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thisaone · 1 day ago
Ain’t nothing like December babies 😉
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Sunset Boulevard 1950, dir. Billy Wilder
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mymoongirlreadings · 2 days ago
What the Mars signs end up putting their energy towards:
Mars represents where we are exerting the most amount of energy towards in this lifetime. Even if others don't understand why we put so much of our energy here. . .(Check Mars Sign & House)✨:
Mars in Aries | 1st house: your physical appearance & self
Mars in Taurus | 2nd house: your money, the material world & habits
Mars in Gemini | 3rd house: your friends, learning & communicating
Mars in Cancer | 4th house: relaxing, at home & with family/ohana
Mars in Leo | 5th house: our hobbies, sexual/romanitc life, our kids
Mars in Virgo | 6th house: health, very personal routines & perfecting things
Mars in Libra | 7th house: quality of our relationships, beautifying their life, personal success
Mars in Scorpio | 8th house: making time for the things we desire most (usually on our own accord), private "me" time, intimate life
Mars in Sagittarius | 9th house: traveling, spirituality/religion, new experiences, wondering/wandering & school
Mars in Capricorn | 10th house: their goals, their reputation & career
Mars in Aquarius | 11th house: self-evolution, communities/circle of people, reinventing self, their path & new ideas
Mars in Pisces | 12th house: alone time, escaping the world & faith
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marsprincess889 · 2 days ago
How Venus suffers when it compromises ♀️🔥
Told simply
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Venus girls (no, Tauruses and Libras don't count, I mean Bharani, Purva Phalguni and Purva Ashadha in big three) might tend to forget their relentless and internally fierce nature. When they do remember it, it feels extremely empowering, like they're finally done pretending.
There is enormous power in them that can be dimmed by adjusting to everyone else's standards, to everyone else's idea of beauty, to others' ideas of what is valuable.
Fire signs, in which the Venus nakshatras reside, always lose when they give up something that they consider theirs. The relentless and unstoppable nature in them is reminiscent of how easily fire spreads.
A lot of the process of them reclaming their true power is them making boundaries and giving up trying to appease others.
Venus is the purity of energy, the essence manifested impeccably in the outside world, with no faults/differences between the inner and the outer, between how something is and how it's supposed to be. A lot of it is individual to each person.
Venus, being friends with Mercury and Saturn, often benefits from their energies. Mercury is the skill and the talant necessary for manifesting the essence into the form. While Mercury can use its manipulative powers for anything, it's best for everyone if it applies them towards achieving "Venus", which might be why Venus traditionally heals Mercury and why Venus exalts in the last Mercury nakshatra_ Revati. Saturn is the restraint, an important point of endurance and developing willpower that leads to Mercurial individuation.
This drive to value individual for who they are is something that is aligned with the bigger picture. In truth, no thing disturbs the harmony if it comes from pure and faultless action. The idea of what is allowed and what's not is unique for Venus natives, and it rarely fits with societal norms or the status quo. The right of the individual to be themselves is necessary for the purity of the world as a whole.
So Venus cannot stand to be ordered around by someone or somethung that they consider to be below their truth. Venus cannot compromise or tolerate what it cannot tolerate, because that's not Venus. It does not care for what others wish for if those wishes are not true, it does not recognize "beauty" that is not aligned with the highest order.
Their essence demands for them to be a fighter AND a lover, they cannot protect their purity without that fierce and ruthless nature.
If you have Venus nakshatras in your big three, then don't feel ashamed to set boundaries or to declare your terms. It's better to be percieved as "too much" or "too harsh" than to repress your urge for enforcing purity. Others will blame you anyways if you compromise and adjust to them. Been there, done that.
Have an amazing day🔥🤍💕
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sagittariusmarz · 19 hours ago
How ur fs defends you from others/how you & ur fs handle arguments with other couples (pac) *follower request
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Pile 1
I see that theyll immediately address whoever is bothering you, they’ll be be calm but firm and they’ll be aggressive and very protective but not too aggressive. They’ll use their words to let the other person know that they can’t talk to you or treat you any kind of way and they may verbally threaten them too. I see that theyll try to be patient but theyll give the other person a reality check and warn them about bothering you. I see that when it comes to arguments with other couples you both will be emotional and really upset, I see that you guys will feed off of each other���s energy because you both don’t like when someone is messing with your partner. I see that you guys will work together to figure out if the couple is even worth arguing with, you’ll work together to figure out what the best solution is to solve an issue with another couple. I see that you both are willing to fight for each other. Signs- Taurus, cancer, aquarius. Aquarius in 6th house/leo in 7th house. Initials- W, U, Q
Pile 2
I see that they won’t be comfortable with confrontation and they won’t jump in the conflict unless they really feel like they need to, I see that they’ll argue for a little bit and then try to diffuse the situation so you guys can just move on. I see that you may be more defensive over them rather than them being defensive over you, they’ll try to be supportive and calm you down so you can move on from the situation. When it comes to arguing with other couples I see that you will let them take the lead and match their energy, I see that you both will isolate yourself from the couple you argue with and agree not to be around them or just avoid them whenever you’re near each other. You’ll both be supportive of each other and show the other couple that you have each other’s back, I see that you guys will intimidate the other couple that bothers you. Signs- Capricorn, Libra, scorpio. Libra in 8th house/Capricorn in 4th house. Initials- F, U, D, Q, S
Pile 3
I see that they’ll let you handle it but they’ll be close to you which will let the other person know that they’re willing to jump into the conflict if they need to, I see that they’ll hold back how they’re feeling because they don’t want to make the conflict a bigger situation. They’ll watch a argument happen and if it starts to get physical then they’ll break it up or join the fight, I see that they may not be able to control their anger when it comes to you being in conflicts so they would rather stay out of it as much as they can, they can get reckless if anyone tries to physically hurt you. When it comes to arguing with other couples I see that you guys will be very verbal and verbally aggressive, I see that you both will threaten the other couple and be prepared to fight. I see that you guys won’t back down from a fight with another couple and you both wont care about being mature. I see that you guys may feed off each others energy when you’re arguing with another couple which could amplify the situation, I see that arguments with other couples may get bad unless the other couple decides to back down. Signs- Taurus/leo, Capricorn in 4th house. Initials- Z, F, V, X
Personal readings always available!
Divider by @saradika-graphics PNGs by @clipitcutout @theluzvre @packs-pngs
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caturnmoon · 2 days ago
It’s funny cause it’s true. Lolol
Venus, Moon and Sun in fire signs trying to heal:
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exileezile · 2 days ago
I realized none of the BG3 characters have canon birthdays besides birth year, which made me wonder:
What signs do you think each of the bg3 characters would be, here are my theories:
Also please keep in mind that I’m not an astrologist, I only know what I know about astrology based off of vibes, and the very minimal research I’ve done throughout the years as a hobby. I’m fairly synesthetic when it comes to energies and how they relate to astrology, but this is all for fun!!
Karlach is a Taurus for SURE. I can’t explain it but it really just makes sense for me. All of my friends who are Tauruses just have the same energy as her. This is the highest compliment. I fucking LOVE Tauruses.
Originally, for Astarion, I thought Cancer, just based on vibes and the fact that he seems like he’s born in July, but now that I think about it a bit more, he HAS to be a Leo, right? The dramatics of this man, and I mean, his hair. I’m saying this as a fellow Leo. It just makes sense. The other option is Aries, because of his chaotic nature.
Shadowheart is a Sagittarius. This one I can’t explain, other than the fact that she has a smaller voice, but a commanding energy, and when she’s comfortable with the people she knows, she becomes playful and can be the life of the party.
I’d say that Lae’zel is a Scorpio, for obvious Scorpio reasons, but something about her being born right at the beginning of the year seems right to me. So she would be a Capricorn. They can be fairly stubborn at times and a leader, and I really can’t shake the feeling that she would believe that being born first makes you superior.
Gale has GOT to be Cancer. Classic male yearner. The emotional side of Cancers aligns with Gale. Not much more to say about that, speaks for itself.
Honestly, if you ask me, Wyll is kinda textbook definition Libra. I had to look this one up to make sure my intuition was correct, and Libras are defined by being charming, peace-making, and tend to be people pleasers. That couldn’t be closer to the truth for the Blade of Frontiers.
I’d love to know what other people think, cause as mentioned before, I dabble in astrology so I’m not as knowledgeable as other people.
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idllytarott · 13 hours ago
Your Past Love Life vs. Your Future Love Life (Intuitive Reading)
intuitive reading RED CODED hope you like it uwu
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This Venus Retrograde on Aries is making numbers on people. Are you thinking of an ex, of the past, of your love failures a lot lately? Let's see what MY INTUITION has to say to you! Pick a pile or picture between 1 and 4.
ATTENTION: this is a reading based on Intuition and NOT on Tarot. Take everything with a grain of salt, and leave what doesn't serve you behind.
What was your Past Love Life like?: For you, I am getting someone who is very temperamental in love, fast, ambitious, a lot of cat and mouse romance was common for you, where you felt like you should be the one to make the first move always. In the past, or even very recently until now, you've had romantic partners that weren't so good for you. Unrequited love, or on the extreme, toxic and possessive behavior. Your love life is usually filled with, not violent per say, but very toxic or impulsive people or decisions. You know this, but yet, you wonder why were you always failing at love? It is kind of your own doing. You go or went after people that seem very interesting, very appealing by their "DANGEROUS" sign, and you complain once they show you why they were not a good idea in the first place. You needed to make these mistakes, don't blame yourself for eeeeeverythiing. You love deeply, but not the right people. Your Past Love Life can be plagued by conflict, feeling like you must be the strongest one in the connection, like you HAVE to fight for love. Being optimistic, going after what or who you want, is totally okay. Feeling like you constantly have to fight for a person's attention, is not. It's not normal, it's not something that is convenient for you, eve if you're used to it, you seem to always go after emotionally unavailable people so you do all the flirting part (you like being dominant!), or so you don't have to worry about compromising, and then, when you fall for them, you suffer a lot. You should learn that, while opposites attract is true and you like people that are diverse and different, you can't go after people you absolutely would despise otherwise, don't put yourself in uncomfortable or intense situations just because you like to spice things up.
How is Your Future Love Life?: Let me start by saying; very calm. It will be a very calm, tranquil, and easygoing phase. You seem to have learned about your poor decision making in love, and, maybe you won't be dating dating, but you'll be taking time for yourself, be alone with your expectations in love and your flaws in love too. You will be reflecting a lot about the past, specially on this Venus Retrograde time, a lot of things will be coming back at once. And you'll be like "Why did I put myself on these dangerous situations with people I didn't even like?" It will be, to say the least, very eye-opening. Something that'll be happening in a no so near future, will be meeting someone very calm, someone who is the opposite of the kind of people you like. And, honestly? You might not even pay attention to them at first, it could be a friend of a friend, someone in passing, a classmate, a coworker, somebody you see from time to time and just never think anything of. It'll be someone who is biding their time with you. They'll notice you, alright. They will notice a lot of you, you're a person difficult not to notice, wether be your height, hair color, personality, style, voice, just vibes, there is something about you that is difficult not to pay attention to, and this person will loooove it. I'm, quite frankly, getting a little bit of stalker vibe, somebody who is very patient, will never force you or bother you to notice them, but they will notice you at first sight, and will be very attracted to your energy. I can't say the same for you, you will not notice this person as anything else than someone you know, I'm kind of feeling a unrequited love. Somebody will like you, but you won't feel the same. You can decide what to do with this information, this will be a person that is soft-spoken, patient as I said, very attractive, calm, but will not do anything about there feelings for you, so I doubt you even notice if they like you or not. This person will not risk anything to tell you how they feel, very intuitive, very sensible to other's energies, and they might sense that you will be very closed off to meeting new people on the romantic field.
Astrological placements for you: Aries Sun, Aries Venus, Fire Sign stellium, Sun in 10th, Sun in 8th house, Venus in 10th house, Sagittarius Mars, Gemini Mars, Gemini Venus or Sun.
Astrological placements for them: Gemini Sun as well, Aquarius Rising, Aquarius Venus or Sun, Aquarius Stellium, Aries Mars, Pisces Moon or Venus, Libra Mars, Air dominant person, Venus in an Air sign, Sun or Venus in 12th house, or 12th house stellium.
my catalog of readings for you <3
Song for you:
What is your Past Love Life like?: You are very pretty, so stupidly pretty. You are someone who just... Calls everyone's attention, your face, your expressions, the way you talk to people specifically, very charming, your Past Love Life was plagued by people trying to rip open your heart or your mind and see why you are the way you are, and what can't they take from you. I see there have been more people interested in you than you know. Your love life might not have been the most interesting, at least to you, I see someone who's either been in one or two looooooooong relationships, or someone who's liked the same person for a very long time. You don't have a variety of people you've dated, and you never minded that. Your partners were very educated, eloquent, smart, incredibly chatty, or at least with you. I don't specifically see big, disastrous experiences in love. But, for you, they've been more psychological. I feel like you've really only dated one person, it was a very long relationship and it changed you a lot psychologically, or you've always been caught up on that one person you always liked and never dated. Because here, things were very stagnant, you were very patient in a situation where you didn't have to be. Stayed in a relationship or a situation longer than you had to, to be compliant or to be polite, while you were withering inside. You went through more adult-like experiences in love, you were in very serious situations in love at a very young age, probably a years long relationship as a teen, and it caused you to see love as a chore, as a responsibility, and not as something nice that happens to someone. Whoever you dated or were hung up in, was very serious or very intense, very romantic but very dramatic, and you had to learn a lot of hard, adult lessons about love too young, living together or economic imbalance in relationships or family drama in relationships or distance or moving away, it was always love but with a lot of reality checking, like you couldn't just enjoy it, you were always have to think of all of these possible outcomes or real situations that can happen to two people when they're dating, it always felt like doing errands to you, to love. Because your partner(s) put all the responsibility in you, emotionally and mentally and even monetarily! You grew up too fast too soon!
How is your Future Love Life?: I see so much fun, so, so much entertainment. So much childlike joy, I don't particularly see you dating a lot of people or hooking up with people, you like one person, and if that person likes you back, you stay with them, firm and solid as a rock. You will probably be entering a new, lasting relationship in the near future, if you haven't already. You'll meet somebody who will match you in levels you never really thought were important, like, this person will not only be reliable but also very fun! And you might had never have that before, because your previous experiences were more serious or intense, there wasn't much space for spontaneity or fun. But with this new person, there is, they will be very like you in that sense, very charming, likeable and pretty, your next partner and you will share a lot of attributes in personality and on what you two like. It will be something that happens slowly, even softly, you might start as friends, coworkers or classmates, and it will evolve into something more romantic as time goes on, it will be very sweet at first, I think that, the problem in this connection might be the lack of intensity. You two will be too shy to say what you want the other to do to you or with you, that is something that you two will have to work in, the feelings for each other will be there, it'll be difficult for you two to show it more physically. I see it more on your part, being used to more serious or stoic people, you will not know what to do with someone so alive and fun and that desires you as much as you desire them. There will be many moments where you'll have to learn to not compromise your own mental health or capacity to take on responsibility, for the sake of somebody else. This person will never ask you to do such a thing.
Astrological placements for you: Capricorn Sun or Moon, Capricorn Stellium, Virgo Venus or Virgo Sun, 11th house Stellium, Earth Rising, Taurus Moon, Libra Moon, Libra Stellium.
Astrological placements for them: Taurus Sun or Moon, 9th house Stellium, Libra Sun, Aries Moon, Aries Rising, Gemini Rising, Leo Venus, Leo Mercury.
my catalog of readings for you <3
Song for you:
What was your Past Love Life like?: You are more passive than aggressive in love, you usually go about your love life and romance with your heart on your sleeve. I'd say you've had quite a few complicated love affairs, involving manipulation or coercion. You were, or are, a sweet soul, naive and impulsive. You don't think through before jumping into something new and end up in very traumatic situations with people you give your all to. In the past, not too long ago I'd dare to say, you went through a really bad breakup with someone who was very obsessive or a really bad situationship with a person who felt very defensive when said no. You didn't see what was behind the scenes, or how this person truly was, got caught up in a momentary feeling and ended up in extreme situations. Sadly, it's not uncommon for you, love gives you as much pain as it gives you hope, no matter how much it hurts you, you'll still come back the next day to try again. And I wouldn't particularly say you had a lot of partners, but maybe you did. You love love, you like crushes and idealize people, idealize people too much. This kind of behavior in love had attracted really weird people that wanted to take you and imprison you. Your partners or flings or even people that you don't know, romantically, want your energy, want to own you and have you to show to the world. I don't know why, it's very prominent or strong, this energy, specifically with you. People you've had something with feel the most intense emotions towards you that can't be explained, and they don't know how to show it normally, because you go after eccentric or weird people, so they treat you like an object. I know, it seems like a lot, but if you really look to the past and reflect, you'll see a pattern. The last person you liked probably didn't treat you very nicely, probably was rude or mean, but when you decided to pull away from this person all together, they got really defensive. They don't like that you can care a lot one second, make them feel important, and then not care at all, and forget forever about them, the next. This pile is being very intense, and you might not believe it at first when reading it, I feel like you suppress a lot of trauma from love.
How is your Future Love Life like?: The tables are not turning, not just yet. You've reached a personal milestone, and I feel like, in the past, you had a haaaardddd time saying no, and a hard time being alone. You're learning a lot from solitude, although it might not be by choice, this solitude is bringing you some sort of peace to a decade long pain you've been carrying. Specifically, this Venus Retrograde is really going to make you reflect long term on what do you really want from a partner, their personality, lifestyle, how they treat others, and specially, how they treat you. You will be facing a Dark Night Of The Soul as it's called in spirituality, if you're not already going through it. Things are breaking and bending, if you've been unsatisfied in a relationship, or in any relationship for that matter, it'll be put aside, discarded, you will be moving onwards with your life in a more "secluded" way, or in a more introspective way, you'll learn to respect your own time and to not give anything for free. You're too giving, you like to like, to be liked, to be loved, you search in others, things you already have inside you. I see that in the future, you'll be more focused on monetary ventures, on realistic planning and making your dreams come true, wether moving to another city, finding your ideal job, starting your own business or studying the career of your dreams. I'll be honest, you'll put too much emphasis on goals and money and materialistic gains, and you'll turn into somebody much much more independent, but colder, too. I see these new experiences will shift your perspective of life and they will make you colder on the outside, you'll start being very selective. Nonetheless, the less you try to find love, the quicker it'll try to find you. In a more distant future, you'll meet someone very new, very eye-opening for you, it will be somebody who, might not check all the boxes or have the criteria you might be looking for in a partner in the future, but this person will be wild for your self-descovery, someone very charming, social, bruised by love in a different way than you. This person can be the type of person you have as an ex, but this one will be very healed, the patterns they might have could be the same your ex's had with you. But this person is not for a long run, just a good time. A good lesson in love, someone unforgettable but not eternal. You will have a more detached relationship, it will not be something of partners, I see two adults having fun and learning a lot from each other. This person will learn a lot from you emotionally and psychologically, and you will learn from them sexual experience and confidence in your own body. This person will make you feel very desired by them, like they will look at you and their cheeks just blush in arousal, I'm being serious, there will be a lot of sexual energy, with potential of power imbalance, but never reaching a boiling point. This is why, I'm telling you it's not for the long run, you two will not really want to commit to anything, specially you, you'll be very guarded and try to be as independent as you can. This person will feel like breeze from love, untouched by compromise and unserious in general. It's a really lovely energy, very karmic or "meant to happen" kind of thing. This person is meant to teach you to detach from the outcome, not want to posses, to enjoy the moment and to accept that you can have some sort of love without sacrifice, even if it's not what you want right now.
Astrological placements for you: Cancer Sun, Cancer Venus or Cancer Stellium. Scorpio Rising, Scorpio Sun, Gemini Sun or Moon, Libra Stellium, Sagittarius Sun or Venus, 12th house Stellium, 8th house Stellium, Venus-Pluto aspects, Venus-Mars aspects as well.
Astrological placements for them: Sagittarius Sun, Rising, Sagittarius Stellium, Scorpio Sun or Venus, Libra Venus or Mercury, Mercury in 8th house or 7th house, Libra Rising, Aries Venus or Aries Sun, 8th house Stellium as well. You two might share a lot of similar placements in your charts, Martian and Jupitarian energy is strong.
my catalog of readings for you <3
Song for you:
How is your Past Love Life like?: I'm getting the impression of someone who has a difficult time letting go of things and of people. You collect things and treasure them, save every gift, every book, remember every nice word and every bad one. In regards to your romantic life, it has been rough, not always. Most of the pain you've endured were self-inflected, your unwillingness to let go or forget has made it difficult for you to go through breakups. I feel like you've had your fair share of relationships and breakups, I'd say normal. But to you, they're all important and hold meaning to the person you are now. The road has been very turbulent, rocks and holes have been more constant, your decisions on who you let enter in your life is only with a little bit of discernment, you are very passionate, so extremely passionate that you feel like you could die during the act. You give your all to whoever you're dating, so, when they leave, they take a chunk of you with them. Your intensity is so not overlooked, you've constructed this image of poise and calmness in your exterior life, but people who know you, know, that you are so intense, so, so, you're the calm and also the storm. I don't particularly notice or see a specific relationship that has left you scarred, actually, it's more so of a collection of heartbreaks. You feel like you just can't find the right person and you're scared of putting yourself out there, you just want to find your twin flame and settle down with them. But that's you then, the you of the past is so attached to finding the one. You're a dreamer, under the realistic perception and constant movement facade, you dream of a perfect person, you've crafted this person head to toe, even in personality, in physicality, you've dreamt this person and stayed awake perfecting them. This might be a wild assumption, but it might also be true. You've dealt with disappointment very badly, you are extremely loyal, to a fault, and give people may opportunities before it's all over. You're kind of severe, because, as I said, you already have constructed in your mind your exact type, and people who don't accomplish those expectations, are not worth it for you. You've enclosed yourself in idealization of a person that does not exist.
How is your Future Love Life like?: In the future, things will be.... Widely different. The person you've imagined in your head, your perfect match, your twin flame, might already exist. And that might just be you. Now, I'm not saying you're your own soulmate, but... I'm saying you just want to date another version of yourself, when that's not what you need, it will not be what you want, if you eve get to have it. You need to find someone in the middle, I'd say, for you, don't go too opposites attract, because it doesn't work on you either. But, in the future, you will meet someone who will meet you in the middle, if you are an introverted person, the one you'll meet will be someone who is extroverted, but who posses deepness in their emotions and isn't scared to be on their own. If you are a writer, you will not meet a muse, per say, your person might be a cinephile, a music enthusiast, love to read books, but not write them. This person will be an equal, not someone who doesn't know your interests, or someone who wants to outshine you, but a person who understands your desires of the heart, because they'll have one of their own, even if it's not exactly the same. This person is very marked throughout this pile, it's very important for your growth, as a creative? To meet them, to interact with them, to date them. This person might not really fit your check boxes, maybe far and few in-between, and you'll be very adamant to give this person a chance, but it'll happen anyways. It'll happen to of nowhere, it will not be expected, or planned, you will just meet once, and know. The future is not as far as you think it is, if you're single; you might meet the soon, if you're in a relationship; it's not them.
Astrological placements for you: Leo Sun or Rising, Leo Venus, Cancer Moon, Scorpio or Capricorn Mars, Taurus Sun or Taurus Venus, 6th or 7th house Stellium, Pisces Rising, Cancer Rising, Aquarius Sun or Venus, Aquarius Stellium, Venus Retrograde in Natal Chart.
Astrological placements for them: Leo Sun, Gemini Sun or Moon, Gemini Stellium, Capricorn Rising, Aquarius Moon, Scorpio Moon, Aries Stellium, Scorpio Rising, Taurus Rising, 5th house Stellium.
my catalog of readings for you <3
Song for you:
Girl whaaaaaaaaaaatttttttt you guys better CHILL.
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heartlilith · 14 hours ago
Send me your big 3 for your vibe
Must reblog and follow
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quiltofstars · 2 days ago
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NGC 6559 (upper left), the Lagoon Nebula (M8, bottom), and the Trifid Nebula (M20, upper right) // Rob Citroni
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venussaidso · 2 days ago
Another Void-related character, the Sentry/Robert Reynolds, was originally supposed to be played by Mula Sun native Steven Yeun but is now seen in the Thunderbolts trailer to be played by Mula ASC native Lewis Pullman!
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Following comic canon, the Void is a being of dark energy who is inextricably connected to Robert Reynolds. The Void literally lives inside of Sentry, essentially his other "half". The Void bonded to Robert when he became the Sentry. This reminds me of the observation that Ketu natives are always so much closer to the "void", almost seduced by it in a sense... or how they became sexually entangled with demons or bonding with mysterious entities.
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It literally reminds me of Vanessa Ives, played by Magha ASC & Ashwini Moon native Eva Green, in the series Penny Dreadful, who frequently becomes possessed by the other side... often causing her hallucinations and disorder.
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So I'm not in the least surprised that Sentry is played by a Ketuvian, no, a MULA NAKSHATRA native at that. Mula is Ketu's peak expression, mind you.
In the Thunderbolts trailer, he also reminded me of Sam from Gen V. Sam is an extremely powerful kid who suffers from hallucinations (again with Ketu causing disorder and confusion for its natives' perception of reality), played by the likely Mula Sun native Asa Germann.
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Much like Homelander, Sam is heavily experimented on and tortured. In my Ketu Dominant Themes part 2 post, I touched on this trope through Ketu-ruled nakshatra natives.
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shepherdingthepie · 10 months ago
alright tumblr, I need to know
Hey uh do me a favor and reblog this! I wanna reach as many users as possible with this one
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mymoongirlreadings · 3 days ago
Most Convincing Placements ✨
Sagittarius Placements 🏹 - they get so excited, "do it for the memory"
Libra Placements ⚖️ - justifies it with validity, fairness & logic
Aries Placements 🐏 - hypes you up, makes you feel like a baddie
Gemini Placements 🧠 - has a way of asking you the same question and somehow you say yes
Pisces Placements ˗ˋˏ🔱ˎˊ- weighs all options but asks you what you truly desire & supports your decision
Cancer Placements 🦀 - they will put 100% of their energy & emotion into it and we end up wanting to match their energy
Leo Placements 🦁 - hypes you up, "you deserve this, when's the last time you treated yourself?"
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blumineck · 3 months ago
Where archery meets horsing around...
Don't forget to check YouTube for my full video on Fantasy Creatures using bows:
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harmoonix · 2 days ago
Sagittarius Dominants/Sagittarius Risings/Jupiter Dominants people feel like this
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happyheidi · 4 months ago
。゚゚・。・゚゚。 ゚. December will bring blessings.
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