#(by Hamas against the Jews)
screamingfromuz · 11 months
I finally figured out why the response from the global left made me so angry.
Jewish leftist, including myself, never hesitated to condemn the Israeli government and Israeli citizens for their treatment of Palestinians. for example- I know were I was in Huwara. I was calling out the brutality of the pogrom done by right wings extremeness, criticizing it, calling for punishment of the terrorists, warning that this escalation of violence would do nothing but continue the violence. we did not try and justify it as a neutral response for the murder of two people, no, I knew that this kind of behavior has no excuse.
and we did the same every single time. the Israeli left always knew where it was when the Palestinians were the victims of violence, we often stood right there next to them.
and the leftist of the world loved it. held us up to prove that they are right, "you see? even they agree! free Palestine!"
and we expected the same. we expected that if the horrors will come to us, the global left will support us. We knew that they struggle since Israeli missiles hit while Hamas/Hezbollah/Jihad missiles get intercepted by a system that costs millions to operate. but surely, they kept saying that they would have spoken out if the Jews are in danger, they will stand with us in our grief.
and then came October 7th.
and we were shown once again that we are nothing but a token.
people celebrated the attack, and even those who did notת hesitated to condemn it. It was people being butchered in their own homes, a fucking war crime! all while they were hurling hundreds of missiles at civilian targets! at homes, at playground, at hospitals!
and yet, if it was not celebrating, the global left was silent.
I read a colon by a Danna Frank she described how an Israeli women who study in Yell was shaken and crying the entire day, and no one asked for her well being. Frank herself received messages from friends abroad during that day, and one of them asked after the well being of Palestinian waiters in Ramallah and offered them prayers and not ask after her own fucking sake. Seeds for Peace, that always had what to say at the beginning of any Israeli operation, stayed quiet for days, when they did post something, it was to call against violence from both sides, not even mentioning the massacre. and there are so many more instances.
It hurt so much because it was a betrayal. a prof that we are only cared for when we are either a token or dead.
We stood up again and again and again for the rights of others, against our own deeds, and when it was our people left dead on the ground, the quiet was disturbed only by the sounds of celebration.
We should have known
The Israeli left and the Jewish left stand alone in the global stage.
We now know who are allies are.
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humanbeanvitaminsea · 6 months
Finally someone writes an honest article. Thank you. Because the only "genocide" that took place was perpetrated by:
Hamas, Palestinian Islamic Jihad, Popular Resistance Committees, Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine, Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigade (Fatah's military wing), Palestinian Freedom Movement and Palestinian Mujahedeen Movement, (Let's admit the word ANTISEMITISM is convenienty now missing from Wikipedia pages about these TERRORISTS; in fact Wikipedia seems to be being constantly edited by antisemites.)
-against the general Israeli population, on October 7th.
My head is hurting. It's a little relief to finally read an article by a journalist who isn't full of hatred against Israel, who is unafraid to challenge the grotesque narrative which blames Jews for antisemitism, and Israel for all the world's problems.
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hilacopter · 3 months
sometimes I think "how tf do hamasniks still believe they're not being antisemitic when we jews have explicitly told them over the past eight months that they're denying our history and supporting a terrorist organisation that wants to wipe us out" but then I remember uneducated token jews exist, along with fakers like jvp and unhinged cults like the neutrei karta.
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hayatheauthor · 4 months
The way Zionists have brainwashed the average Jew into thinking Zionism = Judaism is insane. They've radicalised an entire religious group by making them think "look the Muslims want to target Zionists which means they're targeting the Jews!!" meanwhile we have stated multiple times over and over again that ZIONISM AND JUDAISM ARE NOT THE SAME THING. We have an issue with Zionists, not Jews, your government, not its people.
This is exactly what America did under the Bush administration. "All Muslims are terrorists, Taliban = Afghani!!" They make you think an entire populus should be held accountable for XYZ atrocity, and use that to justify genocide and ethnic cleansing.
The Israeli government really works overtime trying to convince their civilians and int Jews that Muslims regard Jews as our enemy. It's honestly sad how easily they are brainwashed. But at the same time, I see Israeli protestors demanding early elections and the resignation of Netanyahu, and I hope one day their entire population can understand everything their government got away with by making them look the wrong way.
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aestariiwilderness · 11 days
TW: GRAPHIC, GORE, CHILD MURDER. More included in the source; I wish I had not seen.
This is heartbreaking. When you need to coin a new word for the evil Hamas rejoiced in. Torturing, mutilating, and killing infants and children in front of parents; torturing, mutilating, and killing parents in front of children. Burning families alive.
There is no justification for this.
This was evil, plain and simple. Everyone who supports Hamas also supports this. Hamas will die -- as an idea and as a group. It's inevitable. When the name is spit on or forgotten in history books, and cowards round the globe hastily distance themselves from what they so fanatically supported not so long ago -- when all that happens, Israel will still be there.
But in the meantime, if you can look at crimes like this and still support Hamas, still insist Israel has no right to exist, still insist Israel doesn't have the right to win a war she didn't start -- May God have mercy on you. (Hamas won't.)
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chillinaris · 2 months
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🇮🇱 Licik seperti Ular ❌
🇵🇸 Tulus seperti Merpati ✔️
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cavalierzee · 25 days
The Jewish Way For A “Moral” War
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Fvcking SAVAGES!
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qaraxuanzenith · 11 months
this is just your daily reminder that if what you THINK you're saying is "i want a ceasefire in gaza," what you're ACTUALLY saying is "I don't think the over 240 civilian hostages who were violently abducted from their homes in Israel over a month ago, including at least 32 children, deserve to be safe or have their human rights respected, and also I think Israel should stop defending its civilians so that Hamas can complete the genocide they set out to commit on October 7."
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refractorind · 4 months
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news4dzhozhar · 5 months
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humanbeanvitaminsea · 7 months
What are you achieving when you post extremist, strongly anti Israel, anti Zionist comments and content on social media? What is your purpose? What do you hope to achieve?
You might think your strong, angry opinions are going to "save" or "help" the Palestinian people.
They're really not. They're not going to change anything outside of the circle of people you know in your own daily life.
What you're actually doing is isolating people, causing distress to people who, before you started your hate campaign, felt a little safer around you. Now they're scared of you. Is that what you wanted to achieve?
You want peace in the Middle East? I don't think so. I don't think you give two shits about anyone in the Palestinian territories.
Feels to me like you just care about what other, perhaps more influential haters think about you.
If you did, you'd understand that you don't achieve that by posting hate on Facebook.
Don't you think the Israelis and Palestinians would have made peace already if they could?
You honestly think your hate comments are going to help anyone?
They're not. They just destroy friendships, make people frightened and isolate people.
I think you're too arrogant to stop stirring up more and more hatred in the town where you live.
Stayon your soapbox as long as you want, but be aware that no one likes a bully.
You're hurting people who don't even live in the Middle East. You're hurting people who live in your own town.
You are a bully.
Stop it.
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jewishbarbies · 8 months
In relations to Gal Gadot's support for IDF, people started to bring up the infamous "Imagine" video.
Now, I also found it incredibly tonedeaf when it first came out. Bit why was she always the one to get most flack for it? I understand that it was her idea, but it's not like the rest of celebrities were forced into it.
Zoe Kravitz, Pedro Pascal, Jimmy Fallon, Mark Ruffalo and Cara Whateverthefuck? People completely glassed over their involvement in this train trainwreck even back then.
it’s because they were convinced she killed palestinian babies with her bare hands when she was first cast as wonder woman, and I’m not even remotely joking. Gal was a gym trainer during her mandatory service. they saw that and pulled a thg Gale like “even if they’re mopping floors they’re helping the enemy” and they’ve never let it go. the things people have given themselves permission to say about her bc of a lie is really, really disgusting and at the same time very telling of where we’re at as a society.
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seleneprince · 10 months
Hamas member gives details of their fight for Palestine's freedom and against the zionists in IDF interrogation video
The brave tale from this amazing fighter has left me speechless. I distrusted them as first and pinned them as terrorists, since that's what all my favourite zionist activist in Tiktok told me, and you know the people in this platform are very well informed about these conflicts. Seriously, I'm amazed by the level of courage and love for the country this man represents in his words and attitude. Expected no less from a man that follows the Islam, a religion that values human life above everything else.
But out of all his heart-wrenching lines, this one struck me the most:
"We heard sounds of young children crying, we shot at the door, we didn't hear them anymore,"
If you even DARE to come at me to defend these MONSTERS, save those words for other braindead people like you. Get the fuck out of my blog and block me, or I'll block you, I don't care. But I won't tolerate people supporting terrorists that kill children in my blog.
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aestariiwilderness · 2 months
Opinion: Kamala Harris is not for Israel or the Jews; Trump was
Kamala Harris (and Joe Biden, pretty much consigned to total irrelevancy by now thanks to the [un]Democratic coup) can say whatever she likes about supporting Israel (and she does spare half a breath to say she'll, OF COURSE, always support Israel's right to defend herself! ... and then spends the rest of the paragraph on verbally stabbing Israel in the back, talking about "how [Israel] defends itself matters", ceasefires, making deals with Hamas, engaging with the Palestinians, stopping Palestinian casualties, etc., which is telling in itself and just lends even more weight to the endless anti-Israel propaganda out there). But I go by actions, not words. They can say anything they want; they can go to Holocaust memorials or condemn antisemitism as much as they please. Words cost very little, and placate the overwhelmingly pro-Israel American population (while still, of course, inciting more blood libel and adding weight to the propaganda). But I don't see Harris or Biden ever, ever coming in decisively on Israel's side where it genuinely counts, when they didn't absolutely have to. Kamala Harris/Joe Biden Actions:
Did not tell a pro-Hamas, anti-Israel group that she wouldn't talk with them. This is a generous recounting of events, actually; it looks more like she said "sure, I'll talk with you about enacting an arms embargo with Israel". Once the backlash about that started happening, an anonymous aid seems to have taken it on themself to say "of course VP Harris has always been very clear about supporting Israel". (No, she hasn't.) (It's pretty telling that Harris, so far as I am aware, hasn't seen fit to even bother to clarify that herself.)
https://www.newsweek.com/kamala-harris-open-israel-arms-embargo-palestine-conflict-1936259 https://www.reuters.com/world/democrat-harris-didnt-agree-discuss-israel-arms-embargo-aide-says-2024-08-08/
Just snubbed Jewish PA gov. Shapiro for VP candidate in favor of war-welcher Tim Walz
Kamala's chosen running mate, Walz, did repeatedly host a pro-Hamas Muslim leader who praised the Oct. 7th massacre
Was already, with Biden, conducting a partial arms embargo against Israel.
Threatened Israel with consequences if she went into Rafah https://www.reuters.com/world/us/tougher-tone-israel-steady-nato-how-harris-foreign-policy-could-look-2024-07-21/
https://nypost.com/2024/07/25/us-news/biden-welcomes-netanyahu-to-white-house-following-chaotic-anti-israel-protests/ Snubbed Netanyahu -- the leader of the only democracy in the Middle East and our long-time ally -- to go to a sorority speech
Admired and engaged with the violent, law-breaking, window-smashing, intifada-chanting protestors blockading universities, holding staff hostage, and violently harassing Jewish students
Harris' husband's daughter raised money for UNRWA https://www.jns.org/kamala-harris-thinks-campus-antisemites-are-very-fine-people/ And back on those words and double-speak again: https://www.telegraph.co.uk/us/comment/2023/12/18/israel-palestine-kamala-harris-joe-biden-ceasefire/ https://www.nationalreview.com/2023/12/kamala-harriss-performative-scolding-of-israel/
For more actual "actions" by any American politician and unbiased by any commentary, check out https://justfacts.votesmart.org/. You can filter by issues of concern to you and see how they voted, what they said, what positions they held, etc. (I personally find Biden and Harris' track record on abortion, coercive abortion, born-alive survivors of abortion, and even infant pain absolutely horrifying, but I understand that might not mean much to some.)
In contrast, we have Donald Trump. Trump has been continually vocal in his support of Israel. There is no double-speak like Harris that I've been able to find. His term was full of unprecedented, active support for Israel and the Jews. Media claims he "criticized" the war in Gaza -- but when I actually look, all I see is that he criticized the fact that Oct 7th could have happened in the first place (i.e., Israel was not protected enough and did not receive enough support from the Biden administration) and that the war was still going on due to Israel's unprecedented kid gloves-care with Palestinian civilian casualties. He advised Israel to mind their "PR war", saying "victory is necessary" and needs to happen quickly. Not "ceasefire", not "compromise", not "dealing with Hamas". Not -- in contrast to Harris and Biden -- wailing "oh no, it's Israel's job to think of the enemy's civilians and to prioritize their wellbeing above their own civilians!" It's my belief, based on what I see and hear, that Trump wants victory and peace for Israel over Hamas. He wants October 7th to never happen again. https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/donald-trump/trump-israel-gaza-finish-problem-rcna141905 Trump Actions, taken usually without any conditions or concessions required from Israel Abraham Accords, specifically meant to pressure Palestinians (no Oct. 7th massacre while Trump was in office. Pity Harris can't say the same.)
Jerusalem officially recognized as Israel's capital
Recognized the Golan Heights as part of Israel https://www.latimes.com/politics/story/2024-06-12/biden-trump-on-israel-palestinians-middle-east Reversed the Iran Nuclear Accord https://spectator.clingendael.org/en/publication/trump-most-pro-israel-president-american-history "Cut the annual US aid to the Palestinian Authority (PA) – $500 million" https://spectator.clingendael.org/en/publication/trump-most-pro-israel-president-american-history "Cut the annual US contributions to the UN Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) for Palestinians ($250-400 million)"
Rejected the claim that Israeli "settlements" in the West Bank were illegal and the obstacle to peace
Sided with Israel against the wildly anti-Israel UN and the ICC
Met with Netanyahu where Harris did not https://apnews.com/video/israel-government-florida-00c58fa3898247c1895d520d3feddab1 https://www.reuters.com/world/us/donald-trump-foreign-policy-advisers-met-israeli-pm-netanyahu-source-says-2024-05-20/ There's a lot more. But that's enough for me, at least. I'd invite anyone interested to check it out for themselves, but not to be fooled by the rampant corruption, spin, and bias in most mainstream media (although you'll notice I can still utilize them as sources even though they're blatantly hostile to my viewpoint).
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timetobeaghost · 7 months
anti-Semitism is disgusting but Islamophobia isn't either and you clearly show some Islamophobic vibes so clearly stop being a hypocrite and say you don't care about Palestinians. You want them all dead and that's why you support Israel and deny everything it does to Palestinians. You aren't the one who should choose to forgive or not Noah cause you aren't the one he offended: you aren't Arab , you aren't Muslim and you aren't Palestinians.
No Arab, Muslim or Palestinian has any right to tell Noah how to feel about the brutal slaughter of Israelis by PALESTINIANS. Jesus.
I do not forgive Noah, because he hasn't done anything. Period.
I don't want any innocent Palestinians dead, but definitely every terrorist. Those fuckers are trying to get as many Palestinian civilians killed as possible as a mean to harm Israel, steal all their aids/food, just boycotted ceasefire talks again. Obviously they want all the Jews dead, but that is just their stated goal.
You try to defend those evil fucks and blame Israel for being attacked. Now that is an offensive opinion.
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cavalierzee · 4 months
"We (Israel) Are Aiming For A World War!"
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You Have Been Forewarned!
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