#tdp rant
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anyothercomments · 3 months ago
“S3 rayla would never” “arc 1 raylum would never have turned out like this”
Arc 2 raylum were what- 14 yrs old? S7 raylum r 16/17 ? Ur telling me that you think that two teenagers who are going to experience more trauma than most adults have to face, break up for 2ish years, go through another serving of trauma and get back together are gonna act the exact same way? Are going to interact the exact same way with each other and their loved ones? Are going to have the exact same values and insecurities?
S1 rayla hated her parents for abandoning the dragon queen, had a strained relationship with runaan where her self worth was constantly reliant on his approval, had never left xadia before and was convinced she was meant to be an assasin
S7 rayla has mourned 2 of her parents twice, one of them once. Has had to choose which to keep living. Has been banished from her home for 2 years. Banished herself from society for 1 ish year. Has killed a person. Has met humans. Has fought in wars.
S1 callum had like 3 friend, was constantly belittled, had 0 self esteem and lived an extremely sheltered life, feeling like an imposter the entire time as the orphan step prince.
S7 callum has found magic and rayla and wouldnt sacrifice them for anything - his relationship with both things sometimes manifests in unhealthy ways and he ends up selfishly prioritising the wrong thing some times but he’s a 17 yr old boy so that’s to be expected. He had an actual support system and whilst he still struggles with his self esteem, he’s overcome a lot of his imposter syndrome.
(Also may i just say why is everyone so anti callum wanting kids? Dude says a hypothetical about how interracial babies turn out differently and all of a sudden his character’s been ruined? So what if he actually wanted 10 kids? Doesnt mean he and rayla cant still both be the best mage and warrior the continent has ever seen before or whilst they have kids? )
And you mean to tell me you expect s7 rayla to have the exact same fears and insecurities as s1 rayla? To interact with her loved ones in the same way? To prioritise them the same? She has changed- for better or for worse. It’s ok to disagree with the way they wrote her but it gets on my nerves when people say “oh she wouldnt do that in s3”.
You mean to tell me that as a teen you never prioritised friends over family? You were perfectly emotionally adjusted and never made selfish decisions that meant you let a sibling down? That callum’s all of a sudden irredeemably evil because he decided to support rayla when he really should’ve stayed and helped ezran work through his emotions?
You mean to tell me that 17 year old you adamantly stands by all of your actions at 14 and has the exact same relationships with all your most important people? Cus if you do you were either a very emotionally mature 14 yr old or you were an incredibly immature 17 year old.
All of that to say that holding arc 2 raylum to arc 1 rayllum standards is just weird to me. They’ve both changed- for better or for worse- and if they had the exact same relationship after all that, then what was the point in making an arc 2? And i hope that their relationship develops in arc 3 as well.
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fujosh1dreamer · 7 months ago
Viren is an abuser.
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Abusers exist in many forms, his looks don't changed the fact that he hurt his wife and his children.
I can't believe i have to say this, but there are people who just don't understand. Lissa had every right to leave, he hurt her. Also Claudia choose to stay with Viren, neither Soren or Claudia hate their mother. They just don't know why she left, that's the whole point.
Viren defenders are worse than aaravos defenders. Viren literally admits to being in the wrong and having regrets and yall are still like, hE,s a GoOd daD.
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brynnsasha191 · 2 months ago
(Tldr at the end) Okay here goes.
People really misunderstood Callum in episode two, s7 (that's okay, the writers didn't do a great job of conveying what I'm about to say, no hate to them though) Callum did not betray Ezran
I see a lot of people criticizing Callum for prioritizing Rayla instead of Ez and saying Rayllum is toxic because it got in the way of familial relationships. But that's not what Callum's actions were really about, they weren't about "oh rayla is upset so I'm going to burn down all bridges for her" like a lot of people seem to think. His actions had a lot to do with Rayla but they also had a lot to do with the fact that Callum genuinely believed what Ezran was doing wasn't right.
(btw I'm writing this with Callum's opinions in mind, I'm not just projecting mine on Callum. I believe Runaan did something wrong and deserved punishment for it, and I believe both Rayla and Ez were both right and wrong. I am on everyone's side)
In the beginning of the episode, we see Callum trying to reason with Rayla and defend Ezran by telling her to give him a minute to process what recently happened to him. And he says "he [runaan] did kill it's king" but he never actually said he agreed with Ezran, he was just trying to get Rayla to see Ezran's side.
Ezran and Rayla's fight during the council meeting was understandable upsetting for Callum, his two favorite people were fighting. And when he tried to follow Rayla to get her to come back, Ezran commanded him to do otherwise, as the king, Ezran has a right to do that. But that moment probably felt uncomfortable and belittling and frustrating for Callum, it's the same unhealthy push and pull dynamic that I talked about in my 'why Callum shouldn't be high mage' meta. It made Callum disinterested in the council meeting, and while that's not Ezran's fault, it is the same corner that the broyals keep walking themselves into.
Callum goes outside and sees Rayla crying, that is also understandably distressing for him, but he doesn't blame Ezran at all. He apologizes for his choice in that moment, he says he should've gone after her, not "Ezran shouldn't have done that or said that", if Callum was completely choosing Rayla over Ez, he easily could've deflected the blame to him, but he didn't, he apologized for his own actions which to me shows that Callum isn't the type to blame Ezran unnecessarily.
When Callum goes to Ezran and calls him a jerk face (very uncool thing of him to say to Ezran, Ezran didn't deserve that) Rayla and Callum already finished their conversation where Rayla decided to secretly get Runaan out, there wasn't a point to try to convince Ezran to let Runaan out then. He went to Ezran, not to convince him to free Runaan, but to convince Ez he wasn't doing the right thing. As the scene progresses, Callum's voice gets softer and he starts speaking sensibly and reasonably without ad hominem attacks. He acknowledges Ezran's feelings about Katolis being destroyed but also acknowledges that that particular part of Ezran's pain isn't connected to Runaan. And Ezran has no problem sharing his true feelings with Callum, Callum doesn't dismiss them once. He puts his hand on Ezran's shoulder and validates his feelings, also not to mention he apologizes immediately after calling Ez a jerk face. And when Ezran says "he killed our father" Callum doesn't know how to respond because he isn't completely siding with R&R. He knows Ez has a point.
Rayla and Runaan could have been seriously injured during the fight with Soren and the soldiers. Aanya was going to shoot them, and Ezran was going to let her. It's really weird that this fandom seems to think Callum should've sat by and not stood up for them. Callum absolutely shouldn't have condoned Rayla breaking Runaan out without permission, he should've told her to stop and stay put until he had a chance to talk to Ezran's more. But that's not what happened, what happened was a messy game of tug-o-war between two people who love each other that nearly killed people and almost destroyed relationships. Callum didn't choose Rayla, he chose what he thought was right, and that was not Ezran at the time. People get so mad at him for not standing by Ezran's side but he wanted to, but standing by someone's side doesn't mean sitting back and letting them do something that you believe is wrong.
He gave up his role as High Mage because he knew he couldn't continue to play that role after this, for him and Ezran's sake. He can't be his High Mage but he'll always be his brother.
TLDR: Callum actually did handle this situation maturely. The problem didn't lie with Callum or anyone else. This situation was an ugly and messy one that anyone would have a hard time navigating especially a kid who the people closest to him in the entire world were actively hurting each other. He's willing to do anything for Rayla, but this isn't about choosing Rayla, it's about what he thought was right.
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imminent-danger-came · 2 years ago
Thinking about Callum being confronted by a Dark Version of himself that he then refuses (but who is still undeniably a part of him), and how then Viren confronts an Uncorrupted Version of himself who he then accepts as still part of him. And that happens through the mirror for Viren, but for Callum it happens through the cube. And in order to connect to the ocean Arcanum Callum had to accept that dark part of himself, the part that would do dark magic, that would do "anything for his family, however dangerous, however vile". He essentially un-made his s2 choice to deny Dark Callum.
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akiraarabella · 8 months ago
(A tdp rant in disguise lol)
So we know that cosmic justice or whatv tf they are called gave the order for leola's execution bc she 'gave' humans magic, yes they specifically said gave. Not taught, not showed but "gave". Thats what they said. They also said that "...This act, however motivated, is the beginning of the end. The start of the long slow spiral to chaos..." Suggesting that cosmic order is now broken.
So these startouched elves are just chilling around doing nothing instead of protecting the cosmic order but the second its broken they're the ones who find people at fault as if they're not the actual reason for it???
Im sorry but that whole conversation is just weird. If they see leola's act as "the beginning of the end" that only proves that they have the knowledge of future. They HAD to know what was gonna happen in the future to find her guilty, that is the only explanation for them to give a death sentence to leola. And that only begs the question of 'if they knew what was gonna happen why did they still let it happen instead of trying to stop it???'
Idk they could have not let leola have any human friends. If this is about the ORDER of the COSMIC then i like to believe that its important. So they could've just warned Aaravos bro. Tell him the reason of it so that he could keep an eye out for his girl so she wouldn'tt get snatched by some random startouch elf. Also if the golden dragon (aka sol regem) saw leola and immediately snitched to the cosmic council that means he also knew what she was doing would break the order of the cosmic. Tf is that about? A random dragon knows about the cosmic law but not Aaravos, a startouch elf??????
Plus, If they can see the chaos of the future then shouldnt they also take Aaravos to this cosmic justice since HE is the one that ACTUALLY causes half, if not all of the damage to get revenge???
im sorry im mad lol
Its just stupid. The so called cOsMiC cOuNCiL is nothing but BS. Leola had no reason to get executed. Bring me those elves i just wanna talk.
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dress-and-impress · 1 month ago
(cal if you see this pls dont read it has spoilers)
Now that The Dragon Prince Season 7 has been released and the processing has died down imma just share smth right her right now... the whole "Ezran vs Rayllum" thing did not affect me AT ALL while watching it. Was totally unfazed by it becasue I knew they were gonna all be friends again by the end of it... and have no opinion about who was right and who was wrong (That's not to say I didn't feel weird about it. I very much did). So, here is my presentive of each character in this situation:
(picture obviously from a poster of TDP promo)
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As every Ez stan knows, he's a young king and has many difficult and challenging decisions to make. He was NEVER prepared to take the throne and when he did it was with such honesty, patience and love for EVERYONE, human, elf and even villain (as per talking to Aravos and Karim about their views and perspectives). BUT when the love he had got taken advantage of, he lost it. Like I would too if you spend all this time building a bridge (hypothetically and in a way literally) with people perceived as "the enemy". His perception of the world became a blur and the innocence he had was shattered in a million pieces. When Callum left he was undoubtably confused but MORE determined to put his fathers killer to justice instead of asking why (like he usually does).
Now he's a very controversial side because you either love him or hate him. Very quickly though i find it really strange how he keeps saying that Rayla does everything for others and wants to do something "for her"; the quazar diamond scenario in season 6 and at the oddly adorable bridge scene at the end of season 7. To put it quite plainly, Callum has no idea how to make himself happy, so he makes other people happy. But you're probably thinking "Callum pissed off Ezran and ditched his brother for his gf". Yes. He did. Callum was a mediator in the situation (or tried to be) and once he knew both sides couldn't be happy he had to choose. Ezran, his half-brother and King who has kingdoms and allies that support him no matter what. Or the girl he loves and spent years thinking about and wants to make up as much time as possible with her AND who regretted running away without asking for any help from Callum.
Lets refer back to the moments before Rayla decided to leave (on Callums birthday). She was determined to find Viren and finish what they started and Callum didn't want her to so they made a compromise. BUT THEN Rayla left as we know. Alone. With nothing.
We have no idea what Rayla spent those 2 years doing trying to find Viren but lets list a few things we know (from when she breaks Runnan out of prison); She had to say goodbye to her birth parents who she thought she was going to bring back from Virens coin, is banished from her home and cannot go back and is basically determined to have some form of stability in her life. Quick note, Rayla and Callum are not concerned about Aravos because they think he's still in the pearly.
Rayla has made a lot of impulsive decisions throughout the show and it should be expected that she would betray Ezran's trust and make things difficult for Callum to prioritise the need to get AT LEAST ONE OF HER PARENTS HOME SAFELY. Her mind was an utter blur and filled with emotion she didn't know how to express. The only thing Rayla wanted to do was solve the problem. TAKE ACTION on the one thing that's making her feel that way. She's done it before and will continue to do it.
So to sum up watching that scene and processing it, you need to understand all sides. The emotion, the determination and challenges that came across the three of them. It gave their characters development and gave us an opportunity to explore WHY the characters feel the way they feel or make the choices they choose to make. It was never a "right or wrong" thing but more so gaining growth and maturity that decisions need to be made regardless of how painful it may be.
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its-leethee · 1 year ago
I am so accustomed to seeing the adults in children's media portrayed as antagonistic obstacles for the child protagonists to outwit and overcome. So, I really appreciate how in The Dragon Prince, Callum, Ezran, and Rayla are able to approach and rely upon the adults, strangers even, that they meet during their journey. The specific examples I want to talk about are both from 1x07: the doctor and the mercenary.
When Ezran and Callum meet the doctor, he is genuinely concerned for the boys, even though he can tell that they're not being completely upfront with him. He gives them his hospitality and listens without judgement or reproach while they tell him about the accident with the egg. When he realizes his expertise is inadequate, he keeps his promise not to tell on them, and points them towards hope.
Rayla's meeting with the mercenary is more tense; he is understandably skeptical of her intentions after she chases and corners him in an alley. But when he realizes her sincerity, he heeds her plea for help. His words ("but it'll burn you") and his body language (his hesitation, his worried facial expression) belie his empathy - at least, until he sees that she's an elf, and his prejudice overcomes him.
I also want to give a mention to Villads and Lujanne, who stepped up as mentors/guides for the trio, and offered their assistance, advice, and kindness without expectations of recompense.
In reality, most people are good and want to do right by others(1). The vast majority of the strangers and people you meet are not scheming, nefarious opportunists-in-waiting. If you approach with vulnerability and ask someone for help, they will honestly try to assist you.
I just find it such a refreshing, appropriately wholesome take. Grownups aren't out to get you, kids. As someone who was raised in the "stranger danger" era, I am glad to have tdp's more nuanced and honest version of reality to show and discuss with my own children.
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yuripira4e · 8 months ago
I’m binging the dragon prince rn and am not finished so take what I say w a grain of salt but I really really hope when Runaan gets released and him, Rayla , and Ethari meet up again that it’s all not just perfect and perfect. Like Ethari was grieving his husband and had every right to be angry and sad, but in doing so he also abandoned the girl who saw him as a father and the only person she could have put her complete faith in. It’s a very complex situation but to a teen girl that got adopted, he basically told her that without Runaan, she couldn’t be his anymore and that is so agh. Anyways I hope they address that and the way that trust has been basically shattered even if she doesn’t blame him for doing so (also taking into consideration Moonshadow elf culture of completely exiling those who abandon their posts- it’s just that Ethari didn’t really care about that and just that she let runnan die)
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maferf107 · 2 months ago
The Dragon's Prince ending rant
I need to put this somewhere, spoilers ahead. Excuse any spelling errors
The dragon prince's ending was TERRIBLE it got me thinking that the series took a nosedive in writting after season 3.
Like this last seasons were full of incoherent plot points, nonsense lore, forgetable lore and moments, characters going in circles, character arcs that reversed, went nowhere or were reapeating over and over again, mental gymnastics to get the characters to do shit.
Like what was Ezran's character arc at the end? I thought they were going to do something interesting with his change of characters and the fact he built weapons that could KILL DRAGONS, HIM. With how much emphasis it had I thought it would be important, but no, that just never gets resolved. The Nova blade stuff was ridiculous
What do you mean we spent so much time trying to keep Aaravos in prison only for him to get out so easily? The candy-fake pearl stuff was stupid and contrived, the way he WAS DEFEATED was stupid. We spent so much time saying he HAS to be imprisoned only for him to get killed and he will come back? awful
The last was fight terrible and anti-climatic and killed all character's arc, except for Aaravos and Claudia I guess
I'm still mad that Zym was never a full character. He is THE dragon Prince, you know, who the series is named after?
Callum's arc got thrown in the garbage by taking off the emotional importance of his sacrifice by achieving nothing with it and taking away the consequences. It felt like the writters just pulled some bullshit out of their ass to avoid having him face consequences.
Also for a final season you would have expected them to put SOME budget into the animation. Like the animation was never the series' forte but like, I SAW THOSE PNG'S AT THE END.
Another side note is that the violence was kinda nuts for a series marked for 6+ kids. It personally didn't bother me, but it makes me question how or why they managed to greenlight it. We all saw Karim get crushed by Aaravos, even that surprised me.
The ending got me thinking how past season 3 it felt like the main characters were just going in circles, not only literally (in the plot) but philosophically (in character arc and groath), decisions meant nothing, there were no consequences or nothing gained because the writer's would just pull somehting out of their ass to move the plot foward. Seasons 1 to 3 were rather good and compacted so what the hell happened.
The only things that I found enjoyable, logical and worthwhile past season 3 were: The whole sun-fire elves plotline with Jania, Amaya and Karim; Viren's charcater arc (even though him dying three times felt a bit repetitive, I still liked his arc); Soren, Claudia, Terry and Aaravos. Basically the sun-fire elves and everything regarding Viren, his family and Aaravos. To me, they were the ones that felt like their arcs were complete, logical, fun, and had continuity and consequences. They were the ones were their actions made sense and the writting didn't go back and their arcs, like they did with Ezran and Callum
Anyways thats all my rant for now. I am mainly just... disapointted
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thatartiststudios · 6 months ago
Ughhh... Ok... So, I have a lot to say...
So, I want hanging with my parents this evening and showed them some of my unreleased AMVs ahead of time, and while I was pointing out a parallel I made in the edit between Callum with Claudia at the Nexus in S2 and Callum with Rayla at the Nexus in s6... And his Claudium conspiracy fueled behind came up again...
He was all "oh, y'know, when you have no other options, you tend to gravitate towards...those with...shared experiences"
And then, when I pointed out that she was already with Terry, he had the nerve to say that "Terry is nothing."
Both me and my mom just went off on him, then up and left to another room in the house.
Like, I'm sorry, Terry is good for her, okay? If Callum and Claudia were really meant to be together, then she would've been his One Deep Truth, but guess what? It wasn't, it was Rayla.
And what do you mean "when you have no other options"? You think Rayla's just gonna up and leave him if he goes too far? It's already been proven in 6x03 that she was more concerned for him than angry at him.
I literally can't. I love him, but I just... Can't...
Contribute your thoughts in the notes...
(Also luv you mom, you're such a nerd like me <3)
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starry-skies-writes · 10 months ago
Also who tf is the Merciful one. Why are they called the Merciful one??? I shall think about this tomorrow
They probably granted mercy to Aaravos but HOW.
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bisexualenbyblueberry · 1 year ago
Honestly I think that "Rayla is worse than both Aaravos and Viren combined" is the most fucking stupid and upsetting takes of the fandom. Because, as has been said before: RAYLA WAS A FIFTEEN YEAR OLD TRAUMATIZED GIRL WITH A FALSE SENSE OF DUTY FROM GROWING UP IN A WORLD THAT MAKES MURDER A RESPONSIBILITY WHO MADE ONE FUCKING MISTAKE. ONE. Sure, it was a big mistake. But compare that to the literal remorseless crimes of Aaravos and Viren's abuse, and the fact that he LITERALLY ATTEMPTED TO MURDER CHILDREN TO GET POWER, leaving your boyfriend to deliver justice really is not all that bad. And you know what? She apoligized! She undestands what she did ws wrong, and she fucking actually tried to fix burnt bridges! Aaravos didn't do shit! Viren hasn't talked to his son in years and didn't mention him at all during his redemption speech! Terry literally killed someone and none of you are calling him a terrible person/worse than Aaravos! So fucking leave her alone! Please!
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fujosh1dreamer · 3 months ago
It was a little underwhelming...
I have a lot of thoughts, some good, and some bad.
Good things: loved everything that was going on between callum and rayla and the rest of the moonfam. They were all so cute and funny together. Enjoyed the stuff with Terry, Aaravos, and Claudia at first but it got pretty stale towards the end. There were some really great animation sequences, and the voice acting was on point. Loved seeing more of queen Aanya. Finally sorvus... I know they're not technically Canon but I felt the unspoken implications when Soren almost fell off the cliff and Corvus grabbed him.
Onto the stuff I didn't like... there's a lot:
I hated every scene with karim... like I seriously wanted to turn my TV off when he showed up, which means that I also didn't like the janai and Amaya story line either because they were connected. Loved seeing Aanya but she deserved a stronger impact on the story, if felt like she was just there to have Ez not be alone. Like we went to her kingdom and didn't even get to see any of it, just some red rocks. I was happy that Terry left, but I was annoyed that Claudia didn't seem to care... she didn't care about anyone or anything this last season her motivations changed on a dime. I don't understand her wants or motivations at all. Barely any soren he felt like he should've had more stroy.
Ezran really annoyed me this season, he was willing to let Aanya shoot Rayla and he hesitated to stop her when she was about the shoot callum. He was wildly out of character and inconsistent. Also literally no one even attempted to mention to him that king Harrow killed Zyms dad first. Like what??? It's not a matter of him being a child and not being able to handle his emotions his response to Ruunan was fine, but him being swayed by aaravos and being mad at callum made for an exhausting watch.
Don't get me started on Aaravos we don't even get to see the other startouched elves. It looks also felt like he got nerfed, he doesn't use magic at all when he's in his normal giant form he just gets knocked around. Also I understand the final sacrifice of the old dragon dying to create an opportunity for happiness for the young generation, but the story didn't feel like it was leading up to that. The story never depicted the humans, elves, and dragons who helped seal Aaravos aways as in the wrong and needing to atone. That was setup for the startouched elves the ones playing god. The finally just doesn't really make any sense. Also what's the deal with callum and dark magic? Can he teach others to use primal magic? What's gonna happen in seven years?
My disappointment stems from wanting more and the story feeling very rushed, I'll probably give it another watch through but these are my initial thoughts.
One final point, and the thing that kinda pissed me off the most...
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This!?!?!?!!? Really!?!?!?!? No thanks!?!
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imminent-danger-came · 1 year ago
Do we think moonshadow elves make note of what phase of the moon it is when they're born. I think it'd be neat if Rayla was born under the half-moon.
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malicedafirenze · 2 years ago
so I finally got done watching S5 of The Dragon Prince and ghgnghghggngh why do I have such a mixed bag love hate relationship with this show (spoilers)
I want to love this show but there's so many things that just don't land and don't work, and yet here I am, hooked once again, because after 8 episodes of cringe humor and weird dialogue it fed me some crumbs of delicious Aaravos content.
I find so many of the accents so goddamn stilted and awkward. The french sun fire elves are the worst. I don't object to french-sounding elves in principle but dear lord does it sound unnatural and strained
SO much of the humor just does not land and the pacing of individual scenes is just ??? ATLA had some very kiddie humor here or there too, and I love the somewhat darker and more mature tone of TDP but jfc it feels like they need to hammer every joke home with so much time that you'd think they were planning for a laugh track
ep 8 and 9 were so much better than the whole rest of the season because once this show lets itself focus on action and drama, it's actually pretty fucking good, but for some reason you need to get through a first half season of awkward goofs.
Terry annoys me so much. Yay trans rep, but why the utterly random coming out out of nowhere (that was S04 I know but I watched it very recently okay) and his whole sounding like a therapist shit towards Claudia, like yes, it could be funny that this random wood elf does aroma therapy on his dark mage gf but everything somehow turns awkward in the execution
The library showdown was generally cool but the framing for why Amaya told them to leave without her was so fucking weird: you have this moment of Dragon Ex Machina, Zubeia wiping away the demon bears with ease, and then suddenly when Amaya is back in the frey after grabbing Bait, they're suddenly out of time and need to leave that instant??? Like I see what they were going for, obviously Zubeia was under real threat from the demon bears, but imo the framing/visualization of that threat did not work at all and I audibly went "WHY" at my screen at the random "you have to leave without me" thing.
That being said there's some shit that goes extremely hard and I'm here for it:
Rayla just fucking dismembering Claudia apparently wtf??
I enjoyed the sexy fish pirate man, I hope he survived getting eaten
I am an utter addict for Aaravos' voice and even the flashback repetitions in Janai's nightmares were legit enough to get my attention again
I am very excited for how someone is going to end up saving Viren's life against his will and I will gladly read fanfic of it
I had the 'our child' thing spoiled by being careless on tumblr but seeing it actually on screen was better than expected, love that for my OTP, toxic af parenthood is just what they needed
I really expected there to be more Aaravos since this show got renamed to Mystery of Aaravos false advertising smh.
They got creative with Dragon designs this season and I support that
out of all the things I found weird and cringe, I am 100% here for Zubaia getting randomly healed by a funky little gnome that calls himself the mushroom mage, 10/10 no notes
young viren hot
Rayla and Callum worked much better for me towards the end of the season when they got more comfortable with each other, love that for them, some delicious drama when the sexy fish man tortures them in front of each other, good for them, that's my shit
Considering all the things I liked about the last 2-3 episodes I feel nitpicky and weird for complaining about the first 7 or so but UGH it was a bit of a pain to get through them tbh. There is so much I deeply, deeply appreciate about what this show tries to do, as a high fantasy kids show with an overarching story, gorgeous visuals and explicit lgbtq and disability rep that I feel like an ass for complaining about it so much, but god damn there are so many things that are just unbearably cringe about it and OH MY GOD I just remembered the god damn "maybe you should express your love like a bee, here just move your tushy like that" scene holy FUCK can someone please give me an edit of this show with about three times the Aaravos screentime and all this second hand embarassment removed
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m4rs-ex3 · 2 years ago
the ability tdp has to never make me hate characters is astounding
i mean i obviously have my blorbos but i literally love every character in this show and that is so incredibly rare cuz let's be real i'm discriminatory and am only drawn to queer teenagers but oml
all the main characters are just perfection and every minor character is immaculate and even the super complicated ones like claudia n avizandum n ???? what the fuck ????? VIREn ?!????!! how they managed to make me feel for him i do not know
and even the straight up assholes are too cool/smoking hot for me to not love them i mean aaravos, finnegrin (he's on the edge,) my lawfully wedded wife kim'dael and that absolute whore slut stupid ass beautiful gorgeous stunning bitch miyana
(karim is the exception i just hate his ass [in a good way show wise])
and what's more impressive is the ships???? aka everything involving claudia aka everything morally questionable??? bc i am The most violent vehement shipper but i cannot be mad. like callum + claudia is wild bc i love them individually so i love them together but i also despise them together but i also LIVVEEEE for the tragedy that is their love. and claudia and terry bc tbh imho terry deserves better and i'm kinda hoping they're not endgame but i'm also not at all angered by their on screen presence in fact i enjoy them what is happening
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