#tw JD Vance
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lindyloosims · 17 days ago
So JD Vance has fired shots at my country. Big mistake, HUGE!!!
This is going to be a long one, so...
Apart from anything else, the couch fucking, emo eyeliner wearing cockwomble is talking shite! It's one thing for his adult sized toddler boss to go after Canada, Mexico and Greenland but you're telling lies about the Scots here! Like our fellow attacked nations, we are an equal opportunities country, all are welcome here, also we're not afraid of putting a woman in charge! In fact during the reign of our FEMALE First Minister, two out of three of her opposition parties were also led by women who were both married to women. You see we know that people of all genders, races and different backgrounds can do jobs equally because we see them only as human beings and not by who they love or what religion or colour they are. We're not a racist, mysoginistic, transphobic, homophobic nation that want to suppress or destroy our minority groups. We want to celebrate them and provide a place where they can live their lives in peace, and if they need it, protect them! We have free healthcare under the NHS, free prescriptions, free university and college tuition fees, we get sick pay and sick leave, holiday pay, redundancy pay, maternity and paternity leave, expectant mothers receive a baby box for free with all the essentials they should need and if a woman requires an abortion for whatever reason, she can legally do so. But by all means accuse us of arresting people in the privacy of their own homes for praying! Your country Sir, lacks the basics of those aforementioned things and you should be ashamed! Maybe look into that for your own people rather than obsessing over womens' reproductive rights across the world! You picked the wrong country to fuck with pal! Just pray you never have to come here or you'll end up buried alive under one of the holes in the orange one's golf course, preferably one of the many my fellow Scots have shit in! If you're going to come for us, make sure you've got your facts right you lying Yahtzee turd!!! Your eggs are not cheaper, they've quadrupled in price, your economy is tanking but by all means, keep saying "your body, my choice" you evil piece of shit! You really should not throw stones at other nations who live in brick homes while you live in a shattered glass house!
Oh and in Scotland it's still called the Gulf Of FUCKING MEXICO!!!
America I am so sorry you're stuck with these two idiots and the Muskrat who wants to rule the world, live by our motto, HOPE OVER FEAR!!! Because they won't be there forever!
Sorry, rant over. I don't get political on here but this just had to be said, I had to show the rest of the world that he's lying about us and my proof is below if anyone wants to read it. Yes I am proudly anti-Trump, because not only am I on the side of humanity, I am Scottish and we as a nation HATE that big orange blob, if you want to know why Scots hate him so much, click here and here or google Michael Forbes because if a simple Scots farmer can fight him, so can you! Everyone should choose humanity over this shit show of a regime and both of these abhorrent sad excuses for men are not human!
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gaveyouigaveyoui · 6 months ago
cnn is on behind me and i'm in too much pain to find the remote to mute it because jd vance is on so i'm just blasting chappell roan
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animentality · 6 months ago
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supermanddntdieforthis · 8 months ago
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Motherfucker thinks he’s Gandalf 😭
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ghostellie · 5 months ago
FYI, Vance used illegal guns coming through the border as a defense argument for why school shootings occur so frequently in the USA, however statistics show the majority of gun violence here is committed with legally obtained guns.
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not-on-the-cocytus · 5 months ago
Oh my gods we do not need more homes. We do not need more houses that will sit there and rot because nobody can afford them. We need to be able to afford EXISTING HOMES.
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incorrectbatfam · 5 months ago
Now that I got your attention, how would you like up to 4 personalized headcanons?
The deal is simple.
For the first headcanon, anyone can participate, regardless of age or location. All you gotta do is reblog this post with the tag JD Vance fucked my couch and DM me the link.
For the second headcanon, if you are 18 years or older in the United States, check your voter registration in 30 seconds and send me a screenshot confirming you are registered to vote (with personal info redacted, your identity isn't interesting enough for me to steal).
For the third headcanon, send me a 1-2 sentence summary of your Election Day plan. Studies show that a big reason people don't vote is because they don't have a concrete plan for doing it. Don't be a statistical jackass.
Finally, anyone who does all of the above and is in a swing state gets that fourth sweet, sweet headcanon.
I'll be doing this from now until 12:00 PM EST on November 5th. Headcanons will also be publicly posted for your enjoyment if given permission.
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do-you-ship-it-polls · 4 months ago
Do you ship it?
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atlash0ur · 4 months ago
Even if they take my life, they can't take who I am from me.
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chroniclesofajewishteen · 7 months ago
USA Liberal Politics
Most people that follow me believe that Israel should exist, but let me talk to the people that don't.
I am minor. I cannot vote. I live in a blue state, but the national government affects all states.
I have Autisim. I am a Lesbian. I am genderfluid. I was born a woman, and I present very feminine. I am Jewish, and I look stereotypically Jewish. These are all things that put me in danger if Trump gets elected. I cannot vote. I have no say in what happens, but my life is at stake.
If your's isn't, congratulations. You won the lottery in privilage. When you say that you don't want to vote because all the candidates support Israel, you are putting my life at risk. You are letting Trump get more votes. Because of that, I might get raped. I could get raped and be forced to give birth. I could get killed, or be victim to a hate crime.
Please vote. My friends are begging their parents to move to Canada. They aren't even old enough to drive, but their bodies are at risk depending on if you vote.
I don't know how many people this will reach, but I hope you vote.
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onlytiktoks · 28 days ago
Full video of jd vance ↓ timestamp 4:35
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rhiandoesfandom · 5 months ago
Do yourself a favor. Just don't watch the Vice Presidential Debate.
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lady-raziel · 7 days ago
I’d put money on JD Vance being a furry. I think he’s definitely made a fursona and I also think we could trick the administration into dropping fursonas for all of them if we pretend being a furry means you’re anti-woke
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doolallymagpie · 4 months ago
Call me naive, but Vance, though competent and rather scary, doesn't have the showmanship and demagoguery to hold the party together once Trump croaks.
He, like most of the Republican Party these days, is an obsequious little prevaricator who needs a loudmouth "strongman" to toady for.
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stephenist · 7 months ago
Won’t PAC Down “These Guys Are Just Weird”
“Inspired by Project 2025 and the bizarre beliefs of JD Vance, the weirdos are organizing. They’re voting. Are you?”
🫣 🗳️
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inconsistently--consistent · 5 months ago
Gonna try doing debate bingo again!
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Here's the template I'll be using.
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