#wow that was longer than i thought
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astralspen · 6 months ago
Just had a thought about abilities in BSD.
Under a read more because I accidentally made a wall of text talking about this-
Oops ._.;
What if your control over your ability depends on how much you accept it as a part of you? The idea that every single ability has a consciousness, one that, no matter what, is made to protect or assist its user in some way. If you don't accept and come to terms with having a second 'you' inside you, then your ability will not work with you, simply because you are not willing to work with it when all it's trying to do is help you.
Because of this, it won't always do what you want it too at first, it won't always work, and it'll do what it thinks is best, not caring about what the user will think about it. You have to understand it was there to help you, learn that your ability is a part of you, even the parts that hurt others, the parts that hurt you, because in the end, all its doing is to fulfill the most human wish.
Survive. Live.
It's not always liking your ability, it's knowing that the ability is trying to protect you, to let you live and survive in grow no matter the cost. The pain it's caused will always be there, sometimes it will come back as a memory, and that pain comes flooding back. It's trying, and so are you. Yes, it will hurt sometimes, sometimes you'll wish you never had it, that you died instead of obtaining it, because that would prevent the pain it's caused. It's not learning to love your ability, it's learning that it embodies the part of you that wanted to survive. It's not entirely you, but a part of you. The more you know that, the easier it is to deal with and use to your advantage.
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k0mmari · 1 month ago
Sword Spirit AU - Xiu Ya (pt.1)
Hello hello! This is going to be a very very casual AU with the first half being dedicated to Xiu Ya(jiuyuan) and the other Xin Mo(bingyuan), so sit tight, relax, and maybe put on some Soul Eater in the background, because this is basically it.
This post is going to be VERY LONG, so sorry in advance ^^;;
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It's finally time for Shen Jiu to go to Wan Jian Peak and get his spiritual sword, one of the final steps for his Shizun to finally, oficially, name him Head Disciple, even if the rest of Qing Jing will most likely fight Shizun in her decision.
It would be no surprise, ever since SJ stepped foot there, rumors have been spreading about him, usually about how he only got in so late due to Yue Qi's influence, or how he paid his way in as a young master (as if the rest of the disciples hadn't done exactly that) and thinks he's better than everyone, or how he never fights fair and uses underhanded methods during spars. All rumors don't hold a drop of truth in them of course, but SJ has better things to do than trying to clean his image to a bunch of spoiled brats.
It's not like any of them would believe him, anyways.
In all honesty, he'd rather not be Head Disciple at all, but this is the best way at getting to a secure enough spot that he won't have to worry as much about his safety, even if he will be forced to look after a bunch of children he couldn't care less about. Anyways, SJ's only hope now for something to go marginally right his way is for him to get a good sword.
He gets to the sword wall and, as luck would have it, he feels a pull, calling him to a beautiful sword: elegant, refined and everything SJ desperately hopes he can be.
SJ carefully pulls the sword out of the wall and immediatelly he can feel a connection forming, his slugish qi rushing into the blade and in exchange, a flash of bright, almost refreshing qi runs through him. For a moment his muscles relax as he feels the sword gently humming in his hand.
He walks away from the wall, a few of the other disciples that also had come to retrieve their spiritual sword already holding their own blades, but the only person that SJ cares to show his own sword stands a bit further away. His ever aloof Shizun and... Yue Qi, who was not invited, but decided to come anyways. Great.
YQ wastes no time in praising his sword and how it's a perfect fit for 'Xiao-Jiu' (which only earns him a nasty side-eye), but SJ controls his urge to bite the other boy and focuses on his Shizun. She merely send the sword a glance, unimpressed, and instead says "Disciple Shen has now a spiritual blade of his own. He will get to know his blade, which will aid him with his... cultivation problems, but also raise his cultivation to new heights."
SJ grinds his teeth, not wanting to be reminded about his shitty cultivation, but thankfully, Shizun doesn't dwell on the topic. "When Disciple Shen fully becomes one with his sword, the blade will reward him and show it's true self. It is only then that Disciple Shen will become a truly honorable cultivator."
True... Self? With a subtle glance, SJ confirms even YQ looks a bit surprised, apparently also never haven heard about a swords 'true self', but Shizun doesn't ellaborate any further on it, instead moving on as if she hadn't said anything special, and turning to head back to Qing Jing, uncaring if any other disciples weren't done getting their swords yet.
She unsheathes her own spiritual sword, intending on letting her disciples walk all the way back, but before setting off, she turns towards SJ. "Disciple Shen, the name of your sword."
SJ huffs but brings his sword closer, and reads the engraving on the base of the blade. "...Xiu Ya."
Just as SJ finishes reading the name out loud, the sword starts violently vibrating, catching SJ and his Shizun off guard, and it flings itself off of SJ's hands, flying a short distance before it stabbed the ground.
SJ's hands are left hanging in the air where he once held the sword, frozen stiff in his shock. It certainly doesn't help that is Shizun, who is never phased and now looks visibly shocked, mutters to herself: "I... didn't know a sword could do that."
A week after the whole... situation on Wan Jian, SJ is now convinced his spiritual sword hates him.
It just... doesn't do anything he wants it to do! If his Shizun orders him to spar with another disciple with it, Xiu Ya could randomly just fling itself out of his hand, or physically pull him in another direction when he is speaking with another disciple, and no matter how Shizun instructs him to send his qi to the blade, to 'connect' with it, Xiu Ya refuses to cooperate, one day even straight up denying his qi.
Unbeknownst to SJ, his sword is no longer a regular spiritual blade, and actually a host for a recently deceased Shen Yuan, who woke up from his sleep to his new owner pulling him out of the wall and promptly panicked when he heard his name be declared Xiu Ya, which could only mean his new owner was none other than the scum villain himself, SQQ.
It was then and there that SY decided it would be now his life's mission to stop any evil wrongdoings a teenage SQQ must get up to. (It translated to him flinging himself out of SJ's hand any time he felt himself getting too close to another disciple's skin, or vibrating angrily when SJ started to insult someone.)
SJ takes Xiu Ya to his Shizun, and even to Wan Jian's Peak Lord, to check if there's something wrong with his sword, or if he had done soemthing wrong, but both reassure him that the sword is fine, and it must be testing him, urging him to 'clear his heart' to better connect with it.
SJ, feeling like his chance at being Head Disciple is slipping through his fingers the longer he can't get a hold of his own sword, it's supposed to obey him, tends more often than not to... argue with it. It, of course, only creates more rumours about him and his 'cursed sword', but he doesn't have time for this, and he won't let a piece of metal ruin his chances at rising up the ranks.
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Everything starts to change one fateful day where everything just seems to go wrong all at once for SJ: His Shizun goes away in a three-day long mission, which leaves him the responsability to look after the peak, and none of the other disciples are willing to make it easy for him, constantly getting in his way, purposefully waisting his time and straight up insulting him to his face.
Yue Qi even tries to grace SJ with his presence, but it takes him no longer than 5 minutes before he manages to say the wrong thing, and it takes even less for it to snowball into SJ expelling him from the peak unless the whole Sect is set on fire. It gets so bad even SY, usually happy to mostly daydream where he sits sheathed at SJ's waist, takes note of it, and gets a bit concerned for the boy.
SY already notices SJ's spiritual veins where all sorts of messed up, but it only becomes relevant when he notices his qi heading straight towards a qi deviation, and no matter how SY tries to vibrate and wiggle, it only seems to upset SJ even further and by the end of the day, as SY suspected, SJ hides away at the bamboo house and falls to the floor, gasping through a qi deviation.
He'd usually just tough his qi deviations out, or pass them at the Warm Red Pavillion, but now he isn't even afforded the mercy of being to suffer alone, as some disciple might come looking for his 'help', and he'd be damned if someone snitched on him to Shizun for not doing his duty as (unnoficial) Head Disciple.
SY, as much as he doesn't really like SJ, for once understands SJ's constant state of frustration when the moment the Peak Lord leaves, his peers treat him like this, and no matter how shitty SJ is- or, rather, may become in the future, SY can't stand being idle as he watches the boy shaking on the floor, gasping in pain.
It's a bit awkward but SY manages to make himself float over towards SJ's trembling body, trying his best to project his own energy outward and reach towards SJ. It's there for only a second, but SY manages to feel a similar connection to when SJ first picked him up, and SY can feel, in a weird flash, the mix of emotions swirling in SJ's soul: his anger, his frustration, but most importantly his deeply rooted sadness, and fear.
It's not really an explanation for why SJ acts the way he does, but SY can understand when a child lashes out in fear when that's all they know. He reaches into SJ's qi, carefully patting it down and soothing it until SJ finally stops trembling and slumps onto the ground, knocked out.
Maybe... Maybe Shen Yuan was in the wrong, and Shen Jiu deserves a second chance.
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troutpaws · 1 year ago
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fishtober day 03:
california golden trout (oncorhynchus aguabonita)
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timethehobo · 4 months ago
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Just finished Emmy’s personal questline and am too full of feels rn so all I have is a tiny doodle tonight. I love him sm. 😭
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cabbagestrand · 2 months ago
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oh, to be taken care of
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clairedaring · 8 months ago
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I still have our couple pyjamas that you bought me. Let's wear them tonight.
MY STAND-IN (2024) | 1.10
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sun-e-chips · 9 months ago
Waterpark au Sun and Moon now in color!!!
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I still need to finish their ref sheets for art-fight but I’m so so happy to finally have them colored!
Moon’s platings are colored and textured to mimic wood grains, over that he is “painted” with varying tones of blues and teals.
Sun’s platings resemble painted Aztec stone with vibrant cool and warm colors, some of the “stone” remains bare.
Up close, guests can see that both animatronics designs have intentional weathering to really sell their imagined materials.
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 2 years ago
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Redraw of my first post on this blog. Oh how far we've come B'*)
[Now with it's own redraw!]
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keuwibloom · 1 year ago
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Ink and Dream's designs for Parallel Synthesis!
Also including some doodles of the Star Sanses in this AU-- some of them explained further below!
Parallel Synthesis Info Dump: Star Sanses Edition!
As the only mortal of the group, Blue serves as the "heart" and moral compass, and keeps the other two grounded.
Dream is the moral compass in a more figurative sense; his role as the Guardian of Positivity lets him naturally be kind and helpful and do the right thing, but often it's doing good for good's sake. He is prone to overworking and overextending himself because of this.
Dream sometimes still sees things from a more "black and white" perspective (Nightmare too but he's had 400+ years of experience over his brother AND lives with way more mortals). It's Blue who has to remind Dream that being selfish and choosing yourself isn't necessarily a bad thing, and that not everything is "black and white".
Ink proposed the team idea. He invited Dream, and later on Blue, under the condition that Blue would still return and play his part in his AU. Blue, of course, agreed.
Ink and Blue tend to bounce off of each other's energy; when one is hype the other gets hype as well. Ink is easily excitable and Blue likes to match the energy of who he's with.
Ink and Blue both prefer to be straightforward, whether it be with their feelings or with how they approach others. When Ink has issues with his emotions, Blue would help him process them through simple explanations and blunt but kind words.
Their main goal is to keep the peace in the AUs. Their missions can vary from keeping the AUs safe (from danger outside of the script) and fighting Nightmare's gang (though with less animosity after the truce), to mundane things like general community service and answering calls of help from people who know of them. Because of this, they get a lot busier than the gang, who go on missions usually more for personal gain.
Dream belongs to Jokublog
Ink belongs to Comyet
Swap/Blue belongs to the AU Community
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raptor1312 · 1 month ago
Spoiler alert for Cookie Run Kingdom!!
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yume-fanfare · 4 months ago
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artsyhamster · 2 years ago
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Rediscovered the Disco Elysium timetable I made for myself, and figured someone else might find it useful. maybe, lol
Dates are taken from the wiki, I hope I made no error
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googleitlol · 6 months ago
Out of curiosity, how would Monkey King: Reborn go if Dove was there? Cause I’m loving Wukong’s character in that movie and I’m curious about how he would be to Dove!
Being 100% honest, I may have… not seen the movie yet 😅
But I have seen a few clips of Wukong in that movie! From what I’ve seen, I have a few ideas of how their relationship would be similar or different from PoM.
First off, I think MKR Wukong would be intrigued by Dove for different reasons than PoM Wukong. Mostly, he’s put off by her lack of fear of demons. She doesn’t seem to fear him at all— hell, half their talks end with her challenging him in some way. Humans don’t have the backbone for that sort of thing. It’s not like she doesn’t understand why she should fear them either, one of the things they both seem to agree on are that demons are evil beings, and that’s all they could ever be.
I feel like their fighting would be less teasing and more blunt arguments. I just know Dove would be chewing him out for that scene with the tree in the beginning. When they get past their reasons for hating one another tho, I can see things playing out differently than they do in PoM.
MKR Wukong is still the one who catches feelings first, but he’s more in denial over it. Maybe he catches a glimpse of Dove being cute with the baby spirit from the movie (side note, Dove would LOVE that little guy, they’d be besties/mother and child), and all he does is scoff and turn away in irritation because his heart is going faster now and he doesn’t understand why. He’d also probably start doing subtle things like getting her favourite fruit from the market if it’s there, just because he thinks she’d like it. Maybe in crowded areas, he’d keep his tail around her wrist or pull her close if she goes off too far. I think he’d also secretly enjoy if Dove joined the spirit in putting all those flowers in his tail 🤭
In Monkey King Reborn, I think Wukong would be so oblivious to his feelings and all the subtle shit he’s doing to show them that Dove would actually pick up on it first and be the one to ask him about his feelings (and she’s MEGA oblivious, so you know it’s bad). Blud would deny it in the moment, because that kind of talk is crazy. Who does she think he is, Bajie?! Why would he ever like a human, much less her, in that way?
That talk doesn’t go over the best, if you can imagine. But it does make him realize that… yeah, he does like her. Shit, he really does like her.
Their next talk would be him doing his best to back peddle any of the accidentally-offensive stuff he said before. Even if she does forgive him, that whole “We’re monks we can’t like each other” melodrama would still play out. MKR Wukong would probably show more of his annoyance about the situation than PoM Wukong, he’d probably go on some, “This woman is driving me crazy” rants every now and then. But then there’d be a moment where he sees her, maybe on the battlefield, or even just watching her in conversation with the other pilgrims, and he’d be content with how their relationship is in that moment, because whether she accepts his feelings or not… she makes him feel like he’s more than just some evil demon. And he loves that she makes him feel that way.
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werewolfsmile · 11 months ago
re: "All I’m saying is the fact that someone isn’t talking to me about Eliot Spencer every second of every day is very unfair and borderline illegal." & tags - if you want to, can you elaborate on your werewolf!eliot ideas?? i’d like to hear about it!! if not all good tho :)
Oh boy oh boy oh boy! Yes I would love to elaborate! (buckle up because i have Thoughts)
(wow this really got away from me so uhhh .... warning for 2k of ranting about Eliot as a werewolf?? list of headcanons under the cut)
From the moment I first met Eliot Spencer, I knew he was werewolf-coded. Aside from his insanely fantastic fighting abilities and the absurd amount of punishment he can take, there are many other factors that contribute to his werewolf status.
Eliot needs a pack Our boy is out here working on his own for years and look at all the good it did him! None! He carries severe trauma from his family life because he blames himself for how it all went down and doesn't think he'll be welcomed back. Plus something probably happened during his military days or early PMC days to put him off working with others. Could have been the pain of losing people all the time, could have been something more. Either way, Eliot working on his own is a defence mechanism - but a self-destructive one.
Wolves thrive in packs - like duh, they're pack animals. As my username suggests, I'm into werewolves and, by extension, wolves. I've done research for my own werewolf novels in the past, so I know that in an average wolf pack, each pack member will have physical contact with the other pack members on the regular. Like, several times an hour! (gosh if I can find the research paper this info came from I'll link it but honestly it's been years) That's a serious level of physical contact required to keep the emotional bonds of the pack healthy!
Flick back to Eliot. He loves to fight, he loves the violence and the pain, yes. He hates the killing and the blood on his hands. He actually tries to leave the assassin world behind after he meets Toby (which is before he meets Moreau, as per early dialogue in The French Connection Job). He bonds quickly with Toby. Show Eliot a little love and care and he's yours for life! He moves onto retrieval work, then somehow ends up working for Moreau.
Now, when we see Eliot and Moreau in The Big Bang Job, Moreau says, "You work alone." Which means that Eliot had that reputation when he came to Moreau. He probably only took contracts to start off with. But he accepted job after job from Moreau and was so good that he was highly respect and it's inferred he ended up as Moreau's top bodyguard/assassin. Why the hell would Eliot end up that close to a man who brings out all the worst in him? Because Eliot's a werewolf and no matter how toxic, Moreau fulfills the need for a pack bond that he's been missing all this time.
Fast forward to Eliot meeting the rest of the Leverage team. One job only - my ass. He saves Hardison's life after Hardison brought a gun to their little meeting - and we all know how Eliot feels about guns.
Wolves are designed to live and operate in packs. Eliot says it's one job only but is bonding with them all from the get-go. Werewolf trait confirmed.
Eliot needs physical touch Now, I know what you're thinking. Eliot canonically avoids physical contact with the team. He refuses hugs, especially from Hardison, growls at Parker poking his bruises (don't get me started on the growls), and shoves people (ahem Parker) out of his personal space. So why would he do all this if he needs physical touch??
Because he's one gigantic ball of angst and self-loathing and guilt.
Eliot doesn't think he deserves forgiveness or love or family, etc. That is a whole other rant, but he denies himself the physical contact he needs with others as a way of punishing himself.
However, as the series progresses, we see him become more comfortable with physical contact! He hugs Hardison several times, he doesn't move away from Parker, etc. Why? Because he's bonded with this team (ahem pack) and there's only so much he can suppress his instincts. The more time he spends with them, the more naturally the contact flows.
Eliot needs to protect others Whenever we get a scene of the team walking as a group, where is Eliot positioned 90% of the time?? That's right, at the back of the group. He lets the others walk in pairs and falls back to bring up the rear. He's keeping them all in his line of sight and constantly scanning for threats ahead, along with protecting the team from any rear attacks. It makes sense for him to do this given his military background, but it also makes sense for a werewolf to do this.
He's the only werewolf in the team. His instincts revolve around keeping the pack safe and protected, so he does that in the best way he knows how.
Not to mention how feral gets over kids!!
Wolf life is all about the pack and the family structure. Pups are integral to the pack's survival and future. Eliot doesn't have kids of his own. But that doesn't stop his instincts from blaring every time he interacts with a kid, be it on the con or off. He takes time out every time to help that kid in an attempt to calm the raging storm of instincts inside his body.
Eliot needs to feed others It's another werewolf instinct that rears its head when they're in the safety of their headquarters (ahem den). Protecting the team/pack from physical threats is just one aspect of taking care of them. Feeding them is the other major one.
None of these idiots can cook to save their lives - except Nate, but he's also drowning his liver 90% of the time, so Eliot has to compensate for that, too. The team can't operate at full capacity if they're not consuming good nutrition. So Eliot makes sure to feed them.
His humanity recognises that these are independent people - coworkers - and he can't control every meal of every day. But he can cook for them, once a week or once a job, which is just enough to satisfy his instincts that he's doing his part to care for them. Plus they love his cooking, and the praise he gets from it is an unexpected but pleasant bonus.
Eliot and team sports/kitchens This ties in with my first point about Eliot needing a pack, but all the times we see Eliot go super hard and get absorbed in the role he's playing are when he's on a team sport or he's in the kitchen. Both of these fulfill super important instincts for him - being in a team/pack and providing food for others.
Think about The Tap-Out Job. Eliot's playing a fighter but he's not pretending to be on a team. He doesn't get over-invested in the role. But what about when he's a baseball player? A hockey player? He falls into those roles hard because he's working with another team again, and this little werewolf is built for that environment. Same in The French Connection: the kitchen becomes his den, the students are his pack mates, and he goes hard at investing in them and protecting them. Never mind the personal aspect of Toby.
Same for episodes like The Fairy Godparents Job when we get a scene of Eliot teaching a bunch of girls self-defence. Team setting + protecting kids = happy werewolf instincts.
So, werewolf headcanons? I have a lot of different origin theories but the main one I like for Eliot is:
he became a werewolf either for a covert military op, or was bitten by Moreau (choose your own angst flavour)
if it was for the military, they were trying to engineer supersoldiers and he was deemed a failure; he has werewolf instincts all the time but only has enhanced strength, healing, etc on full moons
if it was bitten by Moreau, there's a psychic-style bond linking them, which is why he was so loyal to Moreau for so long, and also why he is so reluctant to go after Moreau
(wow this is too different theories already and i said this was my 'main one' whoops)
Eliot can only shift easily on the full moon; shifting outside of a full moon can only be caused by extreme stress and is ridiculously painful
he suffers an insanely high prey drive all the time and is so strict about his control because he doesn't actually wanna rip out the throat of Random Guard #3
he used to chain himself up for full moons so he didn't hurt anyone, but since the team found out about him, Hardison and Parker have taken it upon themselves to 'puppy-sit' him every full moon
this involves no chains but an obscene amount of dog chew toys. Eliot is never impressed. He also never chases or chews the toys. The video evidence Hardison has was obviously doctored.
Hardison and Parker found out the truth when a con went sideways and Eliot was trapped in a room with them during the full moon
he was terrified he was going to kill them - or worse, bite them - but his instincts recognised them as pack so instead he just tried to wrestle with them all night
Hardison had a major freak out when he discovered Eliot was a werewolf - it's one thing to be obsessed with sci-fi/fantasy, it's another thing entirely to see your best friend transform before your eyes
Parker was not even remotely phased, being all like, "pfft of course werewolves are real, I thought you knew that Hardison, you talk about your elves and orcs all the time!"
"Woman that is completely different and you know it!"
"What else do you think is fake? The tooth fairy?? Ha!"
Eliot is Done With Their Shenanigans
Parker only ever refers to Eliot as Sparky when he's in his wolf form
Sophie didn't actually know about werewolves before the reveal but she pretends that she did
Nate knew about werewolves before Eliot, he just chooses to pretend that they're Not A Thing
werewolves generally don't make good hitters, because the constant exposure to violence ramps up their hunting instincts aka they find it hard not to kill
of course, this doesn't matter if you're someone like Moreau who specifically wants killing machines and thus turns his top hitters into werewolves, to ensure loyalty and enhance his strength
the only other werewolf hitter not under Moreau's control that Eliot knows is Quinn, who most certainly did not pull his werewolf strength punches when they tousled in The First David Job
Quinn doesn't have a pack (werewolf or otherwise) and genuinely doesn't seem phased by this, which pisses off Eliot to no end
however, after they work together in The Last Dam Job, Quinn deems himself Eliot's Best Werewolf Bud and keeps popping up randomly to hang out on full moons, etc
Parker and Hardison are a bit weirded out (and a little jealous) of Quinn's attention initially, but soon get over that when they discover that two werewolves on a full moon absolutely play for hours like 6 month old puppies - especially with the tug rope
Eliot is Extremely Susceptible to belly rubs even in his human form, which is half the reason he pushes people out of his personal space a lot - his reputation would never survive anyone finding out
of course the entire team figures it out and take to ambushing him with belly rubs whenever he's being stubborn or annoying
belly rubs are also the only way he will relax enough when he's injured so they can treat his wounds
despite the incessant dog jokes, the ever-growing pile of dog toys, and the bowls labelled with "Sparky" and cartoon bone symbols ... Eliot absolutely adores the pack he's found himself in and wouldn't change them for the world
One of these days I will sit down and write a thousand fics for werewolf!Eliot! Till then, I'll just keep churning out the headcanons ;)
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aurorangen · 11 months ago
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Renee and Vincent had just visited the hospital when they saw a toddler crying alone on a bench. Vincent couldn't bear to see this happening and rushed over to help. "I hate D-Daddy!" he cried through muffled sobs. "Hey, that's my son!" someone yelled. He picked up the kid and went to the guy.
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It was clear to Marco that Casper was refusing to let go of the stranger's arms and he dramatically sighed, "If you don't give him back, I'm calling my lawyer!" Oh he had the audacity to blame him even though it was his own fault his son would much rather stay in this stranger's arms. And this stranger was also a lawyer.
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Vincent had no idea who this problematic guy was but he was hella annoying! He had a hunch of what was happening and had dealt with cases like this before. Seeing the pleading eyes of the kid in his arms reminded him of the neglect from his own father.
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"For fuck sake Marco," Petrah cursed under her breath, "Honey! Let's not make a scene, there are people here," she shot secret daggers at him, worried about her reputation. If paparazzi saw any of this-
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Then Renee came over, "Calm down sir." When he wouldn't, she gave up and showed her police ID. Marco recognised her but couldn't quite place when they'd met. But she was a detective and he didn't want to get into trouble. You're in deep shit now Marco...
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"I apologise for my husband's childish outburst but I can explain." With her best acting skills, Petrah explained the situation her own way. "Let me buy you some drinks perhaps?" she didn't want to get into trouble either and surprisingly settled all the misunderstandings.
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sirazaroff · 1 year ago
How do you think Velvet flirts with Coco?
This is one of the funniest asks I ever got and im glad cause this is just gold. Like how does the Bun™️ woo her stupid bozo??

I have my biased takes on what Coco and Velvet are like as characters, but to start off I wanna focus on what Vel brings to the table.

I think a lot of people have moe’d her down to a nervous/scaredy bunny girl and…that’s not her at all. She’s a real multilayered character who can and will kick your ass flat. She’s also…
- very very attentive to people
- excellent at memorizing things she sees and hears, and quickly at that
- very emotionally in tune with people, herself included
- insanely kind and helpful
- honest about her feelings and will voice her thoughts when ready
Also she’s a bunny like come on. Is baby. It’s impossible to not find her likable.
I can go on forever, but I think these are enough likable traits to work with.

Time to shift. Now we focus on what I think Coco likes in a person:
- Hot girls
- Complexity
- Someone true to their nature
- Some sense of honor
- Someone striving to learn and to better themselves
Hopefully it’s not lost here, but there’s some compatibility don’t you think? Velvet’s got some of those traits that Coco likes.

So where’s the flirting? It’s coming I swear, I just needed the background info to help support the answers.
Bun bun flirts two ways: intentionally and unintentionally. The latter is usually what’s happening most often.

Her intentional flirting is what you would expect. Some cheeky words, being a playful tease in her actions like when she flashed her camera in After the Fall. I think she would 1000% take advantage of her physique and incredibly vast skillsets. She is totally totally showing off during training and sparring. Coco might hide her gaze under her glasses but that dumb bitch is so easy. So so easy…
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Now her unintentional flirting is basically that Velvet is just doing her thing. She’s comfortable and loved by her team. With them she’s able to be herself and have fun, and that’s what coco loves most. Seeing Velvet thrive and not feel like she has to hide herself away from the world, and with it comes moments and actions that make Coco, much to her surprise, fall for Velvet.
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I guess simply put, Velvet flirts by being her cheeky self around Coco, and her leader falls for her every time.
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