all these “isnotreal” clowns. what are you, five years old? you sound like a wannabe playground bully. go back to kindergarten. this is an adult conversation.
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advice i think we should tell children is that when adults say stuff like ‘now that i’m an adult i get really excited about stuff like coffee tables and bathrooms and rugs etc’ they don’t mean ‘and now i don’t care about blorbo and squimbus from my childhood tv shows anymore’ bc your average adult still loves all the same pop culture stuff they always did; they just have a greater appreciation for the mundane as well. growing up just means you can enjoy life twice as much now. you can get really excited about a new stuffed animal AND about a new kitchen sponge. peace and love
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UC or ER?
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this is what happens when a reddit atheist automatically switches "jew" to "zionist", either using an algorithm or in their head. statements like this are an admission that "zionist" is being used to mean jewish.
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200,000 people displaced in northern israel, 12 druze children killed by a deliberate missile strike, constant bombings almost every single day since oct 7, but no one from the red-brown fash alliance gave a shit until hezbollah members got their balls blown off and now they’re crying about human rights 🙄
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The Onion pulling zero fucking punches.
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Obviously this is an oversimplified cartoon, but let me preemptively handle some points.
Hamas fires rockets out of population hubs like schools, apartments, and hospitals.
Hamas also often keeps families inside the launch sights under the idea that to die and make Israel look bad is honorable.
Israel airdrops leaflets near the discovered launch sights warning everyone to evacuate before they take out the building. They also send a dud shell on top of the building about a minute before the rest of the shells so that people know which building and have time to get out.
Because so many Palestinians are determined to die to stain Israel, they stay in the buildings anyway.
This is what gets the media attention.
This is what allows Hamas to paint themselves as “Freedom Fighters” while they sacrifice their own people.
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I’ve been seeing a lot of people talking about accepting Orthodox Jews recently. And while I’m very happy that we’re getting some positive attention for once. I’ve noticed a lot of peoples arguments for why Orthodox (they really mean modern orthodox) Jews are cool is that they’re “not like ultra-orthodox Jews”. So here’s your reminder that if you don’t accept Jews you consider “too orthodox” then you don’t accept Orthodox Jews period.
Internalized antisemitism isn’t a cute look babes.
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I’ve been seeing a lot of people talking about accepting Orthodox Jews recently. And while I’m very happy that we’re getting some positive attention for once. I’ve noticed a lot of peoples arguments for why Orthodox (they really mean modern orthodox) Jews are cool is that they’re “not like ultra-orthodox Jews”. So here’s your reminder that if you don’t accept Jews you consider “too orthodox” then you don’t accept Orthodox Jews period.
Internalized antisemitism isn’t a cute look babes.
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lol how does this person think polling is done?
these numbers are consistent across multiple different polls, including from the Pew Research Center, a consistently nonpartisan opinion research group which has literally no reason or motivation to misrepresent data in favor of or against Zionism or Jews or any political position
not to mention, the elaborate level of conspiracy required to fudge the data across multiple polls from multiple unrelated pollsters all to say the same thing is quite a big claim, which demands big evidence.
“a lot of Jews are suspicious of me specifically” is not the smoking gun you seem to think it is
but I think the fact that many of the largest and most well-thought-of organizations within the Jewish community, including JDC, AJC, WJC, ADL, Chabad, and Hillel, all regularly get attacked for by antizionists for being “Zionist” says a lot about the position of most Jews re: the existence of the State of Israel.
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