will also get a matching equally cute water bottle that you can use to help take the pills
he ensure everything can be done while being fashionable, because he finds that it makes things more bearable for him, so why not his favorite person too?
he knows quite a lot about supplements and vitamins, so if you take them, he's asking you questions about them because he just wants to get to know you better
he is always there for you if you need someone to talk to, or just want to rant/vent
provides the best comfort and warm hugs :)
like his twin, he also gives great hugs
he's your number one fan of course! he's always with you even if you're not in your bed
it may take all of his energy, but if you want to go out, he's going with you no matter what
he'll even share his signature cow pillow with you 🥺
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goldentoshi · 2 years
warnings: cursing, suggestive comments
all of the bonten boys were sitting down in the dinner room after dinner and a meeting. they just got off a zoom call with their manager when sanzu opened his mouth to ask. question.
"when the fuck did you and y/n become a thing?" sanzu asked.
"a few days ago." rindou shrugged, as if it was nothing. he honestly wasn't paying attention, too focused on texting his new 'girlfriend'.
"didn't y'all like dispise each other a few weeks ago." mochi asked.
"things change." rindou chuckled, his entire focus on his phone.
favorite idiot: i changed your name in my phone just in case someone sees you texting me
rinrin <3: yours is favorite idiot and i'm not changing it
favorite idiot: ofc you wouldn't 🙄 we also should probably start texting like a couple…for the same reason..can you come to ikea with me tmmw too?
rinrin <3: does y/n want me to start calling her princess and sweetheart?
rinrin <3: sure, why not. i want a new bed anyways. what time do you want me to get you?"
favorite idiot: how about 1pm? we can get food after
rinrin <3: sounds good to me
favorite idiot: could you just not bring your motorcycle? i've never been on one before
rinrin <3: awww what're you scared?
favorite idiot: ngl, yes
rinrin <3: don't worry princess, you can hold on to me if you need to
favorite idiot: you promise?
"what has you smiling over there, loveboy?" ran asked his brother. when he didn't get a response, he calmly walked over behind him and stood, looking over his shoulder. "oooh your favorite idiot is texting you."
"fuck off ran." rindou said, shying his phone away.
"how did you get a girlfriend before us?" kokonoi asked. "especially one as fine as y/n. that girl would've got all the work."
"dude. don't talk about his girl like that." kakucho said to his friend.
"i'm just saying, y/n is probably the sexiest woman i've ever seen in my fucking life." koko shrugged. “lucky i didn’t get a hold of her. would’ve fucked fucked the life out of-“
"she got any single friends?" takeomi asked, cutting off his much vulgar housemate, “someone who isn’t in a relationship.”
"katara is sing-"
"dibs." ran said before rindou could even finish his sentence.
"what the fuck, no fair!" koko said.
"hey, dibs is dibs." mikey finally spoke before going back to his ramen.
"katara is so fine." mochi said. "two pretty best friends."
"stay off tiktok." takeomi laughed.
rindou quietly walked away as the group continued the conversation. something about koko's words made him...angry. for all everyone know, you were his. "fucking asshole." he muttered before starting grand theft auto 5 on his ps5. "hitting on my girl."
his girl? that made him freeze as the thought crossed his mind. everyone thinks that y/n was his girl. not ran's, not haru's, not even mikey's.
rinrin <3 : come see me baby. i miss you.
hopefully that didn't sound too cheesy. oh god, she's not gonna respond-
favorite idiot: okay rin. i miss you too.
"you okay?" y/n asked. as soon as she had arrived to the gaming house, rindou practically dragged her to his room before shutting the door.
"yeah." rindou said before the realization of what he did hit him. he tried to hid the blush of embarrassment that grew on his face before he spoke. "i know this isn't exactly apart of our agreement but i just, i dunno, was lonely."
"ypu don't have to say that, rin. you need me , call me. kay?" you reassured him. “we’re still friends right? i mean, you can call me for anything.”
“yeah, okay.” he mumbled, a feeling he’s never felt bubbling in his chest. “sorry for scaring you.”
"it’s okay rin, i swear. wanna play minecraft?"
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serendipity : a very good coincidence, often leading to something really awesome.
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echotunes · 1 year
@royalarchivist your dms seem to be turned off but I took some timestamp notes for Quackity's very late night stream! in case you can use these for your timestamp archive
6:33 "I need to go really far away before I explain what I'm doing here. Okay?" (teleports to his Richarlyson area)
7:45 "all admins, now that the eggstatistics have been posted, are gone" he also says he thinks Forever is using an autoclicker which is illegal; Q wants to break rules to see what'll happen, so he reads them all out:
do not abuse glitches or game mechanics
do not utilise unintended minecraft features such as iron golem farms, dupe glitches, villager breeding, gold farms, tnt machines - "I don't know how to do any of that"
do not travel to the end dimension, it's currently locked - "I don't know how to find that either"
"I'm gonna save rule 4"
no hacking
use common sense and try not to ruin other content creators' content "I could go into badboyhalo's room and mess up his content but he's not streaming right now so that doesn't count"
if you find a bug or a game-breaking mechanic please communicate it to staff - "I know none as of now"
you are allowed to play off-stream, but try not to make significant progress - "I could grind all night. actually that wouldn't be offstream that doesn't make any sense"
you cannot get more than two rows of hearts - "anyone know where [the hearts-providing statue] might be? metagaming is against the rules so I'm already breaking a rule here" -> he decides to go to Tallulah's garden to use her statue
12:20 he breaks into Wilbur & Tallulah's house to look for the statue
13:00 he gets himself six more hearts "this is fucking fun, what the hell, no admins are on, this is fun"
13:36 4. do not travel to the nether, it's currently locked "well to hell with that" - he goes back to the Richarlyson place and wants to make a Nether portal because "I just wanna see what happens"; he doesn't want to use the favela Nether portal because he "doesn't want to be near there"
14:50 BBH notices in chat that q is online - q responds "ignore me" and starts building a nether portal
18:11 (after yelling at chat for making fun of him about his limited nether portal knowledge) "tiktok's gonna have a field day with that one. they're gonna say like… quackity explodes on stream"
19:28 (after misplacing obsidian) "I misclicked. It can happen with JuanaFlippa, it can happen with me."
23:34 he tries to enter the Nether portal and is teleported back to spawn instead, which gives him the advancements We Need To Go Deeper and Subspace Bubble since he's so far away from spawn. he immediately starts wondering if there's a way to glitch it and make it send him to the Nether anyway
26:40 while he's breaking his portal to rebuild it somewhere else, one of the faceless Cucurucho construction workers shows up and starts punching him, then gives him a book & quill saying "stop breaking the rules!" he asks where the "normal" Cucurucho is and says "can I just try?"
28:10 "what are you? what the fuck are you?" he tries to start breaking the portal again but they keep punching him
28:40 he attacks and kills the Cucurucho construction worker (BBH in chat: o_O what the fudge, quackity what are you doing) and loots their corpse, notably finding 113 Netherrack, 7 ancient debris and 11 quartz in their inventory. He logs off because he killed an admin, saying he'll go back tomorrow and sell the Nether blocks they were carrying to Foolish; he says he'll be playing with Vegetta at 12pm PST, and ends stream
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xdesiress · 2 months
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I will be listing some byi and dnis here, besides some side informations. I'd highly appreciate you reading it if you're new to this blog!
So to not clog, everything will be under the cut.
Greetings you may refer to me as Desireè, Desires, or Galaxy, a Brazilian artist who's birthday is at the 9th of March :)
/I/ use mainly he/they pronouns. I do not mind what you refer to me as, but I'd appreciate these two most.
My Instagram account is mainly for cosplaying now, and SCPTale is used for an SCP x Undertale crossover project I'm working on with a very close friend of ours.
I also have a TikTok but only post MLP content there as of the moment. I DONT USE ANY OTHER SOCIALS. DO NOT TRUST ANY THAT ISNT LISTED HERE.
I like SCP, zombie media, Dark Deception, Skullgirls, Minecraft, Monster High, My Little Pony and more.
I have a Discord server for friends and moots that is SCP themed, anyone is free to join so long as you message me privately for a link! We tend to play games, watch movies/series or draw together in Voice Chats a lot, sometimes we just talk and info dump to each other.
⚠️ I don't mind my Art being used for PFPs BUT YOU MUST CREDIT ME. ⚠️
If I've known you or followed you for a longer while you are free to ask to just add me there and not join the server itself, I don't mind it either. I'd love more buddies to talk to.
Asks are likely to be always open as well as my PMs unless something dire happens, so feel free to shoot a message anytime! I don't bite!
At that.. feel free to ask these Alagadda goobers ;)
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- Reblog my artwork with hate. (Ex; specific character praising and bashing another one involved. I deeply love all the characters I draw and it really saddens me when I see that happen.)
- Ship my Rubedo with Nigredo.
- Whitewash my characters.
- Tag my work with Br/ght. Refer to the BYI section for insight.
- 049-J hate. Just don't, please.
- As someone with new access to psychiatrists and medications, I am still trying to figure out just what exactly affects us. It is important to note that the i take BPD and Depression meds and as well am on a list for possible ADHD and Autism. Mood outbursts and unintentional blindness to how I speak is bound to happen and not intentional. Please, let me know if I accidentally say something hurtful.
- Despite having taught myself English for 2 to 3 years it is still not the best and I don't know a lot. Have patience with my grammar and be polite. I am also learning French and Spanish and on the same page in those regards.
- People who still use Br/ight, I /gen won't block you or anything. You can talk to me and everything. But please do not tag my work with his name! Only THEN will I take any action, especially if it's under artwork I make of any of my friends' versions.
- I would likely prefer that people under 15 don't interact with my blog, unless I already know you and you already follow me for a longer time. Then you're chill! I won't block you or anything, it's moreso for your own good than anything, really.
- Talk to me about my hyperfixations and I'll love you for YEARS.
- If you think I owe you explanations about my personal life. What I want to speak of freely I will, what I don't, I won't.
- Basic DNI criteria.
- You hate on furries 'just because'. I'm not one, but I'm not ignorant to people just having fun.
- If you partake on discourse every second of your life and try to drag me into it. I don't have the emotional stability to deal with that type of stuff.
- If you plan on acting like a jerk and drastically change my character designs into something that erases their traits.
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bearsinpotatosacks · 1 year
I've had a modern youtube/streamer au for Top Gun in my head for a bit
Goose streams Minecraft a lot
He's not like DreamSMP level (I know almost nothing of this so don't ask me anything) but more like Jacksepticeye or Callmekevin
He tries to stream with Carole but she's awful at games so he ends up just building her things
He has a youtube series where each episode is just "Building a library for my wife in Minecraft" or "building a zoo for my son in Minecraft"
He plays among us with the 86 boys
This is the one game Carole plays, she is so devious and there's a tragic scene where she's imposter and kills Goose and Goose is heartbroken
Ice is a video essay kind of guy who does some gaming, mainly he does speed runs and has a jokey rivalry with Mav
Mav has an onlyfans
Slider does exercise tiktoks
But also commentary videos like Danny Gonzalez
Carole is a booktuber
There's plenty of bits in Goose's streams where Bradley toddles in and they play games together
He also plays the piano of course
I can imagine Goose and Carole's fans call them their parents
Goose jokes that they didn’t get him a father's day present
Yes he sells Goose merch
Carole also talks about being a mum, gives tips and stuff
Goose calls his fans the gaggle
I'm not totally sure what Mav does but he does it chaotically but with expert skill
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frogcraftingg · 2 years
hi! I hope it's ok to ask this but. Ive been wanting to do more MC content and came across your stuff, which has inspired me more to do more content! I was wondering how much success you see posting on other platforms to promote your YouTube channel and all? Ive been doing shorts on YouTube, along with posting on TikTok and Instagram, but a lot of people state that YT shorts are unreliable if my main goal is long form content... Ultimately I'm looking to build a community around my stories I tell on Minecraft. And I'd love to hear from someone with more experienced in the area I'm interested in!!
Hi! Such a great question!
I'm a bit newer to trying to promo my content via different places, so I'll give you the short version and then explain.
TLDR: I'd say there's some success to be had in cross-promoting, though I've had the most success via Instagram first and TikTok second, but I follow trends and try to apply them to my niche, or show off different bits of my worlds and promote my videos on the worlds that way. It has varying success.
Explanation: So I wanna start off by saying I don't post ANY short-form content on YouTube. Similarly, I stopped posting anything except for Let's Play/SMP content + the occassional tutorial as that's pretty much what I want to make and the audience I want to build. Posting short form (as well as long form) content to YouTube can be tricky because those videos can pop off with a certain audience but then other types of videos can have trouble getting to the audiences you want them to (i.e., less regular watchers than usual watching the videos). I think there are people who have success but I've not caught on to what that is, exactly. I think it's easier to convert people over if they like to watch long form rather than short form content.
TikTok can be hit or miss. TikTok imo really values educational and/or highly entertaining content. There is room for story content, but it has to grip people right from the first second and as an amateur storyteller (me, I'm just starting out on that journey haha) that is very hard to do!! I really look up to people like GeorgeIRL (this video is my favorite), but most of my success there is about the packs I use and recommending other packs/mods. I've had a few other random videos/memes do well, and sometimes I do have people come into Twitch streams/find me on YouTube and recognize me from TikTok. If I have a trending video about my hardcore world or whatnot, I will usually reply to comments saying I make videos (link in bio) if they are interested.
Instagram is where I've personally seen the most success, as it has a really untapped market for Minecraft imo. I apply trends via the reel sounds there to my niche (like this video here or another example that popped off) and this has definitely brought people to my YouTube and Twitch channels in the last month.
I wish I had more info on storytelling specifically for you, but as far as rates for getting people to one place to another.... Conversion rates, no matter how good your content is, are usually pretty low, I'd say maybe 5-10% max at their "best." Even with a combined ~90k on TikTok/Insta, I definitely don't see those numbers on Twitch or YouTube yet (via live-views, views per video, subscriber/follower counts, etc).
I didn't really try to promote my bloodlines content as it's lore-based but also new to me, so i wasn't 100% sure how I wanted to present it. I may have better feelings in the future once I get the hang of insta reels a bit more on how to do it.
As far as pure numbers go though...Truthfully, the best conversions for me have come from Twitch and I think there's a lot of room for storytelling and creating a world (together) there that people enjoy, though I did also have a lot of luck there with the twitch recommended algorithm and live-streaming in general based on the start circumstances that I had.
Overall though I love that you are doing something fun and including a story in your worlds, it's absolutely amazing. Wishing you the most luck, let me know if you wanna chat anymore about anything!
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foxysciencedork · 2 years
The funny thing about autism is that no matter how well you THINK you know the symptoms, you sometimes don't think one applies to you in a meaningful way until the realization of "THATS WHAT THAT MEANT" hits you like a train.
So one autistic behavior/symptom/trait/thing is that we like to organize. A young autistic will line up their toys by size, their gummies by color, ect., ect. And that's fine. Now, I only organize gummies sometimes and I don't seek the task, but no autistic will have ALL they symptoms, so that's perfectly fine. It doesn't make me doubt my validity, especially considering my older brother was diagnosed, and I have plenty of other symptoms.
But then it hits me. I'm bored at work, so I'm making a list:
Potatoes: Packaged
Cucucmbers: No Barcode
Bannanas: Barcode
Strawberries: Packaged
Melon: Packaged
Zucchini: Barcode
Yellow Squash: No Barcode
And I was watching a tiktok on break about a woman's ideal job and she goes "If I'm being honest with myself, it's data entry. My autism loves sorting things into their own lines and it's just satisfying." And then I'm FORCED to realize that that's what I was doing for the first 3 hours of my shift in between customers.
But that's not even the worst part! I now have to remember things I've done and the way I've played, and check in my memories for more instances of this.
I used to play a roblox game, Royale High. Back in 2019 I'd finally managed to get every item in the game (excluding halos and IRL purchases) and do you know how I did it? I MADE A FUCKING CHART. I wrote down every item, if it was for sale, the price/trading price, wether or not I had it. If I couldn't trade or buy it I marked it as "luck". I specifically remember getting to every pair of wings, because the next day they overhauled the wings and increased my goal by an amount I don't remember, 100,700? Somewhere around there. Do you know how I KNEW what the difference was at the time? I MADE A CHART TO DO THE MATH. Bullshit.
Then there's minecraft. Every time, without fail, I abandon a survival world. When do I do that, you ask? When my chest system is set up, of course. When else? I've organized all my stuff. Nothing else to do.
In math? I loved the teacher that had us chart to get the answer in geometry. It was a weird "prove it" thing but I enjoyed it. Honorable mention: My favorite formula, the Quadratic Fucking Formula.
Even when I draw! I make a whole graph to show how many color combinations I could get with a set. Then I never look at it again.
I would make ciphers for fun. Line up the alphabet, make up some squiggles, even alternate squiggles. Once I wrote a short story that went to a brand-new code every SENTENCE.
HELL. Even now, I decided to make a FUCKING LIST of dissorders/symptoms that line up with a close friend (who is definitely NOT just anxious and overweight, too many symptoms for that) and I LOVED every GODDAMN second of looking up the definition, the symptoms, some general experiences of people who had them. I haven't even finished the notebook, it took me two hours to do just one but I loom forward to the next one. I LOOK FORWARD TO IT.
I also thought reorganizing your bookshelf was just a thing bookworms do. It is, but... it goes on the pile.
It's just. I thought I KNEW myself. I thought I knew which symptoms I knew about I had and which I didn't. How dare I.
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ax-y10 · 1 year
They have a ouija board app on their iPad, so we did that for a while, learning that we were talking to a seven year old ghost named Hilda. Nothing was happening in this period of time.
We were playing Charlie Charlie (y'know, the ghost game) over a phone call and they all of a sudden felt really hot and their shoulder was sore.
They had dinner, so they hung up. But when they called back they had a massive bruise on their shoulder. We did research to see if other people had experienced this and yes, they have.
We hoped we hadn't done anything to anger Charlie but I don't think that is the case, as he constantly replied no a few times before yes (always saying yes to personal questions)
We had asked him if he would hurt my friend in any way, him replying with no each time.
But now they won't respond.
I played Minecraft last night for a few hours, them watching and talking to me over discord. They couldn't hear me so I went to get a microphone because my laptop hates me.
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(these were our messages before they stopped texting)
I called them a multitude of times last night, hoping they would pick up. But they never did. I sent them YouTube links, website links, anything I could think of that could spark their interest. I HAVENT EVEN GOTTEN A TIKTOK VID FROM THEM LIKE USUAL.
I've called them twice again this morning, still hasn't picked up. I'm seriously terrified.
I even texted their friend about it, asking if they had texted them at all in the last 24 hours. Nothing back yet, she is prob still asleep.
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(don't mind the fact that I accidentally used their wrong pronouns, now I feel like shit)
I have something on tomorrow with them so hopefully they can explain there.
If anyone with an understanding of paranormal activities or has had this happen to them, please either message me or reblog this.
Thankyou so much.
(I am not hurt in anyway, I am completely fine and without any harm)
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ao3teddycandies · 2 months
pinned post
I'm Mikaela, or Will. I'm currently trying to sell fan fictions to help pay for college and rent. I'm 18, and starting college to become a history teacher. I have one posted work on AO3, but I'd like to think my writing is good, especially if you're paying a price.
Prices start 10 USD per 2k words. I'll link how you can pay me soon, or after I gain some traction and hype. Every additional 500 words (that YOU ask for) is an extra 2 dollars.
It takes a lot for me to reject a commission. Just tell me what you're looking for, and the chance you'll get a rejection from me is low, but never 0.
You can find me on Twitter, TikTok, here, and on AO3. My username is the same for twitter and TikTok, and my AO3 is just TeddyCandies.
I'm mostly doing this because my home life has become shitty since I turned 18, and I really don't want to turn to doing.. uhm, adult films LOL... I can't get a job at the moment due to transportation issues, and I'm already doing the most I can with remote work. This is one of my last resorts; using my hobbies to get money.
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miyasturniolo · 4 months
MINECRAFT | matt sturniolo
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pairing: bf!matt x f!reader
summary: where you and matt used to play minecraft together, but both of you finally logged back in and explored your old minecraft world together.
warning: fluff, flirting, use of y/n, swearing, pet names (baby, sweetheart, love, darling), mention of covid.
a/n: not my photos, on pinterest. I screamed when I saw they brought back live streams!!! my first fluff on this account.
WORDS: 1.4k
miyasturniolo on wattpad
you - pink | matt - blue
During the lockdown, you and your boyfriend used to have a shared love for Minecraft, playing it together every day. However, now you both have stopped playing the game and rarely bring it up in conversation.
While you were at home, your boyfriend called you because he missed you, but you couldn't visit him due to being busy with various things. You made an effort to find some time for him.
"I don't feel like playing Fortnite. I had to play it yesterday during the livestream," he grumbled. You simply hummed in response, both of you mostly searching for a new game to play together.
"You looked handsome in that livestream, but I couldn't watch it because of my schedule. I've only seen clips on TikTok," you mentioned, making him blush and chuckle. You could tell because you were both on FaceTime.
He was a bit speechless, trying to downplay the effect of your compliment by changing the subject.
"How about overwatch?" he suggested, but you just stared at him through your phone, causing him to playfully roll his eyes. "Okay, no overwatch then," he quickly added.
You were scrolling through when you came across a game that made you smile. "Wanna try Minecraft again?" you asked.
He paused for a moment, pushing his hair out of his eyes as he hadn't had a haircut in a few weeks, and he was biting his bottom lip while thinking. "Yeah, okay," he answered.
You opened Minecraft, which was already updated because your device always stays up to date with app updates.
"Think our maps are still loaded in?" he asked, and you just shrugged. He smiled and looked at you as he loaded into Minecraft.
"Are you wearing my hoodie? I've been looking for my blue hoodie," he said, noticing you wearing the one with white stars on the sleeve. "Maybe," you replied.
He rolled his eyes, then finally got online, and so did you. He gasped softly, clapped his hands together once.
"I still have most of the worlds saved," he smirked, his pink lips soft from using his brother's lip balm called spacecamp.
You chuckled softly, reminiscing about some details of the world, even though it's been over two years
"Shall we join one?" you asked, guessing that he probably wanted to. He smiled and agreed. "Just join me," Matt said to you while looking at you through the phone once again.
You joined him and loaded in, luckily, you were close to each other, so you didn't have to spend half the time trying to find each other and both of your buildings.
"Isn't this are house and not the villagers we spawned to make are city more lively” he asked, which confused you as you followed him. He had slightly better wifi, so he loaded into the game first and it was his world.
"Hold on," you mumbled and chased after him, your eyes fixed on the pavement leading to the building you both recognized.
"You do remember when we spent all day trying to build a city, right?" He whispered without thinking, and you let out a small laughter, making him smile as he glanced at his phone in adoration, since you were still on the call. "Of course I do,"
You were walking along the pavement with Matt, but he suddenly stopped, a smile lighting up his face, cheeks slightly flushed.
"I found it!" he exclaimed, his voice a bit higher than usual. You responded with a drawn-out "oh yeaaa?" before turning to see what he had discovered.
You catch up to him since you were still a bit behind but you mostly explored the virtual world, you couldn't help but marvel at the random creations that filled the landscape.
Matt could hear you mutter a curse under your breath over the call. "Do you really need to swear, miss y/n?" he teased, to which you just rolled your eyes in response, a playful glint in them.
“alright, I shouldn’t say anything- sorry sweetheart.” He his hands up in surrender which made you laugh
You decided to jump off a mountain, making sure to land safely to avoid fall damage. Matt followed suit, being a bit more cautious.
"Be careful not to die, okay darling?" he said, but you only nodded, already on the brink of death in the game. You didn't mind, knowing that you wouldn't actually perish.
You ate the apple from your inventory, replenishing your health as your hunger decreased. This prompted you to eat something to raise your heart levels.
Matt spam crouched next to you and gestured like Minecraft YouTubers do in their videos. "Where do you want to explore first?" You asked, but he just chuckled and replied, "I want to explore you in real life." You widened your eyes in surprise, and he laughed.
You entered a building that you both constructed, a simple yet modern structure more fitting for 2020 than the present. "omg, a baby villager!" you exclaimed as it approached you for a second and then running to the basic red bed.
"Where are its parents?" Matt asked, scanning the area before swiftly dispatching the villager with his sword. "MATT!" you gasped, to which he simply laughed.
"Rot in hell!" you playfully scolded him before continuing to explore the house, which one or both of you had built.
After exploring for a while, Matt signaled for you to join him which you did. “Have a tulip, I stole it from a pot in that house behind you” he offered.
You watched as he handed you a tulip, and a soft laugh escaped your lips as you thanked him, a smile spreading across your face that he could see thanks to your video call.
"You're so beautiful when you smile, baby," he said, causing your smile to widen even more. You were at a loss for words, but he enjoyed rendering you speechless.
After exploring the city together for a while, Matt excused himself to wander around. However, he couldn't help but let out a small exclamation.
"y/n, darling," he called out, prompting you to hum in response, curious about what he had to say. He simply asked you to come over, and you obliged, spotting his name tag.
Approaching him, you noticed a heart and more, triggering memories to flood back. "Wasn't this from our 'date' we had planned? I remember making this for you while you were asleep because I had promised to take you on a small aquarium date, but then lockdown happened," he reminisced.
“Yeah, it was” you say softly, both of you reminiscing about those special moments.
You both looked around for a while. He took his time building this since in Boston there is an aquarium nearby, so he wanted to make sure everything was just right and matched perfectly except for details he added.
"Baby," he whined, causing you to stop walking in the Minecraft world and look at his character. "What?" you replied, matching his playful energy and eliciting a small giggle from him.
While still on a call, you checked your phone, only to find him already gazing at you. He stared at you momentarily, forgetting what he wanted to whine about before remembering at the last minute.
"I want to still take you on an aquarium date. Could you possibly take a day off so we can spend the whole day together? I don't mind going back to Boston for a week... I need to see my parents too, but most of all, I just want to see you," he said with a slight frown.
"I'll see what I can do, okay?" you responded softly. He smiled and nodded before meeting your eyes while still on the call.
"Fine.. you better add a few more days if possible," he quickly suggests, making you groan slightly and laugh.
“I’ll try Matt. I can't push too far, alright?" you say, but he just scoffs and playfully flips you off. "Fine," he mumbles.
"I love you," you declare, but he just squints his eyes at you before smiling. "I love you more," he replies.
“oh and remember, I’ll one day still take you to the aquarium.. like I promised four years ago!”
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sanaexus · 4 months
social's as nagi's girlfriend
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-liked by reo.miikage, isaichii and 132.6k others
yourusername: he loves me (i'm lying to myself also all he does is play games but he won't let me go anywhere 😔)
tagged: nagi.seishiro
reo.miikage: he doesn't he loves me (we're both js making fools of ourselves) ↳yourusername: the difference is i can sit on his lap whenever and you can't ↳reo.miikage: girl stfu i legit carry your boyfie around ↳yourusername: boy don't be seen talking when i'm the one who he fucks every night ↳chigi.who: b y e . ↳hiyori: WHAT THE FUCK?? ↳isaichii: is that why he's always tired at soccer practice? ↳yourusername: idk don't ask me ↳mikka.kaiser: FOR THE LAST DAMN TIME IT'S FOOTBALL. YOU WANNA BE AMERICAN SO BAD GO GUN DOWN A BUILDING OR SOMETHING ↳alexis.ness: that was rude ↳mikka.kaiser: oh i don't care ↳nagi.seishiro: stop spamming the fuck?
user1: came here to see y/n content not some 6'3 prodigy man child who considers breathing a hassle ↳nagi.seishiro: it is ↳user2: girl??? ↳yourusername: mb 😔😔
julian.loki: minecraft's mid roblox better ↳user3: never in a million year would i have imagined julian loki saying that ↳yourusername: YOU LEGIT SCAM AND E-DATE KIDS IN BROOKHAVEN TFYM (come play dress to impress w me pls) ↳julian.loki: IT'S THEIR FUCKING FAULT THEY KEEP THE HOUSE UNLOCKED OFC I'LL STEAR THEIR MONEY (omw)
megubachi: SHOES IN THE HOUSE???? ↳shoei.barou: disgusting ↳yourusername: I'M SORRY ↳yourusername: barou is like the levi of bluelock except taller and he didn't lose an eye and two fingers ↳karasu_tabito: DO YOU HAVE TO REMIND ME? LIKE SOME PEOPLE ARE TRY MOVE ON OVER HERE ↳nagi.seishiro: she cried about it for like 4 months ↳yourusername: SHUT UP I DIDNR ↳eita.otoya: HAHA NO BALLS ↳yourusername: SUCK MY DICK BITCH ↳eita.otoya: YOU DON'T HAVE ONE?? ↳yourusername: SAYS WHO? ↳shiidoryu: ILL VOUCH FOR YOU IF YOU SHOW ME YOUR COCK ↳yourusername: BET ↳shiidoryu: Y/N HAS A 9 INCH DICK nagi.seishiro: you weren't complaining 5 minutes ago :x ↳yourusername: STFU SROp ↳nagi.seishiro: anw come back you're warm and human and better than a hoodie ↳yourusername: tfym human?? ↳nagi.seishiro: idk js come
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-liked by reo.miikage, itoshi_sae and 121.5k others
yourusername: no bc the one time we go outside for a date it has to be an arcade
tagged: nagi.seishiro
reo.miikage: sigh i guess we'll always be second to games ↳yourusername: TFYM "WE" BRO IT'S ME NOT U ↳reo.miikage: HE'S MY BESTFRIEND?? ↳yourusername: HE'S MY BOYFRIEND??
nagi.seishiro: yeah but i got you all the prizes you wanted ↳yourusername: yeah and i'm gonna go hug mr.masha instead of you bc he actually pays attention to me ↳nagi.seishiro: sigh i'm coming over
karasu_tabito: wtf was bro doing ↳yourusername: idk he prolly js felt silly and bachira's monster came over him ↳megubachi: my monster didn't like that ↳yourusername: tell him i'll give him kisses ↳nagi.seishiro: no you won't ↳yourusername: rudeee
kuniisuke: bigger question is how did y/n manage to drag him out ↳yourusername: don't ask me how i did i js did it was hard ↳eita.otoya: isn't that some tiktok audio ↳yourusername: yes and? ↳megubachi: SAY THAT SHIT W YOUR CHEST AND ↳megubachi: oh wait we aren't doing that this time?
shiidoryu: biggest question is did y/n win anything by herself? ↳nagi.seishiro: no ↳reo.miikage: nope ↳isaichii: no way ↳rin.itoshi: no ↳itoshi_sae: no ↳shoei.barou: no ↳nikkoki: nah ↳karasu_tabito: not happening ↳eita.otoya: nuh uh ↳mikka.kaiser: not in this lifetime ↳yourusername: Y'ALL ARE SO RUDE WOW BYE I'M GONNA GO CRY TO ANRI AB THIS 🤬🤬🤬
user4: my roman empire is that rin, sae and barou the people who barely use social media still frequently interact with y/n posts (mostly to insult her) ↳yourusernames: haters gon hate 💔💔
nagi.seishiro: her being very pretty makes up for the fact she didn't win anything (i wasn't held at gunpoint) ↳reo.miikage: blink twice if you need head ↳yourusername: ?? ↳hiyori: ????? BEO ↳reo.miikage: oops i meant help
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-liked by nikkoki, kuniisuke and 198.6k others
yourusername: woahh my boyfriend can kick a ball (he's so cool) anw i forced them to make that heart
tagged: nagi.seishiro
isaichii: i don't know what the fuck you did to motivate that man but pls do it again ↳yourusername: I DIDNT DO ANYTHING?? ↳nagi.seishiro: promised me kisses ↳yourusername: that wasn't me that was either reo or your side chick ↳chigi.who: nah he's too lazy to have a side chick it'll prolly be a "hassle" to keep her a secret ↳user4: LMFAO ↳reo.miikage: I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING I THINK I'D REMEMBER PROMISING MY BESTFRIEND KISSES?? ↳nikkoki: you're saying bestfriend as if you don't drool over him
shoei.barou: never let y/n come to a match again making that heart was harder than the fucking match ↳rin.itoshi: the next time i see her she better run. ↳eita.otoya: that shit fucking hurt. ↳nagi.seishiro: it was such a hassle ↳isaichii: loved the winning hated the "celebration" ↳megubachi: IT WASN'T THAT BADD ↳chigi.who: GIRL THAT SHIT NEARLY BROKE MY KNEE ↳yourusername: can you even break a knee though? ↳yourusername: EXACTLY BACHIRA GETS ME IT WASN'T THAT BAD IT WAS MAKING A HEART YALL CAN PLAY A 90 MINUTE MATCH BUT NOT MAKE A HEARt????
nagi.seishiro: you look pretty cheering me on ↳yourusername: bye ily ↳nagi.seishiro: i love you more
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i forgot oliver existed so im gonna add him from now
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akamintyt · 5 months
Commissions are open.
Don't ask for NSFW or overly suggestive art; I don't do that on request, and actually feel very uncomfortable drawing sexual nudity.
I asked my aunt for places she thought might be good for advertisement since Twitter sucks at promoting that, so I'm here-
Also posted this on TikTok due to her suggestion, and to no surprise, there's already two toxic fuckers in the comments, but it's kind of hilarious to see [ especially because one of them made me laugh with an insult I've never seen before- ]
Pricing is below in sheets, but for now, some terms.
- Do not use my art for AI purposes of any kind
- Do not trace, recolour, or repost my art [ the commissioner is allowed to repost so long as they give direct credit via a name- or link-drop ]
- Do not use art commissioned by another individual as a PFP, profile banner, etc. unless given direct permission by the commissioner
- Do not use my art for commercial purposes
- When commissioning, provide a reference for the character. Moodboards, "similar images" from searches, and AI-generated ref sheets will not be accepted. If you have art of the character, but no reference sheet, that works just fine; the same goes for low-quality doodles, or images made with things such as Gacha Studio type games, Picrew, or other character creators - those are all fine.
- When commissioning, please specify exactly what you want. This meaning:
*What tier [ Lineart Only, 1-3 Accent Colours, Full Colour (Flat), or Shaded ]
*How much of the character(s) (is/are) visible [ Headshot, Bustshot, or Fullbody ]
*Style [ Regular, Clockwork City (my WIP project), or Stylized Sonic ]
*Character Count [ 1-3 ]
*Specific Pose(s) or Outfit(s) [ Send a reference of the pose or outfit, as well, if needed ]
NOW, onto the pricing. And some examples on the sheets. I'm probably provide more examples below that-
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Right, so that's done.
Onto adding more examples-
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There's this. This was pretty recent. I draw tridents a bit differently currently, but this was also my first time trying to figure them out art-wise, and I like it-
Also, the mushroom pin is cool... At least, I think so; I would wear it cuz it's neat-
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There's also this. I got bored, so I doodled my interpretation of my own Minecraft skin that I made for when I play on Java edition. I think it's cool. It was fun to make.
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This is still a WIP, but I'm also drawing my favourite Hermits... You can see evidence of the different Trident in there; also, swords n' stuff. And hands. Ignore the fact that the one on the far right is still a silhouette; I was trying something different this time to get the anatomy right on all 7-
But yeah, my commissions are open, and if you're interested, you can DM me cuz I'm a broke bitch-
I use CashApp for anything to do with money because PayPal is shitty towards artists, though; hope that's not a hindrance-
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