#you need to prep your online store.
swifterm · 2 years
Is your eCommerce store ready for Christmas?
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#Whether it’s creating Christmas marketing campaign ideas#or researching the products set to fly off the shelves#there’s plenty retailers can do to prep in advance for the so-called Golden Quarter. In fact#for many business owners#Christmas preparations are an entire year in the making.#When done right#the festive period can be the most lucrative time of year – so how ready are you?#In 2020 and 2021#UK shoppers spent around £25 billion on Christmas gifts – but not necessarily in December. According to a recent survey#over half of Brits like to start Christmas shopping from October#and 23% start by September. If you want to take advantage of these early birds for a major year-end revenue boost#you need to prep your online store.#The economy is going to cause some problems this year. So it will be tempting for you to offer lower ticket items#which give the illusion of selling more. But you could actually end up merely being a busy fool. While a shop full of people attracts other#no one sees this online. Deloitte offer a handy guide to pricing in a recession.#But fear not every other retailer will be having the same problems#including inherent supply chain issues which have dogged various verticals all year. So the basic advice is don’t discount#and likewise don’t shift upmarket. Your customer come to you#not only because they like what you sell#but because your pricing range and value is acceptable to them.#In this article#we’ll shared practical insights on how you can equip yourself to make the most of this year’s festive season. So what should you do?#1. Christmas trends 2022: Look to the ghosts of Christmas past#When planning for Christmas as an eCommerce retailer#you need to pick up on trends before they fade away. To do this#you can use analytics from previous years to unlock a path forward. Think about it. Did you see an uplift in trade from October? Did certai#you first need to understand their habits and behaviours.#Don’t forget to look at rival businesses as well. It is wise to keep an eye on market trends and product availability – so you can respond#2. Get personal – and bundle up#How much time do you spend on personalisation?
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ms-demeanor · 11 months
Tech how-to article written like a recipe. Is that anything? Fuck it.
Old-Fashioned Setting Up a Password Manager
For this project you will need:
One computer
One full-featured browser
One pre-made email account, not shared and logged-in
2-5 possible passwords
5-10 accounts to get started with storing passwords.
Before you begin pre-load your computer, logging in to your email account. You can save later prep time by having your primary social media accounts, banking information, email account, and online bills ready to hand.
Go to bitwarden.com and select "create account"; be sure to select "free account" - you can jazz it up later but we're learning the basics now.
Create the account using your primary email address as the login name and one long (but not complicated!) password that you are certain you can remember but is not widely shared online. This is a great way to use information about your favorite movies or songs, not a great place for your kid's or pet's names.
Set up your password hint with a good reminder; be sure to note any punctuation you added, for instance a comma to separate lines of a song or an exclamation point between words of a movie title.
Verify your email account with the password manager, then set up a new password for your email. You may need a phone or access to your extant 2FA tools for this step. Create a login in the password manager, add your email address, and generate a new password, then save the entry. Go to your email account, select "security" and "change password" - enter your old password to confirm then paste your new password manager generated password into the provided text boxes, and save. Log out of your email account, then log back in with your new password. You will need to do this on all of your devices, so make sure you're using a password manager that is accessible across platforms - Bitwarden is recommended for a reason, this is a place where you don't want to skimp when making substitutions!
Repeat the process of resetting passwords to taste; you don't need to do everything all at once, but it's best to start with a serving of 5-8 to get used to the process.
Time: 30min to 2hr DOE Expense: Literally Free Value: Priceless i never have to remember a fucking password again and now neither do you.
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texas-gothic · 5 months
Dracula Daily Prep: Gather Your Paprikash!
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It's that time of year again. Even as we speak, Jonathan Harker has departed for Transylvania, and the unhallowed halls of Castle Dracula. And as he makes his way towards that foreboding country, he will encounter a singular, most enticing of dishes: Paprika Hendl, or as we might know it better, Chicken Paprikash!
This traditional Central European dish explodes in popularity each May as we all gather around our virtual mess hall to enjoy the spirit of this most influential of gothic novels. Perhaps you yourself are considering throwing together a pot this year? Well, if you are, let this be your guide.
So, first, let's discuss the most important of the ingredients here: authentic hungarian paprika. Now, the recipe I first used last year called only for Sweet Paprika, but I personally found that version to be a little bland. I'm remedying this by adding some Hot Paprika as well. However, this is just my personal experimentation. Hungarian Hot Paprika can in fact be very hot, so if you're not comfortable with anything too spicy, feel free to opt only for the Sweet Paprika.
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(Both of these I had to order online.)
Next, is another very important addition. As youre gathering your basic cornerstones of cooking (namely yellow onion, roma tomato, and garlic for this recipe) you may find yourself passing up on something that could vastly improve your dish. I'm talking, of course, about Hungarian Wax Peppers. These peppers range in heat, from meak and mild to slightly hotter than you'd average jalapeño. As per instruction, you should only use one. But on my end, I found the single pepper to be a little underwhelming, and I had trouble picking out it's flavor. So, this year, I'll be using two of them.
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I got these from Central Market, an upmarket gorcer on Westheimer. They're a cousin of HEB, and you can find one or two in every major city in Texas. If you're elsewhere, try an alternative like Whole Foods, or try to find a European or International food market in your area.
Next, let's talk chicken. You can't have Chicken Paprkiash without the chicken, after all.
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You're going to want to go with dark meat cuts for this. Traditionally the dish would use a mix of legs and thighs. Personally, I suggest using only the thighs, which you'll want to get bone-in and skin-on. The thigh provides a flater surface for browning than the leg, as well as more meat.
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(A note on food safety, raw chicken will usually only last 2-3 days in the fridge. So you'll want to grab that fairly close to the day you're actually cooking this. If not, you can do what I'll be doing, and sticking it in the freezer until about 24 hours before I start cooking.)
So, as you gather your meat, produce, and spice you're probably asking yourself, "what on Earth am I going to be eating this with?" And the answer to that is spaetzle! A popular dumpling present in lots of Central European cooking, this is exactly what you need to tie this all together.
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Now, while you should be able to find some in the international isle of most major grocers, you might also have to visit an international food store, or perhaps something more upmarket. If none of these options work, then there are a variety of other side dishes that work just as well. Egg noodles are a very popular choice, and in my very American attempt last year, I found that mashed potatoes work especially well.
Now that you've got all these things together, you're very nearly done. All that's left is the thickener. Paprikash is thickened using a blend of flour, heavy whipping cream, and sour cream. We'll get onto preparing this mixture in my post on actually cooking the paprikash, but until then, acquiring them should be a cake walk at any place food items are sold.
Now that will conclude the actual grocery list for just the Paprikash itself, but I do have one more pointer on how to really liven up this meal. Now, if you're under 21 or if perhaps you take after our dear, depraved, beloathed Count
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Then you can skip this next bit. As a wine professional myself, I find that a well paired glass can add a tremendous flare to nearly any already great dinner. In the case of something like Chicken Paprkiash, and keeping with the Central European theme, I could hardly think of a better match than a good German Pinot Noir, also known as a Spatburgunder. Pinot from Germany typically has a very light body and a refreshing acidity that plays very well with the rich and creamy sauce of Chicken Paprikash. The palate of earth and red fruit should always pair nicely with the smoke of the paprika, as well as being a general good partner for any chicken. I myself am going with this 2020 Rheingau from August Kesseler.
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And with that, we are done! Hit those checkout isles and make sure to get home before dark. Terrible things have sway over the world once the sun has gone down. So if the crowd does keep you locked up until nightfall, make sure to graciously accept any crucifixes given to you by kindly, elderly grandmothers and inn keepers. But whatever you do, make sure to pop in on Friday, when I'll be sharing a step by step guide on taking these ingredients and turning them into a dinner that will make our good friend Jonathan go red as a fire truck!
Happy Dracula Week everybody!
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heyftinally · 19 days
No, okay, actually I am going to write this rant.
The rupaulification of drag has directly contributed to why Chappell Roan is getting so much backlash for having basic boundaries.
Do y'all realize that one of the original ideas behind drag personas was that people could entirely separate their "real" (out of drag) life from their drag life?
It used to be unsafe to do drag. It used to be illegal. You could very easily be murdered for it, and nobody would even care because it was so stigmatized. Drag personas gave performers the much needed separation and safety between their two worlds. So long as nobody knew that Charles in accounting moonlit as Miss Betty Cocker, his job was safe.
Even in modern live drag you rarely see anything that breaks the immersion. Putting on and taking off drag happens backstage or at home. Performers exclusively go by their stage names while around audience members. Even the ones with social media followings who *do* share their non-drag names will ask fans to call them by their drag name exclusively (Trixie Mattell has said this before - the only people allowed to call her by her birth name are her parents and her lover).
But RuPaul, in seeking to spotlight the often unseen and unknown culture of the drag (and queer) community, simultaneously put queen's non-drag lives in the public eye as well.
Suddenly it's normal (when watching the show) to see Trixie labeled as "Brian" while in confessional. It's normal to see performers in their sweats and no makeup prior to performing. And it's normal for that part of their reality to be broadcast for public consumption.
As a dancer, let me give you a brief look at a show day for me. I'll show up to the show venue 2-3hrs before the show starts, wearing sweats or leggings, hair in a messy bun or ponytail, no makeup, with a bunch of bags.
In that 2-3hrs I'll warm up, do my hair and makeup, get into my first costume, and practice anything I want or need to review. The preparation for this is not inherently glamorous. It's work. It's a large mental load preparing to have an entire room full of people to look at you - especially when they've PAID to do so.
I don't want to be bothered during that prep time by anything that isn't directly to do with the show, because I'm focused on doing what I need to do to put on a good show, the same way any athlete has to "get in the zone" before a game. Would you expect to chat with Simone Biles 10min before she's about to take to the beam? I certainly hope not.
In the same way, RuPaul began televising that preparation process - what used to be relatively private time with friends and colleagues is now as much of a performance as what happens on stage.
So how does this relate to Chappell?
It's the same principle.
"Chappell Roan" is a drag persona. That's not her name at the grocery store, nor is it how she dresses to do so.
In the same way drag used to allow Charles to step into the office and be unknown as Betty, Chappell has attempted to follow in that tradition. And, outside of RuPaul, that's still how drag works. If you go to your local drag scene, you likely will never know who Sexon Thebeache is out of drag. You'll probably never know her name, what she looks like, or what she does for work outside of drag. Because that's how she wants it, and that's what's normal in the culture.
But because Chappell has taken her drag to "RuPaul" levels of publicity and notoriety, people feel entitled to engage with her in the same way RuPaul promotes engaging with the queens on Drag Race.
So when Chappell says "I don't want to take selfies when I'm not in drag", fans take it as a personal attack because there is no longer a respect for that separation of "drag" and "not drag". That line has been blurred on tv and online - where most people engage with most or all of their drag consumption - and thus the line irl has also been blurred.
It's not normal to know every single minute of someone's life. Taylor Swift is just as much at fault, and I could write a whole other rant on that.
It's long past time people take a hard look at their parasocial relationships and start trying to see celebrities as *people* instead of names that sing or act.
Let celebrities have their boundaries. They already get so few in the industry - basic human decency shouldn't be an expected sacrifice just because a lot of people like what you do.
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Hi! I’m about to start uni in October (law)
Can you give me a list of to-dos to mentally and physically prepare for this new journey? Like, things to bring, items to buy, notebooks etc 🥹💘
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Operation Straight-A Student: A Comprehensive Guide to Prepping for a Successful Uni Experience 🎀📚💗✏️
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ty for the ask! i'm not a law student, so this is gonna be more general uni advice that i hope can apply for you. best of luck in your journey, you're gonna do amazing things!!
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step no. 1: plan, plan, plan!
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for me, being organized & prepping ahead of time has been so helpful. even if things get a bit hectic or tough, having a routine to fall back on is key. here's how i do it!
google calendar
as soon as i have my class schedule, i input all my class meeting times on google calendar. then, based on whatever free space is left over, i allocate time for schoolwork and studying. here's the schedule i designed for this upcoming term:
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make sure your study/ classwork time accounts for whatever online courses you're taking too. you should also include blocks for work, club meetings, etc. if they're recurring. i have google calendar linked to my phone so i get notifs for each time block.
i recommend having a good planner. whether this is online or physical, depending on your preference, a weekly planner of your own is helpful for staying on top of work & having peace of mind.
the planner i use is the moleskine weekly planner. here is what it looks like inside:
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on the left side i write all the tasks i have on each weekday (similar to the google calendar). on the right side, i list all the tasks i have to complete during that given week - i open the syllabi for all my classes and input whatever hw, assignments, projects, etc. are upcoming. i write them down in a checklist along with the date they're due. then, during my study blocks, i can check this page & decide what to work on!
note-taking & classwork
you should also have supplies for note-taking. some ppl prefer to take digital notes, so this means using your laptop or a tablet & stylus. personally, i like to take handwritten notes, so i bring loose-leaf lined paper & pencils to my lectures. i write the class name & date as the header for each page. when i'm done taking notes, i write the key topics in the top left-hand corner of the pager (in "no-man's land") so i can easily find the notes on specific topics when i'm flipping through them.
in terms of classwork, i recommend having a folder for each of your classes where you can store notes, assignments, tests, etc. i know some people use one big binder for all classes, but if you have a separate folder for each, you don't have to carry them all around on days when you only have two or three classes. i like the brand five star bc the folders are very durable and i've had the same ones all throughout uni!
for me, i've never been a huge notebook person b/c i like to keep my subjects separate so i rarely fill up an entire notebook. you can buy one to start with, and see once school starts if you think you need more!
other supplies
in terms of supplies, i'm honestly pretty minimalistic. the necessities for me are my planner, a folder & loose-leaf paper, and a pencil pouch with plenty of pens & pencils. i also bring my laptop & charger with me to school bc i use that for my online classes.
i do enjoy having cute supplies! i have a cute pink pencil pouch, glittery mechanical pencils, and fun pens. i also put stickers all over my laptop to give it a personal touch. i did a bit of embroidery on my backpack as well. you don't need to spend tons of money on aesthetic supplies, especially if it's something you won't have for long. but, finding simple ways to add a personal touch to your items can be fun & motivating!
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step no. 2: make an action plan
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i feel like it's easy to tell yourself you wanna do certain things or be a certain person during school. for example, i always want to be super studious, outgoing, & involved, but i used to struggle sm to actually do that. instead of only thinking of how you want to be, create actual steps/ tasks for yourself. here are my action items for inspo:
sit in the front row of every class - this can be daunting, but in my uni experience, wherever you sit in the first week becomes your (un)official assigned seat. get to class early, take a deep breath, and sit yourself down at the front! you'll be forcing yourself to stay at the front, but i promise it's fine! i really prefer this b/c if you & the prof get to class early you can chat a bit. also, when i wanna participate, i can speak at my regular volume & they'll hear me (rather than if i'm in the back row and had to scream). if nothing else, you'll become a familiar face!
attend office hours for each class at least once - i sometimes felt nervous/ anxious to go to office hours and talk to the professors & ta. but when you do it once, you realize they truly just want to help! getting to know the ppl who grade your assignments can be super useful. they might give you advice or info you don't get in lectures. plus, they are super knowledgeable!
raise your hand once per week - this forces you to be engaged with the content. i used to have such horrible social anxiety & the thought of speaking up in class & getting an answer wrong was my worst nightmare. and when i set this rule & began forcing myself to participate, i did make mistakes. but guess what... everyone moves on immediately. you might feel like the world is ending. it haunted me for weeks after 😢 but no one else cares! in the end, ppl will only remember that you were confident enough to raise your hand & speak up, not what you said. pls don't let your education suffer just b/c you're afraid some classmates might judge you! if raising your hand to answer problems is too daunting, start with asking clarifying questions & slowly build up to whatever you're able to do.
start a conversation with a classmate - having classmates that you're friendly with is so important. if you miss a lecture, need help on a concept, etc. you'll have someone you can turn to. and that's the least of it - you can end up making long-lasting friends! yes, it's scary to talk to a stranger. so, force yourself to do it as early as possible in the semester. an easy one - if you see someone sitting by an empty seat, ask if that seat is taken. if not, yay! it's go time 😊 sit by them and find something else to talk about - give them a (genuine & non-creepy) compliment, ask them if they've seen the syllabus, ask if they know the prof, etc. just something to get the convo started!! figure out their name, major, and other stuff too. once you've talked with them long enough to feel like you're getting along (whether that's after one class or multiple) ask for their number/ discord/ whatever so you can keep in touch! if they share your major, you should keep in contact with them b/c you might have other classes together in the future. but, again, in the best-case scenario, you have a new friend!
wear a cute outfit once per week - sometimes i would get a bit embarrassed or self-conscious to dress up for class. i forced myself to do it once per week, starting the first week of class, to set a precedent for myself. slowly i eased my way into wearing cute, fun outfits every day! no one is judging you as much as you are judging yourself, so have fun & be true to you.
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step no. 3: study smarter, not harder
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attending class is one thing, but you've got to put in the effort to study if you truly want to succeed. but, not all study methods will work for every single person. figure out how to study so you don't waste time with methods that don't work for you.
determine your learning style(s)
there are a few widely accepted learning styles. you've probably tried all of them throughout your time at school, so think back on which learning experiences have been most and least successful for you. then, connect them back to these learning styles to figure out ways you can most effectively study.
visual:  if you learn by seeing info visually, such as with maps, graphs, diagrams, charts, etc.
auditory: if you learn by getting info in auditory form, aka when it's heard or spoken
kinesthetic: aka hands-on, if you learn by doing & applying
reading/writing: if you learn info best when it’s in words, aka by writing it down or reading it
you might find that multiple of these learning styles are effective for you, maybe there's one that sticks out as the most similar to your style of learning, or maybe one that just doesn't work for you. now, you don't need to assign yourself one and forego the rest, but you can adjust the time you spend on various study methods based on how well they work for you.
for me, i've realized over time that i am NOT a reading learner. in high school i would diligently read all the textbook assignments, spending hours getting through the chapters, only to retain none of it & do poorly on assignments & tests.
on the other hand, i respond really well to kinesthetic learning - when applying concepts hands-on, such as with practice problems, i have a much better understanding of concepts & retention.
fast forward to college - i spend very little time on assigned readings. in fact, sometimes i skip them all together 🫢 b/c if i spend an hour reading the textbook but retain none of it, that's an hour wasted. especially if the content from the textbook is going to line up with the lecture, i'm much better off paying attention & taking good notes in class, and then spending my study time doing practice problems. if i really do need to read the textbook, i have to make it interactive for myself - i answer the questions at the end of the chapter, take notes, quiz myself, etc.
now, my advice here isn't to skip textbook readings!! that's not something i recommend b/c for so many people, it IS effective and helpful! when it comes to studying, play on your strengths. don't try to force yourself to learn in a way that doesn't work for your brain. make modifications & prioritize your learning! here is an awesome guide to different methods that work for the various learning styles.
find your ideal study environment
you can also maximize the effectiveness of your studying based on the environment you're in. if you can decide what factors help or hinder your studying abilities, it will help you decide where you should make your go-to study spot!
at home or in public? sometimes, studying in a public place can be unproductive. it might make you feel more stressed (like the sensation of having your teacher look over your shoulder during a test 🫣) or distracted. for me, studying in public is actually useful b/c i'm less likely to get disctracted. if i'm in my room i might get tempted to open up tumblr or pinterest, but in public i feel like ppl might see me get off topic which deters me LOL. however, studying at home is nice b/c you're in the comfort of your own personal space - you can change into pjs, cuddle your pet, grab a snack, etc. i do a mix of studying in public & at home b/c i feel like they both have their benefits
quiet or noisy? do you study better in a silent environment, or do you like some sound/ white noise? personally, i cannot deal with ANY noise when i'm trying to study, it totally breaks my focus 😭but some people like the ambient/ white noise of a coffee shop
music or silence? similar to the last one, does having music help you stay focused, or distract you? i know ppl will swear by different things - classical music, upbeat music, songs in different languages, etc. again, i personally cannot handle any sounds 😅 but if music keeps you alert, plan accordingly - have earbuds or go to a coffee shop that has a playlist going
nature or indoors? maybe you find it stuffy to be indoors all day & studying out in the open air helps you stay grounded and calm. on the flipside, being exposed to the elements might just make you more distracted. if you like studying outdoors, try public parks with benches, and also see if your campus has outdoor seating areas. some libraries do too. for a happy medium, you can study someplace with large windows/ nice view.
independent or collaborative? do you study better on your own or in groups? you can join a study group or go to office hours to get a sense of studying in a group setting vs. alone. group studying can help hold you accountable, make it more interactive, and keep you focused. that being said, i def prefer studying independently. i like to go at my own pace, and tbh i get easily distracted w/ others and will begin to just chit chat
based on how you answer those questions, you can decide what your ideal study environment is & pick a go-to place! for me, based on my preferences, my most effective study environment going to the library alone or studying in my room.
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that's all for this post! i feel it got very long but i had so many tips to share. there's no "one size fits all" guide to navigating uni life. but i think everyone can benefit from prepping in advance & being mentally prepared. knowing your own strengths + having a plan of attack will guide you in stressful/ uncertain times!
overall, take the time to get to know yourself & figure out how you can be at your very best. apply whichever bits of advice resonate, and ignore anything that's not gonna serve you. this is YOUR journey!
and remember, even with all the planning in the world, things can go unexpectedly. you are more than equipped to deal with whatever life throws your way! when you are faced with unexpected things - pause & think, assess the situation, & determine your best course of action. above all, YOU'VE GOT THIS! 💗
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elcpsstuff · 10 months
Chaotic Black Friday shopping with Conrad 💕
This too, Please?
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a/n: sorry i’ve been so inactive but here’s this little thing. idk what’s going on but it’s very funny so enjoy:)
Conrad shakes his head at you. “Baby, just shop online. the stores are a mess.”
You crawl on top of him, falling into his lap softly. “You don’t understand. Belly just told me there was that sweater i’ve been eyeing from Aritzia for MONTHS in store! She went with Jere earlier.”
Conrad gives you a soft smile, “no.”
“Connie!” You whine.
“Baby!” He mocks you which earns him a kick in the leg. He winces. “Hey! what the heck!”
“If you take me i’ll love you forever?”
He smirks, “you already do.”
“Nope. Not anymore.” You go to get up but Conrad pulls you back into his lap.
“Don’t be mean. I want to stay here with you and cuddle all day. that’s all.”
Your heart melts at the boy in front of you, but Belly’s words rang through your ears. You had to stay focused. “Later. I promise we can cuddle and do nothing all night. Okay?”
Conrad sighs, “I love you baby, but you drive me crazy.”
So here you were, rushing to the store to get the sweater that caused all this drama. It turns out the sweater was sold when you got there, but they had some stock online which you ordered right away as soon as you left the store.
You thought Conrad was going to want to go home, but you were surprised when he dragged you into target.
“What the fuck are we doing in target on black Friday, Conrad?”
He smirks, “Okay so there was this like, comforter bean thing on TikTok everybody wears and—”
“omg. the comfy! you want one of those?”
He pulls you in and gives you a quick kiss on the forehead. “For both of us. you would look so adorable in it.”
You narrow your eyes at him, “I am not a barbie doll Conrad Fisher.”
“No. but you are the cutest thing ever.”
Oh he’s got you. That’s how you get the girl all right.
You and Conrad got 2 comfys and instead of going home you got a little side tracked, buying everything on sale. Chips, makeup and while Conrad got tons of blankets.
You were carrying so many bags home, at least 4 each when you walked back into the summer house. You and Conrad were moving in together after this summer. Since you both graduated college this past may, you needed to start prepping for your apartment.
Jeremiah and Belly were side eyeing you two so hard and Belly couldn’t help but laugh when she saw you and Conrad frantically bringing everything inside.
“There is no way you got Conrad to go black Friday shopping. Let alone enjoy it.” Jeremiah yells.
“Jeremiah!” Belly yells at him and slaps his hand. All that does is earn her a kiss.
“Yeah well,” Conrad begins. “Y/n is officially my shopping buddy.”
You roll your eyes, “Wasn’t I that already?”
“You were my girl. Now your my girl and my shopping buddy.” You go to protest but Conrad picks you up and leaves chast kisses down your neck. Jeremiah and Belly look knowing as you both go upstairs to pursue some.. extra curricular activities.
You can bring the bags up later. You had both worked hard.
Something short but cute. Happy 50% off week!
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flowery-laser-blasts · 5 months
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This recipe is part of the menu of 'Chez Molerat vs Dine 'n Crime'.
HOW TO PREPARE THE TAPIOCA. Ingredients: - Black Tapioca pearls - Brown sugar (2 to 3 tbsp)
Black Tapioca pearls can be easily purchased from local Asian grocery stores or online. The brand I use is 'Wu Fu Yuan black Tapioca pearls - black sugar flavour' (they also have other colours). Despite it's name, it doesn't hold much flavour by itself hence why we need the brown sugar. Want to make your own Tapioca pearls from scratch? Follow this great recipe by Emmymade (I tried it myself, it was fun and pretty tasty, but I only recommend doing this when you got time on your hands). Instructions: - Cook the Tapioca pearls as instructed on the package (or according to Emmy's recipe). - Once fully cooked, drain the pearls from the liquid and add 2 to 3 table spoons of brown sugar. - Cook the tapioca in the sugar on low/middle low heat until the crystals are disolved and you end up with a thick syrupy consistency. Be careful to not burn the sugar, keep stirring! - Turn off the stove and set aside. HOW TO PREPARE THE MATCHA LATTE. Ingredients: - Milk (Less than 1 cup/Less than 200ml... at least for this glass) - Hot water (1 to 2 tbsp for mixing the Matcha powder) - Matcha powder (2 tsp) Matcha powder, like the Tapioca pearls, can be obtained from said places. If you do NOT like the taste of Matcha, alternatively you can switch it out with Melon (specifically Cantaloupe or Honeydew) powder or Pandan. If you use the Pandan powder, make sure it's specifically for 'instant milk drinks'. These two alternative methods might also give you a way greener result than the Matcha. Instructions: - Combine the hotwater with Matcha powder in a seperate cup. If you have a powerdrill, now is the time to use it; If not, I suggest either a hand held milkfrother or a spoon (if you use a spoon make sure that the Matcha is thorouhgly dissolved). If you use the Melon or Pandan powder, this same step counts unless the instruction package tells you otherwise. - Once the Matcha is dissolved, add the Milk and stir it well until fully combined. PREPPING AND DECORATING THE GLASS - Using a spoon, pick a few Tapioca pearls from the syrup and slowly let them slide along the walls of the glass. Use the syrup to decorate more parts of the inside. - Add the Tapioca pearls (and optional ice cubes/crushed ice). - Pour the Matcha latte in the glass. - Foam Milk with the milkfrother and add ontop of the drink. - Drizzle the left over sugar syrup over the top and serve! So you must be wondering, dear reader; "Why don't I see the Milkfoam on top of the photo?" The answer is simple... I was out of Milk by the end of making this drink and if I were to make this, again (yes, this is my second attempt to make a pretty glass for just a photo) I could never fit into a size six.
Anyway, I hope you enjoy this recipe!
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"Cousin tried to poison me but the texture was good. 2/5."
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eg4mccc · 2 years
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Last Call for Infants Patch Prep!!
(graphic credit: Bonxie)
Tomorrow is the day most of us have been waiting for, the patch to prepare Sims 4 for INFANTS!!! It promises to be busy on support Discords, so I thought I'd start off with a few essential things you should know about getting help from Deaderpool's server.
First of all, READ our #server-info channel!!! There is a lot of information there that will streamline your experience with us. We always know who doesn't bother to read it, by the questions we see in support. We're going to be getting slammed by people with broken mods/cc, please do your part to make things easier on everyone involved, on any server you visit.
Pay close attention to the types of mods/cc/creators who may very well get you banned. Don't bring them to our server.
The people manning support channels are volunteers. Don't be an ass. We're not getting paid to help you, and we don't have to put up with rudeness, disrespect, trolling, and so on. We have no issue with banning people who can't behave properly on Deaderpool's discord. Don't try us.
Don't post the same thing in multiple channels, and don't post the same thing on multiple servers simultaneously. If you don't use two lanes at once in a brick and mortar store, why would you try doing it online? It's confusing and not efficient for anyone trying to work with you. The exceptions would be, if staff refers you elsewhere, to either a different channel, or to a separate discord server, in order to better address your issues. Otherwise, pick one channel on one server, and stay there.
BE PATIENT. Expansion patches are legendary for being super-busy. We'll do our best to get to everyone as soon as possible. There's no need to bump your post, or poke us, unless it's obvious your post has been skipped, after a few minutes/posts around yours are being handled. We're human, stuff happens. Don't get angry about it, just remind us, and we'll move forward from there.
If you're a long-time player, please watch out for the new players, if this is someone's first patch, they're likely to be pretty shocked at the damage. If you speak more than one language, we'd LOVE to add you to our group of Interpreters helping in #bilingual-support. If you're familiar with our server's layout, please help new people find their way around. 
Please do not pester creators for information. They're all aware this patch is likely to break things, and they would rather spend their time updating their mods and cc for us, than having to respond to tons of "your stuff broke!" posts on their pages. Don't be that person, just keep an eye on the various #mods-news type channels, Scarlet's list, Luth's forum post, and so on. 
This is not our first rodeo, you can trust us to help get you through the damage and back into your game, in the most painless way we can manage.
If we all can work together, we can minimize patch fallout in many ways. Bring a positive attitude, and your popcorn, and get ready to see the show... it's going to be a rocking week!
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ohyespotatous · 4 months
kak share with us the basics of meal prepping please… also are u doing it daily or weekly?
Hi Nelyaaa! 💗 Do you cook/like cooking? I’m honestly not good at cooking and am still learning how to meal prep because my mom moved out of town recently because of her work—and it used to be my mom who cooked at home 😅. When she visits, I’d help my mom grocery shop and meal prep for a week. I just started doing it by myself this month. Still, I’m not a pro, but I’ll show you how I meal prep :) 
∘ ∘ ∘
Main activities: planning • shopping • prepping • storing
Firstly, ask yourself these before meal prepping: • How much time do you have to cook every day? This will lead to the next questions: • How many meals do you want to make? • What to make?
If you have 15-30 minutes a day, the things you need to prep probably are:
• Cut and washed raw veggies (you could combine and pack them into portions based on the menu or store each cut veggie separately) • Seasoned proteins (marinated or braised) • Premade sauces or sambal.
If you have less than 15 minutes, you could try:
• Blanch and freeze veggies so they take less time to cook the next time you want to eat them • Precook and freeze soups/stews. Separate the veggies and meat. • Precook side dishes • Premake easy-to-cook frozen foods (chicken/tofu nuggets, frozen burrito/kebabs, seasoned chicken, etc.) • I don’t do this, but some people precook their rice. It lasts for three days. (For me, if I ever store my rice in the fridge, it will mostly end up as fried rice, haha.) 
∘ ∘ ∘
< Meal Prep Step by Step 🥗>
1. Planning & grocery shopping 🛒
You can make a table like this one by Doobydobap to make your planning easier.
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Check everything you currently have, including condiments and everything in the fridge. List items you can use for the week
List the meals you want to make for the week. You can check out some recipes online for inspiration.
List the rest of the ingredients you need
Go grocery shopping
2. Prepping 🔪🍳
Clean and chop the veggies and proteins to the right size for your menu. To avoid cross-contamination, do the veggies/plant-based ingredients first, and then clean your cutting board before chopping meat/poultry.
Make premix sauces
The rest depends on your menu. You might want to quickly blanch your veggies, pre-season/marinate your food, braise chicken, or precook your side dish.
Let them cool before storing them in the fridge. 
3. Storing ❄
Store raw veggies in the crisper. To maintain freshness, dry them well before storing them in airtight containers or zipper bags. You could line the container with paper towels to absorb moisture from the produce. Make sure to keep track of how long each type of vegetable stays fresh.
Cooked proteins, soups, or stews can be stored in the freezer to extend shelf life, and they should be thawed in the chiller the night before use.
Store soup/stew ingredients with different textures (like meat and veggies) separately.
You can store precooked side dishes on the middle shelf for 3 days or in the freezer for longer.
I think that’s everything I can share for now. I hope it’s helpful. Stay healthy, Nelya (and everyone else reading)!! <3
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satoshi-mochida · 3 months
Touhou Spell Carnival coming west in 2024 - Gematsu
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Idea Factory International will release bullet hell strategy RPG Touhou Spell Carnival for PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, and Switch in the west, the publisher announced. It will be available both physically and digitally, and feature Japanese voice-overs with English, French, and Spanish subtitles. Wishlists for the standard and limited editions are available now via IFI Online Store.
Touhou Spell Carnival first launched on June 6 in Japan.
Here is an overview of the game, via Idea Factory International:
Gensokyo—a remote land isolated from the Outside World, where humans and youkai live side-by-side. One day, the shrine maiden of Hakurei Shrine, Reimu Hakurei, spots mysterious pillars towering over various locations throughout Gensokyo. These pillars signaled the start of the Spell Carnival, a festival hosted by Yukari Yakumo where one must put their Spell Cards on the line in battle. In order to investigate the true intentions of Yukari Yakumo, who initiated the Spell Carnival so suddenly, Reimu Hakurei joins the fight for Spell Cards.
What is Touhou Project?
Touhou Project is a bullet hell shoot ’em up game created by ZUN’s group, Team Shanghai Alice. Set in the isolated land of Gensokyo, various incidents, known as disturbances, arise from different causes. The story follows the main protagonist, Reimu Hakurei, the shrine maiden of Hakurei Shrine, as she and her friends resolve these disturbances.
Key Features
Strategy RPG Meets Bullet Hell Mania – Battle in a grid system with a unique blend of real-time strategy elements and bullet hell madness! Hone your strategy skills by moving characters to grid specific areas, grazing enemy bullets, and unleashing special skills in one simultaneous, action-packed battle!
Gotta Stay Prepped – Don’t just run into battle unprepared! Organize your party’s positioning on the grid, assign skills according to your enemies’ weaknesses, and choose wisely which Ace Spell Card you’ll use.
Need a Boost? – Players will occasionally see objects and Attributes during battle. Objects can block incoming bullets and provide additional effects once destroyed. Attributes can provide boosts and status effects. Use these boosts to your advantage, and maybe you’ll be able to collect extra loot from your victories!
Find Peace in the Hakurei Shrine – Explore the Hakurei Shrine through the lens of Reimu Hakurei! Keep tabs on any active missions, revisit sub-events, strike a pose with Photo Mode, and even talk to some of your favorite Touhou Project characters in Hakurei Shrine as you progress through the story!
Watch a new trailer below. View a new set of screenshots at the gallery. Visit the official website here.
Western Announce Trailer
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skwpr · 10 months
How To Take Great Study Notes
Take Great Study Notes That Make Exam Prep Easy-Peasy.
Why We Do NOT Take Notes
To start, let’s consider reasons not to take notes:
Not to document everything said during a class
Not to document everything you read.
Not to fill up a notebook.
Hopefully, you get the idea! Notes should NOT be a comprehensive document detailing all of the facts. This is what a textbook is for. You can always look up specific concepts in your book or online if you need a more thorough refresher.
Why We DO Take Notes
Now we know what not to do, so let’s talk about the real purpose. There are two goals for taking notes:
Document information pertinent to you. Your notes should not look like your friend’s notes. You both have different experiences and prior knowledge; your notes should differ to fit your own individual needs.
Collect your thoughts. When you are learning something new, the information is not stored in memory. Notes help you to initially get the information into short-term memory. Through continual practice and study, we can move it to long-term memory.
If you’re just starting a course, you may be thinking…I need to write it all down! When we begin to learn a new subject most of the information can feel new. It is likely true your notes will be longer as you begin, but follow these two tips for taking better notes and you will immediately see the power of notes to help you study.
Get Organized
To create notes that will be a useful tool for studying you need to create one central place to keep everything related to a specific course. There are a lot of options on how to do this:
Have a single notebook or binder for your course
Use a digital tool like OneNote or Evernote
Keep a folder of Word documents
By getting organized upfront you will be able to find what you need when it matters. If you sit down to study and only have 30 minutes, you need to make your time count! Knowing where your material is so you can get started will make you a more efficient student.
Most courses either follow a textbook in order or have a syllabus with a set of topics in order. Use this order to set up your system. If there are 12 chapters, go ahead and make space for each chapter. If there are 10 topics, make a space for each topic. By doing this ahead of time, you are ready to add notes at any point.
Take Great Notes: Keep It Short
You’ve got a system. Check!
You’re in the right spot to work on Chapter 1. Check!
Now it’s time to start taking notes that are going to be beneficial to study from down the line. You want to write short facts, not long paragraphs. When you are in class, or when you are working through the course material, try to take the shortest notes possible. As long as it will make sense to you tomorrow, it works.
Imagine going back over each of these notes in three weeks as you study for an exam. Which is going to be faster and easier to review? Just looking at the notes on the left makes my brain feel tired and overwhelmed. The notes on the right feel much more do-able. I can remember those three facts!
important dates
new terminology
important names
steps of an important process
references to charts, tables, graphs, or other visuals
Questions? You Betcha.
Absolutely! You especially want to jot down questions as they come to you, and mark them so they are easy to identify. I like to draw a big question mark in the margin or use the question mark icon in OneNote. If you skip this step and don’t write down questions, you will forget them. And then you don’t know what you don’t know. This is an easy way to fall into the “I don’t know what to study” trap.
When you do write down questions, then you know what to study. I need to figure out the answer to these things. When I have answered all of the questions, then I can work on memorization to get prepped for the exam.
Do A Quick Review And Revise.
Notes taken on-the-fly are not going to be cohesive or coherent. This is normal! What we do need to focus on is spending 10-15 minutes reviewing and revising notes after they are taken. Can you rearrange information so related information is together? What information did you write down but doesn’t really seem important any longer? What already lodged itself in your short-term memory?
Bonus tip: Schedule a 10-minute comprehensive review session every day. Use your time to review your existing notes. Your comprehension will go through the roof with this strategy and final exam prep will be painless.
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fbfh · 2 years
Leo x pregnant!reader second trimester hcs
wc: 1k
warnings: pregnancy, feeling the baby move, crying /pos,
a/n: baby fever baby fever baby fever leo would be the best fucking dad can't stop thinking about how cute he'd be when you're pregnant and leo around babies i'm unwell idk what to do with myself
tags: @yesv01 @avashaye @perseajohnson @afidiofobia @thatmultifandomloser @yelenabel0vaswife @almostjollypizza @fictionalcomforts  @lizziebitch33  @jacksondeeznuts @justbookworm @urmum-xoxo @Asunnyhunny @dustyinkpages @cowboylikekelsey @cosmiq-cloud @anything-forourmoony @i-dont-remember-a-lot  @chasingpj @1dpjohoohp @mystic-writings   @babiesimagines @dreamerball @demirunner @lubsana
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You’ve been moved in for a few weeks 
It’s springtime, and there are flowers blooming everywhere
The weather’s getting warmer and the windows are all open, that fresh rainy smell is in the air
You’re definitely showing now, your cute little bump is only hidden under baggy hoodies and sweatshirts
And oh my god Leo can’t keep his hands off your tummy
He’s always rubbing your bump, pressing kisses and talking to your baby
“Hi baby, it’s your daddy!” in a soft voice
He tells your baby about how your days are going, asks them questions, tells them jokes
Tells them how excited you both are to meet them
How he can’t wait to hold them
He caresses your bump, fingers tracing over the new stretch marks with love and adoration
You really are showing now, your cute little bump poking out under your clothes
Holy fuck he can’t get enough of it
Plus, now that you’re moved in you can work together on the project that has you the most excited
Planning the baby’s nursery!!!!!!
And oh my GOD you’re both so excited
You’ve been doing so much research
There is no magazine
No nursery vlog, no pinterest board, no parenting and interior design blogs you haven’t scoured 
You have a full plan to make the perfect nursery with Leo for when your little bundle of joy gets here
You and Leo have also spent countless hours laughing with each other and roasting other nurseries you see online
You send him a picture of a desaturated neutral toned minimalistic boho nursery with the caption “werner herzog’s… sad beige nursery… for sad beige children…” 
He knows where this is going, and he’s giggling before he even sees the picture
You’re totally right, too
It’s a very sad beige nursery
And the opposite of what you’re going for
But you also don’t want it to be too much sensory overload  for your little baby
You’re talking about it one night, going over ideas and designs, looking through changing tables online
It’s one of those moments where it really hits him again
You’re gonna have a baby
You’re going to have a baby!!!!!!!
You can sort of tell when those moments hit just by the way he looks at you
The soft warmth, the happy tears prickling in the corner of his eyes
There’s a certain smile that he only gets when he gets like that, it’s impossible to miss
Sometimes you just watch him think, basking in the fact that you’re really going to be living the life you both thought was laughably out of the question at 15
And now here you are, planning your baby’s nursery 
Another baby prep thing you’ve been devoting a lot of time to is shopping for baby
Your friends and family have already contributed a ton of thoughtful gifts you’re sure baby’s going to love
And you haven’t even had the baby shower yet
But you can’t stop yourselves from picking up a few outfits and toys and books whenever you’re out together 
You’ve spent countless hours in the baby section of various stores, showing each other all the cute onesies and outfits and baby shoes you find
With your bump getting bigger every day you also need to get more maternity clothes
And Leo is so supportive!!!! 
He helps you pick out the cutest stuff
He has a real knack for finding stuff that you’ll feel cute and comfortable in
And jesus christ he’s so ready to hype you up
You look so fucking pretty in all these empire waists and ruched tops 
His eyes get all sparkly and he gets the biggest most sincere smile 
He rubs his hands up and down your waist, along your back, over your bump
“You look so cute!” 
It’s contagious, really
The way he looks at you, how happy he is about everything, how much he loves you
It’s one of these times when you’re out shopping that you feel it
You’re looking at a baby onesie with an adorable little turtle print when you feel the baby move
Your jaw hits the floor and your eyes fly open
You literally drop the onesie you were holding you’re so stunned
You immediately run over to Leo, putting his hand on your tummy
He’s worried something’s wrong for a split second
Then he feels it too
Your little baby, moving around 
You both cry
He’s a cancer and you’re pregnant, you’re both definitely going to cry over this 
It’s just the most touching moment shared between you two 
Hands on your tummy, holding each other and smiling in crying at the baby gap
You end up getting the turtle onesie, considering it to be a good sign
Every time either of you see it you think of the first time you felt your baby move
Another exciting thing you’ll get to do
If you want to
Is find out baby’s gender
No matter how you go about it
If you want to find out right away 
Or keep it a surprise 
If you throw a gender reveal party or get told right away 
No matter how it goes
Or what the gender is
You’re so excited 
That’s the third big time it really hits him
You’re having a baby!!!!!!! 
And he can not wait
He seriously can’t wait 
Neither of you can wait to hold your little sundrop, your bundle of joy, your little miracle
And you’re getting closer and closer to doing just that
After a few painfully short yet agonizingly long more months
You’ll get to
And it’s feeling more real every day
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Hospice told us on Friday that my dad wouldn’t make it through the weekend. They said we were down to hours or maybe a day. It’s now Tuesday night and the hospice nurse just left and said based on the changes in his breathing during her visit, she doesn’t think he will make it through the night. He’s had nothing to eat or drink since last week Wednesday. These days and nights have been exhausting. Just bone weary exhausting.
DS had a birthday too, and I didn’t manage to buy him a single gift, but did make him an Oreo cake per his request. I cut it but didn’t have time to eat it before I had to rush back to my dad. The day sucked and I feel terrible and it’s difficult to be needed in two places at once.
Ms. 6 has been demand texting my BFF and DH all week. I blocked her from my phone last week. DH mailed all of her things to her yesterday. Now she’s demanding paperwork. I finally messaged her on FB yesterday evening and kindly told her that there would be no more demanding. I am going to enroll her in an online school so she can hopefully finish high school, and we are going to return her work uniforms so she’s not charged for them, but I’m not sending her medical records or any sort of paperwork as I don’t have it and cannot access her medical records. I did tell her she could access her own medical records, and I tried to be loving while firmly shutting down more communication about this issue. You left. You deal with your choices. I’m under zero obligation to do more and feel like I’ve already done a lot for her in the last week given the circumstances.
I’m back at work (virtually) and madly trying to find a spare minute to prep while my brain is functional. It’s not super functional right now.
DD hit me up for money for hygiene products yesterday and today. I said no (very nicely) and then she told me today she took her cat to the vet. She told me the vet wasn’t “that expensive.” She then told me she also got what she needed for herself at the store. I’m really glad I didn’t give in. I did buy her a dress and undergarments for the funeral. I am also going to buy her shoes and probably pay for a haircut. You guys, I feel like such a terrible parent. How am I raising people like this?
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daddyn3xus · 7 months
I still need to get me a toy... But I'm so nervous.
Baby, I've bought toys from like actual stores in person. The cashiers don't even bat an eye. And if you're buying online, there's usually an option for discreet packaging if you're worried about that.
And there are tons of options. For a beginner, I suggest getting something small. Maybe the width of two of your fingers to start with so it's easier to prep for it. And if you want a vibe, a bullet is probably the best option. They're small and easy to hold if you get a good one.
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nourishandthrive · 1 month
How to Practice Sustainable Living on a Budget
Living sustainably doesn’t have to break the bank. In fact, many eco-friendly practices can save you money in the long run! Here are some practical tips for practicing sustainable living while sticking to a budget:
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
Reduce: Buy only what you need to minimize waste. Avoid single-use items and opt for products with minimal packaging.
Reuse: Repurpose old containers, jars, and bags. Get creative with DIY projects to give new life to items you already own.
Recycle: Follow your local recycling guidelines. Make sure to clean and sort recyclables to reduce contamination.
Shop Second-Hand
Thrift Stores: Shop for clothing, furniture, and household items at thrift stores, garage sales, or online marketplaces. Not only do you save money, but you also give pre-loved items a new home.
Clothing Swaps: Organize clothing swaps with friends or community members to refresh your wardrobe without spending a dime.
Cook at Home
Buy in Bulk: Purchase staple foods like rice, beans, and pasta in bulk to reduce packaging waste and save money.
Meal Prep: Plan your meals to avoid food waste. Use leftovers creatively, like turning roasted veggies into soups or stir-fries.
Use Energy Efficiently
LED Bulbs: Replace incandescent bulbs with LED ones to save on electricity bills.
Unplug Devices: Turn off and unplug electronics when not in use to reduce energy consumption.
Use Natural Light: Maximize natural light during the day to reduce the need for artificial lighting.
Grow Your Own Food
Start a Garden: Even a small herb or vegetable garden can reduce your grocery bill and your carbon footprint.
Container Gardening: If you don’t have outdoor space, grow herbs and small vegetables in containers on a windowsill or balcony.
Make Your Own Cleaning Products
DIY Cleaners: Use simple ingredients like vinegar, baking soda, and lemon to make effective and eco-friendly cleaning solutions.
Reusable Cloths: Replace paper towels with washable cloths to reduce waste and save money.
Conserve Water
Fix Leaks: A dripping faucet can waste a significant amount of water over time. Fix leaks promptly to conserve water and lower your water bill.
Shorter Showers: Cut down on shower time to save water. Consider using a water-saving showerhead.
Opt for Public Transport or Carpooling
Public Transport: Use public transportation to reduce fuel costs and decrease your carbon footprint.
Carpool: Share rides with friends or coworkers to save money on gas and reduce emissions.
Use Reusable Items
Reusable Bags: Bring your own bags when shopping to reduce plastic waste.
Reusable Bottles and Containers: Invest in a reusable water bottle and food containers to minimize single-use plastics.
DIY Personal Care Products
Natural Ingredients: Make your own personal care products like shampoo, conditioner, and deodorant using natural ingredients.
Zero-Waste: Look for zero-waste options, such as bar soap, shampoo bars, and bamboo toothbrushes, which are often more economical in the long run.
Practicing sustainable living doesn’t have to be expensive. By making small, mindful changes in your daily habits, you can contribute to a healthier planet and save money at the same time. Remember, every little step counts, and collectively, these efforts can make a big impact! Start with one or two changes, and gradually incorporate more sustainable practices into your lifestyle. You’ll not only be helping the environment but also creating a more cost-effective and conscious way of living.
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chigirisprincess · 1 month
hi !!! i saw ur post and the best advice i give you is to get into meal prepping!!! its seriously one of the best things you can do for yourself if you live alone and have to cook every day. theres more than one way to do this too, you can meal prep whole meals by marinating proteins and freezing them to use later in the week, or you can meal prep ingredients by pre-washing veggies and mincing tons of garlic/ginger/etc and storing them to make cooking later way easier!! you'd just need to dedicated 1 full day or 2 half days to meal prep for the week but once its done it makes things sm easier!
also, i always ALWAYS cook things in big batches to last me maybe 2-3 meals, just in case im dead tired the next day and have no energy to do anything but throw something in the microwave. and if you end up not wanting to eat that specific thing the next day, you can always freeze that too for later use :3. your freezer is going to be your best friend. theres tons of guides and recipes you can find online for easy ways to meal prep. it can get overwhelming bc of the many options but its best to just pick 3-ish very different dishes (flavor wise) and make big batches of them and then store and alternate throughout the days.
another huge tip is dont be afraid of frozen foods, if your budget allows then buying some frozen burgers or nuggets or whatever you fancy can honestly be a lifesaver in emergencies too (usually if im going through an episode or period of fatigue, those come in really handy for me).
and sometimes if i have literally nothing prepped in my fridge ill just take 1 protein 1 carb and whatever veggies i might have and throw it on a pan with some sauces/seasoning. if i dont have a protein/carb/veg i just leave it out and load on whatever i do have in the fridge. and if all else fails, snacking is always an option.
and even if you've done all of this, sometimes you might not have the energy to even get up from bed or entertain the thought of eating, and thats okay. theres no shame in skipping a meal here and there, theres been many a times that ive simply skipped meals because of decision paralysis trying to figure out what to eat. adulting is extremely hard!!! and stressful!!! we're all just bumbling along trying to figure it out.
im sorry this got so long, but i hope this was helpful in some way! if you dont have anything you can make for tonight then at least have a few snacks before bed, some sustenance is always better than none ^^ take care!! 🩷
thank you lovie for taking the time out of your day to send this ask! i appreciate it so so so much! it is very helpful and i’m gonna try and do some meal prepping 🩷 i hope you’re having a wonderful day!!
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