#epic the vengeance saga
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sleepitysleepyspees · 2 days ago
saw this post and now I want to see something with Ody and Siffrin even more lol. infinite cloak space buddies.
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Ody's inventory cloak, iykyk
(click on image for better quality)
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oatmealdoodles · 6 hours ago
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sorry this took so long I’m FINALLY DONE!
edit: forgot the speed paint XD
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gothamite-rambler · 2 days ago
Poseidon coughed up blood after being penetrated more than Zeus at a Greek party.
Poseidon: How will you sleep at night?
Odysseus (finally done with the man): Next to my wife.
Poseidon: Oh yeah well... you're a monster now!
Odysseus (heading back to his boat): At least I'm not full of holes and a stabbed eye.
Many hours later and replaying the fight five times in front of Poseidon:
Poseidon: He thinks he's so smart.
Aphrodite: Okay, I change my mind about him now. Athena why didn't you tell me about his wife?
Athena (bandaged and checking her wounds): You sent your brother husband after me before I could finish!
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pankekochan · 2 days ago
Hold him down...
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I'm in love with this yandere version of Calypso by @polentaconleche So I did a quick sketch of her
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aityys · 2 days ago
I'll help you conquer her!
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localfanbaselurker · 2 days ago
Odysseus: next to my wife
Poseidon: okay I can’t lie that was a hard ass line i’ll give you that one
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taiyouhimerich · 1 day ago
Odysseus first encounter with his future wife🩷
cr by: taiyouhime
tw: just pretty fluff, and only my hcs of this young sweet tooth nightmare (bcz hes so sweet i cant)
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YoungKing!Odysseus who has really hard time after he inherited his throne while being very young and obviously so inexperienced in terms of ruling Ithaca even though his father prepared him for this and Athena was still helping him a lot with some of her advice.
YoungKing!Odysseus who keeps being told by all of the councillor that he has to find a proper girl to marry and the future queen of his to rule, and he’s really nervous about it because he’s told every young king in Greece are wooing Helen of Sparta so he’s now full spread ahead to Tyndareus’ kingdom.
YoungKing!Odysseus who has spent several hours at the most boooooring dinner surrounded by all the kings from all over Greece, and he turns out to be the youngest of them all! Like he’s only seventeen and everyone else are at their early twenties at least! And even though he proves himself as mature enough to participate, as great hunter and as cunning dealer, they still call him small and keep dangling his age in front of him!
YoungKing!Odysseus who stomps over the paths through the garden of Tyndareus’ palace into its depths, fuming about another discussion where his, his great and clever words are followed by complementing his intelligence and then goes some “not so bad for youngster” kind of stuff. King of Sparta is not even looking at him while the discussion is about what should be the way of choosing who gets Helen’s hand in marriage, isn’t he worth enough of at least being spoken to only because of his age? He’s the king, he’s a good athlete, he’s intelligent, he’s mature, he’s not worse than any of the other kings, he’s—!
The soft laughter in a distance interrupts his thoughts.
YoungKing!Odysseus who follows the source of this sound just from… curiosity maybe or wanting to leave this nasty feeling behind. He gets to the edge of the garden, reaching a beautiful olive grove. And he sees her, a girl, a very beautiful girl, with her hair done prettily that have wind playing with her locks, surrounded by a group of maids, considering their simple dresses. And then she looks around and meets his eyes and—
Okay. Maybe he’s not mature. Like not at all, because he can tell his face is blushing and his knees are trembling and he feels so little right now because she waves at him with this pretty smile and his heart is beating harder then after training Athena gives him and, and—
He can’t remember what was in between this and him standing in his room at palace of Sparta. YoungKing!Odysseus feels so stupid and weak while he keeps banging his head against his door because heaven strike him he just ran away! He just saw the prettiest girl in his life smiling at him and it was enough to make him flee like a coward!
He used to make fun of Eurylochus’ feelings for his sister, finding it absolutely silly how a strong, hard, bulky warrior can fall in love with a princess at one sight, but now, now YoungKing!Odysseus is sorry for all those words and wants to take all of them back because otherwise he is now blushing like a maiden caught bathing just over some kind of pretty girl who just hardly looked at him once as well….
YoungKing!Odysseus, who gets to embarrass himself even more when she and her father Icarius are attending the next dinner with other kings almost accidentally, and she recognises him and she waves at him again and he can swear she’s giggling and he just wants to run away again and—
But then she leans to Tyndareus to kiss his cheek and says goodbye to her dear uncle, and this is how it hits YoungKing!Odysseus. That she’s a princess and she’s suitable for the councillors of Ithaca to accept her as their future queen and most of all.
He now knows he wants to marry only her.
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i gonna make several parts of this im still giggling hehehhee
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minor-dot-inconvenience · 2 days ago
Eurylochus Rant
i need to scream into the void about Eurylochus more because it’s immature and wrong to jump at people through the screen like a fnaf animatronic for saying something I don’t agree with
First thing i wanna talk about is that damn wind bag. Now was it dumb for Eurylochus to open the bag? Yes. Very. BUT— how I interpret it is Eurylochus opened not for treasure; but because he didn’t trust Odysseus. I mean realistically what could you even do with a bag of treasure on a damn ship? If you recall in ‘Luck Runs Out’ Eurylochus is basically telling Odysseus; “hold up and actually THINK for a minute before just blindly going to a God. You don’t know whats gonna happen and we could all get cooked if this goes south.” And Odysseus just basically tells him to be devout no matter what and to stop questioning him. Be so astronomically for real and tell me that you would trust that guy wholeheartedly without a doubt. Opening the wind bag and taking the risk was definitely a stupid decision but I can’t say I don’t blame Eurylochus for not trusting Ody.
And just to add on, even though ive only seen a handful of people say this I just wanna address it; Poseidon was NOT Eurylochus’s fault whatsoever. ODYSSEUS brought Poseidon’s ass on because he didn’t listen to Athena and proceeded to doxx his name and address to the cyclops that he didn’t kill. Poseidon was gonna roll up on them regardless if Eurylochus opened the wind bag or not. Because in Charybdis Poseidon shows up even with the wind bag being closed. Plus if you really think about it the wind bag would be getting opened either way if not by Eurylochus then by Odysseus. Poseidon was gonna show up and then Odysseus would have no choice but to open the wind bag to get away, getting them further from home. So no. Eurylochus did not get (roughly) 558 men killed. Poseidon was going to come regardless of the wind bag because of Odysseus.
The Circe Saga! Where Eurylochus‘s gay ass asks Ody to run away with him. People say he’s wrong for wanting to leave the men behind but… is he tho? Like lets put our thinking caps on and put ourselves in Eurylochus’s crusty raggedy sandals. There is a woman who has just turned the remainder of your crew into pigs. You can do little to nothing to really save them. Mind you: Eurylochus DOES NOT KNOW that Hermes is going to show up and give Odysseus the moly. Realistically; what could he POSSIBLY do besides run away with the last man he has? What he gonna do?? Fight the witch?? Even after Hermes gave Odysseus the moly he still says he might die. Just sounds like a one way ticket to get bodied.
Scylla. Fuckin’ Scylla. I’ve made a short post about this before but me spit to y’all rq: Putting yourself in Eurylochus’s shoes— Genuinely, what on god’s green earth are you supposed to do when you just watched your captain sacrifice 6 people. Actually. And be fr. He sacrificed 6 people. Didn’t tell anyone about the plan. Not even you. Even though you’re literally his second in command. Didn’t consult you, didn’t try to figure something else out or at least discuss it, just had you light up 6 torches and couldn’t care less if you got eaten or not. Being completely fair to Ody I don’t expect him to go “hey I need to sacrifice 6 of you to the hell beast” and be met with a smile and kiss. But I also don’t think he should have been surprised when the crew suddenly didn’t trust him anymore.
Mfs wanna call Eurylochus a hypocrite in Mutiny for getting on Odysseus for sacrificing 6 men but the thing is he just isn’t. Eurylochus didn’t WANT to live his men behind with Circe but he thought they were already gone. At least he told Odysseus they got turned into pigs instead of saying they just died or some shit. Odysseus on the other hand sacrificed 6 men willingly. If anything Odysseus is the damn hypocrite and THAT is what Eurylochus is upset about.
Obviously he’s not happy that his captain just gave up 6 guys but he’s also angry that he’s suddenly going back on his word. The man he’s supposed to be trusting with his life just threw 6 away while contradicting himself. I can’t even imagine that shit. My captain gets on ME for wanting to leave men behind when I think they’re already long gone but a few sagas later goes and sacrifices 6 men and then acts shocked that we’re pissed off? Oh yeah no im lighting the ship on fire. Snitching to Poseidon myself. That Mutiny was completely justified.
Do I even have to defend the cow?? Big bro was starving. Everyone was starving. They were losing hope. With each death Eurylochus’s sanity slips further. Eurylochus had given up by that point and being fair I probably would too. They’re being chased by Poseidon, they’re nowhere near home, and they’re slowly dying. They’re only human. You aren’t thinking straight when you’re starving and desperate. Killing the cow was desperation. Eurylochus says the same thing Odysseus said right before he dropped a baby off a damn wall, “Im just a man.”
I’ve seen people call Eurylochus selfish when its just… not true. If anything Eurylochus is very selfless. Eurylochus speaks for the crew and is always thinking of the crew. Odysseus would be the selfish one because he’s willing to do anything for his family even at the cost of others. Now neither of those are particularly bad things but to call Eurylochus selfish for being human is unfair.
I might make another post comparing Odysseus and Eurylochus properly. They both have very interesting parallels and it would be nice to explore it. They’re both morally grey. They aren’t good but they aren’t bad either.
Also if any of this came off as Ody bashing I apologize. I love Ody like I love Eurylochus. But, yknow, he acted like a dumbass and the mfs who glaze him and act like he did nothing wrong are even worse.
anywayz thas it byyeeee‼️😋
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listening to epic on shuffle is
i… love… you….
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jeeper2z · 9 hours ago
"And where are his glasses? He can't see without his glasses. put his glasses on."
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dyingroses · 2 days ago
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taniakinn · 1 day ago
Me now that epic the musical is getting popular bc of that audio:
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whispeyrains · 2 days ago
Binged the entire Epic The Musical Saga. That shit hurted I was not aware of your game Jorge Rivera-Herrans.
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gothamite-rambler · 2 days ago
Athena: Odysseus are you okay?
Odysseus rested his head on the table, exhausted, partially dehydrated, and blushing. He let out a loud yawn as the two gods invited themselves into his kitchen for a visit.
Odysseus: Penelope and I have been... Reclaiming the missed twenty years together and although I've been wanting this day since trying to return... I am out of energy.
Athena: I'm kind of confused what could you two be doing that is leaving you this drained?
Hermes (exasperated): Athena... they're Hades and Persophone when she returns from her required mom vacations.
Athena (blushing): Oh... Oh! Odysseus you poor human soul!
Odysseus: I'm not complaining, it's just she keeps asking for it and I can't say no to her. Not that I would. I... Love her so much... And how gentle she can be. Usually she's rough, but I don't want to wake our sweet son. You know?
Hermes: Yeah... I remember a summer with so many nymphs... Oh and my kid was sweet to spend time with.
Odysseus: Is it odd I enjoy when she gets on top of me and takes charge?
Hermes: My word, you're going to get a long so well with Hera.
Athena blushed pointing at the sky to stop her father from eavesdropping further.
Athena: I feel like a woman dying of thirst watching another man drown.
Hermes (eating toast): You're a maiden, dear.
Athena: A goddess gets bored and half of the demigods are my siblings.
Odysseus: When has that stopped... Any of you?
Hermes: That's my grandson.
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randomalex11 · 15 hours ago
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More of my desings for the Greek gods on epic!!
This time I bring you Ares, Hera, Aeolus, Hefesus and Calypso! I need to make Circe already I NEED TO MAKE A PUPPETEER ANIMATIC
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