#ron x astoria
sakughost · 10 months
| Ronstoria |
Third Year - Sorting of the First Years.
"Astoria Greengrass, Slytherin!"
The pretty young blonde walked elegantly (like a fairy, he thought) to the Slytherin table like it was her birth right. She stopped right across from him and sat as daintly as a Princess next to her sister.
Ron Weasly hated all Slytherins. The lot of them. But when the Greengrass girl caught his eyes and gave him the briefest and - Merlin forbid, loveliest - smile he had ever seen, he almost choked on his own saliva.
It was the first of the many instances that Ron Weasley thought that he did not hate all Slytherins after all.
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I went for a blonde Astoria because why the hell not? Lol. Image from Pinterest (search: Elle Fanning)
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darklinaforever · 9 months
Sorry, but for me J.K didn't write good romances. We don't know Astoria, Rolf and Hannah. Lupin and Tonks appeared out of nowhere. Jily is undrinkable. Hinny has little or no development over 7 books even though they have really known each other since volume 2. Romione is really not great from my point of view. Don't even get me started on Dumbledor and Grindelwald...
Bill & Fleur are the only ones, among the young characters, that I find cute and even then it's a very secondary couple. Honestly, Molly and Arthur are the only real Harry Potter goal couple in my eyes. And yet, they also haven't seen them much !
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fried-pistachio · 2 months
What sexuality do y’all headcanon draco with?
Bisexual, Gay, straight, or something else?
I’m curious, explain
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jomiddlemarch · 8 months
they two play out the game 
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“Be honest—”
“What do you want me to say, Hermione? That I fell in love with you at school, when you loathed me, when you loathed me because I made you feel that way because I couldn’t bear your pity or worse, being beneath your notice, a shrug of your shoulders, an eyeroll? That the Amortentia I brewed in Potions smelled like ink and rose geranium soap and the bloody catnip you must have grown for your Kneazle in the greenhouses because you never would have nicked it from Sprout? That I envied Weasley for his family loving him and welcoming you, when my father wanted you dead and my mother refused to remember your name?”
Draco paused, lifted a hand from where he’d been gripping the railing and loosened his tie. It was dark blue, because they were no longer children, defined by Houses. He wore his robes open, like an Oxford don, and she could see the suit he wore was Savile Row, not Wizard-tailored. His brogues were polished to a shine short of a House-elf’s efforts.
“Should I tell you I’ve dreamt of you for years, in that periwinkle petal dress and on my ballroom floor, screaming for mercy, and in bookshops, in teashops, in the pub, laughing, smiling at Potter and Longbottom, making a face when you take a sip of your bitter? In the Wizengamot, at my trial, like a Fury. At all the other trials, demolishing their smug assurance, making them cower, making them see? Do you want me to explain how I told Astoria we would marry but I’d never be able to love her and she told me she already knew it, that she understood everything and that if I didn’t mind too much, she supposed we’d do well enough together? You want to hear how when my son was born, I wanted to Owl you, before anyone else, even though you’d have been baffled to receive any message from me, would have probably thought it was a prank from George Weasley, an overture to return to the Weasley bosom after you and Ron ended it ostensibly amicably, except that you’d left England and hadn’t been back in six years for more than a fortnight?”
He took a step nearer and Hermione resisted the urge to fold her arms across her chest or draw her robes closer in some nonverbal attempt at protection. He’d grown taller after the War ended and she hadn’t, not a whit, probably stunted by the stress and starvation of the Horcrux hunt, but he was still a few steps below her on the stairs, so he continued to look up at her, a supplicant. He was still giving her that power, that dominance over him which she hadn’t believed when he’d offered it earlier in words alone.
“Shall I tell you how I followed your career, the papers you wrote, the conferences you attended, collecting clippings like a lovesick groupie with his favorite Quidditch team? How I heard your voice when I taught Scorpius his first spells? How I told him the brightest witch I’d ever known was Sorted into Gryffindor and he was confused because his mother had been a Ravenclaw? How my wife fell in love with my best friend and I didn’t care, or rather, I was happy for her because Theo loved her back and it was nothing for me to look away and let them have the time they could? How I thought if you knew, you’d perhaps admire me for once, for not being selfish, for making some sacrifice, except that you’d be wrong, it wasn’t a sacrifice at all, not when I cared about them both in one way and not at all in another? You want to hear how I thought I’d seen you—at the train station and in the City, in the Prophet, your hair braided, that streak of white like a halo, like a queen’s ivory filet, your eyes, sweet Nimue, your eyes, Hermione—”
“I’m not a saint,” she put in.
He climbed another stair and now he looked directly at her. She could rest her hands on his shoulders if she wanted. She could raise a hand and stroke his cheek, graze the steel temple of his spectacles, the silver hair at above his ears. 
“I know. And I know why you don’t wear a glamour or charm your hair the color it was when we were young. You want me to tell you how my wife died and I wanted you to comfort me? To come to her funeral and hold my hand, to wear the veil for her and to let me fold it back over your head to face the truth? How I wanted you in my bed, fresh from your bath, in a nightdress you’d let me ruck up to your waist, naked beneath me, your skin like silk, arching up into my hands, gasping, laughing when I accidentally tickled your waist. Crying out when you felt my mouth on your breasts, suckling, when you felt my cock hard between your thighs, when I begged you? When I told you to spread your legs, love, when I praised you for being so good, my beautiful, darling, delicious witch I wanted to fuck all night, that there was no one else, there never had been, there never would be, only you, my darling with your dark eyes and your brilliant mind and your magic, your heart, your cunt—You want me to say that I love you, that I’ve loved you to the best of my ability for the best part of my life and that I don’t want you to go, not now, not ever, but I know that’s not up to me?”
There was a slight flush in his cheeks, a gleam in his grey eyes that might be tears, but his voice was steady, restrained, and there was space between them yet that she knew he would not breach. She used the effort required to cast tandem wandless in a duel to the death, more than she’d used when she was eighteen and expected to save the world.
“If it’s the truth—” she said.
“It’s the truth,” he answered. “There’s more, I suppose, but it’s much the same.”
“Then it’s what I asked for,” she said. She closed her eyes for a moment, part of her sure he would not be there when she looked again, a dream, a vision she’d conjured, Nimue and Merlin both, trapped within her desires while the world lived and grew around her. She opened her eyes and there he was, waiting. There was a shadow in his gaze, the expectation of rejection, abandonment. He was not a man accustomed to hope. She’d asked, though, and he’d answered.
“I’ve learned, as I’ve grown older, that I can’t hope for the best. Settle for what I’m given. I must take what I want, with both hands,” she said and reached over, up a little, to cup his face with her palms, her fingers touching the ends of his hair at the nape of his neck. He was very still, almost rigid, and she felt a frisson of fear, of being deceived, denied. 
“With both hands,” she repeated a little hesitantly. “Unless, you don’t, after all—Scorpius will not, and you have to put him first, of course—”
“I do,” Draco, beginning to smile. “And I was told not to come home without you, though Scorpius is willing to take my word for your arrival. He’s not waiting there for us.”
“No?” Hermione said, feeling terribly warm, terribly, wonderfully desired. Needed. Accepted.
“No, I shall have you all to myself,” he said. He finally put his arms around her, very carefully as they were still on a staircase and perhaps he was a little unsteady now. “D’you suppose, before we go, I might kiss you?”
“Here? Where anyone might see?” Hermione asked, though the hallway had been deserted for the past hour and the charm on the wall sconces needed to be recast. Though she had let herself look at his mouth, the curve of his lips. Let herself admit her own appetite had gone beyond any curious hunger, to craving, the sweet she had been forbidden for so long.
“Yes. Be honest, would that bother you?” he said.
“Do you think I will say it would? Do you expect me to tell you no when I’ve just said you’re what I want? All that I want?” she said, echoing him. Making him grin, a hint of the smirk she first remembered seeing on his face as a young boy, now subsumed into such tenderness she felt nearly overwhelmed.
“Is it the truth?” he said.
“Yes,” she said and then she didn’t say anything else because they were beyond needing any other word than “Home—” the Side-along as easy as a breath, as waking from a dream into the day.
They named their first daughter Verity, explaining it was a family name.
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sunnylands-world · 2 years
Yellow - draco Malfoy x Hufflepuff reader requested
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Look at the stars, look how they shine for you - yellow by Coldplay
The classroom was filled with the sound of potion mixing and laughter as Snape walked out having Been called by Dumbledore. It seemed like the room was divided into Hufflepuff, Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin. Everyone was separated; Hufflepuff from Slytherin because they were opposite. Ravenclaw from Gryffindor because they seemed to have a clash that was between the two; maybe it was bravery or who was smarter it was unknown.
We could tell why Slytherin and Ravenclaw got along or at least tolerated one another because they had a common enemy, they didn't like Hufflepuff or Gryffindor. The two were friendly, brave, and there for each other which Ravenclaw and Slytherin were not. Now don't misunderstand that a few people in each house could have been in another; but most of the house usually didn't like the other.
So Draco of all people was more than confused when a particular girl in Hufflepuff had managed to catch his eye. She seemed completely transparent because he knew everything about her. He knew this wouldn't work; he was a death eater and she was an angel in yellow.
And everything you do yeah, they were all yellow - Coldplay
So he continued on trying to ignore her laugh, her smile, how she would help the teachers carry things or when she walked the first years to class.
(Aah) Your skin, oh, yeah, your skin and bones (Ooh) Turn into something beautiful (Aah) You know, you know I love you so You know I love you so - Coldplay
He felt almost bad for wanting her when he was so dark and mean; but the other half of him thought he deserved her after everything he was going through, so he went to her table in potions class and Stood in front of her.
So then I took my turn oh, what a thing to have done and it was all yellow - Coldplay
her sugar cookie smile graced her lips and it made his stomach turn and twist; he swallowed hard as he seemed to actually feel shy, worried, scared much like a child. His eyes locked with hers and his heart stopped; could he do this take her down a path that was full of monsters. He suddenly felt selfish, his chest tightened."Draco, are you all right?" She said looking concerned; did she not know who he was or what he had done. Of course she did, she said his name but not just that asked if he was okay.
A gloss came to his blue eyes. "I-i'm fine I'm fi-i'm okay" he breathed. she looked like she was searching him and he emptied, like an open book told all his secrets; a tiny boy with a loving look casted his way, He was bound to break only the Snickers of her friend reminded him he was there, and all of sudden he remembered why he buried it all away, so he didn't look weak, soft, like a boy who was afraid of his father or a coward. he quickly left the table; his friends looked at him puzzled.
"What was that? Blaise said, frowning. "nothing just… leave me be" he huffed, turning back to his work. The rest of the class went rather fast but Draco's thoughts were probably what made it move like a movie on fast forward. He walked the halls going to hide away when a hand grabbed his wrist.
I swam across, I jumped across for you Oh, what a thing to do 'Cause you were all yellow - Coldplay
he turned back wide eyed; only to be blinded by the sun herself. "It's okay to feel Draco Malfoy, no one expects you to be a strong wave. Every wave must lay low so the boats can go '' she said, hugging him. He was statue-like in her bear hug. "Hug me, draco'' she whispered into his Slytherin robes; his head fell into her neck and tears rolled down his face. She smelled comforting, warm, and he began to feel weak again.
(Aah) And you know, for you, I'd bleed myself dry For you, I'd bleed myself dry - Coldplay
He was afraid to let go in her arms; he didn't know what everyone would say later at the sight of green and yellow becoming one. It was going to cause some gossip; but would it matter if all he could see was the sun. No amount of cruelty could take away from this moment where he felt he didn't have to hold it all in, he was protected by this small girl.
It was refreshing to not feel like he needed to hold himself together; a girl, a Hufflepuff, had been the light breaking into his dark. What a stranger thing but was the wizard world normal not in the slightest. so we could have a Hufflepuff girl protect a boy.
Look how they shine for you Look how they shine - Coldplay
Request open 💙
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Pick + Choose
A sweet Dramione love story set amidst a mystery.
Ten years after the second wizarding war, Hermione Granger is the proud owner of Granger Magical Protection Agency - using her revered skill and intellect to protect the most vulnerable members of the magical community. Despite her beloved public persona, protecting those in-need doesn’t turn a high profit, and her company is starting to crumble under financial pressure.
Draco Malfoy, on the other hand, has more money than he knows what to do with. He’s spent the past ten years reinventing himself into a successful hotelier, and his picture is a constant fix on the cover of The Daily Prophet.
Draco Malfoy doesn’t settle for anything but the best. And when he begins to receive credible threats to his life from an unknown source, he knows he must hire the best - Hermione Granger.
Language: English Words: 86,535 Chapters: 19/19 Collections: 2 Comments: 627 Kudos: 1,687 Bookmarks: 661 Hits: 57,078
Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy, Hermione Granger, Draco Malfoy, Ginny Weasley, Harry Potter, Theodore Nott, Pansy Parkinson, Hermione Granger's Mother, Hermione Granger's Father, Ron Weasley, Lavender Brown, Astoria Greengrass, Daphne Greengrass, Blaise Zabini, Cormac McLaggen, Famous Draco Malfoy, Tattooed Draco Malfoy, Ron Weasley Bashing, Daily Prophet (Harry Potter), POV Hermione Granger, BAMF Hermione Granger, Adult Hermione Granger, Explicit Sexual Content, Humor, Fluff, Smut, Auror Hermione Granger, Good Draco Malfoy, Draco Malfoy Needs a Hug, Gay Theodore Nott, Draco Malfoy & Theodore Nott Friendship, Hermione Granger & Theodore Nott Friendship, Draco Malfoy & Pansy Parkinson Friendship, Hermione Granger & Pansy Parkinson Friendship, Sassy Pansy Parkinson, Pining, Infertility, Fake/Pretend Relationship, A little teeny bit of angst, don't worry you'll smile, I love a chance to put Hermione in pretty dresses, Potions, Lust Potion/Spell, Mentions of Cancer, Draco Malfoy is Clueless About Muggle Things, Simp Draco Malfoy, Hermione Granger is Bad at Feelings, Hermione Granger & Harry Potter Friendship, I Wrote This Instead of Sleeping, Cormac McLaggen Being an Asshole, I Make Up Spells and I'm Not Sorry, I have to go back and edit out half of my italics because I'm aware it's excessive, Soul Bond
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breaniebree · 10 months
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Chapter 41 -- The One With the Final Epilogue
Well, this is it!  THE FINAL LAST EPILOGUE AND LAST CHAPTER of my world of Kismet.  It started back in 2018 with some random Marauder snippets that I put aside to write about Sirius and Remus raising Harry which turned from a 25 chapter story idea to 360 chapters of A Second Chance and led me to write a prequel with my original Marauder snippets in The First Time Around.  It ended with Third Times the Charm.
As I always say, I write this story for myself first and this is the final chapter of what I wanted to write and how I wanted to end my world of Kismet.  I’m very excited to share it with you and I hope you’re excited to read it.  I hope those of you who have been reading this story have been enjoying it even half as much as I’ve enjoyed writing it and that you like the ending as much as I do.  And for those of you who don’t, I thank you for reading as long as you have and hope you find a story some day that pleases you more.  There are a lot of amazing writers in the world and I hope someone gives you the ending you want.
As for me I am very proud of my final scene and of this trilogy.  
I would like to firstly thank @thedistantdusk, who even though only was my Beta from chapters 200-360 of ASC and for all of The First Time Around, her patience and guidance were greatly appreciated.  Thank you to SilverStarwolfe who was my first Beta from about chapter 120-190 before life got in the way and she had to stop, her patience and guidance was also greatly appreciated.  Thank you to @seriouslysam8 who was an amazing sounding board and helped me work out the kinks in the final idea of Sirius and Zee and helped me come up with the story titles for The First Time Around and Third Times the Charm.  I really appreciate all of the help she gave me and hope one day she might even read it too.  LOL.  Thank you to @ellieoryan7447 for being such an amazing reader who went out of her way to attempt to make character art all about my characters.  It’s surreal to me that people even want to do that and is more appreciated than I can possibly put into words.  And lastly, thank you to @celtics534 for putting up with my random asks about reading over scenes, giving great writing advice, and not being afraid to tell me when something is crap and how to fix it.  You’re more appreciated than you know.  PS — Sorry for bothering the crap out of you with final reviews of this last chapter LOL.
Thank you to everyone who has been reading from the beginning, to those jumped in somewhere in the middle, and to anyone new who stumbled across this world when the final story was ending.  THANK YOU!
Thank you so much to everyone who has taken the time to follow me in this story-writing journey for the last six years.  It means so much to me.
I have no plans of writing anything else in the near future, as I do very much need a break, but who knows what the future will bring.  These epilogues, while being very much a conclusion, still leave lots of holes for me to jump back in if I ever want to (old and next generation).  It leaves the world of Kismet open to me in the future while still showing you that that there was a happily ever after for these characters (which is very much deserved).
Thank you again for all of the continuous support and love I have received.
Please remember to drop a review — I love to read to them.
Love always, 😘
A 🇨🇦Canadian🇨🇦 girl who loves writing HP fanfiction
~ Breanie aka Bree ~
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dramioneasks · 6 days
Hi! I want to recommend Two Weddings and a Man Hunt by Deydralinne. Fluffy accidental marriage/elopement. https://archiveofourown.org/works/45487258/chapters/114450499
Thank you!
Two Weddings and a Man Hunt - Deydralinne - E, 25 chapters - Of all the things Draco had expected to bear witness to that evening at his best friend's bachelor party, watching war heroine, Hermione Granger bounce a witches face off a table had not been one of them. Then again, the event's following weren't exactly things Draco planned for either. OR The story in which Draco and Hermione wake up married after a drunken night out
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Random Taylor Swift songs that align with Harry Potter Ships (joking… kind of…)
Random TS songs that align with Harry Potter ships. 
Cardigan: Romione during Half blood prince and Deathly hallows during the lavender debacle and the locket incident. Literally that yes they were endgame and somebody got between them with a silly stupid romance that seemed ridiculous.  
The 1: Hinny during Deathly Hallows before they realised they were endgame like that *kiss* on Harry’s birthday and his whole marauders map pining thingy
August: Hinny during the half blood prince era. Not that Harry was cheating on anybody, I just like the wistful lyrics about summer love and I think that matches up with early Hinny as basically both are trying to forget everything and just live their youth now before reality catches up to them. 
Enchanted: Cho x Harry during Harry’s pining era. It’s just funny and also Cho is in ravenclaw so her skill set is enchantment. Harry’s POV btw. 
Blank Space: Bellatrix Black for some stupid reason. I dunno. Just the way she goes full mad woman on Randolphus and Voldie. 
Love Story: Astoria x Draco? IDK I guess I kind of got the reverse roles where Astoria kind of sweeps Draco off his feet and his parents don’t approve of her because Astoria is kind of a happy, life-ful person who rejects pure bloodism and they end up together. 
You Belong With Me ((edited)): I know I said hinny before but NO. YBWM is about Deamus. Seamus wants Dean. He's known dean forever. They literally live in the same dorm together and knows everything about him. And this new girl Ginny picks up Dean and they date leaving a very annoyed and bitter Seamus. Of course Dean realises who's been here all along and it's SEAMUS!!!!!!!!!!!
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thelashjedi · 2 years
you’re safe with me
Dramione | Completed | 4.7K words
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Also available on AO3! 
As quietly as possibly, Hermione crept inside the library at Malfoy Manor. It was as good a place as any for to catch her metaphorical breath, before she’d need to plaster on a fake smile and rejoin the ball — to keep up appearances. Maybe she could find the book on the origins of arithmancy Draco mentioned the last time they were here?  Hermione doubted she’d be back at the Manor any time soon, if ever. Not after this evening has gone exactly as she’d feared, To her great surprise, despite her fraught wartime history, the Manor had somehow become one of her favourite places in the world, with the exception of one permanently sealed drawing room. But alas, Malfoy Manor had once again become ground too dangerous for Hermione Granger to tread, though this time the reasons for it were vastly different.
Hermione idly fiddled with her beaded bag, wondering if the Malfoys would even notice if just one of their many books went missing for a bit. Probably not. She would return it later by owl, of course. 
Making her way to her favourite spot in the back corner, Hermione was surprised to find Draco Malfoy collapsed in one of the wing-backed chairs, a hand wearily rubbing his eyes, the other gripped tightly around an empty glass, notes of firewhisky lingering in the air. He hadn’t noticed her.
Recovering as best she could in the circumstance, Hermione deliberately kept her voice light. “Malfoy? Why on Earth are you hiding in the library? This is your Engagement Ball. Shouldn’t you be out there accepting the fawning praise of the Sacred Twenty-Eight for doing your part to keep the Malfoy family tree as devoid of branches as possible?”
Her voice startled him, causing Draco to look momentarily panicked. Though he regained his customary smirk so quickly, perhaps it was only  her imagination. Or a trick of the dim light. 
“Ha, Granger. Very droll. As a point of clarification, this is my Betrothal Ball, nothing to do with an engagement. And secondly —“ Draco sighed deeply. “Fuck. I just need a break from it all, you know?”
Hermione blinked. She knew. After all, that’s precisely why she was here, but it was conveying to see Draco struggling when he ought to be celebrating the ostensibly happy news. “I do. And you’re safe with me, Auror Malfoy. As always.”
Her partner made a non-committal noise, as he put his empty glass on the side table. The reality of her presence caught up with him and his gaze sharpened. “Why are you here, Granger?”
Hermione laughed softly, hoping she didn’t sound as nervous as she felt. This was not a conversation she wanted to have with him, full stop and she especially did not want to have it now. “Well, Ron’s not accepting the end of our relationship as well as I’d hoped. He’s out their hitting the champagne pretty hard, whilst making eyes at me. Seemed like a good idea to hide out for a bit.” 
Technically, everything she’d said was true, but only to a point. It was Hermione’s own inability to stop staring at the future bride’s left hand that prompted her to seek refuge somewhere else. If Ron had been her only issue, she could have drawn on a wealth of experience to simply endure it. But being forced to confront the reality of a future where she would never get what — who — she wanted? That proved to be too much.
Draco snorted. “Really, Grange — the library? It’s your natural habitat. If you wanted to hide almost anywhere else in the Manor would be better than — wait. Did you say the end of your relationship?”
Briefly wondering how much firewhisky he’d had, Hermione plastered that bloody fake smile back on, responding in a falsely bright tone. “Um, yes. Ron and I broke up.”
It was Draco’s turn to blink. He sat silently for a moment, his thinking face — the one he adopted when they were working on a case together — firmly in place. Then he rose from his chair, standing before her, his eyes boring into her own. “When?”
Hermione tried — and bloody failed — to sound breezy. “Oh, late last month.” 
Malfoy Heir to wed Miss Astoria Greengrass. 
The headline in the Daily Prophet, accompanied by a photo of Draco next to a smiling, beautiful, perfect pureblood witch screamed at Hermione from the front page. She felt as though all the air left her flat, leaving her underwater, unable to  her breathe as her carefully crafted illusions about her own feelings disappeared into the ether the very instant she realised she was too late. It was only then Hermione registered just how deeply she was in denial over the extent of feelings for the pale wizard who was definitely not just her co-worker, no matter how many times she’d angrily shouted at otherwise at Ron.
Draco’s expression was inscrutable as he studied her face. “Before or after my betrothal was announced?”
The question was so prescient Hermione did not have her features schooled enough to prevent her jaw from dropping a fraction. She made a hasty correction, though Draco’s narrowed eyes told her she wasn’t quick enough, blast him. “What? That’s not — Malfoy. That has nothing to do —”
“Granger.” Her name was an interruption and a plea. 
Unable to pretend any longer, Hermione sighed. “After.”
“Why?” Draco asked in a pained whisper.
“Ron and I were never right for each other — okay? Not really. But when my close friend and partner getting engaged sent me into an emotional tailspin, it really didn’t seem fair to Ron to keep pretending otherwise. Not after assuring him for years I only admired you as a colleague, because we got along so well and we had such a good working relationship.” Keeping her gaze on her shoes, Hermione blinked back tears. “To be fair, I didn’t realise I was lying to him until it was too late.”
Draco’s bitter laugh prompted her to look up and she took in the stunned disbelief in his grey eyes, as well as the undercurrent of anger. Her heart broke just a little bit more.
Hermione swallowed. “I don’t find this particularly funny, Draco. And I think I should just go home.”
“Oh no you don’t, Granger. “ Draco grabbed her wrist, pulling her close as he pressed her hand over his heart, his eyes blazing into hers. “I only agreed to this damned betrothal because you were still bafflingly with that unworthy tosser and I couldn’t bear to continually hope you’d eventually see that he wasn’t right for you. That you’d eventually see me.”
Hermione blinked back tears, unsuccessfully trying to pull away from Draco’s grip, overwhelmed by his intensity and nearness. “I always saw you, Draco. But I never thought you’d see me as anything more than what we already were.” Unable to look at him, she used her free hands to point in the direction of the ballroom, where his betrothed was currently holding court and Draco flinched, dropping her hand. Summoning her resolve, Hermione spoke again, the words like ash on her tongue. “Given our inability to effectively communicate,I will be requesting to be transferred out of Magical Law Enforcement. The Unspeakables still try to recruit me a couple of times a year — I’ll see if I can move there.”
“No.” He looked stricken, his voice pa whisper as he shook his head.
Hermione’s voice broke. “Draco, working with you the past three years has been hard enough. I’m sorry, but I can’t keep doing it now.”
“You think it’s been hard for you? I’ve watched the only witch I’ve ever loved be with someone who takes her for granted, does not appreciate her and has the unmitigated gall to incessantly complain about her to me whenever I’ve been forced to speak with him.”
“Ron was likely trying to convince you I wasn’t a very good girlfriend because he was jealous of us — of our working relationship, I mean. We fought about it constantly, Malfoy.”
“And his way of coping was to try to diminish you at every opportunity?”
“Oh lay off of him, Malfoy! He’s not the one who spent the entire time being in love with someone else.”
 Draco’s mouth was on hers before the last syllable left her lips, quickly swallowing her startled gasp. One hand cradled her chin as the other pulled her hips flush against his and Hermione whimpered, losing herself in the feel of his tongue gliding against hers as her body pressed into him. Her blood sang as she grabbed fistfuls of his robe, desperate to pull him closer still — the years of unspoken, mutual longing becoming thoroughly unmasked with the worst fucking timing. She stiffened, as she recalled why she was at the Manor in the first place. 
As if hit with the same  realisation, Draco abruptly let her go. She instantly stepped back — keeping more than an arm’s width away as they stared at each other, panting.
Draco spoke first, his words full of quiet desperation. “I can get out of it, Granger. If you’ll have me.”
Hermione’s heart clenched. “I feel really bad about that for her sake, but not so bad I’m willing for us both to be perpetually miserable over it. I was having a hard enough time when I thought it was just me. How badly will your parents react?” 
As far as Hermione was concerned, this was an open question. Over the past few years, she’d become far closer to the Malfoys than she would’ve ever dreamed possible. Narcissa was quite fond of her, frequently insisting they take tea together — just the two of them as Draco was deliberately not invited. She ate dinner with the family once or twice a month. While it took longer for Lucius to come around on her, he had reluctantly admitted she was just as talented and capable as his son, even though it clearly pained him to say the words aloud. Hermione harboured secret affection for the still somewhat vainglorious older man— particularly after l realising he was too much like his son for her to ever truly dislike. But the elder Malfoys acceptance of her was in her role as Draco’s partner at the DMLE — a role where she frequently saved his life. There was an enormous gulf between accepting Muggle-born Hermione Granger as their son’s colleague or even close friend, and accepting Muggle-born Hermione Granger permanently into their family, particularly when such acceptance would ultimately end the Malfoy family’s status as a purebloods. 
It had not been lost on Hermione that outwardly both of Draco’s parents appeared delighted at the prospect of Astoria Greengrass becoming the future Lady Malfoy — something that hurt Hermione more than she’d expected, even when she has no right to that pain.
“I do not fucking care.” Draco’s voice was iron. “And for what it’s worth, this is a love match for Astoria either. It’s a business arrangement made by our respective families. I’m not saying she’ll be happy about it. But I won’t be breaking anyone’s heart.”
Oh. That was a relief. Hermione chewed her lip. “How long?”
“Tomorrow — by the end of day. I’d do it tonight, but that seems unnecessarily cruel.”
“Right.” Hermione thought quickly, her mind still reeling from the kiss and the fact she’d just admitted out loud she loved him. Although assuming she hadn’t misheard, Draco technically declared his love first. “I’m going home and I will stay there for the rest of the weekend. My floo will be closed to everyone who isn’t you. If I don’t hear from you by Sunday, I will put in my transfer request at the Ministry on Monday morning.”
“You will hear from me, Granger. You have my word. I intend to tell my parents tonight.”
“Tell her first.” Hermione blurted out the words before she could stop herself, apprehension working its way up her spine.
Draco was nonplussed. “Why? Honestly, Granger, as I said the entire thing was arranged by our parents anyway. They’ll have to be involved.”
“Tell her first and have someone else you trust —  like Theo — with you when you tell your parents.”
“Hermione, I don’t —“
Her fears overtook her and she cut him off. “Every time your parents have invited me to dinner over the past six months, Lucius has been unsubtle in telling me he expects you to wed soon. Then at the office, you’ve been telling me about how much they were pressuring you into accepting a betrothal arrangement that you said you didn’t want. I’m not accusing him of anything, truly — but while I can most likely live with you deciding to proceed with your existing betrothal, not without some assurance it was your decision in truth.”
Draco’s eyes went wide as he grasped her meaning. “Point taken. I don’t think Father would do that, Granger. But I also don’t feel certain enough to say he’d never do it. So some precautions wouldn’t hurt. I’ll speak with Theo before he leaves tonight.” Draco tucked a curl behind her ear as he spoke, before leaning forward — clearly intent on kissing her again, stopping when he felt her hand pushing him back.
“Draco, I feel enough guilt over the earlier admittedly bloody amazing kiss, especially seeing how your Betrothal Ball is still on-going as we speak. To say nothing of how bad I feel about the emotional affair I didn’t quite realise I was having while still with Ron.” 
Hermione had already been tempted to beg him to shag her against the bookshelves during visits to this part of the library. And that was while she was still trying to convince herself constantly thinking about the wizard before her was merely an idle fantasy that wasn’t hurting anyone. She had no confidence in her ability to resist sharing that desire if he kissed her like that again. “I’m going to leave now, before I do more things I regret. But I expect I to see you soon, Malfoy.”
“You will, Granger. I promise.” 
Seized by hope and terror in equal measure, Hermione nodded, managing a small smile before apparating out of the Manor and into her tiny, darkened flat. Only then did she allow the floodgates to open, sliding to the floor as she wept, not even attempting to sort out which of her tangled emotions prompted the tears. 
When her floo roared to life the next evening, Hermione’s heart nearly beat out of her chest. Instinctively hiding her chewed nails, she frantically tamped down the blossoming surge of hope inside her before she has unambiguous confirmation from Draco.  What if he was only coming over to let her know in person that he’d reconsidered?
So when Draco strode directly towards her from the fireplace and kissed as intensely as he had the night before, her soul cried out in relief. Hermione wrapped her arms around his neck, frantically pulling him, needing him as close as possible. 
After a long moment, he pulled back to look at her, palpable relief etched across Draco’s own features as he stroked her back. Seemed as though he’d also worried she might reconsider. 
“It’s done. Everyone knows. The Greengrasses are not happy, but as it turns out, Astoria wasn’t particularly upset. Especially not after I insisted the settlement for breaking the betrothal go to her and not her parents. Seems like she prefers independence over a marriage to me in any event.”
Well there was an unexpected balm for her conscience, but Hermione didn’t really care about Astoria Greengrass, not that she relished the thought of the witch being hurt. But she didn’t know the witch. 
Narcissa and Lucius were another story. They’d become dear to her and she was terrified about what their reactions might be. “And your parents?” she asked, unable to hid her nervousness.
So she was taken aback when Draco’s eyes lit up with joy. He coughed, attempting — poorly — to hide a smirk. “About that. I have a letter for you from my father.”
Her nerves were stil on high alert as she opened the sealed parchment with trembling hands, frowning as she took in Draco’s poorly concealed grin.
My dear Miss Granger, 
You wound me. After my concerted effort to welcome you into my ancestral home and indeed into our lives, you truly believe me to be capable of acting against my son’s wishes in matters of the heart? For shame, Miss Granger. For shame.
Since my efforts on this front also managed to escape my son’s notice, I will spell it out plainly for you here, just as I had to for Draco in person. I told you I expected my son to wed soon for the very same reason I told him he must either make his own choice or accept a betrothal from his parents. Namely, so you foolish children would realise you are perfect for each other and act accordingly! 
Do not misunderstand me. Astoria Greengrass is a fine witch and she has left Malfoy Manor with more galleons than her parents would have ever deigned to give her and my heartfelt felicitations. But Miss Granger had the match proceeded, she would have been a consolation prize to more than just Draco. 
My dear, after seeing first-hand the lamentable consequences of attempts to force my choices on Draco, I want nothing more than for you to marry my son and make him happy, as I (ahem) was always aware that you are in fact, his choice. I have loved none but my dearest Narcissia, but that is only because the fates smiled on me when I did not deserve it. Draco, however, deserves the world. Seeing as you are his world, I was compelled to act to see him happily settled with you at his side, permanently.
(As an aside, I think it uncouth for me to point out that no one — such as yourself — worthy of a Malfoy ought to be saddled with a Weasley. Further, I fear it would also be uncouth for me to discuss how often I pondered why a witch happy in her ‘relationship’ would spend so much of her limited free time in the home of her ‘colleague’ dining with his parents — occasionally doing so even when my son was unavailable, and Narcissa and I were blessed to have you all to ourselves. One might forgive me for assuming it meant you enjoyed our company. But I digress and as I do not wish to be uncouth, I will say neither of those things.)
While I must confess that your doubt has caused me some genuine hurt, in truth it is only a small injury to my pride and this letter is perhaps more harsh than the injury itself justifies. Narcissa and I are overjoyed the pair of you have finally, as I understand Muggles say, “gotten your shite together” and I expect (and in truth demand) to see even more of you at the Manor than we have in the past. All of the denizens of Malfoy Manor have missed you terribly over the past month — with Bunny left especially bereft by your absence. (In time, I hope you can forgive yourself for hurting a house elf. If it helps, I do not believe she intends to hold a grudge.)
For the sake of moving forward as a family, I will admit that given my history, your caution to Draco that he ought to involve Theo when telling us of his intentions was wise. One might even go so far as to describe it as a cunning choice on your part. (You know my dear, despite how often you claim your hat-stall was between those abominable do-gooders and Ravenclaw, your evasiveness on questioning has led me to wonder if Slytherin actually had the next best claim on you. If you confess this to me, all will be forgiven and I will forget you ever suspected me capable of treachery when in truth I only had the very best of fatherly intentions towards you both.)
I expect to see you both at the Manor soon. We intend to proceed with wedding planning, far more joyously now the correct bride is in place. (Narcissa tells me it would not be appropriate to have a second betrothal ball and was not swayed in the slightest when I pointed out it would actually be the first ever Malfoy Engagement Ball. I do hope your heart wasn’t set on that my dear, as I have reluctantly acceded my wife’s better judgement in this regard.) I have instructed my son to ask you himself properly, in the Muggle fashion. The ring belonged to my mother, who would have adored you had she lived in a world where meeting you was possible. Do not fret about the heirloom, it suits you — just as you are. 
By now, Miss Granger, I hope you realise you have stolen the hearts of all the Malfoys. Please take care with them — for though we have a well-earned reputation for ferocity in most matters, our hearts are unaccustomed to the fray and thus, more fragile than you might expect. If it helps, pretend we are similar to house elves and treat us accordingly. (Of course, except for the time you ignored Bunny for a month. None of us could withstand such cruelty from a loved one.)
Narcissa and I love our son very much, and while he is in no way deficient, I must confess we always longed for a daughter. We are waiting for you, my dear. And please be merciful with Draco — as the cleverest among us, he was the first to recognize your true worth and has therefore been waiting for you the longest.
With great love and affection, 
Lucius Abraxas Malfoy
P.S., Turn around.
Feeling dazed, Hermione did as the letter bade. She was at turns bewildered, amused, mildly irritated and deeply touched by the words written by Lucius Malfoy. So utterly engrossed by the parchment in her hands, that Hermione hadn’t noticed Draco getting down on one knee. 
He held out a ring — a simple one by Malfoy standards. A reasonably sized emerald, set with smaller diamonds on either side. Lucius was right, it did suit her — far better than the ridiculously enormous diamond which had graced Astoria’s finger the night before, a ring Hermione simultaneously loathed and deeply coveted. 
Over the years, she had witnessed Draco in all manner of precarious situations. Their line of work was dangerous and as partners they had been frequently been in peril together. She was struck by how odd it was — to see fear on his face for first time since she’d acceded to Robards unenthusiastic plea for her to accept Draco as her partner, a request only made after the rest of the department had already refused. Strange to realized she could be the one provoke that fear, especially when she loved him so. 
Draco exhaled before speaking, his voice clear as his eyes never left hers. “Hermione. If this feels too sudden, I’ll tell Father he can go hang and I will wait until you are ready. But you should know I’m not asking because he or Mother or anyone else wants me to. I want to, Granger — me. I want to know you are finally mine. In fact, I want the whole world to know you are mine. Because you — Hermione Jean Granger — you and no one else, are my choice. Now and always.”
Hermine bit her lip, nodding at him as tears slid freely down her cheeks — waiting.
Draco’s anxiety disappeared and his eyes filled with tears as well as the most beautiful smile she’d ever witnessed graced his face. “Hermione, will you marry me?”
“Yes. Of course I will, yes.”
She would have said more, but she was back in Draco’s embrace too quickly and her ability to speak was hindered for a long time thereafter — not that she was complaining. When they finally separated, clothing in disarray and ring on her finger, Hermione took a few minutes to respond to her future father-in-law. After she sent off her owl, Hermone dragged her fiancee into her bedroom without a word — not that he had any complaints either. 
Once there, Draco set upon her like a man possessed, quickly divesting her of everything that wasn’t her engagement ring as he explained in detail exactly how he intended to fulfil every fantasy he had about her over the past three years. Seeing howthey were more or less the same fantasies Hermione had about him, she was more than happy to oblige. 
Happy coincidence, that. 
Lucius Malfoy sat in his study at Malfoy Manor, immensely pleased with himself for finally getting his oblivious children on the right path. He was in the midst of his second self-congratulatory glass of firewhisky when an unfamiliar owl interrupted his reverie.Lucius’s curiosity already piqued and it only  l grew on further inspection, when he discovered the letter was charmed so it could only be opened and read by himself. Quickly confirming there were no dark spells at play, Lucius opened the envelope and began to read.
 My Dearest Lucius,
If you don’t irrevocably and unequivocally forgive me for my unintentional slight to you (as well as promise to never bring the matter up again in the future) I will convince Draco to elope with me within the month. Further, I will — with copious tears in my eyes —  tell Narcissa that your letter is what pushed me to do so, thus laying the blame for depriving her of the opportunity to throw us a lavish wedding squarely at your feet. 
 However, should you graciously accept my terms without fuss (ahem), not only will I enthusiastically allow Narcissa to plan our wedding, I promise on the occasion of our tenth wedding anniversary I will tell you the unabridged version of my initial encounter with the sorting hat. Between us both, I do not think you will be disappointed by the tale. 
Choose wisely.
The Future Mrs. Hermione Granger-Malfoy
I look forward to receiving your reply by the end of business on Friday; failing which, I will be forced to put my alternative plans in motion. 
Having said that, please do not feel like you have to rush your decision on my account. For the next few days at least, Draco and I expect to be quite preoccupied.
I love you too.
The very instant Lucius read the last word, Miss Granger’s letter burst into flame, vanishing in a puff of smoke which destroyed all evidence of her affectionate threats. No one was present to witness it, but the brief light from the fire illuminated an actual grin on the face of Lord Malfoy, the likes of which was only rarely seen by his wife. 
Lucius chuckled as he brought the firewhisky to his lips and took a hearty sip from the tumbler. Hermione Granger was going to fit in here beautifully. 
He fervently hoped any future grandchildren would have curls.
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charlottehpfics · 9 months
kiss me but it’s wrong… a Draco Malfoy fic (part 2)
A/N: this is gonna be more than 2 parts for sure. Are you enjoying this fic? <3
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Draco Malfoy x fem!reader warnings: cheating, fluff, aftermath of the battle, reader is wearing a gown, swearing, some angst? Tell me if I forgot something!
summary: please go read pt 1 for the summary. also reading pt 1 before this is crucial!
You felt the wind whip chaotically behind you as you reached into your dress. it had pockets, which was why you had bought it in the first place- not that it mattered now. you felt around for your homemade lockpick, which was flimsy but functional. with a satisfying click, the window to Astoria and Draco’s bedroom opened.
Tap, tap, tap, you heard footsteps from outside. You ducked under the window in a panic, but thankfully it was just Astoria going into the kitchen. The bedroom was…extravagant. You had never expected Draco to want to please his fiancée so much- it seemed like a pink-and-blue galactic unicorn had vomited all over the place. twice. knowing Draco, you understood that this was not his taste in interiors, at all. it hurt you even more to see the many framed pictures on the walls of Draco kissing Astoria on the beach, in the mountains, and in their very own garden. “fuck Astoria, the damned bitch!” you whispered aloud in frustration.
but that was not what you were here for. Slipping a note out of your pocket (specifically written using a handwriting EXTREMELY different from yours), you placed it on Astoria’s bedside table, and played the sound of an owl squawking and dropping a letter using your phone. then, you quickly clambered out of the window and knelt down to spy on Astoria.
speaking of her, she entered the room with a smile on her face, but it dropped as soon as she eyed the contents of the note you had left. she read aloud: “dear Astoria: this is your friend Mike. I know you don’t remember me- but we were acquaintances in our first year at Hogwarts. I was wounded and paralyzed during the battle, so I couldn’t reach out to you… until now. all I ask is that you help me, please. I remember telling you all about a family heirloom in our first year, maybe you remember, maybe not, but I know that you’re smart and can help me. please meet me in the Forbidden Forest @ Hogwarts. Don’t bring your husband. I have a feeling he would not be pleased, so don’t tell him. Make up an excuse. Please. I can’t tell you a lot right now, just please help a friend out.”
to be continued…
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hunsix1 · 6 months
I am making a scorbus book with Albus and his wacky adventures and this is how it is going..is it good??
It would’ve been better to pretend to be ill. At least that’s what he was thinking right now, walking in the train station filled with muggles, talking and whistles blaring around in his ears. He had honestly thought to run away before he could be taken to the station. Maybe a fainting fancy from Uncle George? But he didn’t have time to. In fact all of the plans he had made would’ve gone wrong so there was no point. 
He had dreaded the day of going to the school. Maybe it was the lies James had told him? Or maybe the fact he could be sorted into a different house. Whatever it was he wished he wasn’t here. It would be the first year of Hogwarts, and the first year of trying to fit in. He thought it would be easy because James got in so well but he had his doubts when he remembered Aunt Hermione saying he suited Slytherin more when he was a kid. His mum had told him after that the family would still love him no matter what house he was in. He cried the whole day and only stopped when he was offered food. 
Thinking about only made it worse now. He was already on Platform 9 3/4, crowds of witches and wizards hugging their kids and some even giving them stuffies and candies. Albus would be a liar if he didn’t believe it was magical, but it struck up more nerves than ever. 
“Isn’t Hermione supposed to be here, Gin?” His father asked his mum. 
“Yes, but we have time Harry, it’s why we got up so early.” Ginny smiled at Harry and kissed his cheek. 
Albus didn’t know whether to do a disgusted groan or puke on sight from nerves and disgust. Honestly he didn’t know how to feel all together. It was the plan for years, ever since Teddy went to hogwarts, the families would meet up and have a small get-together while their kids were preparing for Hogwarts. Albus was unsure if he was preparing or planning his death once he got there. His parents had bought him a diary since it was his first year at Hogwarts (they gave James a pair of new shoes since he burned his old ones) and Albus was planning on using it, especially on the train. Maybe he could write about how awful his first year would be, complain about friends and subjects, and write about his death in a poetic way. 
The squeals of his family brought him back into the actual time. Mum was hugging Aunt Hermione while Dad and Uncle Ron were talking, James was talking with Hugo about Quidditch, and Rose Granger-Weasley, the best cousin he could ask for, was looking as nervous as Albus was. 
“Hello Albus.” Rose had waved at him. 
“Rose Weasley-Granger!” 
Rose shoved his arm and rolled her eyes. The nickname was a way to make her mad but it was an inside joke between the cousins. 
“How are you feeling?” Rose questioned while she brushed off dust from her cardigan. 
“Nervous- scared. Sick.” Albus shrugged. 
He didn’t know what else to say, and he was being completely honest. 
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Ron x Harry. Ronarry. VERY OOC. I just love fluff :))
How Love Feels Like
"How would you explain how love feels like, Potter?" It was quite a shocking thing for Malfoy to ask him. What's more surprising is that he isn't alone when the question was asked. There were a lot of students around, though only a few took note that he was conversing (or was forced into a conversation) with a group of Slytherins, or rather, with Malfoy and with his friends beside him.
"Um... Can you repeat that for me...?" He couldn't believe what he was hearing.
"How would you explain how love feels like. Honestly Potter, I know you're blind, but I didn't know that you're deaf as well." He tried stopping himself from huffing and retorting back to Malfoy as usual. The war is over, he is trying to push for house unity and for Slytherin house to lose (or lessen) the bad reputation that they have.
Cursing Malfoy even if its just a tickling charm wouldn't help with that so... He needs to fight the instinct of retorting with anything just like he did before.
"Welllll... For me, love feels like..." He paused for a bit, thinking of the best way to describe how it feels like. To start off, there are different types of love; what love would he describe of?
He could describe what he felt when Sirius and Remus were alive, how they cared for him and made him feel whole even if it's just a short amount of time. He could also describe Mr. and Mrs. Weasley's, how he felt cared for and safe under their own version of love. Or, he could even describe Hermoine's, who he felt a sisterly sort of bond that is most certainly love.
He was taking his time thinking of his answer when a flash of red entered his sight. Ah, oh he knows what love he is going to describe.
"Well? We haven't got all day-"
"For me, love feels like warmth. It feels like the warmth that makes you feel comfortable in the middle of the winter and makes you fall asleep comfortably. It feels like the sun that wakes you up at the start of the day as it hits your window and your face. It feels like," a fond smile slowly formed on his face as he remembers the past years and how this particular person used his all to fight back and protect him, "the fire that looks like would burn you, but rather it gives you a sense of safety to close your eyes. It will not burn you, but it will burn those that tries to hurt you."
Around this time, they accumulated quite a number of audience. People who was just leaving their classes and is going to the Great Hall when they saw Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy talking.
"My, my, what a description, Potter." The one that said that was Pansy Parkinson though unlike most of their interactions, this time, she is smiling genuinely. Beside her, Astoria Greengrass nodded in agreement.
"You are hopelessly in love Potter. I hope you know that." He could feel himself blushing. Though he HAVE felt that warmth for quite a long time now, it is different when it was established to be love. He is in love, romantically speaking.
And Ronald Weasley is in love with him as well.
"And I hope that Weasley is giving justice to how you describe the love that you felt from him. Alright, I think we approve." Murmurs started from the audience around them. He felt his jaw drop at what Malfoy said. They... approve?
"What? I'm sorry, you approve?" Malfoy just shrugged. It was Parkinson who gave him an answer in the form of letters. She walked towards him, giving him pieces of papers.
"These are... letters between Professor Snape and your mother, Lily Evans. Professor Snape asked your mother how love feels like. Your mother answered, and in the end wrote out that the love she is describing is one that she felt from your father, James Potter. We saw this single correspondence separated from others and it has a written note behind the last letter." He quickly took the very last letter and turned it around.
"Ask her child...? Are you saying that Professor Snape noted that he would also ask my mother's child this, too?" The group of Slytherins nodded. He could feel himself tearing up, as he started reading the letters. This must have been before the war fully started. He imagined that Professor Snape asked for forgiveness, and his mother wanted to give him a chance.
His mother's handwriting is beautiful.
"Thank you... Thank you so much." He said, wiping the tears that started falling from his eyes. Gosh, look at him tearing up in the middle of the hallway with an audience watching everything.
"Just know Potter, Slytherins are not ungrateful. We respect those that earned our respect. We protect those that we respect." Malfoy said.
It was at that moment that Ron decided to come. He has been in this part of the hallway, but he was occupied with reading something, notes probably since he decided to take things very seriously this year.
"Hey there, Harry. Whoa, why are you crying?! Are you alright? Did something happen? Did someone try to ask about the hocruxes again because I swear I will-" Ron was cut off from saying anything as Harry kissed him fully in the lips.
Applauds and cheers echoed in the hallway as they continued kissing. The Slytherins jeered at them, but he could hear Parkinson and Greengrass cheering for a bit, which is a win for him.
"Well, that does it. Everyone please move out and give them privacy. Out!" Giving the Slytherins a wave and a smile, they just nodded at him in acknowledgement before moving out of the way. He turned back towards Ron, who is is still a bit dazed from the kiss.
"Hey... You alright?"
"Never better... You know, I could live with this. I don't need to breath anyway." They both laughed and started slowly walking through the hallway, towards the Great Hall.
"Now, can you tell me what happened back there? I might have been a bit preoccupied with our potions essay to took notice that it was you." Ron asked, a worried look on his face. Harry could only sigh in contentment, carefully clutching the letters near his chest.
"I'll tell you later. Let's just say that I described you as my warmth and," he looked at the letters, "you have just been officially approved by the Slytherins."
"Wait, what? I need their approval...?"
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welovedracotop · 2 years
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If you are a fanficker of Drarry, Dramione, Drinny, Druna, Drastoria, etc. Put on your tags #Top Draco Malfoy. We need grow up in A03.
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https-maxine-stuff · 2 years
Incorrect quotes for “The star-crossed lovers!” + some random scenarios
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Draco: What do you mean “Pizza” isn’t spelled Pisa?
Astrid: .. go sit in the corner.
Cedric: okay so guess what I found?
Fred: an std?
Cedric: yes and no, Voldemort actually
Astrid: what?
Hermione: okay and..tada! *presents and empty plate*
Ron: Hermione what is that?
Hermione: your brain
Ron: but there’s nothing there?
Hermione: exactly.
Scorpius: I’m sorry.
Older!Astrid who was just hitting him with a newspaper: for?
Scorpius: for breaking the timeline again..
Older!Astrid: and???
Scorpius: ..and for trying to steal the cup from Cedric and Uncle Harry.
Cedric: so how was that bath?
Harry: a ghost saw me naked.
Cedric: oh
Professor Sprout: OH MY GOD WHAT IS THAT?
Astrid who was sneaking out a Mandrake: a baby.
Older!Astrid: no I don’t want a real tree for Christmas.
Older!Draco: *tearing up* why the bloody hell not?
Older!Astrid: cause last time it had termites.
Deatheater!Cedric: you will kneel before me.
Astrid: In your dreams you hufflepuff whore.
Deatheater!Cedric: *gasp*
Harry: so that’s where that goes! *put the wrong ingredient into the potion*
Hermione who looked away for a split second: OH MY GOD NO-
Older!Draco: This is my mistress, Astoria,, I’m leaving you for her.
Older!Astrid: okay.
Older!Draco: do you not care?
Older!Astrid: not really,, you know considering how we got married?
*flash back*
Omi Evergreen: you will marry him
Astrid; No?
Omi: *pulls out a gun*
Astrid: oh.
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dramione-fanfiction · 2 years
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Story by: Trixie_d (Ao3)
Story name: Grey Guilt Eyes
I just think you spend so much time with her, that’s all I haven’t seen you in days Draco I miss you.” She rocks on her heels and looks down towards her bare feet.
He sighs and pinches the bridge of his nose, “Love I told you Astoria has been transferred to Hogwarts this term we’re just catching up with old friends who she hasn’t seen since she left that’s all.”
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