#unrealistic relationship goals
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dramalove247 · 2 months ago
Favorite Things: See Your Love
Shows should not be allowed to have this much cute and fluffy. They set the bar way too high, even for fiction! The focus on being seen, embraced, and loved unconditionally tells a really beautiful and touching story and we love it more than is healthy.
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This show made us laugh and cry. Below are some of our favorite moments and posts we found on tumblr (spoilers ahead):
Going to start with the ending because we CAN NOT with this scene. This show had so many devastatingly beautiful and romantic moments that we are overly obsessed with. And then they gave us this. The way they see each other and love each other completely and unconditionally is everything. I don't love you in spite of who you are, I love you because it's who you are. FJHHSOIYOIHWKNW!!! Too many feelings!
We love translation posts and this one by @thisonelikesaliens compared the translations of this one phrase on different platforms. We agree that Gaga won on this one! Too funny!
This scene made us choke! Thanks for the GIFS @pointlesscandies
This edit post by @theside-b was so HILARIOUS!!! 🤣 It lives rent free in our brain now.
This scene. Their faces. We were completely destroyed. Had to share these GIFS from @tokkistuff
It's what makes you YOU 😭😭😭 I'm not crying, you're crying! Thanks for the GIFS @taeminie
First @theside-b made us laugh with their hilarious edit, and then made us cry with these beautiful GIFS. This entire conversation was everything. Love this show so much.
This scene was 🥰. But this post by @hughungrybear made us 😂
Some of us have to do mental/emotional gymnastics when dubcon is part of a story. We're not sure being intentionally mislead is much better, but it was definitely a surprise and we'll admit, the scene was a little funny and @pointlesscandies post made me laugh!
Did you love it as much as we did? What were your favorite things?
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its-in-the-woods · 8 months ago
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Down the Rabbit Hole Chapter 18
Chapter one here, two here, three here, four here , five here, six here, seven here, eight here,nine here, ten here, eleven here , twelve here , thirthen here, fourteen here, Fifteen Here Sixteen here, Seventeen here,
master list
Pairing: Walton Goggins x You
Rating/Warning:  As always minor get out Almost entirely fluff, vague suggestions of sex, lots of comfort, it's sweet and sappy
Synopsis: Packing sucks, not as much as getting interrupted did.
Note: Chapter is a hair shorter than normal, but I promise more is coming soon < 3
The last weeks of filming are done, you're exhausted but time stops for no one. There had been so many phone calls after the trip down south. Letting the head of department know you won’t be coming to their show after this one. Next, selling the car, which Deacon happily bought. As long with selling a lot of things that you won’t need anymore. Now you have four days left to pack all your stuff, label it, and have it ready to be picked up by the moving company by Friday. Though you lived in essentially a closet you were surprised at how much stuff you had accumulated over the years. Right now on day three of packing you are ready to dump everything in the trash and disappear into the night.
“Here,” Walton hands you a glass of wine. He has his cup, a sharpie tucked behind his ear as he sits cross-legged in front of a stack of boxes. You were so grateful for his help, the man hadn’t even hesitated to stay and pack with you. Trevor and Deacon had been over to help the first two days but had quickly been brought onto another show. The two of them promised to come down and visit as soon as they could. 
“Oh dang, I need this.” You sigh, taking a sip to try and soothe your frazzled nerves. As you try to figure out how everything is going to get done. “God, if I never have to see another box. I will die happy”
Walton chuckles wrapping your foundations in foam cushioning. “Only downside to moving, packing. How many of these do you need?”
“Oh, this is a sampling of the shade range I would like to have,” You tease, grabbing some paper to wrap up some pallets. 
The two of you work for another hour somehow getting all the makeup packed and secured. You could pretty much lose everything, but those eight totes and five boxes were the most important. Two of those boxes were bankers' boxes of notes, a box with seven hard drives of photos, and the last two boxes were portfolios. Leaning back against the stack of cardboard you feel a little relief. Tomorrow would be clothes and anything left in the kitchen. If it all went well you'd be done mid-day.
Walton was currently splayed out on the floor flipping through one of your portfolios. Bare feet moving back and forth, head propped up by one hand., an empty bottle of vino beside him. You had offered to open another, but Walton had sagely pointed out that a hangover tomorrow would suck. 
“You should bring this with you when you go see Jamison,” Walton comments, pointing at a sketch of creature make-up side by side with the actual piece. You had regularly taken up any opportunity to work on indie films that required monsters, it helped keep you and your portfolio fresh.
You wiggle over and bring the glass of vino with you, “Oh, maybe. I don't want to impose. Just happy to see the place really.” 
Walton squints at you, “I promise Jamison would love these. Bring the book.”  
He flips to another page, it had his face in various stages of being shit kicked. Along with several sketches you had done of him after the fact. You can see his eyes light up as he looks it over.
“Why didn’t you show me these?” Walton gasps, looking at the closer, “These are fantastic.”
You shrug while sipping the last of the wine, “You've kept me busy, hadn't crossed my mind. I think I have one from each time we worked before.” 
“You like to draw me? Would you draw me?” Walton asks, turning to look at you from above his glasses.
You flush, biting your lip a little. “If you like, can't say how good it will come out. I should probably brush up on my sketching skills, it’s been a minute.”
Walton grins, closing the book carefully and sliding it back into its box.  He stretches, crawling over to you. Laying his head against your thigh, his weight a comforting familiarity you’ve grown to enjoy.
“Maybe some tasteful nudes,” He said with a crooked grin, “Hang them up in the dining room.” Walt’s large hands made an exaggerated motion across the air. 
You snort, almost losing your wine, “It would be a heck of a conversation starter.” You run your fingers through his hair, watching as his eyes close. “Then again, I have a feeling people won’t be too surprised.”
A grin spreads over his face, making his eyes crinkle at the corners. As he snuggles in against your thigh, “I’ve never been shy, no shame in a human body after all.” He sighs, kissing your jeans. 
Your hand runs down his shoulders and back, massaging at any knots you find, feeling them relax under your fingertips. He groans a little as you hit one between the spine and shoulder blade. Mentally noting that you should both get a massage once things have settled. You close your own eyes letting your head rest against the boxes. Enjoying the heat of his body against yours, the buzz of the alcohol having you nodding off. 
Walton is kissing your cheek, you open your eyes blinking a few times, your knees yelling at you for sitting so long. You move, stretching out as your joint clicks from being in the same position for so long. 
“M’shit.” You mumble, rubbing at your eyes trying to wake up. Walton is already up and stretching glasses and bottle up on the counter. 
“Should go to bed, sweetheart,” Walton rumbles at you, you let out a breath and push yourself up. Following him over to the bed, sleep was sorely needed. 
The bed is cold and empty, you huff wondering where your partner could have run off to. Grabbing your phone, you see it’s nine in the morning already, which meant you had five hours to finish packing.  Groaning you slide out of bed, finding a mostly clean shirt and some loose-fitting pants. You had already packed a suitcase for the flight that evening. The smell of coffee and a closing door alerts you that breakfast has arrived. 
You wander out from behind the stack of boxes, Walton balancing a coffee tray and a bag of goodies. A grin spreads across his face as he places it on the counter. He was also dressed in yesterday's clothes, a jacket covered in raindrops. 
“Good morning, gorgeous,” He beams, leaning in to kiss you. You linger there for a moment, really hating that you needed to continue to pack. 
“Whatever that is, smells amazing,” You smile back, reaching for a coffee that has your name written on top with a heart. He had taken to drawing little doodles on your coffee lid. Several you had stashed away as keepsakes. 
“There is this adorable cafe down the way, these breakfast sandwiches looked too good not to grab a couple,” Walt smiles, taking his own sip of coffee rolling his eyes, and moaning at the flavor. 
You chuckle digging a sandwich out of the bag, you take a bit repeating his groan at the food. He wasn't wrong, it was delicious food. Sighing you lean against the counter passing Walton his sandwich. The two of you munching on breakfast in a mostly quiet room. You take another sip of coffee and notice several newly packed boxes. You tip your head looking at them, walking over to see the writing on them. 
“Did you box up my clothes?” You ask, turning towards him. He has flushed a little, not meeting his gaze. You grin walking over to him, tipping his chin to look at you, surprised to see worry in his furrowed brows.
“What is it?” You ask quietly, putting your coffee down, and moving back over to him. 
Walt shrugs a little, placing his coffee beside yours, “Couldn’t sleep, didn’t know if I was excited or nervous. So I got up and packed while you slept, figured we could go down early?”
You squint a little at him, watching as he moves from one foot to the other, “Are you nervous about me moving in?”
Walton’s eyes go to the floor, his neck flushing red. It reminds you of the morning you woke up in his spare bedroom, nervous energy bouncing around the room. His usual cool confidence lowered as he looks anywhere but at you. 
“A little,” He finally looks up at you, those hazel eyes glowing in the morning light. “Haven’t had a lady living in my place in.” He looks away fiddling with his watch band, “Well it’s been a long time.”  
You pull him close so your back is against the counter and him standing between your feet. Your hands go to his waist, as you look at him for a moment, making sure to keep eye contact, before you speak. 
“You said you wanted to have hard conversations. Is this one of them?” You ask, trying your best not to let your stomach tie in knots. Since the last panic attack you'd learned to lean on him a little more, you found that getting out whatever was bothering you to ease the tension. Walton always listened, made sure that you were heard, then comforted or reassured you. You wanted to do the same for him, this wasn’t a one-sided relationship. 
Walton’s lips twitch into a smile, “I am anxious to be home with you, to have you there. I think I have this anticipation building, thinking that maybe we’ve gone too fast.” You nod your head, listening. He moves so that he is even closer to you. “But I also don’t want to slow down,” He lets out a breath. “Admitting that is terrifying. Cause the last thing I want is to push you away.”
You lean up and kiss him, holding him against you, “If we need to slow down, I promise to tell you. And if you need to slow down,”. You emphasize this, “You tell me. Open communication.”
He leans back looking at you, scanning your face. You watch his shoulder relax. “Promise?”
“Promise. I want us both to be content, however that is.” You lean up and kiss him again. “We will have our ups and downs, but knowing this.” You gesture between the two of you. “Is solid,” You shrug, lost for words. “Couldn’t ask for better.”
He moves forward, hands running over your knees, under your thighs to lift you onto the counter. Walton moves between your legs, and you wrap your ankles over his hips, hand looping up over his neck. The familiarity of the dance you two did making your heartache, 
“I will bring you the moon,” He whispers in your ear, lips trailing around your ear lob. “Pull down stars to decorate the backyard with.” He murmurs, kissing down your neck, his hands working at your hips. Soft fingers slip under the material of your shirt. “Give you the world.”
You wiggle a little, shivers running down your spine. “You’re my world.” You whisper back, letting your hands run through his hair, breath hitching as his warm hands splay across your skin. “Just need you,”
A bang on the door has you both frozen, Walton moves away adjusting himself to try and hide the obvious hardness, moving to stand behind a stack of boxes. You fix your rucked-up shirt and straighten your ow pants, face flushed. 
You open the door to see Tracy from a few doors down, you had completely forgotten that you had sold her the bed and frame. The woman had been your neighbor for the entire time you’d been in the building, the two of you only ever exchanging pleasantries. So you were surprised when she had offered to take the bed off your hands. The woman topped out at five feet, with sandy hair, leopard print glasses, and an oval face that always seemed a little worried. You were pretty sure she lived with her two sons a few doors down.  
“Oh hey,” You fluster out, trying not to look like Walton wasn’t just standing between your legs. “The bed right?”
Tracy takes you in, that worry deepening as she looks you over “Is this an okay time?”
You plaster a smile on, moving out of the way to let her in, “If you just give us two seconds, me and my-y-ah-boyfriend, will get the bed for you.”
Tracy slides in standing by the stack of boxes as Walton shuffles towards the back. Her arms crossed over her chest, a look of disapproval wrinkling her forehead more. She looks between the two of you as if you just admitted to dating a serial killer. 
“Oh, I thought that was your Dad,” Tracy says out loud, Walton nearly falls over at the words. You duck your head down as your whole face goes red. The two of you are close to having a giggling fit.
“Ahh, haha. Yeah, no.” You try not to squeak, Walton is now on the floor, hand covering his mouth as he does his best not to laugh. 
You smack his arm getting him to help you pull the covers and sheets off. Grateful that you were ridiculously anal and kept the mattress wrapped in plastic. Walton and you trip over each other moving it towards the door with it. 
“Can we bring it to your place?” Walton offers his face a lovely shade of pink as he comes to the door. You are purposely avoiding everyone’s eyes, trying not to make it any more awkward than it already was. 
“Oh,” Tracy says looking him up and down, “Do I know you from somewhere?”
Walton shrugs, shaking his head, “Probably not, just one of those faces.”
Tracy’s eyes narrow, but she goes to open the door, her two sons standing there. They give awkward waves and smiles. They were male versions of their mom, except with black hair and freckles. One had a tattoo sleeve, the other wore thick blue glasses. 
“Come on in, It’s got handles at least,” You grimace, the boys grabbing the mattress, the boy with the glasses looking at Walton again. 
You and Walton go back for the frame, handing it awkwardly to Tracy who is still staring. You all but drop the thing onto her, as she continues to eyeball your boyfriend. 
“I got the transfer,” You try to get her towards the door. “So should be good to go,”
“Wait, are you Walter.” Tracey moves towards Walton, who is doing everything but crawling into a box to get away from her. “Walter Googles, you were in that show..”
Walton looks a little stunned, mouth opening and closing a couple of times.
“Ahh, I think you got the wrong person.” You say, quickly stepping in between Tracy and Walton. You were pretty positive Walton would be more than fine under normal circumstances, but really you just needed her out of your apartment. 
She glares at you, hesitating before she grabs the frames and shuffles out.
“Well I hope you have a safe trip then,” The woman says, eyes still squinting at you suspiciously as she exits.  
“Thank you, have a good day,” You reply in your best customer service singsong voice. 
You close the door, locking it before turning back to Walton, he bites his lip, the two of you waiting a good several minutes before letting out a laugh.
“I feel so bad,” You squeak, moving back over to grab a drink of coffee, 
Walton is giggling sliding down onto the floor. “You think I should go ask if she wants an autograph.”
You choke on the coffee, “No, I think that woman has been through enough.”
Walton sits there still giggling as you bring his cup of coffee. You slid down the wall, the only thing left to pack was the kitchen and bed dressing. You lean your head on his shoulder, as the two of you continue to chuckle about the situation. 
“Kitchen left?” Walton asks, kissing the top of your head. 
“Yes,” You groan, “Think we could leave?”
Walton chuckles, “How much was that damage deposit?”
Chapter nineteen
*thank you all for the love as always, i can't believe we are hitting eighteen chapters! when the heck did that happen!
@ghoulphile @hiddlebatchedloki @live-logs-and-proper @justme12200 @ryankaylamartin96
@rachmar  @therest-stillunwritten @awhoresjourney @stankface
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howifeltabouthim · 6 months ago
What did it matter if she never experienced the mundane familiarity of the sort between her parents? She had never wanted that kind of love anyway. She had only ever wanted the picturesque, the heroic.
Susie Yang, from White Ivy
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wickedhawtwexler · 11 months ago
writing is so funny. when i first started writing this story in 2016, i included a character who was basically a self-insert character. she is now the lesbian biologist version of walter white
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lavandamichelle · 1 year ago
10 Things to Leave Behind in 2023: Make Way for a Fresh Start!
As we approach the end of 2023, it’s time to reflect and prepare for a brand new year filled with possibilities. While many focus on making resolutions for the future, I believe it’s equally important to identify and leave behind things that no longer serve us. In the spirit of decluttering and starting fresh, here are 10 things to leave behind in 2023: Make Way for a Fresh Start! 1. Negative…
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maxiglow · 2 months ago
a powerful reset for 2025
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create a “no” list
write down things you’re absolutely saying no to in 2025, like overworking, toxic relationships or procrastinating and respect your boundaries.
unsubscribe from things that don’t add value
this goes from e-mails, streamings and services to beliefs, commitments, addictions, habits and everything that drain your energy and no longer makes sense to you.
set small, realistic goals
big and vague goals are harder to achieve. we all did at least once some megalomaniac goals that we didn’t achieved because they were too unrealistic to that moment. instead, set goals that you can achieve to fulfill your sense of accomplishment and actually accomplish something.
have a pre-reset day before 2025
disconnect from your phone for a couple hours and journal about what you’re leaving behind and what you’re welcoming in this new year. align with yourself and what you want and deserve. meditate about the vibe you want from now on.
give yourself permission to change
we often stay stuck in old versions of ourselves, so let this new year be the year you let go of outdated expectations you (or society) put into yourself. change your mind! take risks! start over!
redesign you bedroom
if you can, change up your bedroom (or any room you can/want) to create a space that feels fresh and motivating for the new year, like adding fairy lights, plants, move your bed and desk, create a functional corner to study/work. any small changes can make a big difference in how you feel at home.
prioritize! mental! health!
because a strong foundation in health, specially mental health in this era, is essential and boosts every other part of your life. try to live slower, don’t overconsume in social medias, don’t overshare, do therapy, take your meds/vitamins, journal about your feelings, have a trusting person you can always vent to and get help.
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adispit · 7 months ago
A Second Life
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god x m! priest reader
Summary: Transmigrated into a new world with seemingly new beginnings, a strange god takes an interest in you.
Content warnings: very dark, non consensual touching and watching, dubcon (reader submits but isn’t really having a great time), barely any foreplay (very unrealistic), penetrative anal sex, belly bulge, size difference, overstimulation (?) if you squint, religious themes
note: Like half way through I realised the plot went off the rails but it was too late because I had already deleted a draft before this 😭 and I was gonna give up at that point so I don’t really like this 😞 but either wise, hope you enjoy and sorry for the wait!!
At first, you were thoroughly dismayed when you discovered you had been transmigrated into the world of the novel, Tyrant’s Intense Love. The night before, you had been engrossed in the romance novel that revolved around the familiar trope of a female and male lead overcoming numerous trials before finally falling in love. Unfortunately for you, you had transmigrated into a minor background character—one who was entirely inconsequential and had not appeared in a single chapter of the story. You inhabited the body of a priest devoted to Kallos, the god of light who presided over the continent. As part of the temple’s ranks, you were one of the numerous lowly priests responsible for prayer, fasting, and delivering sermons. Your duties were equally modest; you were tasked with dusting and maintaining the cleanliness of the temple. Before your transmigration, your life had been equally mundane. You were a corporate office worker who relied on far too many beers to handle the endless stream of projects your coworkers offloaded onto you. Enduring sleepless nights and relentless deadlines, your personal life was just as bleak and unfulfilling. The sole solace you found was in reading novels that transported you to fantastical romances you longed to experience.
With the simple goal of finding your true soulmate in this new life, you fervently declared your intent, only to quickly discover that such aspirations were impossible. As a priest of the Light Temple, you were required to maintain your chastity to demonstrate the purity of your devotion to the god of light. This seemed utterly absurd. After all, the renowned saintess from the novel had countless secret night rendezvous with the male lead, the crown prince, long before their relationship became official. It felt profoundly unjust and even scandalous, to say the least…. You couldn’t leave either as a priest of age in the temple, you weren’t allowed to leave. That was several years ago, back when you first transmigrated. You’ve somewhat come to terms with your fate and reality. Being a lowly priest isn’t so bad, after all. Despite the modest nature of your role and the boring nature of your duties, you have a roof over your head and food to eat, all provided by the temple. You weren’t one to complain. Given your timid and meek disposition, this role suited you well. There were no coworkers to harass or manipulate with office politics, and the absence of a demanding family was a relief. The life you led here wasn’t so bad. The body you had inhabited had belonged to an orphan adopted by the temple at a young age, and your name, like his, was (Name).
Kallos had grown weary of ruling over this world through countless cycles. Each millennium seemed as vexing as the last, with his creations remaining nothing more than soulless puppets, trapped in their predetermined fates. His sanity deteriorated further with each passing decade. Yet, something peculiar marked this cycle. He had observed a disturbance—a single priest possessed by a soul that clearly did not belong to this world. Though he could not pinpoint when he began to scrutinize you through his bronze mirror in the heavens, it had become a daily ritual for him to watch you. You were the lone human who exhibited a spark of life and vitality in this dull and monotonous world. It was so interesting to him, how a mere and fragile human, like you who exhibited little to no threat in the face of his divinity, had somewhat been a variable out of his control. A soul that wasn’t part of this world. As his sanity had been worn down through out centuries, what had been left was a sick obsession and interest in you as he saw you as a precious treasure, no, a plaything he had to have. He was a patient god, as given by his endurance through ages of rule. He would bide his time and wait to claim you.
Yes, he was patient, but he was also greedy. After a few years of watching you through the bronze mirror he once used to gaze upon the mortals, he felt he had waited long enough. With a sinister grin spreading across his face, he set his plans into motion.
Ironically, you never really had any faith in the god of light, Kallos, despite the fact that you were a priest, having to worship him. It was probably due to the fact you were from another world. You also didn’t have any of the light mana that priests and saints had, it was an ethereal power bestowed upon them as they entered the temple and led lives devoted to the god. Instead, your duties remained simple: cleaning the temple, dusting ancient artifacts, and tending to the garden, not that you didn’t like it. Not to mention, recently, you couldn’t shake the unsettling feeling that someone was constantly watching you, even though you were alone. You had brought this concern to your fellow priests, but their response was dismissive, insisting that no one would dare prey upon one of Kallos' children. Despite their reassurances, the sense of being observed persisted. However, your worries were the least of your concerns as you were selected to be one of the brides of Kallos in the temple. This unorthodox ritual never happened in the novel before and you had no idea how this happened. Hadn’t the novel gone a little off the rails? When you had questioned the elders why, they had replied with a harsh snap that you had been idling far too long in the temple and it was time to partake in your duties properly which just confused you further.
Now, you found yourself seated while Eli, one of the oracles, fussed with your hair. Having been in this world for some time, you had made a few friends, and Eli was among them. Despite her blindness, she was gifted with the ability to see the future, a paradoxical blessing given her condition. Eli was like a mother figure to you, often chiding you for overexerting yourself while working in the garden. Your workaholic tendencies had landed you in her clinic more times than you could count, and her concern for your well-being was a constant, caring presence in your life. Despite her typically vibrant and exuberant demeanor, she was unusually subdued today. In an attempt to lift her spirits, you said with a light-hearted tone, “Eli, it’s not like Kallos is going to choose someone like me—a humble priest who’s constantly laboring in the simple garden among all the stunning contenders. I mean, I’ve heard he has a penchant for…” Your voice faltered as the conversation grew uncomfortable, and you looked down, trailing off. Instead of her usual witty retort or playful response, she gazed blankly ahead with her pale, milky eyes.
Suddenly, a wave of panic washed over her. She gripped your shoulders tightly, her hands making your strands of untouched hair fall against your back, and spoke urgently, “(Name), listen to me! You’re in imminent dan—mmphm!!” Her words were abruptly cut off as if her mouth had been sealed. A bell rang, signaling the brides selected to enter the cathedral for the ritual. A servant firmly took your arm and guided you away from Eli, who sat silently, tears streaming down her face as she listlessly stared into space. As you were led down the grand corridor, the distant echoes of the bell grew fainter. The solemnity of the cathedral loomed ahead, its familiar grandeur both awe-inspiring and intimidating. You glanced back one last time, catching a fleeting glimpse of Eli's tear-streaked face and her desolate expression. The servant’s grip on your arm tightened, making it clear there was no turning back.
Entering the cathedral, you were greeted by the hushed whispers of the assembled crowd and the flickering light of countless candles. The atmosphere was heavy with anticipation and formality. The brides, dressed in their opulent gowns, stood in a stately line, their faces a mixture of nervousness and resolve. You were dressed in a simple garb—a modest robe that seemed almost out of place amidst the grandeur. As you took your place among them, your thoughts were a whirl of confusion and dread. The urgency in Eli's voice and her silent plea echoed in your mind, making it hard to focus on the ceremony ahead.
As the final bell tolled, the grand doors of the cathedral swung closed, signaling the start of the ritual. The priests and priestesses, draped in elaborate garments, assumed their positions at the altar with precision and reverence. A solemn chant began, its rhythmic, hypnotic cadence filling the air.
You, along with the other brides, were directed to kneel before the altar. The heavy scent of incense mingled with the cool, echoing silence of the cathedral, creating an almost otherworldly atmosphere. The low, resonant hum of the priests’ chants, punctuated by the bishop’s otherworldly murmurs, enveloped the space.
A sudden, blinding light illuminated you, casting your figure in stark relief against the darkness. Gasps and murmurs rippled through the crowd as the light intensified. Then, a loud, resonant voice cut through the reverent murmur: “I have chosen my bride.”
Shock overwhelmed you as a single thought raced through your mind: “Why!?” Yet, there was no time for questions as a surge of energy enveloped you. The grandeur of the cathedral began to dissolve, and the very fabric of reality shimmered and blurred. The chanting and murmurs of the crowd faded into a distant echo, replaced by a profound, ethereal silence. A radiant light, more brilliant than anything you had ever seen, surrounded you. The sensation was both soothing and overwhelming as if you were being lifted from the earth. The cathedral’s walls, the solemnity, and the weight of the ritual vanished, and you felt yourself ascending through a luminous expanse.
In an instant, you found yourself in a realm of breathtaking beauty. The sky above was a cascade of colors, shifting gently like a cosmic aurora. The air was filled with a sweet, harmonious melody, and the very ground beneath you seemed to sparkle with celestial light. The landscape was serene and otherworldly, with ethereal gardens and radiant structures floating in a tranquil sea of light.
Although beautiful, the celestial landscape seemed to radiate a certain sense of coldness and loneliness. “Beautiful, isn’t it?” a rich, magnetic voice remarked from behind you. Whipping around, you found yourself facing a man bathed in radiant light. His flowing white hair cascaded to his ankles, and his crimson eyes seemed to pierce right through you, exuding an intense, mesmerizing gaze. You had to admit that he was incredibly attractive, radiating an otherworldly charm and a palpable sense of power that left a profound impression on you. “Kallos?” you asked meekly, your voice barely above a whisper. “Yes. (Name), my beloved bride. I’ve been waiting for you for quite some time, my dearest. Come, follow me into my humble abode.” He smiled with a captivating amusement, his lips curving into a knowing and irresistibly charming expression as he beckoned you to follow him. His intimate address was slightly intimidating, but you brushed off the feeling and stepped obediently behind him.
As you followed him, the grandeur of the palace unfolded before you. The corridors were lined with walls that shimmered with soft, golden light, and the air was filled with a gentle, harmonious melody that seemed to resonate through the very fabric of the space.
Kallos led you through halls adorned with intricate, glowing patterns and serene, floating tapestries.
He guided you to a magnificent chamber, its design both luxurious and inviting. The room was bathed in a warm glow, with furnishings that seemed to float effortlessly in the air, their delicate forms illuminated by a soft, radiant light.
As you entered, Kallos turned to you, his gaze filled with an intensity that made your heart race. “This is where we will be,” he said softly, his voice a soothing balm amidst the splendor. “You must be hungry. Here, have a fruit.” Kallos extended a golden fruit towards you, its surface shimmering with a warm, radiant glow.
With your guard down, you bit into the fruit, its juices dripping down your chin as the sweetness burst in your mouth. Offering Kallos a shy smile, you quietly murmured your thanks.
A dark, gleaming look of delight flickered in his crimson eyes as he reached out, his touch both tender and assertive. His hand caressed your thigh before gripping it firmly, his gaze fixed on you with a mix of intensity and satisfaction. “(Name), you’re finally mine. I’ve waited too long.” His voice, now laced with a chilling intensity, contrasted sharply with his former gentleness. A dark, sinister smile played across his lips, revealing a side of him that was both unsettling and menacing.
Your eyes widened in terror as the reality of the danger you were in sank in, but it was too late. With inhumane strength, he held you firmly, his grip unyielding as he continued, his eyes burning with an ominous, predatory gleam. “I’ve watched over you for so long. Watching you sleep, how could you taunt me so when you didn’t wear shorts? I simply had to have a taste.” A sly smirk appeared on his face, the corner of his mouth twitching with a hint of amusement as you flushed with red-hot embarrassment. The realization hit you with a jolt: those times you woke up with hand-shaped bruises all over your body had been his doing, and that unsettling feeling of being watched—he was behind it all.
As if reading your thoughts, he continued, his voice dripping with malicious delight, “Did you enjoy my mark of ownership? And you’re simply adorable when you jump whenever I peer at you through the bronze mirror.” You sank into the mattress, cold dread gripping your heart. “W-what do you even want from me?” you managed to ask, summoning a burst of courage to meet his gaze. He laughed loudly at your response, the sound echoing with a mix of obsession and insanity. The light god, once revered by many for his kindness and generosity, now stood before you with an unsettling, unfettered look of infatuation. What he said next delivered the final blow. “I know you’re from another world. It both fascinates and frustrates me that someone like you, a mere mortal, is beyond my complete control. I simply had to have you. And now, you’re finally mine.” He gently cupped your face, his touch a jarring contrast to the harshness of his words. The shock of the situation settled in. You were paralyzed with the realization that there was no escape from a god’s grasp. The weight of his words and the power behind them left you feeling trapped and helpless, unable to flee from the divine being before you.
“What you ate,” Kallos said, his voice smooth and triumphant, “was no ordinary fruit. It binds you to this realm, a gift with a binding essence. With each bite, you became entwined with the very fabric of this heaven.”
He gently cupped your face, his eyes gleaming with a dark satisfaction. “You cannot leave now. You are part of this world, as I intended. You’re mine, completely and irrevocably.” Overwhelmed by his words and the inescapable reality of your situation, you felt a profound sense of resignation wash over you. He was a god and you were a mere mortal. You saw no way out and accepted the unyielding truth of your confinement. You simply nodded, your shoulders slumping in defeat, as you gave up the struggle.
“As husband and wife, we must consummate our love.” Pushing you against your back, he pecked your cheek with barely disguised enthusiasm before hungrily tearing at your clothes. His hands tracing down your body to find your soft cock lying against your stomach. “You’re so…small.” The marvel in his tone as he fondled your dick stung at you as you protested with a small offended squeak. You trembled as his hand wrapped around your length. The size difference was nearly alarming, engulfing you completely. You gasped as the hand moved. His hand moved up and down, teasingly light as the sensations were although unfamiliar, felt too little, but enough to rile you up. Shame welled up in you as you internally willed yourself that it shouldn’t feel good.
No. No. No. No. It shouldn’t have felt good…but it did.
Your hips involuntarily thrusted into his warm grasp. “Does it feel good?” An arm wrapped around your stomach, pinning you to the god. “I-I don’t know!” You whimpered, hands clawing at the sheets as you felt your knees give out. Mischievously, he swiped his thumb over your leaking tip as you twitched at the sudden stimulation before coming with a force harder than you had ever experienced. A foreign finger eased into you as another followed immediately. You felt yourself stretched wide and shuddering from below, a throbbing burn filling your insides. “Please! Have mercy!” You pleaded, shivering with a pathetic cry.
Kallos released you and slowly crept up your body. “You want me to show you mercy?” He asked with a smug expression plastered on his face. “Y-Yes.” You felt warm tears slip down your cheeks as you trembled in his grasp. “How can I show you mercy when you call out so sweetly for me?” He grunted, roughly gripping your legs apart as he towered before you. A blunt object pressed against your hole, bigger than his fingers, monstrous compared to your own cock. “Stop!”
“No.” Kallos replied resolutely, his hands both pinning your hands over your head. “I-it’s too big…” You stuttered weakly. “Don’t be silly, (Name). It’s not big.” Kallos peered down at you like a man possessed with hunger. “Y-you can’t-“
“I can. And I will.” The god rammed into you harshly, any of his former reservation and gentleness gone.
Throwing your head back, you soundlessly wheezed. You couldn’t breathe. It was too fast. You were too full. He pulled back his hips slightly before slamming his hips into you again. Kallos groaned, eyes shutting close. “So tight.” Your warm walls hugged his cock, squeezing and twitching as he continuously brushed against your prostrate. Keening, euphoria overtook you again as you stained your abdomen white. You sobbed, delirious as Kallos relentlessly delivered brutal thrusts with your cries echoing in the chamber. Your whole body rocked forward with the force of Kallos’ thrusts. Letting go of your arms, he gingerly shared a clumsy kiss with you, hot tongue entwining with yours. The kiss felt more like a bite consuming you, teeth knocking together as he ruthlessly bit at your lip. ‘Mhn..’ You whimpered, legs trembling when they were spread by Kallos’s muscular thighs.
The god seemed to be in a similarly pleasurable daze as he pointedly drilled into you, letting out a determined grunt as if his goal was fitting the entirety of his girth inside you.
Obscene squelches of his cock repeatedly driving into you was accompanied by the fervent slaps of skin against skin. Scrambling for anything to ground you, a pillow you tried to grab on was thrown randomly somewhere far in the room with a displeased tut. With nothing to ground you, you mewled as you found yourself limply holding on to the body that was pounding away at you. Any scratch or plea for him to stop only spurred Kallos on more, encouraging him further. The perpetual state of bliss had you growing taut, cum leaking out of your cock in pitiful drops. Your orgasm had him following after, Kallos plunging in so deep you swore you could feel him up in your stomach. Clamping up on the inhumane dick that was filling you up with hot seed, you stiffened as you were pulled into another filthy kiss that had you gasping for air.
“We’re not done, sweetheart.” Kallos exclaimed as he sat up, making sure his dick was buried in you as deep as possible, his hips opposite yours. Glancing down the obscene sight, your stomach which was slightly distended from the bulge that was his dick in you, waist littered with bruises from how hard he gripped onto you. You felt intense exhaustion wash over you as he began to rock his hips into yours again, despite the warmth of your bodies entangled together, cold despair doused your heart in cold water. Your breath caught in your throat, you knew that you were now trapped in a cold cage with this insane man, no. god. For the rest of eternity. Together.
note: so yeah, Kallos kinda saw you as a plaything at first that incited his desire because you’re something that is simply out of his control, something new but then it turns into a kinda sick “love” and obsession with you as he finds himself looking at you often than he notices.
Reblogs are appreciated!
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aphrodeiities · 9 months ago
ᴘʟᴀɴᴇᴛꜱ ɪɴ ʀᴇᴛʀᴏɢʀᴀᴅᴇ
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thank you for the 10,000+ followers! a game with no exchange will be released:)
now that i've written and understand planets in retrograde thoroughly they will be included in chart readings for free.
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♇ having mercury in rx makes someone think more often, especially over the most pettiest things they think is big. they're very anxious people, and since it is in retrograde it could be implied that they're "wired differently" they think more out of the box, and even speak different, how they speak and write could be very distinct.
♇ mercury in retrograde could give someone inactive relatives, or cousins and siblings they're not close to. and since they're people who doubt themselves a lot, they could stall themselves from the path they're supposed to take, being their own obstacles. they could also be people who take some time to take in/process information.
♇ as i said they're people who hold themselves back a lot, this could link to their childhood, might've had people speak over them and silence them when they were younger.
♇ people who have venus in retrograde might focus on love too much, and they could be people who have a struggling relationship with women. sisters, women who are their cousins and women who are their friends.
♇ they could also be very secretive people, they have a hard time opening up, which could make them be deemed as cold. they have a hard time giving and receiving affection.
♇ they could be bad at handling money, and might think everyone is out to get them. they could find it hard to love themselves, having venus in rx, is the peak of the "tortured poet".
♇ those who have mars in retrograde could have a hard time getting along with men, or even with the opposite sex. to have mars in rx could mean you could be considered as someone who i very intense. can a hard time expressing your sexuality and aiming for your goals.
♇ instead of learning life lessons quick, they are normally stubborn people and barely listen to advice given to them by trusted people. could be people who are too hesitant, say and do things at the wrong time and place.
♇ people with mars in retrograde might've gone through sexual trauma, could be scared to be intimate with other people. they're people who hate authority or people trying to have dominance over them. the type of people to not listen to the rules and break them.
♇ people who have jupiter in rx are the definition of "thinking out of the box", they're people who do have moments that question their faith and some of these people tend to have a God Complex.
♇ sometimes they feel like they're the unluckiest person in the world, might feel like they wont be able to travel the world like they want to. could also have long cycles of depression.
♇ having jupiter in retrograde can mean they're someone who marches to the beat of their own drum, they can be very detail-oriented people, which sometimes mean they feel like they can judge anyone and think of themselves to be flawless. jupiter in rx people are the type of people who want everything in their future to be perfect also, without life's trials and tribulations. can be unrealistic.
♇ as it is told, saturn in retrograde brings a father that wasnt in the person's life, the person who has the saturn in rx can make someone feel like they're being punished by life all the time.
♇ this could also mean they might find it hard to express themselves emotionally, could be due to their childhood. they go through many trials and tribulations, makes them depressive, but in the end they become really wise.
♇ they doubt themselves a lot, could have trouble balancing themselves, and their masculinity, could be too domineering.
♇ people with uranus in rx do not like change, they're likely insecure, [not all are going to be due to different commodities in a chart], but these are usually people who think they are not going to succeed in life.
♇ they sometimes feel like they're in control of nothing which pushes them into their need of controlling everything. they're quick-thinkers but still over-thinkers. they feel like they can never feel nice in a platonic or romantic connection.
♇ it leads them into being paranoid and chaotic. they might also put themselves in a box to make things easier, don't know they're limiting their potential when doing that, they're so much more and need to understand it.
♇ to have neptune in rx could make the kin be very delusional, might find it hard to separate idealistic views with reality. definitely reminds me of alice in wonderland. they're very spiritual people but can over-whelm people by adding their faith into everything.
♇ could be really good at manifesting; trust issues but sometimes are stubborn from learning their mistakes. can be deemed as very dreamy and compassionate.
♇ they could have this feeling of needing to save everyone. their trials and tribulations are a creative outlet for them, another indicator of being the tortured poet. [but the tiring and damaging things they go through are usually expressed through their art, which includes writing, story-telling, writing music, painting etc].
♇ i do get surprised when i come across these in a natal chart reading, but, pluto in rx folks definitely do hate constraint, they dislike authority and feeling like they're being controlled, which could push them into trying to control other people.
♇ could be escapists through drug and sex, they could also find it hard to accept their dark-self. easily infatuated people, people can get easily obsessed with them as they can get with other people.
♇ good money makers, could manipulate others with materialism, though, they might not be confrontational, could feel easily intimidated. sometimes could never see the potential in themselves can be their own obstacle.
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luna-azzurra · 9 months ago
Give your protagonist flaws.
Some examples of character flaws that can add humanity to your protagonist
Stubbornness can cause your protagonist to cling to their viewpoints, even when they know they are wrong, often leading to conflicts with others. This trait can create dramatic tension and drive the narrative forward as the protagonist struggles with the consequences of their inflexibility.
Michael, a seasoned detective, refuses to consider new evidence that contradicts his initial theory about a case. His stubbornness leads to conflicts with his team and delays in solving the case.
Impatience can make your protagonist demand immediate results, struggling with long-term goals or slower processes. This flaw can add layers to their journey, showing the difficulties they face in learning the value of patience and strategic planning.
Celeste, an aspiring entrepreneur, rushes the development of her new app, pushing her team to the brink. Her impatience results in a product that is not ready for launch, jeopardizing her startup's future.
Self-doubt, despite evident skills and achievements, can impair the protagonist's decision-making and actions. This internal conflict adds a relatable dimension, making their journey toward self-acceptance and confidence compelling.
Jordan, a talented musician, constantly questions his abilities despite receiving praise from peers and critics. His self-doubt hinders him from seizing opportunities that could advance his career.
Short Temper
A short temper can cause your protagonist to react aggressively to provocations or challenges, creating interpersonal issues. This flaw can drive subplots involving reconciliation, personal growth, and the learning of emotional control.
Maria, a brilliant surgeon, often lashes out at her colleagues and patients under pressure. Her short temper strains her professional relationships and threatens her career.
Selfishness can lead the protagonist to place their own needs and desires above others, costing them sympathy and support. This flaw can create opportunities for the character to learn empathy and the importance of selflessness.
Chris, a charismatic lawyer, often prioritizes his career over his family, missing important events and neglecting relationships. His selfishness alienates those who care about him, forcing him to reevaluate his choices.
Arrogance can make your protagonist overestimate their abilities and underestimate challenges, leading to dangerous or embarrassing situations. This flaw provides a platform for the character to learn humility and the value of listening to others.
Mandy, a top student, dismisses her classmates' ideas during group projects, believing she knows best. Her arrogance leads to friction and eventually to a significant mistake that humbles her.
Trust Issues
Trust issues can make it difficult for your protagonist to trust others, hindering teamwork and relationships. This trait can create tension and development opportunities as the character learns to open up and rely on others.
Liam, a former spy, finds it hard to trust anyone due to past betrayals. His trust issues complicate his relationships and collaboration with a new team.
Perfectionism can lead your protagonist to set unrealistically high standards, never being content with their or others' performance. This flaw can drive stories about the struggle for balance and acceptance of imperfection.
Olivia, an artist, is never satisfied with her work, constantly striving for an unattainable level of perfection. Her perfectionism causes stress and burnout, affecting her creativity and personal life.
Fear of Change
Fear of change can make your protagonist cling to the familiar and avoid necessary or beneficial changes. This resistance can create narrative tension as they are forced to confront and adapt to evolving circumstances.
Jamie, a successful business owner, resists adopting new technologies or methods in his company. His fear of change threatens his business's relevance and growth.
Haunted by the Past
Being haunted by past mistakes or traumas can influence your protagonist's present behavior and decisions. This flaw adds a rich backstory and provides a path for emotional development and overcoming personal demons.
Zack, a war veteran, is haunted by his experiences in combat. His traumatic past affects his current relationships and decisions, leading him on a journey of healing and redemption.
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deception-united · 11 months ago
Let's talk about character arcs.
Character arcs refer to the transformation or development of a character over the course of a story. This typically involves changes in their beliefs, attitudes, or behavior in response to challenges and experiences and how the confrontation of their flaws leads to eventual personal growth.
Developing compelling character arcs is essential for engaging storytelling and characters that resonate with your readers. Here are some tips to help you craft effective character arcs:
Establish clear goals. Each character should have clear, specific goals they want to achieve. These goals can be external (e.g., defeating a villain, finding a lost treasure) or internal (e.g., overcoming fear, finding redemption). The arc will revolve around the character's journey towards these goals.
Create flawed characters. Characters should have flaws or weaknesses that they need to overcome throughout the story. These flaws make them relatable and provide opportunities for growth.
Initiate change. A character arc involves change. Whether it's a positive transformation or a tragic downfall, the character should not remain static throughout the story. They should evolve in response to the challenges they face and the experiences they undergo.
Conflict is key. Conflict is essential for driving character development. Characters must face obstacles, both internal and external, that challenge their beliefs, values, and abilities. These conflicts force them to confront their flaws and make choices that impact their arc.
Show progression. As the story progresses, illustrate the character's growth and change through their actions, decisions, and relationships. Show how their experiences shape their perspective and behavior over time.
Foreshadowing & setup. Lay the groundwork for the character arc early in the story through subtle hints, foreshadowing, and backstory. This helps create a sense of continuity and believability in the character's development.
Include setbacks and failures. Characters should not succeed at everything they attempt. Setbacks and failures are crucial for character growth, as they provide opportunities for reflection, learning, and resilience.
Internal/external arcs. Characters should experience both internal and external arcs. While external arcs focus on tangible goals and obstacles, internal arcs delve into the character's emotions, beliefs, and personal growth.
Resolution and transformation. By the end of the story, ensure that the character undergoes a significant transformation or resolution that reflects their arc. This conclusion should feel earned based on the challenges they've faced and the choices they've made.
Consistency and authenticity. Maintain consistency in the character's development and ensure that their arc feels authentic to their personality, motivations, and experiences. Avoid sudden or unrealistic changes that don't align with the character's established traits.
Hope this was helpful! Happy writing ❤
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nicka-nell · 5 months ago
We've had Haiykuu toxic traits but can we have their green flags? Especially Sugawara, Oikawa and Kita (and anyone you want to include)?
Hi! Yeees omg I love that! Green flags are lovely. So here we go! 😍💚
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Their green flags
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Pairing: Iwaizumi x, Oikawa x, Akaashi x, Bokuto x, Sakusa x, Kita x, Atsumu x, Osamu x, Ushijima x, Semi x, Kuroo x, Ennoshita x, Sugawara x, Daichi x reader
Warning: just fluff
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Iwaizumi likes to include you in everything. He doesn’t do this because he wants to show you off to others, but because he likes having you by his side. Whether it’s at home or when he goes out with friends. 
Well, maybe he wants to tease Oikawa a little about how lucky he is with you and how happy he is. But he would never admit that out loud. 
Even if it rarely happens, but when you argue with others, he always has your back, because nobody makes a fool of his girlfriend. No one is allowed to make you sad or tease you. 
Oikawa maintains a healthy and good relationship with his family and is surprisingly responsible for the people he cares about. 
Even if you don’t believe it at first because of his appearance, Oikawa is someone who would share the household chores with you. Taking out the garbage, cooking twice a week, mowing the lawn and vacuuming are things that Oikawa would do so that you don’t have to do all the work alone. 
Actually, he wouldn’t say no to anything if you asked him, but don’t you dare ask him to put the folded laundry away in the closet. The poor guy has no idea how to categorize your clothes. When does he know at what point a sweater is no longer supposed to be put on a hanger and when it should only be folded and put in the closet? It’s a science for him. 
Akaashi is extremely supportive. If you tell him about any plans, he stands behind you or talks to you openly to show his interest. He also stops you in a calm tone if you go a bit overboard and set yourself unrealistic ideas or goals. 
Akaashi is also someone who maintains eye contact. Like… always!   
So when you talk to him, even if it’s just your daily routine, Akaashi listens to you attentively and always looks up to meet your eyes. 
Bokuto is such a simple-minded person and so positive. 
But probably his sweetest green flag is that he is always extremely happy to see you. Really, like a little kid getting his favorite ice cream as a present. 
You send him a picture of you during his training? He plays twice as well. You cheer him on in the stands in his jersey? He plays five times better. You’re already at home when he comes back from a hard training session? Oh, he quickly throws his bag away and hugs you from behind, lovingly and firmly, sways lightly with you across the room and enjoys your laughter while he gives you several little kisses on the back of your neck and tells you how much he has missed you. 
Sakusa’s green flag is probably something more normal. At least it should be normal. Because he always treats you with respect. Unless you’re really arguing, then he’s just moody and childish. 
But otherwise, it is important to him that you are equal. For him, there is no “better half” in a relationship. He respects you and would never talk down to you. The only thing he would agree to is when people say that there is a stronger partner in the relationship. Biologically, as a man, he is stronger than you in some things, but that’s it. 
Once in an official relationship with Kita, he is fully committed to it. Kita weighs it up for a long time and it takes a really long time for you both to get into a relationship, but once you are in one, you can be sure that Kita will do everything to make sure that you are doing well as a couple or later as a family. 
It is important to him that you are happy. That you are both content and can grow together through everyday life and any hurdles. 
Besides this aspect, Kita is also a very hard-working person who never complains about his work, but simply draws a neutral conclusion at the end of the day, or if something great has happened, focuses on this event and very rarely has negative emotions. 
Atsumu always compliments you. Even if they are sometimes hidden in teasing comments. 
The blond Miya twin and jealousy? Nah, never. He would never be a boyfriend who would tell you “don’t wear that, it’s too revealing.” Instead, he would look at you with bright eyes, mouth wide open before saying something like “babe, ya look hot as shit in that thing.” Does he sometimes have dirty thoughts? Yes, actually very often. 
Atsumu is also someone who is like your best friend. He loves to make you laugh, fool around with you and just be a kid again. Happy wife, happy life or something like that, right?
Osamu is an easy partner in many ways. Although he is sometimes childish towards his brother and even his closest friends, he is often very mature towards you. 
He always tries to include you in his plans. Aran invites him to a party? Osamu first asks if you can come too. Suna asks him if he wants to come over to play? He first asks you if you have any plans for that day and if it would be fine for you if he went to his friend’s house for a few hours. Not that you would forbid him. He knows that you have no problem with that, but he would like to let you know just to be on the safe side. 
Ushijima is blunt. But at the same time, he is also very honest. So if you get stuck or need an honest opinion, you know that Ushijima will always give you his straightforward opinion. 
Although it’s probably hard to imagine, Ushijima is a very responsible person who cares about the close friends and family (even if he doesn’t show it directly). You don’t have to remind him to take out the trash, for example. When the dryer beeps because it’s finished, he doesn’t wait until the beeping stops, instead he gets up and turns off the dryer and folds the dry clothes (even if he swears a hundred times because he doesn’t understand women’s clothes at all).
Ushijima may not understand when you have an emotional outburst, but he takes you in his arms and strokes your back. Wordlessly, because he never knows what to say, but at least he’s physically there for you. 
Semi is a good and attentive listener. When you tell him something, he doesn’t have a phone in his hand or do anything else. His attention is fully focused on you. With his eyes fixed on you, he waits and lets you finish until you look at him so that he can answer you. 
Even when you’re out, Semi is attentive to your body language. If he notices that you feel uncomfortable, he always puts his hand gently on your lower back or tries to involve you in conversations so that you don’t feel alone. 
Kuroo’s green flag is probably the mix of adult behavior and somehow childish moments. 
Sometimes he teases you, but not meanly, more to make you laugh. He teases you when you’re sulking about little things so that your mood quickly lifts again. 
If you are really arguing and it is obvious that the conversation could escalate, you have a codeword that Kuroo usually uses and with this word you both stop arguing. You both take a deep breath and it is usually Kuroo who will come to terms with you, even if you started the argument. 
Ennoshita is someone you can’t really argue with. He always tries to resolve conflicts calmly and in a healthy way. When you argue, it usually happens in such a way that you sit down together. He listens to your view of things and he tells you his point of view and then it ends with both of you reflecting and apologizing. 
Ennoshita is also very tidy around the house and willingly shares the chores with you. 
Moreover, Ennoshita is someone who is not jealous because he trusts you completely. 
Sugawara’s green flag is probably a mix of his humor, which always cheers you up and motivates you in sad moments, and his adult, sensitive personality. 
Sugawara can tell from the tip of your nose whether you are in a good or bad mood. If you are sad, he always tries to cheer you up with funny jokes, gives you a hug and literally attacks you with cuddles. 
If you text him that you have your period and want him to buy you tampons or pads, he won’t be disgusted or refuse because buying these products is “not manly”, but will buy them without hesitation and give them to you, making sure to get exactly the right size or the pads that have these little wings. Would you like a hot water bottle and a cup of tea? No problem, Sugawara treats you like a princess and pampers you with everything you need. But let’s be honest, that’s what he does 24/7, anyway.  
Daichi is extremely responsible and mature. If anything happens, whether you’re feeling bad, you need someone to pick you up from a party or you have to go to appointments together, Daichi is there and you never feel like you’re alone because he’s always your main pillar of support. 
He’s never forgotten an appointment, whether it’s your anniversary, when he always buys you flowers, or your birthday, or night-outs with friends. Every appointment is in his head... probably every appointment is also saved on his phone, but that doesn’t matter. He remembers them all. 
He’s also not jealous at all. It’s probably because he’s quite mature, but Daichi has no problem with you talking to other men or having male friends. After all, you are his girlfriend for a reason. He knows that you love him and he has nothing to worry about. 
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cyberclouddream · 5 months ago
The Sun through the Houses
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The Sun represents what motivates us and how we want to be recognized. It’s also tied to paternal influences, consequences from the past, our ability to command respect, and how we replenish energy levels.
Sun in the 1st House:
- often naturally attract followers or admirers due to their commanding presence
- have a good understanding of their personal goals
- may be deeply involved in physical health or activities
- may feel called to follow the same path as a paternal figure
- desire to leave a mark in the world can result in activism or social movements
- may suffer from identity crisis because of expectations
Sun in the 2nd House:
- fixated on [ and creative at ] making money and accumulating possessions
- have strong personal values that guide their choices
- feel pressure to meet family financial expectations
- may secretly crave more meaning then wealth
- hoarding behaviors
Sun in the 3rd House:
- can be a good public speaker, writer, or journalist
- attract sibling rivalry or support
- often feel drawn to engage in their community
- often derive their self-worth from being seen as knowledgeable or articulate
- obsessed with how they’re perceived in conversation
- often feel restless or dissatisfied
Sun in the 4th House:
- their life seems to revolve around family matters more than anything
- family matters seem to be full of drama
- deeply tied to their heritage, or traumatic past
- may be a real estate junkie
- emotional rollercoaster that stems from childhood trauma
- lots of pressure from parents or family expectations
Sun in the 5th House:
- often crave the spotlight when it comes their talents
- love experiencing romantic affairs, especially dramatic and fantastical ones
- childlike spirit
- challenges with how they’re perceived in parenthood
- their ego is tied to their hobbies
- come off attention-seeking
Sun in the 6th House:
- type to arrive first and leave last for work
- may go overboard on diets and health regimens
- taken for granted for being too focused on helping others
- perfectionist tendencies
- power struggles with bosses or colleagues
- hypochondriac or health anxieties
Sun in the 7th House:
- tie their worth to their relationships; dependency issues
- may attract partners who are passionate but prone to conflict
- have strong negotiation skills
- strong focus on marriage and commitments, with potential for idealizing and romanticizing
- partners can shape how others perceive you
- may struggle with committing due to fear of losing independence
Sun in the 8th House:
- drawn to situations that challenge your limits
- fascination with mysteries, the occult, or taboo topics
- drawn to power struggles in relationships
- inheritances, shared resources, or joint finances play a significant role in their life
- obsessive tendencies
- potential to be good at healing others through deep emotional work, like therapy
Sun in the 9th House:
- obsessed with introspection and learning, like diving into philosophy and spirituality
- addicted to traveling; romanticize adventure
- self-proclaimed guru with stubborn beliefs
- attract people from different cultures
- chronic dissatisfaction
- get caught up in superficial aspects of spirituality
Sun in the 10th House:
- obsessed with career and public image
- crave validation and recognition for achievements
- often feel overshadowed or overly rebellious when it comes to authority figures
- may feel imposter syndrome
- pressure to succeed can cause paralyzing fear
- workaholic tendencies
- relationships can struggle because too focused on professional goals
Sun in the 11th House:
- thrive best in friendships and social connections, often using them to achieve goals
- may have unrealistic ideas when it comes to aspirations, causes, and friendships
- self-worth is tied to feeling accepted and received by social circles
- friendships over family
- network over authenticity; tend to groupthink
Sun in the 12th House:
- true self often feels buried or misunderstood
- strong inclination towards introspection, preferring solitary activities like writing or meditation
- drawn to spirituality and mysteries of life
- opportunities often slip because they feel like they don’t deserve them
- may be very sensitive to the emotional presence of others
- may often feel creative blocks
- escape reality through daydreaming
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kleopatra45 · 6 months ago
Aspects of Neptune in the Natal Chart
Neptune aspects in the natal chart reveal how your dreams, intuition, and spirituality manifest. These aspects indicate your connection to the mystical and how you navigate illusions and higher realms of consciousness.
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☌ Neptune Conjunct Other Planets
Conjunctions with Neptune can bring both inspiration and confusion. They merge the energies of the planets involved, creating a powerful synergy that enhances creativity and intuition. However, Neptune’s elusive nature can also lead to illusion or escapism if not well-integrated.
Neptune Conjunct Sun Neptune conjunct Sun brings a deep sense of compassion and spirituality. You are sensitive and intuitive, often feeling connected to a higher purpose. This aspect encourages you to embrace your creativity and explore your spiritual path, but be cautious of losing yourself in illusions. Neptune Conjunct Moon Neptune conjunct Moon enhances your emotional sensitivity and psychic abilities. You experience deep empathy and are highly intuitive. This aspect fosters emotional growth through spiritual practices and creative expression, but be mindful of emotional escapism. Neptune Conjunct Mercury Neptune conjunct Mercury amplifies your imagination and intuitive thinking. You are a visionary and often receive insights through dreams or meditation. This aspect encourages you to explore creative communication and mystical subjects, but watch out for confusion or miscommunication. Neptune Conjunct Venus Neptune conjunct Venus brings a romantic and idealistic approach to love and beauty. You are drawn to spiritual and artistic pursuits, seeking a deeper connection in relationships. This aspect fosters unconditional love and creativity, but be cautious of unrealistic expectations or idealization. Neptune Conjunct Mars Neptune conjunct Mars combines your drive with intuition and imagination. You pursue your goals with a sense of idealism and spiritual purpose. This aspect encourages you to channel your energy into creative or compassionate endeavors, but be mindful of lack of direction or escapism. Neptune Conjunct Jupiter Neptune conjunct Jupiter inspires your spiritual growth and philosophical outlook. You are open-minded and drawn to exploring higher truths and mystical experiences. This aspect fosters expansive creativity and spiritual wisdom, but be cautious of unrealistic optimism or overindulgence. Neptune Conjunct Saturn Neptune conjunct Saturn blends discipline with spirituality, creating a balance between practicality and idealism. You seek to manifest your dreams into reality through structured efforts. This aspect encourages spiritual dedication and grounded creativity, but be mindful of disillusionment or rigidity. Neptune Conjunct Uranus Neptune conjunct Uranus enhances your intuition and innovative thinking. You are drawn to exploring new realms of consciousness and unique spiritual paths. This aspect fosters visionary creativity and spiritual breakthroughs, but be cautious of instability or erratic behavior. Neptune Conjunct Pluto Neptune conjunct Pluto brings transformative power to your spiritual growth and intuition. You pursue profound changes and deep healing, often experiencing spiritual rebirth. This aspect encourages harnessing your inner strength for significant spiritual breakthroughs, but be mindful of obsessive or escapist tendencies.
⚹ Neptune Sextile Other Planets
Sextiles with Neptune are positive aspects that encourage creativity and the easy flow of spiritual and intuitive energy between the involved planets. This harmonious connection facilitates smooth interactions and enhances the beneficial qualities of each planet, leading to supportive and constructive outcomes.
Neptune Sextile Sun Neptune sextile Sun offers opportunities for spiritual growth and creative expression. Your compassion and intuition attract unique experiences. This aspect supports personal development through embracing your dreams and exploring mystical paths. Neptune Sextile Moon Neptune sextile Moon brings emotional growth through embracing your intuition and sensitivity. You are open to exploring your inner world, fostering a sense of emotional freedom and adaptability. This aspect supports harmonious relationships and emotional expansion. Neptune Sextile Mercury Neptune sextile Mercury enhances your imagination and intuitive communication. You are open to new ideas and mystical subjects, making it easier to connect with others on a deeper level. This aspect supports mental expansion and creative expression. Neptune Sextile Venus Neptune sextile Venus brings pleasant experiences and opportunities for spiritual growth in relationships and creative pursuits. You are open to exploring new forms of connection and beauty, attracting positive and fulfilling experiences. This aspect encourages enjoying life's pleasures in a spiritual and artistic way. Neptune Sextile Mars Neptune sextile Mars provides opportunities for successful action and growth through intuitive and creative approaches. Your energetic and compassionate approach to pursuing your goals leads to positive outcomes. This aspect supports taking inspired steps and exploring new directions. Neptune Sextile Jupiter Neptune sextile Jupiter offers chances for spiritual and philosophical growth through embracing your intuition and imagination. Your open-mindedness and adaptability attract exciting opportunities. This aspect encourages exploring higher truths and expanding your horizons. Neptune Sextile Saturn Neptune sextile Saturn blends discipline with spirituality, offering opportunities for growth through structured creativity and spiritual practices. You are open to exploring new methods within established systems, leading to steady progress and long-term success. This aspect encourages balancing practicality with idealism. Neptune Sextile Uranus Neptune sextile Uranus enhances your spiritual and creative pursuits through innovative and intuitive approaches. You are open to exploring new realms of consciousness and unique ideas, leading to fulfilling and inspiring experiences. This aspect supports expanding your horizons in artistic and spiritual ways. Neptune Sextile Pluto Neptune sextile Pluto brings transformative opportunities for spiritual growth and deep healing. You approach your ambitions with a blend of intensity and compassion, leading to profound personal and professional breakthroughs. This aspect encourages harnessing your inner strength for significant spiritual growth.
□ Neptune Square Other Planets
Squares with Neptune create tension and challenges between the involved planets, prompting growth through conflict. This dynamic aspect often leads to struggles and obstacles that need to be overcome, pushing individuals to address and resolve the underlying issues. The friction generated by squares can be difficult to navigate, but it ultimately encourages personal development and resilience as one learns to balance and harmonize the conflicting energies.
Neptune Square Sun Neptune square Sun creates tension between your sense of self and your dreams or illusions. You may struggle with balancing your idealistic aspirations with practical realities. This aspect encourages finding ways to ground your creativity and spirituality while maintaining a sense of self. Neptune Square Moon Neptune square Moon can lead to emotional confusion and challenges in balancing your sensitivity with reality. You may experience mood swings or difficulties in distinguishing between your feelings and illusions. This aspect encourages finding emotional clarity and grounding your intuitive insights. Neptune Square Mercury Neptune square Mercury may lead to conflicts between your imagination and practical communication. You may struggle with balancing your intuitive thoughts with clear expression. This aspect encourages finding ways to convey your ideas effectively while embracing your creative insights. Neptune Square Venus Neptune square Venus can result in tension between your idealistic views on love and relationships and practical realities. You may face challenges in balancing your romantic fantasies with real connections. This aspect encourages finding a balance between embracing your ideals and maintaining meaningful relationships. Neptune Square Mars Neptune square Mars can lead to conflicts between your intuitive drive and practical actions. You may struggle with balancing your desire for spiritual pursuits with tangible efforts. This aspect encourages finding ways to pursue your goals while staying grounded and focused. Neptune Square Jupiter Neptune square Jupiter can bring unexpected challenges to your spiritual and philosophical growth. You may struggle with balancing your idealistic beliefs with practical realities. This aspect encourages adapting to change and finding new ways to pursue your spiritual and intellectual aspirations. Neptune Square Saturn Neptune square Saturn creates tension between your dreams and the need for structure and discipline. You may feel torn between embracing your ideals and maintaining stability. This aspect encourages finding a balance between practicality and spirituality. Neptune Square Uranus Neptune square Uranus can lead to confusion and tension between your innovative ideas and practical change. You may struggle with balancing your visionary insights with real-world efforts. This aspect encourages finding clarity and realism in your pursuits to harmonize your creativity with practical endeavors. Neptune Square Pluto Neptune square Pluto can create intense challenges and power struggles. You may face obstacles in balancing your spiritual aspirations with transformative efforts. This aspect encourages finding ways to harness your inner strength and embrace deep spiritual growth while maintaining stability.
△ Neptune Trine Other Planets
Trines with Neptune create a smooth and beneficial connection between the involved planets, enhancing talents and creating a sense of ease. This harmonious aspect facilitates the natural flow of energy, making it easier to express and develop the qualities associated with the planets. Trines often lead to emotional balance, inner harmony, and an overall sense of well-being, as the supportive nature of this aspect encourages the effortless integration of strengths and abilities.
Neptune Trine Sun Neptune trine Sun brings harmony and ease to your creative and spiritual pursuits. Your natural intuition and compassion attract unique opportunities. This aspect supports personal growth through embracing your dreams and exploring mystical paths. Neptune Trine Moon Neptune trine Moon enhances your emotional sensitivity and intuitive insights. You are open to change and find emotional growth through exploring your inner world. This aspect supports harmonious relationships and emotional expansion, fostering a sense of fulfillment. Neptune Trine Mercury Neptune trine Mercury boosts your imagination and intuitive communication. You easily connect with others on a deeper level and explore new ideas. This aspect supports mental expansion and creative expression, encouraging innovative thinking and effective communication. Neptune Trine Venus Neptune trine Venus fosters harmonious relationships and a love of spiritual and artistic pursuits. You are open to exploring new forms of connection and beauty. This aspect supports enjoying life's pleasures in a spiritual and creative way, attracting positive and fulfilling experiences. Neptune Trine Mars Neptune trine Mars enhances your drive and energy, allowing you to pursue goals with intuition and creativity. You are open to exploring new directions and easily adapt to change. This aspect supports taking inspired steps and achieving success through spiritual and compassionate approaches. Neptune Trine Jupiter Neptune trine Jupiter encourages spiritual and philosophical growth through embracing your intuition and imagination. You are open-minded and adaptable, attracting exciting opportunities. This aspect supports expanding your horizons and exploring higher truths. Neptune Trine Saturn Neptune trine Saturn blends discipline with spirituality, fostering steady progress in creative and spiritual pursuits. You find it easier to balance practicality with idealism, leading to long-term success. This aspect supports spiritual growth through structured efforts and dedication. Neptune Trine Uranus Neptune trine Uranus enhances your intuition and innovative thinking, allowing you to explore new realms of consciousness and unique spiritual paths. You are open to change and find fulfillment in exploring new ideas. This aspect supports creative breakthroughs and spiritual growth. Neptune Trine Pluto Neptune trine Pluto brings transformative power to your spiritual growth and intuition. You easily embrace change and pursue profound spiritual experiences. This aspect supports deep healing and personal transformation, encouraging you to harness your inner strength for significant spiritual growth.
☍ Neptune Opposite Other Planets
Oppositions with Neptune create tension between the energies of the involved planets, leading to challenges that require balance and compromise. These aspects often manifest as external conflicts or internal struggles, where the energies are pulling in opposite directions. However, oppositions also offer opportunities for growth by highlighting areas where integration is needed. By learning to balance the conflicting energies, individuals can achieve greater harmony and understanding in their lives.
Neptune Opposite Sun Neptune opposite Sun creates tension between your sense of self and your dreams or illusions. You may struggle with balancing your idealistic aspirations with practical realities. This aspect encourages finding ways to ground your creativity and spirituality while maintaining a strong sense of self. Neptune Opposite Moon Neptune opposite Moon can lead to emotional confusion and challenges in balancing your sensitivity with reality. You may experience mood swings or difficulties in distinguishing between your feelings and illusions. This aspect encourages finding emotional clarity and grounding your intuitive insights. Neptune Opposite Mercury Neptune opposite Mercury may lead to conflicts between your imagination and practical communication. You may struggle with balancing your intuitive thoughts with clear expression. This aspect encourages finding ways to convey your ideas effectively while embracing your creative insights. Neptune Opposite Venus Neptune opposite Venus can result in tension between your idealistic views on love and relationships and practical realities. You may face challenges in balancing your romantic fantasies with real connections. This aspect encourages finding a balance between embracing your ideals and maintaining meaningful relationships. Neptune Opposite Mars Neptune opposite Mars can lead to conflicts between your intuitive drive and practical actions. You may struggle with balancing your desire for spiritual pursuits with tangible efforts. This aspect encourages finding ways to pursue your goals while staying grounded and focused. Neptune Opposite Jupiter Neptune opposite Jupiter can bring unexpected challenges to your spiritual and philosophical growth. You may struggle with balancing your idealistic beliefs with practical realities. This aspect encourages adapting to change and finding new ways to pursue your spiritual and intellectual aspirations. Neptune Opposite Saturn Neptune opposite Saturn creates tension between your dreams and the need for structure and discipline. You may feel torn between embracing your ideals and maintaining stability. This aspect encourages finding a balance between practicality and spirituality. Neptune Opposite Uranus Neptune opposite Uranus can lead to confusion and tension between your innovative ideas and practical change. You may struggle with balancing your visionary insights with real-world efforts. This aspect encourages finding clarity and realism in your pursuits to harmonize your creativity with practical endeavors. Neptune Opposite Pluto Neptune opposite Pluto can create intense challenges and power struggles. You may face obstacles in balancing your spiritual aspirations with transformative efforts. This aspect encourages finding ways to harness your inner strength and embrace deep spiritual growth while maintaining stability.
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honey-bitch · 17 days ago
୨⎯ Chiron in the Signs ⎯୧ In mythology, Chiron was a wise centaur and healer, unfortunately he was unable to heal his own incurable wound, thus becoming a symbol of the "wounded healer.."By understanding your Chiron placement you can understand how to heal yourself and what triggers you and like chiron you can heal others.
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For 0° - it doesn't have a delegated sign and therefore it will take the qualities of the sign it's in. Aries (1,13 ,25°): Maybe you've felt like you weren't brave enough, or like you couldn't really stand up for yourself. That's a Chiron in Aries thing. But the amazing thing is, once you find your own courage, you can become a real inspiration to other people. You can help them find their own inner strength and learn to be more assertive.
Taurus(2,14,26° ): Chiron in Taurus can be about feeling unworthy, or like you don't deserve good things. But you have this incredible capacity to heal that by learning to truly value yourself, inside and out. And once you get there, you can help other people see their own worth, too. You can help them build a strong sense of self-esteem.
Gemini(3,15,27° ): Maybe you've struggled with communication, feeling like nobody really gets you. That's a Chiron in Gemini wound. But you can turn that around and become an amazing communicator yourself. You can help other people find their voice, express themselves clearly, and connect with others in a meaningful way. Cancer(4,16,28° ): Chiron in Cancer often has to do with family stuff, or feeling emotionally unsafe. But once you learn to nurture yourself and create a safe space for your own emotions, you can become a real source of comfort and support for others. You can offer a listening ear and a shoulder to cry on. Leo(5,17,29° ): This placement can be about feeling insecure about being seen or appreciated. Maybe you've been afraid to really shine. But once you embrace your own unique talents and learn to express yourself confidently, you can inspire other people to do the same. You can help them find their own creative spark. Virgo(6,18°): Perfectionism can be a real struggle with Chiron in Virgo. You might be really hard on yourself. But you can learn to let go of those unrealistic expectations and find peace in self-care. And then you can help other people do the same. You can show them how to be kinder to themselves. Libra(7,19°): Chiron in Libra often has to do with relationships. Maybe you've had trouble with balance or setting boundaries. But once you figure that out for yourself, you can become a great guide for other people in their relationships. You can help them create healthier connections. Scorpio(8,20°): This placement can bring up deep wounds around intimacy and vulnerability. But you have this incredible capacity to heal through emotional exploration and transformation. And you can use that experience to help other people navigate their own inner world. You can become a trusted guide for them. Sagittarius (9,21°) : Chiron in Sagittarius can be about feeling lost or questioning your beliefs. But once you find your own truth and expand your horizons, you can share your wisdom with others. You can inspire them to explore their own beliefs and find their own path.
Capricorn (10,22° ): This placement can be about feeling pressure to succeed or struggling with authority. But you can learn to balance your ambitions with self-acceptance and emotional well-being. And you can help other people do the same. You can show them how to achieve their goals without sacrificing their happiness. Aquarius (11,23°): Chiron in Aquarius can be about feeling like you don't belong or that you're different. But once you embrace your own uniqueness and find your tribe, you can inspire other people to do the same. You can help them find their own place in the world. Pisces (12,24°) : With Chiron in Pisces, you might be super sensitive and have trouble with boundaries. But you can learn to protect your own energy and express your compassion in healthy ways. And you can help other people do the same. You can offer them empathy and understanding.
©️ 2024 honey-bitch All Rights Reserved
DISCLAIMER: this post is a great generalisation and may not resonate with you. I would recommend buying a reading from a professional astrologer to get more insight
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rainydetectiveglitter · 2 months ago
Shadow Side Astro Observation
Sagittarius Sun Shadow: Restlessness, exaggeration, or focusing too much on escapism rather than addressing reality.
Focus: Embrace your natural curiosity and optimism but strive to balance exploration with grounding. Seek depth, not just breadth, in your pursuits.
Taurus Moon Shadow: Becoming overly indulgent, stubborn, or resistant to change, leading to emotional stagnation.
Focus: Cultivate adaptability and allow for emotional shifts. Channel your love for comfort into creating stable yet evolving environments.
Mercury Scorpio Shadow: Overthinking or manipulating communication for control, as well as fixating on past emotional wounds.
Focus: Use your investigative mind to foster understanding rather than control. Communicate vulnerably and authentically to connect deeply with others.
Venus Capricorn Shadow: Emotional detachment in relationships or a tendency to over-prioritize career and ambition, neglecting personal connections.
Focus: Find a balance between your ambitious side and emotional fulfillment. Let relationships grow through shared long-term values.
Mars Cancer Shadow: Suppressing anger or being passive-aggressive. Difficulty asserting oneself emotionally.
Focus: Practice asserting your needs directly. Channel your protective energy into constructive action rather than withdrawing or internalizing conflicts.
Jupiter Libra Shadow: Over-dependence on others or fear of confrontation, leading to indecisiveness and stagnation in partnerships.
Focus: Seek balanced relationships, but avoid relying too much on harmony at the expense of personal truth. Trust your ability to co-create with others.
Saturn Aquarius Shadow: Rigidly clinging to unconventional ideas or struggling with authority, leading to feelings of isolation.
Focus: Innovate responsibly. Balance your visionary ideas with patience, ensuring your progress serves a greater collective purpose.
Uranus Capricorn Shadow: Resistance to structure or excessive focus on control and tradition, stifling creativity.
Focus: Let your need for discovery align with building something lasting. Embrace change within structured environments to avoid stagnation.
Neptune Capricorn Shadow: Unrealistic goals or disillusionment with material success; losing touch with spiritual purpose.
Focus: Ground your dreams into realistic goals. Use your intuition to create something meaningful that combines inspiration with practicality.
Pluto Scorpio Shadow: Obsession with power, control, or diving too deep into destructive emotional cycles without allowing transformation.
Focus: Embrace transformation without fear. Learn to let go of what no longer serves you and channel power into growth rather than control.
Chiron Leo Shadow: Difficulty expressing oneself due to fear of criticism, leading to creative blocks and feelings of unworthiness.
Focus: Heal wounds around self-expression by embracing your creative gifts, even if you feel vulnerable. Share your light, knowing it inspires others.
Ceres Aquarius Shadow: Detachment or inconsistency in nurturing others, resulting in emotional disconnect or over-intellectualizing emotions.
Focus: Nurture yourself and others through openness and innovation. Foster independence in relationships without losing emotional connection.
Pallas Capricorn Shadow: Overworking and neglecting the bigger picture, or a narrow focus on achievement at the expense of wisdom.
Focus: Balance strategy with intuition. Apply your wisdom toward meaningful achievements while staying aligned with your deeper truths.
Juno Cancer Shadow: Clinging to unhealthy partnerships or being overly protective to the point of dependency.
Focus: Reflect on your partnership needs. Create connections based on mutual care and independence, and avoid clinging out of fear or insecurity.
Vesta Sagittarius Shadow: An extreme rejection of tradition, causing isolation, or losing focus on one’s purpose.
Focus: Commit to your beliefs but remain open to new perspectives. Let your purpose drive you, but avoid alienating yourself with extremism.
North Node Sagittarius Shadow: Overindulgence in frivolous pursuits or an inability to commit to personal growth.
Focus: Take risks and seek knowledge that uplifts you and others. Let optimism and creativity guide your journey toward greater purpose.
Lilith Aquarius Shadow: Suppressing independence or manipulating group dynamics to avoid personal vulnerability.
Focus: Embrace your independent streak without over-isolating. Empower yourself within groups, using your unique insights for collective good.
Part of Fortune Cancer Shadow: Becoming overly protective or smothering others with emotional demands, hindering personal growth.
Focus: Find joy in nurturing and protecting those around you. Align with your compassionate nature while maintaining healthy emotional boundaries.
Ascendant Sagittarius Shadow: Avoiding conflict or masking true intentions in order to maintain superficial harmony.
Focus: Balance your desire for connection with staying authentic. Approach life boldly, combining your natural charisma with meaningful action.
Midheaven Virgo Shadow: Overly critical or perfectionistic in career pursuits, leading to burnout or lack of fulfillment.
Focus: Embrace curiosity in your career while maintaining discipline. Strive for precision but let go of the need for everything to be perfect.
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stellarsecrets86 · 2 months ago
Neptune in the Houses of the Groom Persona Chart
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[In the chart of the groom, Neptune reflects his idealistic nature, romantic fantasies, and his emotional and spiritual connection to his partner.
The house placement of Neptune will show where he feels inspired and drawn to create a dream-like experience in his life, and also where he may feel confused or disillusioned and needs grounding and clarity from his partner.]
(PS: For entertainment purposes only. Have fun 💚)
1st House
Neptune in the 1st house makes the groom dreamy and charismatic. With much sensitivity, he often senses events intuitively. He can be very romantic, almost ethereal, in marriage, but he may also have problems setting boundaries or expressing what he needs since he might be lost in his partner's wishes. His ideal spouse will appreciate his sensitivity while keeping his feet on the ground. This placement suggests a groom who looks upon marriage as a union of the soul, but he should beware of idealizing his partner.
2nd House
Neptune in the 2nd house, the groom's values and attitude toward material security are tinged with his idealism. He may look to spiritual or emotional riches rather than worldly goods, often valuing what pays in meaning rather than profit. He looks for a partner in relationships who shares his values and understands his unconventional approach towards money. This makes him generous and altruistic at the same time, but maybe a little confused or impractical when it comes to dealing with resources. The partner should balance his dreams with financial stability so that their common goals are realistic.
3rd House
Neptune in the 3rd house indicates that the groom has a poetic and intuitive way of communicating. He shares his deep connection with his partner through meaningful conversations and shared dreams. His thoughts are always flowing with creativity, and he may have a peculiar way of expressing love. His idealism can sometimes bring about misunderstandings or failure to address practical matters. His spouse should encourage clarity while appreciating his imaginative nature. This placement often reveals the groom who looks toward marriage as a meeting of minds and souls, with emotional and intellectual harmony being strong factors.
4th House
This placement reveals the type of groom who seeks his emotional and spiritual fulfillment through home life. He is very connected with his family and might be idealistic about domestic bliss. In married life, he aims to establish an environment that is caring and serene, being mostly supportive to his partner emotionally. The only problem could be when his idealism meets a reality that does not fulfill his dreams; his partner should help him strike a balance by offering practical solutions. Generally, this placement indicates that the groom seeks spiritual development and emotional healing through his family life.
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5th House
Neptune in the 5th house suggests a groom who approaches romance and creativity with an ethereal touch. He is deeply romantic and seeks a partner who inspires his imagination and artistic side. In relationships, he is drawn to grand gestures of love and thrives on emotional and creative intimacy. However, his idealism might sometimes overshadow reality, leading to unrealistic expectations. His spouse needs to inspire him to channel his imagination into some practical pursuit with a practical vision. Generally, this position denotes a bridegroom for whom marriage is an inspirational source and mutual passion.
6th House
The bridegroom is tenderhearted and usually seeks meaning in being of service to others. Neptune in the 6th house suggests that he approaches marriage with a certain level of selflessness and concern for the well-being of his partner. This, however, can make him idealize his role and perhaps overwork or forget his own needs. His spouse should, in turn, help balance his serving nature with taking care of his needs. This placement also suggests his spiritual growth may come through daily routines and acts of kindness, making his marriage a partnership rooted in mutual support and shared values.
7th House
Neptune in the 7th house reflects the bridegroom who feels marriage is a spiritual companionship. He will look ahead to a soulmate with whom he will share mental and spiritual compatibility, almost completely forgetting the worldly compulsions. While this factor makes him really loving and sensitive, it also causes disillusion in case his bride fails to meet his idealistic expectation. His spouse should make it a point to be openly communicative and facilitate him to take the actual realities of the relationship for acceptance. This placement often shows a groom who is a very romantic person but needs to balance his dreams with the realistic viewpoints of partnership.
8th House
The marriage will be with someone intensely emotional and spiritual, an individual craving transformative experiences that see his relationship as one in which growth and healing mutually occur. While his intuition and empathy make him a deeply loving partner, his tendency to idealize emotional connections might lead to unrealistic expectations. His spouse should encourage honest communication to ensure their bond remains grounded. This placement often indicates a groom who experiences profound spiritual growth through his marriage, learning to balance vulnerability with emotional strength.
9th House
Neptune in the 9th house indicates a groom who seeks a partner who shares his love for spirituality, exploration, and higher learning. He is drawn to philosophical discussions and dreams of traveling the world with his spouse. While his idealism inspires him to pursue meaningful experiences, it might also lead to restlessness or disillusionment if his expectations aren’t met. His partner should feed his sense of adventure yet help him come back to the shared reality. This placement promises a marriage of exploration and spiritual growth together.
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10th House
Neptune in the 10th house means that the groom identifies his marriage with his public image and life goals. He searches for a partner to inspire him and share his dream for the future. While his idealism inspires him to great achievement, he may often be cloudy as to how to direct his efforts. His wife can help him to apply his vision to concrete, constructive ends. This placement frequently produces a groom who considers his marriage as an equal partnership in building a lifelong legacy of accomplishment, and a very goal-oriented marriage, inspiring each other.
11th House
The groom is deeply connected to his ideals and social networks, often seeking a partner who shares his vision for a better world. Neptune in the 11th house would suggest that he sees marriage as a union of shared dreams and aspirations. Idealism inspires him, yet it may sometimes create unrealistic expectations of his partner or social circles. His wife will encourage open communication and help balance his dreams with reality. This placement often indicates a groom whose marriage plays a central role in shaping his social contributions and shared goals.
12th House
Neptune in the 12th house suggests a groom of great emotional depth and spiritual insight. He seeks a partner who understands his introspective nature and helps him navigate his inner world. Marriage can bring to the surface many of the hidden fears and desires, thus fostering growth and healing within a person. While he is deeply empathetic and intuitive, he might struggle with expressing his emotions openly. His partner should provide a safe space for vulnerability and encourage self-discovery. This placement often reveals a karmic marriage, where important lessons to be learned are forgiveness, trust, and spiritual change.
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