#the bats are freaks your honor
bats-and-the-birds · 10 days
Green Lantern: You know, most Superheroes are cornered into the job by moral obligations because of how powerful they are, but... aren't you just like, a normal guy? Do you ever wonder what your life would be like if you gave up the vigilante life to just take it easy?
Batman: Well--
Nightwing, suddenly vaulting into the conversation from across the room: No, no, NO, the last time we pretended to be a normal family for an hour, we played Trivial Pursuit and it ended with an arrow through the living room TV. None of us even fight with arrows. We're freaks that need to fight crime, don't take that away from us.
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queer-and-nd-coded · 2 years
Eddie's death scene but dumb ways to die is playing on the background
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bluerosefox · 1 month
Always Favors You
Another Sibling Danny and Jason idea!!
"Are you Jason Peter Todd?!" demanded a deep and commanding tone from the strange glowing being in front of them.
All the Bats stiffened and tensed, no doubt gearing up for a fight against the being that somehow knew Red Hood's full name.
Jason, Red Hood, decided to put on a brave front despite no doubt cursing in his head and wondering how the heck did this thing know his full freaking name.
"Whose asking." he snarled out, his hands twitching for his gun when the huge glowing knight with purple flames coming out of his helmet and cape, who was riding on a nightmare looking horse while they all had been in the cave going over tonight's patrol.
The Knight didn't seemed bothered by his response nor did he even seem to care or flinch when Batman made his own demand on 'Why was he there and who was he' or when Damian unsheathed his sword and pointed it towards him. Instead the strange glowing Knight reached to it side and pulled out... A glowing scroll? Huh. (Also he completely unnerved everyone in the room when the Knight didn't even react when Batman had tossed a Baterang when he reached for his side)
The Knight opened the scroll and spoke clearly with purpose.
"Jason Peter Todd,
You are hereby invited as a special guest of honor to the crowning of our future King of the Infinite Realms.
Daniel Phantom, once Daniel Jackson Fenton, and once Daniel Austen Todd.
Prince of the Infinite Realms, the Keeper of Balance, The Peacekeeping Halfa, the Defeater of the Tyrant King Pariah Dark, The Great One, Youngest of the Ancients, Ancient of Space, The Bridge between Life and Death.
You, the half-brother of our King, have been given the highest of honors for your past actions and will be given housing and food in the Realms and Phantom's Keep, for the week long event. Personal servants and attendants will be at your disposable and a seamstress will be on hand to tailor make your attire for the Coronation.
Signed: Clockwork. Ancient of Time. Watcher of the Infinite Timeline. Kronos. Mentor and Adviser.
PS: I shall have Fright Knight ("Me" the Knight bluntly said for a second) leave this scroll along with a personal one for you from Daniel to read over and once you make up your mind sign the bottom of the scroll.
I do hope in time you will pick the right choice Jason Todd, we of the Infinite Realms would like to reward you for your actions. After all, if you hadn't gotten young Daniel away from your father that night all those years ago, we would never had gained our Prince nor be free from our once Tyrant King.
Ah, one more thing.
The Infinite Realms will always favor you Jason."
Jason felt like he couldn't breath as Fright Knight? Rolled up the scroll, pulled a letter from his side, and held out the two items for him to take.
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simplyjake · 5 months
Enha hyungs w / idol!reader !!
summary: tbh its pretty self explanitory, fem!reader
a/n guys maybe at one point ill write for maknae line but also idk so dont hold me to it, not proof-read
Let’s say ur in aespa
So rmbr the drama challenge they did
Instead of winter it was you and karina right
OUUUU ik he was giggling when you asked him to do the challenge with you
At the end of the challenge he puts his arm around u 
He looks at u like you hung the stars one by one
Heeseung pls this is gonna be posted later
When you are on screen performing 
He has the biggest heart eyes and a slight smile pls
Its like he dgaf if yall get caught
Definitely interacts with you in public when he can
He wants to see all those ship edits
Invites you to his concerts and you invite him to yours
Once bought like 500 albums so he can get all of ur pcs and inclusions
Ur honor he was being silly!
And in luv w you!!!
Okay stayc member i see u
He learns how to play ur songs on guitar
Such a cute supportive bf
You guys have sm matching things tgt
Phone cases, hats, jewelry and more
Surprisingly no one has caught on yet.
He lurks on stayc twt for updates when hes away on tour
Even tho he can just text u himself
You accidentally left your jay signed album in the open on live
“Omfg yall since when did y/n and jay know each other”
” Wait but the signed album? Do yall rmbr when we caught them w matching hats but no one batted an eye WHAT ABT THIS”
Call jake for the dating rumor damage control selfie
Anyways he has all ur albums and you have all his
He found out you voted for him during Iland days and sobbed
Staycs number 1 fan, will fight ANYONE for that title
Worse than heeseung when it comes to hiding things
Oh lord here we go
“My girl- i mean my friend” its rover.
On live streams he uses this to promote your group without looking suspicious 
“Have you guys heard le sserafims comeback? It’s so good”
“Oh Y/n? Yeah her part was amazing as well”
When he sings your part of the song it has u blushing on the other end of the phone
Once you were on a live, you forgot to let jake know
You were showing some photos that youre gonna post on instagram and all of a sudden
Is this love by Bob Marley aka the ringtone you have for jake
And his contact name “yunie<3” pops up
Quickly you decline the call and look sheepishly to the camera
Hoons time to do the selca damage control.
He accidentally liked a y/njake post on twt on the main acc tho
Ruh roh 
Definition of nonchalant 
Nonchalant king if u will
Well besides that one time when he was mcing
And your group purple kiss was with him and wony
He was definitely getting side eyed by the fandom after sending you quick glances and a smile!!
Other than that baby hes an illusion
He dont know you
Well at least to the cameras, he doesnt know you
Otherwise hes the sweetest bf to ever bf
Sends you flowers to your dressing room after performances
Always claps whenever you guys win an award
Once a camera was pointed on him at an award show during your song
But he pointed to ur group telling them to focus on yall instead
UGH i love supportive bf hoon!!
Ofc your one of enhas biggest supporters as well
No one knows this but you have a secret sunghoon fan acc
He thinks its cute, a way to publicly say u love him
Without it actually being public yk
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wrathofrats · 3 months
Sits down cross legged on the floor
Consider; raindrop fucking, lazy and kinda casual about it while just musing about how badly they both wanna get their hands on the new bug. Phantoms so cute and sweet - Rain knows he'd be such a good boy, wants to prove it but Dew is convinced he's absolutely got a bit of a brat inside of him.
Dew wonders if he's weird like Aether and likes to play with his magic, Omega certainly did...Is it just a quint ghoul thing to be a freak??
Rain asks if his dick would be bigger than Dew's (Dew tries to pretend he's offended as if he doesn't share the same sentiment)
Just slightly provoking each other, a little bit of possessiveness hidden in there somewhere, while they talk absolutely nasty about Phantom...idk!
Is this smthn-
I’m honored I’ve finally been given raindrop writing privileges I hope I did them justice I know how important those freaks are to you
1.6k of exactly what it says on the tin folks. Warnings for degro, size shaming, mentions of physical punishments like bruises and blood, they’re a bunch of possessive freaks.
Ok have fun
Dew reeks of sweat and smoke.
His forehead is shiny, golden hair sticking to it as he tips his head back to allow Rain to suck on the sensitive skin of his neck. They exchange heat in this position, Rain sat in his lap nestled comfortably on his cock while Dew massages his hips. He gets hotter the longer they sit, no real urgency to either of their movements, Dew would gladly burn if it meant being able to continue touching Rain like he’s a deity who has given him the grace of his skin against his own.
“Haven’t you noticed how he looks at us firefly?”
The words barely register in Dew’s brain as Rain lifts up off of his throat to speak coherently. Rain grinds his hips back lightly, causing Dew to suck in a deep breath. His grip tightens as he finally looks back up at Rain with a confused look.
“Phantom. Have you been listening to me or do I need to get up?” Rain sighs while Dew digs his nails into his hips, mumbling out a couple breathy protests.
“I’m listening I promise I- we’ve just been here for hours Rain cloud”
It had been more like an hour. The passage of time slowing as Rain moves at his own leisure. A casual pace to the roll of his hips even as Dew attempts to move them faster. Rain had already soaked the sheets below them anyways, can’t help himself, but Dew’s eyes cross every time Rain sits back to add another comment about whatever he had decided was the topic of conversation.
“Could get up if you’re not feeling it, thought you enjoyed it when I sit sweetly in your lap. Thought you wanted something pretty to look at”
“I do baby-“
“Then stop complaining”
Dew lets out another breath he didn’t know he was holding. He readjusts them in an attempt to relieve something about their position. At least enough that he can focus on what Rain is saying to him.
“Anyways, Phantom just looks so sweet doesn’t he? Probably would drop to his knees in the common room if we asked him” Rain repeats, a soft hand caressing Dew’s chin to force his gaze. He studies Dew’s eyes for any hint that he’s not fully with him, enamored with the way his pupils dilate. Finally Dew rolls his eyes and bats Rain’s hand away, grumbling about how he’s still there.
“You really think that freak is obedient?”
“More obedient than you are” Rain chides “besides, if he listens when you send him on stupid errands to annoy Swiss, I wonder what else we could make him do.”
Phantoms eyes spark when he sees Dew and Rain. A mischievous glint that has Rain wanting to drag him between them and use him as they please. A finger beckoning him over, pointing at the floor, hell Dew barely had to motion to the stage before Phantom had eagerly dropped to his knees while on tour. Something Dew has not forgotten, or let Rain forget.
“I’ve heard the opposite. Swiss gets chatty when he’s high” Dew snickers. There’s a hint of jealousy to his voice as Rain praises the new summon while seated on his cock. A petulant tone that only makes Rain bite his lip in curiosity.
“Is that so?”
“Said he’s a fucking brat, that he’s got an awful mouth on him” Dew groans as Rain bounces lightly just to hear that tone of his go breathy again.
“Well considering how often I let you get away with it, I’m not concerned”
Rain adjusts again with a wicked look. He loves watching the cocky attitude in Dew melt away as he clenches down on his cock. Dew is adorable when he’s jealous, Rain could work him up for hours if he didn’t think Dew may burn down the abbey about it.
“He’s greedier than you are princess, Swiss could spank the stupid toy raw and he would beg for more”
“Guess I enjoy the challenge. Swiss encourages the bratting though and you of all ghouls should know that”
More than once had Swiss worked Dew up enough to get smoke coming out of his ears. Laughing in his face before sending him back to Rain covered in bruises after taunting the one ghoul who usually couldn’t control himself. Always quiet and docile, but they all knew the work it took to get him there. Swiss dishes his punishments hard, that fucking sadist, purely encouraging a bad habit so he can have his own fun.
"Sometimes Swiss has to subdue him with quintessence just to get him to shut his mouth. Poor thing will apparently just talk and babble until he's fucked stupid"
Oh that idea intrigues Rain more than it should. The idea of Phantom being so loud and disobedient that even Swiss can't handle him sometimes? He licks his lips, quickening his pace bouncing up and down on Dew just thinking about it. His thoughts are awful really, the terrible sadistic part of him wondering if he could get Phantom to submit without having to use magic.
He knows how hard Swiss can go, he's left plenty of cuts and bruises on Rain to make that point clear. But Rain wonders if Phantom will allow him to go harder.
“I think we could take him firefly. Could just tie him up until he wants to be good if the bug gets out of hand.” Rain muses. Dew pants and curses beneath him, trying to grab at Rain to slow him down.
“Fuck baby-“ Dew moans. There’s an internal debate of whether or not to force him to still his hips, loving the way he looks bouncing up and down. His dark hair framing his face as he tilts his head back blissed out on Dew’s cock, small tits bouncing slightly, he looks ethereal like this and if Dew wasn’t about to completely ruin the moment he would've been more than grateful to continue to watch.
There’s a small pause that lingers in the air as Rain finally stills. He leans forward into Dew’s chest against, panting right by his ear.
“Hope he’s a bit nasty for us, hope he makes me fucking claw at his skin until he sobs. Get him real marked up and docile, see a bruised bloody thing at our feet hanging onto our every word” Rain huffs, breathy and a cocky lit to his voice that has Dew whimpering at the idea. One of Rain’s claws drags down the side of Dew’s abdomen for emphasis as he just nods and gasps at the sting.
“Do you think he’s got that awful quint trait of being a fucking freak with his magic? Do you think he uses it to get what he wants?” Dew screws his eyes shut as Rain clenches down on him again. Omega certainly has an awful streak of using his magic to his advantage, they’re sure that’s how aether got to be so bad. Just a taste of power and Dew’s convinced the kid will be hooked. Will play dirty just to get a cock in him.
“I think we can make a sweet boy out of Phantom. Won’t need any magic to get what he wants if he listens”
“And how do you expect to do that?”
Rain smiles almost maliciously at Dew, his sharp teeth almost reflecting the low light in the room. A sweet hand comes to caress the side of his face, a stark contrast to the filth Dew knows Rain is thinking.
“Oh I was hoping you’d be a bit generous droplet, I was thinking I could offer him the opportunity to fuck my cunt if he’s a good boy. Maybe if you’re good too you can watch”
Dew practically growls, “Id just have to fuck you afterwards. He can’t fuck you like I can, would love to see him try though”
“Oh is that so? You don’t think he’s bigger than you are?” Rain reaches below him to grab at Dew’s cock, showing how easily it slips out when he’s not actively grinding down on it
Shame burns in Dew’s gut, his face going bright red seeing how Rain’s fist almost covers him completely. A spurt of pre dribbles down his fist only adding to the embarrassment, not only feeling of seeing Rain actively coo over how small he is, both of them knowing how aroused it makes Dew.
“Shut up” he grits.
“Seen and heard a couple things that tell me otherwise. I think he could fill me up nicely” Rain sits back on Dew’s cock again, tsking in mock disappointment. He reaches down to rub between his folds, biting his lip as he circles lightly on his clit. Dew can see how wet he is, more slick leaking out of him as he touches himself.
“That’s even if I let him near you. Don’t even want him to look at your pretty cunt, should be all mine”
Rain spreads himself at the words, two fingers showing off his pink little clit, completely engorged. Strings of his own arousal connect his fingers as he shows himself off. Dew wants to drool, to beg to get his mouth on him. Needing the salty, heady taste of Rain on his tongue.
“Don’t get jealous on me now. Besides, you’re not in charge Dewdrop” Rain sneers.
Dew whines, Rain’s hand coming to wrap lightly around his throat. A final grasp at power that Rain knows will leave him helpless and quiet for him.
“If you’re so jealous I could just have you both fuck me. Get both of your little cocks in me and see if It even stretches me out. Sure mountain or aether is bigger than you two combined, would be a really sweet sight to watch you two try though.”
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etoiile · 8 months
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starring chigiri hyoma!
synopsis: after being your roommate for a little over half a year, chigiri can say without a doubt that he's never met someone like you. you're sweet, funny, and just a great friend. but what happens when he wants to be more than that?
warning(s): not proofread but im p sure i didnt grammar correctly, mild swearing, gender neutral reader
notes: i want him your honor
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"im back.." you mumbled, kicking off your shoes and practically throwing yourself onto the couch.
"well, dont you sound energetic." he joked as he turned off his phone and sat down next to you. "rough day?"
"ugh you cant even begin to imagine." you grumbled. "shit day. start talking. distract me."
"hmm..." he thought. "my day was pretty uneventful. i got let out early and just caught up on some stuff."
"who were you texting earlier? got any tea?" you questioned sleepily with a yawn. gossip sessions with chigiri were your absolute favorite. whenever he texted someone, there was usually some sort of news. plus, he gossiped like a girl and you were here for it. (sorry but chi is just so freaking canonically girlypop)
"nah. i wish, though. just talking to my older sister about some... stuff." he trailed off, racking his brain for a new subject.
"you hungry?" he asked, motioning towards the kitchen.
"yeah. will you carry me?" you asked tiredly, giving him your best puppy dog eyes. you were too tired to move on your own.
chigiri rolled his eyes at you, but still let you climb onto his back regardless.
as he carried you to the kitchen, he couldn't help the way his heart would leap out of his chest every time you left out a sleepy groan or would shift a little in his hold before nuzzling into his back. he couldn't help but imagine being here with you, in this apartment, though not as roommates or even friends, but lovers. he couldn't help how he could never be mad at you, despite what he'd say. he couldn't help how every time you did literally anything, he could feel himself falling deeper in love with you.
"well, think about it this way, chi." his sister had texted. "you've got two choices before you. confess or dont. correct?"
"WRONG. there's only one choice. by doing nothing, youre doing nothing but self torture. you'll always be thinking about how much you want to hold her but cant, and you'll have to watch her go on dates and even get ready for them. obvi, thats no fun. imo, just go for it, honestly. gotta be brave, yk?"
at the time, chigiri said something along the lines of, "maybe i will, maybe i wont. we'll see." before turning off his phone to greet you.
now, as he thinks about his feelings, he's never been more sure. he's never felt this way about anybody else before. its not like his past relationship where it was thrilling and exciting but exhausting. the way he feels with you is different. you feel safe. warm. comforting. you feel like a warm, sunny breeze after a cold rain. you feel like home. you feel like warmth. you feel like love.
he gently set you down at the kitchen counter before heading to the fridge.
"we dont have much food because SOMEBODY forgot to buy groceries." he teased. "we have fruit, eggs, bread, tobiko roe, rice, and instant ramen."
"yeah, yeah. anyways.." you then started batting your lashes at him like a maniac. "would you mind making me some ramen, my dear, sweet chichi?"
chigiri's heart leapt at the use of the word "my." he could feel his cheeks start to heat up and he quickly turned around.
"yeah, yeah, as you command." he rolled his eyes (for the 349348th time) and got to work.
"dont forget the eggs!"
"just be brave," his sister had said.
pfft. "just be brave?" give him a break! it just wasn't that simple. he couldn't risk the friendship most beloved to him. he just couldn't!
he watched as the seasoning gently bubbled with the noodles as he gently stirred the pot with a pair of wooden chopsticks, humming along to a tune he'd heard on your playlist absentmindedly.
"CHIGIRI?!" you suddenly yelped, clearly taken aback.
"what? is something wrong?" he asked calmly but concerned, praying that you weren't hurt as he set down the chopsticks and ran to you.
his cheeks were met by your palms as you squished his face together. "you're humming "cruel summer" by taylor swift! ive done it! youre a swiftie!" you let go as you squealed and leaped for joy, jumping about.
"chigiri's a swiftie! chichi is a swiftie!"
he chuckled as he watched your antics when suddenly, you crashed into him as you jumped.
you looked up from his chest and were met with his gorgeous pink orbs. it stunned you for a moment. they were so captivating, like they were gently chorusing a beautiful melody. you felt yourself sinking into them when suddenly, you realized the position you were in.
there was maybe an inch or two separating your lips from his. flustered, you quickly drew back, though you didnt exactly want to.
"sorry! um, my bad. i was just thinking! about how your eyes? uh... about how taylor swift has... uh... actually, what am i saying I WAS ACTUALLY-" you stammered as you tried to find an excuse for lingering much too long in his arms. staring into his beautiful eyes. on his chest. his muscular, toned, delicious... STOP.
suddenly, chigiri felt something. it wasn't embarrassment, it wasn't anxiety, it was... bravery.
gently gliding over to your flustered and still stammering figure, chigiri took your hands and looked you in the eye, freezing you.
"y/n, youre my one of my best friends." he said, his melodic voice gently wafting through the air. he then gently leaned down to your ear and in a low whisper, said:
"the thing is though, i dont want you like a best friend."
you were left frozen.
"a lyric from "dress." not bad, am i right?" he asked with a sly grin.
as the great taylor swift said, (in "its time to go") when the words of a sister come back in whisper, he realized that his sister was, as much as he hated to admit it, right. all he needed was to be brave.
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𝐄𝐓𝐎𝐈𝐈𝐋𝐄 ©𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟑 please do not copy or repost my work on any other site. interactions appreciated! 🤍
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mushroomnoodles · 8 months
Oh my goodness! I ADORE your blog! I love all your storylines!!! 🌸🌸😭😭😭🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸 I almost thought I was only person in this world who enjoyed Petrikov mpreg, I’m so blown away right now!!! T o T
Oh, and can I ask? What was Marceline and Simon’s bond like during Simon’s pregnancy up until the birth? And also, what was Morrigan and Marceline’s sibling bond like before Simon eventually passed and they become distant?
I see a very anxiety-ridden Marcy through those 4 months but also a super happy big sis by the end of it.
Maybe she was the type to sing songs to them…? Maybe when she’s tasked with babysitting them and they are all fussy, she calms them down by singing… “Everything Stays”?
thank you so much, it's really touching to hear that since.. i always kinda feel like i'm flailing with storytelling! i felt the same way before i started posting my stuff but now i see there's a little group of us chillin'.
despite marceline's worries she was very much present for simon during the pregnancy. she visited a lot and simon knew if he ever needed to talk she was a phone call away. plus, she had the honor of being the only person morrigan actually got excited to hear.
tw/cw for sfw and nonfetish mpreg
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simon is. sooooo sentimental w marceline when he's pregnant.
marcy also would fly simon to the candy kingdom at night a lot so pb could try and get a reading on the baby. they did it at night so nobody would be awake + marceline didn't have to hide under all her sun gear.
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simon had those moments where he just felt... like a freak, almost? and while pb tended to exasperate the problem by how she treated the baby as a threat (sorry simon) marceline helped him feel more normal and tried to adapt to his needs. and yeah, she was still pretty stressed- pb and marcy both were, and they also held onto each other a lot through this uncertain time- but she tried to bottle it up around simon, and in the end it was all worth it and marcy got a really cool little sibling to flaunt.
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plus, she got to deliver them. she got to be the first thing they saw! how gnarly is that?
morrigan was actually a pretty amicable baby. very aware. very intelligent. and if they did fuss, the mere sight of marceline was enough to cheer them right up. marcy still taught them how to sing everything stays, though! i like to think simon and marcy are both pretty musical folks, and morrigan was no different.
morrigan really looked up to marceline and wanted to be like her. they loved hearing her stories (especially about the events in obsidian) and marcy loved having someone she could be a mentor figure to. she taught them EVERYTHING she could think of and knew, and absolutely relished in how much morrigan loved her. plus, they got to sass each other as all siblings do. morrigan was a pretty smart kid off the bat and they could bounce off each other for HOURS.
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heartfullofleeches · 1 year
Combining two of my new loves into one as they're the perfect pair - Dismissive Yan and Chipper-Creep Darling
I fancy writing creep reader as that eerie silent stalker, and secretive about their deviancy and malice, but one who's loud and proud about it is just as good. Your smile is so pretty!♡ can I have your teeth if you die? Saw you in my dream like night... You look cute in red. Their smile is friendly, but not welcoming. How anyone can be around this horror of a human being is a mystery..... in comes their knight looking like the corpse of their dreams with that dead eyed stare.
Dismissive Yan is just that. Nothing phases or gets beneath their skin. Cry, scream, hurt or tell them how much you hate their guts and they wouldn't bat an eye. Simply ask if you're yet done and if you're ready to eat now - or are you just going to throw it in their face again. "Ok" and "Sure" is the bulk of their vocabulary. Life's a bitch and they just don't have the energy to care, but don't be fooled by how indifferent to reality they are. Belittle them all you want, but the second anyone talks about their darling they're slitting throats on the spot. A tyrant when it comes to those who get in their way - crushing their victim's fingers one by one beneath their heel with zero thoughts in their head.
Together, Creep Darling and Dismissive Yan seem incompatible on the surface. "Don't touch me in public, Y/n...." "Then smile! Come on, smile- I know you want to~" Creep doesn't respect their personal space and always trying to push buttons they don't have. Their Yan barely reacts on the outside, but touch their chest and their heart is racing. These two truly bond when someone makes fun of creep for their behavior - and their bully gets the shit beaten out of them for it. Teeth flying, bones broken. Instant heart eyes for that freak. While patching them up, creep darling goes on and on about becoming murder spouses someday. Yan only asks you let their hands heal first.
This lead to a full scenario where reader is some kind of protecting force for Yan. My first idea was a doll/robot they come across one day or is forced on them for their reclusive nature. Only problem is that doll has a nasty little bug... that gives them a taste for blood and pastel colors. "Smile or die!" ... What do you mean that's not how you greet a human?? They hang around Yan because they keep a roof over their head and their parts in peak condition. Humans are broken when they're sad so they have to rid the world of every miserable one way or another. Dismissive Yan never expresses any emotion so you can't do a thing but tease and push until they do. Unfortunately, you don't get that honor.
Ambushed one eve by people who didn't take too kindly to them either, you're knocked down first so you don't get in the way. When your systems reboot and you're ready to knock some heads, you wake up with the skulls you aim to crush already caved by the lead pipe that took you down and that weirdo standing over you. Boo - looks like they broke too. You guess you won't kill this downer, not with them crying over you like this. And for helping you out. The new eye they buy you better be top quality
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sugar-plum-writer · 5 months
"Jujutsu Lover~ OTOME GAME"
System: 002 [Part - 01]
Loading 99%----> 100%!
Loading Route! Character?
System Administrator!Gojo Satoru
Love interest for Player- 3%
[Be aware not to cross above 100% for your safety~] Best of Luck!
[Player Death Rate- 80%]
Difficulty- SSR**
[Failing to clear will result in immediate death!]
[Slight!Violence; A System Administrator!Gojo Satoru x Fem!Otome Game Player Reader; Isekai]
Route Name?
[Do you love me Mr. Gojo?]
Good Luck player Y/n
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The situation you were in now was unexpected, sure you might have hallucinated about it but hallucinations do not come to life correct? correct. If so was the case why are you stuck in this situation?
"Yo~ Y/n welcome to the afterlife!!!" pulling you by the wrist the man smirked smugly
"Congratulations on living the dream everyone has wanted to live, applause please!!!!" he clapped his hands loudly, setting off a party popper wearing a birthday hat
The man was a giant, 190 cm tall, with broad shoulders, white hair, and his eyes a blue embodying the entire sky- Looking into them felt like a freefall through an endless vast expanse of never ending Azure.
"W…Wait what!? I am dead…like dead dead? or a demon is trying to take possession of me?" confused you looked at him a bit freaked out at the situation
"Ah… possession well that's a first I have heard as a system administrator, oh well it's interesting" Smirking he offered you a party hat too
You looked at the party hat, then looked at him doubting and wondering if he was serious, as silence filled the heaven-like white room, with no beginning or end a span of endless white
"Ah you are no fun~" With a pout he threw the party hat away
"Believe it or not you are dead its not a dream, this is 100% real, you died in a car crash, a drunk driver slammed into you"
"So…I am dead?" you felt a pang in your chest, sweat dripped down your neck as the heart pumped itself to oblivion
"Yes, you are dead" The playful demeanor was gone as he looked at you, the gold threads embroidered into the royal blue and white suit glistened- something straight out of a French couture. The print was abstract-outwardly but fit him perfectly as if it was made for him.
"I…Is there no way to go back?"
"Hmmm…Well, you are going to be a player to test out the new world" sneering he leaned in, "If you win and survive, you can go back to your world"
"Really!? What do I need to do?"
"Well first of all~ you will need to make one of the characters fall in love with you, clear the route, and get a happily ever after, it's like a dating sim!" with a snap of his fingers a hologram appeared in front of you of a game like system
The Hologram had all kinds of stats missions, routes, shop, etc as you clicked around seeing different options
"And winning is assured because- I yours truly Mr. Gojo Satoru will accompany you through this! see!" he pointed at a small chibi icon of him in the corner of the hologram smirking.
"I see…but how are you so sure about winning? It's not like you are a god" you looked at him and chuckled finding it funny.
Without batting an eyes he gazed at you, looking into the depts of your soul every nook and cranny, and stated the obvious calmly as if it was obvious beyond doubt. For a moment he looked like a man above all, as if the world was nothing- not even worthy enough to be under his feet for it could never bear his divinity
"Darling", He chuckled , "Why would I need to be a God when my existence is higher than any position a God could want? As, throughout heavens and Earth, I alone am the honored one"
[System message!]
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[If you wanna be tagged for other parts ect! comment below I will tag you~ and heart the post to let me know if you want more~]
@hinakazino it's out! Sorry for the late tag love ❤
@nissatamz it's out!!!
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eddie-van-munson · 2 years
Magic Fingers (Eddie Munson x Reader)
Summary: You and Eddie are best friends and you decide to take each other's virginity. It's awkward, giggly, and perfect.
Warnings: Smut (P in V Protected/F Receiving Oral/First Times), Fluff, She/Her Pronouns, Conversation and Jokes About Virginity, Cute-Awkwardness, Brief Mentions of Pain and Blood, Cursing, Eddie Smokes a Cigarette.
(Requests are open but the waitlist is long!)
"Are you a virgin?"
"Fucking Pardon?"
Eddie giggled, sitting up from where he'd been laying with his head in your lap. You'd played with his hair once a few years ago when he was pitiful and sick, and now he expected it every time he was with you, grabbing your hands and holding them to his head like it was his birthright.
He leaned forward on the couch to grab his pack of camels, pulling the lighter from his pocket before rolling backwards onto the cushions again. He kicked his feet up on the arm rest. "You heard me, Princess. Ever get your cherry popped?"
You snorted as he looked up at you, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively. He put a cigarette between his teeth, closing the box before tossing it onto the coffee table.
"What do you care?"
He smirked, as he lit the end. "Hey, I'm just trying to look out for you! There's been all kinds of sightings lately, you know..."
Your eyes were incredulous, "Sightings?"
He blew smoke away from your face, "Vampire sightings, babe. They'll snatch pretty little blushing virgins like you right off the street. Suck you dry."
You hummed solemnly, "I see."
"I can picture it now..." He gestured, cigarette in hand. "You're walking to my place...it's late..."
You shook your head, smiling down at him with a roll of your eyes.
"You hear a sound!" He gasped, holding his breath for a moment, and exhaled, putting a hand over his heart. He wiped imaginary sweat from his brow. "Oh, but It was only the wind."
Amused by his theatrics, you laced your fingers through his hair again as he inhaled another breath of warm smoke into his lungs.
"You make it here safely and fall into my big strong arms."
You gave one of his curls a gentle tug at his flirting, and he held your wrists where they rested beside his head.
"But little do you know...the creature you've so narrowly escaped has been right under your nose..." His voice went quiet and suspenseful as he tapped the end of your nose. "The whole time."
There was a silence as he looked up at you. Suddenly he hissed, pulling your arm down and biting your wrist, playfully. You screamed, wiggling out of his grasp and grabbing the pillow behind you to whack him. He burst into laughs, holding his stomach as he wiped a tear from his eye.
"You asshole!" You hid the smile that threatened to split your face, crossing your arms over your chest.
He reached to put out his cigarette, batting his eyelashes at you, "What, you don't think I'm funny?"
"Oh, you're funny alright." He gave an evil laugh,  pulling his knees up to sit cross-legged beside you. You gave him a little shove. "If they're looking for virgins you better watch your back, Munson. Hellfire will turn into an all you can eat buffet."
"Hey!" He feigned offense as he stood, musing  your hair and strolling over to the fridge. "I'll have you know I'm only, like, three-fourths-virgin."
"Mhm, so you're like, 25% whore?"
He flashed you a grin, as if you've given him a badge of honor, "Mhm. On my father's side."
You smirked back, "Freak in the sheets, huh?"
His expression was smug as he pulled a bag of shredded cheese from the fridge. He opened it, gave it a sniff, and ate a handful of it before tossing the bag back in and closing the door. He turned to you, brushing his hands off and spreading his arms. "Everyone wants a piece, babe."
You laughed, and he couldn't keep from smiling at the sound. He grabbed a half empty bottle of wine from the counter and took a swig, not bothering to replace the screw top before he plopped back down on the couch beside you.
Your eyes searched his suspiciously as he held out his hand. "You see those sweetheart?"
You took it, admiring his rings. There was no need to really, you already stared at his hands often enough, but you let yourself run your thumb over one of his newer pieces of jewelry.
The corner of his mouth tugged cockily when you met his eyes again, "Magic fingers, baby."
You snorted, "Yeah right."
"I'm serious!" He shoved you weakly with the edge of his sneaker. "Everyone knows guitarists are good with their hands."
"Finger-banging a few people behind skeezy bars does not make you a sex god."
 "Don't knock me 'til you try me, princess." He propped his feet up on the coffee table, biting his lip. "Besides, that's not the only thing on the Munson Menu..."
You shot him a look as he gazed at you with hooded eyes.
"I'm pretty good with my tongue too."
Heat pooled in your stomach. You ignored the urge to squirm as you rolled your eyes, staring down his mischievous little face until he finally laughed, sighing loudly, "Never quite made it past that though. I guess I'm not quite as desirable when my mouth isn't...preoccupied."
Part of you hurt at that, imagining Eddie on his knees for people who'd never bother to get to know him otherwise, much less consider doing the same for him.
"What about you, sweetheart? You saving yourself for someone special? Some lucky bastard on your wedding night, perhaps?"
You shrugged, laying your head on his shoulder. "Not really. Just...you know. I'm no Chrissy Cunningham."
Eddie's dark brows creased, "What the hell is that supposed to mean?"
You snuck a knowing smile at his indignance. He'd harbored a crush on the sweet blonde cheer captain for the entirety of middle school, as well as the majority of freshman year. "I'm just fucking with you. I don't know. Guess the opportunity just hasn't presented itself."
You toyed with his rings, affectionately. Something about it made his heart flutter.
"It's just an intimate thing. I mean, I'm insecure about shit and I know it'll hurt...I just want to be with someone who'll take care of me, you know? Someone I trust."
He exhaled, "Shit, I get that."
There was a silence. Eddie played with a lock of your hair as you reached for his necklace, grazing your thumb over the guitar pick. "Can I tell you a secret?"
He hummed a yes, reaching for the bottle he'd set down earlier, and shuddered when he took a sip. Evidently it'd been sitting out for quite a while now.
"I always kinda hoped it'd be you."
He choked, eyes going wide as wine dribbled down the front of his shirt. It wasn't exactly the reaction one would hope for, but it made you laugh. He leaned forward to rest his elbows on his knees, his shoulders flinching with coughs and sputters.
"Shit, Eds."
You patted his back firmly and he cleared his throat a few times as he finally caught his breath, looking over at you with big eyes, still watery from the fit, and a stain on his shirt. At least it'd been a black one. His voice was hoarse when he finally managed words, laughing, "Are you trying to kill me?"
You snorted, dragging your thumb over his glistening chin and wiping it on his sleeve. "I didn't think you'd lose a lung over it!"
"Well I'm sorry I wasn't expecting my best friend to just casually admit she has sexual fantasies about me!"
"That is not-"
"That she's been pining over me for years! Hopelessly in love!"
"Jesus Christ." You buried your face in your hands.
"That she's been longing for me to deflower her in a desperate night of passion!" 
"You know what? I take it back."
He grinned the most shit eating grin you'd ever seen, pulling your hands from your face and resting his chin in your palm. "Oh, what did it, dearest? It was my fingers, huh. Had to put me to the test?"
You dropped his face, crossing your arms over your chest as you fought a smile, "You are such an asshole, Eddie Munson."
He beamed at you, "An asshole that you want to swipe your v-card."
"Ah, the old Cumming of Age..."
"So, this has been fun-"
"Oh no you don't!" He snagged your elbow and pulled you back onto the couch. "You can't just pull that shit on me and leave. Sit your pretty ass down."
You sighed dramatically, the corner of your mouth twitching upwards as he tugged you over to sit across his lap. He leaned back against the armrest now, and you were able to relax into the cushions with your arms around his shoulders.
He looked undeniably pretty there, though you'd never admit it to him. His hair was wild, his warm brown curls mussed and perfect, and his eyelashes cast shadows on the tops of his smiling cheeks. His gaze traced your features as he stopped to admire you for a moment.
"Why me?" His voice was surprisingly tender when he spoke. Amused and in awe.
You paused, shrugging. "Because you're you."
Eddie's chest went warm.
"I know you'd watch out for me. Take good care of me. You'd stop if I wanted you to." You swallowed thickly,  "I trust you, Eds."
He stared at you, and the love in his eyes was unmistakable.
"And it doesn't hurt that you're such a pretty thing." You reached up to give his cheek a little pinch.
He blushed, and a sense of pride overtook you. You'd just made Eddie Munson blush like a schoolgirl. He wet his lips, the air thick now. He was close. Really close. "Now you're just stroking my ego."
"What, you'd rather I be stroking something else?"
His jaw dropped, "Oh shit! That was good!"
You laughed, your head tilting back against the couch, and his eyes flickered down to your lips for a moment in contemplation. Silence. Finally, he huffed, decidedly, "Here's what's gonna happen, ok?"
You held back a giggle, "Yessir?"
"I'm going to kiss you."
Your brows raised, "Oh?"
He nodded, "Yep. And If it's weird, we'll stop and we'll go about our night like nothing happened, sworn to never speak of it again."
"And if it isn't?"
He smirked, wiggling his eyebrows, suggestively. "Then you can have your taste off the Munson Menu, tiger."
Your eyes went playful, "Magic Fingers?"
He chuckled, "Well of course, angel. Along with whatever else you wish."
A smile crept to your lips as your focus traced his cupid bow, "Sounds like a good deal."
He nudged his nose against yours, mischief splitting his face, "Only the very best for my favorite customer."
You cringed, pulling back. "Now you sound like an escort."
He frowned, "What's wrong with being an escort?"
"Nothing! I just hope you're not expecting to be paid for this."
He tugged you back in, smirking, "Shit, I ought to be paying you, sweetheart." There's a pause. Eddie tucks some hair behind your ears. He can see the nervousness you're trying to hide. He lifts your chin, "Are we really doing this? Are you cool with it?" You nod firmly. "I can stop anytime you want, ok? Just say the word or...I don't know. Give me a shove or something."
He could see you relaxing a little with every joke he cracked, but in reality, his own palms were starting to feeling a little sweaty, too.
"You've been kissed before, right?"
You shoved his chest, shooting him a look, and he giggled.
"I'm sorry! I'm sorry! Forgot you and Tommy Harding got all hot and heavy in seventh grade. Always had his tongue down your throat, didn't he?"
"He did not!"
Eddie looked up, humming as if he was considering this, "He totally did."
"You suck."
"Nah, you're still thinking of Tommy Harding, babe. He was a goddamn vacuum."
You couldn't help but snort at that one, laughs escaping you as you dropped your head to his shoulder.
Eddie chuckled, lifting your chin to make you at him again, "For heavens sake, sit still and close your eyes."
You obeyed, but whined, "Why? What are you doing?"
"This, dumbass."
Without warning, he took your face firmly in his warm hands and gently pulled you down against his lips.
And shit, you liked it more than you would ever care to admit. His lips. God, his lips.
You'd seen Eddie kiss exactly one time.
It'd been at a party you snuck into together Sophomore year. You'd lost him in the crowd at some point, probably one too many drinks on your part. When you finally caught sight of him across the room, he had a brunette pushed against a wall, her hands in his wild hair as he kissed her deep and hard.
Your stomach went tight when you saw it.  There was jealousy there, sure, but there was something else too. Something warm and low. You wanted to be that brunette. You wanted that kiss.
But this kiss? This kiss was blowing that one clear out of the water.
It was curious at first, slow and gentle as he welcomed the taste and feel of you. His mouth was warm and soft. Familiar, in an odd way. Eddie...Eddie's sweet grin. You'd seen this pretty mouth flash you so many smiles and laugh so many laughs. The kind of smiles and laughs he saved just for you.
The kiss deepened slowly as you inched closer in against his chest. Finally, his hands found your thighs, giving you a reassuring squeeze as he pulled you further into his lap. You groaned softly at the feeling of his heart beating right up against yours.
The kiss broke when you remembered that you did, in fact, need oxygen to live, but he didn't let you go far, tilting your head back lazily as he left a messy trail down your throat.
"What do you think?" You stuttered, distracted. "I-Is it weird?"
He chuckled, his hot breath fanning over the delicate skin of your neck. "So fuckin' weird."
You went breathless as he nipped a soft spot beneath your ear, gasping his name weakly. You could feel his smug smile against your jaw. "Feel nice?"
"Shut up." You retorted quietly, eyes still closed. Eddie grinned, pulling your hair back to suck teasingly at the spot. Your hands laced in his curls,  "W-What're you?-"
"Just leaving you a souvenir."
"I'm gonna smell like cigarettes after this. 's that not enough?" Your taunt was barely coherent as you winced at the sting of the little bruise. It felt good.
He laughed good-naturedly, lips kiss bitten when he pulled back to look you in the eye. "I'm just marking my territory."
"Marking your-? What, Are you gonna piss on me next, Alpha Male?"
He snorted a laugh as you crooned down to find him again, "You know I love it when you antagonize me."
You would've returned the quip, but you were too focused on his wandering hands moving up your thighs. You grazed your tongue over his lower lip in warm retaliation.
He moaned softly into your mouth, and it made a deep ache settle between your legs. You ignored this, trying to hide the slight roll of your hips.
Your hands laced in his hair as things grew desperate and messy. At this point, it would've been impossible for him to try and hide where he was hot and hard against your leg, so he took one for the team and grinded you against him gently.
You cursed softly, "Getting excited?"
He chuckled, his words strained, "Maybe a little."
Your cheeks had gone red, and the heat of his middle against yours was making you flush down to your tummy. You rocked in his lap curiously, "Me too."
He groaned, "Oh, trust me sweetheart. I know."
You pulled back suddenly, eyes wide, "You can feel it?"
He breathed a laugh, brows raised, "Babe, you're soaking my jeans. Of course I feel it." You buried your face in your hands, and Eddie giggled at your mortification. "It's nothing to be embarrassed about!"
Your words were muffled behind your palms. "If you have to say that, then it definitely is."
He grinned, "How did you expect any of this to go down without you getting a little wet?"
You whined, "Don't say that."
You groaned loudly. Eddie gave you a fond look, fighting a giggle, "Hey...I'm serious. It's a good thing. Besides, I've been poking your thighs for ten minutes now. I'd be worried if you weren't a little-" He aborted the word, remembering how you'd cringed, before. "Turned on."
"That's different." You bit your lower lip, arguing even though you knew he had a point. You'd felt him stiffening beneath you since he'd gotten you in his lap.
"How?" He leaned back against the couch, lazily.
"Because you're not...leaking!" Your ears felt like they were on fire.
"Oh, sweetheart. I definitely am. You're not the only reason I'm gonna have to wash these, alright?" You sighed, rubbing the bridge of your nose as he gestured to his pants. His gaze followed you as you laid your head on his shoulder, his nose nudging against yours. God, you could get used to this...
You bristled at the thought. No. No you couldn't. He was a friend. Just a friend. A friend whose erection just so happened to be pressing up against your panties through your pants.
He fiddled with your waistband  absentmindedly, pecking your lips as he popped open the button of your pants. His voice was gentle this time, when he spoke. "Why don't you let me take a look. You know...assess the damage." He smiled playfully.
You wanted to respond, but he'd affectively stolen every thought in your head, leaving you to nod dumbly and sit back as he dragged the fabric down off of your thighs. He tossed your jeans god knows where, his eyes focusing on a wet patch of your underwear.
Eddie was glad you couldn't see it, knowing you'd be embarrassed if you could, but Christ, it was making him way too hot in his wine stained shirt. He pulled you back up into your spot on his lap, having been quite fond of it previously, and rubbed his hands over your bare thighs, soothingly. "You ever touch yourself?"
If you were red when he said you were wet, you were flaming now. You stuttered, tensing a little. "Eddie..."
"Hey, I jerk off more times a day than should be legal for one man. I'm not going to judge you for touching yourself. I was just curious if you're used to...you know..."
He swallowed thickly, fighting a groan at your implication. "Yeah. Fingers. Being touched. Didn't want to hurt you if you're sensitive."
You nodded, "I, um...I do."
"That's good. That's really good." He wet his lips, "Do you...rub? Or put fingers inside?"
"I rub, mostly. I've tried fingers, it just doesn't work for me. I think I'm doing it wrong." You scratched your neck, awkwardly.
A curve tugged at his lips, "I don't think there's one right way to do it."
You scoff, "Says 'Magic-Fingers-Munson'."
He laughed, voice breaking, "Now you're making me sound like a pornstar."
"I'm serious, Eds." You frowned, holding your temple. "I don't know what the hell I'm doing."
He pulled your hand from your head, "Hey, I don't either, sweetheart. A handful of good reviews doesn't mean I'm gonna know how to make you feel good. They're all different. I'm telling you. Once you push your fingers in, It's a jungle up in there." He tapped your belly, and you couldn't help but laugh at the absurdity of the conversation. "Shit, you guys are so complicated. There's not one go to magic button. I wish there was."  He sighed, as if this were something that caused him stress on a semi-weekly basis.
"Eddie..." You hummed, chewing your thumbnail nervously. "Are you...Are you gonna do to me...what you do to the people at the bars?" You want him to. God, you want him to.
Jesus fucking Christ. If you're asking if he'll finger you? Drop to his knees for you? Then the answer is yes. A million times yes. Especially if you promise to keep saying his name like that.
"No sweetheart." You frowned, but he kissed it away long and slow and deep, not bothering to take his lips from yours when he spoke again. "This isn't like that. 'm gonna take my time with my best girl. Make her feel real nice."
You nudged up into another kiss, needily, as his hand snuck between your bodies, fingers dancing along your glistening inner thighs. Eddie groaned as you tugged his curls, gently. "I'm gonna touch you now. Is that ok? I don't want it to scare you."
"Yes." He breathed a sigh of relief at the verbal consent, giving you knee a reassuring squeeze.
He pulled back ever so slightly to look you up and down, watching your eyes as he gently popped the waistband of your panties against your tummy, "These are pretty."
You hummed a thank you, which made his chest go warm.
"Mmkay angel. Just grab me if you need to. Tell me to stop and I will."
Even though he'd warned you, you shivered as he cupped your heat, rubbing his hand between your legs to get you used to the feeling. You whimpered quietly, allowing yourself to grind into his palm.
It made you gasp when his fingers dipped beneath the fabric, his thumb teasing your clit. You flinched, but quickly relaxed against him. "Jesus Eds, your hands are freezing."
He gave a Cheshire grin, letting you rub against the pressure for a few minutes before he pulled his hand from your underwear, sucking his fingers clean. "Alright. Bedroom."
You climbed off of his lap and groaned as you tugged him up from the couch with you. He smirked, giving your ass a little pat as you led him down the hall. "You're cute as shit, you know that?"
"I am not." You hid your blush as you plopped  down onto his bed, watching him kick off his sneakers. "I'm scary as hell."
He smirked, tugging his shirt off and throwing it into a little pile of dirty clothes. His necklace dangled down from his collarbones, tickling you as he crawled up onto the mattress between your spread legs. He held your waist in one hand, dragging your shirt up over your mid-drift with the other.
"You know what, you're right. You are scary as hell, huh?" He toyed with the tiny bow that sat at the waistband of your underwear. "I mean come on...look at this little tummy...'n these pretty pink panties too? Shit..." He leaned over you, peppering his lips over your stomach as he flashed you a taunting grin. "I'm quaking in my boots, you absolute villain." He grabbed your waistband with his teeth, snapping it against your skin.
"Ow! Stop doing that!" You whined with a giggle, which only made him laugh right along with you.
You studied the tattoo on his chest as he  crawled over you, reaching down to lift your head a little. He grabbed a pillow, propping it beneath your neck, "Just making sure Her Majesty has a good view..." He teased, sitting back on his knees. "This ok? You comfy?"
"Yeah." You wiggled, pushing your back up off of the bed. "Can I take my shirt off?"
He looked at you like you'd just asked if he wanted to meet Van Halen. "Are you fucking kidding?"
"Right. Stupid question."
His eyebrows jumped as you grabbed the hem of your shirt, "Wait, wait, wait!!" He jumped forward to hover over you, taking the front of your shirt in his fist, "I want to unwrap my own present."
You rolled your eyes as he pulled you into a messy kiss, your hands lacing in his hair. He broke away to watch as he took your hem between his fingertips, "Arms up."
You obeyed wordlessly, and he pinned your wrists with one hand as he gathered the fabric up over your breasts.
"Oh...oh sweetheart." He cursed at the sight, groaning loudly through pleased laughter as he buried his face in the crook of your neck. "You are a bad friend. Horrible." His words were muffled in your hair.
You laughed, "Oh God, what have I done now?"
He yanked your top the rest of the way off, and you giggled when he made a show of throwing it behind him carelessly. He gathered your hair  in one hand, guiding you to tilt back your head so he could kiss down your throat. "I can't believe you have perfect tits and you've never even bothered to tell me. You've been hiding them from me, haven't you? Just to be cruel..."
"You are such an idiot." You flushed a bright, happy red, unable to meet his eyes as he sucked at your chest where it peeked from your bra.
"I've got a secret for you too, you know."
You arched your back for a moment, letting him find the latch of your bra. He fiddled with it, but couldn't get it, so you flipped over on to your stomach for him with a taunting smile. He continued to struggle, whining through laughter, "I can't get them!"
"Get what?"
"The goddamn hooks!"
You snorted, "I thought guitarists were supposed to be good with their ha-"
"Shut up and help me!" 
You laughed loudly at his frustration, "I don't know, Munson...this is pretty entertaining stuff."
He growled, "Ok, you know what?"
Turning you over onto your back again, he grabbed the straps of your bra. In seconds, he tugged them off of your shoulders, flipping the cups down onto your stomach, and his hot mouth found your nipple.
Your giggles immediately cut off with a stuttered moan, squirming against the bed as his large warm hand came up to grope you. You cursed as he thumbed over the sensitive skin, his teeth grazing over you gently. His breath was hot as he buried his face in your tits, trailing kisses down the valley between them.
"You smell so fucking good." He groaned as you laced your hands in his hair, making you chuckle. He smiled up at you, proud of himself.
"You never told me your secret."
Now it was his turn to blush, "You sure you want to hear it?" His chin rested against you, and he stared up at you with big brown eyes as you brushed his bangs from his forehead, fondly.
You nodded, unhooking your bra from where it'd been abandoned against your stomach.
"You're positive? Mine's not as sweet as yours."
"I'm sure."
He pursed his lips, head bouncing as you chuckled, and braced himself, "This isn't the first time I've seen you naked."
Your eyes went wide, "What?!"
"I mean, it was like a million summers ago."
"You better be kidding..."
He gave a guilty smile, "You know how the women's locker room at the pool has that weird tiny window in the back? It's hidden in that gated area by the dumpsters so no one ever sees it..."
Your eyes narrowed, "I know that window. How do you know that window, Munson?"
He shrugged, "You went to go change and I went out back to smoke a cigarette. It was a happy accident."
He laughed as your jaw dropped. "How much did you see?"
"Oh, everything. I watched the whole time."
"The whole time?"
He crawled back up to lay next to you on his side, humming warmly, "The whole damn time, pretty girl."
You scoffed, "You absolute perv!"
"I wasn't perving! It was an act of fate!"
It was hard to be mad at him when he so clearly wanted to kiss you, but you crossed your arms over your chest indignantly.
"Oh come on, baby..." He cooed against your ears, nipping at the mark he'd left earlier. You inhaled sharply as he teased the still sensitive skin. "I couldn't help it. You were just so pretty in that little red number."
"Red number? Shit, Eds. That was Sophomore year! Mom didn't even let me wear two pieces yet. What, were my shoulders just that sexy?"
"Oh I saw a lot more than your shoulders, sweetheart."
He smirked as you gave an embarrassed groan, pulling you into a kiss.
"You know...I'd love to keep chit-chatting about this. I really would." He smiled as he tugged at your lower lip with his teeth. "But you were making some real pretty sounds earlier..." His tongue grazed yours heatedly and you gave a soft moan. "Mhm, Just like that." 
He reached down between you, clumsily rubbing between your legs until your stomach started retying itself in knots.
 "Messy little thing...You want these off?"
You nodded, shivering as he hooked his fingers in your waistband and pulled them down. He saw you clench your thighs, the cool air chilling the slick between your legs.
His forehead creased with concern, "You ok, sweetheart? 's not too much, is it? We can stop..." You shook your head, unable to find the words, and he smiled up at you. An Eddie smile. "Can I see you?"
"Sounds like you already have." It came out soft, without any of your usual bite in it. You were fighting to keep your voice steady.
He hummed, coaxing your legs open for him with sweet kisses against your inner thighs, "Haven't ever seen you all needy and wet for me, though, have I?"
You watched him, pupils blown as he admired the throbbing heat between your legs.
"God, baby, you're so wet for me. Gonna taste so sweet, aren't you?"
It was clear that description didn't bother you anymore. Your hips bucked a little as you choked his name, and Eddie kissed you above your slit, cooing reassurances.
"I've got you...I'm gonna rub your clit now, honey. You just tell me if you want me to stop or do something differently, ok?"
You nodded, desperately. God he looked so pretty, his big brown eyes trained on your face as he rested a hand on your lower tummy. The pad of his thumb was warm and rough when it finally pressed against your bare clit. You gave a soft sob, rocking your hips against the friction, drunkenly. He kept the steady pressure for a long while, just enjoying the sight of your body searching for his touch.
"How's that feeling?"
" 's good. It's perfect..." You gave a moan.
"You think I can put a finger in?"
You breathed a nervous yes, your eyes fluttering shut. You felt him switch hands, giving your clit attention with his left as he teased your entrance with his right. Carefully, he slid his index finger inside you.
He cursed at the feeling, his brain going dizzy. You were so pretty and warm and slick...and god, you were tight for him. He coaxed you open little by little until he could scissor two fingers inside you easily, enjoying the sound of his name falling from your lips, delicately. He pulled his hand from you and sucked them clean.
"Alright, angel. You're doing so well. Gonna make you cum on my tongue now, ok? We'll get all those muscles nice and relaxed."
You looked down at him with big eyes, breathless. "You don't have to...if you don't want to."
He raised his brows, "Do you want me to?"
"I want you to do whatever you want to do."
He grinned against your inner thigh mischievously, nipping the slick skin there. "I want to eat your pussy."
You cursed, "Please..."
"Fuck, Y/N..." Eddie gave a blissful sigh, as if he'd been worried you wouldn't let him, and slid his arms around to hold you beneath your legs, your thighs over his shoulders where he kneeled.
He laughed warmly into you when your hands flew to his hair at the first stroke of his hot tongue. His eyes fluttered shut as he moaned, the vibrations making you gasp. His tongue explored you for a minute before flicking over your clit, suckling it. Your chest heaved as he buried his face in you further, shaking his head back and forth between your legs.
The pressure built quickly as he sucked and lapped at you. You croaked his name, riding his face as he stiffened his tongue and pushed it deep, fucking you with it. He rubbed fast hard circles over your clit with his thumb, stopping for a moment to catch his breath. "I'm gonna make you cum, now. Is that alright or do you need a minute?"
You stuttered needily, whimpering soft pleads for him not to stop, but he knew better. He hushed you, pressing soothing kisses between your legs. Your breathing started to even out as rubbed you slowly, giving your body what it needed to keep the knot pulled tight in your stomach.
"That's it...that's my girl. Just relax. We're not in a hurry." You reached down to hold his free hand for a minute, and he smiled, love aching in his chest. "I know you want it, sweetheart. I'm gonna give it to you. I promise. Just gotta take it easy."
When he finally decided you'd returned to the land of the living, he kitten licked around where you were most sensitive, carefully sliding his fingers up and inside you. You whimpered, already trying to fuck yourself against his hand. He hummed against your clit, "Good job, baby. Is that too much inside or does it feel good?"
"F-Feels good, Eds. I...shit...Feels really good."
He beamed, slowly pulling his fingers from you only to sink them back in. He started slowly, still loving you with his mouth as he picked up speed, carefully. You clumsily rolled your hips, meeting his steady thrusts.
"My pretty girl...taking my fingers so well. 's it building back up?" You nodded, nose scrunching in concentration as you searched for what you needed with your hips.
"Here you go, baby." His lips curved as he crooked his fingers, making you gasp at the  pressure against your g-spot.
"Eddie. Eddie..."
"It's ok, angel. I'm here. Just let yourself have it."
You whimpered his name when you came, your vision going white. His chest felt warm at the sound, and it felt even more warm when you reached for him, pitifully, pulling him into a tight, trembling hug.
"Oh baby..." He cooed, laying down on his back so you could rest your head in the crook of his shoulder.
"I love you so much." You croaked, cradling his face as tears welled in your eyes.
He held your hand to his cheek, kissing your palm. "Of course you do, angel. I just made you cum."
You laughed weakly, wiping your tears. "No I...it's not that. I really d-do...I..."
A warm smile grew on his face as you gave up on your fight for words. "C'mere, sweetheart."
He leaned in and kissed you, slow and long and precious. You were both smiling when you parted, and he couldn't help but press one last chaste peck to your kiss bitten lips.
"I love you too. I love you so much, pretty girl. I adore the hell out of you. Love you to the moon."
He brushed the tears from your cheeks gently, concern bubbling in his chest.
"You alright? Too much all at once?"
"No." You breathed, nuzzling closer against him. " 've never felt so good in my life."
He pulled back just a little so he could look at you, a smirk playing at the corner of his mouth.  You gave a breathy giggle, wiping your eyes, "I don't even care. Laugh it up, Munson. You deserve it. That was heaven."
He laughed brightly, giving a happy sigh. He loved this. He loved holding you against his chest, his arm slung around your waist lazily. He could smell your shampoo and feel your steady breaths, his nose tucked against your hairline.
"You look pretty when you cum." He hummed softly. You could feel the words against your forehead.
You blushed, "I bet you do too."
He traced your lips, and you caught his hand, kissing his fingertips with a grin.
His ears went hot as he hid his flustered smile, pulling you down into another kiss, "You taste really fuckin' good. You know that?"
"How the hell would I know that?" You chuckled as you combed through his curls. Eddie frowned realizing you had a point, but before he could reply, you pushed him down onto his back, straddling his hips.
"Oh, Hello..." He quirked an eyebrow suggestively as you snuck your face into the crook of his neck, intent on leaving him a souvenir to match your own. He moaned at the feeling, only stopping you when your hands eagerly searched out his belt buckle. He took your wrists, crooning to look you in the eye with a curious smile, "What are you up to?
Your brow furrowed with confusion, "You don't want me to suck you off?"
Eddie felt like you'd just hit him with a bus, "Excuse me?"
You sat back in his lap, "You tasted me now I'm gonna taste you...wanna make you feel good too."
His eyes went wide, "You wanna-? Oh...Oh absolutely not, angel. That's not happening."
You crossed your arms, "Why not?"
"Because, Casanova..." He pulled you down to lay against his chest, rubbing your back as he pecked your lips. "It's hard enough being actively straddled by a very beautiful, very naked girl...the same girl who had her thighs  around my head not two minutes ago, might I add...You put that pretty mouth anywhere near my cock and I'm a goner, princess."
You didn't look satisfied, "I want to return the favor."
He giggled, "You already have. That strip show in the woman's locker room has been doing the trick for years." He laughed brightly at your unamused look.
"Can I at least take your pants off?"
He raised his brows as he smoothed his hands over your thighs, affectionately. "Knock yourself out, tiger."
His eyes followed your hands as you finished your work with his needlessly complicated belt buckle and tossed it to the side, unhooking the button of his jeans and sliding the zipper down. Your heart stalled as he kicked them off. He was gorgeous and soft, and you could the outline of him resting against his tummy. He watched for a moment as you stared, unsure of where to go, next.
"Y/N?" You met his warm brown eyes. It's so hard to be anxious with him. "Have you ever touched a penis before?"
He held your hand, rubbing calming circles into your wrist as you shook your head.
"Have you ever seen one? Like, in real life?"
He took a deep breath, smiling without judgement. "You want to see?"
You nodded, nerves twisting in your stomach. Slowly, Eddie pushed his boxers down off of his hips, taking his length in his hand. He watched your eyes as pumped himself once or twice, groaning as pre-cum dripped onto his belly. He was so pretty. God, he was gorgeous. He moved his hand after a moment, letting you study him.
"You can touch if you want, sweetheart." He encouraged, squeezing your hand. He could see in your eyes you were curious. "I'll tell you if I need you to stop."
He cursed, giving a little hiss when you wrapped your warm hand around his shaft, and your grip immediately loosened.
" 's ok, baby." He reassured, breathlessly. "Just felt nice is all. You're not hurting me."
After a moment, you hesitantly reached for him again. He was harder than you expected. Warmer...and he was soft. The temptation to put him in your mouth tripled when you felt how velvety he was in your hands. You could feel his heart beat as you stroked him, and you wondered momentarily if you'd be able to feel it inside you.
You were enamored for a moment with him, but your focus very quickly turned elsewhere when you looked up to see Eddie's eyes fluttered shut with bliss, his bare chest taking deep, slow breaths. You called his name softly and he gazed at you through hooded eyes, chuckling when he saw your smile.
"I've um...I've never been touched. Only m-myself."
His hips stuttered as you dragged your thumb over his tip, curiously.
"God, your hand feels so fucking good." His nose scrunched a little as he laughed through a moan, "Shit, you should stop."
You obeyed, crawling back up to give him another kiss. You were both completely naked now, and every last inch of Eddie's bare skin was distracting to you. You couldn't help but stare. He stared back, head still dizzy from the feeling of being touched.
"So, um...this is where my experience thins." He admitted, mentally kicking himself for feeling so fucked out from the shortest most clumsy little handjob known to man. He laced your fingers with his, kissing the back of your hand. "But I've still got you, ok? Nothing to worry about. "
You loved him so much you wanted to cry. Eddie. Sweet Eddie who let you cry into his shirt every time someone broke up with you. Eddie, who held your hair every time you were hungover. Eddie, who knew instantly how to make you feel comfortable and loved in every situation you could ever be facing together.
"I've got you too." You whispered, tears glossing your eyes. You kissed him before he could notice, and it grew messy and hot quickly with the promise of more. You were both panting when it finally broke.
"I've got condoms." He blurted out, quickly. "Wayne got me a box, like, a hundred years ago when he tried to give me the sex talk. I haven't used a single goddamn one."
You laughed, and it sounded like a little bird song. Eddie couldn't help but smile. He sat up, yanking open his bedside table with far too much enthusiasm. He fished the box out, pausing to check the date on the back.
He grinned, pumping his fist, "Hell Yeah! They've still got a year left in them!"
You snorted a laugh as he ripped one off of the chain and tore it open. Settling between your legs, he rested back on his knees as he rolled the condom on, spreading the leftover lube from the package over himself. He wished he'd had a bottle of it on hand, if only to make things easier. He wiped his hand on his stomach as he found your eyes, again.
He paused, looking suddenly nervous. "Do you still want to do this?"
You nodded, spreading your legs further for him, and holy shit, he could've died and gone to heaven just from the sight of that. He tried to reel himself in, "You're positive? I mean, once it's done I can't give it back."
"Hey..." You cooed, frowning sweetly. "What's wrong?"
He blushed, scratching his neck. "I'm scared. I don't want to hurt you."
You reached down to squeeze his hand, "Eddie...'
He looks up at your with those big brown eyes. You gave him a pretty smile.
"I always kinda hoped it'd be you."
His heart settled in his chest as he took a deep breath, mustering his courage. He nodded, pressing a kiss to the inside of your knee. "Just relax for me, ok?" 
Your eyes fluttered as you took a deep breath, trying to losen your muscles for him. He dragged his tip up and down against you, watching your face so closely.
"God, Angel. You're so sweet. So fuckin' pretty. Always have been." You whimpered as his head nudged your sensitive, swollen clit. "You ready?"
"Please..." you hummed, desperate to be filled up by this boy you'd loved for so long. "Please, Eds. I want it. I want you."
He cursed softly, "Just relax for me, ok? Keep breathing nice and slow."
He watched your expression so carefully. You were soaked, your folds glistening both from from his tongue and from your own arousal, and he met little to no friction as he pressed his tip in against you.
He took it an inch at a time, ignoring how painfully hard he was in favor of making positively sure the penetration wouldn't hurt anymore than it absolutely had to. He could feel pre-cum gathering in the tip of the condom by the time he was about halfway there.
He stopped, rubbing a warm hand over your tensed belly. "How're we feeling?" He cooed sweetly, concern in his eyes as you wiggled your hips uncomfortably.
"Shit, Eds...I...'m...full. Really full."
"I can feel it too, sweetheart. You're so fuckin' tight."
The wince in his voice made your eyes fly open. Your words were a hoarse whimper, "Am I hurting you?"
"Shit, are you kidding?" He chuckled, his eyes fluttered shut with bliss as he focused on holding off the tension building inside him. "You feel fucking crazy, baby. Feel so good, for me. Holy shit...you're so soft and warm in there." You gave a breathless laugh, and he hissed. "Oh fuck, don't laugh..."
You flash him a confused look.
"Makes your muscles...spasm." His dark brows are furrowed with concentration.
He let your walls adjust to him for a minute before pushing in further. The deeper he got, the more he started to feel a slight resistance.
He bit his lip, watching your scrunched face. "Ok, princess, this might be where it starts to sting." You nodded, taking his hand. He rubbed a comforting circle over your hip. "I need you to tell me if this hurts, ok? Pinkie swear it?"
You hooked your little finger with his, and he brought your hand up to kiss it.
"This is the last bit, ok? And then the hard part is over." He reached down to rub your clit as he spoke, nearly cutting himself off with a choked moan when he felt your walls pulse and twitch around him in response to the stimulation. "That's it...That's nice huh? Good distraction?" You gave a quick nod, chasing the friction.
He continued to thumb at you as he slowly pushed the last two inches of himself deep inside. You gave a little gasp, biting your lip as your hand buried itself in his sheets. Tears stung your eyes at the sharp pain. It felt like something had torn inside you. Like he's split you down the middle. Your hips ached at the intrusion.
He was unable to tell if the whimper you gave was a good sound or not, but the moment he saw a tear roll down your cheek, he went to pull out. "Shit, Y/N...Shit, Shit, Shit-"
You grabbed his hand tightly, "No no no, please stay in. I'm ok. I'm ok, I promise. Just have to get used to it." His heart ached as he watched you catch your breath, squirming gently. "Just getting used to it...Eddie..."
You gave him a look at that was meant to be reassuring, and it kind of was, but it mostly just told him how badly you needed to be held.
Tenderly, he laid himself between your legs, hovering over you as he gathered you up against his chest. Your arms hugged his shoulders tightly as he rolled onto his back, letting you lay on top of him with his cock fit snugly inside you. Your heart stuttered as you rested there against his chest, his hands stroking through your hair soothingly.
He held you like that until the tears slowed, kissing them from your cheeks and whispering soft praises against your lips as he rubbed your back. Eventually, you sat up to straddle him, wincing slightly as the added weight of your upright body sank you even further down onto his length. He held your hips in big, warm hands, dragging his thumbs up and down your sore belly, lovingly.
He groaned softly as you felt the position out, his hand coming down to rub your clit. "That's my perfect girl."
The words hit you deep in your tummy, and you whined for him, your hips instinctively giving a needy roll. You gasped at the movement.
Eddie exhaled sharply, "You want to be on top sweetheart? Or do you want me to fuck you?"
You'd wanted to ride him. A million years ago you'd read in a Cosmo magazine that cowgirl was a surefire way to "blow your partner's mind". You wanted to blow Eddie's mind. You wanted to give him a good first time. But you also knew your trembling muscles and aching stomach couldn't handle Cosmo's idea of "mind-blowing", at present.
"I um..." Your face scrunched as you tried to adjust. "Would you be disappointed if? If I wasn't on top?"
Eddie's eyebrow quirked, "What?"
"I just...I think you being so deep is too much right now, but it's your first time too, and if you want me on top then-"
He led you down into kiss, quieting you as he wrapped his arms around your shoulders and rolled you onto your back again, kneeling between your legs. "Y/N...I'm balls deep in my favorite person ever. You really think the position I fuck your brains out in is going to make difference in my overall feelings about this experience?" 
He grinned, which made you giggle in spite of yourself. "Just want to make it good for you too." You sighed, already feeling better at the new angle.
"Oh, baby...it's better than good." He chuckled, as if the pure thought that he could potentially not be enjoying this was ridiculous. You squirmed as his circles over your clit sped up ever so slightly, rolling your hips as if you were trying to fuck yourself on him. "You ready for me to move?"
You nodded, arching a little against his touches. He watched your face as he dragged his length out of you a few inches and slowly pushed back in, thrusting shallowly. He groaned at the feeling of your wet heat gripping him. Slowly, he repeated the action, and you moaned his name so breathlessly he thought he was going to pass out. "Fuck, Eddie..."
"That's it. Just lay back and take me. 's it starting to feel better?"
Your eyes lulled as you tried to focus on him, " 's sore but it's...it's good. Like 'm aching for...-"
Your hips bucked at the lewdness of the thought, his tip sliding deeper against the still-sensitive spot inside you. "Please..."
"Please what?"
Your eyes had fallen shut as bliss started to warm your fingertips and toes. "Fuck me...need it harder, I think."
Eddie scrambled to think of whatever blatant turn offs he could find in his brain, willing himself not to cum right then and there. He thought of things that grossed him out...Jason Carver's cologne and cafeteria meatloaf and that drunk brunette who'd shoved her tongue down his throat Sophomore year.
No matter how hard he wracked his brain, nothing could compete against the knowledge of just how good he was making you feel. Your pretty whines would have been enough on their own, but he could feel it too. He was fucking you so well that, despite whatever soreness you might've still been feeling, your walls fluttered and pulsed around him with every smack of his skin against yours.
You reached for him, tears welling in your eyes at the sensations, and he gladly leaned to hover over you, hooking your knees onto his hips. You linked your ankles behind him as kissed you so lovingly, pausing only to whisper little praises against your lips.
He wanted to kiss you for the rest of his miserable life. You were warm and soft, and god, every time he made you laugh he felt like his heart was going to fly right out of his chest. It was over for him. It was so fucking over.
"I'm not gonna last...fuck, I'm so sorry. I'm...I'm close. I'm really close." He sobbed, his lips parted and brows furrowed with pleasure.
You held him tight, his nose nudged against yours as you cradled his face soothingly. "Cum for me, Eddie. It's ok. Cum inside me. I want to feel it."
If he had any hopes of holding out, it was gone the moment those filthy words left your mouth. He whined pitifully, burying his nose in your hair as his hips stuttered against you. You felt a warmth as he spilled into the condom, groaning lazily as you held him.
You stayed there for a long time, joined together as you admired one another nose to nose. You traced his features with your fingertip, pecking his lips every so often as he slowly came back to earth. You smiled softly when he gave another soft whimper.
"You still with me, pretty boy?"
"Physically, yes." You giggled sweetly as he blushed, unable to meet your eyes, "I'm sorry."
You frowned, "For what?"
He scratched his neck awkwardly, looking embarrassed. "You didn't cum."
"Oh hell yes I did."
"Not on my cock." He pouted, his lips gazing yours.
You hummed, "On your face though, which is arguably even better." He fought a smile, kissing you one last time before he got up, sitting back on his knees. You whined at the loss of his body warmth.
He giggled, giving a smug grin. "I'm just cleaning you up, you little brat. Sit still..."  You scoffed as he pulled out, slowly. Any quip you might have had ready died on your lips when you saw a flash of panic in his eyes.
"Hey..." You sat up on your elbows, "What is it?"
He stuttered as he looked down between your legs. "There's...it's just...you're bleeding."
You followed is gaze to the spent condom. It was still wet from your heat, but the slick that coated it was pink with blood.
Eddie looked like he was going to cry, "Did I...Did I hurt you?-"
"Shit, Y/N, why didn't you say somethi-"
"Eddie!" You gave a soft laugh as he finally met your eyes. "It's alright. I'm ok. That's normal, Eds. It's just a little bit of blood."
He swallowed thickly, "Are you sure?"
You nodded, "I promise. I've heard stories from friends. It's really common."
He exhaled slowly, his muscles relaxing. "Jesus, you scared me. Thought I'd punched a fuckin' hole through you or some shit."
You laughed loudly, head lulling back, and he couldn't help but smile too as he gave your hip a playful pinch. He tossed the condom and grabbed a washcloth from the bathroom, carefully cleaning any leftover mess from your thighs.
You whimpered, squirming, and Eddie grinned, "Sensitive?"
You shot him a frown. "It's just cold! Why didn't you use warm water?"
"Oh, my apologies, your highness!" You snorted as he tossed the washcloth into a pile of dirty clothes, one that'd been there so long it was probably a bio-hazard at this point, and found his boxers on the floor.
 "Are you chilly?" He opened a drawer of his dresser, fishing out a shirt and passing it to you.
 "A little. Why?"
He plopped down on his bed beside you, a shit eating grin on his face, "Your nipples are hard." You laughed, rolling your eyes as he gathered you in close to lay against his chest. He wiggled his eyebrows,  "Maybe you're just horny, still."
You hummed as he kissed you, deepening his movements, "Of course I am. I never got to suck you off."
A groan rumbled in his chest, eyes scrunching. "You're gonna kill me sweetheart."
"Mhm, I've definitely thought about it. You're irritating as hell."
He cackled, dimples on full display as his head lulled back, "And yet you still want my dick in your mouth."
You gave a sly grin, "I'm just trying to reel you in with my womanly wiles and keep you all to myself."
"You are a brat..." He scoffed as he rubbed your back absentmindedly, sighing as he shook his head. "Can't say I didn't see this coming, though."
You giggled, "And why's that?"
"Oh babe. Everyone knows how these things go. I'm stuck with you now." Mischief played in his eyes. "I've seen it a million times. You take someone's virginity and they imprint on you like a fuzzy little duckling."
You smirked, "So I'm gonna fall in love with you now?"
"Oh, you already have, angel." He winked playfully, nudging your chin.
"Guess we're stuck with each other then, huh? Seeing as, you know, I took your virginity too." You gave him a teasing look.
"You took 3/4ths of my virginity. That's very different. You're only 75% stuck with me."
You sigh, smiling warmly. "I see. So you're only 75% in love with me?"
"Oh no no, babe." He grinned, crooning down to pull you into a sweet kiss. "I think I can spare you the extra 25% on this one."
@eddielives1986 @40orangecuck @jaiuneamesolitaiire @only4wakingup @blanket-anime-infos @yourleastfavx @420ghost-soup420 @padawansubscription @qorqeoussnake @loz-brooke @thewotwots27 @slvtforhim @bunkybarnesbxtch @moviemonzy @chxychxy @fxirybubble @anastylesparker
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ctitan98official · 4 months
Anonymous: can you do some Donna angst or smut? There’s no more Donna fics so I’ll take anything :’(
18+ Minors DNI
I knowww, dude T^T I could go for some Donna right now. I haven’t been giving her enough love recently, I admit it. Also, I’ve just come to the hideous realization that I’ve never written power-bottom Donna (Just sub Donna) so, I had to fix that. In this one, Y/N is a service top (And a virgin) and Donna is gentle as she shows them the ropes ;) I hope you like it! Let’s get into it!
You and Donna haven’t been dating long, but you’ve both already fallen in love. You didn’t think it could happen so fast, but you’ve never been more sure of anything. She’s… Everything you’ve ever wanted.
Kind, intelligent, beautiful… She’s a work of art.
The thing is, though… You two haven’t had… Sex yet.
Actually, you’ve never had sex at all. You hadn’t found anyone before Donna so there really wasn’t a need to. However… You’d love nothing more than to pleasure Donna. It’s your only unfulfilled dream.
As you hold Donna in your arms one evening, you look at her nervously. You can’t hold back your desires any longer. “Um… Babe?” You suddenly ask.
Donna looks at you and sees the freaked-out expression on your face. “Baby, what is it?” She questions and sits up a bit.
“I… Wanted to know if… You’ve ever been… Intimate with anyone before?” You try to ask, face ablaze. “Because, I’d like to… Um, do it with you, Donna,” You say. “I mean, uhh… Only if you want to! You know?”
Damn… Real smooth, Y/N. You grimace at your choice of words.
Donna’s eyes immediately widen. She’s been waiting for you to say something before she brought it up, but… She would love to have sex with you.
However… The way you asked her. Is it possible… You’ve never done it before? “Tesoro… Are you a virgin?” She asks gently, cupping your face so you won’t turn away from her.
You begin to sweat. You’re very embarrassed. “I-I mean, uh… Yeah… Umm, is that bad?” You ask, feeling self-conscious.
Donna coos at how cute you are. “Oh, no, cara mia. That’s perfectly fine,” She promises and rubs your cheek. She didn’t even realize this. It’s… Actually rather heartwarming to her. She’d be so honored to be your first.
“Have… You ever had sex?” You ask her.
This time, Donna’s the one who’s nervous. She sighs before answering. “I… Have, Y/N,” She reveals. “To be honest, I used to be very… Active when I was younger.”
That’s… Kind of hot to you for some reason. Donna having some experience with this kind of thing makes you feel… Safe.
“Can I, uhh… I want to…” You try to say.
“Oh, would you like to touch me, cara mia?” Donna asks and bats her long lashes at you.
Your cheeks burn wildly at Donna’s question. You nod, unable to speak.
“Why don’t I walk you through this, tesoro? I’ll tell you what to do. How does that sound, baby?” She suggests.
You chuckle nervously and nod again. You’re so excited.
Donna grins at you and begins taking off her nightgown.
Your mouth waters as you catch your first glimpse of her naked body. She’s shapely and has the most delicious curves.
“There we are,” Donna quietly says, tossing her nightgown aside. She looks up at you and strokes your face. “Are you ready, baby?” She asks.
You take a deep breath to settle yourself. “Yes, Donna,” You say.
“Well, to start… I want you to touch my breasts, Y/N,” She tells you. “That’s a very big… Turn on for me,” She says and bites her lip playfully.
You quickly flush at this. You reach out hesitantly to cup her warm, ample breasts, but you soon pull away. Is it okay to just… Grope her so scandalously?
Donna giggles at you and takes your hands in hers. “It’s alright, baby. Just do what feels natural to you,” She instructs, guiding your hands to her breasts.
Your eyes roll back in pleasure at how soft and velvety they feel. You lightly knead her chest, loving how plush and comforting her body is.
Donna’s enjoying your impromptu massage. She smiles adoringly at you and hums contentedly, rolling her shoulders as you help melt the stress of the day away. She gently pulls your face closer to her and kisses you, savoring the taste of you on her lips.
You two make out for a moment or two before you begin kissing your way down her neck.
Donna’s eyes flutter closed as your kisses make their way to the valley of her breasts. “Oh, yes, baby. You’re doing so good, Y/N,” She praises and reaches up to tangle her fingers in your hair.
You feel so proud at Donna’s words. You suck one of her nipples into your mouth and begin running your tongue along the outside of it.
Donna sucks in a breath at your actions. “Yes, Y/N,” She says softly. She’s actually very impressed with you.
Your hands find their way between her thighs, exploring the depths of her sopping wet folds. The soft moans that escape Donna’s lips only encourage you to delve deeper, adding one finger and eventually another.
Donna lets out a quick gasp at your actions. “Keep going, Y/N! Wonderful,” She grunts. She looks at you and cups your face, meeting the rhythm of your thrusts with her hips. “Ooh, so good!” She cries out and suddenly throws her head back.
You feel so empowered. You’re taking care of Donna’s needs in the most intimate way possible. You don’t ever want this to end.
“Okay, Y/N,” Donna pants, feeling herself getting close. “I want you to take your… T-thumb,” She tells you. “And start rubbing circles… R-right here,” She tries to say through her pleasure and moves your thumb to her clit. “D-don’t stop thrusting while you… Do this, okay?” She asks and almost shrieks from how good you’re doing. She wraps her arms around your neck and lies her head on your shoulder as she writhes in ecstasy.
You feel the little throbbing bud Donna showed you and begin doing as you’re told. “Like this, Donna?” You ask.
Donna can’t even answer before she wails in climax. “Yes, Y/N!” She cries out. She catches her breath for a minute, caught off guard by how strong her orgasm was. “Oh, yes, yes, yes…” She chants as she comes down from her high and hugs you tighter.
Your eyes go wide and your cheeks are very red. Did you… Make her come? “Donna?” You ask. “Did you… Umm…” You can’t bring yourself to ask your question out loud.
Donna pulls back a bit to look at you. She places a soft kiss on your lips. “I did, baby. You made me feel so amazing, tesoro. Thank you,” She tells you and goes in for another kiss.
You are… Ecstatic. You finally had sex with Donna and it was even better than you could have imagined. She’s so kind to you and you can’t wait to do this again… In fact… “Uhh, Donna? Do you want to-”
“Yes, cara mia! Whenever you’re ready,” Donna eagerly agrees. While she wouldn’t necessarily describe herself as the most sexual person… Maybe you have fundamentally changed her views on sex.
Maybe… Sex with you has just become her most favorite thing in the world.
Note: I just thought it was sweet to have Donna be more experienced than Y/N in this one. Let me know what you thought about this dynamic! Super interesting to write…
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nburkhardt · 1 year
My beloved baby Pikachu I bring Pokémon ideas~
Eddie as ghost type gym leader whose gym looks like a metal concert and he has his sweetheart strapped to his back at all times
Steve as a water/fighting type gym leader whose gym is half a pool. Everyone is surprised to find this guy in a soft pastel sweater, tight jeans, and the fluffiest hair is the leader. Until he brings put his nail bat as the battle starts.
Everyone thinks they hate each other because they seem polar opposite but no one notices the skull ring on Steve's left hand nor the soft purple sweater Eddie sometimes wears.
They're married your honor!
The Party is a group of newbie trainers that get taken under their wings of course.
AHHHHH!!! PANDA I LOVE YOU, I already freaked out in dms with you but I’mma say it again: I LOVE YOUR BRAIN, you get ALLLLL the forehead kisses 🥹🥹🥹 I’m sooo gonna ramble away. Maybe not a full fic but my god I’m obsessed. (It’s a full fic, with a surprise pov!)
We’re going to mix up all the gens together (so if you only know some Pokémon, I’ll include pictures at the bottom of the ones I mentioned)
ALSO: if you have any ideas for anyone else’s Pokémon, let me knowwwww.
Onto my rambling fic under the cut 🥰
Here’s the thing, when Dustin decided to take on the gym challenge, he had no idea what he was going to expect.
He didn’t think picking a grass type to start could both hurt and help him between each gym. But Snivy was a little spitfire and like him; dramatic. She didn’t like any of the nicknames he threw out at her. She also didn’t like her pokeball, instead she preferred to sit on his head.
All of his friends were also doing the challenge but he was getting distracted by figuring out more information on each Pokémon instead of just battling. They’re all ahead of him, which, is okay it’s annoying but’s fine.
Especially when he ran into Steve.
Dustin was supposed to take on the fairy gym next but he heard the leader was ruthless. So, he decided to train up a bit. Maybe even evolve Natu and Trapinch. But instead of that, he was grumbling as he carried his very much knocked out, Trapinch to the Pokémon center instead of battling more.
Servine was walking next to him now, too big for staying on top of him when walking. She was also grumbling in her own way, crossed arms and nose in the air.
“We’re trying to get them to evolve, Servine, not knock them out!” He threw out at her getting closer to the center, “can’t believe I let you get your way all the time”
She apparently didn’t like that information and huffed before walking away, which would normally be fine if they weren’t in a new town. So, instead of reaching the Center like he wanted, he turns around to follow her. Returning Trapinch to his ball for now.
“Come ON, Servine I didn’t mean it like that! You’re so good at everything but-” he immediately knocked into somebody and knocked to the floor, “fuck, ow. Dude!”
Looking up he finds a guy, probably in his early twenties with a Mimikyu sitting on his shoulder while a tiny Pumpkaboo floats next to him. Which is a weird combo with the dude’s outfit choice of a soft looking yellow sweater and light wash jeans. “Not my fault you weren’t looking, dude”
Dustin glares up at him before getting up and dusting his legs off, “hey! I’m only looking for my Pokémon, she ran off from me!” Looking around he can’t tell which direction she actually went in, “by any chance you from around here?”
The guy makes a funny assumed face, both ghost pokémon snicker as well- which is so confusing. But he’s not too concerned for that, more so about the fact that his goddamn starter ran off.
“Yeah, you could say I’m from around here. What’s the Pokémon? A tiny Bidoof? Oh or is it a little Oddish?” He laughs and makes a weird hand movement that clearly both ghosts know and move away, “they got a name? That’d be way easier”
Crossing his arms he looks away, “Servine, and no. She didn’t like anything I came up with, so”
The guy’s laugh dies down and he frowns, “what, were the names lame or-” he shakes his head, “you’re upset, sorry, I’m Steve. Let’s find your Pokémon instead of bickering”
“I’m Dustin, and- SERVINE!” His eyes widen as the tiny Pumpkaboo (seriously how is that Pumpkaboo that small?) leads his Servine towards them, “I’m sorry, seriously, you’re the best and that was uncalled for. Are you okay?”
Servine nods and curls into his arms. He doesn’t bother saying anything else to her, cuddles her close and turns to find Steve picking up Mimikyu and whispering to Pumpkaboo, “Thanks. Seriously”
Steve smiles, “no problem, Oz here is pretty good at finding things.” He looks at his watch before wincing, “I gotta run, we’re gonna be late. You at the fairy gym?”
What the- “how do you know?”
Steve gives another funny look before shrugging, “Got an eye for these things, anyway, next gym is ghost. Be wary of him, he’s a little, hm, much. Yeah?”
All he can do is nod and watch as Steve just walks away.
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Fairy gyms are brutal, even with Trapinch evolving into Vibrava. His saving grace was Slugma and that was it still rough since it’s fire isn’t that effective against fairy.
Maybe he should’ve gone with more poison types.
But that was two days ago, and now he’s making his way towards the next town and their gym. He is wary. Not only because of what Steve told him but because of running into Lucas.
(Lucas had decided on a water type, Totodile. Which was a little surprising for Lucas but Dustin didn’t question it, the little Totodile was energetic and lovable.)
He was minding his own business trying to figure out whether or not he could, technically, learn how to speak in the Pokémon’s language. When a blue bundle ran towards him, looking around he spots Lucas trying to catch his breath. “Hey! I thought you would’ve been passed this one”
They play catch up and once it’s all been said and done, Lucas shows him where the gym is. It looks fairly normal on the outside but Lucas swears it’s a whole other world inside.
“It’s like a concert, and there’s an actual audience too! Which was overwhelming at first, but once I got my footing it was like they weren’t there” Lucas explains, stopping only once their in front of a normal looking gym, Lucas laughs and shakes his head, “yeah that was my first expression too. I think you’ll enjoy it. Might have a hard time”
He looks away from the building to raise an eyebrow at him, “what does that mean?”
“Dude you picked a grass type as your starter! And you have no dark types!”
Rolling his eyes, “thanks for the encouragement, I’m sure I could handle it. Even with the disadvantages.”
Lucas looked like he didn’t believe him, but it didn’t bother him. Their whole party looked at him funny when he went with a grass type. Hell, Max made fun of him for it.
It didn’t matter, the gym challenge is turning out to be nothing he wanted to do once he’s able. He wanted to be a professor anyway. This was just temporary, even if he gets beat a bunch of times.
Walking inside the gym, he bypasses the annoying tips guy at right next to the door and makes his way to find the actual battle area. Lucas gave him the directions, it was confusing he said.
Sure enough, there’s a goddamn maze and cords everywhere.
After what feels like hours, he makes it to the end and is faced with a stage. Cords and what looks like vines everywhere, sure enough a small audience is there too. It looks all badass and a mix between rock and metal.
As he opens his mouth the lights go away and he has to immediately cover his ears as a loud beat starts. There’s a guitar being played even louder, clearer too. A spot light hits the stage and now he knows who’s playing.
Standing in the middle of the stage is a man. Long frizzy hair, leather jacket over a t-shirt with a band on it, ripped black jeans and black shoes. His guitar really completes the look, red with black lines all over.
The guy plays for a few minutes before stopping and walking closer, “Welcome to my metal concert, you ready for your ass to be handed to you?”
Right as he’s about to open his mouth a little orange and brown blur pops up behind the gym leader, it looks oddly familiar.
The man follows his gaze and groans, shifting his guitar to his back and focusing on the tiny Pokémon next to him, “Ozzy, we talked about this! Either stay in your ball, off the battle field or at home.”
Dustin blinks, moving closer he finds that the tiny Pokémon is a Pumpkaboo. That’s definitely moving and saying something back, which makes the guy shake his head before glancing around.
“Hold on, I’m trying to find- HONEY LOVE! Come get your child!”
There’s no movement but he hears a snort, then the tiny Pokémon moves away and he sees the gym leader shake his head again, “sorry, that little guy is only a baby. Let’s get this show on the road, shall we?”
The guy’s smile is wild and maybe Lucas was right.
An hour later and Dustin is sitting on the edge of the stage freshly beat and definitely ready to call it quits for the day.
“Did Eds give you a rough time?”
His head snaps up, there’s Steve with Mimikyu on his head and a Vaporeon sitting next to him.
“I just need to do some more training.” He doesn’t want to admit that yes, the gym leader, Eddie, definitely gave him a rough time. It was fun, but Eddie was even more brutal than the fairy gym.
Maybe he just needs to catch a dark type.
Steve nods slightly, making Mimikyu squeak. “Doesn’t hurt to train more, V here” he pats the Vaporeon’s head, causing a pur to happen, “wasn’t the greatest battler, we had to do lots of training. Before you do any of that, want to come have dinner with us? You and your Pokémon can all rest for the night”
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Dustin can’t figure out how he didn’t put two and two together. He feels like an idiot right now.
“What do you mean you’re also a gym leader? The final one at that?! Why didn’t you tell me?!”
Steve snorts, putting his hands in his pockets as he leads them to a house, “not my fault you didn’t pay attention when the professor talked about the gym challenge to you.”
Crossing his arms he glares at the ground, “yeah well, Professor Owens forgets shit. How is it you’re the water gym leader yet have a ghost type with you?”
There’s an amused smirk on Steve’s face and what sounds like a giggle come from Mimikyu, “I might specialize with water types, I do have a fond experience with ghost types. And dude, it’s okay to try catching other types. I just so happen to work better with water types. Queen here was a gift, basically, my partner found an egg and gave it to me.”
He nods because Steve’s right, it is nice to use all different types. Though if he did only pick one, grass or bug type is where he’d stick with.
“Alright” Steve smiles and comes to a stop, “we’re here, once we get inside you can let your Pokémon out.” He leads them up to a door and Dustin takes in the mixture of aesthetics.
There’s clearly two different personalities living in this house, whoever Steve’s partner is, definitely enjoys the darker aesthetic compared to Steve. Who gives off a more pastel aesthetic. Not that he fully knows, he’s still going off or how Steve is dressed.
“Hey baby, I brought a guest!”
They both hear a crash and then a curse. A Gengar floats out of the kitchen and snickers as it stops in front of Steve, “What did you do?”
“He’s over the moon for beating up a Nin- woah! Honey love, you brought the kid I just beat?”
Blinking hard because there’s no way, Dustin also rubs his eyes before looking over at the kitchen doorway. His vision clears and yep, there’s the gym leader, Eddie, standing there in a pastel purple sweater and black sweats with his Decidueye leaning behind him.
“You’ve got to be kidding me, seriously?”
Steve outright laughs and pats his shoulder, “dude, you’re face. Oh man, should’ve taken a picture.” He moves closer to Eddie and presses a kiss to his cheek, “He looked so sad after the defeat, I had to.”
Eddie shakes his head, amusement clear on his face, “Honey, you gotta warn people when you bring them over. Even if they look like a kicked Eevee”
He scruffs and looks away from the couple to find the Pumpkaboo, Ozzy apparently, next to him. It makes him groan, “I’m an idiot, you’re the one who found Servine!”
Ozzy nods excitedly before floating down and nudges his bag, confused he opens it and Ozzy dances around him. He’s curious and looks over at the couple, “uh, what?”
“He’s asking you to let your Pokémon out, they’ll enjoy some play time and food.” Eddie answers and looks at the time, “which is done by the way. Come on, let them out and we’ll give you some tips”
Shrugging, he does just that, all his Pokémon looking around curiously before spotting the backdoor where Ozzy and Steve are now in front of. All of them rush over and Steve laughs before opening the door, letting all of his Pokémon outside.
“Don’t worry, we got a fence and there’s food already out there.”
He can only nod and watch as his Pokémon all play together with Steve’s and Eddie’s Pokémon.
Dustin doesn’t know how he ended up here, honestly, he’s sitting inside a home that belongs to two gym leaders. Who are not only two of the strongest ones but also married to each other. Of all the things he was learning, this might’ve been the most surprising.
I’m gonna end it there because if I keep going this post will be stupid long (it already is 😅) BUT!! I decided to make this into a series!! It’ll be a fun one that I could write and post whenever I want. Can switch up povs and everything this way. Please don’t ask me why I went with Dustin’s pov this time around, I don’t even know. I just..kept going.
Anyway! If you enjoyed this let me know what you think and if you have any ideas/suggestions you can totally leave me some!!
Taglist: (sorry if you don’t like Pokémon 😂)
@spectrum-spectre @itsfreakingbats @mysticcrownshipper @artiststarme @thereindeerlady @justforthedead89 @ronniescontinuum @freyaforestafay @littlewildflowerkitten @estrellami-1 @gregre369 @zerokrox-blog @bookworm0690 @flustratedcas @carlprocastinator1000 @marvelmwah @solliesolesito @navnae @i-less-than-three-you @strangersteddierthings
Here’s the graphs of the Pokémon I have mentioned and also the full teams of the main three (Dustin, Steve & Eddie) and also Lucas’ totodile (didn’t come up with his full team)
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edenfenixblogs · 5 months
My cousin’s bat mitzvah is today!
I’m so proud of her. And it is not lost on me that it is on Holocaust Remembrance Day. Our grandmother is the only living child of her mother—who is the only survivor from her family in Hungary. Of her several siblings. Today I pray for them and their memories. And we recommit ourselves to our faith in their honor. We live and find joy because we fought hard for our right to do so. They tried to kill us all and make sure we never existed and here she is—my cousin!!! Enjoying a time honored tradition and becoming an adult in our community.
Suck it Nazis and antisemites! Fuck y’all! We live!
Also, her Torah portion is wildly good.
Parashat Beshalach / פָּרָשַׁת בְּשַׁלַּ ?!!! Are you kidding me‽????? That’s like the best one!!!!!!
Beshalach (“When He Let Go”) describes the splitting of the Red Sea and the song the Israelites sing upon crossing through. In the desert, God sweetens bitter water and provides manna and quail. The portion ends recounting the victory of the Israelites against an attack by the Amalekites.
Like…for those who don’t know, Jews read the Torah in order and every week is a new Torah portion. You don’t really get to choose any chapter. You just get the one you get when it’s your week (which is usually near your birthday).
For reference, my Torah portion was about what to do when you see a dead body on the side of the road (I actually did like that one and I think my sermon was really good and I’m still proud of it tbh), but it’s a lot harder to make a random Leviticus chapter work than THE freaking EXODUS.
I’m just so proud of her. I wanna talk about her community service project but I think that would involve too much identifying information. But she’s an extremely good, caring young woman and I’m so full of joy for her that im actually pretty tearful about it.
My fellow Jews, please — amidst your memories of the horrors and losses and in your mourning for those many family members and their descendants who should still be with us— don’t forget: we are still fucking here. They decimated us. But they did not succeed in exterminating us. We are here. We are still here. We live. And we love and we celebrate and we can do this. We have each other.
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chvoswxtch · 10 months
I feel like Foggy doesn't get enough love. I would like to request a vault track from Speak Now for him, please!
you know what, you're absolutely right. foggy nelson doesn't get enough love and i'm tired of y'all acting like he's not a babe so let's get into it
as a reminder, from the vault means it's spicy! (minors dni)
headcannon below the cut
innocent (foggy's version) (from the vault)*
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he is anything BUT
now don't get me wrong, foggy definitely strikes me as the hopeless romantic type
I can see him enjoying some sweet, slow, passionate love making- wanting to make sure his partner feels loved and desired, that they feel every ounce of pleasure he can possibly offer (he's definitely a giver), and he always puts his partner's needs before his own
I see him being more of the submissive type in a typical setting
but do not let that sweet smile fool you
bc underneath that physical embodiment of sunshine in human form is a FREAK
alexa play freak nasty by megan thee stallion
now, while foggy is usually all sweet smiles and friendly behavior, he can get aggressive and be dominant if need be
exhibit a: beating the shit out of those guys with a bat to protect karen in s1
exhibit b: calling reyes' bluff in the precinct in s2 (basically all of s2 foggy, mans was done with everyone's shit)
exhibit c: running for district attorney in s3, publicly calling out tower and fisk despite the negative consequences, standing in bullseye's way just to protect karen even though he had no weapon or way out (he's been hanging around matty too long) and just all around being a bad bitch the whole time (he had big dick energy all season)
honorable mention: that haircut in s3, you can't tell me that man doesn't fuck
exhibit d: (pun intended) dicking marci down after the bulletin incident right there on the couch leaving her at a loss for words (i'm pretty sure she just says "wow")
it seems like when he gets pushed too hard, or when he's completely done with everyone's shit, he basically snaps and stops playing nice
I personally find this hot and I think his partner would too and would absolutely volunteer to let foggy take out his frustration on them
maybe he's having a bad day, his current case is a shitshow, matt is being a human disaster like usual, karen is out doing something that's sure to spike his blood pressure, and the only relief he can find is fucking you over his desk hard (we're talking the desk gets moved to the other side of the room, hard)
but it's not all stress related fucking
foggy is extremely playful and flirty, and I think that translates into the bedroom, or wherever the two of you find yourselves (again, I see him as normally submissive, so if you tell him to do something, he's gonna do it)
maybe you get really excited watching him win a case in the courtroom, and you decide he deserves a little reward for working so hard lately, so you shove him into an empty supply closet and blow him right there in the court house. but foggy, being the man he is, insists on returning the favor, leaving matt to rush out of that court house in horror
and don't even get me started on drunk foggy
he's definitely gotten a little handsy and fucked you in the bathroom at josie's, or out in the alley against the wall, bc neither one of you could wait until you got home
in conclusion your honor, this man fucks, I rest my case
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bronx-bomber87 · 9 months
Happy Weekend everyone :) Whew we are almost halfway through s3 already it's crazy. I love how when we get little content the previous ep the next one has loads. This is Lucy’s first real foray into UC. Seeing that deeper Harper/Lucy bond. Tim’s freak out and protectiveness. Such a good one for so many reasons. So many more gifs I wanted to use but sadly Tumblr keeps me to 30. They need to up that ha Oh well let’s get this started.
3x06 Revelations
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Our ep starts out with Tamara and Lucy. Lucy making sure she gets at least one good dinner for the week. I just love their relationship so much. Tamara was such a good addition to the show. Adding some extra depth for Lucy. She is an excellent pseudo mom to her. Tamara asks if she can interview Lucy for a paper for school. Has to do with women in male dominated fields.
Lucy is adorable in her reply saying she's honored she’s asking her. How far these two have come. Lucy says she should be off early tomorrow. Let's Tamara know she’s just doing site security with Tim. It’s for the CCOA. Basically a convention for UC cops. I did love her saying ‘My Sergeant’ when explaining her work plans tomorrow. Made me happy. Yes he is. In more ways than one. Heh
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We first join our lovely duo running security checks at the entrance. Lucy asking if Tim does this every year? Tim tells her no but he went with Isabel once to this. Look our boy bringing up Isabel casually. Being the one to and not have it bring him down. I'm so proud of him. Doesn’t phase him like it used to. Not only that but he’s cracking jokes over here.
Saying he just worked on his tan while Isabel attended seminars haha Replying to her question about what they teach here with sass. Tim tells her he has no idea but he's clearly having fun with his reply. Lucy still isn’t used to his sassy side. Her reaction above says it all. You did this lady hehe Enjoy the fruits of your labor madam.
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Their lighthearted moment is interrupted by an old friend of Tim’s. He drives up like a bat out of hell. Tim is excited to see him (at first...) Tim is in such a good mood when he rolls up. Just outside cracking jokes with his girl having a good time. Even introduces Lucy (by her first name BTW) to his friend proudly. Shortly after their reunion Tim realizes the girl in the car is not his wife….
She blatantly hits on him calling him pretty. I mean he is. Look at the man. I’ve said before he is sex on stick. Mack notes he only gets prettier with age. He's not wrong...it’s true. Loved Eric since his DOOL days. Was in love with him then as a teenager and even more so now ha So that is accurate. Aged like a fine ass wine. *chef kiss*
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Tim pulls Mack aside and wants to talk. Lets him know if he wants to run around on his wife that's his business. But he looks high as a kite. I love the way Lucy watches the interaction. Already in protect Tim emotionally mode. Mack tells him it's just oxy. He got hurt on the job month ago and the pain is a bear.
He takes off before Tim can say more and the look of worry on Lucy's face only increases. She can tell Tim is shook up about seeing his old friend this way. It’s affecting him more than he would like. I think he must’ve been in the academy with Tim. To watch someone you used to be close fall from grace is never easy to watch. Especially when it's so closely related to what Isabel was like.
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Lucy spies on Harper giving a lecture to potential female UC’s in the making. You can see her interest is piqued. Harper even spots her before she shuts the door. Cracks me up the way she jumps when Tim catches her. I always love me some arm crossed disapproving Tim. Mmm. gimme. His emotions are written all over his face. They honestly color his attitude for almost the entirety of this episode. He’s not upset she snuck a peak. He’s upset she’s interested in UC. The way he looks back that that sign says it all. A sinking feeling in the pit of his stomach has settled and its not going anywhere.
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This next scene we start to see Tim’s demons about UC surface a little. That good mood of his is long gone. He immediately confronts her about it. Asking her if she was spying in on seminars? She can’t lie to save her life when he looks at her. She adorably replies maybe…She's so excited by the prospect of UC she isn’t picking up on the stress Tim is throwing down in this scene.
He chews her out a little for spying and why it was wrong. I think we all know this has zero to do with the spying. That it 100 percent has to do with the subject matter that’s peaked her interest. He is trying to cut this off at the pass. He is not remotely excited about her being interested in UC at all..
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We return to our couple reporting to Mack’s room. His wife Beth is banging on the door. His mistress won’t let her in. Tim doesn't have time for this and kicks the door down. Oh my. He runs inside and sees Mack has OD’d. Lucy goes and gets the Narcan to revive him. Mack comes to and is begging his wife to stay. He is so very out of it. His wife storms off saying she can’t do this anymore. Ugh poor Tim. The look he shares with Lucy kills me. The pre-tears and all. The fact that he's upset and looks back at her for support. My heart. This was not how he envisioned spending this day. It was supposed to be an easy security site job that turned into so much more.
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Tim rejoins Mack at the hospital. He is so very angry with him. His pre-tears are killing me in these scenes with Mack. Poor Tim this ep is bringing up a lot of demons for him. Ones he truly thought he was putting behind him. Not just UC ones either. Telling Mack he’s not making the same mistakes he did with Isabel. Tim has made major strides when it comes to her but those scars still linger. They’re not gone and probably never will be fully. I’m sure he still tortures himself about his inaction with her. He won't do that again. To Tim this is a way to make up for that. Atone for that sin.
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Lucy is leaving for the day when she spots Harper waiting at her car. Now I said when Harper joined the show how excited I was. That her and Lucy’s relationship was one of those reasons. These are the moments that I love so much. Harper is straight with her and says 'You know we’re gonna have to talk about it right?' Clearly referring to her sneaking a peak.
Lucy thinks Harper is there to scold here just like Tim did. The beautiful thing about this scene is she doesn’t. Nyla encourages and supports her UC aspirations. This is where she becomes her UC mentee really. After Lucy explains why she peaked in Harper can’t help but want to help Lucy with this.
Can sense her genuine excitement about it. Even agrees to drinks to talk about it. Hell it’s her idea how far we’ve come ❤️ Lucy postpones her interview with Tamara to go out with Nyla. Harper then gets a distress call from one of her old UC contacts. Asks if Lucy wants to come instead of a rain check on drinks? She jumps on this offer immediately. Wanting to see first hand what an operation is like.
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Harper sends Lucy into the bar solo while she spots the tail on her friend. Lucy looks so amped to prove herself. She finds June or ‘Coco’ as she’s known right now at the bar. Sato joins the table immediately after Lucy does. Obviously he is the tail June has been worried about. The balls on Lucy in this moment. If Tim could see her right now he would have a friggin heart attack. Lucy throws a damn drink in his face.
She covers her ass so well and pretends she’s the chemist. Really smart move on her end. Even though he buys Lucy’s story Sato and his guard make them both move outdoors. Harper is waiting in the wings like the BAMF she is. Takes out Sato’s guard easily. Harper tells Coco there’s a tracker on her car. They must be cops. Sato is now the one in trouble saying they’re not. Salonga his boss just wanted them surveilled.
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Coco up's the price for pissing them off. He tells them if they do the price hike Lucy better be at the buy. Harper tries to shield Lucy. Telling them she doesn’t go on buys. Lucy jumps in and says she’ll go. That she's already spent her share in her head. Shocking both Harper and June. If Tim could see this he would be losing his damn mind. Well he will later on….
Crazy how good she is at this right away. Harper notices the immediate potential in her. They tell her she better bone up on chemistry. She beams like the nerd we all know and love. Says she got straight A’s in chemistry in high school. Of course you did haha Lucy gets so caught up in the moment she forgets she was supposed to do the report with Tamara. Oops.
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Tim comes to Grey’s office about his report on Mack. Wade is asking him if he’s sure he wants to do it this way? Tim so desperate to right the wrong he did with Isabel he doesn’t hesitate. Says it’s the right thing to do. That it’s what he should’ve done with Isabel in first place. He warns him he'll lose his pension. Tim continues on says its right thing to do. Grey doesn’t disagree. Wade then tells him Lucy will be occupied with a UC op today. He is none too pleased about this and quickly heads to roll call room.
Tim acting like a mad worried husband from here on out. He is SEETHING above. That determined strut and crossing of his arms. His whole demeanor screaming his discontent. Anger ready to spill over onto Harper. So very worried because Lucy has volunteered for a UC op and a very dangerous one at that. He doesn’t hide his stress in the least. Lucy has become such a fixture in his life at this point. To potentially risk losing her to a UC op like he did Isabel…He can't handle the idea of it. The rest of this scene reflects that.
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His demons coming out to play extra hard in this one for him. Lucy looks so excited when she's asked to stand up. She's so ready to prove herself. She is just excited in general. Then she turns around and sees Tim’s disapproving stance and stare. She freezes immediately and instantly feels reprimanded. Looks back at him one more time and sees his body language hasn't changed. Tim is emanating anger and Lucy knows it. Whew lord. He’s ready to eat Harper.
Before we move on let's take a moment to enjoy the forearm porn we’re getting here in the gif above. Hot damn. Arms are crossed, biceps bulging and his forearms look toned as hell. Sweet baby James should be a crime to be this attractive. But let’s get back to the episode before I gawk at him any further LMAO
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The very SECOND the meeting is over Tim is all over Harper. Pushes off the wall and storms toward her. He is ready to tear her a new one about allowing this. Let’s remember this episode has been VERY rough on Tim to this point. It’s like he’s being forced down memory lane in the worst way possible. With maximum PTSD. He started the ep casual, having fun with Lucy. Even bringing up Isabel at a UC convention without it bothering him. Then Mack showed up and dominoes started to fall and haven't stopped. This scene is his boiling point with good reason.
From Mack who’s his friend forcing him to relieve his trauma with Isabel. Having to make an ethical call about his career due to him becoming an addict. To Lucy going undercover which he feels she was roped into. She wasn’t but he’s not exactly thinking straight right now. It's what happens when our emotions drown us. The logical part of our brain disconnects and all that’s left is intense suffocating emotion. Lashing out trying to get some semblance of control.
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We also need to remember the last time he was involved in a UC op Isabel was shot in the head. Almost died. His PTSD is crying out in his scene. Harper tries to calm Tim down by saying she volunteered, Grey approved it and she has the best backup she could possibly have. The thing is though no matter of logic is going to penetrate his panic right now. Tim telling Harper she’s using Lucy and he’s losing his mind over it. He felt Isabel was used in her OP and now those feelings are bleeding over into Lucy’s. He is showing all his cards emotionally in this scene. The sheer terror he feels over Lucy going under cover. He doesn't want to lose her to same thing.
I love the writers for tapping back into these issues of his. They don’t just go away. They tend to linger on for a long time. They’ve left deep scars on him. This shows how raw this nerve still is for Tim. Now to top his day off they’re throwing his person into the one thing he fears the most. Lucy has become the one constant in his life. This incredibly resilient sunshine person that has become so important to him. He can’t stand the thought of being hurt or worse. His fears from 2x19 echoing in this scene. About not being about to protect her. To losing her and him having no say in the result.
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I don’t think Tim even understands why he’s reacting this way. Most of their relationship he is like this. Acts without understanding the why behind it. Only that it is a driving force for him. It's not until 4x22 he starts to understand why he acts the way he does with her. He only knows right now it’s instinctual and he can’t stop himself from letting it out.
Lucy looks absolutely crushed by the time he says his line about her being used. The look they share before before he walks away. It's crushing to say the least. We all know how badly she wants to impress him. For him to be proud of her and what she’s accomplished to even be in this OP. Tim has always had her back. Supported her and truly seen her as a person. Had unrelenting faith in her this entire time. To not have that in this moment is rocking her entire world.
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I adore Nyla for how she helps Lucy after Tim hastily departs. She’s the best mentor Lucy could have. I love these moments between them. The way she tells her it’s Tim’s issues not her. (It’s true but also it being Lucy adds tons of fuel to the fire for him) Lucy feeling stupid for wanting him to be proud. Harper is so wonderful in validating how she is feeling.
Doesn’t shame her for wanting Tim’s approval. That he got her this far. It makes sense she would want that. Tells her there is NOTHING wrong with it. Such a good scene for them. Why I love their dynamic so much. Harper is so good for Lucy and her confidence building. She covers what Tim can't. What I love about it. These were the scenes I was so excited to get to once she was on the show for these reviews.
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Tim and Nolan have joined the op to surveil overhead. No way in hell he wasn’t going to be apart of this. I'm sure after that scene with Harper no one was going to stand in his way. Also how else could obsessively keep his eye on her if he’s at the station? Hehe Nolan thinks he’s helping by comforting Tim in this scene. Sorry John you don’t know him like that and his replies show it.
He is gruff, deflects and is cocky in his replies. All things he does with those he’s not comfortable around. Only Lucy gets soft Tim. I will commend Nolan for having the balls to say anything though. The gall of Tim to say 'Who said I was worried?’ Uh only anyone who’s interacted with you since this whole thing started. LOL The way you bit off Harpers head in front of a room full of people. But sure love you’re not worried…
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Eric is so amazing in this scene. His face says the opposite of 'not worried' His stiff body language encompassing all his immense worry. Side note let’s not ignore the amazing shots of his jawline in this scene. Could cut glass on that thing. All scruffy too mmm love it lick it like a lollipop. Ahem anyways...His continued annoyance with Nolan shows as the scene goes on.
Especially when he tells Tim about how Lucy can handle herself. Tim is VERY aware of how capable she is. It’s why he’s a little offended in his reply. He seems annoyed Nolan even mentions she can handle it. As if he's telling Tim this for the first time. Like he hasn't ridden with her pretty much every day for a year plus. He's watched her develop into who she is now. He knows dude. Nobody knows it better than Tim Bradford how damn capable she is ya schmuck...(Oops my Nolan annoyance is showing) It’s what shakes him the most with her interest in UC. That she’s going to excel at it and that scares the hell out of him.
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He is playing the worried husband to the letter. Easy Tim your feelings are showing. Showing enough that John Nolan who is usually scared of you is commenting on it. John is doing it to comfort Tim which I respect. But for Tim when it's not Lucy he isn't as receptive. As I stated about earlier he is only going to deflect, be cocky and gruff in his replies. Hence his line above. Tim isn’t going to be able to relax or breathe till she’s on the other side of this. So until then he is going to ward off Nolan and his compassion by being self assured. That he trained her so he’s not “worried". Whatever gets you through love.
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Lucy acts like a complete bad ass during the whole thing. No surprise. Gets pulled into the limo with the boss and holds her own. Even speaks Tagalog impressing Salonga even further. Writes out the formula and preserves the OP. Doesn’t take long before she’s released and they’re given the money. That’s when everyone swoops in and arrests everyone. I read in theflyingdutchwoman’s amazing analysis in their anatomy Of a scene series (if you haven't read her stuff I highly recommend it) about Tim bailing on his post during this section. I couldn’t agree more I have no doubt the minute she stepped into that limo his ass was off that rooftop immediately. Ready to go when she needed him.
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Tim is in fierce protector mode until he reaches Lucy. Then breathes a sigh of relief. Morphing into soft Tim instantly. Only for her. He quietly asks her if she’s ok? That small set of words exposing EVERYTHING about how he’s feeling. The anxiety and how stressed he was till this moment. She nods fervently and his body continues to relax. What follows this is so sweet. Let’s admire the way he holds her cuffed hands.
How gentle he is with her as he escorts her to the shop. He could have put his hands on her arms or elbow like Nyla got with Nolan. But then Nolan isn’t in in love with Nyla…He legit held her hands all the way to the patrol car. I love it sfm. Like he needed to do this to ground himself after the adrenaline rush he just experienced. Proving to himself that she’s there. She’s safe and he can relax.
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Then comes the more beautiful part of the scene and really the episode if you ask me. Lucy isn’t expecting anything from Tim in this moment. Last time she saw him was his outburst about her even doing this. Then in the most Tim Bradford-esc way he voices how very proud he is of her. By telling her ‘You did good.’ To anyone else might not mean much. Or seem like much. To Lucy Chen it means the entire world. She knows Tim’s hang ups with UC. The demons he had arise with this. She also knows he’s putting aside those feelings to let her know he’s proud of her. Which is HUGE.
Because at the end of the day this OP was about Lucy and building her confidence in this area. He wants her to know that and does so. She craves his approval and support so much. Let’s not forget she grew up in an emotionally abusive household as well. Parents who withheld praise and support for anything she did. Never proud her. (I know that life) It’s why Tim’s approval means so damn much to her.
Why she lives and strives for it. Tim has had nothing but unconditional faith and support in her since day one. When he blew up about her doing this she thought she had lost that. These three words restore that for her. I don’t think Tim even knew the depth of how much him being proud of her meant. Ugh these idiots. I love them and their slow burn sfm. To round out the scene I adore Nyla’s wink at the end. She is also so very proud of Lucy. Handled herself like a damn pro. I love her so much for the impact she has on Lucy it’s unreal.
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Poor Tim (said this a lot but seriously this ep is hard on him) has the episode end pretty roughly for him. Beth comes to find him and rip him a new one. Tim tells her he can’t excuse the past. But this is now and he stands by what he did. It calls back to 3x04 when he was telling Lucy the same thing. That he can’t fix what he did then but would make sure it wouldn’t happen again.
This situation is proof of that. Doing for Mack what he should’ve done for Isabel. It’s awful to watch her tear him apart. But the right thing and the easy thing are rarely the same. Unfortunately this is very true for Tim in this instance. He ends this ep on a low note and I just wanna hug him.
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For Lucy it ends better. She makes up the report for Tamara by providing not just herself but Nyla and June for her repot as well. It’s cute to watch Tamara absorb all their banter. I love Lucy’s speech here it’s so good. Praising the women next to her in a way Tamara is revering them all. It's perfect way to the ep for them both. Such a good one.
Side notes-non chenford
I love the introduction of Silas. I think that’s it’s didn’t really care about Nolan’s classes SL tbh. But cool castle reunion.
Thank you always to those who like, reblog and comment. Make creating these reviews so worth it shall see you all in 3x07 :)
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twistedtummies2 · 5 months
Year of the Bat - Number 16
Welcome to Year of the Bat! In honor of Kevin Conroy, Arleen Sorkin, and Richard Moll, I’m counting down my Top 31 Favorite Episodes of “Batman: The Animated Series” throughout this January. We’ve reached the halfway point of the countdown! TODAY’S EPISODE QUOTE: “Fear’s a prison, you see, and I’ve just broken out!” Number 16 is…Never Fear.
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Out of all the Scarecrow’s appearances in B:TAS, this episode from the TNBA era is generally considered to be the best. It’s one of several stories taken directly from the comics, too, as the episode is (somewhat loosely) based on the comic tale “Fear For Sale.” The original comic was published in 1987, and was chiefly created by writer Mike W. Barr, and artist Alan Davis. While that story is really, REALLY freaking good – seriously, one of the Top 5 best Scarecrow comics, in my opinion, without question – I honestly think the Animated Series adaptation is even better. Not only that, but in some ways – despite the fact no one actually dies in this story (though several come awfully close) – I would argue the cartoon is darker than said comic, as well. Wrap your head around that! The premise focuses on the Scarecrow returning to Gotham City, presumably after a long dormancy, with a brand new form of his Fear Toxin: instead of the usual method of installing fear in people, causing them to hallucinate violent apparitions and have horrifying visions of their greatest phobias and traumas, this new gimmick TAKES AWAY people’s fear. Now, one may wonder, why is that such a bad thing? Well, here’s the thing: fear is a rational human response, intended to keep us out of danger. We run away from things that scare us, or stay alert for trouble in times of distress, for self-preservation’s sake; we avoid doing certain things at least partially because fear reminds us of the consequences of those actions. If you REMOVE fear…then a person has no restraints, no cares, and quite possibly no conscience. This is where things get interesting: while going undercover to try and figure out Scarecrow’s plans, Bruce gets a dose of the Anti-Fear Toxin himself. Batman becomes impulsive, thrillseeking…and, most alarming of all, homicidal. It’s therefore up to Robin to keep Batman from going down a path he must not travel, while also trying to stop the Scarecrow’s newest bid for power. The first thing most people talk about with this episode is Scarecrow himself, and for good reason. The character is given a brand new voice, provided by Jeffrey Combs for this outing, as well as a brand new look, which most people agree is far superior to the one from the first three seasons. While the Scarecrow is great in those earlier seasons, I do agree with the apparent majority that the version found in “Never Fear” is a superior rendition, simply because he’s much more creepy to behold and to hear. I was never really scared of the Scarecrow himself in his earlier outings, but this version is a whole new story. The uniqueness of his plan in this story is also worth commending, whether it’s based on an already-published comic or not. However, I think a lot of people underestimate what a good episode this is for Batman and Robin, as well. I may or may not have said this in an earlier entry, but I actually preferred Tim Drake as Robin over Dick Grayson, at least in the Animated Series. This episode is a great example of why. Robin really takes the spotlight and initiative here, as it’s ultimately really Tim that saves the day. There’s this great scene that I absolutely love, where Batman – under the influence of Scarecrow’s toxin – tries to convince Tim, after Robin ties him up to keep him from hurting people or running into trouble, to let him go. Kevin Conroy’s performance is so convincing, it almost tricks the viewer, as well as Robin himself, but Tim doesn’t take the bait. The two really do feel like partners here, in a lot of ways, and it’s a great tale for both. Whether you love it for the heroes or the villain, “Never Fear” is arguably the pinnacle of Scarecrow storytelling in the Animated Series. I say “arguably” because of one other episode I’ll get to later in the countdown…but that’s another story.
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Tomorrow we move into the Top 15! Hint: “Kids these days. No respect.”
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