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dawnatlas · 1 year ago
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i hope they take sooo many pictures together and jean keeps all of them pinned up on his wall
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vvevelur · 3 months ago
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Cody Winter. Trojans #20
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feluart · 11 months ago
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I just need him to be happy thank you
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everyonesadoptivedad · 5 months ago
oh my god what if there was some AFTG merch coming soon???
Hello AFTG tumblr community :>
I’ve been putting together ideas for AFTG merch! ✨
That being said, before I dive in the project, I’d like to know the general interest regarding the pieces I would put together so I can see if it’s worth it! I have significant experience in clothing design and hm production that I shall reveal with more transparency if the project happens.
Right there are the concepts I’ve drawn (still wips of course!) I would love you forever if you could answer and lil poll downstairs and reblog this post!
((Edit: I ideally would want to go up to 5XL though it often depends on manufacturers, so this isn't a promise but it's my goal!
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If you have suggestions please feel free to send them my way!
And if you have favorites you can put them in the tags so I know (I read everything) :>
Thank you for your time ahhh
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quathxr · 23 days ago
(Spoilers for tgr)
We usually talk about the ravens in terms of chess. With Riko being the king and Kevin being the queen. Because that’s how it’s framed. But what if we switched perspectives to cards for a bit..
In cards, if Riko was a king, and Kevin queen, then what is Jean? My idea, is that Jean is a Joker. Jokers, or jesters, are often depicted in media as a king’s entertainment, their plaything. And that is exactly what Jean was to Riko. In most card games though, jokers are wild cards. They can be dangerous to keep in your hand for too long… but they can change the entire game in your favor. We see this in tgr repeatedly. Keeping Jean around is a risk, forcing the school to bring in security, and even costing Laila and Cat their house. On the flip side, the Trojans also have their best shot at the finals, with Jean even teaching some of the players Raven tactics. And further, in Tarot cards, a joker represents new beginnings (this may be wrong, I just googled it lmao). Jean’s new place in the Trojans is just that: a fresh start.
Jean is a joker.
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hearmyheadcanon · 5 months ago
how the Trojan War really went
Achilles: My boyfriend just died!
Odysseus: oh thats so sad. Diomedes, lead the charge.
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kevinsdsy · 10 months ago
trojans twitter profiles pt. 1 (ft. a few familiar foxes)
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bonus (honorary foxes mentions):
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trojans twitter profiles part ii >
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noirsloth · 9 days ago
Jean to Xavier
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sportsourcepng · 4 days ago
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buckdefencesquad · 26 days ago
Me when Jean said “have a winning day”:
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dawnatlas · 1 year ago
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i wonder what Jeremy did to earn this reaction...
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illustratus · 1 year ago
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The Shadow of Hector Appears to Aeneas or The Dream of Aeneas
by Anne-Louis Girodet de Roucy-Trioson
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feluart · 11 months ago
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Peaches 🍑
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zin3b0 · 10 months ago
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Someone’s jealous.
Btw if you guys have any suggestions on drawings plz comment cause im running out of ideas 😭😭😭😭 (should probably add nothing weird like sexual stuff plz 😆)
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greekmythcomix · 2 years ago
I just had a look online to find if anyone had made a list of all the names of fighters in the Iliad, and I discovered that someone in fact had.
I had.
In 2015.
I have absolutely no memory of this.
I made a spreadsheet, and even wordclouds ffs.
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It’s even got what side they’re on, where they’re originally from, their epithet and patronymic if they have one. Wow.
And, you can filter it by any of these to find which version of a character you need.
Oh my god I even put if they brought SHIPS? I made an excel spreadsheet of the CATALOGUE OF SHIPS. (I’m Dyscalculaic though so they might be wrong ha!)
Anyway, thanks, past-fugue-state-me?!
I’m sure I used it to make the Deaths in the Iliad infographic: https://www.tumblr.com/greekmythcomix/722650261704867840/death-in-the-iliad-an-infographic-originally
Anyway, the ‘names in the Iliad’ post is here with links to the spreadsheet: https://greekmythcomix.com/2015/07/21/fighters-in-the-iliad/
Have fun with it!
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sarafangirlart · 6 months ago
Did Kaos even explain why the three humans “destined to destroy Zeus/the Gods” are specifically Eurydice, Caeneus and Ariadne? Because if they really wanted a “we hate the gods” story shouldn’t the chosen three be. severely wronged or abandoned by the gods / the fates?
Like Oedipus? Lamia? Cassandra? Daphne? Arachne? Callisto? Hell I’d even watch a smackdown of Clytemnestra vs Artemis or Menelaus and Helen vs Aphrodite any time then watch a whole other boring show following the same bad story tropes.
They don’t really explain it no, but I was so eager for it to be over I likely missed it, this show seems surprising hesitant to show the more gruesome side of mythology, if they adapted the story that Caeneus was raped by Poseidon and they show how angry and miserable he is about it I would’ve totally been on board, tho someone mentioned that considering the current social environment is especially hostile towards trans ppl nowadays, having someone transition after assault could be bad “pr” so to speak, tho I don’t think we should bend a knee to transphobes/terfs and make representation that’s more palatable and presentable, human experience is messy and we shouldn’t shy away from that in an attempt to make bigots less hostile towards minorities bc they will always be hostile.
If they show Eurydice being angry about Aristaeus not facing any consequences for trying to assault her I’d understand that too mythology Eurydice has zero beef with Hera, but she could feel resentment towards Aristaeus and by extension Apollo (since he’d likely defend his son), gods rarely face consequences for assaulting mortals, Euripides’s Ion tackles that subject way better than all of these “Gods bad” modern retelling (tho I wish Creusa didn’t forgive Apollo bc that mf didn’t even have the balls to show his face).
Instead of Ariadne, who usually gets a happy ending and becomes a goddess herself, how about going with Apemosyne? Another Cretan princess. Her story is extremely depressing, she’s screwed over by a god and her own family, considering that half the show takes place in the underworld she’d fit right in. Considering she’ll be “coworkers” with Hermes it would especially suck for her. But considering that Dionysus is made to be one of the “good ones” even tho in mythology he brainwashed women into slaughtering their families, they’d probably portray Hermes as such too, since he’s usually simply the comic relief in adaptations anyway.
That’s another thing, they water down the gods who are supposed to be good guys and make the “bad guy” worse, in this version Hades never kidnapped Persephone that’s just propaganda in universe. The Fates and Furies are goddesses but in this show they’re against the gods bc of that meander water thing? Don’t they drink it too?
I think they realized that their hesitancy means that they won’t be showing us bad things the gods actually did and so they make up random bullshit like Hera owning tongueless priestesses and Zeus killing a kitten. Cassandra is in the show but she’s more of an exposition machine tho it’s hinted she’ll play a bigger role in season 2, but why couldn’t she be one of the three humans destined to destroy Zeus? Why aren’t any of the Trojans destined to destroy Zeus? Why do they have to be saved by Greeks? Sure Zeus in mythology had a soft spot for them but he still planned the destruction of their city (could be a decent metaphor for an abuser who says that they love their victim while still abusing them imo) but Kaos Zeus doesn’t have that goodwill towards the Trojans so why not have them rightfully take him down? In the final episode Andromache and Ariadne team up and agree to fight against Olympus, tho that reminds me of Acrisius in the Clash of the Titans remake being more of a dumb dumb than he is in the myths and started a war against Mount Olympus only to unsurprisingly fail.
I really dislike how the Trojans are portrayed in the show, clearly they are supposed to be allegory for modern middle eastern refugees in Europe yet all the main Trojan characters are played by white actors. They have such a racially diverse cast but they seem uninterested in actually representing the diversity of the Mediterranean and mythology as a whole.
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