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secular-jew · 24 hours ago
Oh look, a 1948 NY Times article about the tonic cleansing of Jews from all Muslim countries.
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sunbeamedskies · 4 months ago
If you see articles and tweets about how the Star of David is now a symbol of fascism and think to yourself "maybe they have a point," then whatever you define as your antizionism has absolutely crossed the line into antisemitism
The Star of David is one of the most important symbols in Judaism. The fact that it is on the flag of Israel does not make it fascist. The government of Israel is separate from the symbol. Labeling such a widely used symbol by a marginalized people as fascist is incredibly dangerous and seeks to conflate Jews as a whole with the Israeli government- something antizionists continually claim people shouldn't do. So why are some doing it?
High control groups slowly ease you into believing nonsensical things. They provide "reasoning" and "logic" which goes largely unchallenged within echo chambers. People in these echo chambers are prone to believing it because they start to see it as real logic instead of bigoted, twisted reasoning. Even otherwise intelligent people can fall for their prejudices as they begin to view it as a form of justice
It is a fantasy that high control group leaders go from 0 to 100 in five minutes or refuse to answer any questions- they are usually much more manipulative
Please confront your biases. The Jews are tired
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buddhistmusings · 3 months ago
There's so much fucking antisemitism everywhere all the time.
When I've done things to show support for black antiracist movements, nobody ever told me that I'm black and pretending to be white.
When I've done things to show support for Muslims experiencing Islamophobia, nobody ever told me that I'm Muslim and pretending not to be.
When I've done things to show support for Ukrainians, nobody told me that I'm secretly Ukrainian.
When I've done things to show support for Asians experiencing anti-Asian racism, nobody told me that I'm secretly Asian.
Yet, when I've done things to show support for Jewish people experiencing antisemitism, people have accused me, on multiple occasions, of being Jewish.
Jewish people are portrayed as unreliable narrators of their own experiences. Collective gaslighting has convinced many people that antisemitism is overblown. All while statements that would be immediately flagged as racist, if said about any other group, are tolerated if said about Jews.
It's so plain to see. I mean, if I (a non-Jew) have been accused of being Jewish in order to discredit me, what does that suggest about how people frame the reliability of Jewish people?
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nova-alien-rants · 11 months ago
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people stop being antisemitic for one fucking second challenge (impossible)
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curiositysavesthecat · 3 months ago
Edit: Jewish-only poll is posted here
*This poll was submitted to us and we simply posted it so people could vote and discuss their opinions on the matter. If you’d like for us to ask the internet a question for you, feel free to drop the poll of your choice in our inbox and we’ll post them anonymously (for more info, please check our pinned post).
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decemberwinter · 2 months ago
what the actual fuck is he on and why does he still have a platform???????????????????
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golem-brigadier · 1 month ago
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These people brains deteriorate so immensely that any form of Jewish culture is now considered evil in their eyes. I will consider them Nazi already (which they are), but I think we really need to shame any person who proudly wear the hammer and sickle, a symbol that committed multiple genocide, subjugated and killed ten of millions of people.
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luna-drinker · 2 months ago
I confronted a fellow Christian for being openly antisemitic and they proceeded to use the Bible, ya know, the book full of Jews, to justify antisemitism. It was surreal.
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starlight-bread-blog · 1 year ago
Leftists: Everyone is a little bigoted. Bigotry is deeply integrated into our society. Everyone picks up on it. You have to actively unlearn it. Check your bias. Your intentions might be good, but you're not immune to bigotry learnt since childhood. Even if you're an activist already. Even if you have friends from the minority. Listen to marginalized voices. Take the critisism. This is the only way to overcome our internalized prejudices.
Jews: Hey so–
Leftists: ZIONIST!!
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jewish-joy · 6 months ago
What irks me so so much about the Pro Palestine movement and how it took place on my college campus was just how it... fizzled out.
In fall 2024, we've entered the new school year, and knock-on-wood, harassing Jews is not the go-to activism now.
Which I am elated about- we no longer have to hide the locations of events so stringently or keep our heads down in classes, fearing someone will catch us and know. And demand for us to answer for our supposed crimes.
But what stands out to me is that this activism only came from a place of anger they wanted to let out like a rabid animal. Teenagers and twenty-somethings wearing keffiyehs they bought from Amazon screamed about the evils of Zionism. They rattled their signs and beat their drums. They vandalized and attacked. There was nothing held back.
And you know what I never saw? I never saw a bake sale, or any sort of fundraising for Gazans. I never saw food drives for local refugees. There was nothing tangible. There was only a vehement rage for a cause they didn't seem to really care about.
Because they didn't care about the people suffering and dying- they just wanted an excuse to be angry at someone and that "someone" was Jews.
But they got their encampments with machine gun doodles and "glory to the resistance" on their posters. They got their yelling out and their pretty pictures they'll save for their children one day- "Look, Mommy was an activist!"
But you know what sustained me, just a bit? I tried to believe that my peers were in the end well intentioned. That they didn't mean to hurt us. That this was all an awful trick being played and that their goal at the end of the day was a more equal world and end to tangible suffering.
But now- their keffiyehs are abandoned and only taken out for a little progressive fashion statement, paired with pink go-go boots. They are so painfully apathetic, it hurts me.
And I think- I really think- the next time they'll pick up their picket signs again is when Jews get hurt, either in Israel or the diaspora. And they'll line up once more to cheer for it.
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tomi4i · 11 months ago
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sunbeamedskies · 1 month ago
I know it's hard to do so when you've dedicated so much time to leftist movements and found a community that's helped you and some others thrive, but you HAVE to criticize the left when it is failing groups of people. And it is 100000000% failing Jews.
Almost every single non-Jewish activist who usually posts about tragedies when they happen to numerous other marginalized groups has remained silent about the recent news about the Bibas family. Most have been entirely silent about October 7th. Even this post will likely be reblogged/liked by 95% Jews.
All your Jewish friends could have been born Israeli. It's entirely dependent on where their ancestors fled to. Half of the world's ENTIRE Jewish population lives in Israel. And you- no matter what group you belong to- could have been born Israeli. You might be in denial about it, but it's true. Anyone of us could have been born anywhere.
I roll my eyes when "I'd totally punch a nazi!" activists complain about Elon Musk maybe doing a nazi salute, yet never post about what Jews have been mourning for over a year now. Their words are empty. Elon is easy to criticize because he is a douchebag who is rightfully hated by the left. You risk no real social consequences for your posts about him. You are not a social justice advocate- you are a coward.
But what kind of world are we living in where anyone in any movement claiming to be about "justice" feels they are risking social consequences for posting about Jews who were murdered due to being Jews? Fearing your "comrades" scolding you for posting against antisemitism? They have some big antisemitism problems to deal with. Are you willing to confront them about it?
Fearing social consequences for speaking up about suffering Palestinians and suffering Israelis are two sides of the same coin of extremism. I always wonder if my posts really get through to anyone, or if I'm mostly screaming into the void. Will this post affect you? Or will you just go "ah that's kinda sad idk" and move on?
It's time to have some tough conversations with people you might be afraid to get into them with. Are you going to be a true ally to Jews or not? Are you going to fix your activist spaces to be ones centered around the principles of justice and equality? Or are you going to ignore it and claim you're not antisemitic? Because Jews have seen where indifference and denial leads to before. Spoiler alert: it's horrific.
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emotboyswag · 2 years ago
Closet antisemites/racists love bringing up that the swastika is a Buddhist peace symbol (as if they give a shit about buddhism) like yeah it is but the skinhead white guy with a swastika tattoo isn't a Buddhist and the edgy teenagers who painted a swastika on a wall aren't Buddhists and you need to use the tiniest dash of critical thinking and common sense.
In a Buddhist temple its a peace symbol, scratched on some guys house its a hate symbol . And stop telling Jews they are being dramatic or chronically online for being upset/disturbed/scared or annoyed by swastikas!!
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curiositysavesthecat · 1 year ago
*this poll was submitted to us and we simply posted it so people could vote and discuss their opinions on the matter. if you’d like for us to ask the internet a question for you, feel free to drop the poll of your choice in our inbox and we’ll post them anonymously (for more info, please check our pinned post)
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mask131 · 10 months ago
This morning, it was discovered that, during the night, two dozen of red handprints have been painted on the Wall of the Justs.
The Wall of the Justs is part of the Parisian Memorial of the Shoah: it is the list of the names of nearly four thousand men and women who helped protect and save Jews during the Occupation of France by the Nazis.
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Tell me again how the red handprint is "definitively not used by antisemites or for antisemitic purposes"? And tell me, please, how defacing this memorial (which is not even to the memory of Jews, but to the memory of those that stood up against the Nazis) will help Palestine in any way?
... Maybe you can't, because this is proof that, for some person, it is not about Palestine at all. They don't care about bringing food or medical help to Gaza. They just see an opportunity to express their own hate.
Everybody has been saying this, and I will concur: most of these people are either antisemites, or uneducated ignorants who are so short-sighted they don't even realize how bad their own actions look, and thus soil the very cause they want to defend.
At best, they wanted to say something about how pro-Palestinians are "the Resistance" but failed monstrously at carrying the message because they DEFACED A SHOAH MEMORIAL. At worst, they wanted us to understand what is the only thing to be read here: "These people who saved the Jews in World War II have blood on their hands now." And this is such a vile and nauseating message.
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golem-brigadier · 7 months ago
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The fuck did I just read?
I sorry, but you think a small conflict inside an area the size of NYC is escalating the Climate Crisis, than you're a fucking idiot.
Judanhass has literally ruined all these people's brains, my g-d.
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