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hotronfest · 3 months ago
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We are pleased to announce that the HOT RON FEST is coming soon!
All Ron enthusiasts are welcome to join - fanfiction writers and fanart artists alike!
Prompts and Rules to be revealed on January 10, 2025
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kathrahender · 7 months ago
My opinion about Harry Potter Ships (1/2)
Hinny (Harry Potter/Ginny Weasley): NO. Just NO. Please their romance was so forced and there was no chemistry between them in the movie (and I watched the movies before reading the books... so yeah, it affected my perception about them) 👎
Romione (Ron Weasley/Hermione Granger): In the books they were a better couple- but in the movie their development was almost null- so no thanks. 😬
Harmione (Harry Potter/Hermione Granger): "They're just friends". Still a better ship than Hinny/Romione tho. Their interactions were far more beautiful than any other ship involving Harry or Hermione. 🙌
Ronarry (Ron Weasley/Harry Potter): If I was Harry and I had to chose a Weasley to date with- I would choose Ron. Not saying anything else. 🧡🤎
Dron (Draco Malfoy/Ron Weasley): Enemies to lovers. Enemies to lovers. Enemies to- (Besides, their families don't like each other so they would be Romeo/Juliet coded) 💞
Drarry (Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter): I'm a fan of Slytherin/Gryffindor pairings, and a fan of rivals to lovers so- I LOVE DRARRY SO MUCH. 😍😍😍😍
Dramione (Draco Malfoy/Hermione Granger): It's literally like a straight version of Drarry- SO I'M IN! 💖
Huna (Harry Potter/Luna Lovegood): I tell you, I ship them more than I ship Romione/Hinny. Although I have never read a fic of them, they had cute moments. ☺️
Linny (Ginny Weasley/Luna Lovegood): Luna is a Ravenclaw. Ginny is a Gryffindor. Ravenclaw is Blue. Gryffindor is Red. I LOVE RED-BLUE PAIRINGS. 💖💖
Pansmione (Pansy Parkinson/Hermione Granger) & Blaron (Blaise Zabini/Ron Weasley): Another Slytherin/Gryffindor pairing? And another enemies-to-lovers? And also lesbian/gay? Hell YES. 💞💞💞💞
Hedric (Cedric Diggory/Harry Potter): Their relationship in the fourth movie/book was cute and pure and I will never forgive them for killing Cedric. He was a good friend to Harry and he could have been more than that :(
Chedric (? (Cedric Diggory/Cho Chang): Yes. Just yes. I don't know why, but they are so cute for me. 🥺
Charry (Harry Potter/Cho Chang): This might be controvesial but I like them (definitely more than Hinny). They were kinda cute.
Dransy (Draco Malfoy/Pansy Parkinson): I don't know what to think about this. Part of me says "They're besties". The other part says "They look cute together". Let's say I'm more inclined to say YES. 😉
Lunsy (Pansy Parkinson/Luna Lovegood): It's a Slytherin/Ravenclaw pairing. That's all I need to know. Just yes. 💙💚💙💚💙💚
Hansy (Harry Potter/Pansy Parkinson): It's like Drarry but the love interest is a girl instead of a boy. So it's a yes for me.
Nuna (Neville Longbottom/Luna Lovegood): You know for one moment I thought they would be canon and I shipped them-
Deamus (Dean Thomas/Seamus Finnigan): They belong together. I don't accept objections. 😆😆
Flintwood (Marcus Flint/Oliver Wood): Two captains, one from Gryffindor and the other from Slytherin, in a relationship? Yes.
Blamione (Blaise Zabini/Hermione Granger) & Ronsy (Ron Wealey/Pansy Parkinson): They're like Pansmione and Blaron but with the love interest reversed so YES.
Ginmione (Ginny Weasley/Hermione Granger): Friends to lovers? Two Gryffindor? A sapphic ship? Perfect. ✨
Dinny (Dean Thomas/Ginny Weasley): They were canon but they're not my thing. I prefer Ginny with Hermione/Luna and Dean with Seamus.
Drastoria (Draco Malfoy/Astoria Greengrass): Not my thing neither but I guess they're good. 👌
Druna (Draco Malfoy/Luna Lovegood): I ship Draco with Harry/Ron/Hermione so it's a no for me. Besides I see them as besties. 😔
Chomione (Cho Chang/Hermione Granger): Never thought of it but it seems interesting. 👀
Fremione (Fred Weasley/Hermione Granger): It's not bad but If I were Hermione and I had to date a Weasley- I would choose Ginny. But they're not a bad ship ;)
Geormione (George Weasley/Hermione Granger): The same argument as the previous ship.
Lovander (Rolf Scamander/Luna Lovegood): They're okay but not my thing.
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unhingedromione · 4 months ago
the thing about ron bashers is that they probably don't know how to fuck lmfao
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cailynwrites · 2 months ago
HP recs for a coffee shop
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I love angst, non-HEA, dead dove, and slow burn as much as the next girl, but sometimes you just want something light that you can read while you drink your coffee, whether or not you're in public. In no particular order, here are a few comfy tea, coffee, and coffee shop-centric fics that I've collected over the years, with podfic versions where available.
The Barista, the Burglar, and the Sofa by orphan_account, podfic by @xinasvoice Rating: E Pairing: Remus x Sirius Summary:
This is the story of twenty-three year old Remus Lupin, an overworked graduate student and underpaid barista, who comes home one day to find an exceptionally attractive man has broken into his flat. Given the neighborhood he lives in, that isn’t a huge surprise. He is surprised, though, when the burglar comes back with a sofa. Alternatively, this is the story of how Sirius Black tries to seduce a man by slowly furnishing his flat.
Bottoms Up, Tops Down by @hypnagogue, podfic by Straynyx Rating: T Pairing: Harry x Tom Summary:
They are now in their 5th year, and Tom is about to put the 5th step of his plan in motion. Sex, of all things, will not stump him.
Coffee by @writcraft, podfic by fire_juggler Rating: E Pairing: Draco x Harry Summary:
Sometimes it’s just a story about two wizards and a Muggle coffee shop.
Coffee Cup by keyflight790, podfic by smirkingcat Rating: G Pairing: Draco x Harry Summary:
Harry grabs a cup and makes a fool of himself.
Deadheading the Odd Dahlia by @peachpety, with art by beyondtheclose, podfic by me Rating: E Pairing: Draco x Harry Summary:
Harry is content to spend his days at Draco’s flower stall at the farmers market, burying his true feelings in artisanal coffee and rose bouquets. When forced to find new lodgings, he accepts Draco’s offer to live in a cottage at Malfoy Manor, and his long-hidden crush blossoms out of control. Turns out, proximity makes the heart grow fonder.
Déjà Brew by the_interuniversal_geometer, podfic by Rindle (Queen of Blanket Permission) Rating: G Pairing: Draco x Harry Summary:
Harry has returned to the same coffee shop for the fourth say in a row, but why? And what does Draco, who works at the coffee shop, have to do with it?
Impress Upon You by @senlinyu, art by miamoriartyart, podfic by me and another by @ellamcsmellbella Rating: T Pairing: Draco x Hermione Summary:
Hermione had been in her office, up to her ears redrafting Britain’s new trade agreement with Denmark, when Malfoy came swanning in wanting to ‘consult’ with her. She’d let him in, assuming that he was there about the trade deal, given that their departments had been working together on it for over a year. That he was there to be useful. He was not. If—he’d casually framed the hypothetical, as he seated himself uninvited into an armchair and conjured an elaborate tea service—if someone wanted to try doing something Muggle, how would they go about it?
Moldova's Magical Tea by @aibidil, podfic by me Rating: E Pairing: Draco x Harry Summary:
Neville Longbottom, Luna Lovegood, and—to everyone’s surprise—Draco Malfoy are opening a magical tea shop to revive wizarding tea culture and, hopefully, to bring the community together after the war. Harry, who is unemployed and trying to find his way in post-war society, wants to help his friends with their new business—but that means spending a lot of time around Malfoy. Featuring Muggle music from summer 2001, trips to the Muggle cinema, herbology and magical herbal infusions, and Draco trying to convince Harry that, while he’s still a snarky git, he’s no longer a bigot.
The Notion of Attention by @the-starryknight, podfic by @semperfiona Rating: T Pairing: Draco x Harry Summary:
In the moments before Harry woke, Draco drifted through the little flat, puzzling over the little artifacts of Harry in every corner. Here are a few of the things that Draco learned: Harry lived alone. Harry was a good cook. He liked expensive coffee from that bodega on Horizont Alley and kept his flat perfectly clean. And he might be exclusively seeing Draco.
'tis the damn season (Pansy's Version) by @the-francakes, podfic by me Rating: T Pairing: Pansy x Ron Summary:
“Have I mentioned I hate Christmas?” Pansy ventured, eyeing the magical coffee machine and surrounding holiday decor with skepticism. “No one hates Christmas,” Ron scoffed, though his grin never left his face. “You hate the crazies or the capitalism or the earworms, but no one hates Christmas itself.” “I do,” Pansy shot at him. He snorted a laugh. “Okay, Pansy, whatever you say.” He said it very unconvincingly, and if his lopsided smile said anything, he definitely did not believe her. Pansy fumed, tucking her hair behind her ear, and tried to not focus on how he called her by her name or how much she liked it.
Tournesol by @meandminniemcg, podfic by me Rating: T Pairing: Draco x Harry Summary:
Harry hates vacations, they give too much chance to think of his losses. But sometimes vacations are a time to be lucky in finding the right coffeeshop...
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ratdaisy · 5 months ago
What are the best romance Harry Potter fics you’ve read and why?
I saw a new reddit post asking for recommendations for the best HP fics people have read so just sharing the link to the thread here in case anyone has good suggestions for the OP to check out! 😊 Please feel free to leave a comment on that post if you can, or post some fic links here so someone else can pass it on to the OP!
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etl-echo-audiobooks · 24 days ago
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Nominate your favorite Harry Potter fandom authors and artists - any pairing is welcome in our ✨2nd annual September to Remember Fest✨. Fill out the Google Form HERE to shout out anyone who you think would be interested in participating in our author-artist-podficcer collab. This year's theme is the Ministry of Magic.
Nomination are due March 30th, 2025. Invites will go out mid-April to selected authors and artists. Throw those names at us!
And check out last year's fest HERE.
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heyjude19-writing · 11 months ago
Your recent drarry fic was such a highlight for my Mondays!! And it made me a drarry believer (or reader lol) and I thank you for opening my eyes to this wonderful fandom! I would love any and all fluff, domestic drarry, nottpott, ronsy, and dramione fics that you have enjoyed or heard good things about. I’m currently researching Tonks and Remus fanfiction, and I hyped for the coming weekend and all my readings😂😂😂 hope you are doing well and happy belated birthday
aww anon, thank you for the birthday wishes and appreciation for my fic, i miss it so much already. mondays are just mondays now, ew.
and ooooh anon. i'm literally just a pile of fic recs in a trench coat, so here you go, links to all my recent rec lists by ship:
drarry starter guide II part 2 II part 3
i dont have a post specific to nottpott but here are my faves: -Rendezvous Receipts -Chaperones -Proper Pronunciation (self-rec) And I have read exactly one remus/tonks (im more of a wolfstar girlie) but i did enjoy this one: Flying Colours
happy reading anon!
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skylarstark4826 · 1 year ago
I loved that in this beautiful fanart of the ship of Ron Weasley and Pansy Párkinson apart because they are together in Slytherin. And I also like the fact that despite the fact that Ron is with Pansy in Slytherin... Ron was wearing a sweater with the Gryffindor logo and that Pansy doesn't seem to bother him.
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By the way, this beautiful Fanart from Ron and Pansy's ship is not mine and the credits are not for me. But I'm letting you know that right here I'm also going to leave you the link of the true creator of this masterpiece in DeviantArt.
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hpdrizzle · 7 months ago
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A Cumulus Condition
Creator: orolin Pairing/Characters: Pansy Parkinson/Ron Weasley Rating: Explicit Word Count: 11,934 Weather: Rainy 🌧️, Stormy ⛈️
Warnings/Tags: Romantic Comedy, Eventual Smut, Eventual Romance, Fluff and Smut, Pansy Parkinson is Bad at Feelings, Auror Ron Weasley, Auror Pansy Parkinson, Hot Ron Agenda, Banter, Sexual Content
Pansy likes nothing more than teasing Ron, her Auror partner of the last few years.
But when a joke shop invention of George’s leaves everyone able to see Pansy’s true emotions, to her horror everyone can now see that she quite enjoys it when Ron teases her back.
Or; an alternative title: Cloudy With a Chance of Cock
Read it here on Ao3!
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saintsenara · 1 year ago
Ooh, thoughts on pansmione and ronsy?
thank you very much for the ask, anon!
pansy parkinson/ron weasley
i'll be honest, i genuinely doubt that ron could pick pansy out of a line-up, so this is definitely one [along with panville] to which i have to say: representatives of ronsy nation, bring out your ship manifestos and bring out your fic recs. i don't understand it, but i'll try anything once.
hermione granger/pansy parkinson
this one makes infinitely more sense to me - at least in the "pansy definitely has an unrequited crush on hermione" sense - because pansy spends canon being fucking obsessed with hermione. she talks about her looks whenever she can - and, specifically, talks about her looks in a way which makes clear she definitely doesn't think hermione's hot - is extremely interested in the idea that she's in a relationship with harry, is worried that draco might be interested in other women [albeit not hermione specifically] to an extent which one might say is protesting too much, and so on and so forth...
all of which is to say, pansy at school is very much giving "ha ha... no of course i don't like girls... ha ha..."
but she does.
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hotronfest · 3 months ago
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This is a fest celebrating our King, Ronald Bilius Weasley, in all of his thirst-inducing glory. The fest is being hosted by Purple_Damianya (AO3)/daehyunsbabyelf (tumblr) and Wallenby (AO3)/grossinnit (tumblr). We have a hub in the Woolly Bladders server where we talk about the fest and participants share ideas, so feel free to join with this link. Please see the event dates below and rules for submissions.
Important Dates
Prompt Reveal - January 5, 2025
Sign Ups Begin - January 5, 2025 and remain open until works are due
Works Due - February 28, 2025 11:59 PM EST
Reveals Begin - March 1, 2025 (an announcement will be made as to whether all works will be revealed the same day or throughout the week depending on number of submissions)
Participants can choose to submit a fic or artwork, or both if you are just that talented! 
The work must be based on one prompt from the prompt list, but multiple prompts can be used in the same work if inspiration strikes. The prompts are pretty broad to encourage creativity. 
All fics/art must specify the prompt(s) used. If you’re unsure as to which prompt(s) your idea falls under, feel free to DM and ask us! We want to encourage all with an idea to participate!
There is no claiming period so feel free to peruse the prompt list and let your imagination roam. 
Smut is encouraged, it is Hot Ron after all, but not necessary.
It goes without saying, but absolutely no Ron bashing. Our King is the main character in the works, whether by himself or as part of a ship/triad/polyship. 
The work must be an original, never before published fic or art.  
Fics must be tagged appropriately according to AO3 guidelines, including but not limited to any kinks, trigger warnings, and major character deaths. Tumblr posts must include the same tags and warnings before the post. 
Absolutely no Dead Dove topics. Some examples include: non-consent, incest, necrophilia, age gap with underage character, bestiality, and pedophilia. If you are uncertain what constitutes a Dead Dove topic, please contact the hosts on Discord or Tumblr. 
This is not an anonymous fest. You must have an AO3 account or a Tumblr account to participate.
For authors who are submitting works, minimum word count is 500 words. There is no maximum.
Do not cross-post or promote your story anywhere until after the stories are revealed.
Submissions can be made to the AO3 collection linked here and/or Tumblr by the deadline.
We will be revealing the works on both AO3 and Tumblr regardless of where you submit. Works will be cross-posted unless the creator specifically requests otherwise.. 
All participants must sign up through this sign-in sheet
After you submit your work, please fill out this form here.
If you’re interested in doing so, please join the Woolly Bladders Discord Server so you can keep up to date with our fest and share your ideas with other participants of the fest.
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Have fun creating!
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caughtinthefireagain · 7 months ago
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Ron grinned. “You cheeky little–” He planted both palms firmly on the ground, then moved forward to close the gap between them. 
In an instant, he had pressed his lips to hers.
Pansy tasted like sweetness and cigarettes. As soon as their lips touched, all rational thought ceased. This was so much better than their kiss during the silly party game last year, or their stolen kiss in the broom closet. This was real. It was a new beginning.
Pansy’s whole body reacted, closing any remaining space between them by boldly pressing her chest into his. When she wrapped her arms around his neck, Ron thought he might die of happiness right then.
Never had he experienced a more perfect moment. Ron’s movements were tentative, at first; he moved his fingers gently through her soft raven hair while his tongue darted into her mouth, her full lips caressing his. The feel of her supple lips parting under his was enough to make his knees go weak. Ron groaned; he felt his cock harden when Pansy opened her mouth wider to welcome him, her tongue reaching out to meet his own.
She let out a soft sigh as he pulled her closer, his hands trailing down her body to lay his palms on her gorgeous bum; he squeezed her arse through her skirt, and she groaned into their kiss, wiggling her hips into him. 
Gods, her arse is perfect.
Ron gazed down in awe as his hands roamed over her soft skin, hardly believing that such a beauty could want him. 
Too fast, Ron thought, Does she want…?
He broke the kiss and shifted so that Pansy was sitting on his lap. When he looked down into her wide green eyes, he found himself searching them for any sign of regret. Ron saw a cocktail of emotions in her face - fear, desire, uncertainty - and suddenly he couldn’t speak. They stared at each other in silence, breathless and panting from the intensity of their kiss.
Pansy’s whole body was on fire; she could feel Ron’s erection through his robes, and she’d never felt more warm and safe than she did in the present moment, wrapped in his embrace. She could see his nervousness written all over his face, and felt a slight tremble in his hands. His beautiful, clear blue eyes searched hers, the question he was too afraid to voice so clear to her.
Do you want me?
In that moment, nothing else mattered. Pansy didn’t think about what her friends would say, or her hellish engagement, or even the years of bad history that she shared with the strong, handsome redhead who held her so tenderly. 
Fuck it, thought Pansy, feeling reckless. If this is the closest I can get to happiness, I’ll fucking take it.
The answer is yes.
Pansy placed her palms on either side of Ron’s face and pulled his head in towards her for a passionate kiss. 
When Ron’s tongue gently pressed its way into her mouth, she let out a small sigh, her soft thighs tensing in his lap. Ron held her, gentle but firm in his grasp. He didn’t want to let her go. He spoke everything he felt for her into his kiss, everything he couldn’t say out loud: how beautiful he thought she was, how smart and sexy. That he would give her anything she wanted. That he would give up everything he had to make her his.
Excerpt from Chapter 13 of Matched by Caughtinthefireagain on Ao3
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princessrottenpeach · 10 months ago
Nose Kisses
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Art by https://x.com/basiatlu
Recognize the hat? 😁😁😁
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mikaelsonwife4life · 14 days ago
Ron Pairings
This is data for one of my fics, so good!Draco!
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takeariskao3 · 1 year ago
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Must Be Counterfeit by takearisk
Ron hesitated, his fist raised to knock on the weathered, dark green door of the third floor walk-up. It seemed an odd thing, to regret an actuality that hadn’t even happened yet. But there he was, utterly dreading the moment he would pound on the heavy wood in front of him and the flat’s occupant would answer. 
read on ao3
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goldrushrenegade · 2 months ago
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