#i still cant color im so sorry about this mess lmao
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cabbagestrand · 2 months ago
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oh, to be taken care of
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reegis · 1 year ago
Yo! Do you have any notes/tips for your coloring process? I've always had trouble with that part of drawings looking good lmao and I really like yours! If not for your specific style, do you have any tips with that in general?
Iv gotten a few asks about how I color but iv always avoided answering because
A) I am absolutely awful at explaining things, and
B) I am a very Very lazy artist you should probably Not do the things that I do
BUT i feel bad gatekeeping(?) my horrible technique if it helps anybody ig ill try and explain so
✨✨✨Welcome to Reegis’ Probably Not Reputable (But Very Long Winded) Art Advice✨✨✨✨
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line art of a random character for the example, just pic whatever colors you have in mind for your base colors, you can try using palette generators or basing it off of existing palettes/characters/whatever I have absolutely no idea how color theory works (& this is why you shouldnt listen to me) so im solely going off of vibes. but it is Rough so onto step 2 & 3
(edit to add i usually start off with the skin hair & clothes on separate clipping layers and merge them together towards the end.. i think i forgot to say that at all here oops)
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I abuse the hellll out of layer blending modes. overlay, saturation & multiply mainly, but also difference, brightness & screen. (just doodle something & try all of em out to get a feel for them honestly ik theres a Lot and they can be intimidating) for this i just wanted a more cohesive warmer tone to start with so i added a peachy overlay & a slight ombré to the hair to add a bit more interest to the character.
then just the most basic of rendering, some blush & highlights just wherever i think theyd go.
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Another thing they tell you Not to do, my next step is to block out all my shading in a vaguely purpleish multiply layer!!! i cant be assed to do it any other way im sorry…. once i have the basic shading down, i lock the layer & go in with air brush eraser & also airbrush in other colors wherever I think the purple is maybe too harsh/clashing
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still wasnt 100% happy with the colors so messed around with some more layer filter/modes/whatever you call them then colored in my line art! i think this is honestly the saving grace for all of my art shshsdhhf color your lines people. doesnt have to be all (i dont, i like the contrast) but it usually helps to make some at least a little less harsh
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then with a little more color tweaking im done! one random sleepy dude, fully colored (by my standards)
and then if a piece needs more dramatic lighting you justttt
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im so serious play around with layer settings! these are just basic multiply & add(glow), there as so many others you can abuse the shit out of & nobody will know or care in your finished piece.
was this?? in any way helpful???? I hope so.
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mostlikelyshutup · 3 months ago
tagged by @emily-prentits (listen i know you tagged me two days ago we're not talking about thank youuuuu)
last song: this is how a heart breaks by rob thomas and if i was listening to the rob thomas radio thats no one's business
fav color: green, we know it we love it, we mess with shades and still love every one
last book: i am 40% of the way through 77 shadow street by dean koontz and its so creepy but also very good
last movie: i have no clue but probably something with @horsetailcurlers2 the last one i though about watching was airplane! and the holiday (according to hulu is was monster inside which is a documentary about mckamy manor and i did not finish it bc mckamy manor freaks me the fuck out)
last tv show: once again probably with @horsetailcurlers2 and it was probably our weird 2006 show about a fruity family
sweet/savory/spicy: savory, too much sweet is bad bad bad and spicy i like but i cant handle bc im white
relationship status: single dears
last thing i searched: candle warmer, im looking for christmas gifts
current obsession: planning out gifts for my friends atm, i love being mischievous about bringing joy to my friends
looking forward to: the fact i get out early from work next wednesday
fav drink: rn? water, i love water so much yall, i also just found a bakery near my work with amazing hot chocolate
song playing 24/7: i havent been listening to music at work lately because ive been sitting with my team and dont want to miss what they say lmao, but i heard rob thomas on the train yesterday and have been loving it
current fav character: im back in a teen wolf phase, so my friend my bestie my little guy stiles stilinski is on the top of my mind
fun activity you would like to get into: listen dude i wanna bake and write and make art and im so so tired every single day
last video game: phone games count and it was exominer
last comic/graphic novel: school bus graveyard!!! so so good and i need to catch up, the one i have open on my laptop all the time is https://www.wildelifecomic.com/comic and you can see the trend i have in the media i enjoy
no pressure tagging: (once again jo tagged me two days ago and i havent been on here like at all so if youve done this sorry) @horsetailcurlers2 @crime-wives @knifebucket @coratatum @kidbabygodforsakenmess @secret-mafia-boss @shortangrybisexual @neatloaf and anyone else who wants to! tag me tag me tag me!!!!!
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lyriakisser · 2 years ago
YEAH GOOD LUCK !!!! also woah !! canada !!!!!! what do uu wanna do there :o
nd yeah !!! i kind of have a consistent way of doing things atp ithink but its more of a guideline to me nd i just do wtvr tf i want lmao ! i think my biggest thing is that i Do Not like bright edits so i always alwaaaays turn the brightness down nd sometimes mess w thr vibrance + saturation i also lovelooove overlays omg !! theyre the best thing ever to me in editing !!! so much fun nd happiness 💖 dont be afraid of them trust me 🫶 <- altho i use photopea / photoshop so using overlays is easier there i think
also i saw the edits !!! theyre sosoo pretty auebhdjsj <333 i have always loved ur edits theyre so pretty nd the colors r so mwahmwahhh <333
paranoia is so stinky oughsjjs hope uu can take ur mind off of it :] <3
ahahaha.... w-why Canada you ask..? ahahahahaha its! nothing! i swear! i just! wanna be there! ahahahahahaha! <- GAY REASONS
for me my way of editing starts and ends with one and one rule only:
if you dont mess up colors enough you should kill yourself immediately
and WELP! THATS WHAT I ALWAYS TRY TO DO! FJAKKTNSNTNSNR im a huge HUGE fan of edits that just change all the colors completely but still manage to make them look consistent and cool (UNFORTUNATE BECAUSE I CANT USE GRADIENT MAPS ON PHOTOPEA WHICH IS KINDA A HUGE PART OF THOSE TYPES OF EDITS EJAKRJSKRJ) aaaaaaa i should know how to use overlays i spent like. a good year doing Discord gfx which is all about putting vectors and overlays and shit (i actually have a folder with 1000+ editing resources which. i havent touched JEKAJFKSKFJ) but i still cant seem to figure out how to properly use them without feeling weird <- obsessed with consistency at all times and overlays are! not an exception! RHJWGSGJDBG ALSO DONT WORRY ABOUT TALKING TOO MUCH ABOUT EDITING I ACTUALLY LOVE TO TALK ABOUT THAT A LOT RJWKTKKSTJJD
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maiverie · 2 years ago
NAH BC I STRUGGLED W THE RỒI XONG GÒY SOQ like i lived in the south when i was little so after i moved to my hometown (south central) my accent kinda changed 😭😭 i didn't notice it until i was teased cuz of it. also i feel like some new viet gen z slangs came from their pronunciation in some regions (like rồi xong and gòy soq)? could be just from my pov tho...
fr whenever i hear people use new slangs i just feel so old like 👵 for ex instead of trời ơi/ giời ơi it's u là trời, trà xanh (literally green tea) 🍵 or tiểu tam is for the unwelcomed 3rd in a relationship, and là X chưa? for sarcasm, etc. like compared to my siblings and classmates i look and act qualified for the retirement home 🥲🥲
AND YOU'RE VISITING NEXT YEAR HAVE FUN NHA CHỊ !!! but like 10-12 years... like things are gonna be like so different (obv but yk) cuz i left the city where i lived for 4 years and when i visited it for summer vacation everything was so new and like the mall expanded, new restaurants,... but nonetheless it still had that nostalgic feeling to it 😚
IVE SEEN THEM AND LIKE THE NEW HAIR COLORS AJDNJWNWNSJ 🪦🥀 my enha bias 👩‍🦯👩‍🦯 (nah cuz i struggle) but i think im leaning towards jake? (idk it's just the golden retriever boys 😗) for aespa i listen to their title tracks and some b-sides but still when they came to VN it's obv a huge thing BUT LIKE. NINGNING PHOTOS ON IG 😻😻 AND LMAO QUỲNH THƠ'S GOOGLE TRANSLATE STRUGGLE 🤭🤣
mỗi lần chị reply là đọc xong em vui lắm luôn á so tysm 💕🩵🫶🫶 AND YOU TOO !! ❣️
- em anon ☆
OHHHHH OMG 😭😭 i see what u mean omg ngl i cant understand most people who speak w thick northern accents AT ALL so sometimes when i see new slang i’m like ??? what ?? 😭😭😭
NOO ROOTING FOR U HEHEHE besides uni is the time to trial and error anyways so don’t feel too pressured about picking one thing since u can always change ‼️ there is ALWAYS time idgaf what anyone says 😽🫶
omg i’m rly rlly excited 😭😭😭 I THINK VN HAS CHANGED SM TOOOO like economically and everything it’s def on the rise so i’m rlly excited to see how that’s changed (hopefully) in terms of quality of living and stuff 🥹🥹🩷🩷 i have fam in diff cities too so i’ll probably hop around everywhere HEHHEE BUT IM MOST EXCITED FOR THE FOOD LIKE DAMNN 😭😭 everything here in aus is LACKING so ☹️
OMG STAWPPP JAKE IS UR BIAS THAYS SO CUTE ???? wait he suits u so well 😭😭 for some reason i thought u were a hee stan idk BUT JAKE MAKES PERF SENSE🥹🥹 like he’s so bubbly and kind and gentleman-ly AND YOURE JUST SO KIND AND CUTE TOO 😭🩷🫶
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antiloreolympus · 3 years ago
10 Anti LO Asks
1. rachel doesnt put anything under a grey lens so why would the fans? like persephone and hades and hera are always show as only good (w/ even their bad actions framed as good in one way or another) meanwhile zeus and apollo and minthe are always shown as bad. why should we be shocked demeter is also under the "look how abusive demeter is!" lens when thats how rachel has depicted her for years now? even her protecting her daughter was framed as bad, but good when hera and hades do the same thing!
2. I want to know how the fans think RS is above critique when even the most beloved artists ever were critiqued too? Are we seriously supposed to buy Rachel, an artist who can't even keep a basic color sheet or doesn't know basic anatomy, is somehow a better artist and thus shouldn't be critiqued over the likes of Da vinci, Michelangelo, and Van Gogh, all who were critiqued in their times? Like how egotistical do you have to be to think she's free from critique over the literal legends of art?
3. tbh i under the impression blogs like this and other "anti" spaces wouldnt need to exist if lo fans just ... let people actually have discussions and differing opinions and not rigidly police it so there is only mindless praise and thats it. like overwhelmingly every "anti" ive seen is fans or former fans who have to make their own space because the fandom is so full of "toxic positivity". even the lo discord mass banned people for asking for a single hour of "approved critique time" like what??
4. LO fans, their fanbase, and their comic is so wildly misogynistic which is weird bc it's made by a woman and the fans are overwhelming 12 year old girls to 20 year old women?? and they all claim to be super progressive and feminist?? like nah yall cant claim that while calling minthe a whore who deserves to be tortured and killed and demeter is a shrill karen who doesn't understand ~LOVE~ unlike the literal slave owner hades whose type is vulnerable young teeangers who dont know better lmao.
5. I honestly thought you guys were joking when you said how old Rachel actually is. I could have sworn off her writing and art alone she was maybe idk, 22? Not in her late 30s?  Yall mean to tell me she's almost 40 damn years old and she still acts and writes like a teenager? Like at this rate she will literally be in her 40s when LO ends and it's just a jumbled mess of her self inserting on a born sexy yesterday 19 year old and her desperately wanting a billionaire slave owner to bang her? what??
From OP: Just so people know what anon is talking about, RS is currently 35 I believe (saw her mention it on twitter some time this year).
6. the difference between how LO uses Hades as a God of Wealth versus how others use it is that say Hadestown makes a clear point to use that status as a way to critique capitalism and how Hades, because of him using such cruel labor practices and hoarding wealth, is a bad thing. That's a way to use mythology in a way to tell a modern story. In comparison, LO has Hades owning slaves, abusing his employees, controlling all the resources, and hoarding wealth as a GOOD thing. That's the problem!
7. i do love the new excuse of "rachel has put so much time into this comic so you cant critique it" like yo that only makes it worse? like shes spent literal YEARS working on this comic and its still misogynistic, racist, ableist, homophobic, etc etc like how do you spent so much time on it and never improve and even make it worse? like do yall hear yourselves when you say that?
8. im sorry but webtoons HAS to update the banners and icons and stuff for LO by now because all of that was made in 2018 and the style does not match at ALL.
9. i would honestly buy more the idea of rs claiming shes trying to show shades of grey (heh) in the characters and relationships if like that was actually shown to us years ago and properly set up since the start? like you cant now be nearly four years into this and now claim youre showing them being complex and "not perfect" when you spent years making them as uncomplex as possible and framing only hxp and hera as "perfect"? thats not how writing works?
10. nah that other anon brings up a point i didnt consider. if the nymphs are designed as the "perfect women" (which yes side eye that obvs HAS to be just persephone clones) then why is persephone considered so desirable and unique then? theres thousands of these pink nymphs running around with actual personalities and are the most beautiful women ever, why wouldnt people prefer them to the slate persephone? she has nothing go for her beyond what, her boobs are bigger? easier to manipulate?
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alivehouse · 2 years ago
just wondering why you dislike Neil gaiman so much?? not trying to criticize or defend him, just curious
(this is all just going to be based on good omens related stuff bc i havent really willingly interacted with any other work of his since i was like 12 he is not a great writer imo)
ok before i get into why specifically the way he uses his socials annoys me so much i just want to mention that good omens (tv show) has a serious problem with treating its characters of color poorly/as disposable (which this post goes into) and as far as i know neil has never so much as acknowledged this let alone apologize for it so theres that
but as for why i hate his social media presence specifically so much i just think the way he interacts with his fanbase is annoying & i dont want to use the term 'gaslighting' for something this stupid but i dont even know how else to describe his habit of like. pretending he wrote aziraphale and crowley in a relationship for the sake of clout?
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^ he used to regularly regularly say condescending no homo shit like this but then when he realized he could get attention for pretending he wrote queer characters he pulled a 180 and started going 'ohhhh i DID write them in a relationship actually and also trans and also nonbinary i cant believe you didnt GET it just because its SUBTLE im sorry half assed vaguely subtextual scene #5 was not enough for you stupid fa- i mean people'
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and he does this shit constantlyyyy and gets no flack for it. in fact a lot of his fanbase encourages it even bc were still stuck on begging for word of god scraps from rich straight men instead of engaging with work made by actual queer people i guess. (ALSO THIS TWEET SPECIFICALLY IS REALLY FUNNY bc like a month later he lied about there being a secret handholding scene in the show to send people on a wild goose chase zooming in on shit trying to find anything just to give him more streams i guess i dont know i think it was a stupid thing to even fall for honestly but it still strikes me as kind of cruel)
i mentioned this in tags before & idk if he still does this but he used to go look up his own name on here to find people talking negatively about him so he could reblog it and get them dogpiled which is why you see people talking negatively about him calling him 'neilman' so much instead of his actual searchable name. literal full grown man picking fights with random people on here bc he knows hell win since hes a famous author and will get backed up no matter what
and ok this is edging into fandom circlejerking (i think hes only said this one a few times but his fanbase brings it up constantly to shield him from any criticisms) so i wont go into this as much as i could but theres this Thing hell do where he says they cant be gay bc they technically arent men bc they arent humans (based on a bit in the book where they feel the need to specify that aziraphale is NOT ACTUALLY GAY after continuously subjecting him to homophobic language/aggression) and people will bend over backwards trying to interpret this as meaning they are canon nonbinary and Epic Trans Rep and hell vaguely encourage this instead of like acknowledging the extended man-in-a-dress evil nanny bit in the show and pointing out that it was fucked up? & honestly the whole undertone of that is like 'this character might go out of their way to look like and dress like and act like and refer to himself as a man but he cant REALLY be a man because he wasnt Created That Way' like how the fuck am i supposed to be treating this as a trans positive read of the situation lmao. not to mention the 'inhuman = nonbinary,' 'nonbinary = CANT be gay!!! there are no gay nonbinary people i guess' legwork going on here going on here i dont know its a whole mess
PLUS i just think its funny that hes said making characters gay would be disrespectful to his deceased cowriter but pulling an entire second out of his ass for that sweet amazon money apparently isnt lmao
and to finish this off just for fun heres him at the start of the pandemic when there was a crazy high rising death toll making it about his fucking book, + him answering another ask in response to that AFTER he had deleted the original post, to make the person asking him look like they were attacking him for no reason:
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auraismoonstone · 3 years ago
DID YOU LIKE MY COUNTDOWN!? That was fun! I had fun. That was actually more fun than I thought it would be! There were too many good posts to name. It was very fun reading all your comments and theories.  Though side note: animal anon has no problem with people joining her BUT it must be animals and it must not mess with my countdown. No statues! Animal anon does animals, not statues. Side side note: can someone settle the debate of if that emoji is a hedgehog or a porcupine? Because I have no idea. Side note side note side note: sorry if you got multiple asks in a day...my system isn't perfected yet so sometimes I send two (or three) because I forgot I sent one and didn't want to accidently miss anyone (also sorry if i did miss you, still perfecting the system, no one has been animal anon blacklisted, i promise!)
Anyway, GUESS WHAT TODAY IS!!! 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉 It's been one year since I started animal anon! How exciting is that?! Phew, what a year we've had together! I mean what better way to start this second year than some chaos since that's how animal anon started to begin with! I will admit, it was slightly stressful coming up with something to meet the occasion of this event. I hope the countdown and this post live up to it. No, I'm not going to reveal myself just yet.. maybe that will be for year 2...😏😏. BUT I will give you some fun facts about me! So let's see; first, I'm from the Midwest (so not Canadian, but close so I do have a slight accent), but I currently live in the TriState area. Second, I am a MASSIVE theater nerd. No, seriously I have been to 21 shows since Broadway reopened in September and I'm actually going to my 22nd tonight. I don't know if this makes that fact better or worse, but I've really only been to about 12 different show because out of those 22, 10 of those are one specific show. Third, I am fluent in German and English. Though, I suck at writing in German, I never learned how to, so don't ask me to do that please. Fourth, my favorite color is red, so you can guess my favorite Taylor album (and coincidently also the show I've been to see 10 times on Broadway...). Fifth, I love to talk A LOT if you couldn't tell by the essays I send yall. And lastly, I can also confirm I am not Taylor...but I will say that I do share something very important with her... tell me your guesses down below as to what very important thing you think Taylor and I have in common, and I'll send some extra animals to whomever I see gets it right first!
So contuining on with my dissertation here, this week I have been trying to figure out a prompt to live up to this occasion. As I already mentioned, my system isn't perfect! And I've been thinking a lot about community lately and how that's been lacking for so many because of Covid. So what I want yall to do is if you get this dissertation of mine, please send a message, post, anon, whatever you want to at least 1 other blog (though you can do more), telling them something you like about them and giving them an animal emoji! That way we can keep spreading the love all day long to as many as possible! 🥰
As always, you are all brilliant, kind, worthy, beautiful and as this past week has shown, hilarious and unique human beings. No seriously, some of your posts had me kneeling over in laughter. If you would so like, you can tag #animalanon so I and everyone can read all your lovely posts! IM STARTING EARLY TODAY SO WE CAN PARTY ALL DAY LONG BECAUSE I LOVE YALL SO MUCH 🎊 🦥🦁🐯
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animal anon 🥺🥺 cant believe its been a year!!!!! it's been so fun having you around!!! (i think that's def a hedgehog 🦔) I wouldt try to guess what you have in common with taylor other than loving musicals but i suck at guessing lmao
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heyitsyn · 5 years ago
Mess Up
TimeTraveler!Son x Haikyuu!!
a/n: lmao im really sorry about this :’( this is just a brain dump and something i thought of while i was watching the stage play and i was thinking about it last night until i fell asleep
p.s. your son’s name is natsu in this one and hes an oc so dont be confused as to who this guy is 😂
summary: your son accidentally stumbles through time and the only way he can go back is if his mother and father get together. the only problem? he doesnt know who his father is
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he,,,, messed up
that was clear the moment he woke up to a supposed bicycle accident in early morning when it shouldve been a car accident at the dead of night
lets take a flashback shall we
natsu came home after volleyball practice around 8 at night and he stumbled through the front door where he could smell the delicious food that you were cooking
‘ma! tadaima!’
he shouted and you peeked from the hallway with your blue apron and ladle and a close-eyed grin
‘okaeri, baby!’
his slippers padded across the wooden floors to go to the kitchen and watch as you stirred the miso soup
‘how was practice, dumpling?’
omg i would totally call my future kids that though
he shrugged, even though you couldnt see him, and went to the fridge to grab a bottled water before taking a sip
‘inter-high is coming up so captain’s been making us practice longer’
he answered then went to jump on the counter beside the stove so you could see him
he turned silent as he inspected your features and how youthful you still looked despite going through so many stressful times and hardships of raising your son alone
but he was really wondering what was exactly your purpose of being here since you rarely cooked for him due to being busy at work and therefore coming home late
‘ma, why are you here early?’
you noticeably stopped for a second before smiling, eyes shifting from the pot to him
‘i,,, have something to talk about with you’
natsu blinked then leaned against the wall and crossed his arms
‘is it something bad? but youre cooking my favorite so it must be something good. then again, it might be something bad but you want to be on my good side so youre bribing me with-’
you softly called out to him and he stopped
you turned off the stove and shuffled to the side so you could stand in between his legs
no words were said as a sad look passed your eyes and you cupped his face, looking at him
‘youve grown so much, natsu. ma is sorry that she wasnt here to watch you grow. can you forgive me?’
natsu let out a confused sound and he placed his hands on top of yours from his face then quirked an eyebrow
‘ma, whats going on?’
he slowly asked
you continued to look through every feature of your son and grimaced slightly as his father’s stood out much more than you thought
‘come. lets eat while we talk’
dinner was tense
it was more of the tension coming from you and natsu being so worried and confused that he couldnt even eat his favorite
suddenly, he slammed his chopsticks to the table, fed up with the silence and genuinely worried by your behavior
‘ma, tell me whats wrong’
you winced and swallowed before shakingly placing your own utensils down and looking at a stain on the table from when he was 5 and accidentally spilled dye from his tye-dye activity
‘natsu, i,,,’
you drifted off but he gestured for you to continue
‘first off,,, i want you to know that i love you and that i only want what’s best for you. second,,, i hope you will go through with this because i,,, dont want you to bear this,,, this grudge for the rest of your life’
‘am i adopted?’
he demanded but you looked at him in shock
‘what? no! we literally have the same hair color and eyes, dumpling!’
then he let out a relieved sigh
‘thats the worst thing i thought of so i feel better now. come on, hit me’
you chuckled but went back to talking
‘your father,,, wants to meet you’
nope, that was actually the worst thing he heard
‘father? what, father?’
he couldnt stop the venom that dripped from his words and you flinched because you knew he would act like this
‘we bumped into each other at the airport,,,, he told me about,,, wanting to meet,, you’
you mumbled, now concentrating at your laced fingers
‘well, you can tell him to fck off because the feeling’s not mutual’
natsu growled then continued shoveling down his rice but you reached out and softly placed a hand on his arm and sent him a pleading look
‘darling, i-,,, i dont want to do this either. but this hatred for him-your anger- i dont want you to live with this! this might not show now but it will affect you in the future with a-a future family! he will drag you down but if you just--- just talk to him once! just once-’
natsu banged a fist on the table and you gasped at the sudden sound
he shouted, anger and rage reeking from his spot across you
you gulped because right now, you were able to see the similarity to his father
‘he just wants to see you-to talk to you’
‘natsu, please stop yelling at me’
you pleaded and he stared at you angrily but turned his gaze back to the chicken bites
‘every thought of him makes me angry so if i see him, i will lose every control i have. hes nothing but a stranger to me-wait, no, hes like dirt that deserves nothing but bad luck to come his way. its either he wanted me or cant have me. and he chose wrong so hes going to have live with it for the rest of his life and pretend i dont even exist. and thats that’
you ran your hands on your face then closed your eyes
‘natsu, you dont understand, we-- we were children! i was still a student! we didnt know,, we didnt know anything about babies! i-i feel like shite because i brought upon this rage in you towards him, your father! i want to make things right! to make peace!’
angry tears were falling down his face and you stood up to hold him but he shot up
‘natsu-baby-please calm-’
his voice cracked and he hiccuped
you held on to him and tried to tell him to calm down because you knew how distructive he could be
maybe it mustve been the stress from midterms and the competitions but his heart was hammering and he could see nothing but red and feel nothing else but anger running through his veins
‘no, dumpling, youre misunderstanding because i-’
but he swatted your hand away, eyes staring at his shoes
‘i need to get away right now. just- i’ll be at katsuki’s house. dinner was good so thanks’
he mumbled and rushed to the hallway, picking up his gym bag and quickly slipping on his shoes
you ran to the door and held on to him
‘natsu we can talk this out! please! dont go! just stay-’
he shut his eyes to calm himself down before turning and giving you a soft kiss on your forehead
‘ill be back tomorrow. just let me go blow off some steam, kay, ma?’
but he didnt even give you an answer because he was already out the door
the walk from his apartment complex to katsuki’s house should’ve only taken nearly 10 minutes but he was so pre-occupied and distracted that he ended up missing the turns and ended up in an unfamiliar street
based on his surroundings, he was in the city but he remained his gaze on his shoes, just walking and walking, not stopping
this caused him to miss the stoplight and he was the only person who continued walking, the shouts and yells from the pedestrians falling deaf on his ears 
but it finally opened up with a loud honking and a bright light that made him freeze in shock until it collided with him, sending him flying and falling unconscious
natsu groaned, not because of the pain but because of the bright light
‘oh god, i died and im going to the light’
he mumbled but a frantic shout made his eyes fully open up
natsu turned to the direction of the voice and he jumped then rolled over to get away but indeed, the pain from the collision stopped him
he groaned and winced
‘hey, hey, you okay?’
the high-pitched voice asked and natsu raised his head to see the boy with orange hair kneeled down in front of him and hands hovering over him
‘i feel,,, ugh’
natsu sniffed and the boy helped him sit up so he could fully look around
‘where am i?’
he asked and the boy shuffled to kneel down beside him
‘japan. sendai. oh, im hinata shoyo by the way! so sorry i hit you with my bike!’
but natsu’s jaw dropped
‘hinata,,, shoyo?’
his eyes widened and he completely forgot about the pain as he stood on his feet, pointing at the tangerine
he shouted and he was getting scared, eyes drifting to everywhere and pacing in circles
‘did i,,,, no, that doesnt happen. damn izuku wouldnt shut up about doctor who. its not possible, just not! right?!’
hinata was now panicked and thought he really messed up the guy in the head because the h/c boy was now walking in circles, murmuring angrily, and face switching expressions every millisecond
‘oh my god, i need to take you to the hospital! i messed you up!’
hinata frantically grabbed his phone but natsu jumped and grabbed the device
‘no. no, its fine. i just-,,,, i dont remember anything’
natsu played and hinata’s eyes got even wider
but natsu placed his hands on his idol’s shoulders to calm him down
‘no hospital, no needles, no medics. just,,, call your emergency contact or something’
it was quite funny that the victim had to console the cause of the accident but hinata nonetheless complied and hit the call button
‘your mom?’
natsu asked but hinata shook his head
‘no. my team manager, l/n y/n. she’d know what to do’
but natsu’s brain exploded
‘l/n,,,, y/n?’
my ma?
oh god i really did mess up
this is going to be a whole mess and i can already feel it but yanno what? imma just go with the flow and go through with your guys’ thoughts and ideas so in a way, you can control (??) the story?? idk i really dont know what im doing but i just needed to put this into writing bc ive been thinking about it since i woke up. also, do you think i should write this in a headcanons way or normal writing way?
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darth-does-stuff · 4 years ago
its ramble time. also yeah this is gonna be p long (hence the word - rambles) and prob talking a lot about patton and janus because i havent talked about them much and i have IDEAS
(also i know i want remy to be involved somehow but i havent figured out how yet. suggestions welcome ghjghjgs)
so thomas and logan are elves, roman remus and virgil are magic users (witches warlocks wizards whatever the word is lmao), remus specializes in wind magic, roman in fire, and virgil in weather. 
the magic virgil uses is often called chaos magic and in order for something to be generally classified as chaos magic, it needs to be unusual/rare, chaotic (duh) or unpredictable, and destructive. (these classifications might change as i think on them more). wind magic is largely argued upon whether it is chaos magic or not, seeing as how it is largely unpredictable and can be seen as destructive, but it doesnt fit the bill with the first one, leading to the arguments. same with fire magic, but they said it was too common for it to be chaos magic. virgil having weather magic means that he can create storms, sandstorms, generate lightning, windstorms, and also able to control (or rather ‘bend’) rain. of course, there are drawbacks and limitations, adding to the fact that virgil has a very hard time controlling his magic and harnessing it, he is not op dw. magic is also very much tied to emotions btw
also ro re and vee have two moms and they are a lesbian couple sorry i dont make the rules
elven lore and shit time - while gold is rare in many places in the fantasy land (i still have yet to decide on a name), in the elven land (i have not decided names for each section either lmao) iron and steel are actually harder to find than gold. gold still holds its own worth, but iron and steel are generally regarded as superior in worth than gold, which is why many nobles possess the material. and ive already explained the left eye crest thing with the elves, their left eye has a shape or crest to it along with a color that glows slightly. the glow can be dimmer or brighter depending on their emotions at the time. logan has a diamond shape to his left eye and a leaf green glow to it, which also happens to be his eye color as well. thomas’ is a heart and rainbow color and glow, while his actual eye color is an almond brown. ill discuss appearances in another post btw. anyways, the elven lifestyle is the most similar to humans, having a battleschool, its system nd shit, etc. although it does differ in terms of ‘rulers’. the humans have a monarchy while the elves rule through a council of 9. (an odd number so there arent any ties) logan uses both a sword and a bow as his weapons of choice. thomas was forced to go to battleschool so he basically just dips as soon as he can after teaching logan what he knows and becomes a healer because HEALER THOMAS 
 patton is one of the merfolk, who (in this au) are a species that have two forms. their mer form, where the lower half of them is the mer tail fish tail what the fuck is it called. anyways the color of pattons tail (wtf is it dude) is a desaturated light blue. he has these like ??? spikes?? is that the word? jutting out from his forearms. (at the very least pointy things) and he will not hesitate to use them as weapons. yeah he’s a feral boy. he has some spots of scales on his upper body but they are pretty scarce. in his human form, he just looks like a human i dunno what you expected lmao. in the water his eyes are a really potent blue while on land they are much duller. he can also breathe underwater regardless of the form. patton also cant really will himself to either form, if he wants to be human form he has to be on land and vice versa for the mer form.
janus is a fucking uh,, dude idk the word for it. i guess the general word for it would be dragon but he’s more humanoid than dragon. a cross between the two ig. anyways he has scales on one side of his face, scaly wings because fuck yeah, horns jutting out from his forehead, and more shit that i have forgotten but i know he has it. the scales are a golden color, with warm yellows and light oranges mixed in. left eye has a dragon pupil type thing, like a slitted pupil. fuck i hate describing things ghdgakhgask. im playing around with the idea that dragons can shapeshift but nothing is set in stone with that tbh. most dragon folk are like janus, a mix between dragon and human, and only the really powerful ones are the ones that can actually turn into dragons so thats pretty rare. but fuck descriptions its time for fucking FRIENDSHIP and FAMILY
janus has a little brother whose name is emile and they are 6 and actually pretty shy. it took them a while to warm up to patton but now he literally loves pat and everytime he sees them he bolts over and just gives him a huge hug. patton tries to act all tough but he is so soft for emile there is no denying it and they all know it. jan and emile have an agender parent and a genderfluid parent. agender parent uses xe/xem btw. 
patton has a mother and never knew his father. he and his mother have a rather,,, distant relationship i suppose. his mother is in the royal guard so she is called away often (though it does not excuse the neglect in the slightest) her and pat just mutually acknowledge that they both exist and go about their day. one day pat confessed to jan that he never really felt that they were his mom, more just a person who birthed him. one time in a particular bout of drowsiness, patton confessed that janus and his family were the ones that he truly considered family. janus got choked up and was like ‘shut up you bastard im supposed to be tough /pos’ 
the first time janus showed him how he could get rid of the dragon aspects of himself for a limited time, patton literally took one look at his human form and shouted ‘what the FUCK’ and janus was like ‘IVE SEEN YOU CHANGE FORM BEFORE WHATS YOUR DEAL’ and patton just screams ‘THIS IS FUCKIN WEIRD’ (all /lh) janus and patton get up to so many shenanigans its a wonder they havent gotten caught yet lmao
patton, once again in sleep deprivation cause thats the only fuckin time he’ll confess anything about his emotions, told janus that he was his first friend and that he was so scared to mess it up when they first became friends. he’d spent most of his life alone and always in this state of just,,, perpetual anger, bubbling right underneath the surface with no way to escape. it led to him getting in a lot of fights and just lashing out, especially at people who tried to become his friend, scaring them away. when janus came along and stayed, he said it was the best thing that ever happened to him. he finally had a friend. even when he lashed out and retreated back into himself, putting up those walls again, janus still stayed. he helped break those walls down bit by bit, helped patton with his anger issues, helped patton realize that janus was here to stay, and that he wasnt leaving.
if you cant tell, i love them sm ghdgaskgjs
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justsomefluff · 5 years ago
Hello I was wondering if you could do an ateez reaction to going to a fashion show with their girlfriend 🥺❤
here it is!! sorry it’s so late!! I hope you enjoy! <3
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Okay so Joong is the type to pretend he doesn’t want to go
But then love every second of it
And after your first one, he’s gonna beg you to go to more shows with him
Like every time a model comes out wearing something new, even if the entire look is hideous, he’s gonna complement something about the look
Because he knows how hard the models and designers work to make all this happen
And if there’s a look he really really loves, he’ll look at you and be like
Im gonna buy that for you
Suddenly showering you in complements
“Babe, you’d look so beautiful in that”
“Babe, you’re the most stunning person in here”
And at the end of the night, you’ve both compiled a list of colors and styles you would like to see on each other
So you decide to make each other outfits for the next date you go on
And its just so cute bc Joongie really does draw inspiration from everything he sees
So he totally writes a song about this experience with you
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Seonghwa is not shy about his love for fashion
Like he has his own sense of style, and he loves choosing things that he feels will express his personality
So when you guys get the chance to go to a fashion show together
He’s gonna grade every look under his breath on a scale from 1-10
And then he’ll tell you what he likes most about each style that is presented
He tries not to be too critical though bc he knows that everyone’s tastes are different
Will also ask your opinion on the outfits
Like “ooh what do you think of that one? I really like the textures on it!”
You will both choose your top two outfits 
like you choose them so that you have one you want just for yourself and one that you want for him
And then he does the same
You typically choose similar looks because you know each other’s style super well
And Hwa is totally the type to surprise you by buying you one of the pieces he had seen you eyeing more than the others
“Just as a thank you for coming with me :)”
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His crackhead comes out in full force at fashion shows, believe me
I mean seriously
Every time something comes out that he doesn’t like he insults it in a really funny way
And you’re sitting in the front row so your literally biting your lip so hard to not laugh in front of all these cameras
Like a model comes out with a bunch of feathers on her outfit and Yunho’s just like 
“Heads up, everybody, Chicken Little has just hit the stage!”
Or if he sees something particularly revealing he’s like
“Wouldn’t you love to see me in that, baby”
Like would you just hush already lmao
He takes a picture of every single look that he finds funny, just so he can send them to you later with a funny caption
But he also sees one he really loves
Will take a picture of your side profile when you aren’t looking
And the model is coming down the runway in the background
He will save that picture as his background as a reminder that he is going to get you that outfit someday
But he will try not to let you find out that he was so soft about it lmao
So he tries to keep you from seeing his wallpaper
He really wants it to be a surprise, but he also cant stop looking at the picture and imagining the moment you are finally able to put the outfit on
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(he’s so cute I cant breatheeee)
Yeosang will sit pretty silently through most of it
But do not be fooled
He is judging and critiquing every single look like it is his JOB
The most stone cold poker face you will ever see
Will only crack a smile if you whisper “you’d look so good in that, Sangie”
But when you finally leave he will show you any of the pictures he had taken and start a legitimate conversation about how you liked or disliked each look
Has a grading system lmao
Like you have A-F grading scale, but also categories that each look has to fulfill
Color, texture, fit, overall flow of the patterns and clothing items, etc.
And you can play along for a while before you’re finally like 
“We could be”
Like boy if you don’t-
But then he gives in and he’s like “just tell me which one you loved the most and I’ll tell you if it was good or not”
And then that launches a playful debate about who has better fashion sense
But overall you both had a really good time and plan on making this an annual tradition
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(he’s so breathtaking here im sorry I mean cmon his hair matches his sweatshirt)
This fashionista here
Sees the artistry in every look and compliments literally everything
Very genuine in his appreciation for the work that has been done
Spewing compliments the entire time
“Omg look how intricate all the stitching is.”
“That fascinator is so stunning, look at all the colors wow”
And it’s so cute to just watch him
Like he’s assessing all the models with the biggest doe eyes
He really is like a little kid at Disneyland for the first time
Just so excited and appreciative of every little thing
“I wish our next comeback could be so beautiful like this!”
“Sannie, your comebacks are always beautiful”
It’s just so adorable
And when the designer comes out at the end of each parade of models, you can bet San is cheering the loudest
And he’ll be so inspired and as his makeup noonas to try and replicate some of the looks he had seen
Gets hella motivated and literally starts drawing up ideas that he has for costumes and things
He’s just a sweet baby who sees the beauty in everything and wants to make beautiful things too
And he will always ask your opinion on his drawings
“Do you like this one? Do you think it could work?”
And of course you tell him all of them are fantastic bc they are
And you guys work together to make some of his outfit dreams come true
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At fashion shows, Mingi thrives bc models tend to be really tall for some reason
As a short person, I am offended by tall people’s clothes
Mingi is just looking at the pants like “I bet those would actually fit me on the first try”
And then he’s like “baby, I could be a model”
And you’re like “I already knew that, you’ve always been pretty”
He gets blushy aww
“I’m pretty” UWUUUUUU
And now that you’ve got him going you cant just let that blush fade away I mean its too cute
Don’t squander this opportunity to make our baby blush even harder
So literally every other model your whispering “you’d look better in that”
“You’d be the best model here, Minnie”
And eventually he’s smiling so big and blushing so hard that he’s like “stoop my cheeks hurt”
So you settle for giving him a lil smoochie on his cheek
But then he shall take his revenge
Starts complementing you even more than you had complemented him
Thus begins a complement war
By the end, both of you realize that you’ve ignored the last two sets of models and had just been telling each other how much you love each other over and over
Get a room you guys I mean really
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Wooyoung is a giggly mess
The entire time
Because he thinks every little thing is funny
A model’s makeup is too extreme? He’s laughing
Someone’s hair is too wild? He’s laughing
Someone looks like they rolled straight out of a dumpster? he’s laughing and saying “thats you”
Like SHUT UP lmaoooo
He’s also laughing bc he’s imagining the members in all of the ugly outfits
Like “lmao imagine Hongjoong wearing that big ole hat”
“Imagine Seonghwa wearing those balloon shorts”
Like he’s so annoying lmao
But it does have you both laughing hard enough to get dirty looks from other spectators
Once he eventually calms down and hushes himself, he actually starts getting into it and thoroughly enjoys watching the way the clothes flow when the models walk and stuff
He finds it genuinely interesting to see how each artist has fit the clothes to each specific model’s body type
But he will still fit in some snide comments here and there to make sure you’re fully entertained
Bc if he’s not laughing… is it really Wooyoung
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Okay Jongho is definitely into fashion
Whether he is obvious about his affinity for cool clothes or not, he’s into it okay
And he evaluates every look in terms of “would I look good in that? Would bae look good in that? Would any of the hyungs look good in that?”
Very thoughtful baby
Will take pictures to send to people and be like “this reminds me of you”
Will say it directly to you too
He is also kinda cheesy and poetic about it
“The bright pink reminds me of how happy you make me”
“That blue is like the sky when you’re around: cloudless”
Eventually you’re like “oh shut up ya freak” lmao
And then he’s laughing bc he’s embarrassed that he said all that
He’s like “why am I so cheesy”
And you low-key love it so you just smile at him
But then he keeps taking pictures of the models and eventually starts taking pictures of you bc he just loves you and finds you so breathtaking awww
At the end of the night he’s so sweet to you and thanks you for coming with him and hopes you had a good time and-
You just kiss him and tell him you had a lot of fun and you should definitely do it again next time there’s a show in town
He definitely agrees bc he really just loved sharing that experience with you
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pwnyta · 4 years ago
Genshin Impact character opinions (alphabetical)-
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0/10 Albedo is my least favorite design... He looks so fuckin goofy and from what I know about his character the fact he looks so goofy is not great.... The shorts look so dumb and the blue of his shirt looks weird...
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Just wanted to visualize my issues with his goofy outfit... wont be ‘fixing’ anyone elses.
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10/10 So fucking cute. The colors are beautiful and well spread through the design, Zettai ryōiki. bunny theme...terrific. Ambers just perfect. Look at that fucking adorable face as well... look at her big ol smile and tell me she aint a 10/10. She’d get a 10 if all I ever saw was that big ol smile.
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9/10 Barbara is adorable. Her costume is gorgeous. I love the white with blue and the gold accents. Very pretty my only gripe is the lighter blue on her bow...
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10/10 Beidou is just gorgeous.... I love that shade of pinkish-red with the off-black and purple with the gold trim. Shes just so hot... also her English voice is also top tier which is irrelevant to my ranking... maybe but--
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1/10 Bennetts not as bad as Albedo but god hes annoying to look at... and listen to....  he looks like hes a Kingdom Hearts knock off, the colors are weird, and he has the personality of s1 Ash Ketchum.... Im sure hes a swell lad... but
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6/10 Chongyun I mean I love the color pallet and over all its fine. I think the onesie with the cropped jacket and the weird half robe is weird but it looks fine if I dont think about too much.
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7/10 Diluc is pretty but not as fun to look at as some others. I do really like those red palm gloves. My biggest gripe is his shirt.... with the belt? WHAT? Sir do you know what a belt is for.....
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8/10 Diona... so cute. I kinda just wish her hair wasnt pink. I dont like the pink in her design at all but other than that... super cute. I just noticed her gloves had little peets on them.... THATS SO CUTE.
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4/10 Fischls color pallet (other than her hair) is gorgeous but other than that... hate the overall design... Im not opposed to sexiness... but come on....
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7/10 Ganyu is very cute but idk whats going on with her outfit at all.... its a very confusing piece.... but I dont hate it...
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7/10 Whoops forgot the new girl... Her designs cute... but it is a bit dampened by the fact I think about toilet boy Hanako.... but other than that very cute!
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9/10 Jeans a hottie. Love her tight pants... is it too much to ask for more hot girls in tight pants? IS THAT SO WRONG?! I dont really like the weird open top bit or the red bits but I dont hate it either.
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10/10 Kaeyas design is one of my favs. His color pallet is gorgeous, the design is cool, tasteful tiddie window... its great. Good for him. I’ll even excuse the spiked fingerless gloves which no other character could possibly pull off.
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10/10 Keqing is gorgeous too. Again with the beautiful colors, a really charming outfit design combined with those little cat-ear buns. I do often see up her skirt when flying and climbing however and it makes me feel like a bad person LMAO IM SORRY KEQING!! I DONT MEAN IT. She seems like the type thatd be really embarrassed about it!!
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10/10 Klee is so fucking cute. I kinda wish her eyes were green like her charm but the red is good too. That red and white with the warm brown is really nice, and you cant go wrong with a poofy hat! Shes so cute.
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10/10 Lisa was designed to be a smoke show but she pulls it off better than Fischl. Love the roses throughout her design, the color pallet is on point, her hair matching the dull gold of the accents is really nice, a peak of Zettai ryōiki and her green eyes just POP. Shes beautiful.... I love her.
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3/10 My issue with Mona is mostly her bottom half... I get that her tights design looks cool but with the rest of her vibe having her main clothing piece be like... a bathing suit? ITS A CHOICE and it ruins her design for me. Also I hate the baubles on the ends of her hair.... but her color pallet is real nice. I also like her bigger eyebrows...
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10/10 Ningguang... also a total smokin hottie. Her colors are beautiful and really feel RICH. That brassy color and gold on white with the ginkgo designs... the bitch is just poppin. She looks fantastic.
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8/10 Noelle is so cute... I like when I add her to my party and she gets all excited and eager to help... very cute. Her design is an endearing mix of badass knight and dutiful maid.... my only issue is her skirt.... looks kinda weird. Wish she had some petticoats to fill it out more. Also dont like that her roses pop out the way they do... reminds me of Shreks ears....
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10/10 Qiqi is adorable I love Jiangshi, love the colors, wish she wasnt wearin horni thigh highs(I only ever see thigh highs squeeze thighs like that in l00d art dont come for me... I didnt design her.) but lolis gonna lol. But again her design is top tier. Shes so cute.
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5/10 Razor... is kind of a mess but its largely the colors.... its a lot of weird colors. Also his design makes me think of the male MC... I literally thought he was like an AU version of the MC....
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10/10 Sucrose is so cute. Again that white blue and gold look great... I like her frilly shorts and thigh highs.... her boots are cute... her hair color is a little weird but I dont dislike it. Kinda wish her eyes were a different color tho.
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4/10 Childe is fine... but after seeing all the other Fatui designs and his own monster form I look at him like this and go.... REALLY? Thats what were goin with... alright... Also his whole design screams ‘fire’ to me not just colors either the shape of his mask and the pattern on his scarf thing.... its weird that hes Hydro.
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10/10 I love the female MCs design... I chose the male MC because his colors popped more and im a dumb animal and was like ‘ooh shiny‘ but I think her design is a bit better over all...
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9/10 Male MC is still good... its very cute. I like how she looks more suited to the Anemo and he looks more Geo... Thats pretty cool. I really like his colors... the browns/gold/white... its a striking look.
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6/10 Ventis pretty cute... I dont get the weird... corset thing hes wearing, dont like his shoes,,, but other than that its pretty cute but nothing special imo.
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10/10 Xiangling is so fucking cute. everything in her design makes me clutch my heart at how endearing she is. Love her. Weird color palette... its even weirder that it fully works.
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7/10 Look I love Xiao hes a good lad so I cant be too harsh... but all the colors on his design look a bit weird which really brings his over all design down... which I think is cool over all.
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9/10 Really cute design for Xingqiu! The colors are beautiful... I love blue and white and gold obviously and he even does it with more of an emphasis on the blue and its a greenish blue and it looks great. the top is just gorgeous, those frilly sleeves are super cute... not a huge fan of the shorts but I hear theyre comfy and easy to wear.
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10/10 Xinyan just looks terrific. Cool and punky, great fiery color pallet, cool theme, cheeky personality without it being obnoxious....  Shes great! Weird voice tho... lmao
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11/10 You cant tell me what to do! Zhongli is the only male smoke show in the playable cast for that he gets an 11 ok? I love a dumb old man. I do think the coat over his longer coat is a bit weird but I aint mad at it. Love the colors, very earthy, the subtle gold design on his pant legs are cool and really hes got a lot of cool bits on his coat, his face/hair are lovely. Hes a total babe.
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irldanielle · 5 years ago
my experience as an extra on cherry
hi!!!! i wanted to make a post about my experience on tuesday the 19th. so i got the email at 7pm on monday but didnt read it till 11pm so my ass was freaking out and my call time was 6:30am so i had to figure out who would drive me and what outfits i should pack and called off "sick" for work lmao so the night before was a mess and i got 0 sleep not even 10 min LMAO. so i get to the place at 6:15am and we did all the paperwork and stuff that took a little while. and then went to the wardrobe team so they can confirm your outfit was good (in the email it had certain colors and looks they wanted) my outfit was perfect. i wore green cargo pants, black turtleneck, leather jacket and black combat boots. then, we ate breakfast and around 7:30am we went to shoot the first scene. basically we were on the campus and it was a scene where tom was hallucinating so we all had to walk in a very fast pace (i was literally dying bc i have asthma) bc they will be putting a slo mo effect on us bc well hes hallucinating. we did this take like 20 times and it was exhausting lol. but then after that, we went inside a little to warm up (all the scenes we shot that day were all outside in the freezing cold) . next scene was a scene where tom and ciara were on campus and they run into eachother and talk basically lol. we were all in like 2 lines and the crew memeber instructed us to either go straight, in front of the camera and tom & ciara or around them on the other side and i did every angle. i cant believe how close i was to him. his american accent. omg. but we did this scene SO. MANY. TIMES. we started at 9am and stopped at 2:30pm to take our lunch and holy fuck i couldnt feel my feet. we got handwarmers tho during the time so that helped a bit. we took our lunch and then went back out to the same area and then they did a different scene, still talking to eachother but different lines. we did this scene so many times too bc they shot it from different angles(like the camera facing tom and then facing ciara). were still walking around them and in front of them and the same stufff. when we werent filming and we were all just chilling waiting to start, tom was laughing and smiling so much and was talking to the crew and russo bros alot he had so much energy meanwhile i was freezing my ass off and could barely move but its ok LMAOOO. but it was cool to watch tom acting irl and then just chillin on the set lol and also harry was there and both of them were always goofing around. btw ciara had the cutest outfit on i was obsessed with her shes so cute. they were always touching up tom and ciaras makeup prob bc of the cold and fixing toms wig. at some points, the lady was fixing the back of it and pulled hard for some reason and toms head just goes flying back and his face was like "wtf" lmao. the crew are also so laidback and cool. at one point they literally just had takeout food boxes on top of the camera 😂💀. whenever we had to reset to our spots i always had to squeeze between all the crew and tom and ciara and the russo bros to literally get back to my spot so all u hear from me is "excuse me sorry sorry" lmao. at one point when we werent filming yet one of the cameras was pointed at my direction and i did a peace sign at it 😫 i hate myself. the last scene we did that day, tom and ciara were sitting on a picnic table and they were doing a wide shot, so all of us were scattered around the campus doing different stuff like i was with 5 other girls and out part was like admiring this art piece that was there and talking. that didnt take long we were done in like a half hour. ummm and basically that was it. im so incredibly grateful for this entire experience. i will cherish the memories of it forever. and im so proud of tom for putting all his effort into this film hes going to do such an amazing job and i cant wait to see it.
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bangtanger · 5 years ago
Hello!! I'm sorry if this is a bother, Idk if you answered something like this already, but how do you make such clean gifs??? Which softwares do you use? Is there anything to do with the video quality too? I'm new on making gifs and my gifs are never THAT clean ;~; does Tumblr messes up the quality? They always look strange when I post them *sighh* Thanks in advance
hello thank u so much!!!!! tbh mine arent that clean if u compare to some of the others its mostly bc of my coloring lol and ik it but there is always a choice nice colors i want or good quality i always choose colors flduhslfug nvm BUT OK SO
first of all i download .ts files of performances if there are any available on this site or there r few ppl on twt who post them too @/ZardEXD (is suspended rn i oly noticed FUCK WHAT DO I DO NOW) @/nabinunaya the thing about twt posters is that they r really fast, for youtube vids i use and all of us im sure use 4k downloader
wait i can just leave a link with tutorial here for example
but ok about my way 
i download vids i use avisynth to crop them and sharpen a vid then i open in ps i use both topaz clean and denoise ( i found a pic with clean settings somewhere on tu,blr once here it is try all of them and choose whatever u like) with denoise i just click ‘light’ mode and change only the first setting on the right fuck i cant add a screenshot rn sorry,, and with smart sharpening as well choose whatever u like
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after it i use my psd with coloring or make another one for a gifset and thats kinda all with coloring tho the less colors the better but as i said i never use this rule fuck it 
one thing i wanna say tho u know there is a limit rn with gifs and ive noticed that if u make them 3mb+ (they will still load from pc its ok) the quality from pc will look worse in a post and better from the app can u imagine lfdulfiub lmao so it may scare u as it scared me few times so yeah tumblr fucks up some things but whatever 
u kno i can rec a vid with this process if u need but its up to u 
i hope sth here helped,,, 
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franeridart · 6 years ago
what program/brushes do you use for your art? it's so damn pretty
Easy Paint tool SAI and the default pen/brush/marker tools, mostly! and thank you!!! ;^;
Anon said:When I was a kid I would've had a crush on Akane
HECK that’s such a compliment!! Thank you!!!
Anon said:Couldn't Akane technically Control/move Kiri's hair since it's dyed? I mean it's like his hair is stained meaning it's not alive! so Akane finally warms up to him and messes with him or plays with his hair?
She can and she did! I drew her doing just that both in the first and in the fourth thing I posted about her! :D
Anon said:okay i don't know if this is coming through but i have just looked through your entire blog(can only go 4 years back) and let me just say you are wonderful, I absoluty LOVE how you paint/draw like its sooo pretty??? like dnjwcfehbi i cant describe it, (part 1) || like you are wonderful, I absolutely LOVE how you paint/draw like it's so pretty??? like dnjwcfehbi I can't describe it like it's absolutely Fabulous, Stunning, Amazing, Lovely and it looks so smoooooth like what????how??But anyways love your art and love you keep being Amazing! (part 2)
AH GOD THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!! This is such a sweet ask to get TT^TT (and you can only go 4 years back because the blog is 4 years old! Can’t believe you actually went through it all!!)
Anon said:I really love your art style and your comics are so cute and I love how you draw older Bakugou and Kirishima!! It’s all so wonderful! Thank you for sharing it with everyone!
Oh man thank you!! ;;; I’m so happy yo know you like them!!!!!! TTOTT
Anon said:the level of FLUFF and KOOKIENESS and SOFT and MARSHMALLOW and MY HEART CAN'T TOOK THIS IS is so much I could die.
Anon said:I love everything about Akane's au. Her, her interactions with Bakugou, how she dislikes Kirishima but is beginning to warm up to him, the boys' aged-up designs. Everything. It's all amazing. Thank you for bringing it into my life!
Nggghhhhhhhh no anon thank you for liking her!!!!
Anon said:Currently procrastinating on my essay to go through your blog because it de-stresses me and I love your art so much like seriously h e l p
Anon said:There's something I'm not understand in your AU children kiribaku. She adopted by bakugo or she is a kid bakugou have with someone. ( I'm really really sorry for my English )
Anon said:Your comics are so cute and funny! I'm loving the story with Akane, the last update was great! I really like the way you draw the characters, like your style is so nice. Thanks for making my day better with your art!
G o d thank you So Much!!!!!!
Anon said:Akane is adorable, and I absolutely love the comics that you upload of her, but also on top of that your mohawk Bakugo has cleared my skin, watered my crops, and brought me back from the dead at LEAST twice.
I’M REAL GLAD TO HEAR THAT because mohawk Bakugou owns my whole soul and it’s nice to know I’m not alone in that hahaha
Anon said:What are some ways Akane messes with Kiri (or used to) when he wears red clothes? Does she often do that? Does she do it when Baku's not home, or when he is so that she can hammer in just how much she dislikes Kiri? Has she ever done anything major that caused her to be really reprimanded by Baku, but being the best person in the world Kiri did not get angry?
She really only ever gets pissy (or used to! they’re starting to get along better !!!) at Kiri when she feels jealous for whatever reason, and that doesn’t happen as often as it seems through my doodles, so it’s not like she’s always antagonistic towards him! Mostly she just ignores him, so no, it doesn’t happen often at all! And she’s never gone further than messing his hair up or tugging a bit at his clothes, since she doesn’t have the strength to move Kiri all that much haha the only reason she managed to have him fall the first time was because he was balancing already, but generally Kiri weighs way too much for her to move him around or pull at the red stuff he’s wearing enough for him to notice it all that much 
anyway, Baku never reprimended her for it - not more than he did in the first comic I posted with them, at least, specifically because the damage she can make is so minor that Kiri and Baku barely consider it something to tell her off for... if she were ever to act that way towards someone she might actually hurt (say, a kid her own age) then Baku might reprimend her more seriously, but as long as she’s just tugging at Kiri’s clothes they don’t see it as anything worth fighting her over :D
Anon said:Just sent an ask, so forgive me for this one, but I'd love to get this straight: in the Akane AU Kiri and Baku graduated and share an apartment, are madly into each other, but they neither has made a move on the other yet? Perhaps that should be sad, but it's 100% adorable.
I know I shouldn’t say this as I made the au myself, but I find the arrangement pretty dang adorable too haha they act like a married couple anyway, so it’s like... pining while the rest of the world already considers them an item? and the pining is mostly about stuff like ahhhh I wanna tell him I love him or ahhhhhh god I wanna kiss him, but then they’ll fall asleep on the couch together or hold hands just for the hell of it or cook for each other or make plans that always involve each other and all in all act as each other’s partner, so it’s mostly just like *Kaminari voice* “God these oblivious idiots” hahaha
Anon said:That latest Akane comic melted my heart like you often do. Though for a moment, I expected Eijirou to say "I don't want Katsuki to be my dad, I want him to be my daddy" XD Though that would not sound like him. Props for his adorable interactions with Scarlet Death Queen Witch.
Anon you don’t get it that’s exactly why I had him say “be his son” instead of “be my dad” LMAO it was like, a conscious wording decision hahaha thank you so much for liking my girl, btw!!!
Anon said:Fran! I was just wondering if you would be willing to post your Demon Kiri and Angel Baku art on Redbubble? I'd love to buy a print of it!! Totally understand if not. Also your newer Akane comics are killing me, they're so damn cute!! So yeah love you and your beautiful art! Hope you have an awesome year!!
I CAN TRY I think I did try last time I updated my rb? But the format of the pic made it hard to use it for a lot of things so I gave up??? I can try again tho!!! Thank you for being interested in buying it!!! And thank you for liking Akane too!!!!!
Anon said:is katsuki and kirishima not together in the adopted child comics or is there gonna be a plot to them getting together? 👀
I’m not really writing anything cohesive for it so I wouldn’t call it a plot point, but yeh they still aren’t together! And I wanna have them get to the point in which they are together!!! :D
Anon said:I'm gonna die why do you do this with your adorable art my god
PLEASE!!!!! DON’T DIE!!!!!!!!!!!
Anon said:Your Akane + KiriBaku comics are adorable and I love the relationships that exist between them. I can't wait to see more of them!
Thank you so much!!!!!!!!!!! I hope I won’t disappoint!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anon said:I love your art so much!! Especially the little Akane au (so freaking cute!!!!). Random question: if you’ve ever seen Lucifer, who do you think would fit his character? Have an awesome day!
I haven’t seen it, sorry :((( but thank you for liking my girl!!!!!!
Anon said:I apologize if this has already been thought of but i feel as though when akane gets older and if she decides to be a hero, part of her costume could include useful red objects mayhaps?? Such as a shield or daggers or handcuffs so if there’s a lack of red around her she isn’t in a complete ditch. But i love your work sm ahhh💕💕
Yes!!! That’s the plan!!!!! I don’t think I’ll ever draw a teen version of her character but I MIGHT mention this idea in the current timeline, I like the idea so much TT^TT
Anon said:Hey there, I am absolutely obsessed with Akane like I love her so much wow but anyways I was wondering if you've ever drawn tododeku/ will in the future?
Thank you!!!! And I have drawn them in the past (under my tododeku tag!) and I might draw them again in the future, though currently I’m in a pretty big izu//ocha mood so I dunno when that will happen!
Anon said:I love your art so much like??? Help???
Anon said:Y'know it could be gayer c'mon
This ask has been in my inbox for 17 days and I still don’t know what it means ??? but I laughed a lot when I got it so thank you anon and yes, definitely, everything could always be gayer that’s just how the world goes
Anon said:I swear you drew an older version of the krbk kids and it wasn't a fever dream I'm currently frantically searching through your blog rn help
I DID that post is CURSED anon, you can look it up through any of the tags I used to tag it and it won’t show up it won’t and I don’t know why!! I always lose it exactly because of this reason I have zero idea why it does this but??? okay I guess???????????
anyway if you still want it it’s here
Anon said:If Akane can control red things, does she low-key also have control over things that are pink and orange depending on how reddish in hue they are? I love her btw. Such a smol bean who could probably kick my ass!
What a good question you got there!! She has control over everything that has a color that falls in the red wavelength of the visible spectrum - that does include certain tones of pink and certain tones of orange, but there’s a point where orange gets too yellow or pink gets too white that her powers stop working. As long as the red in the color is more than any other hue, though, her powers work! 
Anon said: im just imagining if baku takes akane with him when he is going to work and is there with kiri and akane help kiri with his hair bc she is suffering when he tries to style it himself
Once they start getting along better Akane and Kiri actually start helping each other with their hair! They’re both very particular about it so they understand each other as far as that topic goes haha
Anon said:Hi I just wanted to say I’m really enjoying what you are doing in your latest drawing. The contrast with the thick sketchy lines and the thinner crisp ones and the spaces that have no defined line! It’s cool to see you experiment with your line work while staying true to your natural style! Sorry if this came off weird but I love seeing talented artists try pushing the boundaries of their style it’s really visually/conceptually interesting! :)
AH MAN thank you so much I’m so happy to know you like that tool TT^TT it’s really super comfy to use, so it’s nice to know someone finds it visually appealing too!!! thank you!!!!!
Anon said:Is there any chance you could make a masterpost of the aus you do? It's a lot to scroll down to the beginning of a concept u have sometimes and it can be unclear when they start
They all have a tag they’re under, tho? If I’ve made more than one post about them! I have so many AUs going around that making a masterpost with all of them is a bit... mostly so since I don’t know for how many I’ll actually go back on! But if the tags don’t really work for you (generally the link is gonna look like https://franeridart.tumblr.com/tagged/[here goes the tag]/chrono to have it in chronological order) then I can try? I can’t promise I’ll find a comfortable way to do this, tho orz sorry!
Anon said:This might be an odd ask but does Akane like Jirou? I feel like they would get along really well. And how about her grandma Mitsuki? Since she takes after Katsu who takes after her, they could make an adorably angry trio
She hasn’t spent much time with Jirou yet so right now she’s mostly meh about her (though right now she only actually likes Bakugou, and she’s warming up to Kiri, but that’s about it). She doesn’t mind Mitsuki, but she hasn’t spent too long with her either! She yells a bit too much at her dad tho, which Akane isn’t particularly fond of (protective bean that she is, she doesn’t get that that’s just their way of communicating just yet), so out of her grandparents she prefers Masaru, after all~
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blookmallow · 5 years ago
playin smile for me.... i still dont know whats going on but im having a good time doing weird shit and messing with people 
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i stole a piece of the tent im sorry :’ ) 
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hghffbb i dont know why this is so funny to me just 
( ͡°   ͜   ʖ      ͡°) wet paint ? 
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woah!! i didnt even see all this here,
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im sorry what
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ok habit’s definitely encouraging really really bad coping methods but im still not sure Why 
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,,are you okay
i cant remember what his sprite looked like when i met him does he look. somehow more. unhinged. than before 
i mean maybe hes just got paint on him because he’s Inspired but 
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i. basically landed right on top of him lmao he was Not here before and i have a habit of just like launching myself off the top of the stairs to get to the bottom bc i dont want to walk all the way down and. i was not expecting someone to be standing here 
hes very distraught because he cant open the pickle jar but desperately wants. to smell like pickles. apparently,
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,, OK AY THEN :’) 
im.... glad ur happy,
i m crying i love this disaster pickle child 
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arent you.... wearing green. and the wrestler dude you like is green. and wearing green. why is green the enemy color,
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muscular dudes are a myth but Vampires Are Real And So Are Werewolves (Because I Totally Am One) 
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we made a steak out of a paint palette, some screws and a shopping list  
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this child wants me to punch everybody and im vaguely afraid of her 
most people are just kinda irritated by the Punching but theres a few characters i cannot bring myself to hit so i guess this one’s gonna go uncheered sorry :’) that and the kid downstairs who wants me to hit My Darling Best Friend Ronbo with a golf ball for no reason 
however along with the punching, i also discovered if you cheer up the drunk lady in the lounge, she gives you a kiss, which. is an item actually, :’) and you can then give kisses to other people (bc she’ll give you another one if you use it)
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hes SO cute,
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ronbo doesnt like me like That but accepts the kiss and thats fine by me 
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trencil thinks he might have vampire charmed me too hard 
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this kid whose name i never remember apparently has a thing for nat, which i dont see going well lmao
im not sure if events in the game progress as you complete more objectives or if its like.... a certain number of days until things happen regardless of what you’ve done. theres so much time consuming silly things i want to do lmao
wanna see what the fortune teller thinks about all my things... wanna give kisses to everybody.... wanna see if theres any unexpected reactions from any of the stuff i have.... wanna take pics of everyone and show it to everyone else bc sometimes you learn stuff about people,
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