#tw flashbacks mention
More Epic Angst
It’s the middle of the night and shouting can be heard from the king’s chambers.
“Get your wretched hands off of me! I am done enacting your vile fantasies!”
It’s happening again.
“Odysseus, my king, my love, it is I, Penelope.”
But he couldn’t recognize that. Not now anyway.
“You are not! You are not! Cease veiling yourself as my wife you evil witch!”
Despite his wife’s gentle words, he couldn’t see her as he rocked in the fetal position; squinting his eyes shut as if he were a child hiding from an imaginary monster.
“Why must you take joy in tormenting me! I just want to go home! I just want to be home!”
The poor man cried in vain. And all his wife could do was weep. For she could not help her husband escape the prison of his confabulated captor. She could not free him from the prison of his own mind.
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lacetrauma · 7 months
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im sorry that i don’t have much to say anymore. im not as creative as I used to be
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namusass · 9 months
i cannot describe how disappointed i am in you all. im watching Ballerina on netflix and i come to tumblr and you're all thirsting after the guy? the guy who is a serial rapist and blackmails women into slavery? why on earth would you go for that when there is SO MUCH SAPPHIC CONTENT??????? do better, im so serious, these gays deserve so much more content. i wanna see so many gifsets, so much fic, these women are GAY and IN LOVE Ok-Ju kills SO MANY DUDES FOR MIN-HEE
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hersurvival · 4 months
Blue eyes.
Blacked out.
Fading, falling.
Fighting for consciousness.
Every night when I start to drift,
Nodding in and out,
I'm back.
Left at a party, a bare mattress
On the floor in a back room.
Briefly awoken
By him sneaking in.
"Hey. Hey," he coos,
"It's me, we met earlier."
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aprilsadviceaskblog · 6 months
Tw for mentioned SA, not mentioned directly.
I have this really annoying uh bit, I guess, where if I get touched I kind of get thrown into flashbacks? It’s only with unknown/untrusted guys. Like when I’m in public I’m hyper vigilant, so if a guy basically brushes me I’m in a flashback.
I’m wondering if there’s a way to not do that? Sorry it’s not very specific.
Hi anon,
One of the things that helped me with flashbacks was grounding exercises. I know they’re so commonly recommended, and I used to ignore the advice because they didn’t work for me. But then I realize there are so many different ones to try.
Here’s a blog post I wrote on grounding exercises.
If you can, keeping a comfort item or a sensory item in your pocket you can touch and stay focused on while you’re in public might help if you can use it to help pull you back, too.
Here are some steps for managing a flashback that I think can be useful, too!
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discord-emote-customs · 7 months
snow leopard emojis ? :3
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hi sorry friend i am infected with animal jam disease and i cant hear snow leopard or arctic wolf without having flashbacks
on a serious note , heres a sleepin snow leopard & a happy snow leopard w/ a speech bubble w/ & w/o the laughing animal jam emoji ^^
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dying-weeds · 9 months
PSA for everyone:
Being told "good girl" is very triggering for me as I have been told this by multiple people who assaulted me while it was happening.
For the love of everything please stop telling people "good girl" or "good boy" if you do not know them or are not close enough to them to know their history. I just want to go to work and do my job not have a flash back to being assaulted just because fucking Jim Bob wanted to tell me good job.
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It's been a long time since I've watched something that gave victimhood the accurately complex portrayal it deserves, both in the immediate aftermath of the event and much later in life. But Baby Reindeer definitely accomplishes that.
I'm not entirely sure what to say. I want to give this show the praises it deserves but I feel like it touched me on such a deep level that I am left speechless.
So instead, I think it might be good to express how this show made me feel and continues to make me feel. It makes me feel seen, understood. There is this cathartic, itchy, melancholic feeling around my heart and in my throat. A part of the void within me has somehow been filled out and replaced with a sense of unshakeable community and understanding for both myself and my fellow victims.
Years ago, I was having a CSA flashback at a training session. My coach wrestled with me and I was hit with a devastating sense of powerlessness. Even though he is a good man and he would never hurt me, I knew that if he wanted to, he could. I was still the same weak defenseless kid, no matter how much older or taller or stronger I got, I would never be strong enough.
I dissociated and cried quietly for a long time. I thought the tears would subside, but they just didn't. A friend took me out of the gym to get some air and hugged me. My quiet crying got louder and louder, until I was sobbing like a little kid. And I'm not a sobber, especially not in front of other people. I've cried quietly for as long as I can remember.
This show felt exactly like that hug. It's pure comfort to a part of yourself you have deemed unconsolable, completely beyond saving. Like a part of you that was taken and sacrificed and tainted by the things that happened to you, and you'll never get it back. You'll never be able to calm it down, so you just numb it out with addiction and sleep and misery.
And then something terrible happens and brings this part out, and somehow, your environment reacts with kindness and love and empathy and sadness for you and rage towards whoever hurt you, and you realize that this part of you can heal, too.
So Gadd, if you're ever reading this, I just want to say thank you. Thank you for telling your story. Thank you for comforting a part of me that I thought could experience nothing but suffering. Thank you for showing it kindness and empathy and understanding.
Thank you.
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anti--transid · 1 year
"radqueers didn't traumatize you" whenever I recall what i went through as a radqueer, I can barely breathe and 99% of the time I have to be pulled from front because of how stressed and scared and panicky I become, I cant even feel safe and comfortable in my identity because I have to constantly ignore the longing and the pull to go back, because that cult used my severe lack of affection in my offline life to force me to stay in that cult, I was almost groomed into a relationship with a system who is 19, I was 13.
We were traumatized so severely that we split off an entire subsystem of 14 alters, 5 other alters and around 10 fragments.
My heart goes out for every ex radqueer who was also traumatized, may your healing bring you peace.
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Riot Kings, page 8D
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Watching my comfort show because i have a bad day. Get triggered by that one song from the soundtrack. Have a flashback. Have a seizure episode because my body can't handle adrenaline spikes. Now in need help of comfort... Maybe i could watch my comfort show?
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bittyfromquotev · 11 months
The Noise
He didn’t care.
It was too loud.
Everyone at the return parade to celebrate their victory in the war was having fun, but Sun didn’t care.
He wanted the noise to stop.
The sound of drums and trumpets and other instruments vibrated with power in his chest, rattling the metal and wires within his scarred body. He pushed his even more ruined brother along in a wheelchair as if he was nothing more than a S.T.A.F.F. Bot. He kept moving even though all he wanted to do was run away and hide. He wanted quiet. The large band parted eventually, forcing Sun to roll a crippled Moon and himself through the tunnel of noise.
The band grew ten times louder than before, blaring into Sun’s audio sensors and forcing him to hunch over. He tried to stand straight again for the people, he really tried, but he couldn’t. It’s as if his joints rusted in place.
He pursed what would be his lips together, biting on the soft material that made up his tongue. He would get through this even if he had to be reset because of the delayed reactions to his panic this would bring.
The band wouldn’t stop. As the rest of the military branches followed behind Sun and the army, the noise got increasingly louder. The civilians at the parade cheered with all their might every time someone announced something on the booming microphone. Images of a hospital flashed though Sun’s mind. A hospital. Snow. Red snow. The screams of the Ukrainian victims. The ones he and his comrades were unable to save. Moon’s leg, lying mangled in the dirty snow several yards away from who it belonged to. Instead of the overjoyed faces that were actually there, Sun saw faces of fading hope.
The faces of defeat that were plastered on the victims of the war.
His grip on Moon’s wheelchair tightened as he looked on. Luckily, it wasn’t long before they all came to a stop. The military that walked, the band that played, the people that cheered.
It all stopped.
However sudden it was, the relief was obvious as soon as his sensors processed the silence.
Sun didn’t care for Moon’s concerned gaze trained on him as he breathed a sigh of relief.
All was quiet.
He would be okay.
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getonite · 9 months
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clovelie · 25 days
if you view a victim of abuse as someone who is solely their abuser's toy or scout to manipulate and not as a victim, i'm wishing you a terrible day. don't limit victims down to being abused and who their abuser is. we are people too.
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talkfastcal · 1 month
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inevitablemoment · 1 year
Egon and Dana Friendship Headcanons
Okay, I’m so happy to see that my post offering Egon and Dana friendship headcanons gained enough interest, so... enjoy! It’s all under the cut.
The gang lets Dana (and Louis) crash at the firehouse when the Gozer incident leads to the subsequent demolition of the building on Central Park West.
Dana suffers a lot from night terrors, and not wanting to bother Peter, leaves the room to clear her head and sees Egon working in the lab late one night.
Egon and Dana get to talking, and he ends up opening up to her about the loss of his wife, as well as the custody of his daughter Callie.
Dana continues to struggle with the trauma of her experience, and Egon offers to let her and Peter spend a few days at his and Cathleen’s old lake house upstate.
When Dana and Peter’s relationship begins to fall apart, Egon makes it very clear that he will not be their “go-between,” which Dana is able to accept.
About a year after Dana and Peter break up, she begins dating Andre Wallance.
Even if he’s rubbed the wrong way by Andre, Egon is supportive of Dana’s new relationship-- she’s even able to convince Andre to let Egon be one of his groomsmen.
About halfway through Dana’s pregnancy, Andre auditioned for a traveling orchestra and was accepted.
As Andre wasn’t there for Oscar’s birth, Egon ended up being Dana’s Lamaze partner.
When Oscar was only a few weeks old, Andre returned from the tour, but told Dana that he was scouted by the manager of an orchestra in London.
Not wanting to uproot her life after just having a baby, on top of the other issues that they were facing, Dana filed for divorce.
She dealt with some pretty rough postpartum depression, but Egon always came through to help her.
It was rough for him, as Callie’s mother, Cathleen, also struggled with postpartum depression after Callie’s birth.
After defeating Vigo, Egon tries to call Callie, but his mother-in-law lies to him and says that Callie doesn’t want to talk to him, and Dana comforts him.
When Egon begins claiming that Gozer will return, it leads to Dana having a panic attack, which Peter verbally castrates him over.
The night before Egon leaves for Summerville, Dana visits him and he apologizes like he had never apologized before.
She forgives him and expresses concern for his increasingly erratic behavior.
He again apologizes and says goodbye to her.
Years later, in 2021, Dana is surprised when Janine Melnitz shows up at her and Peter’s door.
Janine tells her that Egon died, and that he was right all along about Gozer returning.
The two are able to convince the three remaining Ghostbusters to go to Summerville (though Ray needs a little more push), but Dana remains in New York.
A week in between the end of the film and the mid-credits scene of her and Peter, Dana and Oscar go to Summerville together.
Egon’s ghost shows up and they both tell them about all that he missed in the past thirty years.
Egon shares one final hug with his surrogate sister and nephew before he returns to his place in the afterlife.
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