#DID culture
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mentallystrawberry · 9 months ago
when you’re under a ton of stress then start to notice your memory worsen, your headaches becoming more frequent, and communication going nonexistent…
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chronicsymptomsyndrome · 2 months ago
I love that being true to myself also feels like betraying myself haha just kidding I fucking hate it so much
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collective-stupidity · 2 months ago
All my love to every system this year! My heart goes out to
Osdd systems
Did systems
Systems with a high alter count
Systems with a low alter count
Systems who are diagnosed
Systems who are medically recognized
Systems who are self diagnosed after research
Systems who were programmed
Systems who are poly-fragmented
Systems who are religious
And every other system on here! You're loved supported and valid!
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hel1houndz · 2 months ago
same person who made the sonic pk request here! Can you base it off sonic? And the length is medium please thank you in advance !! ^o^
hi love!! so sorry for being so late to respond! I did my best! if you want anything changed just let me know!! <3
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Sonic medium alter template!
> Alter description !
🔹☆  **name** .ᐟ.ᐟ prns/**prns**
   **role** *//* sign off ― ⭕ flag flag flag
  boundaries 💨 » __age__ 𓂃 **interaction** ⋆.˚ 🌀
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> alter pronouns template !
꩜ ⸝⸝⠀prn » **prn** » prn
     ᯓ *f/m/hm* terms ﹕⭐
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tear-stained-lenses · 1 month ago
Being a DID system with BPD is so hell. What do you mean one alter absolutely hates our partner while another loves them more than anything and would stalk them if they ever left us.
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turtlesystem · 5 days ago
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(drawn by Bruce 🧬)
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orbitposting · 4 months ago
Hello, I was wondering if u could tell me more about the DID youtube stuff and the stuff with DissociaDID, I don't know a lick of any of that, I've only rlly watched The Entropy System, The Rings System and some of DissociaDID's educational videos fairly recently (still new to the online OSDDID community in general), all I've heard is that DissociaDID is anti-endo?
(I use DissociaDID to refer to the system as a whole. They don't have another updated system name that I am aware of.)
Hi, two people brought up something like this in my inbox, and it's worth clarifying. My point was unclear, and I'll do my best to clarify now. In my eyes, DissociaDID has come under a lot of scrunity for concerns that are valid but overblown, standards that others are not held to, ableism/fakeclaiming, and sometimes claims that are bordering on conspiracy. Unfortunately, I was pretty up-to-date on the situation, so I'll make an outline of things people were upset about.
- Using racial terms to describe a darker-skinned alter, Nadia, when the body is white. Of my knowledge, this has not happened since. (I am white, so I can't police if you forgive them or not. This is just context.)
- Engagement with Team Piñata*. They're no longer together. End of.
- Overstating their qualifications. DissociaDID no longer states any qualifications other than being a system that does research, basically. Before, it sounded almost like they were claiming to be a mental health professional.
- They partnered with BetterHelp** at one point. They never gave a statement, but they haven't promoted it since.
- DissociaDID has used *very* outdated studies to support points in their older videos. This is frowned upon in scientific research, where sources become less accurate very quickly (Rule of thumb is use studies no greater than 20 years old). DissociaDID has previously referenced a study from 1902, at worst.
- Many criticise DissociaDID for coming back to YouTube just when their monetization is about to run out.
- Can handle criticism very poorly at times, which people took an issue with, especially when they were proporting themselves as mental health experts.
- Brought a flood of people to the DID community, negative attention included. Many DID YouTubers stopped posting due to the negative attention the DID community received. DissociaDID did not personally cause this, as far as I can tell.
- Diagnosis at Pottergate Center: Even if that diagnosis wasn't valid, they were also diagnosed through the NHS. (Diagnosis is sometimes referred to in ways other than pencil-and-paper diagnosis, too.)
Not sure, but hasn't come up
- Treatment of various friends in the DID community such as Bobo & Co.
General dislike (Up to you)
- Many say they are "sensationalizing" DID, due to their florid presentation (This may also be paired with fakeclaiming)
- Mara's TikTok has come under fire for posting more suggestive content. Soren stands by her right to do so, and checks it before it is posted.
Borderline conspiracy and fakeclaiming
- One system member interacted with a minor on a livestream in a somewhat suggestive manner. (Their account says minors DNI, but people argue they should have been more mindful.)
- Many people get an odd vibe from their content, since it is so polished, and argue that it doesn't reflect the reality of DID since it's so pristine.
- Some find it very odd that they advertise their Patreon with having BTS footage of them dissociating/switching.
- Some people allege DissociaDID made up her alters after reading a certain book regarding programming. Some roles/alter names/inner world details lined up.
*Team Piñata was exposed for drawing minors in inappropriate situations and possibly doing commissions of this content.
- Since DissociaDID has previously mentioned RAMCOA (or a similar term), people who believe that that phrasing is antisemitic, conspiritorial, and/or completely fake don't believe that she is a valid source of DID information
- DissociaDID has been accused of copying their trauma from other systems. The foundation of this theory rests on them malingering DID.
- (Outdated also) People used to theorize Team Piñata and DissociaDID never broke up. It has been a long time since then, and DissociaDID doesn't even mention them by name anymore.
- DissociaDID has been fighting a court battle since 2020 or so and has linked to their CrowdJustice page for a while. People theorized that they were taking the money for themselves instead. DissociaDID has stated that the funds go directly to lawyers and never enter their hands.
**BetterHelp has been criticized for its lack of quality control, especially surrounding uncertified "therapists" to conduct therapy through their service and the unprofessional behavior of therapists using the service.
So that's what I can recall at the moment. Five of the issues are up to personal opinion. Personally, I think DissociaDID has had problems but has a magnifying glass on their behavior for years. If you don't like them, please just leave them alone.
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Maladaptive Daydream Culture + Plural culture is “Was that someone talking or a daydream?”
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echoes-in-the-multiverse · 7 months ago
Learning about our Dissociative Identities: Through Oliver's eyes.
Personal Post.
Written by Olive to convey the thoughts and stories of Oliver. However, this is Oliver's personal experience about how he felt being told about other dissociative identities/being a system.
Trigger warnings: Metaphors that relate to water/dr*wning and larva. Mentions of deeper fears. The term Ab*ser is used.
Our Journey has been a long one. Even though I do not remember it all, I do remember when I finally was able to take in the knowledge that had been previously said to the system, by doctors, therapists, and counsellors. Still, I had forgotten as a way to protect my part of ourselves. The knowledge that we were dissociative identities. 
It sounded unimaginable for the first few moments and felt as if you were somehow drowning in the sand, but it slowly began to drip feed into the fear I had brewing inside me for as long as I could remember. The fear that I would one day be replaced and no one would notice because I was missing so much of my life. Being told other parts could take executive control of my body made this fear true, but then developed into the idea of what if I never came back. What would stop them from doing that? I could not tell if my conscious moments would suddenly be taken from me by any small or large trigger and how could I tell if now was even reality or if some part of my brain was painting the illusion that I knew who I was?
Then came a wave of guilt, the feeling that I had hurt others because I “allowed” my past trauma to continue and permanently hurt me. That I was causing others to suffer because I had to live in such a tight routine to get through the day without distress and to prevent more trauma or in some cases convince myself I would be more safe. I panicked because I feared that revealing what happened to us might somehow lead to more harm. I didn't know what the doctors knew or how they reached their conclusions, so I was afraid it could be used against me. To call me dramatic, a liar, or to inform the abusers and start the cycle all over again. Even though there was no reason for them to tell the abusers, the mere act of talking about it made me fear that they could somehow find out. 
In the aftermath washed up to shore the deep internal feeling of disgust. It felt as if inside of me lived thousands of maggots crawling just under my skin. Or the feeling that trauma and pain was forever stained on my body and I would never be cleansed. I felt broken, distraught at the idea that parts of me were missing and meant I was lacking parts to my individual because others had them, like others had memories of what I thought was me. 
But it was also a relief. It told me that my suffering wasn't normal, that this is not going to be the way I live my whole life because it's not meant to be this way, suffering every day is not normal. There is a solution because there is a problem. And now that I knew I could get better, I knew briefly what was wrong and that there are people specialised to help, I had a chance again to be able to live and cooperate with the other parts. To feel that in this game of life I was finally a playable character, even if not as player 1 as I assumed I would be, but player 1 had a chance to exist through us together as a whole.
Our blog is to help others learn about Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID) but also share the ways we have dealt with the weight of this disorder in hopes it can help more people.
Trigger warnings: Metaphors that relate to water/dr*wning and larva. Mentions of deeper fears. The term Ab*ser is used.
Written by Olive to convey the thoughts and stories of Oliver. However, this is Oliver's personal experience about how he felt being told about other dissociative identities/being a system.
Personal Post.
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lifexxxdeath · 2 years ago
DID culture is growing up being labeled a pathological liar and "always remembering things wrong". That's why, for us personally, being in love is so hard.
Anytime we don't remember a situation and it's being relayed, it's always a fear that we're being gaslit about the situation.
When our feelings or experiences aren't believed, it throws us into a spiral of denial and reminds us of a lot of trauma based around that.
It really does suck.
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mentallystrawberry · 9 months ago
Shout out to the other chronically mentally ill systems who’s disorders and traumas have severely impacted your quality of life and functioning
shout out to polyfragmented or complex and highly complex did systems
shout out to the systems who are RAMCOA survivors, childhood sexual abuse survivors, or childhood torture survivors
shout out to systems diagnosed with other comorbid mental disorders
shout out specifically to systems with BPD🫂
shout out to systems who have lost relationships with people because of your mental health
shout out to the systems struggling with substance abuse issues or addiction
shout out to the systems who’ve been in and out of mental hospitals
shout out to fellow black systems and other poc systems with many intersecting marginalized identities
shout out to systems who can’t attend in real life school or are graduating late due to their mental health
shout out to the systems who can’t get a job or a drivers license
shout out to the systems who lost their childhood and teenage years due to constant mental health struggles
shout out to systems who have to take multiple medications for their disorders
shout out to the lonely systems who can hardly ever leave their homes and build friendships
shout out to the systems that struggle with the scars their sh addictions leave
shout out to systems who can’t take care of themselves without needing support
try to keep in mind that you are not the average persons, so we shouldn’t expect ourselves to be able to function just like the average person would. know you are all loved and are trying your best to navigate a society that wasn’t designed with poc and disabled or neurodivergent people in mind. i wish you systems the bestest recovery possible and i’m sending much love and support.
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librariumconsortium · 4 days ago
Being an alter in a system really just is going “god this blog intro is set up horribly, I’m gonna redo it later”
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lightning-wyvern · 1 month ago
oo wait rhykar ur a system?? what fictive(s) do u have ive never met a system who doesnt have at least 1
ou ok so we have one developing that we think is based from assassination classroom but we dunno yet, but heres the fully developed ones we've got documented so far (we have a notebook where we document alters' pronouns, identities, race, personality, likes/dislikes, etc.)
sosuke aizen (bleach; he/him) no assignment; he's so heavily based on aizen that he genuinely doesn't like it when we call him the name we originally gave him when he developed fully
moon/nightmare moon (my little pony: friendship is magic; she/her) persecutor/abuser; we think she developed when i was really young, we also think she may be the reason we found out we're a system in the first place bcs every time i watched an episode of mlp that the show character appeared in, i'm told i dissociated for a few seconds and then couldn't stop acting like her for hours on end which we later figured out was our fictive taking the front seat
luna (mlp:fim) outside protector; luna developed along with moon, and her main role is to protect my partners! she tends to get attached to people i (host rhykar) find myself in romantic relationships with, and aslan commonly finds himself giving her bestie-style therapy when i have a breakup :<
stoney white (narnia, the originals; he/him) persecutor/protector; stoney is a crossfictive! we had a fictive of niklaus mikaelson (the originals) until i (rhykar; host) was about 16, but he took some really heavy direct s*xual abuse trauma. he was never able to heal from it but he was really close with our fictive of the white witch jadis (narnia) so they kind of melded into stoney, and stoney used to use all three names while he was developing.
az/aslan (narnia; he/him) trauma holder, system therapist aslan is also from narnia/the lion the witch and the wardrobe, and he's one of our first fully developed alters! he finished developing about a year after luna and nightmare moon did.
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hel1houndz · 2 months ago
Some horror xenogenders + neopronouns!
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> a gender connected to a painting drawn with blood, a painting depicting blood or the painting having blood splashes.
> Pronouns; blood/bloods/ bloodself paint/paint/paintself gore/gores/ goreself
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> A gender connected to tearing oft your face in a horribly grotesque, angelic wayBeing an angel,tearing off your face, or any other variation of having a connection to Angels, tearing off your own face
> Pronouns; angel/angels/angelself wing wing/wingself unholy/ unholys/umholys/unholyself flesh/fleshes/fleshself Gross/grosses/grosself
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> footage horror and/or found footage horror series/ movies. this gender can be related to the series/ movie themselves, the genre itself, and/or the elements of found footage horror, etc.
> Pronouns; horror/horrors/horrorself glitch/glitches/ glitchself static/statics/staticself Web/webs/webself Tape/tapes/tapeself Unsettle/unsettling/unsettlings/unsettlingself jump scare/jumpscares/jumpscareself
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> a xenogender related to or tied to horror and the internet. it can be the horrors of the internet, both fictional and real, or even being an evil or dark entity on the internet. it can also be linked to potential online personas, anonymity of the internet, but is a general horror or evil internet label. it can be connected to ones gender or be a gender all by itself.
> Pronouns; gore/gores/ goreself, chainsaw/chainsaws/chainsawself blood/bloods/bloodself Web/webs/webself pixel/pixels/ pixelself exe/exes/exeself
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> A gender connected to horror/ being horrific!
> Pronouns; it/its/itself, spook/' spooks/spookself, fear/fears/ fearself, death/deadly/ deadlyself, gore/gores/ goreself, rot/rots/rotself, gross/ grosself, grime/grimes/grimeself
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> A xenogender that feels like death, darkness, horror but in a wholesome way that is also endearing, beautiful comforting
Pronouns; corpse/ corpes/ corpseelf, death/ deaths/ deathself, decay/ decays/ decayself, cute/cutes/cuteself, ⚰️/⚰️self,🪦/🪦self, 🎀/🎀self
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chronicsymptomsyndrome · 1 year ago
Tysm for any engagement, I’m really curious about different experiences so feel free to explain why a certain one feels right for you!
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charliefromthesaturnsytem · 8 months ago
Hope everyone has a good day :)
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