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flashphotograph · 7 months ago
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Joe Keery peace.
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delilahsturniolo · 16 days ago
me intently and carefully analyzing all the tour dates and locations as if i’m able to go
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glorytoad · 1 month ago
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Made another meme to express the vague yearnings. Not sure this is 100% the case for me but it’s certainly a large part of it.
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zin3b0 · 9 months ago
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Someone’s jealous.
Btw if you guys have any suggestions on drawings plz comment cause im running out of ideas 😭😭😭😭 (should probably add nothing weird like sexual stuff plz 😆)
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rip4aniitaaf · 3 months ago
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Ellos ven que la re cazo y les da FOMO-
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pratchettquotes · 7 months ago
"What's happening?" said Lobsang, as the last of the monks surged past.
"I daresay we shall soon be told," said Lu-Tze, starting to roll himself a cigarette.
"Hadn't we better hurry? Everyone's going!" The sound of flapping sandals died away in the distance.
"Nothing seems to be on fire," said Lu-Tze calmly. "Besides, if we wait a little then by the time we get there everyone will have stopped shouting and perhaps they will be making some sense."
Terry Pratchett, Thief of Time
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growingupmormon · 5 months ago
My sister: it’s so weird that Mormons can just spot another Mormon out in the wild even those who’ve left. Like in high school we got clocked as Mormon and we could tell who was too.
It’s essentially social isolation, you mirror the behaviors of those around you growing up, if everyone around you isolates themselves from the outside world then you’re all gonna start to be a little weird to the outside world making it harder to leave, it’s subtle mannerisms we learned for sure
It’s that and Mormon Face!
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b0rroso · 3 months ago
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csuitebitches · 2 years ago
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On Getting Rid of Your Inferiority Complex
You can take advice from everyone and every book you read, but no one can protect you proactively, unless you choose to protect yourself. Only you can do that for yourself. Your parents, friends, partner can support you emotionally but you need to stop relying so much on external validation.
When you’re making a choice that you know is going to be detrimental to your health, whether its physical, mental or emotional - such as going back to your ex, not taking the next steps for your career/ education - you need to think more about your (near) future self and make sure that she’s also comfortable. You need to think long term.
As we grow up, we often encounter situations that we’ve been in before to some degree, there’s somewhat a pattern to them. It’s time to start recognising them early and leave when you see the red flags waving.
By breaking your own word that you’ve made to yourself you’re making the inferiority complex worse. Because you’re showing to your subconscious mind that you don’t matter at all. Others do.
It could be something “small” such as going out clubbing with your friends because you couldn’t say no - and having an important presentation due the next day. It could be something “big” such as breaking off a difficult relationship, and still going back to them.
When we suffer from an inferiority complex, we idolise people around us and think they’re better than us in every way. We choose to see the best in them- just the way we choose to see the worst in ourselves.
At some point, we have had enough and decide to start improving ourselves. How do we do this? By improving ourselves in areas that you feel left out in.
Such as, seeing an influencer live your dream life. Now you’ll do everything you can to live like her because you think that once you achieve that, everything will be great. You try to improve in areas that have no direct relation to your inferiority complex.
You’ll try work on these things - while that can be in a way good because it’s alright to have a dream life and motivation for it, that doesn’t fix the inferiority issue.
Because the inferiority issue solely comes from lack of confidence and trust in yourself. Even if you get your ideal life like that influencer, that confidence won’t last long and you’ll find something else to panic about - you’ll compare yourself to your peers, or the anxiety of jobs after or the next shiny thing you want.
To actually combat inferiority issues you HAVE to build a connection with yourself. True confidence will only come when you connect with yourself with things that aren’t material things.
You need to cultivate a growth mindset and genuinely believe that you WILL get better with time, you WILL get smarter with time, you will improve your talent over time. You have to detach yourself from outcomes, whether positive or negative and just take it as life.
And this doesn’t happen overnight. It takes consistent effort to not feel fomo anymore or feel shitty.
You have to stop hesitating putting yourself first, putting your emotional needs first, standing up for yourself and saying a big fuck you to things that deserve it.
Not everything that you have today will be permanent in your life and that’s something you have to come to terms with.
But if your worth is fully dependent on other people, then you really need to sit down with yourself and start actually working on the relationship that matters the most - the one with yourself.
You’re intimidated by these influencers or the people who you want to be like, not because they wear designer bags, have cool outfits, vacations, boyfriends, girlfriends - but because they often have a very strong sense of identity.
They express what they like and don’t like. They don’t change themselves depending on the person in front of them. If there’s something they want, they go and get it. They pursue what makes them happy.
When do you plan on doing that for yourself?
So how do you do it?
You need to build a strong sense of self identity.
How? By dating yourself. Ask yourself questions that you would ask someone on a first date. What are your answers? These answers will not remain the same over time and they shouldn’t either. Here are some as a guide:
1. What do you like in general?
2. What do you dislike in general?
3. List all the things you like about yourself
4. List all the things you can improve about yourself
5. Where would you ideally want to be in 2 years?
6. What sort of a life do you wish you had right now?
Next step is continue dating yourself. Aim for one new experience a week. It doesn’t have to be major. It could be something simple such as a cooking a meal you’ve never made, solving crossword puzzles, trying to grow herbs, colouring books. With new experiences, you learn something about yourself, which allows you further build a connection with yourself. Literally date yourself.
Take care of yourself the way you would care for a partner. How do you want to be cared for? What makes you feel loved and appreciated? Show yourself the same things too.
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boringkate · 27 days ago
*watches a girl suffer horribly*
I wish that were me...
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furiousgoldfish · 2 years ago
I hate the idea of 'missed potential' or 'missed opportunities', because 99% of that is hollow made up garbage. My 'potential' is only what I feel like doing and what I want to be doing, there is no 'third hidden potential' that I'm failing to put to use, my only potential is my own prerogative. There's nothing else I should be doing or developing right now or I'm missing out, I know my reality, I know my abilities, I'm choosing to do this, there's zero potential for anything else but my free will to be exercised.
Also most of what is presented as an 'opportunity' today is an opportunity to be exploited. You're not missing out on jobs you could be doing right now, you're doing better using your own time for your own purposes than it being stolen for someone else's. You're not failing to rise to the opportunity if it's something you don't feel like doing, something you don't feel confident or happy doing, or something that scares you - that's not an opportunity! That's literally just something you don't want to be doing. It can miss you and you're better for it.
There's not a wild fantasy world of insane things one could be doing if only they didn't miss opportunities, in reality a person cannot be expected to modify their own free will and jump into someone else's in order to 'not miss out' or 'fulfill potential'. We can fulfill our potential by doing exactly what we feel like, when we feel like it. Also it is insulting to imply someone only has 'potential', because we all have more than that. We're someone already. We're doing something already, just by being. We're a part of society, we're surviving, we're experiencing the world and we're making choices. If you see that and go 'ah missed potential', then you're just creating an in to trick people into thinking that they could be more fulfilled following your will, rather than their own. And no they would not be. We're more than the 'potential' to do someone else's bidding.
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adastra-sf · 6 months ago
Why do cats hate closed doors?
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Part of it is that cats are curious and have a fear of missing out (FOMO), says Dr. Karen Sueda, a board-certified veterinary behaviorist. Cats are naturally curious, and they like to keep an eye on everything happening in their territory, which includes their owner's house. This helps keep them alive in the wild.
"Cats like to control access to spaces and vital basic needs and territory," cat behaviorist Ingrid Johnson says. "It doesn't make them mean. It doesn't make them anything other than a species that is both predator and prey that has to hunt to survive but also has to feel safe and secure in their environment."
A closed door hits on all of what cat behaviorist Jane Ehrlich calls the "three terrible C's" that cats dislike:
They hate not having choice, they hate not being in control, and they hate change. While cats don't necessarily want to be involved in whatever is happening behind the door, they do want to know what's going on.
source story: X
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glitchphotography · 6 months ago
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Mario FOMO Mix (Super Mario Bros. ROM Corruption, 2024)
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mashriqiyyah · 7 days ago
Sisters, let's just understand it for once. So many sisters come to us saying they 'fell' for the wrong person and how the person didn't value them and all.
Sis, first of all, you weren't in love. You were deluded. Many of us are unaware of how they project their traumas on others and how it affects their perspective on life. You were craving a certain feeling, you wanted to feel 'loved' and then you mistook attention for love. Because you were looking for what you wanted to see, not the reality. Either you were in love with the idea of the potential of how he can 'change for you' if you tried your best. Or you were blatantly ignoring the red flags because you were afraid to be alone. Your attachment issues made it so difficult for you to realise that you are addicted to someone, the way they leave you on edge, wanting more of their attention, waiting for their text to better your mood. You didn't want to let go of whatever bread crumbs they were feeding you. Just because you're afraid to be alone.
How the other person needed therapy is a point we ain't gonna discuss now, but many sisters Don't understand that they too need to resolve their traumas. Healing makes you see the other person for who they are. You don't paint them into someone else through the lens of your unhealthy coping mechanism. Healing makes you understand your own emotions for what they are. Attraction, infatuation, attachment or love. Once you heal, you'll find yourself embarrassed at your past choices. And this is why working on yourself in solitude is so very important. Learn about pattern recognition. You're not ready to sacrifice your all because you're in love with someone.... you're doing this hard work because you've Savior complex 'I can save him' ,' I can make him better' 'I need to be there for him' 'I cannot leave him he'll die' etc etc... Honey, you're not a therapist. You're tolerating rubbish just because you have this urge to 'save' people. You find yourself guilty for not helping people because you're a people pleaser. You're attracted to emotionally unavailable men because you have daddy issues. "I'll love him even if we're apart, even if the world ends or he marries someone else" ... That's because you're so attached to your grief of losing a loved one that you cannot picture your life, your individuality without the presence of that certain pain. And sometimes, you do find good people. Someone worthy of being a life partner but you start doubting if it's all a lie... because you have abandonment issues. Someone being 'nice' which in reality is basic humanity makes you feel indebted and burdened so you start to run away from that person. And keep crying over that separation.
So many examples we can mention here. But you know what, all this requires just one thing. HEALING. Learn about your own emotions. Regulate them. So you don't name any trauma as love. It ain't love always.
~ mashriqiyyah | umm taimiyyah
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dukhiamrood · 3 months ago
imagine, having a partner to share bracelets with, constantly reminding yourself of them and vice versa. shayad zindagi mein itna miss out ho hi chuka hai, its a reminder dosto, take that step and tell them, dont be me.
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foxybouquet · 3 months ago
Whyyyyy can I not get into Sleep Token? I don’t understand. I’ve listened to like 5 of their songs now all the way through and it’s just not grabbing me AT ALL.
It’s not that they’re not talented! Clearly they’re great musicians and performers. I admire their style, their live shows appear to be eye catching and beautiful.
But for reasons I don’t understand, there is simply no “hook in my gut,” NOTHING. And I don’t get it because so many people I care about just love them.
What’s wrong with me?
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