#tdp janai
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stuck-in-jelly · 2 days ago
We as a society moved past Surfer Amaya and Lifeguard Janai too quickly
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amya-da-dp · 1 day ago
In sickness and in h- Where the fuck did you go
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Gren x Amaya
Janai x Amaya
Summary: its based off of this post that @khessanumber1fan made
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Gren learned the hard way that Amaya is a silent sick person. The first he learns of this is when they are both much younger, before the time of the dragon prince. They were at the breach when he first hears her coughing.
Silently he signs if shes ok, of course she said she was but Gren knew better. Eventually he convinces her to go get rest and she does. Later he thought she was just resting, only to go check on her and find her missing.
Gren panicked immediately. The breach was dangerous even in the best of conditions, and if Amaya was out there wandering in a fevered daze, anything could happen. He ran through the stronghold, frantically asking every soldier if they had seen her, but no one had. His stomach dropped. She was sick, alone, and probably didn’t even realize where she was going. He grabbed a lantern and sprinted into the night, his mind racing through every possible worst-case scenario.
Gren ran through the Breach, holding a lantern high above his head to try and light his way. Every step was filled with dread, and his mind was filled with fearfully imagined scenarios. What would he do if he found her unconscious somewhere? Or injured? Or worse? But as the minutes ticked by, no sign of her was in sight.
His only comfort was that he couldn’t imagine her having gotten too far. But she was still, somewhere, and she was alone.
After nearly half an hour of searching, he found her—standing at the very edge of the river of lava, swaying slightly. His breath caught in his throat. She wasn’t looking at the lava in front of her, wasn’t even aware of how close she was to serious injury or worse. Just staring up at the stars like they held an answer only she could understand.
He quickly moved to her side, dropping the lantern on the ground in his haste. He gently gripped her arm and pulled her away from the edge, preventing her from moving any further.
Amaya flinched, blinking at him in confusion, her fever-glazed eyes struggling to focus. ‘Oh, hey,’ she signed, as if she hadn’t just given him the worst scare of his life.
‘What are you doing?!’ Gren signs.
Amaya shrugs, wincing as another coughing fit cuts off the motion.
‘Couldn't sleep.’ she signs, her motions a little more sluggish than usual.
“And so you decided to give me a heart attack by nearly diving into a river of lava?” he signed, his expression still stern. “You’re sick, Amaya. You should be in bed, resting.” He reaches a hand up, feeling her forehead – it's burning hot. He sighs, his irritation fading into concern. “You need to lie down. Now.”
Amaya stubbornly bats away his hand, but she's too weak to put up much resistance. With a frustrated scowl, she signs, ‘Don't baby me. I’ll be fine, it’s just a cold.’
Despite her protest, she sways on her feet, looking ready to drop at any moment.
He catches her other arm, steadying her as she nearly topples. “A cold? You’re burning up! You can barely stand on your own two feet!” he retorts, his concern deepening with every passing second.
“And if you think I’m just going to ignore how close you were to falling into that river, you’ve got another thing coming. You’re going back to bed, and you’re staying there until morning.”
That night, Gren made a vow: whenever Amaya got sick, someone needed to watch her at all times. He tried to implement this rule over the years, but Amaya was stubborn, and more often than not, she found ways to slip away when no one was looking. He thought that as she got older, she’d grow out of it. He was wrong.
Years later, when Janai first experienced “Sick Amaya,” Gren saw the exact moment she realized Amaya was gone. Janai had been watching over her closely, fussing despite Amaya’s protests, but then—one second of distraction, and Amaya vanished. Gren had never seen someone move so fast.
Janai and Gren run through Lux Auria. Panic written all over Janai’s face as she yelled Amaya’s name louder and louder. “Amaya! A-“
“You remember she can’t hear you-right?”
“Yeah, but the yelling helps me. And maybe someone else will hear and tell me where she is?”
It took three hours before they finally found her, sitting cross-legged in a garden, absentmindedly tracing patterns in the dirt, completely unaware of the chaos she had caused.
Janai, still panicked, rushed over to her and gripped her shoulders, all but tackling her in a hug. "Where. Have. You. Been?!" She snapped. Amaya blinked up at her before pulling back to be able to sign. ‘This garden’ She signs sluggishly.
Gren chuckled. Janai shot an unimpressed glare at him before looking back to Amaya. “You can’t do that! You just… disappeared, and we- I-“ She paused, taking a deep breath. “Just tell me before you wander off, okay?”
Amaya nodded, still moving slowly. Janai pulled her close, burying her face in the crook of Amaya’s neck as she took deep, shaky breaths. Amaya rested a hand on the top of Janai’s head, trying to be soothing, but only succeeding in making Janai grip her even tighter.
From that day on, Janai took Gren’s old rule and reinforced it—whenever Amaya was sick, she was never left alone. If Janai had to, she would physically hold onto her to make sure she stayed put. Amaya found it ridiculous. Janai found it necessary for her own sanity. And Gren? Gren just sighed and welcomed Janai to the I Almost Had a Heart Attack Because of Amaya club.
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jedidragonwarriorqueen · 8 months ago
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thatartiststudios · 3 months ago
Reblog if you'll be keeping the TDP fandom alive with me after s7 release, even if we don't get Arc 3
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random-remzy · 3 months ago
The funniest thing about The Dragon Prince,
is that the only thing keeping the show from being a 13+ series,
is Gren, and him refusing to translate Amaya's profanity.
Bro is literally holding the target demographic in his hands.
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ace-artemis-fanartist · 7 months ago
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Janai & Amaya.
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m4rs-ex3 · 2 months ago
us brown-eyed folks may not have much in the way of tdp representation but when they do give it to us, they make it fucking COUNT
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violetwolfraven · 3 months ago
I do not care about Karim at all and I am not at all sad that he’s dead.
I am however pretty sad that Janai had to watch both of her siblings die in the exact same place, killed by the exact same man, unable to do anything to save either of them.
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hiccupshypotheticalleftsock · 7 months ago
tdp textposts: just vibes edition
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sarahth2 · 3 months ago
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Aaravos really does not like sunfire elf royalty throughout his lifetime.
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strollthroughstars29 · 8 months ago
How far can a person bend before they break and how long can the broken be wielded before they turn double edged?
This season was so devastatingly beautiful, but ironically, the metaphorical crown wouldn't be heavy if the gemstones didn't dig into the head of the wearer.
Sometimes, the line between mercy and cruelty can be thin.
The reason WHY Claudia resonates so deeply with Aaravos' story is because it's a mirror that she finds herself in. She IS the daughter in the story but not the one who pays the price. No, that was paid by her father... her father, who was brave enough to do what Aaravos couldn't. What's heartbreaking is that she doesn't even realize what she's discarding is the same thing Viren chose to embrace in death; his humanity.
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One father who chose to bear the brunt, and another who chose to sacrifice his child.
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I absolutely loved the parallel between Callum and Rayla having a do-over of their reunion, getting what could've been, but Viren refusing to reveal the truth to Soren, knowing one is a blessing and the other, a curse. Forever losing the opportunity to know what could've been.
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The loss portrayed was so unsettling...
To even the loss we felt as the audience, seeing what made Viren who he was... his own son, to seeing what he made himself and the loss of what could've been and how his death proved the one thing we didn't want him to show... him having a human heart. And that's what this show did magnificently... it made this audience root for people against our will.
From the unfinished story of the lovers forever frozen in time to the mournful ballad rayla sang to console the stormbringer.
The only thing left to see is how these weapons charecters are to be utilized.
How callum will embrace his darkness and if Rayla will be able to kill him if need be. Or if promises will not be the only things to be broken next time.
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stuck-in-jelly · 3 months ago
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Dont mind me
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killdaylight · 4 months ago
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(referenced from leyendeckers “modern madonna and child”)
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jedidragonwarriorqueen · 8 months ago
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leook-art · 6 months ago
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raylatdp-astridhttyd · 8 months ago
All season 6 Credit pictures without credits part 2
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Part 1
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