jeena-says-hi · 1 year ago
Someone: you can’t hear pictures
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loadingbraincells · 23 days ago
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inktober day three: hunter
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lovelylonelymoonlight · 3 months ago
Bruce unintentionally dissing the league while praising his kids is so funny to me
Bruce: we need an expert marksman for this job
Oliver: *getting ready to stand up to fully accept Bruce’s praise*
Bruce: Redhood will be here shortly. We also need someone quick on their feet. Luckily Cass is working on a case nearby so we can ask her
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bats-and-the-birds · 4 months ago
Green Lantern: You know, most Superheroes are cornered into the job by moral obligations because of how powerful they are, but... aren't you just like, a normal guy? Do you ever wonder what your life would be like if you gave up the vigilante life to just take it easy?
Batman: Well--
Nightwing, suddenly vaulting into the conversation from across the room: No, no, NO, the last time we pretended to be a normal family for an hour, we played Trivial Pursuit and it ended with an arrow through the living room TV. None of us even fight with arrows. We're freaks that need to fight crime, don't take that away from us.
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varpusvaras · 1 month ago
I think that instead of being super apprehensive about Jason and him dating Roy, Oliver should take one look at him and then one look at Bruce and go oh, I'm about to be so annoying.
Oliver starts being so nice to Jason. So nice. Inviting him to family dinners. Giving him both his hero communications and personal phone number and telling him to call whenever he needs something. He gives him new tech and keeps updating his weapons and armor. He helps with missions and clean up and says nothing if Jason is a little rough, apart from patting him on the back and saying good job. He starts keeping his picture inside his wallet and has other pictures of Jason, Roy and Lian framed in the house and tells everyone about him. He starts calling him son-in-law first and then just son and then calls him a Harper and eventually a Queen.
At first it was just to annoy Bruce, but after the first time he tells Jason that he did a good job and Jason starts to tear up a little, Oliver goes oh no, oh I'm actually doing this now. This my boy now. I don't care if he and Roy break up or something, this is my boy now.
Bruce still thinks he's just doing it for the sole purpose of pissing him off, though, and he is so fucking mad. The Justice League meetings have turned into a Cold War zone.
Bruce starts to being so nice to Jason as well, forcing himself to ignore some of the more outrageous things Jason does, and Jason is so, so fucking confused.
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goodknifeboy · 5 months ago
I know there are a lot of fanfics about Jason being caught by the Justice League and usually getting bailed out by the batfam, but imagine if it was Brucie Wayne bailing him out:
In the JL interrogation room:
Superman: Alright, Red Hood, who is your supplier helping you move drugs in Star City?
Red Hood, who was undercover investigating a drug ring and got caught in a JL bust and sesnses an opportunity to mess with Batman: Look, I know you guys aren't cops, but can I get at least get one phone call?
Justice league looking skeptical?
Red Hood: You can even monitor it.
Green Arrow: Fine one phone call, but it will be monitored.
Hands Hood a phone
Red Hood: Hey Dad, I got stopped by the Justice League. Could you come bail me out? Really, okay, see you soon. Okay, my Dad said that he would bail me, so could we go over to the teleporters?
Green Arrow: Okay, firstly, we aren't cops, you can't just post bail and get out. Secondly, how would this "Dad" get up here?
Red Hood: You'll see.
Minutes later, Brucie Wayne walks in with a trail of Heroes, trying to explain why he cannot be at the Watchtower.
Superman: Mr. Wayne what are you doing here and how did you get here?
Bruce laying the Brucie persona on thick: Well as one of the Justice League's biggest doners and tech suppliers I have access to the teleporters, as for why I'm here it's to bail out my son. Hi Jaylad!
Red Hood fully expecting Batman: What?
Green Arrow remembering his friend's grief over loosing Jason: Ummmm, Mr. Wayne this is the Red Hood. You know "Bag full of severed heads" Red Hood.
Brucie: Yes, I know he's had some issues with his big feelings, but he's still my sweet little boy.
Superman: And you think that he's your late son Jason Todd?
Brucie: Yes, Batman even confirmed it was him. It turns out that after he died, he was brought back by an organization that planned on using him as a weapon against Batman. But he left them and has been working to improve Crime Alley, I'm so proud of him.
Green Arrow: We caught him in Star City with Drug runners.
Brucie: I'm sure he has a good explanation, don’t you Jaylad?
Red Hood still reeling from Bruce showing up as Brucie and not Batman: I was undercover?
Brucie: See perfectly reasonable, now can I please have my baby boy back? Alfred will be so upset if he's not home for dinner.
Surprisingly, this works , the Justice League is to stunned by this revelation and later confirm this with Batman that yes, the notorious Red Hood is the son of Billionaire, philanthropist airhead Brucie Wayne. Jason, meanwhile, has suffered a huge blow to his cred in the Hero community because of the association with Brucie instead of the Batfam. The bat siblings do not let this go anytime soon.
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daemonmage · 6 months ago
Bruce about to reveal his identity to the JL
Bruce: “I’m going to do something that may traumatize two of you. I am not sorry.”
Oliver: “oh come on Batman your identity isn’t that special.”
Bruce going full whiny play boy: “Dinah! Ollie is being mean to me!!!”
Oliver: blue screens
Dinah: “YOU BITCH!?”
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cawecho · 1 month ago
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Astarion always ends up being a stealth archer in my runs, I like justifying it w the thought he got dragged out on royal hunts as a kid
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sticksandsharks · 1 month ago
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Arrow of Fire, stoked by the salamander's flame. Arrow of Poison, soaked in the viper's venom. Arrow of Lightning, guided by the weasel's guile.
ink and watercolour pencil. I love a beast and I love to make them shapes.
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iztea · 7 months ago
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awkward helicopter ride back home
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eyanin · 2 years ago
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Seasonal bows 🌸🌿🍂❄️
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blumineck · 2 months ago
This is a super common problem for beginner archers, so here are some ways to avoid it!
For more archery tutorials, join my College of Arrows (yes it's a Bard subclass reference)
Or support these videos and get bonus content on Patreon
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dieubius · 10 months ago
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The in-universe Gothamite's guide to shipping your resident billionaire 💀
Comes with labels
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gildedlead · 10 months ago
Duke: …So, is Two-Face like, B’s ex or something?
Steph: I think it’s more of a situationship? They still seem to have some feelings going on there.
Jason: Yeah right, and get accused of cheating on Selina? I think not. They’ve been dating for as long as I can remember.
Dick: That’s…strange, cause I’m pretty sure he and Clark are married. Big Blue gave him a ring and everything.
Damian: A Kryptonite ring. One that Father keeps in a lead lined safe with the rest of the alien’s bane. Besides, everyone knows Mother’s laid her claim to him already. Only a fool would interfere with such a union.
Cass: Talia and Bruce are about as divorced as two people can be.
Tim: No, you guys are all missing the point. If we want Bruce to have a partner, we need to pick the most profitable option for us. [ pulling up a PowerPoint ] Hear. Me. Out.
—-Later, At the Watchtower-—
Oliver: Bats, why are your kids inviting me over for dinner?
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bats-and-the-birds · 4 months ago
Been thinking about a Batfam meets the Justice League situation where Nightwing has been in the League for a bit a no one knows how he's connected to Batman. And for one reason or another, the League grudgingly needs Deathstroke's help for a mission. And Deathstroke agrees to help, but specifies "no Bats".
And the Justice League assumes he just means "no Batman". So the bring Nightwing with them, and also do not tell him about this stipulation.
-the justice league approaches Deathstroke on a rooftop-
-Deathstroke immidiately turns to leave-
Green Arrow: Wait, I thought you agreed to help us!
Deathstroke: And I thought you agreed no Bats.
Flash: We did! We left Bats back at the Watchtower.
Deathstroke: No. No Bats. Plural. Not only did you disobey me, you brought the worst of the bunch.
Nightwing: Aw, and here I thought I was your favorite.
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varpusvaras · 2 months ago
Bruce, for the record, is absolutely stoked when Jason brings Roy around.
Because this now means that he is a grandpa. He is so ready to be a grandpa. Let him be a grandpa. Please please please please-
(finally, he gets to just give things to someone. anything they want. (finally, he gets to give Jason so much money and things and Jason can't say no because they are for Lian too))
The thing is, now he is in a very deep and serious rivalry with Oliver, who will not be replaced as the number one grandpa. Absolutely not. So now they are waging war on each other for Lian's affections.
It's messy and it's bloody.
One day, during a JLA meeting, Green Arrow notices something peeking from underneath Batman's suit. It's colorful, so it stands starkly against the dark suit. It looks very familiar.
Green Arrow looks down on his hands. At the friendship bracelet Lian had made for him. He looks back up at Batman and the very familiar colorful thing he has on him.
"What is that?" He asks.
Batman turns to look at him. He follows Green Arrow's gaze, and looks at the colorful thing on him, and then at the bracelet on Green Arrow's wrist.
"What is that?" Batman asks, nodding at the bracelet.
"I asked you first."
"I asked you second."
Green Arrow glares at Batman.
"It's a friendship bracelet my granddaughter made for me", he says.
Batman glares at Green Arrow.
"And this is a friendship bracelet my granddaughter made for me", he says.
They glare at each other. The meeting room has become several degrees colder. No one dares to utter a word.
Then they both pull out their phones and make a call.
Jason and Roy, in their bed, both realising that their dad's are calling them at the same time: fuck whatever it is, we're going back to sleep
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