#this election is the fucking worst
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carry-a-world · 5 months ago
this is going under a read more because I need to vent real quick and therapy is not until Friday 🫡
The Reality TM of the election being next week hit me today and let me tell you, as the sole leftist (and queer to boot) in a conservative family this time sucks big ole balls. There is not a single mfing lifeline for me. My brothers (both younger) are more centrist, depending on the issue. Both, however, are content to hang me out on the line when it comes to my parents and extended family 9 out of 10 times.
Messaged our siblings chat today and was like hello please consider not voting for Trump and rattled off a couple reasons. Only for the younger one, who I am generally closer with, to go off about not wanting to hear about politics or talk about politics because it’s all he hears about and it’s taking over his life. That’s cute, bucko, but my rights to make decisions about my own body and my right to marry whoever I want are about to be legislated the fuck away.
(Said youngest also told me not to use “queer” to refer to myself and I told him to shove it up his ass)
As the Eldest Daughter TM I have always looked after their stupid asses. Who was doing their science fair tri fold the night before it was due? Doing all the chores so we didn’t get in trouble? Listening to mental health stuff because our dad doesn’t believe in it (sure Jan your ADHD ass is fine)? Playing anchor even from a distance when our parents almost got divorced when I was in undergrad? Helping with resumes and handling professors and writing papers? Mediating when the youngest was in Germany having a depressive spiral and my parents didn’t want to let him come home? All me baby.
The middle child is a recalcitrant little shit who at least is getting his depression (funny how heritable that and the ADHD are in my family) treated. But he doesn’t tell anyone jack shit and is more likely to lash out when asked (making comments at holidays that were vaguely threatening to out me before I finally came out to my parents this summer). And it’s just…. So unfucking fair.
My thoughts and opinions on the world and politics, on my queerness especially, to which they were the only family members I could say anything about to until 3 months ago, were and still are always shut down. I got the “I don’t care who you date, you’re still my sister” in the moment that felt great but has had near zero follow up support on. Like fuck you. Fuck you so much. And yet I desperately want them to have my back because otherwise holidays and family gatherings are just me getting dogpiled, or me sitting there just listening to people that I love and care about shit on other people that I love and care about for being queer, or especially for being trans. It would be so nice to talk to someone who has my shared childhood experiences AND shares my opinions and it’s just not happening.
Anyway. For my fellow queer darlings, or even just cis het women at this point, who have family voting for someone that is going to actively take away their rights… I feel you. It fucking blows and we deserve better.
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antiyourwokehomophobia2 · 5 months ago
While we're waiting around for your perfect, beautiful, lovely revolution, please vote for Kamala Harris
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irenespring · 8 months ago
Really I think nothing shouts "my first Presidential election as a politically active person was 2016" more than the fact that when I feel hope and excitement for the future (possible President Harris) for more than five minutes I immediately get a crushing, all-consuming anxiety of "feeling this positive emotion now is going to make it so much worse when the worst thing possible happens" to the extent that I'll probably need my break-glass-in-case-of-emergency anxiety medication.
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jon-sedai · 1 month ago
#the concept of JAIME or THEON even having their names put forward for consideration.....how does stannis let that happen?#is he knocked unconscious and locked in the ice cells until the election is over?#the concept of jon or stannis having to listen to and follow THEON's orders......#the concept of all these people living in the same house.....24/7.....#having to live with and command an undead teen who mind-possesses his weird magic wolf 24/7 is added trauma for post stoneheart jaime#asoiaf#tyrion lannister#jon snow#stannis baratheon#jaime lannister#theon greyjoy#try picturing teenage undead revenant jon snow getting the worst men in westeros to agree on any fucking thing???#now who’d give him the most trouble? my money’s on theon who just wants to fuck with him#jon can’t even get rid of him because theon actually has experience leading men sjsksnbsbs#I’d imagine jaime would be one of the most ineffective lcs of all time because imagine him trying to get all these people to do anything he#theon would be the worst lc of all time because no one would listen to him EVER he’d never get anything done........#I mean does he even live past month 1 to begin with? or would they just assassinate him as soon as they're able to?#the nw would be the most effective it’s ever been in history under stannis tho lmaoooo even though 75% absolutely hate his guts#jon oscillates between being the goat or woat depending on the time of day#tyrion try not to piss everyone off day one = challenge IMPOSSIBLE
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apollosmusee · 5 months ago
do the people who voted for trump genuinely not have functioning brains
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k3n-dyll · 5 months ago
I know I said I'd be inactive but I gotta rant like I'm at a point of pure rage and I'm not all the way sober rn. As a black woman? I feel betrayed. Like I have no clue why, but for some reason I had faith in y'all to come through and recognize that while Kamala isn't perfect by any means that a Trump presidency would likely mean wraps for all of us, but no. Every. Single. Group managed to fuck up aside from black men and women in this election.
What happens when the internet becomes so overruled with censorship that we can no longer share information about the causes we care about? The police are already over militarized and the oompa loompa that's been put up in office is fully ready to grant them immunity, meaning they would essentially be able to do whatever the fuck they want to us without consequence.
I mean let's be fucking real that immunity is going to affect my community at a disproportionate rate just in case you guys already forgot what those pigs like to do to us. And my community is also that main group of people that is out on the street riding for everybody when there's an issue so what's gonna happen now? Hm?
Black women have been saying for a good while that we should vote for the candidate who will let us keep doing the work we're trying to do. The one that we would be safe protesting and organizing under so that we can make change both in and outside of our community, for example, actually putting third-party candidates in STATE GOVERNMENTS so that when actual viable third parties run, they'll have some chance in the presidential election. Y'know because the Electoral votes and support from state governments are really what matters.
And I say ACTUAL viable third-party candidates because, let's be real once again, half the people who voted for Jill Stein didn't do research on her like they should have. That white lady has been a grifter this isn't news.
It's like...watching people just cling to the idea that some big revolution is going to start within the next year because of this is exhausting, especially when the vast majority of American citizens had not a fucking clue about Palestine, Sudan, or Congo until 2023. Unfortunately for us, this shit takes time and actual irl community building. These election results have only made what would have been difficult nearly impossible because people either want to stand on some moral high ground or for 'tax cuts' that they aren't eligible for because half of you bitches are poor just like the rest of us.
I'm fucking exhausted. My ancestors survived slavery, Jim Crow, red lining - we're still surviving and fighting for justice for victims of police brutality and I am so. Fucking. Tired of surviving shit because y'all can't think critically for two fucking seconds. It's like doing a group project but everyone else has a few pebbles in their skulls knocking around in there instead of brains.
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vellialavellious · 5 months ago
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oceanneverposts · 5 months ago
the tangerine twat won. brb, gotta go kiss my basic human rights goodbye
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hazel2468 · 1 year ago
Anyone who tries telling you that both parties are the same and there is no point in voting? Has a fucking agenda, and it's a nasty one.
Do the Dems disappoint me? Yes, constantly. Do I have gripes with Biden? 100%.
Do I also recognize that he has GOTTEN SHIT DONE and that those things are like. NOT talked about by people my age because it feels better to be angry and constantly demanding better while being unwilling to put up with Average Joe who is ACTUALLY doing things that progressives have been asking for for AGES (putting caps on medication prices, working to cancel student and medical debt, investing in infrastructure and going after inflation, started working on protecting reproductive rights after Trump put in place the shitty judges who wrecked Roe, is trying to go after how weed is scheduled and pardoned all federal offenses, et-fucking-cetera).
Not only do I actually LIKE some of the shit Biden is doing? If Trump gets back in office? People will die. He and his have been OPEN about the fact that they want to go (somehow) even MORE fascist.
Fucking vote. Anyone telling you not to has your worst interests at heart. Be as pissed off as you want, but fucking VOTE. Because we have a chance of continuing to push a president like Biden towards the change we want to see. We have ZERO chance of that with Trump, or someone like him.
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k2ulhu · 5 months ago
hulu was doing live coverage of the election until 2:00am, at which point my power randomly went out and when I reopened the hulu app on my tv the election coverage was replaced with
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#us politics#I don't care if it was intentional or a coincidence or what that shit is funny as hell#I got like 3 hours of sleep in the past 48 hours#my closest friends are sleeping and don't know yet#we're going to dc a month from now on vacation and none of us expected this#I've been on twitter and it's crushing I see my friends in fear for their lives#I see the worst people in the world cheering for their own downfall because all they care about is someone else having it worse#like they'll douse the vulnerable among us with gasoline and pray for hellfire thinking they'll be safe#but the flames don't discriminate like they do and we're all going to burn#except for the wealthy and powerful of course they'll be polluting the solar system or dead from old age#and the only hell they'll ever know is the one millions upon millions of people eagerly built in their names#in the name of 'greatness'#(man I get really melodramatic when I haven't slept)#and I'm scared too I didn't think this was going to happen and I have no idea what the future holds anymore#and I know I'm privileged to be able to say this when people's lives are about to be destroyed but I think I'm more sad than anything#so disappointed that 70 million people voted for *that*#because it's completely unconscionable to anyone with a soul but somehow he's winning the popular vote for the first time???#what do you mean more people like him now than they did in 2016 and 2020#this genuinely feels like a nightmare are we really so far gone as a country??? as a society?????#that we would not only let a convicted felon (who was served a lawsuit ON ELECTION DAY) on the ballot#but that SEVENTY. MILLION. PEOPLE. would vote for him? to run the country??? to represent us on a global stage?????#*THAT'S* what we as a nation have chosen??? what the fuck is wrong with this country?????#why him indeed#and yet I still have hope#inexplicably
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onlytiktoks · 3 months ago
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tuttle-did-it · 10 months ago
They have refused to increase wages whilst forcing the cost of living to skyrocket so high that nearly all of us are counting pennies to pay bills. If we can pay them.
They intentionally and gleefully forced us into a horrible economic (and cultural) depression through Brexit, and not one of them had a single consequence for the constant lies they told to get it passed. This will only get worse.
They have intentionally dismantled the NHS by underfunding it to the point where the NHS staff are all burnt out (having nervous breakdowns, leaving the country for far- better paying jobs or just leaving the field completely) just so they could sell it off to privatised companies worth billions just so they can fill their own pockets. Oh, and the incredible capable staff (medical or support) who were all from Europe have been told they are no longer welcome here and they have returned home because Britain is a cesspool of bigotry and hate
They are dismantling the social care systems for the disabled and elderly, to try to force us back to work even though we are physically and/or mentally incapable of work by stripping away our incomes.
They're doing everything they can to keep us from living by making sure we cannot afford food, housing, utilities, water, and tax.
They are living on taxpayers whilst having millions, even billions in the bank for themselves.
The corrupt politicians fill their bank accounts and buy third and fourth houses across all Europe, another boat— whatever— and they have scandal after scandal with absolutely no consequence, and we can do absolutely nothing.
Their handling of COVID was criminal, and aside from wasting an incredible amount of money, they are responsible for many deaths by not acting fast enough and by forcing people back into the workplace when they knew it was not safe because they wanted to improve the economy they collapsed.
Oh, and don't forget all those lovely parties they had during COVID lockdowns when we were all in our houses and not allowed to see family members who were dying-- or even go to their funerals because of COVID restrictions.
They are intentionally fuelling the hate at queer people-- specifically trans people. This, I assure you, will get so much worse.
They keep sending money from taxpayers over to fund wars in other places-- including genocide-- with no way for us to fight back.
They keep making law after law making it more and more difficult for us to protest against everything they are doing.
Now the Tories expect you to do 12-18 months (+4 reserve years) of mandatory conscripted service in the military so you can go help countries commit war atrocities and genocide. And if you refuse, you are sanctioned. And they are making more and more laws restricting protest and free speech, so if we fight back, we're punished-- criminalised.
Do you understand what is happening right now?
Anyone who can still vote for the Tories after all of this, I have only a deep seeded concern for their sanity, and revulsion at their lack of morals.
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also if you're proudly saying shit like "errrrrrrm anyway i'm going back to starbucks!! 😋" because you think pro-palestinian activists cost Kamala the election then I genuinely hope you spend the rest of the day curled over on the toilet shitting your brains out.
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evanoid · 5 months ago
Political Rant
US Elections
TW:Trump,Talk of violence and Su*cide,mention of abortion and SA
I'm so enraged about the outcome, it's hard to put into words.
I'm not even living in the USA mind you.
I had so much hope,Kamala Harris seemed so promising.I know that she has flaws in her views and politics as well but anything would've been better than a convicted Felon.Hell, even a damn rock would've been a better choice.Harris is so ridiculously qualified,and i bet she only lost because she simply is not a white man.
And now,all I see from the men that support trump are comments like: "your body,my choice" or "lefties are so emotional,womp womp" or "you'll live" and so on.
It's so infuriating,I want to smash their heads in with a hammer until all of them are unrecognisable and choke on their blood.
1."your body,my choice" comments that seem to flood comment sections are evil and shows how much men truly hate women,how much they hate their mothers,daughters and sisters.
2."the left is so emotional" is just like throwing rocks in a glass house.When the left loses,they don't go out of their way and violently respond like the MAGA cult did last time,they stormed the capitol building and trump also said this election,that if he'd lost it would "end in a blood bath". How can someone not think that these horrible excuses of human beings are any less than utterly out of their minds? Demons on earth Tbh.
3."you'll live"
No.Many won't.You know what you voted for.And the simple truth is that people of the LGBTQ,people of colour,women and other minorities will get scrapped of the few rights they have left.Police violence will go up,violence against queer people and people of colour will get worse.The hysteria stirred up against trans people will get worse.Women and girls will literally die for not having proper access to abortions.
And before someone says "they should keep their legs closed".SHUT UP.SHUT THE FUCK UP.you stupid idiot bfr.
Pregnancy takes two,R*pe exists whether you deny it or not.
People will either kill themselves or get killed and when it hits someone close to you, and you did vote for trump,then I have no empathy left for you.You deserve everything that is coming for you,I hope everything you voted for happens to YOU personally.I hope you suffer.
Trump isn't a Christian,he isn't a man with good values.Anyone who thinks this Rap*st is anything but a narcissistic,selfish,spineless,godless Bastard is delusional or just as bad.
Your god won't forgive you.No one will,you're on the wrong side of history and I,again, genuinely hope it bites you back.
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gigglesoup · 5 months ago
I'm so sorry that happened. I'm so sorry for everyone who's gonna have to live under the government of that fucking monster...i honestly don't even have the words. Please stay strong and safe, friends. Justice will be made.
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sofiaflorina2021 · 5 months ago
America and the World Will Be Really Fucked Up
America and the world will be really fucked up if Donald J. Trump gets elected again for his second term. Prepare for the worst if he takes office of the president.
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