rainnyydaysworld · 3 days
Steph: So you like cats?
Cass: Yeah.
Steph: *tries to impress her by slowly pushing a glass off the table*
Jason: steph, you're a pussy, man.
Steph: You are what you eat. (Referring to cass)
Damian: Thought I was meowing back at my cat for the past hour, but it was just me and Cass meowing at each other from different rooms in the house.
*Damian sneezes*
Dick: Damian, are you sick? Here, let me wrap you in a blanket and hand-feed you some warm soup while singing you a lullaby!
*Bruce sneezes*
Dick: Oh my god. Shut the hell up.
Bruce: When I die I want steph to lower me into my grave so she can let me down one last time.
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corkinavoid · 2 days
DPxDC Recount Your Kids, Batman
[A loose continuation to this post]
Talia doesn't visit the Wayne manor. At least not regularly nor officially. All the batkids and Batman know she comes sometimes, just to check up on Damian and maybe bother Bruce from time to time, but this is the first time she has ever shown up to a dinner.
And, as they all take their seats, she gives Damian a long curios glance. Then, she looks to Bruce.
"Is that everyone?" She asks, easy and lighthearted. One might think she is simply not acquainted with the number of Wayne children or that she is teasing Bruce on the sheer amount of them. But Damian is looking down to his plate, and Tim knows for sure Talia keeps up with Wayne's head count, and Dick is fairly certain Talia would never tease Bruce, at least not so subtly.
It could have been some sort of a hint at Jason. If he was not here, that is. But he is, for once, so this is really all the family at one table.
"Yes?" Dick tries, looking around the table just to make sure. Steph and Babs are not here today, but that's definitely not what Talia could have meant. Bruce also looks just a little confused, which is a nice change of pace since he looked guarded and on edge from the very moment Talia showed up.
The woman hums, her eyes studying Damian. The youngest bat keeps his gaze down on his empty plate. No one really understands what's going on, but they all feel like there's something important and heavy hanging in the air.
Then, Talia stands up and turns to Alfred, "We will be dining later. It has come to my attention that kids are a lot more secretive than I thought," she explains cryptically and smiles at Bruce, "Beloved, will you come with me to the training grounds? I have something to show you."
Bruce doesn't move for a long moment, and Talia's smile becomes almost gentle, "It's about your son."
At least that makes the man move.
When they get down to the Cave - since Talia insisted this was not a matter that could be resolved in the manor's training room - it's not only her, Bruce, and the little bat there, of course. The whole family was way too intrigued, and some were even alarmed.
The most alarming part, though, was the fact that Damian had been uncharacteristically quiet on their way down. Yet, when Dick looked to Cass, she just shook her head slightly. The boy was not worried. To Cass, he looked almost resigned, if a bit displeased.
"Your sword, Damian," Talia commands, and the boy presses his lips into a thin line.
"This is not necessary, Mother."
"It is," the woman looks amused, but there's an underlying layer of concern to her tone.
"...Yes, Mother," Damian nods his head on what feels like surrender and takes his katana. Not the training one, the real blade. Bruce makes a soft, alarmed grunt, but Talia waves him off.
"Not to worry, Beloved. I will not harm our brethren."
She doesn't take a stance, nor does she pick out a weapon, simply lunges for Damian as soon as they are both on the mats. Two daggers seem to appear in her hands out of nothing, and, contrary to her words, her aim is towards Damian's neck. The boy blocks, jumps away, and blocks another attack.
Tim steps closer, "You can't just-"
"Step away, Drake," It's the first time Damian has spoken to them since they've sat down for dinner. His voice is tense, but not derisive. If anything, it sounds a bit tired.
Talia lunges for him again, faster, meaner. Metal clings against metal.
"You understand this can not keep going, my child," she tells the boy, startlingly gentle on the contrary to her definitely dangerous strikes.
Damian doesn't answer.
The rest of Batfam are forced to simply watch the encounter: Damian is mostly on defense as Talia goes for him, harder and harder with every hit. Until, without any warning, the woman strikes for Damian's arm, making him drop his katana, and-
A few things happen at once.
Talia lunges for Damian's throat. Bruce jumps onto the mats so fast that he almost trips. Tim yelps.
But Talia's blade doesn't strike.
A figure of another child, eerily similar to Damian and wearing the League of Assassins uniform, is standing in front of the littlest bat, two crystal clear blades in his hands, blocking the dagger.
Bruce halts midstep. The rest of the family holds their breath.
But Talia simply smiles and drops her daggers, backing away and looking at the boy between her and Damian with a fond gaze.
"Danyal," she greets, and the boy huffs, lowering his weapons. He doesn't drop them - they simply dissipate in the air, turning into tiny snowflakes.
"Mother," he greets back begrudgingly, and his voice is the exact replica of Damian's. A clone? No, because Damian reacts to him nothing like he had to the clones, simply clicking his tongue and rolling his eyes.
"You could have simply asked, Mother," he comments, taking a step forward and stading near the other boy. Danyal. When standing side by side, they look nearly identical - same facial features, same posture, same hair, even if Damian's is a little more tame.
But Danyal's eyes are just a few hues off. Still green but lighter than Damian's.
"I assumed if you have spent years living here and never bothered to mention your brother, I would need a little more than asking, my love," Talia doesn't laugh, but it sounds like she wants to. Both boys roll their eyes, perfectly in sync.
Hold the fuck up, brother?
"Huh. I thought you died," Jason mentions offhandedly, and the whole family whips their heads to him. Yet, before any of them speak, it's Danyal who answers.
"I mean, I did? Kinda?" He waves his hand in the air and shrugs, and he acts so unlike Damian while also simultaneously having his face, that it makes Tim shiver a little.
"You-" Bruce starts, seeming to finally find his voice, but the boy cuts him off.
"I'm not actually yours," he snorts at Bruce's facial expression, "Yeah, I know I look like I am. Blame the ghost sewers, Chronos, and my stupid ass for making decisions while not being fully awake."
There is so much to unpack in that sentence that no one has the barest of ideas on where to start.
Damian curves his lips down in a sneer.
"The longer you stay there staring, the colder the dinner will be when we return," he reminds them, and Danyal suddenly perks up.
"Dinner? Can I join? It's been ages since I've had anything home cooked," he smiles, like there's some kind of an inside joke in that sentence. Damian rolls his eyes.
"The food doesn't come alive in this household, Danyal."
"Bummer," the boy looks a bit disappointed, but not too much. "And it's Danny, for the thousandth time."
Talia picks up her daggers, hiding them somewhere in her clothes in an unnoticeable motion. Then, she gives Bruce a small, if a bit sly, smile.
"You can not call it 'family dinner' if not all your family is there."
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violent138 · 3 days
Bruce has a habit of randomly worrying about his kids and silently lurking in their room until he's done being insane. This usually happens mid prolonged argument or after an incident on patrol that he thinks could've gone much worse.
It would be sweet, if he hadn't raised his kids to be just as paranoid as he is, making them shoot awake every time to see to their Batdad sleep paralysis demon.
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clockwayswrites · 2 days
A Bird and a Menace of Bats - Part 17
“We could always look up where he lives,” Tim suggested.
Bruce gave his son a tired look, turning slowly that he was sure not to jostle the sleeping man on his shoulder. “No, we can’t.”
“Sure you can. WE has to have it on file.”
“That would be a gross misuse of my postilion and an invasion of privacy,” Bruce said. “As in something Danny could very well sue for as us taking him home has nothing to do with his work and why we would have his address on file.”
“What about his driver’s license?” Duke suggested.
“He doesn’t have one, or at least not on him,” Dick said. He had Danny’s jacket pulled open and was carefully feeling inside for pockets.
Next to him, Jason was going through the card pocket on the back of Danny’s cellphone case.
“He does have a rewards card for Lacey’s though, so good taste there.”
Bruce rubbed tiredly at his face. “Dick, stop looking for a wallet. Jason, put all the cards back where you found them, please, and no hacking the phone.”
“You’re no fun anymore,” Jason said in a mocking whine.
Stephanie stifled a snicker.
“Stephanie, stop stalking him on social media and Babara, stop using what she’s found to try and triangulate where he is from,” Bruce said.
“Jason’s right,” Stephanie said as she slumped dramatically back into the seat, “you’re no fun anymore.”
“Yes, how boring of me,” Bruce drawled, “not invading the privacy of a man so unwell that he fell asleep in a noisy limo full of near strangers.”
Cass leaned forward at that.
Bruce quickly shifted gears to try and reassure her. “He’ll be alright, Cass.”
“Breathing is shallow. Heart?”
Bruce nodded. “He said there was an accident when he was a child that affected his heart and pulse. It was very slow and weak early after he stood up from his seat and had to sit back down. But he also said that it wasn’t unexpected and that he’s been to his doctor recently.”
“He did take this week off.”
“What?” Tim said defensively. “He befriended my sister, I had to check him out.”
At least that was a reasonable excuse in case Danny was hearing any of this.
“If he’s doing badly, he shouldn’t be home alone, right?” Stephanie asked far too innocently.
“Not that we even know where he lives without waking him. Shouldn’t we let him rest?” Tim added.
“I shall start to the Manor then,” Alfred said, bringing an abrupt end to the discussion so suddenly that was that.
For what felt like the millionth time that night, Bruce sighed heavily.
It rather said something about the family that they were both efficient and graceful in getting an unconscious body out of the car. Bruce, with Dick’s help, passed Danny to Jason who held him out of the way as the rest of the family climbed out. Bruce was surprised to have Danny passed to him the moment Jason was able, but Bruce was quickly distracted.
“Right?” Jason asked.
“Hn? Hn what?” Steph asked, popping up at Bruce’s elbow.
“The guy’s too light,” Jason answered. “It’s like he’s got bird bones.”
Tim stifled a snicker. Bruce, once again, sighed.
“Tim, take Steph and go help Alfred make sure the room is ready,” Bruce instructed. “Dick, help wrangle. Cass, darling, go rest. Jason, manage the doors for me, please.”
There was a coarse of agreement and the children were off. Bruce and Jason followed more sedately to be gentle on Bruce’s sleeping cargo.
“Jokes aside, he’s too light,” Jason said, keeping his quiet words between them. “This might be more than just a weak pulse.”
What Jason didn’t say is that they knew it was more than just a weak pulse—or at least it had been that night. It was concerning to think what lingering effects the transformation might be having on Danny. Especially concerning because…
“Cass is already attached,” Jason said, as if finishing Bruce’s own thoughts.
“I know.”
“And now the others are curious. Well, more curious.”
“I don’t suppose I could pay you to keep them in line?”
Jason snorted. “Even you couldn’t afford that, old man.”
“I was afraid not,” Bruce said as he fought back a smile.
Despite Jason’s refusal, Bruce knew that his son would keep his eyes others. Jason wouldn’t likely stop them, but he would keep an eye on them. Danny was still enough of an unknown that Bruce couldn’t help but be wary of the man’s presence in the middle of the family.
At least the guest wing was on the other side of the Manor from the family wing. The spaced eased the anxiety, a little. Alfred was just finishing shoeing Stephanie and Tim from the guest room as they approached and Jason peeled off to take his leave with them. Bruce entered the room with Danny on his own.
And apparently it was going to stay that way as Alfred said, “I trust you to see our guest settled,” and closed the door.
Bruce resisted the urge to sigh one more time.
At least Alfred had already folded down the sheets.
Bruce laid Danny down and started with the dress shoes, mostly to delay having to decide just how much clothing was appropriate to strip a near stranger of. After all, Danny didn’t know that he had slept curled up with the whole family once before. Bruce was also aware that he had less propriety than most people, given his unusual night life.
By the time the shoes were off and set aside, Bruce decided that the bare minimum would likely be most comfortable for Danny in the morning. The tie and belt went onto the seat of the nearby arm chair while the suit jacket was draped over the back. Danny’s phone was set on the nightstand. Alfred, of course, already had clothing set out for Danny to change into in the morning, should he wish. Bruce left it at that and covered Danny lightly with the sheets before he took his leave.
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So Danny and Ellie are in a predicament.
Ellie has been freshly deaged to a 18 month year old. Sam, Tucker and Jazz are dead and gone.
Danny who is 23 ish is running from the GIW and Fentons ends up in Gotham when he gets caught
Last minute he shoves Ellie into an alley and leaves a note if to someone finds her
And he’s gone, taken.
Damian is now 23 and Batman. Bruce and Alfred have passed away (Bruce’s heart couldn’t take years of being Batman and Alfred got too old)
Everyone else… to put it lightly… aren’t on speaking terms.
Dick is in Bludhaven, Cass is in Kong, Jason is with his outlaws, Tim alternates between the Titans and WE (but doesn’t talk to Damian outside of the company). Duke and Steph are in collage.
Damian is alone.
Back to Ellie. Damian is on patrol and finds a crying baby in an alley at 1 am.
At first, he’s angry. What kind of parent leaves their child like that?
Then he finds the note
He takes Ellie in and raises her alone in the manor while being Batman and trying to find her dad.
Leslie- who’s now retired- helps in babysitting Ellie when he’s busy with being Batman or WE but hes always there to tuck her in every night.
Eventually, Duke- tired of the family’s pride and stubbornness ruining their family- comes home for Christmas break (around 6 months after Damian found Ellie)
He arrives while Batman is on patrol, hoping to surprise him and instead has his shit rocked by a 2 year old with Lazarus green eyes the moment he walked in the Batcave.
Damian arrives and explains everything.
Duke switches to online collage and resumes living in the manor.
Signal is back on the streets and Ellie gets an uncle.
Tim is the next person who catches on.
He realizes Batman’s patrol routes are shorter (Damian didn’t want to leave Ellie alone at night) and Batman sometimes abandons patrol in the middle to leave (Ellie was crying and Leslie couldn’t calm her down)
And so Tim pays him a visit and he sees Damian napping with a two year old on the couch and is like :0
So, instead of doing the Logical thing and waking him up he leaves and calls the rest of the family.
While Duke laughs in his face, the others plan to all appear next week at the manor and interrogate Damian as to why he adopted a kid.
Coincidentally, that night The GIW have cracked down as to where the ghost baby is and they break into Wayne Manor while Damian is on patrol.
He doesn’t get back in time.
Everyone else arrives a week later to find Damian in the batcave, looking like he was close to a passing out from exhaustion.
Duke returns from patrol and explains the situation and everyone bands together to help Damian find his daughter
They didn’t find her, but they find Danny.
After busting him out and telling Danny that Damian was the one who took care of Ellie for months
He eventually heals his wounds in the safety of Wayne Manor.
However, because Damian was the one to raise Ellie for months and the other not only ignored his calls but didn’t even stop by to check up on him he doesn’t trust the others as much.
So Damian ends up caring for him.
And over the course of the three months it took for them to locate Ellie, they begin to fall in love.
Cue the rescue mission the moment they find Ellie.
Damian and Danny eventually get together and GIW gets dismantled. Everything is fine and dandy…right?
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incorrectbatfam · 2 days
Likelihood of the batfam bailing you out of jail:
Tim: Absolutely 100% no questions asked
Steph: She'd ask you what you did and take you out for food to celebrate
Dick: He would, but there is going to be a long, unavoidable conversation
Barbara: She'd call them to convince them to let you out but you gotta find your own way home
Duke: Yes, but it'll be an awkward drive back because it's 2AM and he's in Ninja Turtles pajamas
Harper: She doesn't answer unknown numbers
Damian: He would do it only to have something to hold over your head
Helena: She'll do it if you sign a contract to pay her back with interest
Alfred: He'd leave you in there for a night as a lesson
Carrie: She would agree after you tell her how to do it but get distracted and never show up
Cullen: He's just glad someone remembered to call him
Kate: She would laugh and hang up
Luke: He'd send someone else to do it
Bette: She would reluctantly say yes after some back-and-forth
Bruce: He's already there bailing out one of his kids, so why not
Selina: She would, and she'd teach you how to not get caught next time
Jason: He's sitting in the cell next to you
Cass: She's not bailing you out, she's breaking you out
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yourlocal-edgelord · 2 days
Part 8:
Tim: Dying isnt healthy
Jason: Objection, being dead is healthy you lose all illnesses and have nothing to worry about anymore.
Steph: plus like your dead corpse will be giving back to the environment after you die.
Tim: A, everyone is buried in caskets nowadays and B, I said dying not being dead. Dying is an extremely painful process.
Jason: potato tomato same thing
Steph: Wait how do you know dying is painful?
Tim: Guys help I think I’m dying
Steph: Sorry u arent allowed to do dying is not healthy.
Damian: *grabs a zip tie holding it pointy side up* STABBITY STAB STAB
Jason: ow…. that hurt so much.
Damian: *eyeroll, turns to new victim* STABBITY STAB STAB
Jason: 👁️ 👄 👁️
Barbara: Alright welcome to makeshift therapy please state you names.
Jason: Farquad
Steph: Liam white boy
Tim: *eyes jason then grins* Fiona
Barbara: Too late now, sit down farquad.
Tim: Isnt it amazing how ive never said anything especially stupid so you guys cant quote me
Cass: Tim, everything you say is stupid most of the time
Jason: You said 5 minutes ago that the moon in the sky is fake because theres no vector dancing on it.
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lord-westley · 3 days
Batfamily + Others as convos between @cam-the-orange-cat @markisnot and I
Jason: that is so fake- Dads don't change their ways that fast
Dick: How would you know??
Jason, cackles in daddy issues:
Tim: How did that roof not cave in, I would cave in
Steph: My pussy wouldn't cave in
Barbara: Have you ever swallowed-
Dick: I have indeed swallowed before
Superman: He's hot
Green Lantern: He is not hot
Superman: How is he not hot??
Green Lantern: I don't have a mask kink like you??
Tim: Dude, cats have vaginas. How else do you think they get preggers??
Tim: How do you not know this??
Duke: There's no- bro hold on
Duke: Hey Alexa, do cats have vaginas?
Alexa: This might answer your question. Cats have four legs.
Jon: Why is my heart rate going like 100
Jon: There's no reason for me to be anxious
Damian: It's cause you're poor
Bizzaro about Roy: Have you tried turning him off and on again?
Starfire: I will never turn him on
Jason: I will
Cass: I found
Cass: a mini sign
Bruce: mini sign?? From god??
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My headcanon: Jason Todd may be a cocky, confident and cocky, but I love when that same confident person has stage fright. He can sing (yes like the singer from this song) and when someone hears him and likes it he panics.
Jason (finishing the song while thinking he's alone in the study):
I see a song of past romance
I see the sacrifice of man
I see portrayals of betrayal
And a brother's final stand
I see you on the brink of death
I see you draw your final breath
I see a man who gets to make it home alive
But it's no longer... you.
Tim (having snuck in and hid behind bookshelf): Go Jason!
Jason: That wasn't me!
Tim (jumping from his hiding spot): We all heard you, dude.
Dick(who was hiding behind the bookcase as well): That was awesome!
Damian(under a table): He's a good singer, he used to sing me lullabies.
Jason: Kill me now.
Stephanie(opening a door way behind a painting): Epic fans unite!
Jason: Oh God.
Cass (appearing behind Jason): Can you sing another song?
Jason blushes and walks past the group.
Jason: You saw nothing!
Dick: He's stage shy.
Stephanie: That is so cute!
Jason: I heard that!
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batfamily things i think about often but not in depth enough to become their own things.
dick calling bruce dad but only to his face. he doesn’t refer to him as dad like “oh dad did this” it’s only stuff like “hey dad can you” (does this makes sense?)
damian loving physical affection.
tim and steph having that weirdly close friendship after they break up. for example: “i’m worried about this freckle i have,” “the one on ur ass cheek?” “yeah that one”
damian staying at dicks place over the weekend when dick is too busy to go to the manor. (i lied i could talk about this one for hours)
damian attempting to tell white lies but can’t because he has facial subtitles. “damian do you like this outfit?” “yes. 😬😟”
duke being an accidentally sneaky person. “ah! duke you scared the shit out of me!” “i thought you saw me walk in??”
cass trying not to startle people by sneaking up on them. sorta like trying to let a person with noise cancelling headphones on that you want their attention without startling them.
jason loving cooking but HATES baking. “if you ever hear me say i’m gonna bake, i want you to send me to my grave again, ok?” “..ok..?”
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whalehouse1 · 2 days
Spoiler: Let’s break this criminal down.
Red Robin, nodding: We need to break him down quick.
Blackbat, in understanding, immediately breaks the criminal’s leg without missing a beat.
Nightwing, over the screaming: Alright, you two knew she was going to take it that way.
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casscainmainly · 24 hours
thank you so much for answering my ask! and so fast too, haha, don't worry about deleting it that stuff happens <3
i'm just curious though, im kinda new to dc and i mostly know stuff from tumblr (ive started reading comics from reading lists tho!)
since you're a cass fan, what makes you think dick is the fav? i love them both ofc but just tryna improve my understanding of the dynamics between the family. i've heard that cass and damian are the favorites? and jason? though apparently jason is only in fanon and ahh im just kinda confused im so sorry for the stupid questions
Trust me, no question about comics is stupid!! It's impossible to know everything (and I'm relatively new myself haha), so don't feel bad about asking anything. Plus I love answering asks :)).
Anyway, fantastic-nonsense's post here covers about all of why I think Dick is the fav. In case you don't wanna go there, here's one of the panels:
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From Infinite Crisis #6. As clear an answer as we'll ever get, I think.
The question of 'who is Bruce's favourite?' is always subject to personal interpretation, though. Lots of factors - what a person has read, which character they like, what interpretation they have of Bruce - go into who someone thinks is Bruce's fav. Sometimes it's not even a question of pure canon, but a question of theme. Which character being Bruce's fav is the most narratively compelling? To me, that's Dick - their relationship has the most history, the most depth, and frankly I prefer one of Batman's successors (who to me is Dick or Cass only) being his favourite.
Cass being the fav is compelling too, but not as compelling to me as her not being the fav. Her story, her quest to break free from White men's expectations (both David and Bruce's), makes me not want her to be tied to Bruce's love too much. So while there are great canon reasons for her being the fav, I don't think it's a necessary or even particularly interesting angle for Bruce-Cass.
I actually haven't heard many people argue for Damian being Bruce's fav (it's usually Dick or Cass in my circles), which goes to show how much opinions vary haha. Damian has great reasons too - his entire death/resurrection has strong Bruce-Damian moments - but this is the least interesting fav kid pick to me. He's been raised to think of himself as Bruce's fav, and his arc is about undoing that belief in legacy, being the heir, etc. So being Bruce's fav doesn't do much for him. Having the only bio kid be the fav isn't that interesting either.
Jason definitely is the most fanon-y pick, though Jay being Bruce's fav is genuinely interesting. It's just that Bruce's love for Jason is a lot about the dead kid he used to be, and also half of why Jason is so obsessed with Dick is because he knows Bruce is obsessed with him. So in a roundabout way my preferred Jason-Dick dynamic hinges on Jason not being Bruce's fav. But I'm not well-read on Jason, I think some Jason fans might have good reasons for him being the fav.
These are all my interpretations of these characters, and the fun about reading comics is growing to develop your own opinion about questions like this! To me Bruce's fav isn't a strict right/wrong answer, I'm like one well-written meta away from changing my mind. But I hope this clarified my thoughts on the question!
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zahri-melitor · 2 days
My kingdom for a post-War Games fic that:-
Delves into the destabilisation of losing all of the gang heads during War Games and how this left the field open for any opportunists
Remembers Dick is undercover in the Blüdhaven mob with a leg injury, punishing himself and depressed
Remembers Helena is currently undercover with the Gotham mob playing mafia princess
Doesn't revolve around Jason's perspectives on how this should play out and acknowledges that characters can react in ways that have absolutely nothing to do with Jason
Remembers Tim and Cass are both based in Blüdhaven, somewhat backing each other up, and that Bruce is talking to Tim in particular on a regular basis (and that Bruce knows about and is proud of Tim's subterfuges)
Because if you actually want to drop disruption into this storyline, what it should actually be is a bunch of separate mob plots clashing and taking each other out, and I know of exactly one story that acknowledges this and even that one doesn't get into the disruption Helena is also causing (and the fact she's actually produced the best work of the lot, as she's mapped out the new power structures and leaders and presented that to Bruce for the Bats generally to use)
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kiragecko · 2 days
LOSER'S BRACKET FINAL: Batfamily Relationship Tournament 2024
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Round 7, Match ONLY: Dick & Tim VS Tim & Cass
One of these relationships is getting a second chance to win the competition! Which relationship do you enjoy more?
Dick and Tim, who chose to be brothers over and over despite questioning their relationships with the family as a whole.
Or Tim and Cass, who slowly bonded through endless tragedy and have supported and believed in each other through their worst moments. Two kids bearing impossible burdens and taking the time to stop the other from collapsing. Who went from avoiding each other to incredibly close siblings.
See Main Post for more information and the other matches.
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emiqip · 8 hours
im fully convinced that every single member of the wayne household has a very distinct laugh.
Bruce has the billionaire chuckle it's unfortunately super effective on anyone who has a net worth lower than 50 million. Even the members of the JL (that one rare time they managed to make The Batman laugh) get psychically airdropped stock images of private jets and yachts (the only one who knows how to counter it is Oliver).
Just with his smile Dick's can warm your heart, imagine him full-on laughing. It doesn't change even when he's out as Nightwing: many civilians who experienced the vigilante laugh reported feeling comforted and safe even in highly stressful situations.
Jason has the most devilish cackle any human has ever heard. He sounds like he's kicking the curb a second time and unfortunately for anyone around him he's a Hitter: im talking shoulder slaps, shoving and arm-punching.
Tim inherited a watered down version of the billionaire chuckle. If something makes him laugh and he's in front of strangers he'll just let out an amused huff, not giving the person the satisfaction of making the CEO of W.E. laugh. Mainwhile with his friends and family he's less cagey and will let out a bunch of soft giggles on occasion.
Damian looks constipated. That small child is trying so bad to show some decorum by stopping his laughter that he looks like he's about to implode. The very rare times he loses composure he'll let out a mortifying snort, followed by a grimace aimed at himself.
Steph's laugh is very similar to Jason's, so they're extremely dangerous together for anyone in their vicinity. However Jason lacks the wheezing part that Stephanie has.
Cass has a very silent laugh often just showing her amusement by smiling, while Duke's is full of adorable giggles and snorts.
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batfam admitting to minor crimes
Bruce: hi I’m Bruce Wayne I broke into the GCPD and put laxatives in all the coffee machines. they were being corrupt again…
Dick: hi I’m dick Grayson I changed out the chalk for itching powder in the Gotham city gymnastics club, no reason but it was so funny watching everyone just itch and fall off the bar lol. Also they were all part of a giant sex trafficking ring so who cares!
Jason: hi I’m Jason Todd, I gave all of Gotham’s cats including the big cats catnip and unleashed havoc upon the city because SeLiNa stole my fucking BIKE
Tim: hi I’m Timothy drake i created a phishing scam that stole most of gothams high ranking government officials information and ransomed it back to them or else. (Jason: what the fuck do you mean or else?) or else I release their search histories and chat logs MUHAHAHAHAHAH
Damian: Tt, i’m Damian al ghul Wayne, I stole all of the live fish from the iceberg lounge, many various dental offices, the GCPD and more. Not my fault their standards of care were abysmal.
Steph: ugh, I’m Stephanie brown. I trolled multiple white supremacy groups into believing that their “aryan” race was in fact fake bitchy shit, and that omegaverse was the better version and then they all cried when they learned what omegaverse was. It was glorious I also conducted a phishing scam and beat their faces in but you know!
Cass: I’m Cassandra Cain, I sabotaged my ballet trope’s grand opening because I had things that day, I broke all of the lights. Every single light in that stage, it was broken.
Duke: I pirated all of supernatural and all of my textbooks, I haven’t actually paid for tv or movies in 17 years. Yo ho ho!
Alfred: I broke multiple of my NDA’s and leaked all of that information anonymously on the interwebs people deserved to know.. (Dick: wait about what?) things..
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