#smile :))) nothing to see here smile :)))
kimtaegis · 5 months
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LILACS BY THE SEA a music collection curated for @cordiallyfuturedwight Lilacs (Kayla) Playlist • Sea (Seokjin) Playlist song notes
cr. mahoneysuga, rawpixel, bts-trans, Diana Zviedrienė
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goosita · 9 months
Omg could you do the opposite with politician!snow being jealous if someone on the staff takes an interest in secretary! Reader ?!?!
i feel like. he. you know.
there’s no nice way to say it
he’d kill the guy.
like if he hired some new guy around the office like an intern or something and new guy had the nerve to try flirting with you
you, coryo’s sweetheart? his darling?
yeah not happening lmao
i don’t think you would know that coryo just straight up murdered new guy though
the day after coryo sees him trying to flirt with you or even ask you out, he wouldn’t be back in the office
you have an inkling that coryo got rid of him, but you assume he just fired the guy
it does make you kind of giddy that its clearly out of jealously though. i’m not saying its healthy, but there’s something hot about the possessiveness coriolanus has over you
you notice coryo is scowling, tongue pushing at the inside of his lip uncomfortably
“what happened?” you’d ask him. he would immediately plaster on a charming smile
“oh, nothing. just….bit my lip by accident.”
there’s a tiny spot of blood on his plush, pillowy bottom lip. you stare at it for a moment, almost transfixed
and it’s only the two of you in his private office right now
so nobody sees you lean up and kiss him softly, coppery taste teasing at the tip of your tongue when he pulls you closer, kisses you deeper
you don’t really think much of what ever happened to the new guy after that
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sophfandoms53 · 1 year
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They are everything to me, you don’t understand
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nadiajustbe · 4 months
I'm almost certainly sure that every time Sophie describes "that" smile Howl has that Lettie and his other past girlfriends have fallen for, he's actually just... smiling. No anger or moodiness, just a warm Howl's smile and nothing more.
But the whole story is that no matter how much she grumbles about how he shouldn't use his smile on all these people and what a jerk he is, the truth is that no one actually fell for it. Except for her. And no one finds that crooked grin all that attractive. Except for her.
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sergle · 6 months
what I was talking abt earlier. we have fully looped back around and away from feminism, societally, whereas before it was very Feminism 101 to acknowledge that many parts of existing as a woman in a misogynistic society are painful and upsetting. not that being a woman is Inherently Negative in a bubble. but that living on this earth, in the conditions we're living in, is hostile to women. and that gender is a performance. that many of the Staples Of Femininity as accepted by society are things that you have to create and perform and mold artificially and aren't inherent, that COMPLAINING about day to day difficulties of existing as a woman is something that you're allowed to do. acknowledging these basic, again, feminism 101 things, that something tied to womanhood is more time consuming or more expensive or more dangerous Because Of The Problems. does not CREATE the problems. that when women complain about having to perform femininity, they are not, in fact, oppressing themselves. the call does not come from inside the fucking house. saying that you HAVE suffered does not fucking equate that you believe you SHOULD have suffered.
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like I could talk about this for hours. how braindead and one-dimensional the Takes are getting. "being a woman is looking in the mirror and going fuck yeah i'm a woman" damn. I guess any negative experiences you have by living in a misogynistic world... are your fault if you are anything but positive? "you don't actually want liberation" we've fully gone back to telling feminists "you WANT to be oppressed" when anything negative about our society is pointed out. it's not real until I say it out loud, I guess, and then I'm actually the one who caused it. if anybody expresses any unhappiness with how they're treated or the status quo or the language and culture surrounding womanhood and femininity. they've created it, right that second. they invented it just now. it wasn't a problem before somebody complained, right? also trans women aren't braindead zombies who just follow the flow of whatever cis women around them say. I am pretty fucking sure they are very much aware of pain, and are MORE than aware of the swirling torrent of misogyny and standards of femininity than anybody else. actually. and I am pretty sure someone complaining on tumblr that being a woman means always putting on a performance is going to make someone change their mind about transitioning. also "performing femininity" as a necessity to being treated well as a woman is not fucking NEWS to your Local Trans Woman. I AM PRETTY SURE SHE GETS THE CONCEPT. using trans women as a scapegoat for this braindead perspective on gender politics is spineless, meritless, and pathetic.
#how I feel about my gender is not the same as how I feel about the living conditions of my gender#when I saw that post I screenshotted here I literally sat w my mouth open for a minute#sent it to my friends and was like am I fucking crazy. is this what we're doing now#Forced Positivity and that there is no war in ba sing se and actually#you're ruining children's lives if you complain about misogyny on twitter#I don't HAVE to tell little girls about the downsides because they are already being mistreated#before they have even heard the word 'misogyny' let alone know what it means#you do not have to be fucking happy all the time about the cards you're dealt.#you don't live in a bubble where it's just you and your mirror and your pretty dress and nothing bad has ever happened to you#unfortunately bitch. we will have negative experiences that are in fact. part of the package of being a woman#and IGNORING them doesn't make them not exist. actually they will continue to remain status quo unless acknowledged#sergle.txt#I see so much rhetoric that is JUST old-fashioned gender ideals being presented with liberal language on tiktok#that is just telling women that womanhood is just being a girllll and loving pretty things and being kind and gentleeeee and nurturing#and not working and just like being wholesome and being happy and being a light in ppl's lives and just LOVING LOVING LOVING being a woman#so if for even one second. you don't love it. you are actually failing at being a woman#if you complain about the standards for shaving or putting on makeup. which used to be Baby's First Feminism online#that's actually just you creating problems. you're not supposed to acknowledge it. you're supposed to shut up and smile into the mirror.
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unforth · 8 months
We are one Iowa caucus into the absolute shitshow that is going to be the US 2024 elections, and I'm already sick of seeing takes downplaying the risk that Trump and his fascist followers represent.
Look. Around 1900, my mother's grandparents immigrated to the Lower East Side of New York City. They brought with them children born in Europe (Poland? Ukraine? which country they were in depends on what year we're talking about) - we're not 100% sure they were THEIR children, even, but there were three, and they were young, and they came. But my great-grandparents had siblings, parents, cousins, uncles, aunts, huge families. And while my understanding is that an attempt was made to convince those folks to move to the US, none of them ultimately opted to.
They all kept in touch as they were able, exchanging letters and pictures, but through World War 1, through the 20s, through the Great Depression, through the worsening situation in Europe in the 1930s, my entire extended family who chose not to immigrate...continued to stay.
I think we all know how this story ends.
I have an entire family photo album of people whose names I will never know, because after every single one of them died in the Holocaust, my great-grandparents and grandparents couldn't bear to even label them. And they were PEOPLE, poor, vibrant, eager to maintain connections with their loved ones abroad. One was a Klezmer musician, and we have photos of him with all the different instruments he played. They're so real on the page, and they all ended in ashes.
And you know how that started? Fascism started with every inch allowed, with every well-intentioned moderate who tried to maintain a middle position even as the whole ground shifted right beneath their feet and even "middle" became extreme, every "no that change isn't coming fast enough, I want instant full improvement NOW" liberal who felt that doing nothing was better than accepting a slower improvement in the (truly awful!) post-World War 1 living situation in Germany.
Most of the members of my extended family also downplayed the risks. They never imagined that the worst could happen to them. They never fathomed how bad things could become.
And now I have their example always before me to know and to scream:
People look at me like I'm crazy when I say I've got our passports ready (and have had since before the 2020 election).
Look. I don't know what will happen if Trump is elected, but there's a very real possibility he will, and he's been extremely clear about saying what he'll do. He did a lot of the things he said he'd do last time. I expect he'll continue to do the things he says he'll do. And the things he say he'll do will lead to the deaths of more people than we can imagine - in the US, in Palestine, throughout the world.
Don't tell me there's a middle ground here. Don't tell me I'm over-reacting. Don't tell me the worst won't happen. Don't tell me the risk is mild. Don't tell me we're safe.
We. Are. Not. Safe.
The lives of dozens, hundreds, of members of family were lost in the 1940s amid the horrifying statistic "6,000,000 dead Jews."
I will not let my life (as a Jew), my wife's life (as a disabled woman), my son's life (as a biracial boy), my daughter's life (as a biracial trans girl), be part of the statistics that come from our a second Trump presidency.
If you won't vote like YOUR life depends on it, vote like someone ELSE'S life depends on it, because IT DOES.
And if you can't even do that much, at least shut the fuck up and stop spreading your poison around. You're wrong. The danger is real. Downplaying it now won't make your conscience feel any clearer when it actually happens, and comforting everyone else downplaying it will just make you that much more complicit.
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littlelightfish · 3 months
I realized that Maizuru, despite being with Kabru's party for a while, still gets Holm's race wrong.
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At first I thought it was kind of the joke of the whole thing. Calling Marcille a frog woman, Holm a dwarf, and getting Rin's name wrong. Holm looks tired, annoyed or maybe a bit embarrassed by this mistake. He's the only one who's background is not "explosive". Marcille's and Rin's are, and his is just plain, dark, and with those lines at the bottom. Why? Maybe for comedical effect. Probably because he's been telling her he's a gnome before this. Just like Chilchuck doesn't like being called a kid and people still call him that, Holm doesn't like being called a dwarf and people keep calling that.
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It's not uncommon for people to mix those races, and since Shuro's party isn't the best with races (they don't even know Chil's a half-foot) they probably just think Holm is a wierd-looking dwarf. They probably hadn't seen any gnomes before. If it was Maizuru's first time seeing a gnome and calling it a dwarf, it could be understandable. But she's been with kabru's party long enough to realize that that dwarf is, actually, a gnome.
I think she doesn't believe Holm is a gnome, just like Marcille or Senshi don't believe Chil's an adult.
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That's the face of someone who's tired of this shit. It's like when someone tries to guess your country just by the way you look. There's maybe a bit of ignorance at first, but I think Maizuru is deliberately deciding to not believe Holm when he tells her he's a gnome for the first time. And he's so done.
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spaghetticat3899 · 3 months
Grinning Companion scribbles
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Assorted Aggie/magma doodles of me and my friends’ critters (plus Allan and Charlie). I have a crittersona whom I have yet to name. Some sort of goblin shark, bird, rat thing. Yes that is a Charlie plush doused in milk. One day…
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You can somewhat see the evolution of the critter-sona here, they’d originally had a small brow ridge and Allan-ish eyes. I gave them dot eyes because only Charlie had them to my memory. They’d also were meant to just be a background character, never interacting with the canon fellows, minus the crossing of paths on occasion… but then I had fun imagining them being coworkers, so. I don’t know if it’s an AU or not, just roll with it. Important details: teeth and long ass fingers
Mr Boss and Pim are surprisingly pains in the ass to draw, if you were wondering. Somehow I get the Boss more correct than Mr pink circle somehow.
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spacemanxpaninis · 3 months
Your f/o is so supportive of you taking your meds. Especially if you’re new to it and feel like they wouldn’t want to deal with someone who takes them. You sadly admit that you do but they just pull you close and tell you there’s nothing to be ashamed of, you can’t help it and they want you to feel better. “If these are the things that make you feel better, then how can I do anything but love them?”
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mewtwo24 · 4 months
You know idk if it's just me being oblivious af but mxtx sure does enjoy putting her protags through the trolley problem when it comes to her works huh /j
#mdzs#mxtx#i say this not to be critical but because she really does prove how time and again#people want a scapegoat and an easy target to blame#and so much of her work is abt proving how faulty these philosophical absolutes are--nothing is that simple.#literally the arguments made to put everything on wwx (at least for now) appear to be faulty at best#i mean sure sometimes he puts his foot in his mouth but like ;;;;;;;; the kid is just doing his best wtf#everyone out here like WWX IT SHOULD HAVE BEEN YOU except for lwj and i'm just like#1. hes literally like 16 yrs old or smth#2. whether or not he stepped in during the cave scene was kind of a non-question??????#the wens were so clearly going to engage in egregeious violence regardless of the rationalizations that came after#pointing fingers is legitimately pointless and fallacious logic#if mianmian wasnt targeted theres really no guarantee smth similar wouldnt have happened#furthermore working tg and refusing to play by wens' rules was p much the only feasible option#lwj was young and afraid and had lost so much but he still had enough clarity to insist on working tg#i also really love what he said abt suffering bc its just true.#the way he claps back to his uncle by saying that nobody would be spared violence and atrocity#the only choice they had was to try to band tg and mitigate the dmg--basically 'war is hell'#i find it such a stark and lovely contrast to the common perception of others abt him#that lwj stands alone and thinks of no one else; quite the contrary#he's v self-contained and v disciplined but he's not indifferent to suffering or apathetic#i think so much of the natural love that blooms between wwx and lwj is rooted in their mutual desire to do good#wwx wants to help--he loves to see people smile. he would do anything to protect the ppl he loves#lwj is honestly the same--he's just more abt structure and stability#wwx is more spontaneous and more attuned to the people around him#im a little shocked that people werent able to tell lwj was just as obsessed with him#just bc wwx is loud and mischievous about his interest doesnt really???? to me mask the ways lwj is so responsive. also i ????????#still don't understand the mental gymnastics of madame jiang insisting it was all wwx's fault when she literally targeted wen's mistress ->#in retaliation???????????????? all this 'pick your battles what the fuck is wrong with you wwx' and she goes and instigates their wrath??#i mean idk fellas i was just sitting there like 'you could have handled this so many ways and you picked the TNT option. wat.'
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muppetjohntavares · 7 months
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All smiles on capital ice 😁
(Picture credit to Patrick Smith)
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sibylance · 9 months
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silly meme sketch
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helloanthy · 11 months
Hello friend! I hope one day you get this 🩷 I am sending all my love to you. You are so brave and I'm proud of you! I hope the world treats you kindly. I took a hiatus from tumblr and only just now realized you left, I wouldn't have said anything different than I have now if I'd known before but I will miss you! You are amazing, can't wait to see you again. Thrive, my little bird! You've done great 🩷
i'm trying not to tear up. my heart is embarrassingly soft these days. i knew before that revolution has never come without great hardships. though of course, knowing is different from doing some days, the moments between sleep are only stitched together by lengths of crying. other days, i wander incessantly in an attempt to escape both my self and my dreams but it is by the love of my friends and the kindness of people like you that carries me through. it is so easy to drown in this world, i need to hold on to what little i can kindness doesn't have to hurt, i've only been convinced it does. i'm trying to learn that love can save me, if i let it. lately, i feel like it is all that i really have i wonder if anyone will ever know how much it means to me. i wonder if you'll think me odd if you do. but another thing i am trying to learn: there is nothing shameful in trying to live so from one friendly stranger to another, i send my love to you too. i hope it reaches you ! sincerely, thank you
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I want to make a sincere apology to Zac Oyama — for I, a disgrace, could not fully appreciate his subtle but powerful talent within the field comedy, as I am lost in his adorable face and smile.
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fairyroses · 1 year
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— SMALLVILLE, “Wither” (6.03)
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juergenklopp · 10 months
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TREA TURNER National League Division Series 2023 vs Atlanta Braves (October 12, 2023)
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