#“but the king killed the king of the dragons so he kinda deserved it”
okay so King Harrow (father of Ezran, adopted father of Callum) killed the king of the dragons (Father of Zym [adopted brother of Ezran]). in revenge, Runaan (adopted father of Rayla [girlfriend of Callum {adopted son of King Harrow}]) kills King Harrow (father of Ezran, adopted father of Callum).
I need someone to make a chart because Runaan's family life got real complicated in the two years he's been gone
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baxndaid · 1 year
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1999/lmk sun wukong x reader
𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐬 ! tbh this can be read as both 1999 or lmk OR literally anything else since this is taking place during the jttw !! SORRY FOR LONG ABSENCE </3
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- you were a witch that was ordered to aid the pilgrim named Tripitaka on his quest to find the ancient scriptures
- you didn’t really know he’d have company though, even with your powers you could’ve never predicted that he’d be travelling with a monkey, a pig, and a sea wizard (not to mention their dragon horse)
- at first it was pretty rocky considering that when you revealed yourself to the group, the monkey (who was conveniently named monkey) attacked you with no hesitation
- in battle, you tried to show him the letter you received from the goddess Guan Yin, but it fell on deaf ears and he continued his attacks while calling you a liar
- he stopped as soon as the monk ordered for him to halt, with a bit of encouragement from the headband of course 😋
- you both floated down to your master
- you bowed and introduced yourself as y/n, and the group introduced themselves to you too
- pigsy took a liking to you (obviously)
- monkey did not
- sandy was neutral
- tripitaka was just glad he had another semi-sane individual in his group
- and so, you and your new companions continued with your journey to the west
- ANYWAY that brings you to where you are now 🗣️🗣️
the journey
♡ wukong didnt trust you much, even after a few months of traveling together
♡ he would allow you to do the same things he and his fellow companions did of course, but he would never let you stay and watch his master alone
♡ you did notice, but you didnt care, babysitting the monk wasnt exactly something you were dying to do as much as you respected him
♡ he did appreciate you for your skills, though
♡ Tripitaka managed to get kidnapped 4 times a week instead of 9 with you around 🥳
♡ for that, he warmed up to you
♡ just a smidge tho💔💔
♡ during the whole white bone demon/crimson witch saga; you defended monkey from the accusations of him killing a not so innocent young women
♡ you didnt feel as if he had a reason to lie, and even if you definitely werent his favourite person of the group, you still didnt want him to get punished for something that he did to protect his friends
♡ didnt work tho LMFAOO 😩
♡ he was soon banished from the group and went back to his home in flower fruit mountain in a sour mood
♡ you kinda felt bad but you kinda liked it like lmfaoo deserved 💔💔
♡ after the young monk got in trouble again, it was up to you to find monkey and get him to help you again
♡ you still don’t know why the hell pigsy made you do it, you just assumed he was being lazy and just wanted you to do all the heavy lifting
♡ you’d bully him later for compensation
♡ but for now your goal was to find monkey which was surprisingly easy considering his island was supposed to be incredibly difficult to find
♡ your task was easy, go to the island, get wukong, and come back
♡ it wasn’t easy 💯
♡ you ended up getting ambushed by a bunch of monkeys which you couldn’t take seriously since they were just so cute!
♡ they beat your ass
♡ they brought you to a stone throne with your ex-companion sitting on top of it, a dismissive look on his face and his head leaning on his hand
♡ they pushed you on your knees as the monkey king began to speak
♡ “state your name and your business here”
♡ “oh be quiet, unless you hit your head i expect you to remember me, it’s been like 2 days you dramatic ape”
♡ immediately you regret insulting him as his subjects hold you tighter and audibly chitter and gasp at your words
♡ you grunt “fine, i’m here to take you back to Tripitaka, he’s… in a tight spot” you look up at him to see his expression
♡ “why should i help him? he threw me away without a second thought!”
♡ you groaned, he had the right to be angry but you just wanted to get this over with, so you negotiated with him for a while
♡ a very long while
♡ he sighed, “fine” he got up from his throne “monkey subjects! your king is going on an important mission, you’ll have to do without me for a while” he said dramatically
♡ you playfully rolled his eyes as you watched him comfort the female monkeys, them clearly not wanting him to leave so soon
♡ after like 20 minutes you got bored, you took his hand and led him to your master, you were surprised he let you hold him for so long, he normally shoves pigsy off whenever he flings his arms around him after battle
♡ the rest of your friends rejoiced when they saw a certain monkey flying behind you, hand in hand
♡ pigsy had questions about why the two of you came back with hands intertwined and his mind immediately went straight into the gutter, and naturally, he got jealous
♡ he refused to talk to monkey for a week because of his assumption 😞
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lego monkie kid masterlist
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I would love to have a King x reader (female reader if you are ok with that) where the reader is a mythical zoan type very similar to Kaido’s mythical zoan but because it was a fruit made by Dr Vegaounk, the reader ends up with a dark green dragon instead. King’s just infatuated with the reader and the reader knows it but won’t say anything. The reader is fairly new to the Beast Pirates and Kaido puts King in charge of making the reader feel welcome. Thanks in advance if you are able to do this!!
Imagine having a dragon smile fruit
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This led me down an interesting line of thought. How would King act around his crush. He's a deeply traumatized individual, but he hides it well. King has like zero emotional intelligence, he never learned how to really deal with them. Also, I'm making the reader around the same size as King for reasons.
This ended up being kinda long.
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Kaido: I'm told you have a devil fruit.
You: it's a smile fruit, sir, Dr. Vegapunk made it for me.
Kaido: Vegapunk *casts a glance at king, but can't see his emotions due to that damn mask* when did he make it for you?
You: a few years back upon my request, he owed me a favor.
Kaido: may I see?
You: we'll need to go outside, I would hate to destroy your lovely house.
Kaido: Ookay?
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You: *transforms into a large emerald green dragon with pitch black fur, talons, and horns.*
Kaido: Worororo, we're gonna be unstoppable!
King: ( 💖0💖 ) !!
You: So I can get settled in?
Kaido: yes, Queen! Get their rooms ready, put them in the east wind of my castle.
You: absolutely not, I refuse to work with Queen, he's annoying.
Queen: EHH! Annoying! Who are you calling an idiot, you moron. You wanna go! *Starts to climb up on one of the coils of your body*
You: *flicks him off* And loud.
Queen: *skips like a rock over the ocean towards mainland Wano and disappears with a twinkle*
Kaido: Would you prefer Jack?
You: Jack is too unpredictable, plus I'm not a fan of the baby bangs he's sporting, they make me wanna bully him. King seems tolerable though, he's quiet which is preferable if I have to deal with a man.
King: 😱💢
Kaido: Very well, wouldn't want you to lose your temper and kill one of them. I need all three of them... well actually with you here, I might not.
You: I don't want a position of responsibility, those usually come with a lot of paperwork. I want money, food, a place to crash, and to fight, and when I’m not doing any of those to lounge in comfort.
Kaido: and you shall have anything you desire. King take them to the Black Tortoise wing.
King: I think they'd appreciate the views and quiet of the Blue Halls in the Vermilion Bird wing. You yourself once told me your dragon enjoys the open sky.
Kaido: how thoughtful King, to share your Vermilion Bird wing with our new recruit.
King: such a valuable member of the crew deserves the best we have to offer, especially one with a power so similar to your own.
Kaido: then can I trust them to you?
King: Of course.
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The next day
King: how are you liking the Blue hall? Is it to your liking?
You: It's almost perfect, it just needs some personal touches.
King: I'll set up an appointment for our artisans to come over to receive instructions on what you want.
You: don't you have an assistant for that?
King: no? Are you volunteering?
You: hmm, only when I'm bored.
King: very well, in the meantime care to join me for a training session in the gym? *Hoping to show off his strength and physique for you*
You: Sure, let me change into something more breathable.
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At the gym
King: would you spot me?
You: sure?
King: *lifting way more weight than he usually does while trying to keep his face as neutral as possible.*
You: *not sure how you'd be of any help to him if he actually needed help*
Queen: *leans over to Jack to shit talk* is it me, or is that feather-brained idiot trying to impress the newbie?
Jack: Yeah, he's even puffing up his wings and fire to make himself appear bigger.
Maria: right? And you you see the way he looks at them.
Queen: he's clearly displacing his affections for Kaido on them, probably they're more attainable to him than Kaido.
Kaido: *leans in* he's just not my type what can I say? Although, he does have those big titties like I like.
You: I'm gonna go get a water bottle, you want one?
King: sure *waits for you to leave before turning to his crew members* what the fuck are you jack asses whispering about over there?
Queen: You like (y/n) right?
King: what? No, they just got here, I don't even know them.
Kaido: she doth protest too much, methinks.
King: ugh, you all are seeing things.
Maria: yeah, we see you making bedroom eyes at (y/n).
Queen: Don't act like you're not, look at yourself, you're all puffed up like you're a horny teenager all over again.
King: *flattens his feathers* shut up dickhead.
You: *comes back in the room* I got us a few waters!
King: *puffs up again and realizes they're right.
Yamato: *peaking out from one of the floorboards* that explain why he wanted them in the Vermilion Bird wing with him.
King: *Puts his foot on the board and pushes it down*
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That evening after dinner
Kaido: did we really upset you earlier? You seem like you're still... huffy like you were in the gym.
King: I'm disgusted with myself for being attracted to a human.
Kaido: *nods his head empathetically* I know the feeling bud. From what information that I have gathered about them, they seem like a decent human. They were once instrumental in the escape of a slave rebellion in the Ballywood Kingdom and Vodka Kingdom. Both of which were predominately composed of non-humans.
King: really?
Jack: yeah, they came to us through a recommendation of one of contacts in the Ryugu Kingdom.
You: wha'cha talking about?
King: *puffs up and feels his embarrassment and panic well up in his chest* Nothing!
You: *squints at him in suspicion* Really? Because I don't believe you.
King: Are you calling me a liar?
You: I ain't callin' you a truther, big man. Now spill the beans, what were y'all whispering about?
King: *his heart flutters happily when you call him 'big man' * Kaido told us you helped in some slave rebellions.
You: Oh yeah, I have quite a few tales from that time of my life.
King: If we're going to work together we should know more about you. So if you wouldn't mind, could you tell us those stories?
Kaido: *subtly gives him an encouraging slap on the back and a wink*
Queen: *whispers* fuckin' simp!
King: *makes Queen's cigar erupt in fire*
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ghostlee · 2 months
you know what? I will do it again.
while I know lmk is not entirely accurate to jttw, it crosses with the actual story enough to where I can say that…man, nezha really deserves tickles in an affectionate and happy way-
like the man is immediately born with his father thinking he’s a demon (though, in Li Jing’s defense, nezha was born as a flesh ball and already knew how to walk and talk), saves his friend from being eaten by a sea dragon, killed himself at 12 years old so that the sea dragon didn’t flood his town, got his temple of honor burned down by Li Jing for petty reasons, got revived from lotus roots…the list goes on, and essentially ends with this man never actually getting a happy ending-
anyways, he desperately needs to feel child-like joy again because this man has so much trauma packed into his little brain, and he just needs to laugh happily for once in his now-immortal life :(
This man fr has so much on his mind constantly and some tickles just to make him throw his head back and laugh away as he doesn’t give a single other care would be so good for him omg.
I could totally see a scene where Wukong feels kinda bad for stressing Nezha out with things and he goes to have a talk with the man and Nezha is a bit standoffish at first like “what could you possibly hope to achieve in talking to me about this now. Do you even know how much stress you brought upon me? We’re you hoping I’d forgive you for this all?” And Wukong can see some tears in Nezhas eyes as the lotus prince turns his head away. He’s angry but in all honesty probably wants to have a good friendship with Wukong.
Wukong reaches a hand out and carefully puts it on Nezhas shoulder, they have a long talk about it all and near the end of the serious conversation Wukong says something kinda dumb and hears Nezha laugh quietly at him and gets feigned offended as he looks at Nezha like “and what are you laughing at??” Wukong would ask him and Nezha would hold his hand up to his face and look away as he smiles. “Nothing.” Nezha says through a small smile.
Wukong would then jab Nezha in the side quick and say to him “here I’ll give you something to really laugh at.” And watch at the lotus prince jumps and quickly reaches down to his side with his hands to protect himself as he looks at Wukong with wide eyes.
He would be all like “don’t you dare Wukong.” And he can see the monkey kings tail start swishing back and fourth as he wiggles his fingers at Nezha.
Nezha quickly jumps up and goes to make a run for it. Wukong goes after him and is like “wow you are a lot faster then I remember.” But manages to catch up and pounce on Nezha. Que the scribbling his fingers into the man’s sides and hearing him let out a loud and uncontrollable scream of laughter as he starts struggling to get away. Wukong just poking and prodding and squeezing all over Nezhas sides before he flips him onto his back and pushes up his shirt and in one fluid go blows a big raspberry right down onto the middle of Nezhas tummy.
Nezha just absolutely convulses and yelps with laughter as he tries to push Wukongs head away all while laughing up a storm.
Oh that was so good for me ty for talking with me about it always feel free to come back so I can yap more about it 😤
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kitofawriter · 2 months
LMK season 5 episodes 7-8 spoilers below the cut!!
Gonna finish the season today! I will never skip this intro BTW
“M-m-m-m-monkey king?!?”
Scooby doo doors!!
Giggly MK
Mo in the chest!
“I can feel it in my monkey bones!”
Tang has pretty eyes!!
They all do the Tang impression!! Even Mo!
Tang without glasses look weird
“And ignoring the terrible impression” “ya nailed it MK”
“Big giant world ending consequences baby steps”
Creepy eye
Baby MK!!!
Also MK backstory?! Now?!
“Where are his parents?” Pigsy fed him so he’s pigsys now (that how it works with cats so it can work with random children as well)
“MK’s not a name” yes it is Tang!
“It’s short for…”
“The first season of my discontent”
Lots of good quotes in this one.
Creepy LBD!! Bringing back all MK’s trauma!
Oh! Oh! They’re all living through their memories!! “Stop! Don’t make me do this!” If LBD is MK’s biggest trauma moment does that mean killing Mac is SWK’s?!?
Mac busted him out!!
“Fun memory?” “…no…”
“Kinda waisted my whole ‘sacrifice’ thing Wukong” nobody asked you to do that Mac. They were all very upset.
Pigsy immediately saving Tang! Now somebody save Sandy because he doesn’t deserve to relive his trauma.
Mo was remembering the ginseng fruit episode.
Mo saved Sandy!
MK is not having a good time.
MK backstory!!!!
If anybody (Nüwa) insists MK has to sacrifice himself they’ll have to answer to like, two very angry monkeys, a guy with scrawny ankles, a dragon, a dude who’s only scary when his family is threatened, and a pig who will stop at nothing to keep MK safe. Good luck.
Everyone being so willing to jump in to save MK!!
I am not okay, but team hug!!
*scoops Mac up too* “woah”
MK, maybe like, talk to someone about this?
Seasons 1-4: SWK doesn’t communicate well season 5: MK learned not to talk about his problems (JK he’s been bottling it up since season one. Holding too much of those breadstick shoulders of his)
Ooooh, that black and white moment at the end was nice!
I’m gonna need some nice chill “team gets downtime and therapy” fics after this season. I can tell.
Episode 8!!
Is there a SWK saying “kid” counter for this season? Cause he’s saying it A LOT.
SWK walking through the fillet spell to fight Li Jing for MK!!!!!
“He is not the enemy” “he sure seems like it”
Nezha is the best
“Did you just teleport?” “Okay, did anyone else know that he could do that?” Mei and Pigsy are getting some funny dialogue together this season.
Pigsy hugs!
Spooky dude shows up! Why don’t we sacrifice him instead?!
“Hey, monkey king, who is this guy?” “I…have no idea.”
“Or like your ex best friend” Mac: o.o
Monkey MK!!!!
Also this dude is both amusing and very OP
“I’m not a MONSTER!” You kinda are dude.
Ooooh! Foil to MK’s “you like it” moment.
Lots less commentary because I’m really focused on the episode.
“Leave the world a little better than you found it, right?” Ouch. As a critical role fan this has a double ouch.
Someone needs to talk to like 90% of this cast about self sacrificing tendencies. It’s not healthy.
The voice acting this season is GUT WRENCHINGLY good.
Two more episodes to go! I am not ready!
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annot8 · 5 months
Top 20 RotE Moments
(Would love to know what everyone else’s favourite moments are! 20 is probs a little bit overkill but there are so many!)
Spoilers for all of RotE under the cut
20. Chade tells Fitz to go after the Servants - Fool's Quest
- Chade infuriates me to no end. But I can’t bring myself to hate him. This moment, where he only has sparing of lucidity, he subtly tells Fitz to go after Bee, even if the King doesn’t allow it. It’s a really lovely moment of two old assassins planning to deceive everyone one last time :)
19. The Quarrel - Golden Fool
- What a scene. This was crazy. Fitz’s rampant denial and homophobia was building up the whole book, and everything came to a boil here. Fitz was ready to give the Fool a piece of his mind, and the Fool completely destroyed him. Deserved. The bit that breaks my heart tho is that the Fool thought the flowers were from Fitz - I can’t with these two.
17. The night in Aslevjal - Fool's Fate
- I was dreading Fitz and the Fool’s reunion after Fitz left him behind, but I was pleasantly surprised by how warmly they greeted each other. After the Golden Fool Divorce, I was so relieved to see them get along. And who doesn’t love a ‘stay with me’ moment?
16. Alise and Cedric reject Hest together in Kelsingra - Blood of Dragons
- Hest kinda went through it in this book and I was worried we were heading down a redemption route. Thank god we got this instead. This was such a satisfying moment.
18. Fitz and Ketrricken mourn Nighteyes - Golden fool
What a lovely moment. I had been waiting for Fitz to fall apart from Nighteyes’ death, and this was probably the healthiest way to deal with it. God, I love Kettricken. I always loved her friendship with Nighteyes and I’m glad she was allowed to mourn as well.
15. The Traders come together to clean the concourse - Ship of Destiny
- Such a small but impactful moment. The traders had really rejected the Vestrits (mostly due to Davad Restart bulldozing their reputation along with his own). And in this moment, they returned to their ruined hall, and they see a lone old woman - whose family is missing and maybe dead - sweeping and continuing their traditions. And slowly, one by one, they all join in and help. No matter what else divides them, they are all Traders.
14. Fitz 'steals' Shrewd's knife and stabs it into Chade’s fireplace - Assassin's Apprentice
- My baby’s first proper act of defiance. I was very proud of my boy. And while Chade can be quite a cold character (the events that led up to this moment are proof of that),, the fact that he never moved the knife also says something about his feeling for Fitz. God, Chade makes me feel so many things.
13. Molly gives birth to Nettle - Assassin's Quest
- “and as prefect as she is, what would she have to cry about?” Why don’t you shoot in the face? This scene broke me. Molly being pregnant was admittedly the most obvious plot twist of all time but the payoff was beautiful. Burrich acted exactly the way I thought he would. And what can I say, I love Molly.
12. Fitz shows Patience his drawing of the dog - Assassin's Apprentice
- I think (it was over a year ago) but I think this was maybe the first time I cried at this series. Fitz is so desperate to do something Patience will be proud of, then he suddenly feels foolish, holding his little piece of paper with a dog on it. And then Patience sees it, asks who drew it, and is so proud of him when he says he did. You should have been mind! Ahh, kill me!
11. Fitz and the Fool reunite - Fool's Errand + Fitz and the fool reunite in Jhaampe - Assassin's Quest
- I had to put these together. They’re both so good, and both are followed by these warm times of relative peace. In AQ, the Fool doesn’t realise it’s Fitz, and in FE, Fitz doesn’t realise it’s the Fool. These bits parallel each other so beautifully and in both, their peaceful time together is broken by a calling from the Farseer crown.
10. Malta negotiates independence for Bingtown - Ship of destiny
- SHE IS THAT GIRL. Malta’s arc was so unbelievably satisfying and I was proud of her here. She had released Tintaglia, saved the satrap and his companion, learned from Kekki, held her own on that ship, and stood up for Bingtown before Kennit and the Satrap. Love Love Love.
9. Bee burns down the scroll library of clerres - Assassin’s Fate
- Ahhhhh!!!!! That’s my baby!!!!! My destroyer!!!! Bee goes through so much for someone so young, and she’s the only one wise enough to know that they must let go of the past. She begins the dragon’s vengeance and brings about the destruction of Clerres. Good for her.
8. You're not dead son - Royal Assassin
- Shut up, shut up, shut up!!!! I cannot do this!!!! The days as the wolf were so well written and this was such an emotional conclusion. Burrich, the man that you are. To see him momentarily set aside his absolute hatred of the Wit to save his boy just showed how much he loved Fitz. It’s the devastating culmination of Burrich’s parenting skills and it broke me in a way that no other scene in this entire series has broken me!
7. Burrich and Swift defeat the stone dragon - Fool's Fate
- if Burrich is gonna do one thing, it’s accept the Wit in order to save a son. This display of strength and love was so beautiful! And I was happy to see Swift have his moment!
6. Kettricken's Speech before the Forge Hunt - Royal Assassin
- Such an underrated scene. Kettricken really comes into her own here. She really becomes the Queen-in-Waiting of the Six Duchies in this moment. She impresses everyone - even Chade. I think this is where Verity falls in love with her, and of course, we get to see Verity slap Regal.
5. Prince FitzChivalry Farseer is welcomed home - Fool's quest
- I WEPT. I could not believe what I was reading. We get Starling’s song - which was such a brilliant moment of payoff for her character. And then, of all people, it’s Chade to walk over to Fitz. A man who is obsessed with secrets is the one to tell Fitz it’s time to do away with disguises and secrets. Oh my godddddd.
4. Nighteyes' last hunt - fool's errand
- I had to reread this scene because I had not at all processed what had happened. I was in public! I was on a train, sat next to a stranger, and there were silent tears running down my face. I love Nighteyes and I knew it was coming eventually, but I was not expecting it in this book. His ‘I was sure you would want to come with me,’ is one of the saddest lines in the whole thing.
3. Fitz, Beloved, and Nighteyes become go into the stone wolf and become one being - Assassin’s Fate
- what am I supposed to do with this? This was perfect and devastating. It was where they were always heading towards. Love without limits.
2. Fitz brings the fool back from the dead - Fool's Fate
- Imagine merging souls and calling him by your own name and calling him your dream, believing you can’t go on without him, and uprooting fate with love and passion and bringing him back to life. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!
1. The Stone Dragons awake / Fitzloved kiss - Assassin's Quest
- The moment the first trilogy built up to. This moment seared these books onto my heart. From Verity’s sacrifice, Kettle’s redemption, Starling getting the story for her song, Kettricken fully becoming Sacrifice and getting pregnant, the Fool seeing his prophecy become fulfilled and kissing Fitz, and Fitz using the Wit to awake the stone dragons and saving the Six Duchies from the Red Ship Raiders!!!!!!! A perfect ending!
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teardrop-scales · 1 year
The Dragon King relationship headcannons
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A.N: Because come on, I know I'm not the only one who's got a crush on this dragon. Also this is my first time writing headcannons, so apologies if these are bad and kinda chaotic and if the dragon king in this is ooc. Also I tried to make the reader gender neutral.
No warnings I guess, just fluff mostly (although beware that these will be quite long, I have lots of thoughts about this guy)
First of all, as could be seen in the movie, this guy loves nicknames. Mostly he uses the classic ones, like baby, honey, darling, etc. Only sometimes when he's in the mood he will call you something creative or sickeningly sweet that will either embarrass you or make you flustered.
PDA depends on his mood and the people that surround him at the moment. If it's just Benbo and Babo and/or his subjects then he has literally no shame. In fact, he loves showing you off to his people and usually isn't afraid to show everyone just how much he cherishes you. But with the Immortals or other important people, however, Dragon King avoids PDA. Don't worry, it's not that you embarrass him or something, it's just that the Immortals for example already don't treat him seriously and it would be even worse if he showed them just how much of a softie he really is towards you. He wants to appear tough and intimidating. So in front of them, the most he'll do is take your hand and kiss it or something like that.
Honestly I see Dragon King as a person who usually avoids physical contact with people he isn't close to. But with you, his S/O, things are of course totally different.
Also in private he's quite clingy.
When it comes to touch, he's down for everything. Hugs, kisses, cuddling, he'll do it all.
He's great for hugging and cuddling because his body is literally filled with water, so he's really soft and squishy.
Also for some reason he will get really flustered if you boop his nose.
If you ask nicely, he will let you braid his hair/beard (idk how to call it)
Loves it when you do his makeup and is thrilled when you let him do yours.
Judging by the whole situation with the Stick, I think it's safe to say Dragon King is quite possessive. However he doesn't want you to think he doesn't trust you (he does, it's the other people Dragon King doesn't trust), so he only acts on his jealousy if necessary (though he's always cautious when you talk to another guy and watching the situation from the corner of his eye). Thankfully that doesn't happen often, I mean who would have the audacity to flirt with the King's S/O? Honestly they would probably got eaten by him or killed in another way if they tried anything like that.
If it's someone he can't punish, he will just come over to you and start engaging in the conversation, making sure to call you nicknames that prove you are his, he will also put his hand on your arm or around your waist.
As we've seen in the movie, this guy is a bit insecure and sensitive about his skin condition. So if you assure him that you don't care about that and that he's gorgeous to you no matter what, Dragon King will literally melt. If he didn't have such a big ego then might've even start wondering what did he do to deserve you. But he won't show any of that of course. Dragon King will just smile and bat his eyelashes. "Oh honey, you flatter me!"
Personally I don't think he would limit to just one or two main love languages, but I see Dragon King as someone who would love to shower you with gifts. Either some pieces of jewelry or something bigger, more random or personal, doesn't even matter. He's a King, so of course he can afford to give his S/O so many trinkets and other items.
Another thing he probably does a lot is acts of service. Of course most of the time The Dragon King isn't actually the one who does these things for you, his kingly duties and his skin condition on land won't let him, so usually he will send Benbo and Babbo to do it. But you know, it's the thought that counts. Although there's a selfish tone to it; Dragon King makes his minions do errands for you so you could have more time for him and give him your full attention. He is very full of himself after all...
But if you really must go on land to do something, he will give you the vial with the drops each and every time, so you could talk to him if you wanted and/or really needed.
Now onto the negative aspects of relationship.
I wouldn't say he's toxic, but he is quite egoistical and selfish at times. For example, he becomes really annoying and gets pouty if you are busy with something and don't have time for him.
Also, as much as he treasures you, I feel like he would still feel and sometimes act like he's better than and above you, especially if you're not royalty.
Dragon King can be a real diva sometimes, so you have to have A LOT of patience when dealing with him in a relationship.
But overall in my opinion relationship with Dragon King could be difficult to make it work, but also worth it in the end; he gives me vibes of someone who would love you to the moon and back if you proved yourself to be the right person.
That's it, although I might add something to this or make more headcannons later. I hope you liked it. Also, if someone actually read this, I guess you can send some requests for him to me if you want.
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inseasofgreen · 1 month
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Thank you for tagging me @drchenquill and @tildeathiwillwrite!
Rules: Copy and paste the template, fill it out for one or more of your OC's, then post your OC's and the blank template for others to copy and paste.
I'm a bit torn on who to write so I'll do my default and go with Zemorri. Bastard doesn't deserve it as he's made me scrap 7000 words. But I love him still anyway
Name: Zemorri of Pyros
Nickname: Songbird
Kind of being: Zrato (human but with extra pizzazz in their blood)
Age: Early to mid twenties (still trying to decide everyones age)
Sex: Male
Appearance: a tall lean fighting machine He has long black hair falling to about the middle of his back, copper complexion, dark brown eyes. He's been described often a "pretty" as he favors his moms in her looks. His mom being jaw droppingly beautiful and is the pinnacle of beauty standards in the capital. What can I say, she's hot and as such her children are hot. Also has tattoos on both his forearms/hands which are basically script work in Haivra of prayers and rites. All riders of the crown have some form of them. Though more uniquely he has a huge one on his shoulders that kinda wrap around the back of his neck of script work in Haivra, but also included are a sun in between his shoulders with vertical lines going down his back to depict the suning rays, that meet and kinda mingle with small stars and the a moon on his lower back. the sun being for Zhareem, the god who granted Zrato their blood magic, though the moon is more a call to Indiss, who is stark white dragon that young Zemorri named after a myth involving the moon
Occupation: He's a sworn rider of the crown, as well as the king's champion. So basically a dragon rider who kills people.
Family Members: Zevetta (mom), Orahi (step-father), Khara, Xenari, and Nazari (half sisters)
Pets: His dragon Indiss would be the closest. Though that's way over simplifying it lmao
Best friend: He's got two, Ivemaar and Qhuriex.
Describe his/her room: He has actually had two, but I'll go with the one he usually stays in - if he's even home in the first place. It's a chamber on the upper levels of the Dragon Hall. It's decorated in tapestries depicting various parts of Zrato/Irayo history. There's several drawings done by Zemorri, of dragons, friends, family, some scenery form the city. The furniture is pretty much the basics, a double bed, nightstands, a few trunks and a wardrobe, a large mirror, and a small desk and a bookcase. There's a lot of red and orange in the rugs, drapery, and bedding.
Way of Speaking: He's voice is husky and guttural, the later being pretty typical for the citizens of Vultis. He uses a mix of noble and commoner dialect, not always catching that he's doing it. He also speaks his mother tongue, Vuli, the ancient tongue of Haivra, as well as the common tongue. When speaking the common tongue he's a thick vulti accent.
Physical characteristics (posture, gestures, attitude): He stands tall, not one to slouch over. He speaks with his hands and can get really into it when he's upset/overly excited. He can be a huge grump, but when he's happy he's a jokester. Often has a shiteating grin too
Items in his/her pockets or backpack or purse: Money and the occasional dagger tucked out of sight. He'll carry his dual swords if he feels the need too.
Hobbies: Drawing, going on joy rides on Iniss, drinking, adventuring and causing havoc
Favorite sports: Hand to hand combat if that counts? or if "keep away" counts, though usually that's to annoy or piss off someone
Talents, abilities, or powers: Ambidextrous, can sing well but doesn't like singing, pretty damn good at drawing. He can sense magic and has blood magic in him granting him the ability to tame/command dragons
Relationships (how he/she is with other people): He's relatively outgoing and friendly, though if he's doesn't like your vibe for whatever reason he'll 100% fake being nice only to talk shit behind your back
Fears: The death of those he loves, Failure, Rejection
Faults: Cocky, Impulsive, and depending on how to you look at it; Disloyal
Good points: Brave, Compassionate (for the most part), wants to make the world a better place. He struggles in doing so due to situations where it's his life, or worse those he loves, vs doing what is commanded of him. Which is often cruel and violent, and targeted at innocent bystanders caught between squabbling nobility.
What he/she wants more than anything else: He wants there to be peace, his loved ones safe, and him being free to do whatever his heart desires, with who he desires.
I'm going to tag @storycraftcafe @goldfinchwrites @sunset-a-story @badscientist and open tag!
Template undercut
Kind of being:
Family Members:
Best friend:
Describe his/her room:
Way of Speaking:
Physical characteristics (posture, gestures, attitude): 
Items in his/her pockets or backpack or purse:
Favorite sports:
Talents, abilities, or powers:
Relationships (how he/she is with other people):
Good points:
What he/she wants more than anything else:
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aita-blorbos · 3 months
Aita for cheating on my sorceress wife to become king ?
OK so .this all started on a quest for this magic golden fleece which I had to get to win back my country when the guy who had the golden fleece set me 3 challenges.
These challenges were really hard but I met this girl who's a sorceress and she helped me out in exchange for taking her with us to greece.
This was going awesomely so I completed the tasks with her help stole the fleece from the guy in the night ( he wanted me dead and also probably didn't want his daughter running off with me ) and ran away .
But his ships caught up on us . She had the brilliant ( but kinda murderey) idea to kill her brother and chop him into bits so her fathers ship would have to stop for days to do the funeral rights .
Btw we're both totally NTA for the murder her witch aunt cleansed us of the crime it was cool.
So everything was going great but we couldn't go back home as we we kinda wanted for murder but we moved to a new place. I married my bow wife and we had 3 kids ( less important)
But....I still really wanted the throne I deserved .So I came up with an AMAZING plan to marry this really hot ( not important though) princess so I could be the king I should be and keep my wife as a mistress so we could get all the perks but still date and stuff.
Of course I didn't tell my wife any of this bit apparently she got mad and the current king ( sadly not me ) planned to exile her and the kids in a day.
I tried to explain but she didn't care about how hot that princess was ...or how it would give her such a better life ( and the kids but eh they don't really matter)
Then she used this magic poison thing to kill the king , THE HOT PRINCESS ( and also our 3 kids but they aren't really important) .
And then she just STORMS OUT on her chariot pulled by dragons and calls ME an oathbreaker and liar and stuff .saying THE GODS WILL PUNISH ME or something.
So aita ? Personally I think my wife is defiantly TA . SHE KILLED THE HOT PRINCESS!!( and also our kids)
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merlot-and-chardonnay · 8 months
My (Very Long) Take on the Blacks and Greens Debate
A day or so ago, I posted a poll concerning which was team Green or team Black (and who didn't want to choose), and maybe some of you probably want my two cents on it. And even if you don't, I'll give it anyway cause I really want to talk about the discourse.
First off, I kinda find the Blacks vs Greens debate to be...well a little reductionist (and I know people might take offense at that so please hear me out to the end if you can).
I think the bulk of the debate boils down not necessarily who you think would be the more suited ruler, but more like who do you like as a person (or people) or who do you hate so much that you think they deserve everything coming their way. For example, I notice people who are mostly team Black tend to idolize Rhaenyra and put her on such a pedestal that they see her through this rose tinted lens that she is saintly, that she did nothing wrong, and that she would make a perfect ruler. Additionally, I notice Team Black also hates on Alicent major time, seeing her as some catty, manipulative bitch who hates Rhaenyra cause she births bastards and gets away with pretty much everything without accountability. On the other side, people who are Team Green I notice idolize Alicent and her children and shit on Rhaenyra major time cause they see her as spoiled and entitled and would kill her siblings without a second thought should she ascend the throne.
And this tend to be reflective in the fanfic writes who are either vehemently team Black or Green
I kinda understand where people are coming from, but the discourse is really more nuanced than that. And to see the nuances get erased just really creams my corn sometimes:
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So now allow me to present my two cents.
I find the debate reductionist because it doesn't really take into account other factors that led to there being these polarized sides in the first place: When we think about the show (and the book), how the events in the season that lead up to the Dance of Dragons, I actually think about the very first scene with the Great Council of 101 when King Jaehaerys named his new successor, being Viserys
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The moment Viserys was considered above Rhaenys by the Westerosi nobles, that pretty much codified the line of succession, being that the eldest male descendent will supersede any of the women in his family; even though Rhaenys was the oldest descendent, even though she was the daughter of Prince Aemon, Jaehaerys' oldest son and Heir Apparent before his untimely death, she was overlooked in favor of Viserys, who was the eldest son of the king's second son Prince Baelon who also had an untimely death (Baelon was also deemed by the nobles as the next Heir Apparent when he was still alive).
And going on a brief tangent here, this wasn't the first time the line of succession was questioned for the Targaryens due to gender optics. In fact, when Jaehaerys first took the Iron Throne at the age of 14, after the death of his uncle Maegor, his claim was initially challenged by his sister Princess Rhaena, whose late husband was Aegon the Uncrowned i.e. the one was supposed to sit the Iron Throne next as the oldest son of the late King Aenys before Maegor usurped him. Rhaena and Aegon had twin daughters, Aerea and Rhaella. Aera was the oldest, and Rhaena insisted that her daughter be next in line for the throne since she saw her husband as the rightful ruler before the usurping. Long story short, Rhaena and Aerea were overlooked in favor of Jaehaerys.
Later, we see Viserys and Aemma Arryn, even though they had Rhaenyra, struggle to produce a male heir, and until that actually happened, Daemon was seen as Heir Apparent over his niece. Nobody actually considers the possibility that Rhaenyra could sit the throne next, they all assume her uncle would be next should Viserys and Aemma fail to produce a son, and that worries the nobles greatly, especially Otto Hightower who sees Daemon as a potential Maegor should he sit the throne next. In fact, Otto suggested to Viserys to name Rhaenyra as official heir after the death of Queen Aemma and her son, both for the sake of optics, and to save the realm from falling into chaos at the hands of Daemon. The man was so scared at the thought of Daemon being king, he flat out convinces Viserys to name his daughter heir, but only under the assumption that Viserys would eventually remarry and finally produce a son to further the line (something Otto definitely took advantage of when he had Alicent start visiting the king to comfort him in his grief).
This is when we see Viserys finally give into the pressure of his council to remarry. He took Alicent to wife and had a total of three sons and one daughter with her, which is more then enough boys to satisfy the line of succession. Yet, both in book and show, Viserys never renounced his succession, never disinherited Rhaenyra despite her reckless actions (and he points out to Rhaenyra in Episode 4 that this would NOT have been the case if these things happened under Jaehaerys' rule). Despite this, Otto and many others were still expecting Aegon to inherited the throne. Even more so when Rhaenyra "allegedly" birthed bastards with Harwin Strong when she was married to Laenor Velaryon.
This all showcases, more than anything, how incredibly sexist this society is. Not just because Aegon is expected to supersede Rhaenyra in succession because he is a man, but also how this society would be quicker to punish the woman for her misdeeds over the man (i.e when Rhaenyra is held under heavier scrutiny for her three oldest children being potential bastards by someone who is not her husband when her brother Aegon was confirmed to have fathered bastards of his own despite being married with legitimate children).
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The influences and expectations of this society are part of what led to the divide between the Blacks and the Greens, but there are also personal and individual factors as well:
For example, Otto, being a man of great ambition, seized the opportunity to plant seeds in gaining influence over the realm the moment he sent his daughter Alicent to read to Viserys as means to comfort him after the death of his beloved Aemma (which wouldn't have happened if Aemma was never pressured to produce a son, but I digress). Alicent, being a good girl and a product of her society, does as she is told, which ultimately led to Viserys choosing her to be his new wife (worth noting Alicent never got an actual say in whether she wanted this or not).
For more insight, the Hightowers are the Lords of Oldtown, which is the original seat of the Faith of the Seven. House Hightower is arguably the most devoted House to this Faith due in part to that history. Alicent herself is pretty devout to the teachings of the Seven, compared to Rhaenyra who prefers to do her own thing. Many of those teachings include that women are supposed to be devoted wives and mothers, not meant to rule but to guide the men in their lives who do rule, which in Alicent's case are her father the Hand of the King, and her husband the actual king (and when Viserys passes, she was meant to guide her oldest son in his rule).
I think Alicent sees herself as someone who is good and righteous because of her devotion to the Seven, and by upholding these ideals both from religion and society, by doing her duty, she believes blessings should be coming her way.
In actuality, Alicent is a prisoner of her surroundings; she was married off to a man she did not love at a very young age, and became a mother a very young age too, she lays in bed with her husband at nights merely for the sake of fulfilling her wifely duties and not out of love or pleasure, and she is expected by her father to raise Aegon to be the king this realm needs.
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All these things make Alicent miserable, but she soldiers on as best she can, because deep down she feels it is her duty.
In contrast, Rhaenyra is not devoted to the Faith as Alicent is, nor is she one to follow society's expectations. She is a bold, rebellious, and does what she wants with little regard for others' feelings; she swears, she speaks out of term in a man's presence (refer to when she was serving wine to the council members when they were discussing the Stepstones back in Episode 2), she disobeys her father when she flies to Dragonstone to deescalate the situation there, and she defies her father's expectations when she was expected to take a husband (even more so when she cut her betrothal tour short at the start of Episode 4). She sneaks out with Daemon into town and into the Street of Silk where she had her sexual awakening, and being left wanting for more pleasure (cause her uncle couldn't follow through) she heads back to the Keep and uh, coerces Criston Cole to sleep with her and take her maidenhead (worth noting Rhaenyra did all this with little regard to Criston's oath to the Kingsguard or the fact he could've been killed for breaking his oath if they got caught).
All this being done before allegations against her and her three oldest sons were held against her.
Rhaenyra is the antithesis of society's expectations, yet she does not feel bad about her choices, even if others would consider such choices to be indecent and an affront in the sight of gods and men. She is the blood of the dragon after all.
I think in Alicent's mind, the way she sees Rhaenyra carrying on like this, it makes her jealous on a subconscious level; here this good devout girl had only done what had been told of her for the sake of realm, gods, and family, doing what good ladies are supposed to do, but she is nothing but bitter for her circumstances, yet Rhaenyra is not a good girl by society's standards. She is a rebel and has more agency in her life compared to Alicent, and she is happier for it.
And I think Alicent, after being told by her father that the realm will never accept Rhaenyra as heir, and that Alicent's children's lives will be forfeit should Rhae ascend the throne because of this, there is a confirmation bias on Alicent's part when she sees Rhaenyra behaving as she is. This was further confirmed that night on Driftmark when Luke took Aemond's eye and Rhaenyra tried to make it look like her sons where the sole victims in all this for being called bastards and not Aemond who LOST HIS FREAKING EYE! THE KID LOST HIS EYE AND RHAENYRA WAS PREPARED TO HAVE HIM INTERROGATED OVER A FEW INSULTS.
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Sorry about the rant. I'm calm now, let us continue.
Yeah, that was a pretty shitty thing for Rhaenyra to do, but at the same time, if Viserys did decide to actually acknowledge Jace, Luke, and Joffery were indeed bastards, Rhaenyra would probably be expected to be punished for this, be it execution for treason or best case sent into exile (kinda similar to how Sera Targaryen was exiled by her father Jaehaerys because she shameless lost her maidenhead to a man/men she fancied instead of waiting to get married). (Again, this also showcases the sexism of this society).
Rhaenyra is not a saint, that much I can agree on with the pro Greens side...
But neither is Aegon.
Yes, I am going there (content warning up ahead).
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First off, Aegon is a lazy drunken slob, there is no question about that. Like Rhaenyra, he is also one to indulge in whatever vices deem his fancy on any given day, be it drowning in excess in cups of wine, cheating on his wife with whomever will have him (or not, as we sadly saw in Episode 8), and fathering bastards with little regard for the kind of image that produces.
This is clearly a major source of grief for Alicent, especially when Aegon takes servants against their will, resulting in Alicent having to pick up the pieces and put out the fires he leaves in his wake. (please note how fast the moon tea was delivered in that scene following what happened to Dyana the serving girl- this was clearly not the first time something like this has happened).
Aegon does what he wants with no regard for others, yet Alicent, even though she will scold her son for this indecent and shameful behavior, chooses to cover up for him, which unironically leads to Aegon continuing to do these things.
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Sorry, had to get that off my chest. I'll continue:
Aegon does not care for optics or the family image. He is much like his older sister in this way. (and if I'm being honest, as someone who's also watched the entirety of Bojack Horseman more than once, I actually would partly compare Aegon's life to that of Bojack...maybe I should write a post for that).
But he is not under the intense scrutiny Rhaenyra is constantly under for her choices, again pointing to the sexism of this society.
From the same vein, however, I'd also argue the reason Aegon is the way he is because of the way he was raised. Pro Blacks will be quick to point the blame to Alicent, and yes I can agree on that, given how her first instinct is to slap sense into Aegon when he steps out of line, but she is not the only player here. Viserys was basically an absentee parent regarding his children with Alicent (granted, I could cut him some slack due to his declining illness, but the man still could've put a little more effort here), not taking any kind of active role in raising his children. Honestly though, Viserys taking passive over active stances is his status quo, both in his parenting and his ruling, so nothing really new there.
And then there is Otto...actually I don't quite know what is Otto's relationship to his grandchildren, particularly to Aegon, but I think it may be safe to assume there isn't much warmth there. Otto after all sees Aegon has something of a pawn, someone to (presumptuously) look highly and favorably on House Hightower should he ascend the throne when Viserys passes.
It's pretty telling how Aegon breaks down in tears when he laments to his mother how no matter what he does it will never be enough for either of his parents. It's even more telling when he asks Alicent on the day of his coronation if she loves him.
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Makes one wonder if Alicent ever told him that once in his life.
Despite his tragic and loveless life, it doesn't excuse the fact that Aegon is a toxic person; If Aegon was to become king, it likely would only intensify his toxic behavior. Being king, after all, he wouldn't have to answer to anyone regarding his actions.
But this is not to say Rhaenyra would be much better at ruling. Now one could argue she'd be better on grounds that she actually wants to be Queen since she was named heir. As burdensome as the title of heir is, she seemed to find the idea of ruling as Queen of the Iron Throne appealing on some level, given how she told Rhaenys in Episode 2 that she planned to establish a new order as Queen (prior to Rhaenys doing her best to give Rhaenyra the hard truth that she may end up being disinherited should Viserys remarry and finally produce a son with his wife).
To put it bluntly, Rhaenyra strikes me as something of a girlboss, to put into modern terms, and if she were to rule as Queen, she would likely rule as...well a girlboss.
Additionally, Rhaenyra was never really given the tools to properly prepare to rule as a monarch, to which I would pin the blame on Viserys for that. Since he was the one to name an heir, the onus to prepare said heir to rule should have been on him, but we didn't really see that.
Rhaenyra also didn't really prepare herself either. She had to have known her status as heir did hang in the balance somewhat because of her gender, surely she should've known on some level she would need to fight to show the people she had the makings of a decent ruler. And yes, it sucks that the reason she would need to do that is because she is a woman, but it's still something she should've thought to prepare for.
Instead, Rhaenyra spent the remainder of Viserys' rule on Dragonstone, hiding away from most of the court and unable to form alliances, and then expecting the Lords to swear fealty to her fully once her father passed and she became Queen, not really expecting said lords to take the Greens side and expect Aegon to be king instead.
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Now I could argue that Rhaenyra probably was prepared to fight when she proposed that she and Daemon marry, when she told Daemon she needed him by his side to prepare to fight the Greens for her birthright.
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And this was something, I think, Daemon took to mean it would be a physical fight, a war, when he started gathering eggs from the Dragonmount for the warming chambers and mentally calculating the number of dragons the Blacks had compared to the Greens in Episode 10, when they really both should've tried to play the game from a political angle.
As much as the Daemyra ship makes me giddy, Daemon may not have been the best match for Rhaenyra from an optics point. He's unhinged, unpredictable, and craves violence above all else. His first instinct is to fight and cause harm.
It really doesn't help that basically the first public thing Daemon did when he and Rhaenyra returned to King's Landing was decapitate a man in Court when he shouted the one thing everyone else was thinking, and basically not being held accountable afterwards (not even a slap on the wrist).
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In conclusion, the Blacks and Greens divide is a nuanced combination of personal choices and societal expectations. The Dance of Dragons is a tragedy that was the result from all these choices made by the characters in the story (or not making decisions on Viserys' part), choices that would eventually impact the Targaryen dynasty down the line and ultimately it's decline and eventual downfall.
The discourse is really not about who you think would make a better ruler, or who even deserves to rule...it's about how the choices made impacts the determined the course of the future, and how people are more often than not the products of their surroundings and society at large.
So, which side am I truly?
Honestly, I would rather not choose at all:
To quote a certain brooding witcher (I know wrong franchise) whom I would protect with my whole life:
Evil is Evil. Lesser, greater, middling… Makes no difference. The degree is arbitary. The definition’s blurred. If I’m to choose between one evil and another… I’d rather not choose at all -the Last Wish
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This is not to say I think Rhaenyra or Aegon are evil, lesser or otherwise, both are products of their circumstances, and are also products by the choices they made as well as by the choices of others.
On principle, however, Rhaenyra should be the next ruler of the Iron Throne. Not because she is a woman, but solely because she was named heir by her father the king. Say what you will about Viserys, but he never changed the line succession, he was clear that Rhaenyra is his heir, to question that the line should change in favor in Aegon is...well sexist. Let's not forget Dorne's custom in terms of inheritance is that said inheritance is passed to the firstborn of the family, regardless of gender. (though she was not featured in the GoT show for some reason, Arianne Martell was firstborn, which made her heir to Sunspear), so there's no excuse there.
Anyway this what I have to say about the discorse.
This took a little longer then I anticipated, so apologies, but I really felt like I needed to show my thought process, so thanks for sticking with me. Also this is just my opinion on the whole thing, it's not law or anything like that, so feel free to disagree with me or not. I would love to hear other people's take on this.
Have a nice day!
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animatorweirdo · 2 years
Imagine drifting away into Middle Earth with dragon eggs
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(This was kinda inspired in my discussion with the three wild dragons. I began to think how would Dany’s three eggs end up in Middle Earth and this is what came to mind. A little note: I know little about the Hotd books and only seen the show, so this might not be totally accurate so please don’t attack me for the details. I hope you enjoy)
(Also, reader is a male in this)
Warnings: might have some spoiler alerts, angst, death, violence, poor Helaena who deserves better, violent sea, sea snakes, possible dead characters and near drowning. 
-You were one of the dragon keepers of the Dragonpit. 
-Your father was a dragon keeper. He often took you there to see the magnificent mounts of the House Targaryen. You grew up adoring the dragons, and as time passed, you became a dragon keeper like your father. 
-You understood them deeply and treated them as more than just animals or mounts used for war. You even grew a special bond with one of them, the beautiful blue dragon, Dreamfyre. 
-She belonged to queen Helaena, but since you grew up together – Helaena did not mind you sharing a bond with her dragon. You two often spent time together with Dreamfyre. 
-Helaena was kind and sweet, and you did not mind her fascination with bugs and the strange words she often said. 
-You adored listening to her, and she equally liked listening to you when you talked about the dragons and the latest clutches of eggs. 
-You could even say you were in love with her, but since she was already married to her vicious brother. You did not push your boundaries. Even though: it pained your heart to see her neglected and alone in such a loveless marriage. 
-You were happy to be her friend and a confidant she could talk to when things in the court became too much to handle. You always tried to offer your best advice and comfort her when she needed a moment to cry. 
-It made your heart break when the blood and cheese happened as you knew how much she loved her children. 
-You had a chance to know them since Helaena sometimes brought them to see you and the dragons, so hearing how one of her sons got brutally murdered made you feel sorrow for her and her innocent boy. 
-You wished to comfort her, but you were not allowed to see her because why would a dragon keeper want to see the queen. You had no business talking with her. 
-So, you couldn't go and see her or check how she was handling the aftermath. 
-You learned of her death when Dreamfyre suddenly broke out from her chains, screaming in fright and pain. You knew about the bond Targaryens shared with their dragons, so you knew something was wrong with Helaena. 
-You rushed out of the Dragonpit to find her, but it was already too late.
-She had killed herself, and you couldn’t do anything but hold her dead body and cry for her and the god’s forgiveness. 
-It was a day when the most innocent Targaryen died and the day when your heart shattered forever. And it was all because of her brother’s selfishness to have revenge over an old grudge. 
-After Helaena’s funeral, you broke into tears in the shadows of the Dragonpit with no one but Dreamfyre to mourn alongside you. 
-The wound in your heart never healed, and you watched as the greens and blacks fought each other for the iron throne, people and dragons dying from left and right. 
-It was a bloody massacre. 
-You felt resentment toward the royal family. The greens started the whole mess, but the blacks were no better as they used inhumane tactics to ensure their victories. 
-You were glad it finally ended when queen Rhaenyra took control of King’s landing, and the greens were apprehended. Even though: you did not welcome them when they arrived. 
-You took care of their dragons and had pleasantries meeting prince Joffrey, who was a stubborn-headed boy but equally loving toward dragons like you, so you found something positive about him. 
-You found his presence annoying at first, especially when he knew little about dragons and their nature. You often stopped him from doing reckless things like mounting his dragon without a saddle or trying to feed the other dragons without proper safety measures. 
-You tried teaching him how to interact with dragons, and he listened — most of the time. 
-Other times, you walked him out of the Dragonpit and told him to come back when he had permission from his mother since he had a reckless habit of secretly coming to the pit. You are confident he sometimes comes just to bother you. 
-The little boy infuriated you to the core, but over time you grew to care for him in a way. 
-The little prince was lonely since his mother was still grieving the loss of his two brothers and didn’t allow him often to do anything. He would come to you since you listened to him more than anyone. 
-It made you feel sad because he reminded you of Helaena. 
-When Joffrey told you about a person named Shepherd, you became concerned about the news and rumors that spread across the city. The whispers about how dragons are the spawns of the devil. 
-It left you anxious since queen Rhaenyra brushed off the rumors despite evident signs of unrest among the people. 
-Before the storming of the Dragonpit, you were doing the simple round, checking on the dragons and Dreamfyre’s latest clutch of eggs. 
-She was protective of them, barely allowing anyone but you to check on them. It made your heart feel warmth that she only trusted you with her eggs and sadness since it made you think how Helaena would have loved seeing her dragon’s newborn eggs. 
-You were startled when you saw the queen’s dragon, Syrax, missing from her den. 
-You were even more terrified when you learned she was outside and Joffrey was riding her. 
-You knew dragons would throw off anyone who was not their rider. As you couldn't ride a dragon, the only plan you could think of was to release Joffrey's dragon, Tyraxes, and tell him to save Joffrey.
-Tyraxes quickly acted when he saw Joffrey fall from Syrax’s back, and you held your breath as you watched the situation unfold, fearing for Joffrey’s life. 
-Joffrey was near hitting the pointy roofs of the castle, but Tyraxes managed to catch him just in time – carefully gliding back to you as Joffrey was hanging from his dragon’s claws. 
-You caught Joffrey when Tyraxes dropped him to you. 
-You checked if he was alright before giving him the biggest scolding of his life. You were mad that he would secretly come to the pit and try to ride someone else’s dragon, putting his life in grave danger. 
-You made sure he knew what would have happened if Tyraxes didn’t catch him in time. 
-Joffrey apologized, then explained he was worried about the dragons and wanted to prove he could be brave like his brothers. He wanted to prove to his mother that he was not a helpless child. 
-You felt pity and hugged him, telling him you were glad he was alright and explained that his death would only cause more pain to his mother, and he took your words for it. 
-You ordered Tyraxed to return into the pit, then tried to walk Joffrey back to the castle, but then Shepherd and his savage flock of people arrived, separating you from the guards and leaving you defenseless. 
-You pushed Joffrey behind you, covering him from the violent mob who sought to cause harm to you and the dragons. 
-You managed to escape by going to the Dragonpit and blocking the door. You were taking the rounds by yourself, so you and Joffrey were all alone with an angry mob banging on the doors. 
-Fearing for the lives of the dragons inside the pit, you told Joffrey to help you unchain them all. 
-While Joffrey was helping you, you yelled in Valyrian at the dragons to warn them that they were in danger.
-You unchained Dreamfyre and told her she needed to leave, and to your surprise, she seemed to understand as she tried to comfort you from the fear and anxiety you felt during the moment. 
-You took a bag and grabbed her eggs. 
-You knew another way out of the Dragonpit, so you guided Joffrey and Tyraxes out of the pit with Dreamfyre. 
-Unfortunately, some dragons did not heed your warnings and were left behind to face the mob when they broke through the doors. 
-Your heart mourned for them, but you hoped they would survive the ordeal since they were not chained. They had a fighting chance. 
-When you found your way out of the Dragonpit. Dreamfyre and Tyraxes took flight as you escaped with Joffrey on foot. 
-You navigated through the path into the city, where you both witnessed a violent battle between the mob and the queen’s guards. 
-You tried to escape unnoticed, but soon some of the people in the mob came after you and Joffrey. They managed to surround you, calling you heathens and protectors of the flying devils. 
-Joffrey cried and hugged you as they held weapons and came closer, ready to kill you in cold blood. You held onto Joffrey and Dreamfyre’s eggs as you feared this was the end for both of you. 
-Tyraxes appeared to your rescue, sprouting fire upon the angry mob, and Dreamfyre landed right behind you, roaring and spitting fire upon those that dared to come near you. 
-You were glad she came to protect you and Joffrey. However, to your surprise, she then lowered herself down to you. You were astonished because she was asking you to mount her. 
-You two shared a close bond, but you always believed only a Targaryen was allowed to mount a dragon. 
-You asked if she was sure, and when she crumbled in approval, you almost saw Helaena in her gentle eyes. You quickly picked Joffrey, telling him to climb on her back before climbing yourself. 
-As Joffrey sat in front of you, you yelled for Dreamfyre to fly. 
-Dreamfyre pushed herself into the sky, saving you from the spears and arrows thrown at you. 
-When you saw the people who stormed the Dragonpit, holding the heads of the dragons that remained. You grew angry and yelled out a command to fire. 
-Dreamfyre heeded out your command and burned the people below you into ashes. 
-However, when you saw Tyraxes getting injured and the battle not calming down. You told Dreamfyre to fly away from the fighting. You didn’t want to risk losing Tyraxes in the bloodshed. 
-Joffrey yelled for Tyraxes to follow, and you both flew away from King’s landing, away from the violent battle. 
-You flew far away till you found a place where you could rest. 
-You looked after Tyraxes’s injuries and then tried to comfort Joffrey, who was crying and shaken by the experience. 
-He was worried for his mother and asked if you would go back with him to see her. 
-You told him you'd see her together once things calmed down. Your assurance that his mother was probably fine gave him some comfort.
-He huddled close to you, and you did not mind since he was a young child. He went through something no child should experience at their age. Even you barely handled it well. 
-You felt regret that you couldn't save the other dragons. They were innocent, yet the people slaughtered them like lambs. It made you feel horrible and like you failed as a Dragon keeper. 
-After resting through the night. You flew together through the sky to seek a safer place for yourself. 
-Joffrey was calmly sleeping in front of you as he was still tired after the long night. 
-You decided to fly to the sea to avoid detection. You were not sure if it was the right time to return to King’s landing, so you wanted to take Joffrey and the dragons somewhere safe before looking into it. 
-You did not realize you had got into something unknown when clouds and mist began to form around you. 
-You began to feel anxious when it was hard to see through the fog.
-Tyraxes kept up with Dreamfyre, so you were not afraid of losing him. 
-Joffrey woke up and asked where you were, but you did not know how to answer because you did not know where you were going.
-The wind suddenly became more powerful, and the sea below you started moving in violent waves. You had a bad feeling when you heard rumbles of thunder in the distance. 
-You told Joffrey to hold on as it began to rain and thunder. 
-The waves grew enormous, so Dreamfyre had to fly higher to avoid getting hit. 
-You struggled to hold on to Dreamfyre as she flew through the violent wind and storm. 
-Joffrey begged you to turn back as he was getting scared. 
-You looked around, trying to find land, but then you noticed something in the water. It was something big, and it was moving. 
-Tyraxes let out a roar, seemingly threatened by something, and before you even knew it, a giant creature appeared out of the sea. It was big and had a long serpentine body, so the only description you could have was a gigantic sea snake. 
-It came right at you, mouth open with razor-sharp teeth. 
-Dreamfyre managed to dodge the attack but then dumped on its tail, causing you and Joffrey to fall off her back into the sea below. 
-You both screamed when you got encased by the freezing water. You held onto Joffrey and Dreamfyre’s eggs, trying to remain above the surface. 
-The giant sea snake roared and came at you, ready to eat you whole. Joffrey screamed in fright as you both hugged each other. 
-Dreamfyre and Tyraxes fired at the snake, turning its attention away from you and Joffrey. 
-You both watched as your dragons tried to battle the giant sea snake, breathing fire through the thundering storm. 
-Dreamfyre attacked, but then the sea snake bit down on her leg, pulling her down into the sea. You screamed out to her, fearing to lose her like you lost Helaena, helpless and unable to do anything. 
-The sea snake’s body caused the waves to separate you from Joffrey. 
-Screaming, you tried to reach him, but the waves swept you away, and soon you lost sight of him in the storm. 
-At that moment, you prayed for God's mercy. 
-You struggled to keep yourself above the surface while holding onto Dreamfyre’s eggs as you drifted away into the unknown. 
-When the storm calmed down, and the sea snake was nowhere to be seen, you couldn't do anything but swim through the foggy sea. 
-Your muscles ache after swimming for so long. You could feel the fatigue trying to take hold of you, but you didn’t let it happen because if you did – you would die. 
-You were tempted because you weren’t sure if you could continue after losing Dreamfyre and Joffrey. 
-You were tempted to let go and allow fate to take you. 
-Your body became too tired to move, so you floated for a while, contemplating if you should give in or continue. 
-Dreamfyre’s eggs were the last thing that held your sanity. 
-You wished for them to live and have a chance of freedom, but you were not sure if you could even give them that anymore. 
-You were ready to die, so you closed your eyes and prayed the afterlife would be much kinder. At least you would be reunited with Helaena, Dreamfyre, and Joffrey. 
-Your consciousness kept you awake when you heard voices and sensed something big moving beside you. You felt hands dragging you out of the water, and your body suddenly became heavy. 
-You dropped against the floor, your muscles screaming in pain, and your eyes dropped down without control. 
-You heard the people talk in a strange language, and before your vision faded, you saw their ears oddly pointy. You then passed out into the dream realm, so you silently prayed these people were not pirates and took the eggs, the only things you had left in this cruel world.
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myechoecho · 10 months
Goryeo Khitan War, ep 5
It says something that I have about 50 screenshots of this show and it's only the 5th episode. It doesn't even have any romance in it! No one is really gifing it (and I can't gif), so that's part of it. I do think it's shot beautifully and the costumes are great. Kinda curious to see how many I'll wind up with.
I know I posted about it while watching but the whole "we are going to send 400,000 soldiers to invade and kill you all. we'll be going now, have a nice day" hard to wrap my head around. I know it's the custom but it's just so polite after a massive death threat.
This episode was pretty heavy on the Traitor and I just cannot wait for him to die. You do not deserve that awesome looking axe with the dragon or forgiveness. I will give him some credit. It was a pretty smart move to step forward and say "I'm the traitor, kill me now". When the envoy doesn't he's like well time me up and take me to your king and he can kill me then". It was pretty great way to prove that the Khitan's were really using the coup as an excuse. Still hope he dies horribly, slowly and painfully.
The king is showing that while he is inexperienced, he is willing to learn. And he has the best intentions at heart for his country. He'll make mistakes, but he's trying. I am enjoying his relationship with Gam Chan.
This final shot was amazing:
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I was, wait the episode's over??
Clearly this is the start of many, many battles. I hope this guy survives.
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atopvisenyashill · 4 months
general thoughts
calling this episode baelor is kinda inspired actually.
if looks could kill, walder frey would have died when he threatened to turn them over to the lannisters omg there is pure hate in her eyes
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the actor for aemon does a good job wjth this scene. the “even the little children” and the way his face shakes when he says “you will live with it the rest of your days…as i have” devastating thanks
sansa looks so relieved when ned starts to confess because she thinks this means he’ll be spared and sent to the wall and live. she has no idea what’s coming. then, arya looking around in horror that the entire crowd is yelling for her father's death, because she has no idea how little the common people care about this sort of shit. they want a show, that's all. what is that man's death to them. nothing.
the scenes with osha and bran are always so good. they have such a great dynamic, every word she speaks to him is so soft, almost reverent. not a kneeler but she adores this little boy and she’ll play along with his silly little ways and lug him around and calm his nightmares, and pray to the gods that he doesn't have the gifts she suspects he does because she knows better than anyone else at Winterfell that his gifts are a burden.
it's a shame that isaac got so big so fast because i deserved more scenes of osha just carrying bran around on her hip omg.
i love that this bard can’t help but put his whole heart into those high notes even knowing that joffrey is insane and unstable. i also love that joffrey makes a crack about ilyn payne’s tongue when ordering the bard's tongue taken out. demented little shithead.
and he IS just a little shithead at the end of the day because his face falls when sansa refuses to react, and he’s so mad when she's able to bite back at him. he doesn't get the reaction he wants, and he throws a tantrum at her as a result.
anyways I'M FINISHED WITH SEASON 1 BABEEEEE. took me long enough lol. i think it's a solid season of tv but it has the exact same faults as hotd frequently has which is making the "narrators" men, and especially kings way too goddamn often. renly's story arc should have been from loras' pov. the argument with robert about aerys should have been barristan's pov. they do a great job showing us sansa and arya's povs regularly, but you can see the cracks starting to show already because catelyn, tyrion, and dany are vastly different from the jump and they cut out all the prophecy/fever dream stuff except when they have to include it like bran's dreams or the dragons. it SUCKS. it's a FANTASY SHOW WHY WOULD YOU CUT ALL THE FANTASY ELEMENTS. STOP GIVING FANTASY SHOWS TO PEOPLE WHO DON'T LIKE FANTASY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
changes i noticed
okay now we are getting into what i feel is the first purposeful change - shae. well i suppose renly counts here too? whatever. anyways. she’s clearly older, closer to peter’s age, she doesn’t play act at being a sweet naive girl in love; she’s unimpressed, snarky, sultry, clearly hiding something. she unsettles tyrion right away because she’s so hard for him to pin down but that’s why he’s interested in her, because he finds her fascinating, challenging. of course in the end, the parts of her that he finds most interesting are why this would never work - shae is not a woman who can hold her tongue when she doesn’t approve of something and that’s a deadly trait for a lowborn mistress to have, so they were always going to have to leave KL if they wanted to be together BUT tyrion can never leave these people, not really, and as it goes on, he just gets more and more dug in - he’s gonna die here on this continent involved in these people’s lives and there is nothing she can offer him to sway him from this path.
i think i understand wanting to have more uncomplicated romances in the series to appeal to a general audience, but i do think you have to come around to saying something similar with that romance. i think the problem here is that by itself, tyrion being unable to listen to the woman he loves pleading with him to just Leave before it’s too late, and then it’s too fucking late, it maybe gets tyrion to roughly the same point as him being purposefully obtuse to how unhappy and unsafe shae feels with him in the books, but the thing is. that’s not how it goes lmao so we have this great set up where tyrion and shae are more equal in their relationship but their relationship ending is ultimately completely tyrion's fault and shae is simply trying to exist in the world after the man she loves abandons her, except they put that stupid little knife in her hand and had her testify against sansa. i am already mad. alsjdfk.
WHATEVER, i think the actress who plays shae is really good. kind of similar to jacob anderson in that she's putting this whole story together out of nothing and doing a great job, and doesn't always get the recognition she deserves.
i think emilia and iain have unfortunatley great chemistry. when she cups his cheek and goes "is that what you think will happen" before she walks into the fire. it's really good and clearly romantic and i hate that they made this change to jorah. i can't even think of him as jorah most of the time.
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houseofpendragons · 5 months
My Boyfriends Predicts each Game of Thrones Season Finale pt.3
A/N: My man get back from his cruise tomorrowww!!! Then it’s on to season 4! Also he told his his dads favorite episode is the red wedding 😭😭😭 my baby don’t know what that is and was like “yeah I can’t wait to watch that episode then” 🤦‍♀️
- Catelyn will stay prisoner for a little while longer until Robb finds out the Kingslayer is back in custody and…idk
- Robb is gonna go talk to what’s his face (Walder Frey) and get the other half of his army and march on Lannister Land [ohhhhh😬; if only that’s how this show worked]
- Jon is either gonna link up with his buddies and escape or march on the wall and be like “I’m free now”[He said if I was him I wouldn’t want to be any part of that march between five different people]
- Sansa might go back and hang out with her old lady friend at some point, he thinks she also want to get the fuck out of there. But isn’t she about to be betrothed to what’s-his-face? (Loras). Sansa will either do that or the queen will Marry Loras and maybe she’ll go with little finger. Who’s this bitch gettin married to?🤔 [Lmao kinda but we take the long route😂]
- Arya will get dropped at Riverrun until her mom and Robb come to pick her up (probably get bullied a bit along the way) [baby have you learned nothing smh 🤦‍♀️ ]
- Jamie, things are starting to look up for him. That guy might return Jamie for money. And he thinks someone’s gonna try to rape Brienne again (she’s gonna beat the shit out of them) [I don’t care what anyone as to say to me, I will die on the Jamie/Brienne ship]
- Cersei is probably gonna have Ser Loras killed that way she doesn’t have to marry him. [only in her dreams;for now🔥]
- Joffrey is gonna go, closer, like more and more insane. But at the same time he’s going to be controlled by his new wife. Joffrey is, uh…let’s see…idk
- Margaery is doing really good. She manipulating Joffrey real good with that crossbow scene 😏 you know you like to kill people 💀
- Tywin is gonna bonk his two kids on the head when they don’t marry the people they’re supposed to fuck…i mean marry. And he’s going to assume the more political side of the Kings job, likes he’s just going to be doing the kings political shit
- Tyrion, I think bro is actually going to like fumble to kingdoms bag. Like he’s gonna drop a bag of money in the street and make some poor kid rich. He’s not gonna marry Sansa. He’s gonna be like no dad, I’m gonna marry this woman
- Loras should pick correctly🤦 careful who you pick [😂😂😂]
- And the old lady (Olenna) lit [Same, she my fav💅]
- Dany is coming back with a vengeance. She’s got an army, three dragons, and she’s gaining army’s as she conquers city’s. So, yeah… she’s winning in this game of chess [from a certain standpoint I suppose]
- Sam, bro might get fucking murdered. He might find Jon and be like “Buddy?!” And Jon gonna be like fuck they’re gonna make me kill him… [I swear to god this boy is always thinking Sam is going to die, like let that man live in as much peace as he can find]
Add on after episode 6 bc I forgot…🫢
- Bran is gonna go to the wall and be like 😱😱where’s Jon?!?! But Jon’s gonna be out there with the bad guys, doing bad guy things like climbing the wall. And Brans gonna grow up and be big boy and control his wolf through his eyeballs… in his wheelchair ( someone’s gonna get that man a wheelchair) [he not wrong about the wheelchair]
- Theon, bro’s gonna die 💀 though he deserves it [Nah not death, though I’d argue what he went through might have been worse…]
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Shit is crazyyyyy but good
Same as alwayssss…Dany is a Goddess 👑 and Joffrey is a Joke 🃏
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quixot1sm · 1 year
can you talk about n in the hilbertverse
OHOHOHOH... i have a lot to say about him. theyre a deeply complicated person with a handful of mysteries to him that can never be definitively answered (i mean, i could probably tell you, but as far as hilbertverse canon goes it's up to interpretation...). and he has good reason for this! prepare for a lot of words because this guys a doozy
for starters: n, despite his innate kindness and will to do good, is alarmingly similar to his father. and not for nothing... n in his entirety was fabricated from the very beginning. seeking a blank slate and spurred by his own ego, ghetsis created a clone of himself that he could then mold into not only a reliable pawn, but also the spitting image of the first king of unova- a historical figure who had become more akin to a deity for the cult that had evolved over time into what is now team plasma. the actions he took to do so included but were not limited to: abandoning n as an infant only to return to him when he was ~8 to create both a distrust towards humanity as well as a dependency on ghetsis, only exposing n to pokemon who had been so heavily abused by humans that n couldnt understand them, and finally, telling n that he was the literal reincarnation of king harmonia.
(ghetsis, in spite of being raised in this cult himself, didnt care much for the semi-religious importance of his ancestor. but the legend was useful in garnering n a following when plasma expanded into the public)
but back on topic. because of his father's influence, n truly believed himself to be a perfect, infallible being that would shed light on a world overtaken by evil, and hes also terribly charismatic, and speaks with conviction. hes calculated, though he doesnt see living beings as tools for his use the way ghetsis does... and hes very dramatic, a romantic, and holds a strong belief in the concept of destiny.
after the climax of bw though, his understanding of the world shatters around him, along with his sense of identity once ghetsis reveals that ns life itself is a farce. what parts of n are real and which were instilled in him? which are him and which are his father? who knows... n certainly doesnt. he struggles deeply with determining reality, and a terrible self image, following this event and leading to present day. in fact, they felt so unqualified for any kind of responsibility or respect that he tried to shrug off his title of hero of truth to the first person they believed would be deserving of it. since this was nate though, that kinda failed.
n carries a lot of guilt, and consistently tries to "make up for" the things he did/believes he caused. one of these undertakings was a search for the dark stone after learning that hilbert was apparently killed while trying to find him. n continued this quest for roughly five straight years, stopping back in unova every few months to recover from such an arduous task and to share or gather updates to the situation.
during this time, n's idolization of hilbert as the only real thing in his life grew worse, until n regarded him in a nearly demigod-like status. to him, hilbert was the true hero, a self-made person who was able to win one of the legendary dragons' favor through his own work alone. in their mind, hilbert was organic where n was artificial, the epitome of idealism, so over time n's idea of hilbert morphed from a human to a concept. of course, n's delusions would once again be shattered, this time by a discovery in alola...
and thats the overview! but for some additional trivia:
n has never once cared about gender in their entire life and will go with any pronouns others use for him without batting an eye (but defaults to he/they when referring to himself)
his ability to "speak" with pokemon is actually a sort of telepathy inherited from king harmonia's initial encounter with taijirum. he doesnt hear words per se, but instead sees and feels the imagery, emotion and intent in the mind of the pokemon he's communicating with.
all his talk of seeing the future in bw wasnt literal. he was just very confident in his analyses of the situation unfolding before him. and to his credit he was often right
most of the general public doesnt know his face, much less the details or validity of what was happening in 2010, thanks to interpol's intervention. interpol does like to keep an eye on him though. just in case.
after returning to unova they spent a loooot of days and nights in the ruins of their castle, wallowing in the remains of the illusory world he had once lived in and sitting in the throne room that served as a reminder to the one piece of reality from that time he could cling onto. but, when weather made it dangerous or impossible, he moved to couch-surfing in the houses of those such as alder and rood. when n left again after bw2 though, hed return every few months and alternate between the aforementioned two and sometimes hilbert's friends.... even though cheren did not like him very much and only allowed it because bianca felt bad for him(/it's what hilbert wouldve wanted...)
hes not actually obsessed with ferris wheels. hes just as enthralled with any other combination of technology and architecture (ex. anville town, gear station, etc), but after bw ferris wheels hold sentimental value so they do have a special place in his heart.
they start wearing more colorful clothing over time as a token of his newfound freedom and slow-but-sure development into a member of human society. his favorite color is orange
their birthday is january 1st :)
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ashes-writing-corner · 10 months
So I got the main guys of the 141st done, but what about other CoD characters? Do they have dragons? Abso-fucking-lutely! And I'm gonna continue this little series with a recently found favorite and his dragon:
König and Amsel
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1. König is of course a title. For the sake of this AU his name is Kaleb (I refuse to call him Kilgore because that sounds WAY too extra/on the nose).
2. He is, of course, king of his own kingdom, called Edren, which borders Athana to the north.
3. He became king at fifteen, after his father was killed by an assassin from another kingdom. At the time he was considered too young to rule, but he was a fast learner and took to heart both the words of his advisors and the needs of his people.
4. Kaleb is betrothed to Princess Lyra of Athana, and has been since they were both children. There's a five year age gap between the two, and they alternated visiting each other's kingdoms during the summer months, so as to not interrupt either of their studies, until they were both adults.
5. He does deeply love Lyra, but admits he's jealous of her close connection with the Ghost of Dragon's Keep...
6. Claimed Amsel at the age of seventeen, which actually angered a lot of the common people in Athana, as they saw Amsel "The Black Bird" as their primary protector.
7. Has impeccable aim with a crossbow, on both dragon and horseback.
8. Has been teaching Lyra his language. He's basically like her own version of duolingo.
9. While a good ruler, Kaleb is a jealous man. He sees Simon as competition for his betrothed, and does what he can to keep Lyra from him while he's in Athana.
10. Let's just say hell has no fury like a giant scorned. A giant who also happens to have the second largest dragon in existence at his disposal...
1. Known as the Black Bird to the commoners of Athana, Amsel is the second largest dragon in the known world. Only his mother Nova is bigger than him.
2. Is the brother of Lyra's dragon, Talaera. The two were nest mates and are still close. Their riders are betrothed but that doesn't mean they'll mate. Dragons are cool, but incest isn't, even among them.
3. His scales are a deep purple that they look almost black, hence the name Black Bird. His flames are deep violet with veins of black and red.
4. He can eat cattle and other livestock whole, and often does. This actually angers a lot of the farmers in Edren, who've been calling for Amsel to be locked up.
5. Is protective of his sister and family, as well as his Rider. Amsel has a relatively nasty temper towards anyone who dares to think of harming them.
6. Amsel tolerates humans. He doesn't necessarily like them, but he tries not to harm them either. They're like insects to him: sometimes fascinating, other times a pest.
7. Refuses to wear a saddle as he finds them binding. Also has a deep hatred of chains. Do not bring a chain anywhere near Amsel, as he will melt it.
8. Like his Rider sees Simon, Amsel sees Brightfire as a threat rather than competition. He believes Talaera deserves better, but Tala is stubborn in that regard.
9. He has defective muscles in his throat, so rather than roaring he screeches. His voice is a little higher pitched than one would expect (kinda like his Rider...).
10. Has no desire to be used as a weapon to hurt people, fearing he'll become as notorious as his father, Daharak the Hellborn, who is now seen as a force of evil.
And that's it for these two! I really hope you guys liked it! I have a few more characters for this AU already made (Laswell, Graves, and, because I actually do love her, Farrah). I don't know if I'll do anyone else from the game after that. If the interest is there I might take suggestions and include others in this AU. I'd like to incorporate Alejandro and Rudolfo, possibly even Valeria and even Makarov into this at some point. Let me know what you guys think!
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