#for many business owners
swifterm · 2 years
Is your eCommerce store ready for Christmas?
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#Whether it’s creating Christmas marketing campaign ideas#or researching the products set to fly off the shelves#there’s plenty retailers can do to prep in advance for the so-called Golden Quarter. In fact#for many business owners#Christmas preparations are an entire year in the making.#When done right#the festive period can be the most lucrative time of year – so how ready are you?#In 2020 and 2021#UK shoppers spent around £25 billion on Christmas gifts – but not necessarily in December. According to a recent survey#over half of Brits like to start Christmas shopping from October#and 23% start by September. If you want to take advantage of these early birds for a major year-end revenue boost#you need to prep your online store.#The economy is going to cause some problems this year. So it will be tempting for you to offer lower ticket items#which give the illusion of selling more. But you could actually end up merely being a busy fool. While a shop full of people attracts other#no one sees this online. Deloitte offer a handy guide to pricing in a recession.#But fear not every other retailer will be having the same problems#including inherent supply chain issues which have dogged various verticals all year. So the basic advice is don’t discount#and likewise don’t shift upmarket. Your customer come to you#not only because they like what you sell#but because your pricing range and value is acceptable to them.#In this article#we’ll shared practical insights on how you can equip yourself to make the most of this year’s festive season. So what should you do?#1. Christmas trends 2022: Look to the ghosts of Christmas past#When planning for Christmas as an eCommerce retailer#you need to pick up on trends before they fade away. To do this#you can use analytics from previous years to unlock a path forward. Think about it. Did you see an uplift in trade from October? Did certai#you first need to understand their habits and behaviours.#Don’t forget to look at rival businesses as well. It is wise to keep an eye on market trends and product availability – so you can respond#2. Get personal – and bundle up#How much time do you spend on personalisation?
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egophiliac · 5 months
they have now revealed another character for ride kamens, hayate, and it looks like he's a kr jin homage? glad they confirmed that it's not only titular riders getting representation, but still, a pretty off the cuff surprise for me
yeah, Jin is a welcome pull, but a pretty weird one! I saw the post when it dropped (don't ask why I was looking at twitter at 3 AM) and the replies were. very confused. :') nice to see some Jin rep though! and if this opens the door to characters based on more deepcut riders, all the better!
of course, if they really want to stay true to the spirit of Jin, we know what he'll be like
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always was, always will be aboriginal land ❤️💛🖤
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happyfoxx-art · 4 months
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Go get yours today! :D
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The petit-bourgeoisie ideology of "small businesses = good, megacorporations = bad" keeps beating your guys' asses like a drum. All small businesses aspire to become big businesses and are just as willing to fuck over their workers and their communities as corporations with millionaire white men boards of directors. If you think there's something inherently more moral or pure about "small" businesses vs. "big" ones you're not a socialist you're a reactionary who yearns for pre-monopoly capitalism.
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kdsburneraccount · 2 months
Not to sound like a gatekeeping asshole or anything but the amount of people on Twitter being all like “omg wnba players are paid so little why is that” just now is like… yeah that’s kinda how it is?? Obviously I wish the players would be paid more and they can def do better in terms of coverage but like the league’s only been around for 30 years and stuff out of their control has been restricting its growth (bad media deals lol) so probably not the best idea to compare it to like the NBA bc that’s been around way longer
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tarostrinkets · 3 months
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USE CODE: SASALELE !!! Sale lasts until May 10th!
Likes, shares, and comments are very appreciated!
Thank you!
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idsb · 3 months
I do want to go home to my boyfriend and I do want to like, get to whatever my life is gonna be but the idea of hitting stop on my life here is making me feel sick. I have to quit my job in the next few days and after the birthday I’ve had I just. I don’t know. Like I do know but I can’t face it. And I also don’t know.
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igayorhm · 1 year
Some of y’all need to go back and learn what domestication is and how long it takes cause y’all really are out here gushing over and defending videos of dumb white people keeping wild animals like tigers and bears as pets all because they’re being fed from a baby bottle. 
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snekdood · 1 year
unfriendly reminder to humans:
animals dont exist for you.
#literally no part of the job description for animal is like 'oh and its your life purpose to serve this human in whichever way they want'#if you cant appreciate animals complexities and individual personalities etc and instead choose to only view them through your selfish#self serving lense- fuck you#animals exist to be animals in the wild ecosystem. thats like. their number 1 purpose. its only humans who've decided that we're entitled#to decide their purpose when we catch them.#aw your new cat doesnt like you and doesnt give you the cuddles you wanted? newsflash: that was never its job. thats what YOU wanted.#do you see what im trying to say? so many of yall see the world through the lense of what YOU want.#stop idealizing your selfish desires and actually try to understand life from their pov.#the longer you treat animals as a means to an end. the more likely you'll mistreat them and ignore their needs.#which will reduce their numbers#and then humans go 'arghh how could this happen??' idk maybe its your cold detached approach to animals#where they only exist to serve whatever purpose you've decided for them#whether thats pet. food. or 'tools'. all of which takes away any of their agency#as if they're somehow inherently lesser than you.#you've created a situation of dependence. make it a good one at least and treat your cat right.#and not like a doll you dress up n shit.#be thankful your animal chooses to stay in your life.be grateful for what they provide for YOU too#bc they're doing you a favor by not going back to business as usual in the woods.#humans have gotten way to comfortable considering themselves the 'owners' of animals and not as their companions or at the very least#a gift from the earth. as if all they are is property. as if all they are is a tool. and thats all there is to them.#yall will only regret taking animals for granted like some of yall do.
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acidbathcat · 1 year
i saw a /petfree poster say some shit like “your pet doesn’t really love you. it just associates you with food and resources it needs.” imagine telling someone’s parent “your child doesn’t actually love you for you, it’s only because you take care of all their needs and keep them safe!”
uhh. yeah. i’d hope so.
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bitchfitch · 2 years
it's always really annoying when you're looking for diverse voices in a craft and the Very First thing they do is say "I'm not like other the other (minorities in this field) I'm a Real (craftsperson) who does the same lackluster and plain work as the cishet white men in it. This statement is progressive bc it helps me sup upon the boots of the majority."
Like it's Especially an issue with women who want to insist they have girl power bc they aren't like Those Other girls (whose work is being seen as lesser purely because it was made by a woman), they do the Real work (the same exact work but modeled after the men in the field).
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fictionalred · 1 year
Went to my fave Chinese restaurant and had a drink at the Irish pub to cheer me up :)
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grymmoires · 1 year
I don't want a "career" I want to be left alone to do drugs in the woods in peace
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appendingfic · 3 months
The franchise model is about offloading as many of the risks of opening a new location as possible on some "small business owner" while also retaining enough control withOUT having to take on any responsibility for the employees your new patsy has hired
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renthony · 6 months
I need people to stop buying into the idea that "small business" = "ethical business." Many small businesses are wonderful, and absolutely deserve your support, but plenty others aren't. If you're genuinely concerned about where you spend your money, you have to do your due diligence even if a business isn't a mega-corporation.
The lady who owned the small business I used to work at was horrible to work for, gave free coffee to cops, treated us all like shit, and got pissed if you didn't worship the ground she walked on for giving you a job. I would never work for her again, and if someone asked me if they should apply to work for her, I'd tell them to run for the fucking hills. The turnover rate was atrocious when I worked there, and I wouldn't be surprised if she still burns through employees at an unholy rate.
Small businesses are just as capable of worker abuse as big businesses, and they frequently get away with it because people refuse to believe that their beloved Mom & Pop Shop is run by rancid assholes who think Jeff Bezos has the right idea about how to run a business.
Small business owners CAN be better! They CAN be pro-worker and pro-union! But it's not inherent, and small business owners can be some of the most abusive pieces of shit you've met in your life.
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