#yoga and health photos
yogadaily · 9 months
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(via Free Photo | Portrait of thoughtful lady in sporty top and leggings sitting in lotus pose and meditating on yoga mat at home with big beautiful windows on background   || Curated with love by yogadaily) 
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norskefashiongirl · 2 years
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Remember to keep your health up for the winter season :)
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val-daily · 9 months
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Wednesday, 10 January 2024
Currently feeling:
Tired, sleepy, satisfied, hopeful, sad.
Well Done:
Today during a spontaneous conversation with a coworker I felt it as a heavy lifting process: I couldn’t grasp her thoughts, she jumped a bit from one to another, I had problems deciphering her language (how difficult can Russian language be for two native?) and what she meant by all that. I had no desire to keep on filtering her speech for both of us and I said to her that it’s really difficult for me. She asked me why, I answered: I don’t know if it’s me not understanding properly or her being not clear enough. Afterward she ceased her attempt to speak. Lately I would drag myself through any conversation however uncomfortable I was.
After work I planned to do some yoga, but spend 2 hours wandering around the flat, then I just started a training and felt refreshed by it.
To better:
Feeling down I binge listen to podcasts, it is fruitless and unhealthy, yet I want to escape my coworker so badly I’d rather cramp my mind with some other voices. How to deal with it I don’t know now, being fully present with her seems torturous.
Well, I was a bit aggressive towards my grand mom today, when she asked a taxi number, and was slow in understanding me. Deal with anger some other way!
Podcasts about psychological portrayal of fictional characters.
Podcast about Orthodox Church losing its integrity in time of war. I enjoyed the part of Russian people not realising their idea of the doctrine is rather catholic.
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mickgaydolenz · 1 year
“hit me with the grim discovery, i want to suffer” okay asia, if you insist. 
major tw for discussing death //
something else in that AXS interview that got brought up is Micky's health, which is another thing that's flown over my head as he's certainly been talking about it within recent years. and hey, watching your health not a bad thing at all, especially for that age! but the way he talks about it, at least to me, comes off almost a bit obsessive. that’s typical Pluto 6H behavior, a planet dealing with obsessiveness and control. it’s in opposite to our current Pluto Aquarius, which is currently transiting his 12H. nothing to sweat over, right?
except that people don’t usually live long enough to experience that kind of transit. that’s a big fucking deal and i cannot even begin to stress that enough, it’s literal cosmic magic we’re witnessing! ✨🌟💫
despite that being cool as all hell, it doesn't mean it's entirely positive. this is Pluto-on-Pluto we’re talking: double negative nancies. this is the time where everything comes full circle for a person's life; it can be extremely stressful if he’s not mentally capable of handling it, because the powerful Plutonic force is going to hit the gas by messing entirely with his psyche… which by the way his asteroid Psyche in Pisces is in his 1H, the house of the self and outward appearance. if he becomes too obsessed with trying to control his health it's only going to cause more harm than good -- definetly psychologically.
and you know what? it’s no wonder why i kept getting spiritual messages saying “watch your head” in regards to Micky, i wish i was kidding. it is Aries season after all, and Aries rules the head, so AHHH!! if anyone is willing to donate $50 to me so that i can go to the tour and spread this message to him you’d be funding my ‘mystical witch who gives riddling omens to strangers’ services. i only accept paypal.
Pluto is usually the metaphorical representation of death, so this is more of a psychological experience at best (“best” said with a frowny face). but with this current transiting Saturn, a planet that represents physical death itself, literally on his Ascendant, which we’ve also discussed that it will bring in a melancholic and cranky attitude, it all has me body and soul clenched for dear fucking life. even with those supportive placements in his chart that i've mentioned before it's going to get extremely rough for him and i'm praying that someone around him is keeping a watchful eye on his behavior. if no one will, i absolutely will.
so this all inspires me to start going back and checking the ephemeris’ once again for the three others because now i feel like i just unlocked the secrets of the universe. and here’s what i’ve uncovered:
Davy passed when Saturn was in 29° Libra, and in retrograde, transiting along his 7H in close conjunction to his Jupiter and asteroid Chiron. not only that, it also squares his Mars in 28° Cancer 5H AND his natal Saturn in 22° Cancer 4H, to which both squares his natal Jupiter. something very important to note about Jupiter is that it’s very capable of over-expanding and overdoing something if left unchecked, so it’s strange to me that when the other three talked about him during that time they all said that Davy was healthy in shape… which doesn’t add up to me. whatever he was doing, something was being overdone and his tiny chihuahua body couldn’t handle being pumped by such a big heart no more, as Cancer does rule the chest area. then again, i have to remind everyone once more that his birthtime is still up in the air and i’m just working off the one and only sus source i found. please keep that in mind!
Peter passed when both Saturn and Pluto were in Capricorn, transiting his 3H, where his asteroids Vesta, Eros, Pholus and Pallas, but Satrun was in 15° and Pluto in 22°, and both were in close conjunction to his Pholus (!!!). they also both squared his Jupiter and Lilith in Gemini 8H, but trines his 8H Uranus Taurus; Uranus, much like Pholus, deals with sudden and unexpected changes, but Uranus in particular represents release and freedom, and with it in the 8H it seems to me he finally felt free from his burdens. moreover, the transiting Pluto was in trine to his Mars, and Satrun was in trine to his natal Satrun, both in Taurus 7H. not just a literal death but a metaphysical one at that too! and of course, Taurus rules the throat. who woulda thunk.
Mike passed when Saturn was in 9° Aquarius, which had just transited into his 12H, its cusp starting at 8° Aquarius. it opposed his natal Pluto in 6° Leo 5H and squaring his asteroid Psyche in 9° Scorpio 8H. most importantly it trines his natal Saturn, and Uranus both in Gemini 3H, as well as his Moon and Neptune Libra 7H. remember when i talked about him mending things at the end of his life? yeah me too. Leo specifically rules the heart and his Chiron in 29° Leo, the healing & wounding asteroid, was in his 6H, the house of physical health. literally should’ve seen it coming but alas, i was not there in time to call it out.
it’s very easy to look back retroactively and find these things and start to panic. more often than not i find myself getting panicked over Micky and this crazy astro weather. however, what we all have to remember at the end of the day is that, no matter what tools you use, death cannot be predicted, ever -- we may see it on the horizon but we’ll never truly know when it’ll strike, and that’s how it’s intended to be in universal law. we won’t know what day and what time Micky will be gone. all i can tell you is that it’s getting to be that time and it’s time to start emotionally preparing for it.
i’m no grief counselor and in no way am i sharing these things with the purpose to make everyone scared and worried. i’m sharing this to, in a way, not only help all of us come to terms with the fact that it’s almost over, but to also really enjoy the time we have left with our favorite goober. endings have to happen in life and it would be in our best interest to at the very least be prepared for it, rather than be surprised and in shocked. 
i’m confident that’s what Micky would want from all of us anyways! he’s gonna go out of this with a bang, if anything, come hell or high water. 
ugh he wants to be like Mike so bad girl get over yourself /j /lh
hahahahahahhahaha ouch 🥲
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🙏🏻 Namaste Everyone, Join our upcoming 24 Day's 200 Hour Hatha Ashtanga/Kundalini Yoga TTC from 2nd of July & August 2023 and 10 Day's 85 Hour Aerial Yoga TTC from 5th of July & August 2023.
We have availability and you are most welcome to be a part of our Yoga Family 💐🙏🏻
📖 Course Highlights:
✅ Duration: Yoga TTC: 24 Days (2nd to 24th of July & August 2023) & Aerial Yoga: 10 Days (5th to 14th of July & August 2023)
✅ Language: English
✅ Style: Multi-Style Hatha Ashtanga/Traditional Kundalini + Aerial Yoga
✅ Course Date: 2nd of Every Month
✅ Module: Residential (Offline)
✅ Vegetarian Satvik Meals
✅ Level: Beginner + Intermediate
✅ Meals: 3 Times
✅ End Date: 24th of Every Month
✅ Certification: Yoga Alliance, USA, YACEP Aerial Yoga Certification
📚 Course Syllabus:
▪️Hatha Yoga
▪️Ashtanga Yoga Postures/Traditional Kundalini
▪️Alignment and Adjustment
▪️Theory and Practice
▪️Yoga Philosophy
▪️Anatomy and Physiology Pranayama Breathing Practices
▪️Recitation of Sacred Sound
▪️Teaching Methodology Mudras (Yoga Gesture) • Asana Alignment & Adjustment Meditation
▪️Yoga Cleansing (Shatkarmas)
▪️Aerial Yoga Asana and Flow
👉 Register Now!!
✅ Contact Details:
📱Call/WhatsApp: +91-9548060842
📧 E-mail: [email protected]
🌐 Website: www.ishavasyamyogaschool.com
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lua-magic · 8 months
Astrology observations .
Vedic astrology, Natal chart only.
Best way to activate Venus in your chart is by activate the planets sitting with Venus.
Mercury conjunct Venus. Carry always book and pen with you.
Mars conjunct with Venus.
Carry small Copper metal with you.
Jupiter with Venus.
Carry any spiritual book with you always.
Saturn with Venus
Carry Rudraksh( seven mukhi) with you.
Sun with Venus.
Carry photo of your father or sun stone.
Moon with Venus.
Carry a small bottle of water with you or photo of your mother.
Venus with Rahu
Carry photo of your paternal grandparents or pet a cat.
Venus with ketu
Carry photo of maternal grandparents or pet a dog
Twelfth house is your expenses, foreign settlement, foreign travels, spirituality and hospitals as well
However, realm of twelfth house is very vast, it also includes, jail, mental asylum, isolation, yoga, meditation, connection with supernatural and intuition, and dreams as well
Twelfth Lord in first house.
Native will go to foreign travel or foreign settlement, it might give you health issues as well
Rahu in first house, also gives native foreign land settlement and gives you unique personality and disconnect you from your race and religion.
Twelfth Lord in second House
It might cause seperation from your family, and could give teeth and speech related issues.
It creates fluctuations in money 💰.
Twelfth Lord in third House 🏠
Makes you creative, intuive and great writer as well, you subconscious mind downloads information from another realm.
It might give foreign settlement to your younger siblings., or your younger sibling is from foreign culture.
Twelfth lord in fourth House
Could give you separation from your motherland, and mother or mother could be spiritual and meditation
It gives native isolation and intuition. You might spend lot of money on your mother as well.
Twelfth Lord in fifth House
It might give separation from your kids, or your studies and education or you will leave your education and work in other field not related to your education.
You might end up spending lot of money on your kids, or your kids might settle abroad.
It makes you intuive and give you interest in meditation and yoga
Twelfth Lord in sixth House
It is good, as you let go all your eniemies and your debt as well, so basically twelfth Lord will help you to solve problems related to debt, disease and eniemies.
Twelfth Lord in seventh House.
It might create problems in marriage, but it gives you foreign travel and foreign business partner.
Partner could be from different culture, race or religion, or partner could be spiritual or interested in yoga and meditation. You might get partner who is spendthrift or you spend on your partner alot.
Rahu in seventh House, also gives you partner from different race religion and culture.
Twelfth Lord in eighth House.
Could give you problem with your in-laws or you might spend lot on your in-laws.
It might cause you separation from your inheritance, and you have to let go alot of things in life, as both twelfth house and eighth house is of let go.
It might give you losses in life. It gives great Intuition, and intrest in spirituality and makes you great in occult.
Twelfth Lord in ninth house.
It might give you separation from your father, teacher or your guru, you might end up spending lot on your father.
You might leave your race and religion and settle to foreign country.
Twelfth Lord in tenth House.
You might end up leaving your work and change your area of work completely, it also gives you working foreign country, and foreign company.
Native can also work in hospitals, jails and mental asylums or in spirituality and meditation.
Twelfth Lord in eleventh House
Gives you obsession regarding to your desires, your relationship with elder brother or sister could effect negatively, gives you connection with foreign land or country.
Twelfth lord in twelfth House.
Is good, as the planet is in its own house, but as it is twelfth house Lord, it will give you, all the results of Twelfth house like, foreign travel, foreign settlement, isolation, and intrest in spirituality and meditation, if your ancendent is weak and afflicted could give you health issues and mental health issues.
Mercury in Twelfth house, give extra ordinary power to connect with spiritual realm and download datas, it could give anxiety and sleeplessness because now Mercury is getting connected to another realm, hence such natives are extremely creative in their ideas and even great writer.
Such natives have got great, imagination, some unique skill, visiualisation and creative writing abilities.
Venus is exalted, and shows devotion ro their partners.
Mars in twelfth house looses it's strength, hence native could face health related issues as well and also shows native will waste lot of his/her energy in sexual activities..
Jupiter is the house Lord shows native is good in counselling and teaching.
Saturn in twelfth house makes you lazy and you would procrastinate alot, however, it does makes you spiritual and good in meditation, if it is not afflicted then would give you opportunity in foreign land.
Sun in twelfth house looses their identity( Such natives have either two names or even if they get famous, they won't be known by their original name) and could give separation from their father and motherland.
Moon in twelfth House could give issues with your mother or separation from mother, and makes you spiritual and good Healer.
Mars retro, always get attracted sexually to someone younger than their age (huge age difference)
Your mind is now connected to spiritual realm and that could give msgs in dreams, Deja Vu, premonitions..
Rahu in twelfth house could make you obsessed with bed pleasure, but also makes you spiritual and good in meditation. Native could feel the presence of spirits or other worldly beings easily around themselves, and could give fear of death as well.
Person would connect to astral realm or suffer from sleep paralysis as well..
Venus retro are rarely satisfied in their sexual life.
Mercury retro can't express their feelings
Jupiter retro loves to advice people, and are great problem solver.
Saturn retro are hard working individuals and can has to do lot of work by themselves without any help from someone.
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ros3ybabe · 2 months
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Re-Introduction 🎀
Hello!!! With the start of the school year coming soon for me, I decided I'd reintroduce myself, as this is my main blog and I typically use it as a studyblr-type of blog because it helps keep me going towards my goals! Of course i still post about my physical health, mental health, and daily life, but when college/university is in session, my life typically revolves around school!
🎀 A Little About Me 🎀
you guys can call me Rosey 🌹
I am 21 years old, she/her
I am entering my 4th year of college/uni BUT I recently added a 2nd major so I don't graduate for another year/year and a half ish
I am majoring in Human Nutrition and Dietetics, 2nd major in Finance, and a double minor in Psychology and Exercise Science
I love learning so so so much, as you can tell
I study languages in my free time
^ Currently rotating between (Mexican) Spanish, Japanese, and Korean
I love all things health, fitness, and wellness
I love to work out! My favorite ways to work out right now are weight lifting, walking, mat pilates, and yoga! My university offers workout classes for free to full time students so I'll be taking yoga/pilates classes at my campus!
I do work a full-time, on-campus food service job. 40 hours of work a week, and 15 college credit hours this semester 😅
I love to read, write, listen to music, and want to pick up more hobbies such as sewing, dance, crochet, drawing, painting, etc
This account started out as a "wonyoungism" account and slowly turned into my own little safe space where I am free to be myself without fear of judgment. Of course my aesethic is still pink and wonyoungism ish but I do fully plan on turning this into a more studyblr type of account using my own photos once university starts back up! So stay tuned for that little transition!
I'm always open to questions and I love giving advice and helping others! Whether it's something academic related, personal goal related, whatever, I'm always here to help if I can! <3 I love this little community i have <3
I've said so much already, lol, my bad. I'm just so excited for this upcoming semester. I don't know what it is about it, but I have such a feeling this will be a good school year for me! Feel free to drop an ask, or a comment, or anything! I will be making more posts of more academic related topics soon!
til next time lovelies 🩷
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bouquetface · 2 months
PAC: Your Next 2 Weeks (& a lil bit abt your August 2024)
KEEP IN MIND: Not every reading you come across is for you. I am very specific because I personally hate vague readings.
1-2. film & quote have nothing to do w reading. I just like those movies.
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If you’d rather choose based on sign:
One: Leo & Cap in the big 3
Two: Virgo, Cancer & Scorpio in the big 3
I didn’t pick up on any other signs.
You likely have a cap or leo rising. This following 2 weeks:
You can expect important conversations with friends and/or coworkers. Be cautious of word vomit. Stay focused and communicate your point effectively.
You may have to take a step back from a friend or coworker. The best resolution may be that everyone gets their space. Keep things professional. Don’t have a dramatic fall out because somewhere later in life, you may need their help.
You can expect a new start end of July to start of August. This may come in the form of an ending.
For ex: You may be leaving a job. You may have graduated highschool or university. You may have ended a relationship (platonic or romantic). The next 2 weeks and through August, you might want to change up your hair or style.
You may want to present as a different person for the Fall. You could feel pressure for something that is coming this Fall.
For ex: Starting Uni or Starting a new job. You will be able to tell if this reading is for you because this thing coming in the Fall is planned. In fact, you could have been working toward this for a long time.
Good luck with everything!
You likely have a Virgo or Cancer or Scorpio rising.
You can expect conflict with the family. You may be involved or a bystander to it. By this I mean, it could be your siblings fighting with your parents or siblings fighting with each other. This is more likely for Cancer and Scorpio risings.
Specifically Virgo rising, you or a parent could have spent recent years in a toxic relationship. Lots of fighting and deception. This will continue within the next two weeks and even in August. I don’t see you or the parent leaving this person anytime soon. This may or may not be good.
Recently, money and career may be on your mind. You may feel pressure at work. You could feel pressure to find a job (from yourself or outsider opinions). Start of August, you could receive a call back from a job if you have been applying. For those who have a job, you could feel a fresh start in your job. Something feels new in the workplace. New coworker? New duties? New rules? You will know by August.
For Virgo & Scorpio, you may have spent a lot of money 2023- this year. It could be joyful spending or you have legitimate expenses. This could have affected your mental or physical health.
You could be in hermit mode due to these health concerns. You could be feeling lethargic these next two weeks. Take some time to rest. Do sowmthing relaxing. I suggest yoga, journaling, taking walks outside. Pinterest could work too. Organizing photos into specific boards could really mesh well with your virgo placements.
Best of luck to you guys!
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nightbunnysong · 17 days
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What I did today
took a morning walk with my dog
foraged apples, pears, and some lettuce
read Brigid Delaney's book on stoicism, Reasons not to worry, for a few hours and finished it
tidied up the kitchen
made a post on my alpine folklore blog
yoga + arms workout
took a first look at my economics notes for my upcoming exam
in the evening, I attended with a friend the second class for obtaining the mycology certificate
milk thistle and artichoke supplement (for liver health) + collagen supplement
♡today's soundtrack: dance of the lotus by yume.play
Today it finally rained, and the air has cooled down. The temperatures have dropped, and nature seems more serene and peaceful.
[photos from Pinterest]
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thegirlguide · 2 months
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⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ building her into you˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆ victoria secret angel
୨୧ looks ୨୧ what’s great about angels is they all carry their beauty in their own unique form, but they keep many things common between all of them, the common denominator being a look of health, whether that be their glowing complexion or their toned bodies, victoria secret angels all have this in common. to achieve such a look opt for glowy skin, preferably with a tan. using a tinted moisturiser, a glowy bronzer and of course some highlighter to achieve that beautiful angel skin should suffice. as for hair, a shiny bouncy blowout is always the best way to top off your angel face, all you need is some rollers and your wings! there are two things that angels are never seen with out, although one of these is quite unattainable to most of us as we don’t just have wings lying around, we can always wear a beautiful smile!
୨୧ personality ୨୧ angels are sweet, soft and simple! they are soft spoken, never raising their voice too much (although an excited scream is common to all of us, we’re girls after all!) and especially not cursing. being kind to everyone is essential, as although you have your gorgeous face, all of that can easily be overshadowed by rudeness, beauty shines from within! for simplicity, angels appreciate the simple things, and are excited to have them, adriana couldn’t have been more excited to have a photo booth picture taken, although she gets many pictures taken daily!
୨୧ outfits ୨୧ when angels aren’t prancing around in their silky pink and white robes, they have a simple yet effective model off-duty look. essentials include, an off the shoulder jumper of sorts, a cute pair of jeans that extenuate their figure best, a beautiful pair of boots and of course a pair of yoga pants! i would associate their off duty style with the 2014 tumblr girl look and the pink pilates princess look, as angels are always working out, so cute workout clothes are an essential, and as the old saying goes, everything looks better in pink!
୨୧ lifestyle ୨୧ an angels day is extremely hectic, from sipping matcha with the other angels on a hot girl walk to hit her 10,000 step goal by day to walking the runway by night, angels have a jam packed daily schedule. luckily for most of us, our days are a lot more manageable. to embody the day of an angel, is quite simple really. as a general, include at least one form of excersise, as fitness is one of the most crucial factors of an angels day, whether this be kickboxing like gigi or ballet like candace or simply a brisk speed walk to increase our heart rates, any form of movement is essential. make sure to include time for your girls too, after all, the angels are always seen together, and the crude amount of fitness in their daily lives may seem more manageable when done with friends!
that’s all for today loves and i hope you enjoyed! remeber you don’t have to include all of these things in your life as you are perfect the way you are, but rather build these things into your already beautiful self to reach your highest potential, as the title suggests!
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yogadaily · 8 months
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(via Free Photo | Full shot happy woman indoors  || Curated with love by yogadaily) 
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srisrisriddd · 18 days
How to be Buddha
Q: I want to be Buddha A: Remove want & I . Don't look for Buddha apart from your own deep unborn Mind - Dr Devang H Dattani
Good Morning
Quote / Poem / Poetry / Quotes Of 
Bhagwan Sri Sri Sri
Doctor Devang H Dattani
Infinite SriSriSri DDD
Posted By TheBlissCity DDD Team
See The Media Photo Video For
God Morning
#buddha , #bliss , #TheBlissCity , #philosophy , #mindfulness , #DrDevangHDattani , #nature , #awareness , #InfiniteSriSriSriDDD , #quotes , #life , #art , #zen , #awakening , #quote , #spiritual , #photography , #Video , #meditation , #psychology , #poem , #poetry , #motivation , #inspiration , #quoteoftheday , #love , #words , #thoughts , #joy , #pun , #enlightenment , #health , #mental health , #consciousness , #unborn , #god , #landscape , #life , #video , #awakening , #panda , #chair , #zoo , #nirvana , #tantra , #yoga , #funny , #wild life , #animals , #funny post , #mind , #rest , #trees , #photooftheday
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stardewremixed · 1 year
What Each Townie Adds to the Community Center After Complete, Pt. 1
Farmer - a farm-to-table dinner once a month and everyone brings a side dish to share
Caroline - expands her fitness class and moves it to the Center (offers 3-4x's a week)
Evelyn - a baking class once a month (mostly cookies, some cakes too. Haley sometimes helps).
Gus - cooking class once a week (and he would be such a good teacher with a gentle, encouraging voice) AND a near daily breakfast for seniors and vets (because he's that kind of guy)
Sebastian - basic computer classes because these townsfolk need to get outta the dark ages. Jk... but seriously, he would open a computer lab. People could come work on resumes, kids could play games after school and on weekends (Sam included), and folks could pay bills online.
Penny would create a kids club for after school on Wednesdays. Vincent, Jas, and Leo all come for storytime, homework help, snacks, and playtime. Jas would donate some of her old dolls and toys. Vincent would create a bug display. Leo would fix up a treehouse out front with help from Robin.
Robin would offer woodworking classes, and she would co-lead an environmental science club with Demetrius (for the social and moral support).
Willy and Elliott would arrange beach clean-up days, and use the Center to create a place for recycling gathering. (And compost - Leah and the Farmer would add).
Gunther would partner with the Adventurer's Guild to host a series of guest lectures on the 2nd Saturday of the month. Archeologists, botanists, monster hunters, travelers, other experts.
Shane would open an AA chapter and suicide prevention support group (with some encouragement from Harvey). Bad coffee. Stale donuts. Everyone feels welcome though.
Band practice would move out of Sam's bedroom and into the Center. He would also organize an open mic night (Abigail would do most of the work, but his enthusiasm counts). He would support and cheer for everyone equally (no matter how off-key).
Elliott would do poetry readings. Once he was published, he would host his book reveal party at the Center. Over wine for the 21+.
Leah would host art classes - sculpting, painting, etc. She would also organize a tri-athlon with Alex.
Alex would fix up the backyard for a kids gridball team. He would have a sports mentorship program (and kids from surrounding towns would attend). Work hard. Play hard. And learn life skills. With a lot of help from other townies.
Haley would create a dark room for anyone wanting to develop their own photos. And she would gladly have many of her own photos on display.
I feel like George would host movie nights with help from Alex, Sebastian and Maru. Alex would hang the projector, Seb would set up the equipment, and Maru would decorate with lights in the yard for movies under the stars in summertime. And bring strawberries to share, of course. Old timey movies. Black and whites.
Harvey (and Maru) would host health clinics, offering free wellness checkups. Gus would provide healthy lunches. They would team up with Caroline for a fitness class. Emily would call her Swami friend for a yoga and meditation demonstration.
Emily would definitely start a sewing circle. Jodi would join. Maybe Marnie. And Caroline would enjoy cross-stitch.
Em would also do additional projects. The younger ladies like Abigail, Sophia, and Scarlett would definitely be into cosplay and costuming together. Abs would drag Sebastian in every once in awhile and Sam would tag along, just cuz. Seb would rock Puck from A Midsummer's Night Dream. And Elliott would make a fantastic Romeo. Haley would definitely be Juliet.
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coralinnii · 6 months
✧ Who’s your vibe: Pomefiore edition ✧
How to play: out of the 20 traits I think of about the TWST guys, bold or highlight the traits you associate or vibe with. No competition, no challenge, just fun.
Heartslabyul Savanaclaw Octavinelle Scarabia Pomefiore Ignihyde Diasomnia
Always fashion-coordinated \ Beauty is cultivated \ High standards \ Heeled shoes \ Skincare is self-care / Gender norms are so last season \ Health nut \ Strict mom vibes \ Rich-scented perfume \ Fruit smoothies \ Unabashedly proud \ Competitive \ Makeup on point \ Film enthusiast \ Perfectly photogenic \ Popular kid at school \ An eye for design \ Drama kid \ Yoga \ Dad’s biggest fan \
Francais \ Sees beauty in everything \ Hype man \ Detailed-orientated \ "Everything is an adventure worth having" \ Passion for life \ Keeps hundreds of photos \ Quiet footsteps \ Mad scientist vibes \ Theater appreciation kid \ There's always a bright side \ Words of appreciation \ Tamed wild child \ Simp \ Fancy hats \ Private about self \ Curious green eyes \ Handwritten poetry \ Archery \ Hands-on artist \
Green thumb \ Only kid in an elderly neighborhood \ Thick accent when emotional \ Apple-flavored treats \ Adrenaline chaser \ Physically underestimated \ Carving art \ Snowy mountains \ no-touchy rule \ Only child \ Feral child \ Baby face \ Don’t mind getting dirty \ Chunky boots \ “Don’t call me cute!" \ Getting into fights as a kid \ Hand-knitted sweaters \ Snow sledding \ Shortest in any group \ Big blue eyes \
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psychelis-new · 2 years
pick a pile: "From the Universe to you: your next gift/s"
take a breath and choose the photo/number that calls you the most to read a brief description of what positive news/experiences and gifts may be on your way. there will be short messages in each pile about any type of blessing coming in. each pile may bring only one gift (idk yet) so if you feel called by more piles, good for you!
don’t take the reading too seriously. only take what resonates with you and leave the rest. if you're not called by any pile, let this reading slid as it may not hold messages for you. if you're called by more than one, there may be messages in each of those piles. remember that is a general reading and some things may not resonate with you. energies can change and readings are based on present ones (as you read); you're always in charge of your life.
(photos found on unsplash)
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pile 1
Your main gift is self love. You'll be more able to see your worth, and how valuable is all that you have done and still do everyday in your life, not just for others but for yourself as well. You'll realize how far you went in your life, how much you grew (especially emotionally), how balanced you are. You'll see your strenght. Some of you are already on this path, others will embrace this calm, safe, confident energy soon. You will start giving yourself more, in means of time and self care: time to do things you enjoy, to follow your hobbies (esp. creative ones), to take care of your mental health and of your body (take it as resonates for you: from long baths and body lotions/spa days, to exercising/yoga and healthy eating). You'll grow even more into you power. Water is very important, either in its first meaning or as emotions/passions. Whatever it is more (I guess a mix of the two), you'll get more in touch with who yuo are and what you love, you'll know yourself deeper and better, and you'll love it. and this will help you also for your other relationships (also those that will probably come later on).
song: give me love | ed sheeran
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pile 2
Your main gift is about determination and change. You'll become more positive about yourself and your abilities, you'll believe more in what you do or simply, you'll start trying to see the world from a better perspective in order to attract better things for yourself (some of you may have already started). And it'll work. there's no use in staying sad and blaming for what you lack: try your best to give it yourself. So you'll change your situation, after having healed this mental situation: your positive outlook, your ability to learn and not give you, will help you reach whatever goal you set in your sight. Most of them, or better, for the most of you, it's gonna be studies and career: you'll be ablet to top your exams and tests, and to start the career of your dreams. If you still haven't got an idea of what it may be, you'll have it all of a sudden (maybe even through a dream) once you'll start waking up with a smile on your face and be more open about what you may gain everyday, instead of what you haven't got (yet). Don't close off to all the abundance is waiting for you: just because you cannot see it or you cannot see signs of it, it doesn't mean it'll never reach you. Be patient.
song: leave the door open | anderson paak, bruno mars, silk sonic
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pile 3
Your gift is about closing with a chapter of your past. Could be a trauma related to your childhood that is haunting you these days (especially if related to a feminine energy, either yours being restricted or another, trying to control you or manipulate you in whatever way). You'll reach this closure point slowly, but it'll be probably once and for all (at least for most of you. Others will have to deal with some triggers still, but nothing as before: ofc we're all different, it could even mean that some of you will be able to move away from this energy -esp. if it's another person- and free themselves and heal/start again "faster" than others). There's confidence and calmness around you: it's different from what you have experienced or the anxiety that still causes you this trauma. It feels as someone looking at old photos but feeling distant from them. Not necessarily missing those days. For some it could mean a closure with someone from their past, but not in a bad way: feels more like some guilt trauma for how things ended or not having had the chance to really say goodbye (could be about someone who left this world too). Nostalgic feelings but with no sadness, just the pleasure of the memory. And realizing it's just a memory (good too, for many).
song: portrait | bang yongguk (no lyrics, feels really like there's no need to add words)
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pile 4
Opposite to pile 3, your gift seems the start of a new chapter involving love and light. I heard "enlightment". For some it can be a spiritual awakening or the start of a new chapter in your spirituality. For others of you it's connected to feeling more free and finding a new love (possibly your divine counterpart). It can even refer to freeing from a mentality or a person that has enclosed your thoughts for too long, someone controlling you or telling you how to act or think. It could mean finding your people (in particular, your person): those who won't judge you for who you really are at your core. Someone that balance you out perfectly, that gives you happiness and that you can build something long lasting with. For some, it's indeed about your destined person/future spouse. For others, especially those already in a relationship, could be a friend; for others again, it could be a a new job partner (you may start a business with someone new, and for some of you they could also become your romantic interest) or a mentor... despite I feel this last one a little less. All in all, it's a total new chapter in your life. and a pretty happy and adventurous one, in which you'll get the chance to be in control, to stand out and stand up for yourself (and maybe even a community), to be seen and appreciated, to shine bright as you're supposed to. For a few of you, you may be getting infos or downloads/dreams (esp. confirmations) about your divine counterpart before they'll come in your life.
song: the end | jpolnd
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pile 5
Your gift is a huge surprise. You know how kids (but not just them) may shake gift boxes to try to understand what's inside? Yeah, that's the feeling. You may have an idea, but you're not sure yet. Still, you're hyped. And for a good reason. I think change is part of the gifts inside your box. And I mean a change similar to pile 2 (angel number 55): about you being more confident, more positive... but differently from that pile, it seems you are already there cause you're already hyped about what's coming. I feel it's about one or (maybe) more of your manifestations. It's about realizing that you have nothing to worry cause the Universe has your back, and no matter what seems to be going wrong, this is not supposed to last for long. It's about you balancing your emotional side, your fears, not being afraid of taking a look inside in the darkest part of yourself while still mantaining a positive attitude: you're not affected by that anymore. You know we're made both of dark and light, so you accept both of your sides equally. It's not that you hang on toxic positivity/neglect your fears, you confront it and don't let it take over you anymore by giving space to hope. I think some of you may be trying to manifest your lover (mirror energy) or a close friendship: you will make it. As for others.. your box could totally have any dream you're trying to manifest in your life, it really depends on your biggest wishes (even this inner balance). As I said, "huge surprise".
song: brown | kyle dion (18+ message here)
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pile 6
Your gift may not be coming very soon or is "in the making" atm. It may also be because you're not clear about what you really want? Or probably... yeah it could also come unexpectedly. Some of you may be reconnecting with people (or a person) from your past or move to a location that reminds you of good times in your childhood (for those who move away from your hometown/country, it could be about coming back). For others it could be the opposite: travelling abroad, travelling away and "fighting" a fear or an issue that kinda kept them stuck in a place (it could also be something mental/online, it doesn't have to be a physical travel for everyone). It seems a chance you may get about learning something or sharing your knowledge on a subject with others (for some it could be related to this past-person or a karmic cycle). It's totally an offer from the Universe, and it's up to you to accept it or not: accepting it, you may need to face some of your fears and insecurities, and possibly go against some of your "old" beliefs. But if you want to get something, you need to give something away too.. right? It could be something you may have wished for a long time but you didn't really focused on the practical part of it: it is probably time to do so and get ready to answer to this gift/offer without too much paranoia and insecurities. So what do you really want? And what are you ready to give away/do in order to get it? Anyway, huge stress on this past person (could be an ex) coming back and a lesson related to them from which to learn and decide what to do. And/or opening your mind/others' minds in some ways thanks to your newly acquired knowledge.
songs: cardigan | taylor swift; nowhere fast | ateller (yes you got two songs, don't tell others)
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instabletay · 9 months
𝒮𝓉𝒶𝓇𝓉 𝒯𝒽𝑒 𝒩𝑒𝓌 𝒴𝑒𝒶𝓇 𝐹𝓇𝑒𝓈𝒽
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— Things to do in the month of January to Start Fresh —
✿ Clean Your Room! Put on some music, light a candle, and let the light in. A clean room will always make you feel happy and accomplished.
✿ Start drinking more water! Water is the best thing that can exist. It helps keep you hydrated and even energized. It’ll also help your skin!
✿ Start reading! Reading helps expand your vocabulary and if you’re one to daydream… it’s perfect! It also feels rewarding to finish a book.
✿ Be active! Start going on walksc runs, or yoga. try out pilates or cardio. Even dancing is being active. Try to avoid sitting down all day, let your body move!
✿ Eat healthier! it’s okay to eat junk food from time to time, but make sure you’re getting the right amount of nutrients in your body.
✿ Deep Clean Your Phone! Delete old contacts, old messages, photos, emails, playlists, downloads, apps, and notes. Unfollow people on social media you don’t interact with or don’t even know! Start your phone on a fresh slate.
✿ Make a budget! Start saving a certain amount of money each month so that in the end of the year you’ve saved enough to buy yourself something nice.
✿ Hang out with friends and family! or make new friends. Spending time with the people you love to be around is always rewarding.
✿ Wake up early and go to bed early! Good sleep schedules is good for your mental health and can help fatigue and bad moods.
✿ Forgive. Let what happened a year ago or more go. Start the new year off without any grudges.
✿ Start a simple skincare routine! Routines can help you learn discipline and your skin will love you!
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