#six ways
catmask · 1 year
my mom loves to lie and like she always swears she was NEVER homophobic or anything to me as a child “i even have a gay work friend” but a really funny memory resurfaced recently where i asked if i could use birthday money i had to buy a rainbow flag when i was like ??? 7?? because i LOVED rainbows. and she said no that means something Evil and god will hate you . so what did i do. but ask my grandmom for a rainbow sweater for christmas and proceed to only wear that sweater for three years when it got cold because i didnt like the idea that god hated colors and i wanted to challenge him
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Macaque spent the whole season Big-Damn-Hero-ing and was NOT happy about it xD
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aerequets · 1 month
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the mortifying ordeal of being known
I think with Yor being so perceptive, she picks up on little things often (like we saw in ch 103). i believe this would impact loid more so than the usual person, because he is a spy and fakes every part of himself, so to be seen is simultaneously desirable and horrifying. like, it makes him torn between wanting to accept and reciprocate the love, or distancing himself so that it doesn't happen again.
thats mostly what the last panel is about, that dichotomy between 'omg this person noticed this about me, is this love' and 'oh shit this person noticed this about me, is this Doom'
just some thoughts i had🤪
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caitykennedy · 6 months
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Genuinely, and I mean this kindly, but learning to recognize bait and not engaging with it will change your fandom experience.
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insignificant457 · 30 days
sorry i’m just thinking again about kaz brekker, perpetual cynic, and his surprisingly optimistic view of fathers and sons. just. kaz knowing that the one thing that would ruin pekka rollins, the man he hates more than anything, who he couldn’t think less of, would be to threaten the safety of his son. kaz telling jesper that his father cares more about him than any farm. kaz saying “call me sentimental, but i didn’t believe a father could be so callous.” kaz’s fatal misunderstanding of van eck being that he couldn’t conceive of a world in which fathers don’t love their sons. thinking about what all this says about kaz’s own father, and everything he lost before he and jordie ever stepped foot in ketterdam.
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vertyd · 5 months
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I can't fathom the fact that some people watch a movie, show or read a book they like and they just go: "I liked it :)" and that's it....girl how?? Whenever I like a movie, tv show, book or musical I need to inhale that piece of media like it's air, I need to self insert myself in it and create an elaborate plot line for my character in it, then I listen to music that reminds me of the piece of media and think of it 24/7, while obsessively rewatching scenes and analyzing every bit of it till I notice details nobody has seen, finally, I try to convince people to watch it with me so that I can experience it for the first time through them. Then my obsession dies and I feel empty until the next one comes along..... and you're telling me people can enjoy something and just...go to sleep and not think of it again????
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carouselunique · 3 months
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Minuette! Someone requested her for the sketch sale so I decided to do a few sketches of her because she is my beloved!
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protosymphonette · 3 months
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arcade stuff... trying to figure this dude out. guys who sunburn easily
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kanejbr3kker · 2 months
Does anyone else just sit and think about the fact that Six of Crows is literally the perfect book?
Like, we have a morally grey character who's actually morally grey and has a real reason to push people away other than "once I killed someone in self defense, so I'm a terrible person and we can't be together." And every other character has a super fleshed out backstory as well, including real world problems that don't usually get talked about in fantasy books.
There's just as heavy an emphasis on platonic love as romantic love, instead of "I can fix him", it's "he can fix himself", there's a gay couple that's actually happy and not suffering every five pages, and all of the gay characters have personality traits outside of the fact that they're gay.
And speaking of the romance, it's so not rushed or sexualized. No one even kisses in the first book, but it's still so obvious how much they love each other. Each couple has such a different dynamic, and the way their pasts mirror each other? Perfection. (I also firmly believe that Kanej is the best couple in all of YA prove me wrong)
And then the diversity??? 3/7 of the lead characters are POCs, 4/7 are queer, 3 have disabilities, 2 have addictions, 2 have PTSD, 2 are religious, one was raised in a cult, and it's not one of those books that has diverse characters just for the sake of being diverse!
The plot is so unique, especially among fantasy books, and despite the fact that there's so many moving parts, there is not a single plot hole. And the CK auction scene will forever be one of the best end of series climaxes I have ever read.
So basically I don't get why other authors even try anymore cause I'm sorry but no matter how great their books are, it's not going to be Six of Crows.
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starjunkyard · 4 months
Obsessed with the degrees to which james wilson is a messy bitch. Primps and preens himself whenever he realises his boy best friend is stalking / sabotaging / psychological-warfare-ing him. Slept with his terminal patient. Immedicable people pleaser. Chronic adulterer. Three ex wives. PROPOSED TO HIS GIRLFRIEND AT SOMEONE ELSE'S WEDDING? Fuck you doin in the oncology wing my boy. Psychiatric ward is on the left corner
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padfoot-lupin77 · 4 months
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(This might have been done before but I just saw these text posts with Nancy and Steve from ST and I just had to make this)
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literaphobe · 1 year
imagine marinette getting told by friends and family Hey Girl. we think you might have adhd. and they cite symptoms she shows but she accidentally connects them to stuff she started doing after she became ladybug and now shes like OH NO… if i deny this disorder they will suspect my identity… YEAH I TOTALLY HAVE ADHD YOU GUYS!!!! so she thinks she’s keeping it up for her superhero life and nods along to all the tips and tricks for adhd people her loved ones find on the internet. she flashes smiles as they hand her meds that could help and only pretends to take them because she’s Lying About It Right. but then one day at patrol chat noir tells her hey um recently a friend of mine was diagnosed with adhd. have you heard of it? because i think you might have it. and her eye twitches
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canisalbus · 1 year
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What if I told you that RoobrickMarine went and wrote an entire novella starring my 16th century dog couple? It's very canon-adjacent, well researched and thoughtfully put together, has inspired me a ton during these past months and it's now publicly available at AO3. I highly recommend it.
✦ Separation ✦
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maidenofcrows · 6 months
Too many jokes about Kaz becoming Wylan’s father figure. Not enough jokes about Wylan and Jesper adopting Kaz. Not in a child-parent way, but more of a feral cat way.
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