#the people are soulless monsters
tuttle-did-it · 4 months
They have refused to increase wages whilst forcing the cost of living to skyrocket so high that nearly all of us are counting pennies to pay bills. If we can pay them.
They intentionally and gleefully forced us into a horrible economic (and cultural) depression through Brexit, and not one of them had a single consequence for the constant lies they told to get it passed. This will only get worse.
They have intentionally dismantled the NHS by underfunding it to the point where the NHS staff are all burnt out (having nervous breakdowns, leaving the country for far- better paying jobs or just leaving the field completely) just so they could sell it off to privatised companies worth billions just so they can fill their own pockets. Oh, and the incredible capable staff (medical or support) who were all from Europe have been told they are no longer welcome here and they have returned home because Britain is a cesspool of bigotry and hate
They are dismantling the social care systems for the disabled and elderly, to try to force us back to work even though we are physically and/or mentally incapable of work by stripping away our incomes.
They're doing everything they can to keep us from living by making sure we cannot afford food, housing, utilities, water, and tax.
They are living on taxpayers whilst having millions, even billions in the bank for themselves.
The corrupt politicians fill their bank accounts and buy third and fourth houses across all Europe, another boat— whatever— and they have scandal after scandal with absolutely no consequence, and we can do absolutely nothing.
Their handling of COVID was criminal, and aside from wasting an incredible amount of money, they are responsible for many deaths by not acting fast enough and by forcing people back into the workplace when they knew it was not safe because they wanted to improve the economy they collapsed.
Oh, and don't forget all those lovely parties they had during COVID lockdowns when we were all in our houses and not allowed to see family members who were dying-- or even go to their funerals because of COVID restrictions.
They are intentionally fuelling the hate at queer people-- specifically trans people. This, I assure you, will get so much worse.
They keep sending money from taxpayers over to fund wars in other places-- including genocide-- with no way for us to fight back.
They keep making law after law making it more and more difficult for us to protest against everything they are doing.
Now the Tories expect you to do 12-18 months (+4 reserve years) of mandatory conscripted service in the military so you can go help countries commit war atrocities and genocide. And if you refuse, you are sanctioned. And they are making more and more laws restricting protest and free speech, so if we fight back, we're punished-- criminalised.
Do you understand what is happening right now?
Anyone who can still vote for the Tories after all of this, I have only a deep seeded concern for their sanity, and revulsion at their lack of morals.
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fishyfishyfishtimes · 3 months
Perhaps this is just a matter of me taking things a little bit too seriously but in a way I don't really understand "hating things as a joke". What does that mean? You're saying mean things about something.. but you don't really mean them..? Why say them in the first place then? I'm not talking about like, criticism to a piece of media, I'm talking about instances like saying that geese are soulless monsters and horrible. You're still saying that geese are horrible soulless monsters?? Like even if you don't really mean it you're still saying those very exact words???
Ehh, maybe this is just another case of me not really understanding insult humour, plenty people vibe with it and find it funny
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thesadboy · 1 year
I love you NPCs in Tears of the Kingdom getting surprised when you move stuff close to them I love you Minecraft dogs shaking themselves dry after being drenched in water I love you Sims 2 Sims giggling after calling in sick to work I love you Oshawott throwing its scallop in the air and catching it in its Black and White idle animations I love you Sooza from MSM looking out of breath after playing its part I love you Virtual Villagers doing their laundry once the second hut has been built I love you tiny details in games that aren't necessary to gameplay but give it personality
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ddejavvu · 2 months
Nobody rides meat like qui-gon haters
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bladesmitten · 1 year
also is it not a coincidence that wyll's quest involves finding out that the emperor is actually balduran. and his best friend ansur tried to mercy kill him because he couldn't cure his illithid disease.
and now wyll's lover is turned illithid, a noble sacrifice to save his city, and that may even be the only reason he doesn't kill them right then and there.
so he honours his lover by doing what ansur couldn't do to balduran: let them live, but only how he sees fit. that is his mercy.
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missholoska · 2 years
Temmie, what do you do to avoid boredom?
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bestworstcase · 8 months
I feel like we disagree about specific details about oz, but it blows my mind that people think that the merge is going to happen when the narrative around oscar is practically screaming that in the end that’s not what will happen. Also blows my mind that people think Oz or Oscar should end the story in charge at beacon leaving basically an unchanged status quo when Oz’s flaws are part of why we’re in this dam mess to being with. Again this is something that I succept that I disagree with you over the finer details but like come on people
there's a really strange resistance on the part of the fandom to imagining an ending that isn't in essence a return to the original status quo except salem (and possibly ozma) dead. which on the one hand is plainly disconnected from the text (the huntsmen academies are explicitly fortresses ozma established to defend the relics from her, with everything else being a secondary consideration; they can't exist as they were without salem) and on the other is just… really pessimistic and cynical. in a narrative about change and healing the best ending a lot of the fandom can imagine is basically a reversion to the state of the world around team STRQ's time, when the shadow war existed only in ozpin's paranoia. like. what???
the narrative has been telling us it's about revolution from the very beginning. come on
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I’m sure the writers probably just forgot about it, but I love the idea that Sam saw an opportunity to collect more vamptonite before destroying the equipment and didn’t take it, because some weapons shouldn’t exist for anyone, no matter how effective. Soulless!Sam would’ve at least considered it.
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vinkumakkara · 2 years
i listened to sooo much Boss audio last night, you really don’t get the full picture of just how much their characterization can be summed up as “Dumbass Kid” until you hear all the VAs. makes the later games’ characterization all the more frustrating when V made them into an ineffectual waffling idiot as if that was all there was to them, the context of immaturity and inexperience made them feel so much more human than all of srtt’s attempts at making them more “likable”
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chewwytwee · 2 years
Seeing a lot of ppl post about the new Disney movie for a site who apparently hates Disney for being evil.
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xx-invadr-ellie-xx · 7 months
Absolutely evil beyond words. When asked about the murder of Nex Benedict here is how the state's senator responds, calling them filth that needs to be kept out of the state, while audience member's cheer.
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These monsters not only don't care that a child was murdered because of their hatred, they outright celebrate it. Christian's are soulless monsters, when are we gonna get the chance to vote to strip their right to exist away from them, like they do to us? Why do we allow these hate filled cultists to have power in the government and spread their murderous hatred.
This is why the school never called an ambulance for Nex instead just suspending them, this is why the coroner and police are currently trying to cover up the murder, because the whole goddamn system is working exactly as they intended, accomplishing their goals of murdering us and getting away with it.
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comfortsnow · 10 months
Thinking about the lnk demon again. How when he was created he was completely harmless and docile, But he was met with abuse and isolation for being a 'monster' until he finally had enough and became the monster everyone treated him as. AGH.
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giantchasm · 10 months
what's your take on how wave 3 handles marx?
To me, Taranza and Susie aren't the biggest fans of Marx. His energy is just a little bit too... much. And that's saying a lot, because Taranza and Magolor are also pretty big handfuls.
But Marx is just EXCEPTIONALLY a lot to deal with. He loves like... biting random people just to see how they react. He's loud. He's rude. He'll pick fights literally just for the sake of it. And he can make a joke out of pretty much everything-- which is to say he has no 'tact.'
That said, he's Magolor's beloved best buddy, and so he just kind of sometimes... gets dragged along to Wave 3 hangouts anyways? He's Magolor's plus-one! His therapy clown! He can't not spend time with him. :'(
Taranza and Susie repeatedly tell Magolor they want Marx to die and that he needs to stop bringing him along. Magolor repeatedly insists surely he can get them to warm up to each other with just a little more effort. Marx, meanwhile, eats all of this up, because he loves attention, positive or negative, and this is acknowledgement in its purest form.
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With every episode of s14 I watch, the more I realize that they're just re-doing Gamble era things but doing them much much worse.
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arthurmargon · 8 months
correction: israel has killed 15 palestinians in rafah in the evening of february 11. they’ve killed many more in rafah since february started. the death toll is around 400, with 76 killed today, monday feb 12. the iof destroyed khan yunis, the place where gazan refugees from the north were fleeing, and now the iof is attacking and murdering civilians in the last southern city.
do not look away from what the israeli colonizers have done to khan yunis and what they will do to rafah as long as world leaders across the globe twiddle their thumb and america continues to sink billions into this genocide.
just two days ago, the iof snipers killed a doctor in the middle of a surgery in a khan yunis hospital. there is a horrifying video of an old man, shot and crawling into the reception of said hospital, and no one is able to drag him away from the windows where snipers keep shooting at them. this is what our tax money is funding. this is what our leaders are encouraging. the entire world should be dying of shame and disgust, most especially the west, giddily supporting and paying for the nth genocide of brown indigenous people, and the greedy, soulless monsters of the uae and saudi arabia.
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floweycidal · 4 months
i dont know abt yall but i personally never trust flowey when he says he has No Feelings...
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there's a kind of religious romanticism in monster culture that wants to believe souls contain your compassion, but humans explicitly disprove that, making monsters question whether a soul even requires those qualities to exist in the first place.
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flowey adheres to the traditional monster belief, and given how monsters emphasize this idea of love, hope, and compassion being integral to the wholeness of a monster's soul, he probably internalized that and thought his absence of such qualities meant he was different. broken.
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flowey may emphatically insist he has no emotions or compassion whatsoever, but that simply doesn't align with the reality we observe. i mean, hello??? the guy is EXCESSIVELY EMOTIONAL. HIGH OCTANE EMOTIONAL. HE EXPRESSES A LOT OF EMOTIONS THROUGHOUT THE WHOLE GAME!!!
flowey is also an incredibly unreliable narrator, especially when it comes to himself and that's really just a direct result of the immense trauma he's been through.
it's no surprise flowey would latch onto this idea of being "soulless" as a way to explain his new, jaded worldview. if he has no soul, no real emotions, then it rationalizes why he feels so disconnected, so incapable of caring about anything or anyone anymore.
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but the reality is, flowey isn't truly so devoid of all love and feeling. what he's experiencing (to me) is more like a self-imposed emotional numbness, a defense mechanism to shield himself from further pain. 
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his "soullessness" is less an objective state of being and more a way of framing his loss of hope, his inability to feel the same compassion he once did. he clings to his lack of soul as an attempt to explain and validate his despairing worldview in a reality that no longer includes chara, the one person he truly cared about. 
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and honestly.... if flowey truly was so bereft of all the compassion he had "as asriel", like he so adamantly claims, how would we reconcile that with moments like this?
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seems pretty compassionate to me.
and while we're on the subject, i must say that asriel's request for us to view him and flowey as separate people is unhealthy and should NOT be taken at face value, just as we ought not believe many of the claims flowey has made abt himself. this scene to me just seemed like asriel was trying to absolve himself of the guilt tied to his actions as flowey, which isn't necessarily a narrative we should support. to read them separately would be a disservice to flowey's arc and development.
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in a sense, asriel is right, in all his innocence he could never behave the way flowey does. yet another aspect of flowey is that Anyone under comparable circumstances could become Him, even one as kind and gentle as asriel
and though flowey doesn't fully believe or accept it (just yet), the game does a brilliant job of reminding us that despite EVERYTHING, it is still him.
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